Cherry Bridge Station | Local service
Cherry Bridge Station
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25.01.2022 "Wow, it's super taller than me" - One of our creative Emus. Here at Cherry Bridge Station Castle Hill, we strongly believe children learn and resource their own knowledge through play-based learning experiences and hands-on investigations. #justanotherdayatCBS #loveCBSCastleHill #cherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestationcastlehill #CBS #loveCBS #childcare #earlyeducation #childcaresydney #earlylearning #community #learning
25.01.2022 SLIP! SLOP! SLAP! Here at Cherry Bridge Station, Castle Hill we encourage children to understand why sun safety is of importance and educate children in how to take effective sun protection measures! Check out our little sun safety station, located at our front entry foyer. Let's be sun smart together! #Sunsafety #WhatsonWednesdays #justanotherdayatCBS #loveCBSCastleHill #cherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestationcastlehill #CBS #loveCBS #childcare #earlyeducation #childcaresydney #earlylearning #community #learning
24.01.2022 Rub a Dub Dub! Whose that in the Tub? ... Did you know home-corner is a familiar environment for young children. It is a place they can act out real-life experiences that occur in a home environment. Spending time in role play situations can assist a child to make sense of the world that surrounds them. All children benefit greatly from having a space they can call their own, somewhere they can relax and enjoy! #Imagination #LearningexperiencesFriday #justanotherdayatCBS #loveCBSCastleHill #cherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestationcastlehill #CBS #loveCBS #childcare #earlyeducation #childcaresydney #earlylearning #community #learning
23.01.2022 Our little Doting Driver master chefs here at Cherry Bridge Station Ropes Crossing Plaza have worked together to make a delicious muesli slice for their afternoon tea! #whatscookingtuesdays. #justanotherdayatCBS #loveCBS #lovecherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestationropescrossingplaza #loveropescrossing #CBSropescrossingplaza #proudtobeinwesternsydney #childcare #earlyeducation #childcaresydney #earlylearning #community #learning
23.01.2022 Just take a look at the creativity happening here! Our Educators and children are resourceful in using the 'Reggio' inspired approach to create their very own Christmas tree and decorations made from recyclable material. #innovativethinking #creativelearningenviromentThursday #justanotherdayatCBS #loveCBSCastleHill #cherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestationcastlehill #CBS #loveCBS #childcare #earlyeducation #childcaresydney #earlylearning #community #learning
22.01.2022 Here at Cherry Bridge Station Castle Hill we are feeling the warm and fuzzy holiday spirit of Christmas! Wishing all our families peace, love and joy this festive season #loveCBSSaturdays #justanotherdayatCBS #loveCBSCastleHill #cherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestationcastlehill #CBS #loveCBS #childcare #earlyeducation #childcaresydney #earlylearning #community #learning
21.01.2022 Farewell 2020 Graduating Preschoolers! You are entering into a new and exciting chapter of your life. We wish each one of your the very best for the future that lies ahead. Congratulations! ... We came as strangers, we leave as good friends. #whatsonWednesday #justanotherdayatCBS #loveCBSCastleHill #cherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestationcastlehill #CBS #loveCBS #childcare #earlyeducation #childcaresydney #earlylearning #community #learning
21.01.2022 The road to success is always under construction! Learning is always effective when it is active. Check out this little busy body as she engages in a fun and interactive method of color sorting! #Creativethinker #Mathematicalchild #Playislearning #CreativelearningenviromentsThursdays... #justanotherdayatCBS #loveCBSCastleHill #cherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestationcastlehill #CBS #loveCBS #childcare #earlyeducation #childcaresydney #earlylearning #community #learning
19.01.2022 Hi! My name is Miss Venuka and I am the Room Leader in the Barrelling Boilers Room! A little about me: Place of Birth: Colombo Sri Lanka Family Origin: Sri Lankan... Language Spoken: Sinhala & English Events Celebrated: Birthday, Christmas, Easter, New year and Sri Lankan New year Favourite food: Chips, Sri lankan sweets Hobbies and Interests: Collecting stamps and Reading Siblings: One brother Best Memory from childhood: Visiting Genting Highlands in Singapore. If you could be an animal what would you be: Penguin Sliding through the ice. Favourite childhood movie: Jurassic park See more
