Child Speech Therapy Australia in Rhodes, New South Wales, Australia | Medical and health
Child Speech Therapy Australia
Locality: Rhodes, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 421 207 868
Address: 87 Blaxland Road 2138 Rhodes, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 Dinosaurs solve everything!! Cupboard is now hidden with cool dinosaurs Mission accomplished ... #dinosaurs #mariekondo #cleanup #slplife #autistictoddler #autismawareness #onthespectrum #speechandlanguage #speechpathologist
24.01.2022 Loving this video called AMAZING THINGS HAPPEN It's an animation talking about the spectrum and autistic people (mostly children)... by Alexander Amelines Things I like about this video visual empathetic and caring strengths-based helpful gives information #asd #onthespectrum #autistic #autism #autismacceptance #autistictoddler #slplife #slp #autismawareness
22.01.2022 This is so true. Over a decade ago I began my journey working with children and families on the spectrum. ... It became my passion. I used to feel completely overwhelmed as I can only imagine that parents and families were. Some parents were completely candid, sharing with me because 'I got it'... but I didn't and I knew it. I felt like a fraud. One thing I felt overwhelmingly was gratitude and honor to listen, hear and be a part of their journey with their child and helping them learn to communicate in new and challenging ways. My first few years as a speech pathologist seemed like a blur and I remember feeling these parents were somewhat isolated and on their own in many ways... they needed more... society needs to do more, help more, learn more and at the very very least refrain from the judgement/criticism/lack of kindness that seemed so prevalent. Things have changed over the past decade. The Australian government brought in the Helping Children With Autism Initiative to provide families financial support to access early intervention. The media began casting autistic story lines. Documents around autism soared in the mainstream media. And it was a start. I'm grateful to have the opportunity to learn (for 9 years) at university. Something I know is a privilege and something I cherish. I'll never stop learning. My uni days may be over (never say never) but I'm continuing learning and helping as many families as I can along the way. Thank you for sharing your families with me. I read every message and value your comments, pictures and family snap shots. #asd #autism #slp #autismspeaks #speechpathology #speechpathologist #spectrum #autismawareness #autismadvocate #speech #differentnotless #additionalneeds #autistic #aspect
22.01.2022 Obligatory Tourist Family Photo 10 FACTS about me live in Sydney, but also lived in London for a few magical years ... we have a little boy and also a fur baby called Benji who has epilepsy tried vegan and vegetarian lifestyles however I didn't feel well and reverted back love frogs, bats and turtles if you're wearing perfume there's a good chance I'll be able to tell you which one it is played tennis all through my schooling years played soccer all through primary school I have a random fear of being addicted to gaming dark chocolate all the way we had donut day at our high school every Thursday #slplife #aboutme #autismawareness #autismspeaks #autismadvocate #differentnotless #spectrum #asd #slp #speech #speechandlanguage #speechpathology #speechtherapy
21.01.2022 I love visuals and use them every day. I wish i could say I've used them throughout my WHOLE career but I only learnt about them during my studies of Master Of Inclusive Education In Autism.... Using visuals has COMPLETELY changed the way I teach children and coach parents. I don't do a session WITHOUT visuals. Little man got through ALLLLL of these questions and loved watching me tick off each one. The reward was bubbles and a sticker. Can't you tell with my cool drawing? Well, little man knew what it was and that's the main thing!! #asd #visuals #schedule #visualschedule #rewards #slplife #ilovevisuals #autistic #autism #autismawareness #differentnotless #slp #speechpathology #speechtherapy #speechpathologist #play #love #giggles #goforit #questionsandanswers #Q&A #spectrum #atypical
21.01.2022 We are ready to rumble! SPEECH PATHOLOGY SESSION IN PROGRESS First picture is the visual schedule set up in a TEACCH style. ... Second picture is the 'finished' pile. Little Man is looking and smiling more to my face sharing and turn taking copying more words saying words by himself without prompts giggling and showing humour waiting for the next activity packing away saying "I'm finished" #languagedelay #goals #teacch #asd #autismacceptance #autistictoddler #autismawareness #speechandlanguage #speechandlanguagetherapy #visualschedule #visuallearner #slp #slplife #ilovevisuals #play #learn #love #fun
