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Australian Childcare Alliance Western Australia in Perth, Western Australia | Public & government service

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Australian Childcare Alliance Western Australia

Locality: Perth, Western Australia

Phone: +61 8 9321 3159

Address: Level 6/5 Mill Street 6000 Perth, WA, Australia


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24.01.2022 As you know, the short-sharp lockdown of Perth, Peel and the South West is due to end tomorrow evening at 6pm. As of 8pm tonight, I can confirm that we have re...corded no new local cases of COVID-19. This is a remarkable achievement, and the credit belongs to each and every Western Australian. The short five-day lockdown has done the job it was designed to do to reassure us that we don’t have community spread of the virus. Provided that we continue to have no new local cases tomorrow, that lockdown will end at 6pm. But as we have flagged, some restrictions will need to remain until we can be absolutely sure that our community is COVID-free. Tonight I can outline to you what that transitional phase will look like for our State. Pending ongoing testing results and expert health advice, lockdown restrictions for Perth, Peel and the South-West will be lifted at 6:00pm tomorrow evening (Friday 5 February). Following that, stay-at-home rules will be lifted - and interim restrictions will apply to Perth and Peel. The South West will immediately return to pre-lockdown conditions at 6pm tomorrow (Friday 5 February). A post-lockdown transition period for the Perth and Peel regions to keep WA safe and resume a more COVID-safe way of life will remain in place until 12.01am Sunday morning, 14 February allowing for the full 14-day incubation period to run its course. All Western Australians must continue to practise physical distancing where possible and maintain good personal hygiene at all times. The post lockdown transitional measures for the Perth and Peel regions, include the following measures: - Everyone must continue to wear a mask in public and while at work, unless exempt or for outdoor vigorous exercise - All business and venues can reopen, except for the casino and nightclubs - 4 square metre capacity rule in place for most venues - 150-person capacity excluding staff at hospitality, entertainment and venues and events including weddings and funerals at these venues - Community sport can start, and involve up to 150 people including players, officials and spectators. - Seated service only at hospitality venues - Dancing only permitted at weddings and dance studios - 20-person limit for private indoor and outdoor gatherings - Visits to aged care and disability care facilities restricted to compassionate grounds - Residential school and boarding facilities can resume with a COVID Safety Plan - Only essential travel is permitted in and out of the Perth and Peel regions to other parts of WA. Under the post-lockdown transition measures, Perth and Peel schools will start from Monday, 8 February, with the mandatory mask rule applying to all school staff and secondary students. Masks are not required for primary school students. Masks are also mandatory for staff at childcare facilities as well as students and staff in higher education, including TAFEs and universities. Teaching staff are permitted to remove their mask if teaching at the front of the classroom to enable clear enunciation. People who need to leave the Perth and Peel region for essential purposes must wear a mask at all times in other regions of WA, as per the rules in place in Perth and Peel. Elective surgery at WA public hospitals will resume once the lockdown has ended and people will be contacted directly to re-schedule and re-book their appointments which were suspended due to the five-day lockdown. FIFO workers will once again be able to leave the Perth and Peel regions, but documentation will be required and they must follow strict health protocols. COVID-safe measures including the use of contact registers and SafeWA will continue to be crucial as part of post-lockdown life. Currently, the onus is on businesses to ensure a contact register is available for patrons. But from 6pm tomorrow the responsibility will be shared individuals will now also face penalties if they fail to scan in using either SafeWA or the contact register available. As always, authorities will apply a common-sense approach. For more information on our post-lockdown plans visit This is an important step for our State, and one which we are only able to take because Western Australians have overwhelmingly done the right thing under extremely challenging circumstances. This week we have seen the absolute best of WA. The community united behind one another, followed the rules, got tested and gave us confidence to move to this transitional stage. But this has been an extremely disruptive week, and I expect the next 24 hours and the following week will still be challenging for many people. I encourage everyone to support local businesses as much as they can - it will go a long way to help them recover from the events of the past week. I wish we could just snap back immediately to the life we had last week - but doing so would be too risky. It would be irresponsible. All things going well, and if we continue to see good results from our COVID testing, this phase will last for less than nine days. But to make sure that happens, I do need to ask one more thing: If you are unwell, if you have any symptoms please go get tested. And obviously, if you have been to any of the exposure sites, you need to get tested. And even if you have received a negative result, get tested again if symptoms develop. I cannot stress this enough. I know this week has been tough. But we live in the best country in the world and the best State in the country. And we will get through this. Thank you.