19.01.2022 Our little learners love to get out in the garden, and here, the Doting Drivers are doing some planting in the 0-2s playground. We know the Barreling Boilers will just love it! Just another day at Cherry Bridge Station Rhodes. #greenthumbthursdays #justanotherdayatCBS #loveCBSRhodes #cherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestationrhodes #loveCBS #childcare #earlyeducation #childcaresydney #earlylearning #community #learning #loverhodes
17.01.2022 Fruit Smoothie - Yum! The Clever Conductors at Cherry Bridge Station Austral made their very own fruit smoothies this week by cutting up their own fruit and then helping to blend all the ingredients together . . . They were delicious! #justanotherdayatCBS #loveCBSAustral #cherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestationaustral #loveCBS #childcare #earlyeducation #childcaresydney #earlylearning #community #learning #justanotherdayatCBS #loveCBSAustral #cherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestationaustral #loveCBS #childcare #earlyeducation #childcaresydney #earlylearning #community #learning
17.01.2022 Here at Cherry Bridge Station Castle Hill, everyday is a day to learn. Just take a peep at this little learner here ! I wonder what they are exploring on today's educational curriculum ... #intentionalteaching #involvedlearner #learningexperiencesFriday #justanotherdayatCBS #loveCBSCastleHill #cherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestationcastlehill #CBS #loveCBS #childcare #earlyeducation #childcaresydney #earlylearning #community #learning
16.01.2022 The senior preschoolers at Cherry Bridge Station Rhodes have been exploring an 'underwater' theme in their classroom. They watched a clip of a scuba diver in the ocean and decided they wanted to create their own scuba outfits. #justanotherdayatCBS #loveCBSRhodes #cherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestationrhodes #loveCBS #childcare #earlyeducation #childcaresydney #earlylearning #community #learning #loverhodes
15.01.2022 We like to shake things up at Cherry Bridge Station Austral #justanotherdayatCBS #loveCBSAustral #cherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestationaustral #loveCBS #childcare #earlyeducation #childcaresydney #earlylearning #community #learning
15.01.2022 Our little learners spontaneously built a ramp and called it a race track! They enjoyed pushing their toy cars down with different degrees of force while being excited to discover some new concepts such as distance, speed and force. #justanotherdayatCBS #loveCBSRhodes #cherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestationrhodes #loveCBS #childcare #earlyeducation #childcaresydney #earlylearning #community #learning #loverhodes
14.01.2022 HEALTY SNACK ALERT! The Clever Conductors here at Cherry Bridge Station Ropes Crossing Plaza have worked together to make some delicious frozen bananas, topped with yoghurt and sprinkles, with the help of our amazing chef Miss Anjani! #whatscookingtuesdays #justanotherdayatCBS #loveCBS #lovecherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestationropescrossingplaza #loveropescrossing #CBSropescrossingplaza #proudtobeinwesternsydney #childcare #earlyeducation #childcaresydney #earlylearning #community #learning
14.01.2022 The children at Cherry Bridge Station Rhodes love to share. Our little learners picked some fresh herbs, fruit and veggies from the garden, wrote a letter with the help of our educators, and Miss Nancy delivered this care package to one of our neighbours. We're thinking about our community in this time of need and hope that we can share a little bit of the joy we experience at the centre each day! #justanotherdayatCBS #loveCBSRhodes #cherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestationrhodes #loveCBS #childcare #earlyeducation #childcaresydney #earlylearning #community #learning #loverhodes
13.01.2022 Everyday is a good day to be on the farm & here at Cherry Bridge Station Castle Hill, there is no limitations with our imagination. #childexploration #freedomofplay #LoveCBSSaturday #justanotherdayatCBS #loveCBSCastleHill #cherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestationcastlehill #CBS #loveCBS #childcare #earlyeducation #childcaresydney #earlylearning #community #learning
