Chiquita Searle in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Not a business
Chiquita Searle
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 423 686 380
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24.01.2022 I’m a big believer that ‘class’ isn’t about the labels you wear or how expensive an item of clothing is. It’s all in the way you wear it. . For years I have worn clothing which I’ve procured on eBay. Some of it is second hand or ‘pre-loved’ as it were; other pieces still have their tags attached. . I do this for a variety of reasons. ... . To save money, to be able to buy more with less, to reduce my footprint just a little bit and honestly, I’d prefer for my money to go into the pocket of someone else like me, than a massive chain or corporation. . I also sell my pre-loved clothing on eBay. It enables me to free up my wardrobe and to move on items I no longer wear, or never really fell in love with once I had them in my hot little hands. . But you’d never know any of this because 1. I haven’t told anyone before 2. I wear clothes with confidence. . Not because I always feel confident in how I look, but because I understand that the way you hold yourself (walk, talk and speak) directly affects your body’s physiology and if you act a certain way for long enough, eventually, you will start to feel it. . It’s that old adage ‘fake it til you make it’ or the one I prefer ‘wing it til you win it’. #ebayismysugardaddy See more
24.01.2022 On November 21st, @10x10gives are hosting our next charity event at @yassasthegreekway in Melbourne. Come along and support @eatupaustralia, @oaktreeau and @national_homeless charities who will be pitching for their share of the pot on the night. Tickets are $100, $150 or $250 and whichever you choose covers drinks, canapes and a great evening of giving back to the community. A silent auction with donated items from @antler, @heytiger and @sevensistersfestival amongst others will also help raise much-needed funds.We would love to see you there. Link to the event in bio. #melbourne #charity #event
23.01.2022 In November 2018, I started working with Sue Karzis, CEO of not for profit State Schools’ Relief, and her team to help raise awareness for the hugely important work they do. What I didn't realise prior to meeting Sue, was that 1 in 6 Australian children live in poverty, without access to basic necessities and often, as a result, their education is severely affected. In one Victorian school, two brothers were going to school on alternative days because they were sharing the s...ame pair of school shoes. In another, a young boy whose home life had been plagued by domestic violence, had been attending school during winter in bare feet or with a pair of old canvas shoes which were far too big for him and had holes in the soles. In yet another instance, a single mother with 5 children were sharing one bed. They lived in a 3 bedroom house with 23 people. These examples highlight how important SSR and the work Sue and her team do and any form of awareness is crucial to continuing it. Huge thanks to F&P Magazine for sharing the SSR message and showcasing Sue and the impact she is making. Photos by Prue Aja - Photographer #education #notforprofit #ceo #philanthropy
23.01.2022 I often berate myself internally for not being ‘further along’ than where I am currently. In my mind, I think that I haven’t ‘achieved’ as much as I ‘should have’ by this age. I’m nearing 40. What the fuck have I been doing my entire adult life?... Where have I spent those precious seconds, minutes and hours? Not working ‘hard enough’? Not ‘pushing through’ when I’m tired or feeling burnt out? Why haven’t I ‘become’ the woman I was clearly born to be? Have I ‘wasted’ all my potential? These are just some of the thoughts I battle with on a regular basis. I often feel disappointed with my lack of business, financial and material success. I have to consciously stop myself from going down this path several times a day. I have to remind myself that it’s about the journey and not the destination. I could own a house, yes, but I would likely be in a well paid yet soulless job which I hated, reporting to an idiot of a boss whom I detested (I’ve been there). While I might not have ‘success’ by someone else’s definition and possibly even my own definition only 12 months ago, what I do have is far more valuable to me. I have achieved work-life balance. I am feeling happy in my skin for the first time in my life. I have made some really really great friends whom I consider family and without whom I would be absolutely lost - tagging you bitches so you know who you are. And I am working for myself (I am an excellent boss!) doing something I really love with people whom I respect, admire and genuinely like. I have just launched a second business which granted, I still know very little about (despite being an avid online shopper) but I’m learning and enjoying the process. Damn girl, I do think you might be quite rich indeed. #shutthefuckupandsaythankyou #appreciationpost See more
