Chime Choir in Wantirna, Victoria, Australia | Musician/band
Chime Choir
Locality: Wantirna, Victoria, Australia
Address: Wantirna College Theatre 3152 Wantirna, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 Some behind the scenes pics from last night's performance 1: the view from onstage during a quiet moment in soundcheck 2: The #melbournetownhall looking stunning for the @siemens Christmas party and 3: #melbournetownhall looking super festive . Don't forget to grab your tickets to #chimechristmas2019... It's less than 3 weeks away! Link in bio #christmas2019 #choirsofmelbourne #choirlife #musicinmelbourne @cityofyarra @cityofmelbourne
24.01.2022 Chimes Christmas Concert features the music of Ola Gjeilo in two contemporary Christmas songs. The Rose The Rose is a poem by Christina Rossetti. Her poetry is known for its symbolism, intense feelings, and mystic religious lyrics. She was influenced by her observations of nature and her thoughts on mortality and spiritual existence. ... This mysterious poem is wrapped in a soundscape of smoothly soaring vocal lines supported by a rippling underlay of piano and strings. Its time for the altos to shine, as they carry the beautiful melodic line through much of this gorgeous piece. Ecce Novum His gorgeous setting of this Latin text reflects the tender wonder of the Christmas story: Behold a new joy. Behold a new wonder. A virgin who knew not a man bears a son. She knew not a man, but as the pear tree bears the pear. Each vocal part is allowed to shine, long lyrical phrases gently building to full harmony, fading away, swelling again, the sound finally disappearing like the baby falling asleep. The piano accompaniment creates a sense of gentle movement and the string ensemble adds a wonderful lushness. #chimechristmas2019 #getyourticketsnow #musicinmelbourne #music #choirsofmelbourne #choirlife #abbotsfordconvent
24.01.2022 Kristin Bishop ? 18 months. ! Ive always loved singing but I came to Choral singing only as an adult. I never really knew much about choirs other than the Sister Act movies! I was looking for a new something about 10 years ago and only had one night a week available so I was googling what can you do in Melbourne on a Wednesday night and came up with a choir in the city, went along ...and was a bit freaked out to discover Id found a large classical choir that sang mostly in Latin with a little French, orthodox Russian and German thrown in here and there. I learned a lot in that choir but wanted something closer to home didnt expect to find such a high standard choir as Chime so near to where I live but when I saw their YouTube videos I knew Id found a new singing home. Ive loved every minute of it. ( )? Mozart. ' ? It lifts my spirit and mood every single week. ? O Come All Ye Faithful.
23.01.2022 Today you're in for a treat : - Artistic Director Edition! Marten Visser While its with some sadness at the approach of Martys final concert as Chimes Principal Artistic Director, we are also happy and joyfully grateful for the time he has spent with us, and for the skills and wonderful experiences he has gifted to us. ...Continue reading
23.01.2022 sound on! Short vid from rehearsal last week... Who else gets chills hearing this? You can hear the full song at the concert It's under two weeks to #chimechristmas2019, and we can't wait to be singing in the stunning Good Shepherd Chapel at @abbotsfordconvent #choirsofmelbourne #christmas2019 #musicinmelbourne #music #yarracitycouncil #knoxcitycouncil #getyourticketsnow
23.01.2022 We are thrilled to be presenting Chime Choir: A Christmas Message, in just over a month! We know the Christmas characters so well. We know the Christmas story too. We know the message Christmas brings to us all hope, joy, and peace a message for this age, now more than ever before. Let us celebrate together and share this message once again.... 8.00 pm, Friday 13th December, 2019 The Good Shepherd Chapel Abbotsford Convent St. Heliers Street, Abbotsford Booking:
22.01.2022 Some good news as we head into the weekend from Desert Song Festival - Thursday 11 'Desert Song Digital' is launching! Read the post for all the details. #keepthemusicgoing #desertsong #chimechoir #choirsofmelbourne #musicinmelbourne
22.01.2022 It's hard to believe that we're STILL in these strange COVID-19 times, and that our rehearsals and concerts are still on hold. It has been a real test of our strength to have to wait until it's safe to be singing together again. While we keep on waiting, we thought we'd share one Ola Gjeilo's pieces, "The Ground" with you, performed in 2017. We hope it lifts your spirits as it does ours. #choirsofmelbourne #chimechoir2020 #musicinmelbourne #keepthemusicgoing #choir
21.01.2022 Five days to go! Have you got your tickets yet? #chimechoir #choirsofmelbourne #christmas2019 #musicinmelbourne #abbotsfordconvent #music #choirlife
19.01.2022 Less than a month to #chimechristmas2019 !! Get your tickets now at
19.01.2022 Heading into the #melbournetownhall for the #siemansaus christmasparty. Venue looks ahhhhmazing #choirsofmelbourne #chimechristmas2019 #christmas2019 #musicinmelbourne #music
