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25.01.2022 Commit before you're confident What if you fully gave yourself, your passion and desire to that BIG goal of yours? What if you didn't wait for all the pieces to be in place, the timing to be perfect or for you to feel rock solid in your self permission and worth of that big goal?... When I committed to and started writing my book, I didn't feel confident at all. I knew the essence and energy of what I wanted to create, but I didn't know if I was the woman to create it or if it would come to life in the way that I desired. What I did know though, was that 5+ years of having that book inside of me, of wondering if I was good enough, whether it would make sense, create the result I desired for the reader, or even if people would read it! This I know for sure: The time will never be perfect All the pieces won't magically line up (prior to committing) The Universe won't show it's hand until you show yours I grew tired and bored of my own BS to be honest! I went into my calendar, I blocked out a 2 hour chunk of time and titled it "I'm an author, now write the damn book" and at that time (because I'm neurotic about punctuality ) I showed up, sat down and wrote! So my love, what are you committing to before you feel fully confident? Confidence is just like money, it never shows up first! Be the wealth and abundance and money will follow. Be the commitment, courage and consistency and confidence will rush to you!
24.01.2022 You're invited to celebrate International Women’s Day with a gourmet luncheon at the Stretton Centre. I am honoured and excited to be a guest speaker at this amazing event and thrilled for the opportunity to be of support to my #1 passion, empowering women to create financial freedom through this years focus of ‘Choose To Challenge’ Join myself, Renee Platt - Women's Motivator and Sarah Reimann.... Enjoy a gourmet lunch provided by St Patrick's Technical College and make the most of the opportunity to meet with other local business leaders. Followed by a cake and networking session I am so looking forward to seeing many local business people there on the day! Register Today:
23.01.2022 What a historic year 2020 has been, one never to be forgotten! As with every year there are challenges and no amount of excitement about a new year will change that! I have a very strict red rope policy of positivity in my life and business.... This does not mean that I throw pink paint around and pretend everything is perfect. I do however know that where focus goes energy flows and for that reason curate and choose what I am available for. 2020 has been a year of phenomenal personal and professional growth for myself and my clients and for that I am remarkably proud. Not only have I watched my clients and those around me turn lemons into lemonade, they created thriving lemonade stand empires! It is a tremendous honour to do the work I do in the world and support these phenomenal women on their financial freedom journey and the flow on positive impact that has in their lives, their families and that of the community and world. Blessed and grateful beyond measure! 2020 has been quite the ride. I am not naive to think that every day of 2021 will be a dream boat, and I refuse to leave my year to that level of chance. I and you have the power to ensure that 2021 is everything that dream of and more. I pray and intend that 2021 is the year that everything you desire and deserve comes beautifully to life. Remember: what the new year brings to you depends a great deal on what you bring to the new year.
23.01.2022 Try this when you are feeling stressed and stuck... But why...
20.01.2022 Emma from Lifes Light Creative spoiling me with photo shoot sneak peaks! Perfectly timed to distract me from not having my babies on Christmas Eve! This was such a fun shoot and so special to share the launch of my book with my precious daughters whom the book is dedicated to. Thank you so much Emma for working your magic!
20.01.2022 Last week is last week, leave it there. A brand new and fresh week is stretched out in front of you. It can be anything that your heart desires. ... What do you choose? Take some time on this Monday to decide what you are making yourself available for this week. What will you be toasting come Friday evening? Much love and wishing you a fabulous week.
13.01.2022 What abundance are you bringing to the day? It is very easy to become transactional and decide what you want from the day and judge the success of the day upon what you received. What if you flip the focus and ask: what abundance can I bring to the day?... How can I make someones day What energy do I choose to embody today Who can I show appreciation to Why is it important to show up as my best self in each moment Remember: If you... Want love you have to be love Want wealth you have to be wealth Want happiness you have to be happy I promise if you 'front load' these energies and emotions, the world will beam all of this and more right back to you. Can't wait to hear what you are bringing to the day! Shine bright!
13.01.2022 From my family to yours I wish you a blessed festive season. For many this year looks different from others. My prayer and intention is that this is a time of love, connection and joy whatever that may look like. ... Much love to you and yours, soak up this time of renewal, rest and not knowing what day it is before 2021 is upon us!
12.01.2022 How on earth am I, and my clients and hosts supposed to focus during coaching calls, interviews and masterclasses with 7 kittens using my studio as a playground?!
12.01.2022 It's easy to set a goal, get excited and have faith that it's going to happen! The truth is though, faith only comes into play and action when it looks like it isn't going to happen! Anyone can have faith in what they know to be true, but when it looks like it isn't going to happen and you still hold true to your goal, desire and vision, now THAT is faith!... Remind yourself today that 11th hour miracles are real, normal and unfolding and that faith is the belief in what you cannot see, not what is already in front of you. Hold true, hold strong, know it's meant for you and is indeed on its way to you. Every ask is always answered, it's just a matter of whether it is abiding to your fear induced timeline or not! A mantra to support you in snuggling with the energy of faith. Pray this with me: Everything that I desire is on its way to me. I relax into receiving my desires with faith, joy, grace and gratitude. I set my intentions, order my desires and then get on with living my life in excited anticipation as my cosmic order is delivered to me with remarkable speed, accuracy and magic.