21.01.2022 If you forget your beautiful, colourful visual schedule. #visual #oops #slplife #asd #visualschedule
20.01.2022 That big word... Diagnosis. (I saw this on SuperJax page and received permission to repost) Many families come to see me shortly before or after a diagnosis of Autism. ... Some parents are eager for a diagnosis while others dread this. All I can say is that a diagnosis does not change your child. They are still your perfect, unique baby with their own personality. In over 12 years I have never met 2 children that are the same. Not even biological identical twins. A diagnosis doesn't 'take' anything away, but it gives answers, support, funding, explanations, understanding and yes sadly to some people, stigma. A label or not, your child will continue to learn and grow and be themselves. Parents and carers take time to support yourself, you deserve it because you're doing an amazing job #autism #asd #autistic #asdboy #asdtoddler #diagnosis
19.01.2022 Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) is a speech sound disorder characterised by imprecise motor planning and function. It happens at the level of the brain and prevents the child from being able to move the tongue, lips, soft palate and jaw in the way they want to in order to make words and sounds. The speech errors are typically inconsistent and affect consonants (but also sometimes vowels too). ... The child knows what they want to say but it comes out differently to what they plan it to. This also leads to poor phonological awareness and reading and writing skills as children find it hard to match a sound (such as k with the letter k ). For example a child with CAS may want see a and say "at" and then attempt again and say "tat" and again an attempt may sound like "ac". This is different to articulation delay/disorder where errors are typically consistent and part of regular speech sound development, just delayed. Speech Therapy helps treat CAS and support children and families using research- based strategies and therapy. #CAS #slplife #childhoodapraxiaofspeech #speechsounds #communication #childspeechtherapy #apraxia #developmentalverbaldyspraxia #dvd #speech
19.01.2022 Magna Tiles!! I use these in therapy for rewards. Let's be honest, kiddos love playing and connecting and seeing the different colours and shapes. ... Little Man chose this as number 3 and waited until we had completed activity Number 2 (with No.2 being something I chose for us to do). Using numbers on a visual schedule is a good way to help little ones make choices, express their needs, follow instructions and routine, and engage in tasks that may not be their most preferred tasks (but are important anyway as they teach a life skill). I repackage toys in plastic slips for easy storage, covid cleaning, and so little ones can learn how to open plastic zip bags. #magnatiles #covidsafetoys #mariekondo #asd #spectrum #slplife #autism #autistictoddler #onthespectrum #atypical #learningandloving #love #languagedelay #speechpathologist @ Sydney, Australia
18.01.2022 This activity was a REWARD today for trying new games/activities and sharing with peers. BUT... Jaws Music** Oh no!!! We learnt half way that One of the PIECES was MISSING so we couldn't match the real objects to look the SAME as the box ... BUT we have been learning FLEXIBLE thinking and FEXIBLE playing. We played a whole NEW game called "match the colours "... where a MELTDOWN might have typically ensued...we transitioned to a new game and overcame the upset of the missing piece. #flexi #icanflex #asd #learning #slp #speechandlanguage #speechpathology #onthespectrum #spectrum #autism #autistic #love #matching #rewards
17.01.2022 TEACCH #asd #autism #participate #independent #learningstyle #onthespectrum #school #curriculum #doitathome #visuals
17.01.2022 Beautiful Christmas by the open fire setting at one of the preschools I visit. The children are learning about Christmas and lots of vocabulary and stories. In Australia Christmas is hot (people are wearing singlets and shorts) and we are usually swimming. ... ...So the idea of stockings over the open fire comes from movies, cards and Christmas books from Overseas. Doesn't mean we love it any less. Also with a bush fire problem that won't quit, you won't see many open fires in Australia. With strict home regulations many families choose a heater or faux gas fire display. #openfire #firedisplay #stockingsoverthefireplace #language #slplife #speechtherapy #speech #speechpathologist #speechtherapist #speechtherapy
17.01.2022 Following Directions anyone Love these squishy stickers. I laminated some picture scenes for a great activity that involves vocabulary, following directions and learning concepts. ... Fun Tip!!! Doing following directions games works best AFTER you establish rapport with a child. No one wants to be bossed around by someone Make it a game. And start with the pack away routine. Put the strawberry in, now the pear, get the watermelon etc... It's now FUNCTIONAL and your kiddo knows what TO DO and why. #asd #autism #speech #slplife #autistic #speechpathology #language #languagedelay #fun #visuals #learning #speechtherapy #game #love #spectrum #followingdirections
