Cheyne Reaction PT | Fitness trainer
Cheyne Reaction PT
Phone: +61 410 474 388
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24.01.2022 Missing out on a spot in the class lottery every Sunday got you down? Well good news! I'm offering spots in my private 845am group for just $10 per person, spots are still available, if u didnt get the 930am, or if you just prefer the earlier time, contact me ASAP to secure yourself a spot! If you have any questions before you lock in feel free to drop me a line too
22.01.2022 Another day, another maximum capacity class... The 6am crew were hard at work this morning with a Tabata-style class. Be sure to get online early the day before if you want to secure a spot for next week's class! Fingers crossed for eased restrictions soon to allow for more and more ppl to get involved! #FiT40 #grouptraining #smallgrouptraining #functionalfitness #functionaltraining #tabatatraining #COVIDtraining #conditioning #suspensiontraining #slamballs #medecineballs #kettlebells #Fitballs #dipbars #castlehillfitness #cheynereactionpt
22.01.2022 Looking to start your Monday sweaty? Join me and the gang for a Fit40 session, spots are limited, only the fleetest of fingers can get the golden ticket first try, but remember there are regular pullouts so check in and try your luck later, or come Monday and check in with reception to snag a sneaky last minute spot, it's worth it #FiT40 #functionalfitness #functionaltraining #grouptraining #smallgrouptraining #groupfitness #mondayworkout #mondaymotivation #suspensiontraining #medecineballs #corebags #kettlebells #outrace #cheynereactionpt #castlehillfitness
22.01.2022 I've posted a couple of times about training single leg strength. Why is single leg strength important? In most of our movements day to day we are transitioning from one foot to the other, not staying fixed in a straight stance so stability & strength should be maintained for both legs individually, especially if u want to optimise athletic performance, or even day to day performance. Also single leg strength allows you to do fancy moves like the pistol squat and "flex on your haters" #legday #legstrength #singlelegwork #pistolsquat #kettlebells #stability #balance #control #flexonyourhaters #cheynereactionpt #castlehillfitness
20.01.2022 Trying to eat better by increasing your daily fruit & veg? Why not get some serves in a tasty bowl of diced fruit & yoghurt? Apple, strawberry & blueberries sprinkled with cinnamon, topped with vanilla yoghurt was a big tick to my fruit and veg serves today. #fruitandveg #healthyeating #healthysnack #cheynereactionpt #castlehillfitness
18.01.2022 Training with limited time? Don't forget an EMOM (every minute on the minute) workout is a great way to get a good amount of work in to a short amount of time. You get your work done as fast as you can (without sacrificing technique) and whatever is left on the minute timer is your rest. Repeat for a decent number of rounds to accumulate some volume for your workout. Today I did 9 rounds of this clean & front squat complex. #EMOMworkout #quickworkout #workouttip #workoutsuggestion #timemanagement #weightlifting #cleans #hangclean #frontsquat #barbelllift #platformworkout #cheynereactionpt #castlehillfitness
17.01.2022 FiT40 making the @castlehillfitness_ logo look GOOD this morning. Come join us tomorrow at 930am for more good looking fun! FiT 40, where we put the FUN in functional #FiT40 #grouptraining #smallgrouptraining #HIIT #hiittraining #highintensity #functionalfitness #functionaltraining #startthedayright #castlehillfitness #cheynereactionpt
16.01.2022 Battle ropes, a great conditioning to add to any workout. Working strength endurance, bust out a long duration round. Working power, hit them waves high and hard! Building grip strength, those ropes don't hold themselves! Working fitness and resting the legs, pound the rope instead of the pavement! Want some tips on how to put ropes in your workout, hit me up for some programming! #battleropes #conditioning #fitness #strength #strengthendurance #gripstrength #castlehillfitness #cheynereactionpt
16.01.2022 Back on that single leg work, balancing strength and stability into one workload. Looking for more variations for your own training? Contact me today to lock in a training session or program consult! Not ready for in gym options? Let's Zoom and sort your home training out! #legday #legstrength #singlelegwork #splitsquat #strength #stability #changeyourtraining #castlehillfitness #cheynereactionpt
15.01.2022 Powering into the week working on explosiveness with some plyometric Push-ups. Looking for something new & fancy like this to add to your training, contact me for a training session. Options for Zoom or in person at Castle Hill Fitness available. #mondayworkout #powertraining #plyometrics #pushups #explosivework #castlehillfitness #cheynereactionpt