12.01.2022 It doesn't matter where you have been, it only matters where you are going.
11.01.2022 Absolutely love this via Action for Happiness It is easy to set a goal or resolution to be ‘happier’ Energetic embodiment and choosing that energy and emotion in each moment is where the magic happens!... Beautiful suggestions here to take away the overwhelm of a whole year to master into daily embodied actions. It also shows you whether this is a ‘nice to have’ for you, or something that you are going to make a priority and direct intentional time and energy to. Wishing you a month that builds into a year of happiness. xx
11.01.2022 Pause in this midweek moment to reconnect with your power, truth and desires. Those that change the world (including their own) are those who take responsibility for their personal power. Own it, embrace it and yield it like your magic wand!
10.01.2022 A conversation I had with a client went a little like this: Do you believe you can reach your biggest money goal? Yes, but....... Well then that's a no! Yes but = no Their is only black and white with the Universe, nor is there any fooling your higher self! You're in or you're out. You're in love or fear As we embark upon a brand new and sparkling week and indeed month I invite you to ask yourself: What amount of money would just be BEYOND to receive this week? Then listen closely and notice what comes up for you immediately after you think of that number. It's confronting to hear your fears, stories, excuses and sabotages up close isn't it?! They are coming up to be cleared though and by witnessing and noticing them they are then free to leave your consciousness. What you resist persists, so ignoring them will do nothing to help with the manifestation of that income goal! Set your stories and sabotages free and allow yourself to connect with your truth of your divine right to riches. Wishing you an incredible week ahead!
10.01.2022 Taking a moment to breathe in the beauty around me I think SA has a case of whiplash with the lockdown backflip. My heart and thoughts are with all of the business’s impacted not to mention weddings and funerals. This year is a year of heightened emotions, resilience and flexibility. ... Please don’t hesitate to reach out if I can be of any support. There is such strength in vulnerability, you don’t have to carry the world on your shoulders, set it down for a while
10.01.2022 Some days it will flow like water Other days it will feel like the fight of your life Everyday day it's worth it 100 times over
09.01.2022 Fierce Coach Jess came out to play today On a call with my amazing Money Mastery Academy Queens this morning I picked up on an area where my client was wanting and desiring one thing, but her energy, thoughts and vibration were attuned to it's complete opposite. The thing is, as it usually is, it's not about what it appears to be about. Don't you hate that?! ... The truth will first p*** you off, and then it will set you free. With her permission I called her out on the confronting and triggering truth of how this past experience was holding her back in the present. You see, I'd rather her be annoyed at me for 10 minutes but then be able to set herself and her children free for the rest of their lives. (btw she was fine, my clients are committed to doing the work and healing their shadow selves ) I am not a paid friend, I am not here for your comfort, I am here for your growth. Sometimes that looks like celebrating with you (another client on that call is buying her dream home ) and other times it looks like being present with you in the most real and transformative way. Either way I'm here for you in both and wont' shy away from either. Much love and here's to you setting yourself free. P.S: The Money Mastery Academy is currently enrolling and if you know it's time to set yourself free to reach the financial freedom you crave, I'd love to welcome you into this phenomenal program and community. Link in comments
09.01.2022 Do you avoid logging into your bank account or accounting program? Dread looking at your numbers? Burying your head in the sand about your bank statements?... Now that I've brought your attention to it, please allow me to give you the solution. I invite you to read my latest blog where I share with you the 3 Steps to Avoiding Bank Account Shame. Enjoy and let me know if you have any questions!
08.01.2022 Why you are the best placed person to care for your money
08.01.2022 I am blessed with the best clients in the world! So so grateful! Ready for your money breakthrough? ... Book a time to chat with me and let's explore how I can help you to create the financial freedom you crave.
07.01.2022 Happy New Year!
05.01.2022 If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you. A commitment to excellence and growth will result in you facing, healing and overcoming challenges. I think too often we can have a romanticised belief that if we are doing our genius or soul work that life will be a walk in the park. Sometimes it's more like a walk in Jurassic Park. ... The truth is though, as these challenges come up, the only thing that is happening is that which isn't aligned to your ultimate goals and vision is coming up to be cleared by you. Chant with me: This is happening for me and not to me Life is unfolding for my greater good I am safe, protected and abundantly provided for Curl up with the discomfort and uncertainty, that is where the growth, transformation and magic is made.
04.01.2022 STOP Just interrupting your scroll to remind you... Say it 10 times.... Continue as you were... Or... If you believed money loved you, and you loved money. Would you continue doing what you were doing or move to a higher value activity?!
04.01.2022 Do you find yourself at the end of the day feeling frazzled and like you haven't moved closer to your big dreams and goals? If you are tired of being reactive from the moment your alarm goes off until you collapse into bed again at night, this is the episode for you! Learn how to: ... Have a deep sense of self and connection to your goals Upgrade your belief systems to fully believe that everything is unfolding for your greater good and working out better than you imagined! Stop expecting the worst and instead have deep conviction to the best case scenario. It's time to get off the hamster wheel and instead step into the slip lane to the quantum leaps and manifestations that are available for you. Or search ' Femme Financial Freedom' in your favourite podcasting app.
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