Chiropractic Children's Healthcare | Medical and health
Chiropractic Children's Healthcare
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25.01.2022 At Chiropractic Children's Healthcare we have had a lot of worried parents coming through our clinics asking for development assessments and weighing of babies. To support Child Health Nurse services the chiropractors at Chiropractic Childrens Healthcare continue to monitor: - Infant growth and development (infant height, weight, head circumference and development)... - Hip joint assessment IF YOU ARE CONCERNED ABOUT YOUR INFANTS WEIGHT GAIN, YOU ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND OUR CLINIC WITHIN OFFICE HOURS FOR WEIGHT MEASURE WITHOUT AN APPOINTMENT REQUIRED
25.01.2022 Have you been noticing your kids already sitting in a bit of an odd manner? Here are some tips regards to knowing how your child is going with their posture!
25.01.2022 Starting at 8:30! (Who does this at 8:30pm on the FIRST NIGHT OF HOME SCHOOLING???)
24.01.2022 Ooh yay - the printed version of Dr Christians article in Breastfeeding Review! #breastfeeding #bfr #chirochildhealth #ibclc #lactation Pinky McKay how about this! Thanks Australian Breastfeeding Association for accepting and publishing this paper!
24.01.2022 Have you wondered about what it means to have "Persistent Primitive Reflexes"? Well, wonder no more!
24.01.2022 Tip #4! (Because yesterday didnt really happen - what a day!!) Have you noticed that kids eat a LOT? Not five minutes after finishing breakfast, my son will quietly wander over to our pantry and just stand there, looking. ... "Daddy, can I have something to eat?" "Sure kid - grab a banana, or theres fruit in the bowl" "How about this Easter egg?" We have all been there. Dont deny it! Kids just graze throughout the day when given the opportunity. But be mindful, as what they eat may influence not just behaviour, but inflammation within their system. So be sure to have a healthy selection of fruits (or nuts if they can) for kids to munch on - and try to minimise the Easter effects!
24.01.2022 Do you also notice that when they are feeling flat, they are rarely sitting in a good posture?
23.01.2022 Do kids feel pain? They certainly do, BUT! They may express it in different ways, and it may impact on different things when compared to adults. If your kid is expressing something like what is mentioned in the video - might be time for a chat with a health professional!... #Chiropractic #chiropractor #askdrchristian
23.01.2022 We have been noticing in the last week since HOME SCHOOLING began a lot more kids have been coming through to our offices with problems stemming from prolonged sitting and increased screen use. Did you know that poor posture may be linked with developing headaches, neck pain, or lower back pain? How about energy levels, or mood, or concentration and memory?... So take a moment now. Have a look at your kid while they are sitting there watching the fourth YouTube video of the morning. How are they sitting? Do they have good posture? Maybe they have been complaining of feeling very tired? Or a bit more grumpy than usual? They might just need to get up and get moving! Get some fresh air, a bit of vitamin D, and a glass of water may really help to refresh the system. Over the coming week we will be posting little tips to help you prevent your child developing health issues. So be sure to stay tuned and keep an eye on your kids! And as always, as an ESSENTIAL SERVICE, you are permitted to bring your children in for appointments. #homeschooling #health #healthathome #chirochildhealth #school #schoolaged #sitting #posture #concentration #howyoucanhelp #learning #memory #education #melbourne
23.01.2022 Could stress and anxiety be keeping your kids up later and later? I know mine are just wiped from all the screen time but still finding it harder to fall asleep!
22.01.2022 At Chiropractic Children's Healthcare, we take pride in the level of care that we provide for you. But more than this, we aim to help others within our community benefit from cases that we see. This is why we are so interested on the RESEARCH side of things. We really appreciate those who help us along the way with "special" cases - as your children help people all over the world!... Dr Braden and Dr Christian have just had another paper accepted for publishing - on a topic that has very little research already existing - and we couldn't have done that without your support. So THANK YOU for your help!!