22.01.2022 Have you ever felt that you were born to do something REALLY BIG but you’d not made it happen? That you’d been given a specific set of gifts to achieve this outcome but by circumstance or choice, you’d not pursued it out of fear of failure, thereby allowing your fears to become a self-fulfilling prophecy? For me, this BIG GOAL has been to write a book. Time and time again however, my fears would surface and I’d talk myself out of taking any meaningful action towards it.... ‘Who would read something I’ve written?’ ‘What do I have to say that’s of any worth?’ ‘Who am I to think that I could write a book that others would read? ‘What if I wrote it and no one read it?’ ‘How would I even publish it?’ During COVID however, something changed within me and I started writing this book. To maintain my momentum and hold myself accountable, I have started actively telling people I am writing a book. I am clarifying the messaging everyday. I regularly picture the book cover in my mind's eye. I am finally taking consistent and meaningful action. Because I realised the alternative. If I didn’t take action, I’d remain stagnant for the remainder of my life. I would not have overcome my fears, I would not honour my full potential and I would not be living as a fully empowered expression of my pure creative genius. And that for me, was non-negotiable. See more
20.01.2022 I’ve decided to start publicly harassing some of the people who mean the most to me. #girdyourloinsladies I’m not generally one to wax lyrical on the words of affirmation front (even though hypocritically I love receiving them) so have decided to do exactly that with those who have put up with my antics over the years. First up - Hannah!... My little Hanye (Hannah x Kanye hybrid. What can I say? The girl likes to rap). The little sister I never had. #sorryDain My first experience with Hannah was her application for an intern role with the League of Extraordinary Women circa 2014. Her subject line read: STOP THE SEARCH! You’ve found me! I knew before even reading the rest of her email that I’d hire her. And hire her I did. We’ve stayed in touch since. #shecantshakeme Our friendship consists of me lovingly offering unsolicited advice and Hannah pretending to love hearing it. Hannah is the person I’d call if I was ever arrested (the year is young) because I know she’d drop everything to come and bail me out. Also she has a car. She’s an exceptional human being, one of the best I’ve met, and Hanye, I feel incredibly privileged to have you in my life. It’s an absolute honour. #donteverleaveme #elbowkiss #nohuggiehuggie See more
20.01.2022 Look, if you’re still leaving the house (naughty, naughty) and need to look your best (you just never know who you’ll meet at IGA), I can help a sister out. You’re welcome. #isoinstyle #beaquarantinequeen
19.01.2022 I think this photo was taken circa October 2013. Although I didn’t know it at the time, it was to be my last photoshoot for my label. It was also my favourite shoot. I still was operating off the smell of an oily rag so everything was done for the least amount of money possible and I am still amazed at what we managed to achieve for so little.... I have to give thanks to the dream team though - Joanna (model), Amanda (HMU) and Kristina (photographer). All incredibly talented in their own professions and who always reduced their rates to enable me to access them. This was one of my favourite images from the shoot. It was Jo in her element, having fun and Kristina managed to capture the moment. Honestly, this feels like a lifetime ago. I struggle to fathom that six years have passed since this moment. So much has changed: I’ve moved to Melbourne, managed to hold onto a job for two years, moved house four times, had six housemates and ave adopted four furbabies, I’ve started another two businesses, both which are miraculously still going (albeit one has just launched), I’ve made new friends, lost old ones, bought a new car and had a nervous breakdown. Bloody hell I’ve been busy. It’s not a wonder I nap. See more
