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25.01.2022 hello to all, today I will share with you the subject 'ADVICE FOR MOTHERS'. Volume 1 of doctor James wright. getting adequate sleep- coping with stress-eating wisely-overweight and postnatal exercise-breastfeed or bottled feed-breast self-examination-cosmetic breast surgery-smear test-cancer of the uterus-urinary disorders- pms and period pains-menstrual migraine- monilial and other infections- toxic shock and stis. Basically this is the 1st volume of 5 books, on the family lifestyle series. Volume 1 begins the story of the road to parenthood with a discussion on relationships, then covers the reproduction story from A to Z, and concludes with advice for a new mother. enjoy your day.
25.01.2022 hi all, tonight I will talk to you about BLOOD, volume 4 of doctor James wright, family lifestyle series.blood- its composition: cells and fluid-clotting and bruising disorders and their treatment-causes and management of anaemia-the success story with leukaemia- Hodgkin's disease-glandular fever, the "kissing disease"-white blood-cell disorders of leucocytosis and leucopenia-sickle- cell anaemia and thalassaemia becoming more widespread with migration from the Mediterranean region, I hope these's health tips are of interest to you, good night.
24.01.2022 good morning to you all, did you snore last night in your sleep or did your spouse tell you?. Today I am going to talk to you about "THE SMEAR TEST AND PELVIC TUMOURS." this comes from doctor James Wright family lifestyle series volume 1.In this chapter he speaks about THE SMEAR TEST-THE WART VIRUS- A POSTIVE SMEAR TEST- CANCER OF THE UTERUS-FIBROIDS AND ENDOMETRIOSIS-THE PILL AND CANCER RISKS. regular smear tests essential from the age of 18-certain infections can predispos...e to cervical cancer- recheck negative smears within 12 months-action is essential if a positive result is found-fibroid growths are noncancerous-fibroids may cause heavy bleeding-regress with age, but removed if haemorrhaging-endometriosis occurs when uterine cells grow on pelvic organs-pain and subfertility may occur. This beautiful illustrated book of 295 pages in full detail of many subjects, is only $60.00 plus postage. have a nice day. See more
24.01.2022 hi everyone,dr James wright family lifestyle series, volume 3.this is a vital part of the lifestyle series, set out for quick, accurate and easy reference in today's fast- paced living. it will quickly guide you to a fulfilling life of a healthier living, and a top- quality lifestyle. A beautifully illustrated book on, heart attack, breathing and digestion system. Learn of the body's systems and how to relate your knowledge to everyday situations. it includes a section on emergency and first-aid treatments. Have a good day.
21.01.2022 HI everyone, my deepest apology for not being in contact with you for the last 3 weeks, been extremely busy. For those who live in the Tamworth area, the 'BOOK ROOM', is having a huge 20% off discount this Sunday the 14th December 2014.At 15 Amaroo Road South TAMWORTH. Starting time 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Great Christmas ideas'. Books for Adults and children. C.D'S , D.V.D'S, GREETING CARDS, HEALTHY JUICE BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS,HEALTHY COOKING BOOKS,VEGTARIAN & GLUTEN FREE BOOKS, MEDICINAL PLANTS AND FOODS & THEIR HEALING POWER. SPIRITUAL BOOKS AND BIBLES AND MUCH MORE. Hope to see you on Sunday, have a good weekend.