19.01.2022 Tony Hosemans ? I first sang with Chime in 2009 as part in a Christmas concert. ! I have been involved with singing music all my life. The early days of TV saw me as a youngster always involved with the early music programs. E.g. Sing along with Mitch (like Karaoke on TV,) with follow the bouncing ball, Bobby Limbs Sound of Music plus many other musical programs in the 1960s. T...Continue reading
19.01.2022 Did you know ... our Christmas concert, A Christmas Message, is Martys Last Chime Concert?! Chime Choirs Principal Artistic Director, Marten Visser, is leaving after a wonderful 10 years with the choir. While sad for Chime, we are also happy and deeply grateful for the time he has spent with us, and for the skills and wonderful experiences he has gifted to us. These include so much fabulous music from Ola Gjeilo to Disney to Eric Whitacre; travel memorable trips to New... York and Alice Springs; challenges look folks, no hands holding music, singing in mixed groupings, memorable concerts songs we love, ANZAC Day, community carols, and corporate events. In his inimitable, foot-stomping style he has inspired, encouraged, and challenged Chime into becoming an amazingly musical and professional singing community. To all members of the Chime family, past and present, our Christmas concert, A Christmas Message, is the perfect opportunity to hear glorious singing and say thankyou and farewell to Marty. tickets are available at #feelingalltheemotionsrightnow #chimechristmas2019 #getyourticketsnow #musicinmelbourne #choirsofmelbourne #yarracitycouncil #abbotsfordconvent #music #choirs
19.01.2022 We can still hear the music from Friday night... Can you? Thank you everyone for joining us for such a special evening celebrating the Christmas message of hope, joy and peace in the beautiful Good Shepherd Chapel at @abbotsfordconvent. #chimechristmas2019 #chimechoir #musicinmelbourne #music #choirsofmelbourne #choirlife
18.01.2022 Here at Chime, weve put our rehearsing & upcoming April performance on hold while we wait out the storm that is COVID-19. We hope you are all safe and staying home too. In this unexpected downtime, we thought it would be a perfect time to revisit our history as a choir, so without further ado, here is ... !... 2010-2019 Weve had a big couple of years coming into 2020. The end of this decade had Chime perform at the Desert Song Festival in Alice Springs, with a stunning A Capella presentation at Ormiston Gorge, along with the Soweto Gospel Choir. We also sang at the Earth Sanctuary with a number of other choirs as the sun went down; definitely an experience that will stay with us forever. In 2018 we were offered the opportunity to tour in New York. Our tour saw us performing at the world-renowned Carnegie Hall! Further performances were at the Church of St Malachy, just off Times Square, the Cathedral of St John the Divine, and St Bartholomew's where we performed several songs, then participated in their evening eucharist. We even managed to swing a couple of impromptu renditions of Waltzing Matilda at Times Square and Grand Central Station, after convincing the security staff to let us sing! It was a beautiful and memorable experience for the choir - one well never forget! Until the next edition; stay home and stay safe! #choirsofmelbourne #chimechoir2020 #musicinmelbourne #keepsinging #choirlife
18.01.2022 Tonight's rehearsal: figuring out the collective noun for a group of tenors suggestions?? #choirlife #choirsofmelbourne #chimechoir2020 #musicinmelbourne
15.01.2022 In the lead up to our #chimechristmas2019 concert, we'll be sharing a few carol summaries. And to start at the very beginning (a very good place to start )... Here's a brief history of Christmas Carols! Carols were first sung in Europe thousands of years ago as pagan songs celebrating the four seasons, but only the tradition of singing them at the winter solstice, or Christmas, has survived. The word carol means a dance song or a song of praise and joy.... During the 14 th century carols became a popular religious song form, themes revolving around a saint, the Christ child, or the virgin Mary. By the 15th century, carols were considered art music, sometimes elaborately arranged, although usually sung in homes or by travelling minstrels rather than in churches. Their popularity waned during the 16 th and 17 th centuries, particularly in Puritan-ruled England, but revived in the 18th century when many of our familiar carols were written, often as a reaction to the sombre texts of Old Testament Psalms. The Victorian era ushered in a golden age of carol writing and performing. Many new carols were composed, orchestras and choirs were developing and could meet a growing demand for celebrations of Christmas through music and song. Our now familiar Carols by Candlelight and 9 Lessons and Carols services were created during this time. Carols are now being composed for the modern age, but the timeless messages of peace, joy, and hope are still heard, and form the central theme for #chimechristmas2019 Chime Choirs 2019 Christmas concert.
