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24.01.2022 Long overdue short run and picnic today to Ebenezer, Australia’s oldest Church. Perfect weather. Strictly Covid compliant. Thanks to Jenny for organising and to all who came.
24.01.2022 What would many CHMC members and their cars be doing this weekend had Covid19 not intervened?.... We'd be at Dubbo on the annual Pre-31 Autumn Tour. You can enjoy some scenes from the 2016 Autumn Tour with this video from Dubbo Antique Automobile Cub - The Tour has been postponed till September - see the Historic Motoring Events page of Council's website for details.
23.01.2022 PRE-31 TOUR 2020 cancelled: Our rally committee met last Thursday and the final decision was reluctantly made to postpone the Pre 1931 Rally yet again until Autumn 2021 when, hopefully, our Dubbo Antique Automobile Club can run the Autumn Tour as we had planned for 2020. The situation in Victoria and the increasing COVID numbers in Sydney and some regional areas of NSW have necessitated this decision. The new dates will be FRIDAY 30TH APRIL TO SUNDAY 2ND MAY with early entry ...available on Thursday 29th April. As from now we will be checking and re-booking venues for these dates. All entries will remain as is for now. No need to fill out a new entry form at this stage. I still have the entries for those who pulled out due to the clash with the Ford A National rally or for other reasons. Hopefully the cost of events will remain the same, but we will inform you if they have changed at all. At this stage all you need to do is to cancel your motel booking for September and re-book for the May dates. We are disappointed that we have to do this, but requirements for the gathering of large numbers of people are changing daily, together with the closure of some of our venues at this stage, making it near impossible to continue with our arrangements. Thank you for your understanding and we hope to see you all in May 2021 with an even bigger and better rally. Dubbo Antique Automobile Club
23.01.2022 **HVS /CVS USE - COVID restrictions changes 1 June 2020** Based on the 1st June easing of COVID-19 Restrictions and from discussion with the RMS we advise: - There is now no limit on travel within NSW. HVS / CVS vehicles can be used for travel provided that Log Book entries are made for each day’s use. - Normal policy for non-Log Book use applies, but a timely reminder is to re-read the policy.... - The current directive is not to gather in groups of greater than 10, regardless of the location’s total capacity. Club runs / activities should be therefore limited to 10 participants. - Clubs will need to keep a record of the name, address and telephone contact detail of each participant in a run / activity. Social distancing should be followed. NSW Govt Travel Guidance. It is important to: -follow the rules for NSW gatherings that apply to individuals and businesses - follow physical distancing guidelines - practise good hand hygiene - take extra care if you're around vulnerable people - stay home if you have any symptoms, even if they are only mild.
23.01.2022 STEAM CARS. Among the members of CHMC Clubs there are heritage steam engine owners and operators - steam cars, traction engines, portable and stationary steam engines, and steam rail. At the CHMC's Annual Rallys, hosted respectively by Parkes AMC and Dubbo ACC, rallyists have been delighted to have not one but several steam cars brought along by our own members as well as visiting vehicles from the USA and UK, from The Steam Car Club. These photos and this video (after the obligatory ad.) show show some of those cars
23.01.2022 I don’t imagine there would be many of us ( or any) planning on going to London to Brighton run. It’s interesting though to keep up with what’s going on in the world with postponements and cancellations. We will all just have to rewatch the Genevieve movie again instead.
23.01.2022 Are you a former Holden worker? Have you got a story to tell about your working life at Holden? Do you want to ensure the histories of those who worked at Holden’s factories are preserved for future generations? Share your story with Social Histories of Holden in Australia Project which is gathering and researching the history of GM-Holden’s manufacturing operations in South Australia and Victoria from the point of view of GMH workers. Further details about the project and how to contact the Social Histories of Holden team historians from the University of Adelaide and Monash University -
23.01.2022 Memory of May 2015 Pre-1930 Rally. Photo taken leaving the historic shearing shed at Errowanbang (near Orange NSW) . It’s always an inspiring sight following a long line of Pre 1930 vehicles. Great memory.