18.01.2022 I *graduated from a course called ‘The Love Codes’ recently. I’ve been single most of my adult life (apart from one serious two-year relationship and a couple of forgettable flings) and I decided about three months ago that I wanted to attract a loving relationship into my life. #adulthoodhereIcome Because you know, I’ll be ‘happy’ if I have a partner right? What I’ve learned however is that I have the potential to be in a loving relationship already. With myself.... I didn’t know this until embarking on this very triggering journey but I have issues with self-worth. I know. I was shocked too. Being obnoxiously confident is a part of my identity in fact so you can imagine my dismay when I realised I had huge underlying feelings of inadequacy which were dictating many of my interactions with men. And others. What the fucking fuck?! This is where I segue to telling you I’m now on a ‘journey’ working on my relationship with myself. And my own feelings of self-worth. And battling daily feelings of inadequacy. But through this process, I realised who isn’t? I think we are all battling the ‘I’m not good enough’ syndrome. And is this any surprise? We live in a constant state of comparison, judging our worth by what we ‘own’ rather than what we’ve achieved or the positive impact we have made to those around us, and we are measuring our ‘success’ against what society has dictated rather than looking within to gauge what really makes us happy and content. #cuenewlifedirection My biggest takeaway so far is that I am fucking enough. I have worth. A fucking copious amount in fact. And I deserve the WORLD! And so do you, God damn it! #preachover #callmemotherfuckingoprah *I decided I graduated. Photo: the oh so talented @prueaja The Love Codes: @juicy_relating (would highly recommend and have been to all my lady loves) See more
15.01.2022 It took me a long time to arrive at a point where I like and accept myself. It hasn’t been an easy journey, particularly as many would know, I’m of ‘unique character’. We are conditioned from a young age to shrink our greatness. To dim our light so as not to make anyone else uncomfortable. Indeed tall poppy syndrome has long been a cultural stalwart in Australia. ... Anyone foolish enough to gain a little self-confidence and then actually verbalise it will soon learn the error of their ways. We’ve all likely heard any or all of the below: ‘No one likes a big noter’ ‘What a show off’ ‘Don’t get too big for your boots’ ‘You’re so up yourself’ Besides the obvious shame these phrases are designed to elicit, the damage is actually more insidious. Through this shame mongering, we are taught not to like ourselves, to see our flaws ahead of our strengths, to highlight our imperfections over our talent, to be ashamed and embarrassed rather than proud and confident. We are taught to criticise, judge and punish ourselves. We are taught to do it to others. And so we do. We grow up unable to see who we truly are, our magnificence, the unique fabric of what makes each of us uncommon and rare. We take these insecurities, limiting beliefs and pre-judgements into adulthood. They create barriers designed to prevent us from reaching our full potential. It took me a long time to realise that the only person who could put a stop to this self-abasement, was me. I decided that enough was enough. I chose to cease and desist from the self-criticism, the self-flagellation, the self-judgement. Because as far as I know, I’m fucking delightful. And so are you. See more
14.01.2022 I often feel pressure to think of something witty and engaging to say in my posts. Or to be more accurate, I put pressure on myself to be witty and engaging? Does anyone else ever do that? Christ. I hope I’m not alone.... I love writing and lately I’ve felt compelled to write so I want to take advantage of it while I feel the inclination. But then, when I sit down to actually write, to my dismay, I freeze. I get stage fright apparently. Who knew? But it also begs the question...why does it actually matter whether my posts are witty and/or engaging? Isn’t it simply enough that I’m doing it for myself because it brings me joy? Apparently not. Apparently I can’t be doing bloody ANYTHING without there being some form of ‘upside’ or ‘measurement of success’ I am attaching to it. How fucking exhausting. #somuchpressure But never fear, I am going to change this attitude! And post haste! For 30 consecutive days, I am going to sit down and write whatever the hell comes into my head and post it. #getexcitedpeople I can’t promise quality, but I can promise consistency! Might just go take a nap in preparation. See more