15.01.2022 If you're after some guidance to your workout but not wanting the full commitment of a PT session, why not contact me for a workout program you can follow with our Castle Hill Fitness app? Complete with recorded reps & weights and timed rest rounds it's all you need to get in and get the job done without a whole lot of messing about. If you're interested contact me today for more info #workoutplan #trainingplan #program #guidedworkout #workoutapp #castlehillfitnessapp #mywellnessapp #technogymapp #castlehillfitness #cheynereactionpt
15.01.2022 Looking for an economic workout option to start your week? Get into a complex. A combination of movements performed consecutively without putting down your weight. Complexes can be done with dumbbells, barbells, medecine balls or like my example here, kettlebells. Complexs give a high metabolic demand without fully fatiguing any one muscle group, leaving you with something in the tank for the next workout! #complex #kettlebells #snatch #lunge #squat #swing #mondaymotivation #mondayworkout #starttheweek #cheynereactionpt #castlehillfitness
15.01.2022 Looking to pair last week's power moves on the torsinator with some strength work? Why not work in a bent over Row to compliment the big moves and keep your posterior chain strong! Looking for more workout tips or a new routine? Contact me for a new program or for a PT session! #strength #torsinator #landmine #bentoverrow #landminerow #backstrength #posteriorchain #superset #backday #castlehillfitness #cheynereactionpt
15.01.2022 Great news for Fit40 lovers, from Monday we will have increased numbers for the group! Maximum numbers for the sessions are now set to 24. For those concerned this may feel a little cramped & not up to COVIDsafe practices, never fear! To allow for the increased numbers the outdoor balcony space will be utilized every class to take on the extra numbers. #fit40 #grouptraining #functionaltraining #functionalfitness castlehillfitness #cheynereactionpt
14.01.2022 Playing peek-a-boo with the camera on some 1 & a quarter squats. As well as a good way to improve position and depth on a regular front squat this variation is a great tool to improve the recovery from the bottom position of a squat clean. #weightlifting #frontsquat #quartersquat #squat #cheynereactionpt #castlehillfitness
12.01.2022 It's F@#$ my legs up Friday, so i started my day with a delightful superset of Pistol Squats & Single Arm Swings. Dynamic, full range moments for all the joints of the legs working uni-laterally to add that extra loading for stability & core work. #legday #kettlebells #outrace #outraceattachment #pistolsquat #swings #kettlebellswing #unilateralstrength #legstrength #stability #fridayfunone
12.01.2022 Friday equals heavy lifting, gotta go hard into the weekend right? This week I have been working on improving my cleans to sustain good fast twitch fibers and have not just strength, but power. Today's complex wasn't aiming to go this heavy but I was feeling it so why not? Want to improve your power with weightlifting, why not get the proper instruction? contact me today! #90kgcleancomplex #whynot #powerclean #hangclean #frontsquat #weightlifting #powertraining #cheynereactionpt #castlehillfitness
11.01.2022 What were you doing at 6am? FiT40 Thursday crew were GETTING. IT. DONE.! Join me next week bright and early! #FiT40 #earlybirds #hiitworkouts #HIIT #hiittraining #highintensity #functionalfitness #functionaltraining #startthedayright #castlehillfitness #cheynereactionpt
11.01.2022 Simple, quick & easy breakfast choice, the humble omlette. This tasty treat took me around 10 minutes to cook up this morning at 5am. If I can do it that early that fast it definitely isn't hard! I added a little mince & some cheese to the centre of 2 eggs, but you could add whatever extras you like, a simple addition to your breakfast arsenal. What's your go to easy breakfast? #breakfast #omlette #easyeating #quickcooking #smartchoices #nutritiontip #cheynereactionpt #castlehillfitness
10.01.2022 So you've sorted your missing torsinator/landmine issues, but what about a hard wall for throws? Why not get down low and use the reinforced pillar bordeing the functional area? #throws #ballthrows #rotation #power #core #castlehillfitness #cheynereactionpt #trainingtips
09.01.2022 Another day another food suggestion. Today's simple fruit snack for me is apple slices with peanut butter. Delicious and filling, i also added cinnamon and a touch of honey for extra flavour. #fruit #increasefruitintake #healthyeating #nutritionalhabits #castlehillfitness #cheynereactionpt