23.01.2022 How to drive. An archival mashup video from the National Film & Sound Archive
23.01.2022 Shared from a UK Facebook site. Beautiful picture The mountains look a little Scottish...maybe? Is there a Landy enthusiast out there that can tell us what these 4 models are ?
20.01.2022 Who doesn’t like a good Austin J40 race ?
20.01.2022 Two of our relatives are visiting the lovely town of Millthorpe today. This prompted fond memories of our many vintage visits. #missingcarrallies
20.01.2022 Due to COVID-19 Restrictions the Parkes Antique Motor Club Motorcycle Rally has been cancelled
20.01.2022 Keep an eye on this page for the latest on the Pre-31 tour. Final decision soon A MESSAGE TO ALL AUTUMN TOUR ENTRANTS You’re all aware of the problems we’ve had in trying to make our event happen. The actual requirements in order to dodge the deadly Covid beast change almost daily .We’ve found alternative dates/venues/ runs only to revise them again within the week. This little memo summarises the current state of affairs as at the committee’s meeting this week.... * We still want to run the event. * If NSW regulations allow , the revised date of 3-6 September will apply. * Some venues will be changed. We are arranging substitute venues as required, but we’re mindful of the need for a quality event. * A final decision as to whether the Tour runs will be communicated at the end of July. If the event cannot happen, two alternatives apply. Either we can cancel the Tour, which will require refund of all entry costs , or we can arrange to transfer the entries to an event to be held in Autumn 2021. The 2021 event would normally be run by the Orange club, so we need to ask the Orange committee what they prefer. This approach will happen this week . Keep in touch as to what decision is made - we will notify via DAAC Facebook page and CHMC website/Facebook. Forever optimistic, Col Frost - DAAC President Ginny Mather - Event Secretary Matt Lack - Tour Director
19.01.2022 A lot of you liked the old Ampol videos we linked to a couple of days ago. We hadn't forgotten about the wonderful Amoco ad.s from the 1970s, which featured historic cars including the hugely popular "Before and After" 1929 Chevs ad. We were just saving them for, very deservedly, a Post of their own: "Before and After" aka "Flower Power" 1972 - the Chevs "The Escape Machine" 1975 "Escape Machine 2" or "Going going Amocoing" 1976 "Escape Machine 3 Morgan" about 1981 "Aston Martin" early 1970s See more
18.01.2022 I just came across this ‘barn find’ story. I’ve never been in a Porsche myself but it’s a good read.
18.01.2022 What some in the Australian veteran car community were doing this time last year - the 7th HCCA International Rally at Bathurst, NSW. This great video from some of the American rallyists - the Rally bit starts 5.50mins in.
18.01.2022 So someone just bought this in to show me. Many of you may know what it is or even used one. I’d never seen one.
18.01.2022 Some great videos from the motoring section of the National Museum in Canberra.
17.01.2022 Our Pre 1931 Rally is still going ahead at this stage, COVID permitting. New dates are Friday 4th September to Sunday 6th September with early entry on Thursda...y 3rd September for anyone arriving early. If you haven't entered yet you have until 17th August to get your entry in. If you don't have an entry form, but would like one, email me at [email protected] and i will send one out. A letter with more details of venues and runs will be sent to entrants closer to the date. Regards, Ginny Mather Rally Secretary See more
17.01.2022 Handsome looking radiator
17.01.2022 Pleas for Government to save 'priceless' Australian tractor from US auction, more..
17.01.2022 Photo courtesy of an Alvis Facebook page. Vintage motoring and fish n chips. What a great combination.
17.01.2022 Have you been reading COUNTRY MOTOR AUSTRALIA? It's a free e-magazine for enthusiasts, owners and collectors of Pre-1960s vehicles. Issues #1 (2018) thru to #28 (August 2020) can be downloaded from the website of our Victorian colleagues at the Association of Old Motoring Clubs Inc.