14.01.2022 I used to think the epitome of success was my ability to collect material objects. Ideally designer ones. Of course. . In fact, in my mind, I would know I’d ‘made it’ when I could afford to buy a Chanel handbag. That was it for me. The ‘pinnacle’ of my success was a bloody handbag. I know, I know, how embarrassment. . Last year, I was on track. The business was growing each month, I was becoming more cocksure and arrogant about it and crowing to all and sundry how well I ...was doing. . I was posting on social media regularly. I was sharing my new clients. I was posting about all our wins. Then, within the span of 10 days, I lost 80% of my income. 80%. . At the time I was thinking to myself, I really should be panicking at this point but all I felt was relief. . Sweet, sweet relief because my exhaustion had reached the point of overwhelm. I was crying daily. Sometimes multiple times. I was feeling physically sick whenever an email hit my inbox or my phone rang. I was sleeping a lot in an attempt to avoid my anxiety. . All in all, I was falling apart at the seams. . I’ve always prided myself on my ability to ‘just cope’; to knuckle down and get on with the job at hand and I couldn’t, for the life of me, understand why this was different? Why wasn’t I just getting on with the job? What the fuck was wrong with me? . I learned that repression of feelings can only be effective for so long. Repression has a finite lifespan until your emotions manifest in physical symptoms that you can no longer ignore. . This was the universe stepping in and telling me it was time to deal with my emotions that had built up over a long period of time, to face them head on and to allow them to rear their ugly heads because honestly, it wasn’t pretty. . But 12 months on, I couldn’t be more grateful for this experience. It’s made me realise what’s important and I’ve recalibrated my values and belief system as a result. . Now I realise that my true happiness doesn’t lie in a Chanel handbag or how many ‘designer’ items i possess; it’s in the relationships I have with people who matter to me, only doing work that I truly love, being creative & my physical & mental health. See more
10.01.2022 You have no competition when you are fully you because there is no one else out there like you.
09.01.2022 Did you know that the odds of each of us being born at the exact moment in time, with our exact DNA, to our parents with our unique set of strengths and talents is 1:400,000,000,000? #Iamshookpeople #luckymyparentsgotme Yes, you were against the odds. As was I. We all were. This resonated with me because I’ve always believed in the ‘power of individuality’ and felt that being exactly who I am is my ‘competitive advantage’. As being who you are is yours.... This belief actually informed much of my TEDx Talk in 2015 and it was one of the reasons I decided to pivot my business this year. For many of my clients, I had actually been creating their speaking profiles as an addendum to the traditional PR I was offering and through this, realised that many executives and entrepreneurs wanted to become speakers of influence through harnessing the power of their own individuality or ‘X factor’. I launched myself into action, created ‘The Influence Effect: How to harness your ‘X factor to become a Speaker of Influence’, spread the word and welcomed new clients. #allsystemsgo Enter stage right: COVID-19 Cue: Panic stations. Fear. Anxiety. Me: Fuck that shit. I believe that now is an excellent opportunity to get some serious shit done. I’m currently ticking off some big ticket items that I have chosen not to focus on as while they’re important, they haven’t been URGENT. So I procrastinated. BUT now I have the time and the incentive to get them done. I’m currently putting together a face shape quiz for my sunglasses to help educate customers on what style best suits them, am crafting a value proposition for an upcoming Influencer Campaign and creating a wireframe for a new website as mine is looking old and tired. #unlikeme #imfreshasadaisy There must be a myriad of tasks on your own ‘To Do’ list that you’ve been putting off? Start writing the first draft of your book, create 3 mths worth of Instagram posts, refresh your brand, think about launching that speaking career you’ve always dreamed of but have never dedicated time to make happen. #callme Remember, A COMEBACK IS STRONGER THAN A SETBACK! #boom #micdrop #sowiseforonesoyoung See more
09.01.2022 It takes courage to grow up and become who you were born to be. In actuality, I’ve been shying from who I really am for quite some time. Possibly all my adult life.... I realised this recently through working with my ‘Intuitive Guide’ Tahlia who was recommended by the divine Lisa Winneke. I created quite a number of protective barriers around myself to avoid being seen. And heard. I played small. I hid. I cut my hair. I drank. I put on weight. I started working from home. I resisted social occasions. I stopped dressing well. I reduced my social media footprint. Recently though, I feel like I've found my ‘light’ again. My sense of self. A deep understanding of who I am at my core. I lost that for a while. I forgot who I was and what I believed in. I forgot that I believe in me. But just for a moment. Now I’m back bitches! Gird your loins! See more
