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Chris Gulaptis MP | Politician

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Chris Gulaptis MP

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25.01.2022 SPORTING CLUBS SHOULD APPLY NOW FOR LIFESAVING DEFIBRILLATOR Local sports clubs and councils should bid in a heartbeat for a Nationals NSW Government’s defibrillator grant, with applications now open. 7000 people have a heart attack outside of hospital each year in NSW and if there is a defibrillator on hand they have a 75 per cent increased rate of survival and full recovery.... Former Yellow Wiggle Greg Page suffered a cardiac arrest while performing with the Wiggles and was treated with a defibrillator that happened to be on site. He was very fortunate there was a defibrillator at the venue otherwise he might not be here today. Under previous funding rounds, sports clubs in Evans Head, Grafton, Yamba and Minnie Water were successful in securing the lifesaving emergency medical equipment. More information can be found by visiting

25.01.2022 WELCOME BOOST TO LOCAL RFS & SES UNITS It was terrific to have my colleague the Minister for Police and Emergency Services David Elliott with me yesterday to welcome the roll out of a number of new, state-of-the-art emergency service vehicles for local SES and RFS units across the Clarence and Richmond Valleys. SES units at Grafton and Woodburn each took delivery of new rescue vehicles which are part of the $56.4 million fleet replacement program funded by the NSW Government ...over four years. The $360,000 ‘Medium Rescue Generation 4’ vehicles can carry up to six SES volunteers and will support them in responding to storm, flood, and vertical rescue operations. We also joined Senior Assistant Commissioner Bruce McDonald at the Clarence Valley Fire Control Centre where we officially handed over three Category 9 tankers to the Dilkoon, Copmanhurst and Ulmarra Rural Fire Brigades and a Category 1 vehicle to the Iluka Brigade. In a further boost to the region, the Minister announced an additional 24 Mitigation roles, with one crew each for Casino, Armidale, Macksville, Clarence Valley, Murwillumbah and Coffs Harbour. These new roles, part of the recent $10.7 million state-wide investment in bushfire preparedness and regional jobs, will support volunteers and fast-track hazard reduction in areas that need it most. A further two Category 17 Mitigation trucks, worth $200,000 each were also handed over to assist the area. These new vehicles will provide an even greater level of protection to local communities in times of emergency. The Minister also had the honour of presenting two members of the Clarence Valley RFS National Medals at a special ceremony held at the local Fire Control Centre at Ulmarra. With a combined 66 years of Service, I offer my congratulations to Group Officer John Page on his 45 years of service and Group Officer Douglas Spalding on his 21 years of service. Both gentlemen are dedicated volunteers and I commend them on their commitment in protecting their local communities.

24.01.2022 STANDING OUR GROUND I welcome the decision of the NSW Nationals Parliamentary party today to reject the State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP) Koala Habitat Protection in its current form. The SEPP is a core fundamental policy for regional communities and we have to get it right. This is not about choosing between koalas and farmers. It is about reaching a positive outcome for the preservation of koalas while protecting our rural industries at the same time. Those industr...Continue reading

23.01.2022 STATEMENT ON KOALA SEPP I want to put on the record that I do not support the new Koala Habitat Protection State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP) that was introduced by the NSW Government in March of this year. I love koalas just like everybody else, but I can’t support a policy that targets rural industries and decimates regional communities without protecting koalas.... The new SEPP is ill-founded and essentially determines every part of NSW is koala habitat. It essentially sterlises all private land in regional NSW as koala habitat with the onus put on the landowner to undertake an ecological study to prove otherwise. The irony is that we have koalas in the region because we have protected them for the past 200 years and now we have a policy developed in the city, where they have annihilated their koala colonies, dictating to us on how best to protect this iconic species. I will not be a part of a Government that is responsible for destroying rural businesses, throwing country workers on the scrapheap and killing regional communities. I am hopeful that a review of the Koala SEPP guidelines can reach a compromise whereby koalas can be protected without impacting on the rural businesses we need to sustain our regional communities. In the event that no positive outcome is achieved, I am prepared to move to the crossbench. I will still be a member of the NSW Nationals but the NSW Government cannot rely on my vote for every piece of legislation introduced into the House. This is such a significant issue for me electorate I have to draw a line in the sand. I won't stand by and see regional communities and livelihoods decimated. I was elected to Parliament to represent my community and I will always stand up for and put my community first.