22.01.2022 At Chiropractic Childrens Healthcare, we take pride in the level of care that we provide for you. But more than this, we aim to help others within our community benefit from cases that we see. This is why we are so interested on the RESEARCH side of things. We really appreciate those who help us along the way with "special" cases - as your children help people all over the world!... Dr Braden and Dr Christian have just had another paper accepted for publishing - on a topic that has very little research already existing - and we couldnt have done that without your support. So THANK YOU for your help!!
21.01.2022 Tip #4! (Because yesterday didn't really happen - what a day!!) Have you noticed that kids eat a LOT? Not five minutes after finishing breakfast, my son will quietly wander over to our pantry and just stand there, looking. ... "Daddy, can I have something to eat?" "Sure kid - grab a banana, or there's fruit in the bowl" "How about this Easter egg?" We have all been there. Don't deny it! Kids just graze throughout the day when given the opportunity. But be mindful, as what they eat may influence not just behaviour, but inflammation within their system. So be sure to have a healthy selection of fruits (or nuts if they can) for kids to munch on - and try to minimise the Easter effects!
21.01.2022 Another late night but yay - POSITIVE OUTCOMES! More details to follow...
21.01.2022 I think I've had too much screen time recently, my eyes feel odd... (I love working with kids!)
20.01.2022 Lets talk a bit about Breastfeeding Difficulty. At birth, 90% of mothers are exclusively breastfeeding their child. This is a great number to see, as we all understand the benefits of breastfeeding. The thing is though, not everything goes to plan.... By the time 4 months have gone past, only about 45% are continuing to exclusively breastfeed. This reduces to nearly 15% by the time your child is 6 months old. So what has happened? Well in 2013, a research team from the USA looked at the common reasons for premature cessation of breastfeeding and found difficulty with latch and sucking to be one of the most common reasons given. But what can cause difficulty with latch and suck? In a paper published in Breastfeeding Review the Journal of the Australian Breastfeeding Association Drs Christian Fludder (Chiropractor) and Jenelle Bourgeois (Chiropractor) stated one factor gaining support as a possible contributor to difficulty with latching and/or sucking is disruption to normal biomechanical function of the cervical spine. Now we do need to clarify that this paper is only a single case study, and even the authors acknowledged this as a limitation, but thankfully researchers have been active in this field. A 2018 review of manual therapy and breastfeeding difficulty was able to conclude there was a moderate level of favourable evidence supporting manual therapy for infants with musculoskeletal dysfunction and suboptimal breastfeeding. Further on this, a 2019 survey-based observational study found a statistically significant and clinically favourable outcome from manual intervention. So there certainly is evidence that manual therapy may be able to aid those with musculoskeletal dysfunction and breastfeeding difficulty. In fact, it may be this evidence that helps parents make their decision to see a chiropractor in the first place; a public survey of more than 21,000 parents showed than 99.7% had a positive experience with the care of their children, and 98% indicating that their child improved after treatment! So could there be a reason for your childs breastfeeding difficulty? #breastfeeding #feeding #infants #babies #developing #research #chirochildhealth #rosanna #helping #baby #children #child #infants #themoreyouknow #chiropractor #chiropractic #manualtherapy #evidencebased Pinky McKay
20.01.2022 ooooh what is this??
20.01.2022 Hi there - Dr Christian here from Chiropractic Children's Healthcare. We have noticed a large increase in children coming through with headaches and neck pain, with frequent reports of increased anxiety. How could this occur? Could it be due to prolonged sitting that is occurring with online learning? Could this be associated with poor posture?... What are some effects of poor posture in school children? The three big ones that are associated with poor posture are: 1. Headaches several pathways have been described to support the paradigm of spinal postures as a provocative trigger for episodic headache (Mingels, Dankaerts, & Granitzer, 2019). 2. Neck pain Adolescents who watched TV and used the desktop in the slump posture were up to four times more likely to experience chronic neck pain (Meziat-Filho, Azevedo, Coutinho, Mendonça, & Santos, 2017). 3. Anxiety Adolescents with neck pain have higher anxiety levels than adolescents without neck pain (Andias & Silva, 2020). Thats right, anxiety. In students who are already in a state of anxiety with upcoming exams, and all the disruptions going on with school, slouched posture increases the risk of developing further anxiety! For more information, visit
19.01.2022 Who's a part of the Newbornbaby group? You might have seen a little post by a certain Dr Christian pop up on there!