14.01.2022 2019 has been a wonderful year of music, from ANZAC day to the Desert Song Festival and of course, concluding with A Christmas Message at Abbotsford convent. All of this is possible only because we have the support of our family, friends and audience! Our little thank you/early Christmas gift to you is our new YouTube channel featuring some of our performances of Ola Gjeilo's works. We're so excited to be able to share this and hope you enjoy this music as much as we do. B...elow is the video to 'Ecce Novum'. Merry Christmas everyone!
13.01.2022 We can't wait to share some special Christmas Music at the Knox Carols by Candlelight 2019. We're on stage at 5.30pm - hope to see you there! #chimechoir #christmas #knoxartsandevents
13.01.2022 Silent Night - the story behind this carol is as magical as its sound. Josef Mohr was the pastor of the Church of St. Nicholas at Oberndorf, a village near Salzburg, Austria. After an evening Christmas program on 23rd December, 1815, Mohr chose a longer way home, that took him up over a hill overlooking the village. Revelling in the silence of the wintry night, and thinking of the Christmas play he had just seen, he remembered a poem he had written a couple of years earl...ier. He decided the words might make a good carol for his congregation at their Christmas Eve service, the following evening. The next day he went to see Franz Gruber, the church organist, and asked him to compose a melody to be played on the guitar, and within a few hours the song was ready for the evening service. On Christmas Eve, Gruber and Mohr gave the first performance of this new carol to the little Oberndorf congregation. It quickly became popular and spread across Northern Europe. In 1834 singers performed Silent Night for King Frederick William 1V of Prussia, who loved it so much he ordered his cathedral choir to sing every Christmas Eve. This carol has remained one of the most-loved carols, and is now sung in more than 300 different languages around the world. The women of Chime present an ethereal, contemporary arrangement of this cherished carol. The accompaniment shimmers, while the tone colours and text painting of composer Mark Hayes illuminate the senses, each verse more striking than the last. The angels themselves would have chosen this to sing on the first Christmas night. #chimechristmas2019 #silentnight #music #musicinmelbourne #choirsofmelbourne
12.01.2022 It's time to introduce another of our performers! ? ... I've been with Chime since 2006 - 13 and a half years. I joined just after my first child was born, when I realised I was losing my tone and range, and needed something for myself. I had to take some off last year, but I keep coming back. ! Music is my life!!! Growing up I played piano, violin, recorder and bass guitar. I was in a children's opera company, the school big band, concert orchestra, concert choir, madrigals (leader), recorder consort and string orchestra. After school I performed in amateur musicals, which are my favourite things, and then I joined Chime. ( ), ? Ooh. Such a tough question. I'm a Beethoven and Chopin fan, I love Tori Amos, Sarah McLachlan, The Eels and The Hilltop Hoods, I love Miles Davis and I love Andrew Lloyd Webber! Nothing if not eclectic ? I know it's what everyone says, but it's got to be the people. We're so much more than the sum of our parts. As a group we're unbelievable, diverse and just so friendly. - ? Hmm. good question. Working from home, it's tough, but I'm enjoying exposing my kids to different types of music in the evenings while we do puzzles or Lego or colouring. . ' ' - ! #choirsofmelbourne #musicinmelbourne #music #choirlife
10.01.2022 Getting our Christmas cheer ready for #knoxcarolsbycandlelight onstage at 5:30, tag us with #chimechristmas2019 when you see us! #knoxcitycouncil #knoxcommunityarts #chimechoir #choirsofmelbourne #choirlife #musicinmelbourne
10.01.2022 Who can believe Christmas is only 37 days away! We're excited to be taking part in the virtual Knox Carols by Candlelight on Saturday 12th December. Join us for a festive night celebrating Christmas with some of the best music our community has to offer #chimechristmas2020 #knoxcommunityarts #choirsofmelbourne #musicinmelbourne #chimechoir
09.01.2022 ! Angela Carruthers ? I joined CHIME in 1984, about 6 months after it started, so i'm definitely an 'old timer'. ... ' ? I've always liked music although I don't really consider myself overly musical. I learnt piano up to grade 3 when i was young, and I used to sing with School choirs and at church, as well as occasionally dabbling with musical theatre. / ( !)? Ohh, that depends on my mood! However I absolutely adore Julie London as a performer and I'm very into jazz (both trad and up to about the 40's) as well as late 70's. 80's and early 90's rock stuff. I still love going to see good Aussie pub bands of that era. ? The people. Its such a fabulous bunch of people who all come together to share their love of singing and music. We've sung some amazing things in incredible places and had a ball doing it. ' ? There are so many good ones but a particular favourite is Breath Of Heaven. It has such a beautiful melody and is intensely emotive when you listen closely to the lyrics.