16.01.2022 Fun fun fun!!! Little Man is learning... - clothes vocabulary... Firstly I use a word web (see last pic) with pictures and words to teach the name of the clothes. Why do all kids love the word UNDERPANTS Could it be he now requests this activity? When previously it was pushed away fervently. He now... - sets it up, uses different clothes combinations, uses some words, follows the visuals schedule by packing away independently when prompted. #slplife #asdboy #autistictoddler #autism #onthespectrum #speechandlanguage #visuals #visualschedule #love #fashion #magnetictoy @ Sydney, Australia
16.01.2022 Daddy and Harry Happy Father's Day
16.01.2022 SEMANTICS CATEGORIES VOCABULARY Sorting by category/function defines how objects are related. ... These animals either Live in the water Live in the jungle (or land) #semantics #categories #vocabulary #asd #autism #spectrum #language #slplife
15.01.2022 Me sending a video message to a Mum who is wanting... 1) A Visual Schedule for preschool 2) A Visual Schedule for home Visuals don't need to be a special brand, you can also use real photos!... #visuals #autism #asd #visuallearner
14.01.2022 Autistic children become autistic adults who help support and advocate for autistic children. I got permission by the artist to post this wonderful image. When parents of newly diagnosed children ask me... where should I look for answers, where do I begin... ... With autistic authors and advocates. I've read my body-weight in university text books and I've researched and worked in different disciplines and learned from some of the best, and yet some of the most informative, comprehensive, easily digestible and useful information has come from the autistic community. My only sadness is that I found this in more resent years, compared to when i started some 13 years ago. One of my favourite books (also given to me by my mother) is from neuroscientist Henry Markram who has dedicated his life to understanding the autistic brain, and in doing so, helped him understand his autistic son better. I recommend this to anyone who searches to understand and has an ear to listen to a fabulous human. #autistic #slp #slplife #speechpathology #speechtherapy #speech #asd #autism #onthespectrum #neurodiverse #differentnotless #atypical #asdtoddler
14.01.2022 "Adults don't use visuals" Oh yes we do. BIG TIME... In fact, our lives would look very different if we didn't use, love, and rely on visuals. #visuals #coolrecyclingvisual #asd #speechandlanguage #speechpathology #expectations #asd #spectrum #teachme #love #learn
14.01.2022 I was fortunate to work with a Music Therapist in London at the Portland Hospital. Many goals, activities, and strategies overlap with speech and language pathology. Joint sessions were a dream, and families loved Group Music time which included signing (yes I learnt the signs for "Let It Go" from Frozen).... There is also many research-based articles linking music with speech and language goals #musictherapy #asd #speechtherapy #childspeechtherapy #autismawareness
14.01.2022 I use playdoh with a lot of children in Speech Pathology sessions. This has taken place more since Covid and play doh is banned at education settings. Children may be missing it and therefore request it more. Not every child likes the texture, so I have many other resources which they choose instead to target the same goals. ... PLAYDOH ~ sign/say "more" ~ turn taking ~ request (sign/say) "help" or "open" ~ following directions 1 part (pass me the butterfly) ~ following directions 2 part (pass me the butterfly and the fish) ~ imaginative play (pretend eating) ~ reward. First vocabulary --> Playdoh ~ shapes and colours ~ action words (swimming, eating, rolling etc...) ~ prepositions (in the tub, under the table, on the dinosaur) #playdoh #speech #speechpathology #slp #speechtherapy #autism #asd #spectrum #atypical #autismawareness #autismadvocate #autismacceptance #love #toddlermum #toddlermom #mumofboys @ Sydney, Australia
13.01.2022 Imitating smiley faces! Little lady didn't like to hold pencils or textas. (Have you seen a flying texta )... With the TEACCH visual schedule, after 3 weeks... Little lady 1) sits and plays activities/games 2) tries new activities 3) packs away 4) copies and spontaneously signs with relevance and practical responses/intentions 5) waits 6) anticipates 7) smiles and laughs #autism #teacch #slplife #speechtherapy #speechpathology #asd #autistic #speechtherapy #speech #keywordsign #communication #love #visuals #learning #imitation #speechandlanguage
