Chris Crerar | Writer
Chris Crerar
Phone: +61 428 335 535
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25.01.2022 Is the rain came down in sheets today and I loaded logs inf my woodheater on this third day of "summer" I thought a lot about scenes like this! Was warm weather just a dream?! Preservation Island, Furneaux Islands, Bass Strait, Tasmania, sometime warmer earlier in 2018.
24.01.2022 I don't often post images of myself on my insta-feed but I couldn't help myself here! To say that you feel like you're on the #edgeoftheworld at #capepillar in the #tasmanpeninsulanationalpark is something of an understatement. I'm back there today in my mind as I process the edit of my @taswalkingco trip along the #threecapestrack for @qftravelinsider last week. What an incredible experience it is. The TWC lodges are fantastic and @tasmaniaparks trail is an incredible achievement... even if my calves almost siezed after all the steps! Bravo all round.
19.01.2022 It's Friday folks... time to get your #groove on! I spent last Friday evening pointing my camera around Street Eats Franko and had a blast in the process. We're well into the festive season now, so get yourselves down to #hobart's best place to kick off Friday evening! @ Street Eats Franko
19.01.2022 The emails have stopped. Must mean its Christmas! As my #sobaditsgood totally analog and real card says "have a devilishly good Christmas"! Huge shout out to everyone who has supported me this year. It's been an enormously fantastic year and I'm totally grateful for to the opportunity to work with you all. Here's to a chilled festive season, a fab summer holiday and great start to 2019... gulp, did I just say that?! I'm going to miss some of you, but here goes... THANKS! #theweekendaustralianmagazine @qftravelinsider @qantasspirit @jetstaraustralia @tasteofflinders #tourismtasmania #tourismnortherntasmania @financialreview @goodweekendmag @sydneymorningherald @the.australian @theagephoto @monoclemagazine @sanctuarymag @wild_mag @flindersisland @tasmanian_boat_charters @wildpedder @winetasmania @ausveg @depa
19.01.2022 It was a fab festive/party season, which had many highlights, including 4 days escaping the madness by walking into Pine Valley and the incredible Labyrinth in the #cradlemountainlakestclairnationalpark, Christmas Day spent with my two surviving grandparents who are both well into their 90s (very lucky to have them around), a crazy Boxing Day party in Woodbridge, a day shooting a #gnocchi masterclass with templo's Matt Breen at the The Taste of Tasmania and an adventurous new year spent on my beautiful Alicia #coutaboat sailing down the #dentrecasteauxchannel to Randall's Bay and Mickey's Beach with @shanghai_cake and @annette.barwick ... feel like 2019 has been kicked off well, but alas, it's back to work now. Just as well... my liver was not coping with all the good times
19.01.2022 Tea anyone? This is one of those images that I was a little unhappy with how it was interpreted and ultimately published. It was always meant to be a moody - #vermeer like - afternoon tea, but when it appeared in the book it had been lightened to look all bright and cheery. Lost all of it's impact we all agreed. Shot for the #sallywise book A Kitchen in the Valley in 2015. Otherwise, I was really happy with the book and how #abcbooks published the other images.
16.01.2022 Enjoyed a brilliant long weekend just over a week ago, taking my Tasmanian #coutaboat Alicia (1930) to the #mawbf2019 in Hobart. I was blown away by how the festival has grown - its huge now! With a couple of interstate mates and my Dad visiting, it made for a pretty intense (read boozy) weekend. Luckily we bagged a brilliant spot with Alicia where we could come and go, meaning we weren't #stuck. Had a beautiful sail on the way home to Kettering, which was really the highlight for me! Thanks to all the organizers and volunteers... looking forward to #awbf2021 . . #coutaboat #woodenboat #classicboat #workingboat #gaffrigged #woodenboatsarebetter #livingboattrust #woodenboatguildoftasmania #tasmanianwoodenboats
14.01.2022 Hello Summer, come on in... you're most welcome! Just spent some of the past 24 hours photographing @saltcotes Beach House in Tassie's #opossumbay on the warmest day and evening of the Summer so far. What a fabulous spot and what a gorgeous house. Book a stay - Saltcotes is the only house on the beautiful beach, just past the shack village. The beach is all yours! Thanks Frances @ Saltcotes Beach House
12.01.2022 Hope your Friday on a more even keel than this farm #ute! Still one of my favourite images, I took this just outside #nantdistillery in Bothwell after shooting for an American whisky magazine. It's as if the farm dog is trying to even out the crooked suspension! Having just bought my first 'ute', ahead of building in #woodbridge next year, I hope my suspension holds out. Can't see #charliedog offering the same service!
11.01.2022 Always thought @rye_dunsmuir's #xodiningchair was a future classic. Nice to bump into it again while rummaging though my archives. Did this photoshoot with Rye sometime ago in a now gone launceston institution, #pxtapas.