24.01.2022 The Australian Childcare Alliance WA is proud to be supporting this! From Maggie Dents page WOW! I am so thrilled to see how many people have already signed my petition to Premier Mark McGowan to give WA families more flexibility around school starting age. Please keep sharing so we can hopefully get some action on this for families who are undergoing this process 2021. ... PLEASE SIGN & SHARE -- THESE ARE THE FABULOUS PEOPLE WHO ARE SUPPORTING THIS PETITION: Colin Pettit, WA Commissioner for Children and Young People Dr Sandra Hesterman, Director Early Childhood Education, Murdoch University Clark Wight, Head of Preparatory School, Guildford Grammar School Claire Orange, Parenting Educator, Co-director BEST Programs 4 Kids Director DiGii Social. Rachelle Tucker, Executive Officer, Australian Childcare Alliance Western Australia (ACA WA) Madeleine McLeod, The Valuing Children Initiative - VCI Jo Matthewson, President, Community Kindergartens Association WA Justine Moorman, Lockridge Primary School member of the State School Teachers' Union of WA (SSTUWA), Vice President of Early Years in Education Society. Jacqui Macliver, SSTUWA Early Years Reference Group/Committee Sarina Shirazee, Perth Children’s Occupational Therapy Daniel Burton and Trudi Bennett, Co-Founders, Educated by Nature

21.01.2022 FRIENDLY REMINDER: We need feedback on your experiences with the Assessment & Ratings (A&R) process to help identify anything that may need addressing. We urge you to complete our online survey here. #ShareYourStory #HelpUsAdvocate

19.01.2022 As done during the COVID-19 pandemic & the 201920 bushfires, the Australian Government will provide targeted support to service providers & their families in t...he event of a local emergency. You can find out how to prepare, what help is available & how to recover after an emergency here. See more

16.01.2022 Please sign and share! We the undersigned support this petition, on behalf of concerned parents, early childhood educators, specialist organisations, academics and allied health professionals who want Western Australia to support greater flexibility for kindergarten-aged children transitioning to and attending pre-primary school. Despite many applications by parents who have children diagnosed with developmental vulnerabilities and delays, as well as significant issues of ...immaturity (especially for little boys), many WA children are being 'forced' to proceed into preschool, despite concerns that they are not ready. This is especially the case in our government primary schools even though the primary principal has the delegated authority and discretion to make decisions about a child's allocated year group. WA has the most inflexible system of any state or territory in Australia around school starting age and it is time to fall in line with the rest of Australia. This approach is at odds with current research, which clearly demonstrates that, where required, delayed formalised schooling benefits the development of executive function, boosts self-regulation and ability to learn, and reduces inattention and hyperactivity. The Western Australian government is putting children with developmental vulnerabilities of any kind at significant long-term risk in the continued inflexibility of its primary school enrolment process and the practice of forcing mandatory preschool enrolment and attendance, which is often at odds with individual cases with specialist recommendations. Given the rising prevalence and potentially serious and long-term consequences of anxiety disorders and knowing that students who start school struggling tend to continue to struggle right throughout their schooling journey, it is vital that concerned parents be heard and respected to ensure children are given the classroom placement that optimises their transition. For example, the ability to delay starting for those in kindergarten or the option to arrange flexible attendance for pre-primary school children. It is also vital that these children have ease of access to play-based learning programs to support their holistic growth and development. As we approach the 30th Anniversary of Australia signing the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, we ask the Premier Mark McGowan to support and initiate the immediate implementation of a clear process by which parents and professionals can seek and secure the legislated flexibility of preschool commencement and attendance arrangements as recommended by specialists for attendance at school by primary school aged children. We seek this process as a point of urgency, so that parents can access the process in time for the 2021 school year. Maggie Dent Author, Parenting & Resilience Educator Please sign and share!