13.01.2022 When a little man hands you a trophy that says "no. 1" ... you take it personally. Love the creativity seen in the NEW WAITING ROOM. We have... toy kitchen with Velcro cutting food box of MegaBlocks... loads of books cars and trucks and planes of course Wish I snapped a pic of our new waiting room to share with y'all, but this prize (no pun intended) caught my eye. #creative #asd #slp #slplife #speech #language #languagedelay #spectrum #autism #autistic #teachme #speechonthespectrum #love #megablocks #thankyou
13.01.2022 Benji the Belgian Barge Dog always has cuddles when I come home. My last Belgian Barge Dog (Buddy) was a therapy dog and we visited nursing homes and hospitals. I didn't realise how perfectly suited Buddy was for a therapy dog until my Mum's friend (a dog trainer) pointed it out. ... Sure enough, he passed the training with flying colours and loved meeting new people and following instructions. He was very food orientated too!! Benji my current dog wouldn't pass the therapy training but he still loves being a cuddly dog. Probably moreso than Buddy (ironically). He's a real mummy's boy #therapydog #asd #speechtherapy #slplife #languagedelay #deltadogs #assisteddog #benjiandbuddy #dogslife #cuddles #love #speech #speechpathologist #volunteer #autism
12.01.2022 Visual Schedule on the wall at Preschool. After "Welcome" the educators let the children know "Welcome" is FINISHED. Then the visual card for WELCOME is taken OFF the SCHEDULE and put into the FINISHED BOX ... The next activity is completed (this can take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour or so). Straight after the activity is completed, the educator announces to the children that the activity is now FINISHED. The visual card is put into the FINISHED BOX. The NEXT picture on the SCHEDULE is what happens NEXT #asd #visuals #spectrumawareness #visualschedule #autism #speechpathology #speechtherapy #speechpathologist #autism #autistic #specialeducation #toddler #preschool
12.01.2022 "WHAT" questions... - question is coloured red - answers are coloured blue - children with echolalia often repeat the questions however....... - giving the answer tells the child what to say - you can offer two choices and the child can choose one - great to help with vocabulary - kiddos love the magnets (I also male Velcro ones as they're easier to use) - visuals with words (research based to increase learning, understanding and vocabulary) #languagedelay #languagestimulation #slp #slplife #superduper #asd #spectrumawareness #autism #autismawareness #speechandlanguagetherapy #speechtherapy #speechpathology @ Sydney, Australia
12.01.2022 When im not in clinic or preschools I'm at home being the... #iboughtitformyself #mum #toddlermum #gifttomyself #comfy #loungewear #trackies #slp #speechandlanguage #slplife #speechpathologist #speechtherapist #bestmum #love #family #peteralexander
10.01.2022 The "finished" box. 7 reasons why it ROCKS! (Essential Part of the Visual Schedule)... Completed activities are taken off the schedule and placed in the finished box. It ROCKS because it... 1) teaches the concept of "finished" 2) shows that an activity is completed and needs to be packed away or we move to a different location 3) helps with moving to the NEXT activity (transitioning can be very tricky for little ones on the spectrum and this helps enormously) 4) has the universal black and white squares to signify "finished" 5) is always in the same location so little ones can start to put the pictures in the finished box. 6) when other larger items are finished, you can simply place the finished flag on them or put the finished image onto a larger box so children know where to Pack away. 7) helps with the persistent tug of war of a child wanting to continue doing something. Once it's in the box, it doesn't come back onto the schedule until you want it to. #visuals #visualschedule #visuallearner #autismacceptance #asdboy #asd #autistictoddler #autistic #boadmaker #schedule #love #learning #speechandlanguage #languagedelay #language #spectrumawareness #slplife #speechpathologist
10.01.2022 I did Attention Autism (Bucket Time) today at a preschool I go to each week. This was one of the items in the bucket. Much excitement when this little guy popped out. ... One girl screamed super loudly "wooooow" from the right side of the stage... loved it. #asd #autistictoddler #autismawareness #slp #speechandlanguage #speechdelay #buckettime #attentionautism #playwithme #buildingattention #speech #speechtherapy #speechpathology #atypical #autism #spectrum
09.01.2022 Love On The Spectrum #autismawareness #autismadvocate #autisticcommunity #autismspeaks #autistic