07.01.2022 OPPORTUNITY // I’m a big believer in creating your own opportunities and not waiting for an engraved invitation which honestly, may never come. . Waiting means you are sitting back and hoping that someone will recognise your value. Fuck that shit. . In my mind, the worst that can happen is you receive a no. Will it kill you? No. I just said no. Are you alive? Bet you are.... . And if the answer is no, that opportunity wasn’t meant for you. Another one is coming your way. . Because I am often (delusionally) my own biggest advocate, I have always asked for promotions, pay raises, training, four day work weeks etc. If I’ve wanted it, I’ve asked the question. . Did I always get a yes? No but at least I asked and sometimes the best part of the exercise is realising your true value and asking to be rewarded for it. . One of my career highlights was working for the League of Extraordinary Women and that didn’t just drop in my lap. I reached out to the founders four months before they even launched in Brisbane. I had to go through a selection process before I was awarded the role of the first ever Qld Crusader and the opportunities I have received as a result are endless. . I became the GM, I was given the honour of doing a TedX talk, I got public speaking and MC experience, I learnt how to throw big and small events, I learned how to do a LOT on the smell of an oily rag and I also gained hands on leadership experience. It was brilliant. . But I asked for it. I put myself forward. In fact, you could say I bought my own folding chair, dropped the shoulder and barged my way on in. #makeitfuckinghappen #stopbeingasooksusan See more
05.01.2022 I think I’m currently in the throes of a meltdown. Possibly an existential crisis. Quite likely a panic attack. I almost cried in Woolworths this morning. And no, it wasn’t because I was being assaulted in the toilet paper aisle. Or any other aisle. #dontgothefro I was overwhelmed with the current state of play. And still am. I’m a little surprised. I didn’t think it would get to me.... Only last week I was posting a ‘fuck this shit’ rally cry and encouraging all and sundry to ‘get some serious shit done’ and to ‘focus on some big ticket items’ and to just really control your fucking emotions and keep your shit together. #sogoodwithvulnerability #brenebrownwouldbeproud #notesarcasm Well guess what, I’ve gone and fucking forgotten to take my own advice. Christ almighty. Get a grip woman. Or not. Maybe I’ll just take a moment. Sit in my feelings. Feel the pain. The anxiety. The fear of the unknown. Possibly that's the best thing for me right now, at this moment. I can get back to my ‘ra ra’ crap tomorrow. See more
05.01.2022 I almost gave myself a conniption yesterday when I committed to writing and posting something for 30 days in a row. I can’t remember the last time I actually did something for 30 days in a row (bar breathe). However that made me cast my little brain right back to the start of the year where I again ‘committed’ to a word (or theme) for the year. Guess what mine was?... Consistency. Oh the irony. It’s something I do every year and I’m so committed to it that I can’t actually remember what my word for last year was. Consistency is one of my greatest weaknesses and yet if conquered, is something that could actually make the biggest positive impact to my life. #lovemeagoodexcuse #yesIdo Coincidentally, I am also a recent yet avid believer that small daily habits, consistently performed, will compound to achieve great success. I came to this groundbreaking conclusion after starting (but of course not finishing because you know....consistency) a book called Atomic Habits by James Clear. And yet even having this new found information under my belt, I have still very rarely committed to actually doing anything consistently. Hence this little challenge. And I’ve decided to up the ante. This is making me sweat just writing it because if I put it out here, I’m going to have to do it! #fark I’m also going to walk 10k steps everyday for the next 30 days. #lordgivemestrength #atleastIcanleavethehouse So, help a sister out. What’s your word for this year (has it changed recently?) and are you doing anything right now to hold yourself accountable to doing it? Also, if I sound like a mother fucking preacher it’s because I am. #yourewelcome #feelfreetofeelinspired #callmefresus #froxjesus #obvs #inboxmeifconfused See more