16.01.2022 Please consider participating in this important survey of the historic vehicle movement In Australia we do not have current information on the contribution that the historic motoring makes to the Australian economy vital information when dealing with Government on the implications of current and potential legislation. FIVA, the organisation that represents the historic car movement worldwide, is running a survey for individual historic vehicle owners. This survey will c...over 70+ countries and is based on the 2019 calendar year and avoids the disruption of Covid. From this survey we will get global view of the contribution that historic vehicles make to economies AND the opportunity to get details of the contribution specifically to Australia, so long as we get our individual historic vehicle owners to complete the survey. Survey responses are anonymous. Survey closes September 30th 2020 The information from this survey has the potential to benefit the historic vehicle movement whole and shape the future focus of those acting on behalf of our organisations and historic vehicle enthusiasts to negotiate with governments. When completing the survey participants may feel reticent about including their earnings capacity, however, I have been assured through FIVA’S privacy provisions that this information will be aggregated and will not be identifiable to any specific person. The survey can be completed online by logging onto: and then clicking onto the Union Jack flag for the English Survey, then in a drop down box nominate your country as Australia. If you have any questions in relation to this please come back to me or contact the FIVA OFFICE directly. Thanks and regards, Andrew McDougall FIVA VEHICLE IDENTITY CARD REPRESENTATIVE AUSTRALIA, through TAVCCA.
14.01.2022 A few more British classics at VCCQ Concours.
14.01.2022 YOU CAN STILL TAKE A CAR MUSEUM TOUR OR GO TO A CAR SHOW - virtually COVID has resulted an upsurge in virtual museum tours. Here’s a list to start your Virtual Car Museum Touring: Our very own Australian National Motor Museum Petersen Automotive Museum Vault Tour. Another from Petersen True Classic cars can be watched at the Classic Car Club of America’s Museum Over at the Antique Automobile Club of America they’ve a series of virtual tours, scroll down on the Virtual Tour page to see them. Academy of Art University Automobile Museum The Mazda Museum yes, they do have old cars in there And to balance the Japanese interests the Toyota Museum. The Henry Ford Museum, courtesy of Google maps! Mercedes museum Stuttgart, a superbly done virtual tour Cite de l'Automobile or as you may know it the Schlumpf Collection, amazing photography. The Gateway Museum focuses on American automobiles has tours of 40 interesting car museums. You need to log in and for most museums there is an access fee, but an All museums pass costs 3 euros/about AU$5.00, and much cheaper than flying around the world to take in all these collections. The pandemic lockdown has also seen a rise in Virtual Car Shows to replace live events. Some online shows are complete with judging and awards, others are simply an opportunity to upload a photo or video of your car and share it. Showing how a club can run a Virtual Car Show is the Valley Forge branch of the Cadillac & La Salle Club with their brilliant online car show, complete with judging and awards. A Virtual Car Show can be a unique opportunity to bring together vehicles that could never physically be rounded up in one place, the Allard Register gathered over 70 cars from around the world in their 2020 Allard Global Online Concours The Gilmore Museum Virtual Car Show has been hugely popular, with simple online judging if you wish. Petersen Museum has an online Coffee’ n Cars, but you have to register for this and submit a short 20-30 second video of your vehicle to be involved. Quirky is the Isolation Island Concours d'Elegance, which was/is for model cars Here’s your chance to dust off some of your car models and enter them in a fun competition.