08.01.2022 Following directions AND Making sentences ... Little Man was motivated, excited and keen to play with the dinosaur and food. I love mixing games and activities. I always store toys separately in containers so little ones know what goes with what and how to pack away. We can choose more than 1 toy for sure. Lots of smiles, lots of giggles, and lots of language. I use a visual schedule to reduce anxiety, increase motivation, help create independence (points to the next number and activity... lol keeps me on my toes), packs away the last activity, learns what 'wait' means when they see their desired activity at number 4 when they are on number 2. #speechpathology #speech #slp #dinosaur #love #play #sentences #speechpathology #speechtherapy #differentnotless #slplife #playtherapy #sentenceformulation #languagedelay #language #earlyintervention
08.01.2022 Dating On The Spectrum #asd #autismawareness #autisticcommunity #autism #autismadvocate
08.01.2022 SOCIAL SKILLS and TURN TAKING with friends. Turn taking encourages joint attention (looking at an object and back to the person's eyes) I don't 'force' sharing toys, especially with a child's favourite toy. The myth we must share every thing is just that. ... (Do you share your coffee? Your purse?) Turn - taking is best done when you have built rapport..., then start with quick turn taking game (that the child has shown interest in). Turn taking is also prerequisite for conversations skills (my turn to talk/sign, your turn to respond) My faves are: -Piggy coin slot (put one in each turn) - cars ramps (put a car in each turn) - Animal pop up (pop up an animal each turn) - shapes sorter (put one in each turn) Pair with Key Word Sign for "my turn/your turn" Add in "yay" and "go" "up, up, up, in" and some verbal routine with fun/exaggerated tone/voice. Add 'high 5' (prompt with hand over hand and watch for reaction if this okay with the child) place the toys in the middle so you both have access to them, sometimes giving a toy to the child for their turn to encourage their turn if they don't pick up a toy on their 'go'. Sometimes (and not during the first time of meeting them) children will take their fave/ special toy out of their mum's purse/their pocket and show it to me. This is a type of sharing that isn't forced and is a natural progression of social skill development. We can then play with the toy a way where the child feels safe and comfortable and we all know... THIS IS THE BEST LEARNING ENVIRONMENT FOR CHILDREN. #asd #learning #turntaking #myturnyourturn #fun #autism #autistictoddler #slplife #speechpathology #speechtherapy #speechdelay #socialskills #playtherapy #love #onthespectrum #slp
07.01.2022 Making Visuals for a preschool. The visual schedule runs horizontal, from left to right, complete with a 'finished box'. The children asked questions about the new pictures on the their wall and were able to guess what most of them were. ... We start with a few visuals on the schedule, and show how the schedule is used. After this we add MORE visuals to the schedule. The language and understanding it elicits is great to see. Research supports reduced anxiety, increased understanding, increased expressive language (talking, signing, using AAC) and more participation and engagement. Also reduced behaviours and stimming. This was made for 1 little man in the preschool, however it will benefit many little ones!! Even the bigger kids liked it ;) #visualschedule #asd #visuals #schedule #spectrum #autism #autistic #preschool #additionalneeds #asdtoddler
06.01.2022 New resource. Little Man likes to match the box picture. These are great for ... - rewards - vocabulary - verbs (cutting, eating) - imaginative play - requesting/asking The educator told me little man signed "food" at meal time and said "cucumber" and "tomato" and she had not seen him sign or heard him say words before. Making play-based activities fun and carrying them over into everyday life helps for a cool concept called 'generalisation'. When children generalise what they learn they are able to use new skills in a way that helps them and those around them understand what they want, need, like, don't like more, and helps development come along smoothly and naturally. #asd #learning #language #slplife #speechpathology #autism #onthespectrum #kindness #love #autistic #languagedelay #speechdelay #signing #imitation #languagedevelopment #autismawareness #autismacceptance #differentnotless
06.01.2022 SQUISHY DINOSAURS reward!! - request ("I want dinosaur please", sign "More") This little guy is a favourite because of the sensory features of 'squish' AND the features of dinosaur. ... He's also great for VERBS (action words) during CREATIVE play and imitation games He can do all the prepositions... - INSIDE the volcano - UNDER the chair (He hides there as a trick and then you have to find him ) - ON TOP of the box/head - ON the chair - BETWEEN (in the middle) of the trees #dinosaur #squishytoy #asd #sensory #autism #spectrum #slplife #speechpathology #speechtherapist #slp #rewards #speech #languagedelay #teachme #learningandlovingit