13.01.2022 Did you know cooking can help improve our cognitive development? Here at Cherry Bridge Station Ropes Crossing Plaza, we love to incorporate quality experiences that enable learning and foster the growth and development of each individual learner. Look at our Wallabies and Quokkas enjoy making some delicious fruit smoothies for their afternoon tea! #justanotherdayatCBS #loveCBS #lovecherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestationropescrossingplaza #loveropescrossing #CBSropescrossingplaza #proudtobeinwesternsydney #childcare #earlyeducation #childcaresydney #earlylearning #community #learning
13.01.2022 Is YOUR child ready for Kindergarten 2021? Here at Cherry Bridge Station Castle Hill we are not just about forming letters and counting numbers! We have a holistic approach with a range our resources to get our children 'school ready'. Come check us out or ask our friendly team #knowledgeispower #schoolready #loveCBSSaturday #justanotherdayatCBS #loveCBSCastleHill #cherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestationcastlehill #CBS #loveCBS #childcare #earlyeducation #childcaresydney #earlylearning #community #learning
12.01.2022 The Doting Drivers at Cherry Bridge Station Rhodes are learning about human bodies. We made an x-ray machine which was incorporated in our imaginative play! #justanotherdayatCBS #loveCBSRhodes #cherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestationrhodes #loveCBS #childcare #earlyeducation #childcaresydney #earlylearning #community #learning #loverhodes
12.01.2022 The Doting Drivers at Cherry Bridge Station Rhodes understand and value the importance of preserving our wonderful sea life. We received a certificate in recognition of all their hard work in collecting funds to support this amazing cause. #justanotherdayatCBS #loveCBSRhodes #cherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestationrhodes #loveCBS #childcare #earlyeducation #childcaresydney #earlylearning #community #learning #loverhodes
11.01.2022 Drum roll please.... Introducing our energetic and very bubbly Miss Shamie! Miss Shamie is our appointed Snuggly Steamers 0-2 years Educator. For Shamie it was a natural progression for her to pursue a career in Early Childhood Education. She holds a Diploma in Children Services and has extensive knowledge and eight years Early Childhood experience. She is passionate about delivering high quality education, and firmly believes play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning. Miss Shamie is culturally from Zimbabwe and fluently speaks the language of Shona. Come say a BIG 'ndeip' to Miss Shamie! #LoveCBSSaturday #justanotherdayatCBS #loveCBSCastleHill #cherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestationcastlehill #CBS #loveCBS #childcare #earlyeducation #childcaresydney #earlylearning #community #learning
11.01.2022 The little-est learners at Cherry Bridge Station Austral have been hard at work creating farm animals. We have piggies and chicks . . . wonder what they will add next? #justanotherdayatCBS #loveCBSAustral #cherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestationaustral #loveCBS #childcare #earlyeducation #childcaresydney #earlylearning #community #learning
10.01.2022 Expressive art experiences is a great way to provide a hands-on learning opportunity and promote a child's imagination. #justanotherdayatCBS #loveCBSCastleHill #cherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestationcastlehill #CBS #loveCBS #childcare #earlyeducation #childcaresydney #earlylearning #community #learning
10.01.2022 Mandarin Monday's has us exploring the traditions of dumpling making! Mmmm delicious... Thank you, Miss Angela, for sharing the food culture and traditions of China with our little inquisitive learners. #MandarinMondays #justanotherdayatCBS #loveCBSCastleHill #cherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestationcastlehill #CBS #loveCBS #childcare #earlyeducation #childcaresydney #earlylearning #community #learning
10.01.2022 Our Clever Conductors have been hard at work exploring their letter recognition. We used play dough to help create the letter 'Xx' #learningexperiencethursdays #justanotherdayatCBS #loveCBS #lovecherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestationropescrossingplaza #loveropescrossing #CBSropescrossingplaza #proudtobeinwesternsydney #childcare #earlyeducation #childcaresydney #earlylearning #community #learning