23.01.2022 JOIN ME IN WRITING TO THE QLD PREMIER I have once again written to the QLD Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk urging her to consider including the Clarence Valley in the new expanded ‘border bubble’. In my letter, I attached a copy of a letter of support from Clarence Valley Council on behalf of its ratepayers and businesses. I am encouraging Clarence Valley residents to be proactive and do the same explaining to the QLD Premier why it’s important to them.... I explained in my letter that it matters to Clarence Valley residents and businesses because like the other local government areas the Premier chose to include in the ‘border bubble’, we too have strong social and economic ties to QLD. Whether it be family living across the border, working there, doing business there, furthering their education, seeking specialist medical treatment or holidaying there, we in the Clarence Valley also share a close bond with QLD like our neighbouring areas. We contribute greatly to their local economy and consider ourselves part of the social fabric of their community. With the new motorway almost complete, those interests will only increase. While I appreciate easing restrictions is a staged process and a line needs to be drawn in the sand somewhere, it makes no sense to exclude the Clarence Valley when all other local government areas that form part of the Northern NSW Local Health Service (stretching from Tweed to Grafton) have been included in the ‘border bubble’. Clarence Valley residents do not pose a serious health risk to QLD as our last case of the virus was on 28 March, some six months’ ago. I am aware the QLD Premier added some further areas into the mix overnight so I am once again urging her to include the Clarence Valley so the entire Northern NSW Local Health District is part of the ‘border bubble’. You can email the QLD Premier at [email protected].

23.01.2022 NEW $1.6 MILLION SOCCER CLUBHOUSE IN SOUTH GRAFTON OPEN With community sport restrictions having just been relaxed, it was a great time to open the new Rushforth Road Clubhouse at the soccer fields in South Grafton today. The impressive new clubhouse was funded through the Nationals in NSW Government’s Stronger Country Communities Fund ($500,000) and Clarence Valley Council ($1,134,135).... The new facility includes two unisex change rooms, two referee rooms, competition office, storage space, accessible public amenities, two canteens as well as a huge community space and a first aid room. Soccer or football as the true believers call it continues to grow in popularity for both boys and girls across the country and that is why we have invested funds in this building. It follows earlier grants from the NSW Government totalling more than $400,000 for lighting upgrades on the fields so more night games can be played. Since last weekend, more than one parent can now attend community sporting activities although physical distancing measures of at least 1.5 metres must be maintained between people that are not from the same household. This is great news for all those families who have been wanting to see their kids do what they love. This facility has been years in the planning and I congratulate Clarence Valley Council and the Rushforth Park Towns Clubs, which comprises representatives from a number of local soccer clubs, for collaborating together to come up with a high quality facility that is accessible for the whole community.

22.01.2022 OFFICIAL OPENING OF LARGEST PCYC IN REGIONAL NSW How good is it to have the largest Police Citizens Youth Club (PCYC) outside of metropolitan Sydney in our own backyard! Last Friday’s official opening of PCYC Grafton was the culmination of many years of blood, sweat and tears to bring this multi-million recreation and activity facility for our youth to fruition.... The state-of-the-art facility is located at the Grafton Sports Centre and features a gymnastics hall, boxing room, gyms, basketball courts, a youth hub and meeting rooms. It is an impressive facility that will serve the Clarence Valley community for years to come. This is something our young people have desperately needed and will love. It is a place for our young people to go to on good days and not so good days. It is a place of belonging and a place to feel safe. It is a place that helps build life skills, positive relationships and improves physical health and confidence. It is a testament to the strong working relationship between NSW Police Force, PCYC NSW, Clarence Valley Council, the NSW Government and key community stakeholders and I congratulate everyone involved.