19.01.2022 How's their posture? Do you find that after sitting at a computer for a bit your start to gradually lower yourself down into that lovely slouching position? Or maybe it's the slouch on the couch while watching "How to Train your Dragon"? Your posture plays an important role in not just your health, but the way your brain works as well - it increases blood supply, improves breathing patterns (and thus oxygenation), all while reducing strain on the back of the head.... Yes - slouching your head forward can strain the muscles on the back of your head, and do you know what this may cause? Headaches. So how is your child sitting? Are they sinking in to the seat a little bit? This might actually be due to lower tone (oooh I did a video on that yesterday!!! Have a look! #posture #health #healthathome #chiropractic #spine #spinalhealth #chiropractor #stillopen
18.01.2022 Its a beautiful day!
18.01.2022 Dr Braden and Dr Christian had a great chat with the brilliant Mike from the Pediatric Network about the Chiropractic Paediatric Research Foundation - have a look!
17.01.2022 Did you know Dr Christian and Dr Braden have written a paper (it should be published any day now!!) on HIP DYSPLASIA? As a routine part of practice, they regularly assess child and infant hips. Good thing too - this case study detailed a 4.5 month old with severe dysplasia that tested fine until that age! How are your kids hips going? Well, here's a simple screen that you can use to give you an idea. ... Please note, that even if everything seems fine, it is important to get your kids hips checked by their health professional! #ddh #healthyhips #hipdysplasia #jcca #published #research Ask Dr Christian #chirochildhealth #health #healthy #themoreyouknow
17.01.2022 Honey honey honey! According to the research it's great for relieving coughs!
16.01.2022 It's a beautiful day!
16.01.2022 Breastfeeding difficulty again? Well tonight I'd like to go in to a bit more about the mechanical side of things. The movement and function of the neck, tongue and jaw. Could it be a tongue tie?... Could it be the neck? Could it be the jaw? How can you tell? Join me in my living room as I discuss the evidence, some reviews, and talk from anecdotal experience the outcomes of manual therapy! (Plus for the health professionals, you can grab a bit of CPD while you're at it!) I'll be using YouTube as the platform as it's easier to screen share (plus my phone is really simple) so keep an eye out for the link. And I'll try to keep the waffle to a minimum!! (Link is in the COMMENTS) But... If you know me, then you will know that I'm prone to taking tangents, and hey, well, they end up anywhere! TIME: 8:30PM AEDST #manualtherapy #breastfeeding #breastfeedingdifficulty #tonguetie #tongueties #oraltether #decisions #chiropractor #unscripted #socialdistancing #learningfromafar #babies #baby #infant #feeding
16.01.2022 Yay for Dr Braden and Dr Christian! They have a case published within this journal - looking at a bub with hip dysplasia which was picked up on at the ripe old age of 4.5 months! Good thing they routinely assess hip function and development in infants and children otherwise this might have gone down a very different road!