10.01.2022 Is your child ready for 'big school'? Starting school is a big leap for little learners. Here at Cherry Bridge Station Castle Hill we are committed to enabling your child to succeed in their formal schooling life through equipping them with not only the foundational knowledge but also the social and emotional competence to succeed. We are the Educators of mini humans! #CreativelearningenvironmentThursday #justanotherdayatCBS #loveCBSCastleHill #cherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestationcastlehill #CBS #loveCBS #childcare #earlyeducation #childcaresydney #earlylearning #community #learning
08.01.2022 Here at Cherry Bridge Station, Castle Hill we believe it’s great to have both male and female role models in our fun filled educational environment! Say hello to Mr Jesse, who is very popular and loved amongst both children and families who attend our service. He definitely does bring his own style into Cherry Bridge Station, Castle Hill! #Male-educators #Embrace #lovecbsSaturdays #justanotherdayatCBS #loveCBSCastleHill #cherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestationcastlehill #CBS #loveCBS #childcare #earlyeducation #childcaresydney #earlylearning #community #learning
06.01.2022 This week the children at Cherry Bridge Station Ropes Crossing Plaza recently participated in Dental Health Week! Our Superstars learnt all about how to keep their teeth nice and clean through many exciting activities with their friends. Check out some of our arts and crafts and us brushing a very large set of teeth to build on our independence skills. #learningisfun #justanotherdayatCBS #loveCBS #lovecherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestationropescrossingplaza #loveropescrossing #CBSropescrossingplaza #proudtobeinwesternsydney #childcare #earlyeducation #childcaresydney #earlylearning #community #learning
06.01.2022 Milk bottles were recycled to be used as musical instruments by adding pasta in the milk bottles. These two Doting Drivers improvised so many pieces of music together by tapping the milk bottles with clapping sticks and shaking the milk bottles up, down and sideways. Both children were learning to develop respect for diversity by being part of indigenous culture! #justanotherdayatCBS #loveCBSRhodes #cherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestationrhodes #loveCBS #childcare #earlyeducation #childcaresydney #earlylearning #community #learning #loverhodes #justanotherdayatCBS #loveCBSRhodes #cherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestationrhodes #loveCBS #childcare #earlyeducation #childcaresydney #earlylearning #community #learning #loverhodes
05.01.2022 Our biggest friends in the Clever Conductors room here at Cherry Bridge Station Ropes Crossing Plaza love Yoga with their educator, Miss Shelby. This exercise is designed to help develop their balance and helps to regulate their emotions. #whatsonwednesdays "Yoga is the dance of every cell, with the music of every breath that creates inner serenity and harmony." #justanotherdayatCBS #loveCBS #lovecherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestationropescrossingplaza #loveropescrossing #CBSropescrossingplaza #proudtobeinwesternsydney #childcare #earlyeducation #childcaresydney #earlylearning #community #learning
05.01.2022 The children at Cherry Bridge Station Ropes Crossing Plaza have loved coming in their warm winter pyjamas as part of 'Pyjama Week'! #whatsonwednesdays #justanotherdayatCBS #loveCBS #lovecherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestationropescrossingplaza #loveropescrossing #CBSropescrossingplaza #proudtobeinwesternsydney #childcare #earlyeducation #childcaresydney #earlylearning #community #learning
04.01.2022 We have lots of green thumbs here at Cherry Bridge Station Rhodes! Our Drivers have been working on creating a more sustainable outdoor environment for our Boilers! They have been collecting and re-purposing milk bottles which they have used as pots to plant a variety of cactus! #justanotherdayatCBS #loveCBSRhodes #cherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestationrhodes #loveCBS #childcare #earlyeducation #childcaresydney #earlylearning #community #learning #loverhodes