17.01.2022 IT’S NAME ON FOR THE NEW GRAFTON BRIDGE The process for the community to give Grafton’s second crossing over the Clarence River a name has begun with online submissions now open. You can make a submission by clicking on the link below and share this post with locals so they can too.... It took decades of pressure from locals before I convinced the NSW Government to put the money in the budget to build this great new bridge so it is very much our monument and one which the community should have input in naming. Thousands of people took the opportunity to be a part of history when celebrating the opening of the bridge late last year; now they can be part of history again in putting forward their ideas on a name. Since opening to traffic in December, the $240 million bridge has been a game changer for the people of Grafton. During construction it provided a real boost for the Jacaranda city, supporting about 220 jobs at the peak of work and providing economic support to many local contractors and businesses. The people of Grafton waited a long time for this bridge and I think everyone would agree the wait has been worth it. We’re asking the community and local stakeholders to suggest names, with Transport for NSW working with Clarence Valley Council to review submissions before selecting the preferred name. Transport for NSW will also consult with local Aboriginal groups as part of this process to ensure any Indigenous names selected have their support. Once Council has reviewed all naming suggestions received, they may choose to recommend an Aboriginal name or may suggest two names an Aboriginal name and a European name. Submissions will be open until 5pm Wednesday, 30 September after which Transport for NSW will collate submissions and provide a report to council. Council will then review all submissions and recommend a new bridge name to Transport for NSW for approval. The community can make submissions and learn more about naming their local bridges by visiting The new name or names are expected to be announced by the end of the year.

17.01.2022 The NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian just loves the Jacaranda umbrella presented to her by Jacaranda Festival Manager, Mark Blackadder during her recent visit to Grafton. I hear that sales are through the roof! Thank you Premier for showcasing our beautiful city!

15.01.2022 BORDER RELAXATION WELCOME BUT CLARENCE VALLEY NEEDS TO BE INCLUDED The slight easing of border restrictions by the Queensland Government is a positive step but the exclusion of the Clarence Valley local government area doesn't make any sense. It is quite bizarre and certainly not based on medical evidence that Glenn Innes Shire is given the nod but the Clarence Valley is excluded.... I have written to the Queensland Premier asking her to reconsider and to accept the whole of the Northern NSW Local Health District into the so-called border bubble since we are demonstrably COVID safe. No new cases of COVID-19 have been reported in residents of the Northern NSW Local Health District since 25 July. It is very much in Queensland's interests to open up to the Clarence Valley both for the small businesses that trade there and locals who like spending their weekend tourist dollar on the Gold Coast and surrounds.

14.01.2022 Today's NSW Budget was one of the most historic in living memory. During extremely tough times, this Budget is focussed on delivering positive outcomes for all sectors of our community. It delivers for health, education, infrastructure, business and is focussed on rebuilding communities, stimulating local economies, generating jobs and supporting the health and well-being of our local communities. ... For more information about the NSW Government’s 2020-21 Budget, please go to

14.01.2022 CENTENARY OF POLICE ASSOCIATION NSW Today marks the Centenary of the formation of the Police Association of NSW, an organisation that is dedicated to positive improvements for its members and policing in general across NSW. Former Grafton cop and Police Detective Tony King is doing a terrific job as the current President of the Association. I worked very closely with Tony in helping negotiate with the NSW Government to secure the historic 1500 increase to the NSW Police to k...eep our communities even safer. I offer my congratulations to the Police Association NSW on celebrating 100 years of service.

14.01.2022 DUAL CARRIAGEWAY SET TO OPEN BETWEEN MACLEAN AND MORORO We are continuing to make strides with another new section of the Woolgoolga to Ballina Pacific Highway upgrade set to open shortly. Over the next two weeks we will see nine kilometres of dual carriageway open between Maclean and Mororo in stages.... Once this section is fully opened, the project will have delivered 106 kilometres of dual carriageway this year alone. Exciting times with the remainder on track to open by the end of the year!!

12.01.2022 LARGEST SECTION OF NEW MOTORWAY TO OPEN TO TRAFFIC SOON Despite the wet and windy conditions this morning, it was terrific to be at Broadwater with the Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack and my Federal Nationals colleague Kevin Hogan to preview the 34km section of new dual carriage motorway that will open to traffic very soon, bypassing the communities of Woodburn, Broadwater and Wardell. It was also great to have the Mayor and General Manager of Richmond Valley and Deputy Mayor of Ballina Council also onsite. This is the largest section of motorway to open to traffic before the duplication of the Pacific Highway between Hexham and the Queensland border is completed later this year. The opening of this section will significantly reduce travel times for motorists and give local streets back to communities by reducing the number of heavy vehicles travelling through each town. Fewer trucks through Woodburn, Broadwater and Wardell is good news for the community in those towns, but bypassed town signage will still encourage motorists to stop, visit and support their local economies. Interchanges at Woodburn and Broadwater will offer safe access to and across the new motorway while the Coolgardie interchange will open in stages, with temporary access arrangements in place initially. Community members will also be given the opportunity to have their say on naming the new bridge over the Richmond River at Broadwater the second longest bridge on the upgrade as well as major crossings at Harwood and Shark Creek. The project team is working hard to open the remaining 15 kilometres between Devils Pulpit and Woodburn to the south, so motorists are asked to please remain aware of changed traffic conditions while construction and finishing work continues.

