Children's Motor Control Research Collaboration in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Organisation
Children's Motor Control Research Collaboration
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
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25.01.2022 Good advice. Stay safe and well everyone.
25.01.2022 Innovation ... might not suit everyone, but certainly a step in the right direction
24.01.2022 Congratulations! to Elizabeth Hornsby, winner of the Best Paediatric Poster Award at the #APA2019 #TRANSFORM Conference for her novel study on Pilates-based exercise for children with Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder. Liz is the Director of KidsCare Physiotherapy and a #CMCRC researcher.
24.01.2022 Congratulations! Gemma Allinson, winner of the Best Paediatric Paper by a Clinician at the #APA2019 #TRANSFORM Conference for a great study on postural control and motor coordination in school aged children. Gemma is a physio at RBWH and a #CMCRC researcher. Watch our page for the full paper soon ...
23.01.2022 NEW OPPORTUNITY: The CRE-CP team, led by Prof Dinah Reddihough in Melbourne, was recently awarded another Centre of Research Excellence in Cerebral Palsy - called "CP-Achieve" - to address the needs of young people with cerebral palsy. The CMCRC will join the team in this program of research. Now, an exciting opportunity exists for a part-time coordinator to assist in the planning, organisation and implementation of the many activities of the Centre which involves both consumers and investigators from around Australia and overseas. Application close 8th December. See the Murdoch Childrens Research Institute website for further details.
23.01.2022 CONGRATULATIONS! Breanna Raatz, Winner of the Best Paediatric 5x5 Presentation at the #APA2019 #TRANSFORM conference for her work on the TUG reliability for children. Breanna is Physiotherapist for Darling Downs HHS and a #CMCRC Researcher.
23.01.2022 NEW RESEARCH: Are you looking for a high-level motor assessment for children with CP? Watch this short Vodcast for information on new research led by Dr Georgina Clutterbuck, #CMCRC researcher ....
22.01.2022 PLACES FILLING FAST ... start your new year professional development with an NSMDA Course led by esteemed physiotherapist and NSMDA author A/Prof Yvonne Burns. The course will run on Friday 14 and Saturday 15 February. Contact Julie Macdonald to register [email protected]
22.01.2022 For little Ninja Warriors ...
22.01.2022 CONGRATULATIONS! #CMCRC Honours students Ripley Beck and Sarah Hambleton graduating with Honours First Class today. Thank you to our industry research partners, Nicole Thomas and the CHQ-HHS Spina Bifida service, Michelle Smith (UQ) and QLD Netball associations supporting junior representative netball.
19.01.2022 PRACTISING DURING COVID-19: Trying to keep your business running in these uncertain times? Click the link below from the Australian Physiotherapy Association for a summary of advice:
18.01.2022 2019 STEM toy of the year finalist .... creative thinking for kids
17.01.2022 #APA2019 #TRANSFORM PODCAST ... after 2 outstanding platform papers on the outcomes of her new Sports Stars intervention, Georgina Clutterbuck hosted an invited podcast to discuss the benefits of team sports to improve physical activity and health and wellbeing for children with and without disabilities. Keep your eye on the APA website for its release soon ...
17.01.2022 Do you have something to contribute to the IAACD Knowledge Hub? Share your knowledge with us and with the IAACD ...
17.01.2022 NEW PhD OPPORTUNITIES: The NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence "CRE CP-ACHIEVE", led by Prof Dinah Reddihough (AusACPDM Founder) to promote health and participation of adolescents and young adults with CP, has several new PhD Scholarships available. Students can enroll and work from QLD, VIC or NSW, with support and client contact across 3 states. The QLD investigators are A/Prof Leanne Johnston (PT, UQ) and Prof Jenny Ziviani (OT, UQ). CLOSING DATE is 30 June, 2020. Drop us a line, or visit the CRE website if you are interested in this terrific opportunity.
17.01.2022 WHATS ON IN MARCH: Join us at UQ for a DCD Masterclass with international guest speaker A/Prof Jill Zwicker from the University of British Columbia - Jill will present outcomes of novel brain imaging for children with DCD; and strategies for early identification and early intervention. Registrations open now via Julie Macdonald ([email protected])
16.01.2022 Lots of learning at our February Motor Control Masterclass last Thursday. Wonderful presentations by Georgina Clutterbuck (Sports Stars), Iain Dutia (ParaSTART), Rosalee Dewar (Kids-BESTest), Chelsea Mobbs (PreEMPT), Liz Hornsby (Pilates), Ray Lang (CyFIT), Katy Caynes (FCCS), Leanne Johnston (School Readiness) and Julie Macdonald (Hypotonia Mx). Look out for our March Masterclass on DCD ...