08.01.2022 2019, what a year of music! We have so many exciting things planned for 2020, bring it on! #2019 #bringon2020 #choirsofmelbourne #choirlife #happynewyear #musicinmelbourne #music #knoxcommunityarts
08.01.2022 It's high time we introduce to you our talented performers! For our inaugural post, you're hearing all about none other than ... ... ? 9 years time flies! ? When I was at school, I was very involved in the music program, playing the piano and singing in several choirs. I have really happy memories of the great times we all shared making music together. Once I left school I found that music got forgotten, with other priorities taking over. It wasnt until more than 20 years later (!) my young daughter was thinking of joining a childrens choir and I had the opportunity to see what they were doing that I realised how much I had missed the creativity and pleasure of making music with others. I needed to find a choir of my own. Chime was the first choir I tried, and it was a great choice! ( !) This is a really difficult question. For choral music it has to be Ola Gjeilo we have had the opportunity to perform a number of his beautiful works, including Dreamweaver, in Carnegie Hall in New York it doesnt get better than that! ? Its the people, the music and the constant challenge to improve. After a busy day when I am feeling tired, the best thing I can do is go to choir, and I return home energised and feeling fantastic! Singing is good for the soul. ? There are so many it is difficult to choose! But I think my favourite song at present is one that Chime is preparing for this year, which is not really a Christmas song, but is such a wonderful song to sing Jubilate Deo a truly joyful experience!
08.01.2022 During the past three months, we at Chime have really missed all the things that bring us joy - seeing each other at rehearsals, singing together, and performing for our loyal, amazing, audiences, like at Stones of the Yarra (pictured) in 2014. While we wait for the day we can all be together again, we've been working hard behind the scenes with at-home rehearsals to #keepthemusicgoing so we can be ready to resume singing together as soon as it's safe to do so. We ...cannot wait!! What are you looking forward to about life after COVID-19? #lifeinthetimeofcorona #choirsofmelbourne #chimechoir2020 #choirlife #staysafe #musicinmelbourne
07.01.2022 As we gear up for a new year of singing, we thought we'd revisit why exactly all of us in Chime come along every week! Rehearsals start 4th Feb - hands up who's excited ? It's not too late to join in the fun and discover these amazing benefits for yourself - Tenors and Basses especially. Link in Bio. ... #choirlife #choirsofmelbourne #musicinmelbourne #chimechoir2020 #bringiton #knoxcommunityarts
06.01.2022 The jaunty Deck the Hall tune dates back to sixteenth century Wales, where its melody, and much of the lyrics were pinched from the New Years Eve song Nos Galan. Lines like Oh how soft my fair ones bosom, fa la la la la la la were transformed into Yuletide wishes like Deck the hall with boughs of holly, fa la la la la la. This musical makeover was done by Scottish folk music scribe Thomas Oliphant, who built his reputation on old melodies with new lyrics, becoming a tra...nslator of songs and lyricist for the court of Queen Victoria. But Oliphants version is not the one most commonly sung today. Lines like fill the mead cup, drain the barrel, have been swapped for don we now our gay apparel. This variant became popular from music sheet printings made in 1877 and 1881. On Friday at @abbotsfordconvent you'll be hearing possibly the most sensational arrangement by Mac Huff of this seasonal salute, leaving you feeling rather jolly! There's still a limited number of tickets left: grab them via the Facebook event, or #musicinmelbourne #choirsofmelbourne #choirlife #music #abbotsfordconvent #knoxcommunityarts #yarracitycouncil #christmas2019
06.01.2022 Maryse Meale! ? I have been a member of Chime since February 2019. ... ' ? I have always loved music of all sorts, we always had music in the house growing up. I learned to play the piano through my schooling years and have always enjoyed singing with my family. I had some group singing lessons as an adult (pre children) from which I found a singing partner and we did a few weddings together. Then, working as a Midwife, having 4 children who I have "single-parented" since 2008 (they are all essentially adults now - Phew!) sort of took over my life. Two years ago, I started having singing lessons and absolutely loved it. The joy of singing, especially with other people, is immeasurable! I found Chime early this year and despite it being quite challenging at times, or maybe because of that, I absolutely loved it! ( !) Freddie Mercury is probably my all time favourite artist - such a talent. I am a bit of an all-rounder when it comes to listening to music. Contemporary, Classical, I even listen to a bit of Metal, one of my sons is a drummer! : There are a few: The people, the harmonies, the joy! This year we went to Alice Springs to take part in the Desert Song Festival and had the opportunity to sing with choirs from around the world and Australia in some amazingly beautiful places - an absolute highlight for me. : Each year, I adapt the words of a Christmas Carol to be Midwifery based and perform it at my work Christmas party! With Chime right now we are rehearsing our Christmas concert; I think my favourite so far is Silent Night, maybe because it is about a Mother & Child.