12.01.2022 BOOST TO BUS SERVICES IN THE CLARENCE VALLEY It was great to have my Nationals colleague, the Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Paul Toole in the electorate today to announce a boost to bus services in the Clarence Valley. Customers in and around Grafton, Maclean and Yamba will soon benefit from an extra 41 weekly bus services to improve connectivity and better meet customer needs across the Clarence Valley. ... The services are being delivered as a part of the Nationals in the NSW Government’s election commitment to improve transport options in 16 regional cities around the State. This is about ensuring our public transport offering meets the specific needs of these communities with more reliable services and better connections to the places people want to visit and at the times they want to travel. A number of weekly bus services in the Clarence Valley area will be boosted from 21 September, while customers will have more choice in when they travel, with extended hours of operation and new Saturday services on key routes like the 373, 374 and 380. The extra services will make it easier for those travelling to TAFE, various health services, shopping and social facilities in the Grafton CBD, South Grafton, Maclean and Yamba. The new bus services are part of a first phase of improvements, with a second phase planned in the future to further improve connectivity in regional areas. For more information about the 16 Regional Cities Program, visit

11.01.2022 CELEBRATION AT NEW ITALY TO MARK COMPLETION OF PACIFIC HIGHWAY DUPLICATION It was wonderful to be at New Italy yesterday with members of the local community, workers and my State and Federal parliamentary colleagues, including the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, Premier and Deputy Premier and some former Nationals colleagues to celebrate the official opening of Australia’s biggest ever regional road infrastructure project the $15 billion Pacific Highway upgrade from ...Hexham to the QLD border. The 15km section that recently opened between Devils Pulpit and Woodburn marks the final link in the 657km duplication to make the entire length dual carriageway. It was terrific to see some of our home grown talent perform at this celebratory event The McClymonts had us singing along and tapping our feet to some great road trip songs and local musician, Rob Imeson and his family shared a very moving and pertinent song he had penned especially for the occasion titled I Am The Road That Will Carry You Home. Improving safety for the travelling public has been the driving force behind the upgrade . Fatalities have dropped by more than 75 per cent since work began and the bonus is it has reduced travel time by 2.5 hours and made getting from A to B much smoother and more reliable. The project has been an engineering marvel and years in the making and will be an enduring legacy for the entire state and nation. There are so many people to thank for making this remarkable, history-making project a reality, something of which everyone involved should be proud of. I'd also like to thank everyone involved in organising yesterday's event. It was no small task but a wonderful way to celebrate this historic occasion.

10.01.2022 GET READY WEEKEND Clarence and Richmond Valley residents should prepare now for the bushfire season to minimise the chance of a repeat of last year’s Black Summer. Despite a large part of the region having burnt during last year, we cannot get complacent about this coming season, so now is the time to get ready.... Local RFS brigades are organising information days with Gulmarrad, Woodburn, Ellangowan and Coaldale all having events this weekend and Copmanhurst having theirs from 24-27 September. This is a great opportunity to engage with your local brigade, find out about the fire risk in your area and learn about practical actions to ‘get ready’. The Nationals in NSW Government have recently provided many RFS units with new vehicles and equipment. NSW is already more prepared than ever before for the 2020-21 season, after the announcement of $45 million for the RFS to fast-track hazard reduction, employ 100 new paid State Mitigation Crew positions and upgrade the firefighting fleet. Specific details on local events can be found at The web site also provides instructions on how to draw up a home bushfire survival plan.

10.01.2022 GRANTS AVAILABLE FOR SCHOOLS TO DEVELOP INNOVATIVE HANDS-ON PROJECTS TO MAKE THEIR SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT MORE SUSTAINABLE Grants of up to $15,000 are available for local public schools to assist in developing innovative hands-on projects to make their school environment more sustainable. We want our students to be inspired and school communities to develop ideas and implement plans that will benefit the environment. ... Last year 194 school projects received the sustainability grant, these included a variety of kitchen gardens, water storage strategies and even bee highways to improve biodiversity. Grant applications are now open and can be submitted until 5pm, 11th December, with successful applicants notified in Term 1 2021. Further information can be found here -