04.01.2022 No veggie scraps are wasted at Cherry Bridge Station Austral - all our scraps either go into our compost (which then goes on to fuel the growth of our garden) or are regrown and planted back into our veggie patch. These little beauties are almost ready to be planted. #tasty #growinginthegarden #justanotherdayatCBS #loveCBSAustral #cherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestationaustral #loveCBS #childcare #earlyeducation #childcaresydney #earlylearning #community #learning
04.01.2022 Play is the work of childhood! Educators at Cherry Bridge Station Castle Hill believe that children develop understandings of themselves and their world through active, hands-on investigation. Therefore, we aim to provide a supportive and active learning environment, that encourages children’s engagement in learning which can be recognised as deep concentration and complete focus on what captures their interest. Check out our little learners engaged in a threading experience! #Discover #Explore #IntentionalteachingTuesdays #justanotherdayatCBS #loveCBSCastleHill #cherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestationcastlehill #CBS #loveCBS #childcare #earlyeducation #childcaresydney #earlylearning #community #learning
02.01.2022 Here at Cherry Bridge Station Ropes Crossing Plaza, the children sent in drawings and craft to the local Hawkesbury hospital as part of our pen pal program. The staff at the hospital have sent back a photo and a message for the children. Check it out! "A big thank you to the children and staff from the Clever Conductors room at Cherry Bridge Station Ropes Crossing Plaza for the lovely drawings and paintings. The beautiful daffodils were specially painted to gift to patients and their families affected by cancer. A very thoughtful gesture from our littlest community members" #justanotherdayatCBS #loveCBS #lovecherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestationropescrossingplaza #loveropescrossing #CBSropescrossingplaza #proudtobeinwesternsydney #childcare #earlyeducation #childcaresydney #earlylearning #community #learning
02.01.2022 #notstockphotography . . . It's our caramelized onion and cheese focaccia bread made on site at Cherry Bridge Station Austral. Ingredients- -2 large diced onions caramelized -1 cup grated cheese... -1 tsp white sugar -1 packet active dry yeast -1/3 cup warm water -2 cups all purpose flour -2 tbsp olive oil - 1/4 tsp salt Method- 1. place yeast and sugar in a small bowl with the warm water and allow to stand for 10 minutes. 2. In a large bowl, place yeast mix and flour and combine well. 3. one tbsp at a time, add additional water until all flour is absorbed. When dough pulls away from bowl, turn dough out onto lightly flour board and knead for 1 minute. 4. Oil lightly a large bowl and place dough inside making sure to coat the dough with oil. Cover with a damp cloth and allow to double in size. 5. Deflate the dough and knead briefly again on a lightly floured surface before placing in a lightly oiled tray pushing it out to the edges. 6. Sprinkle with salt, onion and cheese before baking for for 15-30 minuted depending on desired crispiness. Ready to serve.
01.01.2022 Here at Cherry Bridge Station Castle Hill, we teach our children to be handwashing superstars! In adopting good hand hygiene we can assist in preventing and reducing the spread of illness and disease. We start young through intentional teaching in our nursery room. Check out our handwashing song below... you can practice with your little one at home. 30 seconds is all it takes. #intentionalteachingTuesday (To the tune of Row, Row, Row Your Boat): Wash, Wash, Wash your hands. ...Wash them nice and clean. Scrub them here (with hand motion scrubbing together) Scrub them there (with hand motion scrubbing tops of hands) And scrub them in between (with hand motion scrubbing between fingers). Wash, wash, wash, your hands Play our handy game Rub and scrub, scrub and rub Germs go down the drain HEY! Wash, wash, wash, your hands Play our handy game Rub and scrub, scrub and rub Germs go down the drain HEY! #justanotherdayatCBS #loveCBSCastleHill #cherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestationcastlehill #CBS #loveCBS #childcare #earlyeducation #childcaresydney #earlylearning #community #learning
01.01.2022 Just enjoying some yoga in the sun at Cherry Bridge Station Austral on this lovely spring day #justanotherdayatCBS #loveCBSAustral #cherrybridgestation #cherrybridgestationaustral #loveCBS #childcare #earlyeducation #childcaresydney #earlylearning #community #learning
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