15.01.2022 SAVE THE DATE ... The 2020 NSMDA Course in Brisbane will take place on Friday 14 and Saturday 15 February. For more details and to reserve a place, contact Julie Macdonald on [email protected]
15.01.2022 POSTPONED: Thank you all for your interest in the DCD Masterclass. Due to the evolving COVID-19 situation, we have postponed this event. Youll be pleased to know that A/Prof Zwicker has returned safely to Canada. We will let you know when an alternative online version can be accessed later in 2020. In the meantime, we hope that you, your families and your clients are all well and stay safe. Best wishes from the CMCRC team.
14.01.2022 CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS: Are you, or do you know, a parent or carer of a child under 2 years? We would love to hear your perspectives on what and how your infant participates in everyday life situations as part of a Three-Round Delphi Survey of parents and health professionals on infant participation. If you are interested in participating, please click on the link below where you will find the Participant Information Sheet and access to the survey. Please feel free to share this with anyone you might feel is interested!
14.01.2022 3 WEEKS TO GO: Register now to join the 2020 UQ Motor Control Masterclass ... contact Julie Macdonald for information on how to register [email protected]
14.01.2022 What a terrific young man ...
13.01.2022 LIMITED PLACES LEFT: Join A/Prof Yvonne Burns at the 2020 NSMDA Course in Brisbane on February 14-15. Course includes instruction on NSMDA application, scoring and new research as well as practical sessions with infants and children. Register your interest via the NSMDA website:
10.01.2022 Merry Christmas from the CMCRC team! We hope everyone has a wonderful break and we look forward to connecting with you again in 2020!
09.01.2022 REGISTRATIONS ARE OPEN: For our 2020 #CMCRC Motor Control Masterclass. Join us on 13 February at #UQ to hear new outcomes from our intervention trials and advances in measurement and technology. Contact Julie Macdonald on [email protected] for information on cost and registration.
09.01.2022 DO YOU HAVE A FEW MINUTES? Take a listen to our podcast on sport and physical activity for children with disabilities ...
09.01.2022 Growing little hands ....
09.01.2022 Love the look on his face !!!
08.01.2022 Another successful NSMDA Course hosted by the wonderful A/Prof Yvonne Burns this weekend ... babies played, skills were gained and friends were made. Follow our posts for future course announcements.
08.01.2022 More support for physical activity programs for people with disabilities ...
08.01.2022 CONGRATULATIONS! #CMCRC #UQ Research student John Fauls, who has been awarded a prestigious UQ University Medal for outstanding academic achievement during his Physiotherapy Program. John graduated with Honours First Class in 2018. His research was a collaborative industry project with Bronwyn Thompson from the CHQ-HHS Child Development Program and Leanne Johnston from UQ, showing the value of parent input during eligibility screening for community Physiotherapy services. John is now working as a clinical Physiotherapist at CHQ-HHS. Paper to be released soon ...
06.01.2022 Congratulations to winners of the American Library Association, Schneider Family Book Awards, which recognize authors and illustrators for the portrayal of the disability experience. Some food for thought here ....
06.01.2022 Great reading encouragement for kids!
05.01.2022 Is your child snoring? ...
05.01.2022 CONGRATULTIONS! #CMCRC PhD candidates Katy Caynes, Georgina Clutterbuck and Chelsea Mobbs who have won scholarships to present their PhD research at the 2020 #AusACPDM Visionaries Conference in Perth. A series of great papers and workshops to visit!
05.01.2022 FREE COPIES ... Is Pilates effective for children? Find out in this newly published review by physiotherapist and #CMCRC PhD Candidate, Elizabeth Hornsby. Free downloads available until 10 March 2020 via APMR at
04.01.2022 Importance of integrated, adaptive recreation ...
01.01.2022 CONGRATULTIONS! Jacinta Quartermaine - winner of the Best Honours Presentation at the 2019 UQ School of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences Research Conference ... for her study on communication classification systems for children with cerebral palsy. Acknowledgements to CMCRC supervisors Katy Caynes, Dr Tanya Rose and A/Prof Leanne Johnston. Jacinta will be continuing this valuable work in a PhD in 2020 - watch this space for more great outcomes!