16.01.2022 Had to open the fridge to warm the house up this morning, but seeing frost on the ride to work was spectacular! No photos - too cold to use fingers! #ridetowork #health #healthyliving #frozen
15.01.2022 Dr Christians Challenge for the day! How did you go?
14.01.2022 Anyone else see that stunner of a sunrise this morning?
14.01.2022 Hey look at that! Another article with Newbornbaby! (There are many references, so if you need any of them - just ask!) #plagiocephaly #headshape #shamelessplug Ask Dr Christian #developing #development #babies #infants #baby #paediatrics #heretohelp #themoreyouknow
13.01.2022 Hows their posture? Do you find that after sitting at a computer for a bit your start to gradually lower yourself down into that lovely slouching position? Or maybe its the slouch on the couch while watching "How to Train your Dragon"? Your posture plays an important role in not just your health, but the way your brain works as well - it increases blood supply, improves breathing patterns (and thus oxygenation), all while reducing strain on the back of the head.... Yes - slouching your head forward can strain the muscles on the back of your head, and do you know what this may cause? Headaches. So how is your child sitting? Are they sinking in to the seat a little bit? This might actually be due to lower tone (oooh I did a video on that yesterday!!! Have a look! #posture #health #healthathome #chiropractic #spine #spinalhealth #chiropractor #stillopen
12.01.2022 Hi there - Dr Christian here from Chiropractic Childrens Healthcare. We have noticed a large increase in children coming through with headaches and neck pain, with frequent reports of increased anxiety. How could this occur? Could it be due to prolonged sitting that is occurring with online learning? Could this be associated with poor posture?... What are some effects of poor posture in school children? The three big ones that are associated with poor posture are: 1. Headaches several pathways have been described to support the paradigm of spinal postures as a provocative trigger for episodic headache (Mingels, Dankaerts, & Granitzer, 2019). 2. Neck pain Adolescents who watched TV and used the desktop in the slump posture were up to four times more likely to experience chronic neck pain (Meziat-Filho, Azevedo, Coutinho, Mendona, & Santos, 2017). 3. Anxiety Adolescents with neck pain have higher anxiety levels than adolescents without neck pain (Andias & Silva, 2020). Thats right, anxiety. In students who are already in a state of anxiety with upcoming exams, and all the disruptions going on with school, slouched posture increases the risk of developing further anxiety! For more information, visit
12.01.2022 Dr Christian is undertaking a new health goal - riding to work! So if you see him on the streets, be sure to wave!
11.01.2022 At Chiropractic Childrens Healthcare, we are urging all patients to wash their hands upon entry and after finishing their appointment. Wash your hands. Be like Zeke. But use soap. And wash for 20 seconds. Otherwise be like Zeke.
10.01.2022 Hi there - Dr Christian here! So have you wondered why milk may make babies a bit unsettled? Its milk right? Theyre meant to drink that stuff right? Well!... Come join me in this livestream (from my living room! Social Distancing!!) on this very topic. Ill be primarily using YouTube, but Ill make sure to plonk links on here as well.
10.01.2022 In the wonderful way of things at the moment, AHPRA registered professionals (which we are) are now allowed to work again. KEY POINTS! - You do not need a medical referral to attend our clinic for care (updated 6 August)... - Your appointment confirmation SMS should be adequate proof of reason for traveling - Patients of our clinic are permitted to travel further than 5 km to attend appointments
10.01.2022 Honey honey honey! According to the research its great for relieving coughs!
09.01.2022 Screens. As much as we try to reduce the amount of time kids are on screens, at the moment it is rather difficult. But there are some strategies you can use to reduce the impact of screen time: Firstly, give your eyes a break. This could be done by changing activities from screen-based to reading a book, or colouring in.... Secondly, give your eyes a chance to relax! There's a "Rule of 20's" that is aimed at helping calm down eye muscles. In a nutshell, every 20 minutes you should focus on something 20 metres away for 20 seconds. This gives your eye muscles a chance to relax a bit after contracting to look at suff up close. You can read more about it here: And lastly, there is a great, incredibly informative, super amazing video done by a certain Dr Christian (can you tell who writes these posts?) talking about blue light! Reducing the blue light may also help to reduce some of the impacts of excessive screen time. You can watch that video here: So how can you tell if your child has had a bit too much screen time? They might complain about eye soreness, or neck pain, or headaches, or they might even be having some problems with sleeping. But more about that to come! Stay tuned #healthathome Ask Dr Christian #screens #computers #homeschool #screentime #getup #movement #activity #focus #concentration #children #school #schoolaged
08.01.2022 Have you ever had that question regarding your child's health and you never quite got it answered? Well - now's your chance!
