Chris Bowen MP | Politician
Chris Bowen MP
Phone: +61 2 9604 0710
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25.01.2022 Good on you Queensland! Congratulations to Annastacia, and to the True Believers who worked so hard.
25.01.2022 What do Donald Trump, Boris Johnson, Scott Morrison (and Pauline Hanson and Clive Palmer) have in common? Quite a lot. So I wrote a little book about them (and beating them).
24.01.2022 Huge news. Congratulations to everyone who campaigned so hard to make this happen. Relief at last for Australians with eczema.
22.01.2022 It’s great to see local small businesses turn into bigger businesses. On today’s Made it in McMahon, I talk to Frank from Franky & Co about their expansion, a great local success story.
20.01.2022 Scott Morrison and Angus Taylor have spent years bagging electric vehicles. They have completely missed the boat on policies which can make EV’s easier to get in Australia. And we’ve missed out on opportunities as a result of their neglect
20.01.2022 A pleasure to catch up with Maria Vamavakinou and my friend Joseph Haweil, newly elected Mayor of Hume City in Melbourne. Joesph’s wife hails from Greystanes and he has many family and friend links to our community. On behalf of our McMahon community, I wished him all the best for his term as Mayor.
19.01.2022 In the week in which the Bush Fire Royal Commission affirmed a clear link between climate change & fires, Morrison’s Captain’s Pick for Hughes is posting climate denial garbage claiming natural disasters are declining. He veers between dangerous medical conspiracy theories & climate denial.... Scott Morrison chose this bloke. Scott Morrison must own this bloke.
17.01.2022 It’s for great energy affordability and reliability projects like this that Labor established the CEFC and fought against the LNP trying to abolish it and water it down for years. Energy storage and transmission is critical to cheaper bills for industry and households. It’s also vital to creating jobs. We’ll keep fighting to keep the CEFC’s integrity and independence.
17.01.2022 He’s got time film ads to support the LNP in the Queensland election. But says he hasn’t got time to legislate for a Federal ICAC.
14.01.2022 To the True Believers of Queensland who have worked so hard, good luck tomorrow. The choice is clear. A good Labor Government or the LNP propped up by Clive Palmer.
13.01.2022 Visiting Australia’s biggest solar warehouse here in McMahon, in Erskine Park. Renewable energy = jobs for our suburbs and regions.
13.01.2022 A Coffee with a Pollie with a difference this morning. Only one issue at Horsley Park: white hot anger from Horsley Park and Cecil Park locals about the arrogant ripping up of property rights by the Berejiklian Liberal Government As I said to the many locals who turned out this morning, we will continue to fight this ridiculous and arrogant plan until it is ripped up.
13.01.2022 Half of the Morrison Government doesn’t want an ICAC. The other half wants a model which won’t work. They just don’t want an ICAC.
12.01.2022 It’s outrageous! The Berejiklian Liberal Government is ripping away the right of residents of Horsley Park, Cecil Park and surrounding areas to subdivide their land or even to put in a granny flat. If you live in the affected area, please keep an eye on your letterbox. I’ve written to every household in the area to let them know about these outrageous changes and how we can fight it. Or you can sign the petition here: ...
12.01.2022 During this crisis, Australia has been superbly served by our scientists and researchers. Thanks to the Burnet Institute for briefing Josh Burns and I on the latest developments this morning. #science
11.01.2022 I thought this morning’s Coffee with a Pollie in St Clair was going to be Pollie with a Brollie! But the rain stopped right on time. Rain, hail or shine the residents must be heard! Thanks to everyone who came to discuss issues or say hello. Will be back soon St Clair.
10.01.2022 Eczema sufferers are suffering longer than they need to because Greg Hunt has not listened to the experts. He has failed to list Dupixent on the PBS. Like so much else, the Morrison Government’s spin on the PBS doesn’t match the reality.
09.01.2022 Something a bit different. A geography lesson for Greg Hunt
09.01.2022 His focus is mostly on the "big announcement", not on delivery. He doesn't seem to understand nor accept responsibility What former Liberal Leader John Hewson thinks of Scott Morrison. And he’s spot on
08.01.2022 We can revitalise our manufacturing sector, creating thousands of jobs in our suburbs. We can truly be a country that makes things. But first, we have to get energy policy right.
08.01.2022 The pandemic has reminded Australia of how we need to be a country that makes things, including key strategic goods. Maria Vamvakinou and I saw up close today the important work of CSL at Broadmeadows on COVID vaccine preparations.
06.01.2022 Almost two years after announcing a Federal ICAC and having failed to deliver it.... Christian Porter today announces....more discussion and consultation. All announcement. No delivery.
05.01.2022 For the first time in 13 years, our annual McMahon Pink Ribbon Morning Tea won't be happening. But it's still important we support the National Breast Cancer Foundation at
05.01.2022 The Clive Palmer/LNP lies continue right up to polling day. Palmer the Pest’s text messages are annoying. They are also just full of lies. They know their way to win is to lie. ... Make sure your friends know! There is no death tax!
03.01.2022 Thanks for inviting me Libby, and thanks to Deakin University for the great work they are doing on new renewable energy technology. Renewables = jobs.
03.01.2022 Under this Government, out of pocket health costs have never been higher.
02.01.2022 In Australia’s regions, our universities are doing important work on developing renewable energy technology to create jobs of the future. Thanks to Libby Coker for inviting me to the Deakin University campus at Waurn Ponds to hear about their research on wind turbines and blue carbon.
02.01.2022 Heroes wear masks, not capes. As we celebrate the opening of the NSW-Victorian border, I wanted to be in Melbourne today to thank the magnificent health and hospital workers for their effort during the crisis. Cleaners, orderlies, cooks, nurses and doctors all risked their health to keep us healthy. Very pleased to be able to help recognise that in a small way at St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne today.... Thank you!
02.01.2022 Thanks to Josh Burns for arranging a great chat with the good people at the St Kilda Eco Centre and a talk with 300 or so students studying sustainability and the environment at Albert Park College.
01.01.2022 Is anyone missing a Muscovy Duck? This magnificent (and very friendly) guy is wandering around Rosford St Reserve, Smithfield.