15.01.2022 PLEASE NOTE this alert has been updated. For the latest information visit Update time: 01:48 AM, 04/02/21. A bushfire EMERGENCY WAR...NING is current for people in parts of AVELEY, BAILUP, BASKERVILLE, BELHUS, BRIGADOON, BULLSBROOK, ELLENBROOK, GIDGEGANNUP, HENLEY BROOK, MILLENDON, THE VINES, UPPER SWAN, WALYUNGA NATIONAL PARK, WOOROLOO and WUNDOWIE in the SHIRES OF MUNDARING, CHITTERING and NORTHAM and the CITY OF SWAN. You are in danger and need to act immediately to survive. There is a threat to lives and homes. WHAT TO DO: For people within the Clenton and Berry Road Gidgegannup area AND Shady Hills Estate and East Bullsbook areas, it’s too late to leave and leaving now would be deadly. - You need to shelter in your home in a room away from the fire front and make sure you can easily escape. - You must shelter before the fire arrives, as the extreme heat will kill you well before the flames reach you. - Close all doors and windows and turn off evaporative air conditioners, but keep water running through the system if possible. - Choose a room with two exits and water such as a kitchen or laundry. - If your home catches on fire and the conditions inside become unbearable, you need to get out and go to an area that has already been burnt. - Protect yourself by wearing long sleeves and trousers, made from cotton or wool, and strong leather boots. For people in the remainder of the Emergency Warning area if you are not prepared or you plan to leave, leave now if the way is clear by travelling in a direction away from the fire to a safer place. This applies to ALL people in this area, including people who have been directed to self-isolate or self-quarantine and people who are in an area subject to COVID-19 lockdown restrictions. If you are in an area subject to COVID-19 lockdown restrictions leave now, to a suitable premises or safer place, wear a mask and continue to follow precautions to minimise the spread of the virus. If you have been personally directed to self-isolate or self-quarantine due to COVID-19: - Leave now, find alternative suitable premises and wear a mask. - If you are unable to return to your quarantine location within one hour, telephone WA Police on 131 444 to advise them you have had to leave due to an emergency. - Regardless of your location, continue to follow COVID-19 precautions and maintain appropriate physical distancing. ---AND--- A bushfire WATCH AND ACT is current for people in parts of AVELEY, AVON VALLEY NATIONAL PARK, BAILUP, BASKERVILLE, BRABHAM, BULLSBROOK, CHIDLOW, DAYTON, ELLENBROOK, GIDGEGANNUP, HENLEY BROOK, HERNE HILL, HOVEA, JANE BROOK, LOWER CHITTERING, MIDDLE SWAN, MILLENDON, MELALEUCA, MORANGUP, MOUNT HELENA, MUCHEA, PARKERVILLE, RED HILL, STONEVILLE, THE VINES, WEST SWAN, WOOROLOO and WUNDOWIE in the Shires of TOODYAY, CHITTERING, MUNDARING, NORTHAM and CITY OF SWAN. There is a possible threat to lives and homes as a fire is approaching in the area and conditions are changing. WHAT TO DO: - If you are not prepared or you plan to leave, leave now if the way is clear. - If you are well prepared and plan to actively defend your home, make final preparations now. - If you plan to stay and actively defend, do not rely on mains water pressure as it may be affected. You need to have access to an independent water supply, and start patrolling your property to put out spot fires. - At all times close all doors and windows and turn off evaporative air conditioners, but keep water running through the system if possible. - If you are not at home, do not try to return as conditions in the area could be very dangerous. If you are self-isolating or quarantining due to COVID-19 and plan to leave: - Leave now, find alternative suitable premises and wear a mask. - If you are unable to return to your quarantine location within one hour, telephone WA Police on 131 444 to advise them you have had to leave due to an emergency. - Regardless of your location, continue to follow COVID-19 precautions and maintain appropriate physical distancing. ---AND--- Bushfire ADVICE for parts of ALEXANDER HEIGHTS, ASHBY, AVON VALLEY NATIONAL PARK, BALGA, BALLAJURA, BANKSIA GROVE, BENNETT SPRINGS, BULLSBROOK, CARABOODA, CARRAMAR, CHITTERING, CULLACABARDEE, DARCH, DAYTON, GIRRAWHEEN, GNANGARA, HOCKING, JANDABUP, KOONDOOLA, LANDSDALE, LEXIA, LOWER CHITTERING, MADELEY, MALAGA, MARANGAROO, MARIGINIUP, MELALEUCA, MIRRABOOKA, MOONDYNE, MORANGUP, MUCHEA, NEERABUP, NOWERGUP, PEARSALL, PINJAR, SINAGRA, TAPPING, WANGARA, WANNEROO AND WHITEMAN in the SHIRES OF CHITTERING, TOODYAY and THE CITIES OF STIRLING, SWAN AND WANNEROO and in parts of BEECHINA, CHIDLOW, GREENMOUNT, HOVEA, JANE BROOK, MOUNT HELENA, MUNDARING, PARKERVILLE, SAWYERS VALLEY, STONEVILLE and SWAN VIEW in the SHIRE OF MUNDARING and