08.01.2022 Have you been a bit concerned about the shape of your bub's head? Maybe you are noticing that their ears don't quite line up? In this video, Dr Christian points out what he is looking for when it comes to assessing head shape - as well as some other behaviours that may lead to changes in normal head shape! Ask Dr Christian #chirochildhealth #head #growth
07.01.2022 Braden and Christian have been busy behind the scenes! Turns out we found a statistically significant involvement of the neck in infants with plagiocephaly!
07.01.2022 At Chiropractic Children's Healthcare, we are urging all patients to wash their hands upon entry and after finishing their appointment. Wash your hands. Be like Zeke. But use soap. And wash for 20 seconds. Otherwise be like Zeke.
06.01.2022 Ooh yay - the printed version of Dr Christian's article in Breastfeeding Review! #breastfeeding #bfr #chirochildhealth #ibclc #lactation Pinky McKay how about this! Thanks Australian Breastfeeding Association for accepting and publishing this paper!
06.01.2022 Did you know that persistence of the ATNR reflex (as seen in this video!) may be associated with DYSLEXIA?? It's a quick and simple test that we regularly perform on kids, so have a look and see how your kids go!
05.01.2022 So lets kickstart this #healthathome week with the obvious - GET THEM MOVING! I asked my daughter how she was feeling after a couple of hours of school work today. Have a guess what her answer was...... ...She was tired! Its a funny thing, but prolonged sitting starts to have a negative effect on the way our brain works. There is a simple reason for this though - stimulation. When we sit for too long, our brain starts craving stimulation. Some kids this reflects as fidgety behaviour, others just start to feel tired. And when kids feel tired or get distracted, they don't work as well. There's even research out on this topic - being active has been shown to benefit working memory, while sedentary (sitting) activity reduced academic performance! A second study I've read showed that by spreading out activity throughout the day and breaking the day up a bit "improved mood, decreased feelings of fatigue". What happens when kids get tired? They get CRANKY!! So how can we counteract this? By making sure we get them up and moving on a regular basis. My daughter made a short video for her classmates showing them some simple exercises they can do to boost brain activity and refresh the system a bit. It might be good to do this at least every hour! Stay tuned for your next tip tomorrow! #health #chirochildhealth #rosanna #wantirna #homeschool #tips #school #home #help
05.01.2022 How well are they sleeping? Are they having a hard time getting to sleep? Or waking frequently through the night Maybe they are waking up feeling tired the next day?... Sleep can be very easily influenced by many factors including what you eat, your levels of activity, even the amount of screen time you have had! So what can you do to help this? Well, first up, reduce screen time prior to sleep. Read a book (but be careful - even some e-books are linked to increased time to fall asleep) instead as this may take some of the intensity of screens out of the equation. Second, monitor what they do before bed time. Do you think another 15 minutes of Fortnite may influence them a smidge? Third, look for consistency. Sleeping habits are exactly that; habits. If you start chopping and changing when kids go to sleep, it becomes harder for them to fall asleep! It shouldn't take kids a long time to fall asleep. Most kids are out in under 10 minutes! But if you are finding your kids are just zonking out the minute their heads touch the pillow, they may be too tired. Conversely, if its taking too long, there may be a reason for this as well. Sleep problems are a common reason why parents bring their kids in to our practice. Have a look at your child and see how they are going, as sleep is a very important aspect when it comes to their (and your) health! I did a short video about sleep for Sleep Awareness week not so long back, you can have a watch of that one here: #healthathome #health #sleep #sleeping #sleepy #children #tired #screens #overtired #parenting #chirochildhealth #heretohelp #outlikealight #frequentwaking #zombies
04.01.2022 ::UPDATE:: This has been rescheduled to tomorrow night at 8:30PM AEST! Sorry for inconvenience! Interested in joining in a livestream about breastfeeding difficulty and where chiropractic fits in?... Join Dr Christian 1/4/2020 at 8:30PM! Link details TBA!