04.01.2022 I recently finished ‘Catch and Kill’ by Ronan Farrow. It’s an extraordinary chronicle of the superhuman efforts he undertook to break the Harvey Weinstein story in 2017. The story almost didn't see the light of day and it’s due to a very select group of people who were brave and resilient enough to follow it through to the bitter end, often at great personal expense.... Ronan (whose own safety and relationships were compromised throughout the reporting) had to actually move out of his own apartment as Weinstein had hired investigators from an Israeli security company to trail him. Phones were tapped, apartments were bugged. Evidence was placed in safety deposit boxes away from prying eyes with a note that read ‘If anything happens to me, please make sure this information is released’. Victims who were being interviewed were harassed and threatened. Ronan’s own bosses at NBC reported his findings back to Weinstein including names of victims who had found the courage to speak on record. Media heads at other publications, who were trying to maintain their relationship with Weinstein, such was his power, actively tried to quash the story and almost succeeded. As the story unfolds, it’s quite clear that the reason these media heads wanted to cover up the story is because it was going to shine a very bright light on the very dark underbelly of sexual assault, harassment and rape that had occurred on the watch of, and sometimes at the hands of, these very men. Each of the men complicit in trying to suppress the story had left his own trail of destruction, (often with multiple sexual assault and harassment victims) in his wake. And sadly, this behaviour hasn’t (and doesn’t) occur in a vacuum. I think most women will have experienced their own #metoo moment in their lives. Generally by someone they knew and perhaps, at one time respected and trusted, and where an imbalance of power likely existed. Well worth a read. Repost from @amy_lynnn featuring @ronanfarrow See more
04.01.2022 I’ve always prided myself on being a ‘tough cookie’. I’ve never been one to shy from conflict, I have always asked for what I wanted and I could easily communicate when I was less than impressed with something. I learned very early that the ‘squeakiest wheel gets the most oil’. In our family, if you didn’t ask you didn’t get. So I learned to ask. And if the answer was no, I learned how to make it happen myself.... This trait has served me well. But I also recognise that it came naturally to me because I was quite a confident child and grew up to be quite a confident adult. Until mid 2018 when I experienced a severe loss of confidence. For the first time in my life, I started to second guess myself. I reflected on my failures more than I generally would. I questioned whether I had ‘what it took’ to be successful. Self-doubt grew. It took hold. It infiltrated my psyche. I withdrew from life. And I understood for the first time what it felt like to not have confidence. To not be able to ask for what you wanted out of doubt in your own competence and capability. To not fight for clients because you didn’t think you had what it took to service them. To accept less from men because you had a severe lack of self-worth and didn’t believe you deserved any better. I realised however, and at a base level I always knew this, but didn’t have the wherewithal to exercise the knowledge at the time, that only I am responsible for how I feel. It is my responsibility to control my emotions and therefore my physical state. I am responsible for how others treat me. I am responsible for allowing bad behaviour to go unchecked. I am responsible for setting the standards to which others need to adhere if they are to be given the privilege of my time, energy and attention. Me. Only me. So, I stopped crying and got the fuck up off the floor. #girdyourloins #thebeastisback See more
01.01.2022 Do you know what I’ve realised lately? I fucking hate ‘the hustle’. Every time I see these words or someone spouting about this drivel I roll my eyes. What does ‘the hustle’ even mean? And why is it deemed so commendable?... Is it really that impressive to be only sleeping 3 hours per night? Missing important celebrations because we’re ‘on a deadline’. Sacrificing any form of mental, physical or emotional health to prove that what we are doing makes us worthy of validation and acknowledgement? And to who? To who does this ‘hustle mentality’ make us worthy? People we’ve never met on social media? Newsflash: no one really cares what we are doing. Everyone is so focused on themselves these days that I can guarantee that not one person gives a second thought as to whether you’re changing the world or changing your underwear. I always thought I was destined for big things until I realised, ‘damn girl, you’re going to have to hustle’. I’ve done the hustle. I didn’t actually enjoy it. It bought me to my knees. And no, not in a good way. Now I’m more focused on what makes me feel good. That’s it. When making a decision now, I ask myself, is this going to make me feel good? It’s that simple. And if it isn’t going to make me feel good, it’s a fuck no. #lifeistooshortbitches See more
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