13.01.2022 Today is a very special day. Congratulations to my husband, Jim, on being awarded an OAM for Service to Motorcycling in today’s Queen’s Birthday Honours List. ... This is a well deserved acknowledgement of Jim’s life long passion for all things motorcycling especially the recording of it’s history. To say I’m proud of him and everything he has done for motorcycling is an understatement. Well done darling Photo courtesy of Phil Aynsley. See more
12.01.2022 Housing estate Miranda. Holdens at their peak popularity plus Renault, vanguard, Morris, Vauxhall (Victor?). Lots of fibro Photo from old sydney album Facebook page
11.01.2022 ANZAC DAY 2020 Usually on ANZAC Day hundreds of CHMC members and their historic vehicles are transporting veterans in marches and to ceremonies across NSW. In 2020 that's not possible, so to honour our ANZACs, and the vehicles that served them in World Wars 1 & 2, this video has been made...
07.01.2022 With acknowledgement to Horseless Carriage club of America Facebook page. I love this (non horseless) photo. Archibald Miller delivering a new car in Ambrose, North Dakota.
06.01.2022 Picnic @ Glenbrook. Great to be out. More photos later.
06.01.2022 ALL BRITISH DAY 2020 CANCELLED We have just had confirmation that this years’ All British Day at Kings School has been cancelled. Here is an extract of the email from Greg Kean of the Association of British Car Clubs ... As the lockdown is now ramping up I think you would agree that it is more unlikely that we can manage the extra requirements for a covid safe event. It is with great disappointment that I concede that the virus has beaten us. In June, the NSW Government was aiming to allow small music festivals to operate from August but there is no sign of this happening now. At the moment, we would fall under the Showground category which allows 1 person per 4 square metres but with a limit of 500 people per event (non seated). With an average of two people per car that would only allow 250 cars. We are not able to use the hall at Brush Farm due restriction of numbers so rather than prolong the situation I think it is best if we cancel for 2020. The most logical action going forward is to credit each club, what ever they have paid, against next year's event.
06.01.2022 Following up from yesterday’s Alvis post. One Alvis owner obviously has a good sense of humour.
04.01.2022 MONARO HT WITH HERITAGE SIGNIFICANCE SOLD, but must stay in Australia The Comm. Office for the Arts advised Lloyds Auctions on Friday that under the Protection of Movable Cultural Heritage Act 1986 it may not allow Australia's first Holden Dealer Team Monaro an export permit if it were sold to an overseas buyer. Those who have long campaigned for Australia's motoring heritage to stay in Australia were pleased by the decisive move by the Department to protect a very special vehicle.
03.01.2022 Fabulous memory from a few years ago. VMC Cars birthday party on our acreage lawn. Great fun. First run for the Chev for many years. Engine required agile attendants to keep it going in front of an amused and appreciative audience
02.01.2022 Who remembers the 1970 International Rally Veteran & Vintage Rally from Sydney to Melbourne? Old films from the Rally have been converted to video and uploaded to YouTube by Mat Spackman. Can you find your Veteran or Vintage car in the films? I've spotted several well known cars from then, and from now, and also some of the well-known enthusiasts from 50 years ago. See more
02.01.2022 Next one will be September 2021
02.01.2022 Some of Australia's WW2 vehicles that survived...
01.01.2022 HOLDEN HERITAGE As the buildings come down at Holden, the fate of its remarkable car collection remains uncertain...... Submissions can be made to the General Motors Holden Operations in Australia Senate Inquiry, extended deadline for submissions to 25 June 2020:... Committee Secretary Senate Education and Employment Committees PO Box 6100 Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600 Phone: +61 2 6277 3521 email: [email protected] To contact the Minister, Paul Fletcher: Hon Paul Fletcher MP Email: [email protected] To contact the Department managing export licences for heritage significant vehicles: Cultural Property Section Office for the Arts Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications GPO Box 2154 Canberra ACT 2601 Email: [email protected] Phone: 1800 819 461
01.01.2022 So, Caltex is reviving the old AMPOL brand. Do you remember the Ampol Trials and Ampol ad.s? The 1960 Ampol Trial or the 1970 Ampol Trial An here's some nostalgia from an Ampol ad See more
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