03.01.2022 Breastfeeding difficulty again? Well tonight Id like to go in to a bit more about the mechanical side of things. The movement and function of the neck, tongue and jaw. Could it be a tongue tie?... Could it be the neck? Could it be the jaw? How can you tell? Join me in my living room as I discuss the evidence, some reviews, and talk from anecdotal experience the outcomes of manual therapy! (Plus for the health professionals, you can grab a bit of CPD while youre at it!) Ill be using YouTube as the platform as its easier to screen share (plus my phone is really simple) so keep an eye out for the link. And Ill try to keep the waffle to a minimum!! (Link is in the COMMENTS) But... If you know me, then you will know that Im prone to taking tangents, and hey, well, they end up anywhere! TIME: 8:30PM AEDST #manualtherapy #breastfeeding #breastfeedingdifficulty #tonguetie #tongueties #oraltether #decisions #chiropractor #unscripted #socialdistancing #learningfromafar #babies #baby #infant #feeding
03.01.2022 Dr Christian's Challenge for the day! How did you go?
03.01.2022 Hi there - Dr Christian here! So have you wondered why milk may make babies a bit unsettled? It's milk right? They're meant to drink that stuff right? Well!... Come join me in this livestream (from my living room! Social Distancing!!) on this very topic. I'll be primarily using YouTube, but I'll make sure to plonk links on here as well.
03.01.2022 Whos a part of the Newbornbaby group? You might have seen a little post by a certain Dr Christian pop up on there!
03.01.2022 I think Ive had too much screen time recently, my eyes feel odd... (I love working with kids!)
03.01.2022 If you are concerned about your infants weight gain, you are welcome to attend our clinic within office hours for weight measure WITHOUT AN APPOINTMENT REQUIRED. Simply CALL OUR OFFICE on 9457 6543 and let us know you need your baby measured. #baby #development #wellkidscheck #infant #growth #babyscales #helpingCHN #greenbook #chirochildhealth #childhealth
03.01.2022 At Chiropractic Childrens Healthcare we have had a lot of worried parents coming through our clinics asking for development assessments and weighing of babies. To support Child Health Nurse services the chiropractors at Chiropractic Childrens Healthcare continue to monitor: - Infant growth and development (infant height, weight, head circumference and development)... - Hip joint assessment IF YOU ARE CONCERNED ABOUT YOUR INFANTS WEIGHT GAIN, YOU ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND OUR CLINIC WITHIN OFFICE HOURS FOR WEIGHT MEASURE WITHOUT AN APPOINTMENT REQUIRED
02.01.2022 Did you know that Dr Braden and Dr Christian are both involved in RESEARCH? They are also both involved with the Chiropractic Paediatric Research Foundation - a Non Profit organisation aimed at raising funds for research in CHIROPRACTIC PAEDIATRICS. We'd love for you to help out in any way you can; like the page, share this image around, even donations (which are tax-deductible) would be greatly appreciated!... Help us get more research out there! Thanks!
01.01.2022 Well that changed quickly. The situation around us is evolving very rapidly, and there is a meeting of the bigwigs coming up tomorrow where greater clarity on statements regarding access and travel to appointments with allied healthcare providers (chiros, osteos, physios, psychologists) will be discussed. We are closing the Wantirna clinic tomorrow (Thursday 6/8) to allow us to keep up to date with the latest changes and updates from this meeting, so that you can make the mos...t informed decisions possible. This is a very dynamic state, so please understand that we are doing as much as we can for you. I know I was up until 1AM last night keeping abreast of developments. The clinic phone will be attended, and even this page will be more regularly monitored in this period. Thanks everyone, Christian Fludder #chirochildhealth #covid #stage4 #stressingmuch #isthatanothergreyhair #screentimetothemax
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