19.01.2022 hi everybody, I have been away for awhile, now that I am back I can continue with the updates for this site. I would like to share with you today the subject "the bitter side of sugar",.in the encyclopedia of foods and their healing power. although sugar alone has no toxic or carcinogenic effects, there are studies that relate consumption of large amounts[more than 50 grams a day] of sugar with various chronic diseases. it is possible that in many cases, the harmful effect ...of sugar is primarily due to a lack of fiber and certain vitamins and minerals displaced in the diet when a great deal of sugar and sugared products are eaten. some of the diseases related to a diet that is high in sugar and low in fiber and other nutrients, are as follows, gallstones, crohn's disease,gastroduodenal ulcer, diabetes,bone brittleness, stomach cancer, colon cancer, and retarded fetal growth. to avoid these' diseases, eat as much of the natural foods without the extra added sugar, just remember white processed sugar is the worst for you, if you need extra sweetening try raw sugar or 1 teaspoon of honey. 3 volumes of the foods and their healing power only $198.00 a set. have a nice sweet evening, without the added sugar. See more
18.01.2022 hi friend, just letting you know that those who live in the Tamworth area, are welcome to come to the PEEL STREET MARKETS this Sunday the 16th of November. I will be setting up a stall, come and see us. starting time is 9:00 a.m. We will have some Christmas specials, and other goodies.cheers
17.01.2022 hi everyone, today I will share with you the subject ' HEART ATTACK'. this is another good topic from doctor James wright, volume 3 of family lifestyle series. signs and symptoms- first aid measure-its treatment and prevention-angina and the latest treatment- all about blood pressure, cholesterol and sound nutrition- heart failure and irregularities- transplants and the promise of longer life- pacemakers- congenital defects- valve disorders. Have a good weekend.
15.01.2022 hi everybody, would like to share with you today 'WHEN YOUR PARENTS DIES ". I just wish I could be someone's kid again, wrote a grieving son who had recently buried his mother. " I miss dad every time the garage door messes up, a grieving daughter joked, between tears. when a parent dies, we suffer many losses- from the profound to the everyday. yet, despite the depth and breadth of our grief, society offers little support for adult children who are mourning the death of their parent. This booklet is designed to offer that support, in the form of helpful, gentle guidelines to help you acknowledge and cope with your loss. may it bring you, or a grieving loved one, consolation and hope at a difficult time. Price $8.50
15.01.2022 hi to you all, hope you are having a nice Christmas with your family and friends, and a happy new year 2015. unfortunately we are winding down the business due to several reasons, so we are having a 30% off sale on everything. call me anytime to come and see what you like, contact 0403739950, or face book me. thanks
14.01.2022 hi all, sorry I have been away, would like to share with you tonight the subject "SNORING". snoring is no longer considered merely a nocturnal is closely related to sleep apnoea, when the snorer partially awakens as the airways lose, dramatically reducing blood and oxygen supply to the brain. this may occur many times an hour. next day the person, suffering from sleep deprivation, is often mentally dull, cannot concentrate adequately, may be endangered when drivin...g a vehicle or working with machinery. worse, it is believed it may gradually lead to elevated blood pressure, later to disorders of the blood vessels, angina and even premature myocardial infarcts [ heart attacks]. patients are monitored at a sleep disorders clinic. a positive- pressure air mask may be worn at night to keep the airway open. alternatively, a surgical operation[ often done by laser] may be curative. RESPIRATORY DISTRESS SYNDROME. very premature infants may suffer neonatal respiratory distress syndrome due to lack of a chemical called surfactant. now manufactured genetically, it is lifesaving in an otherwise serious disorder with a high mortality rate. benefit in adults is not as promising at present, but research is continuing. HAPPY SLEEPING. See more
14.01.2022 hi again, like to share with you today the subject MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL DISTURBANCES. Abnormal symptoms sometimes develop over time-most people experience mild depression during their life-mood swings-all about 'split personality'-suicide in western society-contemporary life and anxiety-what's your phobia?-obsessions and compulsions. DEPRESSION,BIPOLAR DISORDER,SCHIZOPHRENIA,SUCIDE,ANXIETY DISORDERS,PHOBIAS, OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE DISORDER,POST TRAUMATIC STRESS SYNDROME AND this volume 4 of family medical care, it tells you the SYMPTOMS AND TREATMENT of theses 'illnesses. have a nice day.
13.01.2022 hi everyone, would like to share with you today ' BREATHING' from volume 3 from doctor James wright's family lifestyle series. marvels of the respiratory system-research on the common cold-the mystery of the chronic fatigue syndrome-nosebleed and sinusitis-hay fever and its management-bronchitis and emphysema-effective asthma interventions-pneumonia and hiv/aids- legionnaire's disease- penalties associated with smoking. We need to look after our bodies and our bodies will look after us, have a good night.