05.01.2022 Humans Of New York have a beautiful post about children with addition needs and families moving forward together while handling challenges along the way Just beautiful
05.01.2022 Language activities These "games" are helpful in supporting speech and language goals. Little Man did these activities following a visual schedule. ... He asked for "cake" (a new wooden cutting toy with a knife) which wasn't on the schedule, but we got it out anyway!! Asking for something is great to see. He now holds the knife correctly and cuts the cake, shares it by giving me a piece and pretends to eat it while making eye contact and giggling. Sometimes he will say "cutting". Action words are tricky for some children on the spectrum. One of my favourite things to see is HUMOUR and PLAYFULNESS in children. He says "watermelon" as "water-lemon" and smiles and giggles while looking at the watermelon and back at me (this looking from the object back to another person is called 'joint attention'- it's playing 'with' someone in acknowledging that they see the same thing you see). Little Man packs away independently now instead of pushing the objects aside or pushing them off the table. #asd #autism #slplife #speechpathology #onthespectrum #speech #speechtherapy #autistictoddler #lovetolearn #teacch #messyplay #play #love #learn #teachme #children
04.01.2022 Today we have an EEG booked at hospital. To be most effective children need to be tired or "underslept" by a recommended 4 hours. This gives a good reading for the brainwave patterns. Harry has raided my toy therapy resources and I'm going to have a big bag of "distractions" for when he has wires attached to his head ... #baby #love #seizures #mummyandbaby #toddlermum #mybaby #slp #slplife #toysgalore
02.01.2022 I'm on vacay (in my own city) and will be returning with more Speech On The Spectrum videos and information soon #asd #speechandlanguage #spectrum #neurodiverse #love #holidays #speechdelay #autism #autismawareness #autismadvocate #autismspeaks
02.01.2022 Little Man always smiles and engages well. So blessed to see him... sitting at the table by himself imitating(copies words/actions) initiating (comments/actions by himself)... joint attention (looks at the activity and then back at mum/me and then back at the activity follows visual routine (sees what is next, particiaptes, packs away, chooses) showing confidence and trying new activities #speechtherapy #slplife #childspeechtherapy
02.01.2022 Challenge accepted #womenempowerwomen #love #support #lovenothate #kindness #justice
02.01.2022 Allied Health are part of the team but the most important member of the team is you Mumma Bear and Daddy Bear Remember that. ... After decades of research, it always comes back to a family-centred approach to help support a children through developmental stages, in a natural setting (home, schools, preschools, parks etc...) Embedding evidence-based strategies into the everyday routine. Meaningful, functional, everyday-experiences... focusing on strengths and building from these... #familylife #support #speech #autismawareness #autism #asd #atypical #love #strength #differentnotless #specialkindofbrilliant #asdboy #autistic #spectrum
01.01.2022 Little Man has starting choosing the answer (from a choice of 2 or 3) and says the word sometimes. Written words are important with spoken words and pictures. It helps reinforce reading, vocabulary and language. Sometimes seeing the words will help trigger the verbal word or sign. ... The goal is to answer 'what questions' What questions are one of the earliest questions children learn to answer and ask. These questions have a noun answer (toothbrush, egg, sock etc...) and no verbs (running, cleaning etc...) so the answer is the same every time and concrete. It also teaches vocabulary and semantics (how items are related or 'go together') for example a 'spider' and 'web'go togther so does 'chicken' and 'egg'. We use these connections to draw more language including phrases (the chicken's egg), sentences (the chicken lays an egg), understanding (put the egg under the chicken) - following instructions that are functional And helpful and teach about the world around us. #visuals #whodis #questionandanswer #echolalia #slplife #speechpathology #answeringquestions #who #autistic #asd #autism #spectrum
01.01.2022 Visuals at the preschool I love how these are aimed at children's understanding. It shows children can express themselves with saying a message and an adult can write it on the hand. ... #visuals #visuallearner #toddler #asd #speechandlanguage
01.01.2022 I this. Things I promise to the children and families I work with. I found this on a Mum's insta (and she gave me the okay to repost)... Thank you for these empowering words
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