08.01.2022 What do you define as "fitness" &/or "conditioning"? To me these 2 parts of your total well-being are best defined by your ability to do work, recover & then put in the same work again. (seperating the 2 for those who want more definition. fitness = general ability, conditioning = specific to a defined task/exercise/sport etc) In my training today I targeted my own conditioning with some heart rate intervals. Run until HR hits 155, back off and walk until it's down to 125 and go at it again, tracking the time of recovery between rounds. (done on the SkillMill, using my Morpheus M3 chest strap and app ) Want more information on conditioning and fitness training? Contact me today! #heartratetraining #heartratemonitor #trackingapp #morpheus #intervaltraining #intervals #running #conditioning #fitness #castlehillfitness #cheynereactionpt
07.01.2022 The torsinator is one of my favourite tools in the gym to use. Why? Because it is amzingly versatile. You can use it for simple movements like bent over rows, squats and the like to load it up and use the hinge to help keep good smooth movement through full range for the exercise. But then if you want to get fancy and work more dynamic, powerful, multi-planar movements then there are many options available. Like this little number... #torsinator #landmine # barbelltools #gymtools #dynamicmovement #powertraining #rotation #multiplanarmovement #cheynereactionpt #castlehillfitness
06.01.2022 Living in strange new times calls for strange new methods. Delivering live classes with the option of following along from home, what a time to be alive #grouptraining #groupfitness #facetoface #online #alternativeoptions #movewiththetimes #castlehillfitness #cheynereactionpt
06.01.2022 Adding some extra stability & mobility work to a classic core exercise, the bird dog. Abduction of the raised leg adds some hip strengthening work whilst also challenging the core taking the leg off the mid-line. Mobilising the shoulder blades with some scapular push-ups adds some extra value to the set #birddog #stability #mobility #core #mondayworkout #mondaymotivation #castlehillfitness #cheynereactionpt
06.01.2022 Missing the torsinator/landmine attachment from our outrace? Did you know we have an attachment for the Squat racks that does the same job?! Check out our storage bins to find it, and if you need help on the set up hit me up for assistance #torsinator #landmine #barbellattachment #squatrackattachment #castlehillfitness #cheynereactionpt
05.01.2022 What else can the Castle Hill Fitness app do for you? Having your account on the app allows you to log in and save your details from every body composition test you do in gym. Keeping an eye on your results shows you how well your habits and routines in and out of the gym are working for you to reach your goals. Interested in doing a a body composition test? Contact me today to book one in with a consult on how to work towards your goal. #bodycomposition #weighin #tracking #castlehillfitnessapp #mywellnessapp #technogymapp #castlehillfitness #cheynereactionpt
05.01.2022 A mobile spine is a healthy spine. Work your ROM safely with multiple points of ground contact using cat & cow stretches for flexion & extension and some long under reaches for thoracic rotation. Add a bear hold timed by a full breat cycle to add some core work to the mix p.s. Hot tip, the mind body studio gives lots of mirror angles to check on your range #thoracicmobility #healthyspine #corestability #mobility #stability #locationlocationlocation #castlehillfitness #cheynereactionpt
05.01.2022 Looking to up your fitness & conditioning with some group training action? Why not take the fast finger challenge to book a spot in one of my Fit40 classes! Fun, varied and challenging my classes are design to get the whole body worked out in a short amount of time with a selection of dynamic, functional exercise. Classes cater to all levels of fitness. Come join me Monday or Tuesday at 930am or Thursday or Friday 6am, take your pick! #fit40 #grouptraining #functionaltraining #functionalfitness #kettlebell #slamball #plyobox #suspensiontrainer #outrace #castlehillfitness #cheynereactionpt
04.01.2022 Don't skip your warm up, skip for your warm up! Skipping challenges co-ordination, concentration & cardiovascular fitness. A great way to kick start your workout and get the body moving. If you're looking for ways to make the warm up more interesting add in some "skip sprints" with either butt kicks or high knees to mix up the time. #warmup #skipping #coordination #concentration #cardiovascular #conditioning #cheynereactionpt #castlehillfitness #backonsocialmedia #howlongwillitlast
02.01.2022 Superset #2 from yesterday's F@#$ my legs up Friday. More single leg work, this time with some isolated quad work to offset my sometimes over-dominant hamstrings. Balancing out my training to strengthen my weaknesses. #legday #legstrength #unilateralstrength #kettlebells #splitsquat #isolatedaccesorywork #lifefitness #pinloaded #legextension #cheynereactionpt #castlehillfitness
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