CITY OF SWAN There is a lot of smoke in the area. Although there is no immediate danger you need to be aware and keep up to date in case the situation changes. WHAT TO DO: - Stay alert and monitor your surroundings. - Watch for signs of a bushfire, especially smoke and flames. - Close all doors and windows, and turn off evaporative air conditioners but keep water running through the system if possible. - Read through your bushfire survival plan. - If you do not have a plan decide what you will do if the situation gets worse. BUSHFIRE BEHAVIOUR: The bushfire is moving in a north westerly direction. It is a large, out of control bushfire that has a perimeter of 126 kilometres. Burning embers are likely to be blown around your home. Spot fires are starting up to 100 metres ahead of the fire. WHAT FIREFIGHTERS ARE DOING Firefighters are on the scene, actively fighting the fire. SAFER PLACE: The Department of Communities has set up the following evacuation centres: - Brown Park Recreation Complex on Amherst Road, near the intersection of Salisbury Road, in Swan View. - Swan Active Midland - 16 Gray Dr, Midvale. - Swan Active Beechboro - 332 Benara Road, Beechboro. Watch the Community Meeting Update for the Wooroloo Bushfire: People who have been personally directed to self-isolate or quarantine due to COVID-19 should find alternative suitable premises and wear a mask. - If this is not possible, proceed to the evacuation centre and identify yourself to centre staff immediately on arrival. - Protocols are in place to minimise COVID-19 risk at the evacuation centre and you must follow the directions of centre staff. - Continue to follow COVID-19 precautions and maintain appropriate physical distancing. Please take any essential items such as medications and identification to the evacuation centre. Pets (except recognised assistance animals) are not allowed inside evacuation centres for health and safety reasons, so you should make alternative arrangements for them. If this is not possible, please still proceed to the evacuation centre with your pets and await further advice. SAFEST ROUTE: It is too late to leave for people in or around Clenton Road and Berry Road, Gidgegannup AND Shady Hills and East Bullsbrook. You need to shelter in place or actively defend only if you're prepared to the highest level. For people in the remainder of the Emergency Warning area, if you are not prepared or you plan to leave, leave now if the way is clear by travelling in a direction away from the fire. ROAD CLOSURES AND CONDITIONS: A number of roads have been closed including: - Railway Parade between Neaves Road and Maralla Road - Great Northern Highway closed from West Swan Road to Rutland Road - Toodyay Road in both directions between Bunning Road to Bailup Road - Weribee Road from Doys road to Linley Valley Road - Government Road from Linley Valley Road to Jason Street - Bailup Road from Toodyay Road to Government Road - Doys road closed from Weribee road to Burma road - McNamara Road closed north of Weribee road - Burma Road between Doys and Bailup road Please note there are dangerous road conditions within the area. Motorists are asked to avoid the area, be aware of emergency services personnel working onsite, reduce speed and drive carefully due to smoke and other hazards. Road information may also be available from Main Roads WA by calling 138 138 or visiting or by contacting the SHIRES OF MUNDARING, CHITTERING and NORTHAM and the CITY OF SWAN. ANIMAL WELFARE For those in an area where it is not safe to leave: - It is no longer safe to evacuate horses and large animals. - It is not safe to handle animal movements outside. - Fences along roadsides should not be cut and external property gates should not be opened. - For other parts of the warning area where it is safe to leave: - Take animals to stay with a friend or family member, or to a private boarding or agistment arrangement. - If evacuating livestock or horses isn’t possible, consider moving animals to a paddock with low fire fuel load, and ensure animals have feed and drinking water for several days of high to extreme temperatures. - Fences along roadsides should not be cut and external property gates should not be opened. More information on managing animals in emergencies is available at People who have evacuated and left animals behind, or may have fences damaged by fire putting animals at risk can contact the City of Swan for assistance on 9267 9267. The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development have 12 vets supported by the City of Swan and Shire of Mundaring rangers ready to patrol the fire area, once the area is safe, from to Werribee Road in Wooloroo to Reen Road in Gidgegannup. Wildcare Helpline: 08 9474 9055 or For more info visit:

11.01.2022 My Teacher wears a Mask!


07.01.2022 ACA WA A Sector United Networking event! A big thank you to all that attended our event yesterday, it was wonderful to get together and share stories. A big thank you to Simone McGurk MLA for opening the event, Rabia Siddique for her very moving and motivating Keynote and to all our wonderful sponsors Modern Teaching Aids CTAS Education, Guild Insurance, Child Care Super, Officeworks, Child Australia, Behaviour Tonics

06.01.2022 This is a really powerful opinion piece from Jane Hunt, CEO of The Front Project, an independent national enterprise working to create positive change in Australia’s early childhood education system. #EarlyLearningGoals #BestStartInLife

06.01.2022 This is your last chance to grab the remaining tickets to the only Networking and Leadership event for ACA WA this year. Don’t miss your chance! ‘be the change you wish to see’ A Sector United A networking event for the WA ECE Sector... After such a tumultuous year we would like to bring the Early Childhood Education Sector together to reflect, discuss, inform, on the year that has been and inspire you moving forward. Hear from the Hon Minister Simone McGurk as she opens this event Discuss the year that has been & what as a sector we are doing to move forward Meet ACA WA Committee Members Hear from ACA National President Paul Mondo Be inspired & moved by International Speaker & Author Rabia Siddique Network over drinks & Canapes in a relaxed environment ''The Gifts in a Crisis" Winston Churchill once said, we should never let a good crisis go to waste! Life is a choice. We can choose to be the victims of our circumstances, believing that we cannot change what seems overwhelming. Or we can choose not to be defined by that which often confounds us. We can choose to adapt, thrive, learn and lead the change that we are all capable of by seeking out the opportunities. This is the mark of a great leader and change maker, and great leadership is characterised by those who embody and demonstrate resilience, courage, focus, discipline & authenticity. It is this type of leadership that we need more than ever right now. So what choice will you make? How will you use your influence and privileged position? What leader will you be? When: Saturday 21st of November 2020, Where: Esplanade Hotel Fremantle, Time: 2.30pm -7.00pm, Menu: Afternoon Tea, Canapes & Drinks, Members $90.00, Non-Members: $180.00 RSVP: by 13th of November to ACA WA: [email protected] or online at:

03.01.2022 We are pleased to announce that Behaviour Tonics are a sponsor at our Networking & Leadership Event next Saturday 21st of November 2020. Behaviour Tonics are giving away 20 Free training vouchers for the Talk Less, Listen More: Behaviour Guidance & Emotion Coaching in ELC & OSHC. This is 6hrs training valued at $164, it will run on Monday 30th November. All delegates will also be invited to join me for a Free 4...5 minute webinar on Behaviour guidance and self-regulation on Thursday 26th November.

01.01.2022 Seeing other people wear masks: Autism Little Learners

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