11.01.2022 hi to you, will share with you today, some more important medical information from doctor James wright. From volume 1, relates to 3 major subjects- MARRIAGE AND PARTNERSHIPS-REPRODUCTION AND ADVICE FOR MOTHERHOOD. lets talk about marriage and partnerships first, getting to know you- setting up a new home-when babies come-planning finances-the importance of compatibility-getting along with the in-laws-unselfishness and consideration in the sexual relationship-family planning methods- why some marriages and partnerships fail. Talk to you again tomorrow.
09.01.2022 Good morning to you all, I will continue on from yesterday. Thankfully, it would seem that Americans care more and about the quality of what's on their plate. they seem to have understood that we must return to food that is more
08.01.2022 good afternoon to you all, I would like to share with you today, as follows: a healthy balanced diet is certainly a key to enabling us to fit and enjoy good health all through life. If we had kept closer to our instinct, like animals have, we would know perfectly well what we need to eat. unfortunately, we have gradually lost this instinct and have ended up being overwhelmed by the number of products created and offered by the food industry thereby creating in us many false ...needs. indeed, in our industrialized countries, we have a very large number of foods at our disposal in often very large amounts. but some are available out of their original seasons, others have been industrially modified. thus, we often eat foods that are too SALTY,TOO FATTY,TOO SWEET,TOO COMPLETED AND TOO POLLUTED. shying away from the famous phrase of Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine:>let food be your only remedy.>food may now become a poison for our body. have a nice afternoon. See more
07.01.2022 hi everyone, today I would like to share with you 'REPRODUCTION'- signs of pregnancy- visiting the doctor-antenatal care- problems of subfertility- breast care- smoking and alcohol- risks of hiv/aids, rubella and herpes infections-drug risks- the pill and x-rays-excessive weight gains-haemorrhages and toxaemia-urinary infections-the rh factor-multiple pregnancy-development of the foetus- stages of labour-caesarean section and emergency confinement. This is vital information for every young couple, as well as older couples. it will be a reliable guide as you experience the joys and responsibilities of parenthood. If you think this site has good health information, please pass this onto your families or friends and give us the ' like page'. have a good night and talk to you tomorrow.
07.01.2022 hi everyone,tonight's subject is NERVES-our complex neurological systems-fainting, coma,dizziness and motion sickness-cerebrovascular accidents[strokes]-Alzheimer's disease-headaches, medication and natural remedies-epilepsy and related disorders- Parkinson's disease-meningococcal infection and encephalitis- multiple sclerosis[ms-] speech defects- mountain sickness and jet lag- mental and emotional disturbances. more details outlined in theses beautiful family lifestyles, there are 5 volumes to this set for only $360.00.with this comes free of charge another family lifestyle book , called TODAY TOMORROW AND YOU,it has 320 pages. Subjects include - your life- your home-your health- your problems and your future. These are the areas of vital concern covered in the pages of this volume. it will help you face today and tomorrow with equal confidence. have a good night. See more
03.01.2022 hi everyone, I will continue to share with you some more great health tips, from doctor James wright volume 4,of family lifestyle series. This part of the series talks about various sections offer a striking introduction to anatomy, while individual chapters unravel the mysteries of the body's systems, how they work, what goes wrong and how they are managed. ENDOCRINE GLANDS-have a profound effect on other body systems-the pituitary, 'captain of the ship'- giants and dwarfs-the thyroid gland and goitres-sugar diabetes-male and female glands. STRICTLY FEMINNE-pms and natural remedies- feminine irritations-the story on hiv/aids- cervical and breast cancer-the 'change of life' and hormones- living and loving in a relationship. have a good night.
02.01.2022 hi everyone, going to share with you, the risk factors of a heart attack. 1] a family history of heart disease and old age. 2] cigarette smokers have a substantially increased risk. 3] high blood pressure, and the risk increases the higher the pressure. 4] those who are more than 30 per cent overweight risk atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease. 5] a raised blood-cholesterol level increases the risk. a high- fat is also a factor. 6] physical inactivity. 7] diabetes. 8] psychological stresses. please eat healthy and wise and rest and relax as much as possible. See more
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