08.01.2022 FUNDING AVAILABLE FOR GRASSROOTS SPORT The latest round of the NSW Government’s Local Sport Grant Program is now open and I encourage sporting groups across the Clarence and Richmond Valleys to apply. The Local Sport Grant Program provides a significant boost to grassroots sporting activities with grants ranging from $500 to $15,000. ... Applicants can access funding for a range of projects including sport access initiatives and facility upgrades, with up to $50,000 available for projects in my electorate. Applications close at 5:00pm Wednesday, 7 October 2020. More information is available at:

07.01.2022 SPECIAL SERVICE OF REMEMBRANCE AT COWPER Today was a big day to mark the official opening of the final stretch of the Pacific Highway upgrade but as I have said in an earlier post, it is important to remember the project was born out of the tragedies of the twin bus crashes late in 1989 which cost the lives of 21 people at Cowper and 35 people near Kempsey. It was only fitting that today began with a special service to pause and remember the people who lost their lives and... those whose lives were greatly impacted by this tragedy the families who lost loved ones, the 22 survivors and their families and our emergency service heroes who were faced with an unimaginable scene of carnage and who we owe a great debt of gratitude. I’d like to thank former Grafton GP Dr Ray Jones, former Grafton SES Executive Officer Bryan Robins and Sergeant Dallas Leven for speaking at the event and Pastor Greg Holder, also the local Police Chaplain, for leading us in a very special prayer of remembrance. It was an emotional morning and I’d also like to thank many of my NSW Nationals colleagues who attended the service on their way through to the official event at New Italy, including the Deputy Premier John Barilaro. Also in attendance were Clarence Valley Mayor Jim Simmons and his wife, Lexie, General Manager, Ashley Lindsay and Cr Karen Toms, former SES volunteer Phil Whitby, as well as representatives from the Maclean Lions Club who do a terrific job in maintaining the memorial site.

07.01.2022 CHRISTMAS IS ALIVE AND WELL AT GRAFTON BASE HOSPITAL Christmas is alive and well at Grafton Base Hospital and the annual Christmas Tree competition is a shining example that the Christmas spirit is thriving at GBH through this dreadful global pandemic we’re experiencing. I had the pleasure of judging the best Christmas tree last week. It was a tough gig with some very imaginative displays. Each department contributed with wonderful innovative, theme-based trees. The X-Ray ...Department had a very colourfully decorated skeleton, Pathology focussed on syringes and stool samples from Santa and Prancer, Afterhours Management had a COVID-based tree with masks, hand sanitizer and QR codes, Food Services had a wonderful Australiana theme depicting our land of contrasts, the Executive Management team including IT donned their corridor with a range of creative ideas, and Oncology donned its brand new headquarters with a beautiful living tree which was very special, allowing patients to take part by hanging their own personal baubles. The one that really stood out in my eyes was the colourful and cheekily inventive Christmas Tree created by the Sexual Health, Harm Reduction/Aboriginal Health team. The Santa figurine was decorated in condoms right down to the buttons on his coat to his hair and beard! I’m advised that the expiry date on all the condoms used had expired! I’m certain that this display of Christmas has brought a smile to every patient in the hospital and I sincerely thank all the staff for their efforts in bringing Christmas to them and for the exceptional service they have provided our community during what has been a very difficult year. Merry Christmas to one and all and let’s hope 2021 is a little kinder to us.

07.01.2022 QLD PREMIER ANNOUNCES BORDER RESTRICTIONS AGAIN Queensland border restrictions are back unfortunately. Any person entering QLD who has been in NSW must apply for and receive a QLD Border Declaration Pass and display it on their vehicle. You can get your pass here:

07.01.2022 R U OK?DAY Today is RU OK?Day. Our national day of action when we remind each other that every day is the day to ask, Are you OK? If you know someone in your world is struggling with life’s ups and downs reach out to them and ask them if they are ok. 2020 has been a particularly challenging year for everyone and circumstances have made it even more important for us all to stay connected and to reach out to others even if you can't be with them face-to-face. ... You don't need to be an expert to reach out - just a good friend and a great listener. Use these four steps and have a conversation that could change a life: 1. Ask R U OK? 2. Listen 3. Encourage action 4. Check in #ruokday2020

06.01.2022 Congratulations to Clarence Village on 50 years of service to the senior members of the Clarence Valley community. Clarence Village provides 212 residents with a wonderful supported and residential care living environment. Thanks to Ron Bell and the directors and Duncan McKimm and the staff for carrying on the professional and caring commitment started by Bill Dougherty and later Geoff Shepherd. It’s an honour and privilege to be patron of this wonderful organisation along with Federal Member, Kevin Hogan and Clarence Valley Mayor, Jim Simmons.