11.01.2022 I've photographed @holmoak winemaker Rebecca (Bec) Duffy on many occasions and usually in the winery, cellar door or in the vines, but when Australia's Wine Business Magazine (WBM)'s Anthony Madigan briefed me for a forthcoming cover feature about Bec those were the last places he wanted her photographed. Loved the brief, and the published results look great. Keep on running Bec... and making great wine
09.01.2022 Recently my architect officemate Sarah Lindsay of LXN Architecture burst into the building, arms full of new books. She'd just come back from Melbourne and had updated the practice's library with a visit to Metropolis Bookshop. One of those books was This Building Likes Me by John Wardle Architects. As one of the contributing photographers, I attended the Tasmanian launch of the book in the old Mercury building, but until now hadn't actually sat down and taken a good thumb through it. It's a fascinating insight into JWA's philosophy, practice and recent works. There's some fantastic ideas and remarkable buildings featured and I'm really proud that my work, documenting the Bruny Island Making Projects, makes an appearance. The images here are pages of the book featuring my work + the book cover.
08.01.2022 I never need much of an excuse to visit gorgeous #stanleytasmania on the island's far north west coast, but a commission to turn my camera on the town for #qantastravelinsider was a real treat. Following a trail left for me by writer #nikkigemmell's words, I cross crossed the village and surrounds chatting to many of the same (larger-than-life) characters she did. If you haven't visited Stanley before, put it on your list! In the current Qantas inflight magazine. @ Stanley, Tasmania
07.01.2022 Bit of a milestone today that I'm just a little bit proud of... My article is the cover-story of the latest #sanctuarymagazine and I didn't even take the images! The magazine's editor, Kulja, asked me to write about architect Andrew Kerr's #60khouse, just down the road in #flowerpot, so I jumped on my bike to check it out and interview Andrew. To build such a highly liveable and well designed home on such a small budget (was about 100k to complete) is a great achievement and, as Andrew intended, contributes to kick starting a conversation about what we actually NEED in a house, as opposed to what we WANT! It's a deserving cover story imho. Great photos by Jordan Davis Photography / Cinematography (Jordan Davis) too! @ Flowerpot
07.01.2022 Last year I tailed Brazilian #superchef Alex Atala around #flindersisland as engaged with nature and locals (some would say they're the same thing) and i discreetly photographed him. Max Brearley also tailed him and discreetly wrote a story about his experiences on that extraordinary little archipelago. Now, Max's words and my pics are side-by-side in the current issue of delicious. Australia magazine. Nice work all round everyone @ Flinders Island
06.01.2022 I had my shortest commute to work this week since moving to #woodbridgetasmania when I drove up the hill to the incredible @lisakingstonflowers for an assignment. Lisa and her husband Steve live and work in a veritable floral wonderland above Woodbridge and enjoy sweeping views of the #dentrecasteauxchannel ... Another one of those tough gig that someone has to do! Was really great to meet Lisa and Steve and the #woofer's and drink in all of those gorgeous botanical beauties. @ Woodbridge, Tasmania
05.01.2022 The Shanghai Edition hotel is pretty flash, in the right kind of flash. I'm really enjoying writing these little Dream Destination pieces for the @goodweekendmag and honoured that the editors there keep publishing them. Writing anything under 100 words gets the cogs turning and is a great exercise in discipline, to say the least. @ The Shanghai EDITION
05.01.2022 We cannot become a mature nation while we refuse to acknowledge and accept ALL of our history. We also cannot become a mature nation when we continue to disrespect Australia's first peoples and what is culturally important to them. These images show 4WD tracks going right across culturally significant ancient midden sites and meeting places for the #tarkinerpeople on #tasmania's West Coast in what is now known as the #tarkinecoast or #takayna. And we cannot become an inclusive nation while we think it's ok to hold our national day on a date that causes heartache and pain for so many Australians. . #changethedate #changethedateofaustraliaday #respectindigenouspeople #australiaforall #invasionday
01.01.2022 The emails have stopped. Must mean its almost Christmas! As my #sobaditsgood totally analog and real card says "have a devilishly good Christmas"! Huge shout out to everyone who has supported me this year. It's been an enormously fantastic year and I'm totally grateful for to the opportunity to work with you all. Here's to a chilled festive season, a fab summer holiday and great start to 2019... gulp, did I just say that?! I'm going to miss some of you, but here goes... THA...NKS! #theweekendaustralianmagazine @qftravelinsider @qantasspirit @jetstaraustralia @tasteofflinders #tourismtasmania #tourismnortherntasmania @financialreview @goodweekendmag @sydneymorningherald @the.australian @theagephoto @monoclemagazine @sanctuarymag @wild_mag @flindersisland @tasmanian_boat_charters @wildpedder @winetasmania @ausveg @tasland @greenmagazine @tasmaniaparks @streeteatsfranko @delamerevineyard @farmgatemarket @stillwater_tas @templohobart @dacibakers @farmgatemarket @harvest_launceston @drysdalehouse @utasarchitecturedesign @lxn_architecture @core_collective @johnwardlearchitects @cookingbooking @seasaltsocial @ashmorefoodstas @shanghaicake .... more to come! Have to dash to a bbq! Big big thanks also to my awesome officemates at @lxn_architecture ... it's been a blast! See more