05.01.2022 This Christmas song addresses Mary, mother of Jesus, with lyrics written by Mark Lowry in 1984, when he was asked to write a script for a church Christmas play. The music was written by Buddy Greene in 1991. Lowry tried to put into words the unfathomable. He started thinking of the questions he would have for Mary if he were to sit down with her for coffee. What was it like raising God? What did you know? What didnt you know? None of these questions are answered in th...e song. Instead, the lyrics poetically invite the listener to contemplate the relationship between Mary and her newborn divine son, even if her faith and awareness did not yet include the details of what would unfold. The text has received some criticism for perceived ambiguity or lack of scriptural depth, saying we shouldnt need to ask because the Bible tells us that she did know. However, it is worth considering her initial uncertainty and her inevitable questions about the gift that God has bestowed upon her. The song has gone on to become a modern Christmas classic, recorded by many artists over multiple genres. Chime is excited to present the inspiring version made popular by the outstanding a cappella group, Pentatonix. #choirsofmelbourne #chimechristmas2019 #musicinmelbourne #abbotsfordconvent #choirs #yarracitycouncil #knoxcitycouncil #pentatonix
05.01.2022 We're sad to share that due to the public health situation we're all facing, we've had to cancel our upcoming 'Anniversaries' concert on April 19. We hope to be able to share some of the pieces we've been working on with you, later on this year, but will, of course, listen carefully to advice from all relevant authorities so we can look after our choristers and audience members. Stay safe everyone, and don't forget to share some music with those you love in this tricky time #choirsofmelbourne #choralmusic #musicinmelbourne #musicisgoodforthesoul #covid19 #music #bekindtoyourneighbour
03.01.2022 Last Saturday we sang at Knox Carols by Candlelight - an awesome chance to share Christmas carols with the people of Knox City and Knox Arts and Events ... and warm up for our concert tomorrow night! There's still a limited number of tickets available via the link in our bio, our website or Knox Arts and Events ... #knoxcommunityarts #knoxcarolsbycandlelight #knoxcitycouncil #musicinmelbourne #choirsofmelbourne #choirlife #choralmusic #christmas2019 #christmasinmelbourne
02.01.2022 - Our first rehearsal of 2020 is TONIGHT! We're a just *little* bit excited to be starting a new year of singing AND it's also our first rehearsal with our new artistic director. ...Continue reading
02.01.2022 Staging a new piece. Intriguing and hilarious #choirlife #choirsofmelbourne #choralmusic #chimechoir2020 #musicinmelbourne
01.01.2022 2020 - it's time to sing your songs ! We're looking for Tenors and Basses to join our ranks. Chime provides expert staff with a passion for music and a welcoming, diverse community. Chime is renowned for the diversity of its choral repertoire. We sing everything from gospel through modern choral classics to contemporary ballads. ... If you're interested and can rehearse in Wantirna on Tuesday nights, head over to our membership enquiry form via our link in bio, or copy & paste this address: We can't wait to meet you! #chimechoir #chimechoir2020 #singyoursongs #musicinmelbourne #choirsofmelbourne #choirlife #choralmusicmelbourne
01.01.2022 #throwback to this time last year performing at the Desert Song Festival! Looking at the pictures of this is even more incredible now that we have spent so much time physically away from each other (hopefully we can resume in person rehearsals soon ). . It was a beautiful experience to sing with so many other talented choristers in a stunning location. Does anyone have any desert song memories to share? ... #choirlife #choirsofmelbourne #chimechoir #desertsong2019
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