05.01.2022 I urge Clarence and Richmond Valley community groups and sports clubs to consider applying for funding underthe latest round of the NSW Nationals in Government’s Clubgrants program. I know a lot of not for profit groups would have had their normal fund raising activities curtailed by the coronavirus pandemic, so this is a great opportunity to make up the shortfall. The NSW Government’s Infrastructure Grants program is funded from pokie tax revenue and has made numerous local ...projects a reality such as new lighting at Casino Netball's courts and the redevelopment of the Clarence Valley BMX Club's racing track. Clubgrants funding is designed to give community organisations a boost when and where it’s needed most it is available for projects to build, repair or upgrade facilities across arts and culture, sport and recreation, disaster readiness and community infrastructure. Community infrastructure is also now a standalone category and it can be used for spaces like halls and meeting rooms, community transport, and infrastructure that supports youth, disability, mental health, homelessness, and domestic violence services. More information can be found be clicking on the the link below -

05.01.2022 $250,000 TO MAKE YAMBA GOLF GREENS A LITTLE GREENER It was great to be at Yamba this morning to announce a $250,000 grant to the Yamba Golf and Country Club for an environmentally friendly irrigation upgrade. The course irrigation system at the Club grounds will be refurbished and extended to cover the entire course with automated irrigation, maximising effluent water reuse.... The greens staff have been manually watering four holes since the irrigation system was originally installed in 1985 so it will reduce the cost of and reliance on town water and improve playing conditions. It will allow the Club to take the golf course to the next level providing members and locals with an improved community asset to be proud of. Better conditions will attract more golfers to Yamba outside of tourist season and more visitors will increase local employment and local small business trade. It’s been a difficult year for all but the Club has become stronger from the experience and this much needed upgrade will help them move forward with a level of confidence. The project has been funded from the NSW Government’s Infrastructure Grants program which reinvests profits from registered clubs’ gaming machines into a statewide funding pool for large-scale community projects like this.

04.01.2022 It is good news that from today, Richmond Valley residents can once again travel to Queensland (after downloading a permit), but it makes absolutely no sense, medical or otherwise, to exclude the Clarence Valley. It is hurting South East Queensland at least as much as it is hurting us. I wrote to the Queensland Premier as soon as she announced this daft decision. I am not holding my breath for a response, but I will continue to advocate for the inclusion of the Clarence Valley in the border zone bubble. Remember if you haven't already done so join me in writing to the QLD Premier at [email protected] telling her why it's important to you.

04.01.2022 WOODBURN, BROADWATER, WARDELL BYPASS OPENING OVERNIGHT The communities of Woodburn, Broadwater and Wardell will bypassed overnight with the 34km section of new motorway opening to traffic. This section is a critical piece in the upgrade as it will alleviate what has been a persistent bottleneck around Woodburn during peak holiday periods.... This latest milestone in the Woolgoolga to Ballina Pacific Highway upgrade will see interchanges open at Woodburn, Broadwater and Coolgardie providing safe access to and across the new motorway to local communities. Large decorative signs will be installed at Woodburn, Broadwater and Wardell promoting these bypassed communities and encouraging commuters to visit. It is terrific to see this critical piece in the upgrade open. We are so close to the finish line of this multi-generational $5 billion project, funded by the Federal and NSW Governments.

03.01.2022 NATIONAL POLICE REMEMBRANCE DAY As the Nationals in NSW Government deliver a record 1500 new police officers, it is worth pausing to say thank you to all our men and women in blue and remember those who perished in the line of duty on this day, National Police Remembrance day. In addition to your usual dangerous jobs, you are, along with our nurses, doctors and other emergency service people, our first line of defence against a once in a century pandemic.... Thank you.

01.01.2022 NATIONAL AG DAY The Nationals in NSW Government value the contribution our farmers make to our regional communities and we will always support them. Let’s show our support for our farmers and celebrate National Agday #AgDayAU

01.01.2022 Congratulations to all Clarence and Richmond Valley Year 12 students who graduate today. It has been a year like none we have ever seen. The strength and resilience of these young minds bodes so well for the future or our region and gives locals of all ages hope that our best is yet to come.

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