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Christina Bashford "The Voice of Experience"

Phone: +61 423 370 610


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25.01.2022 Are you Sleep DEPRIVED or Deficient Are you lying in bed at night, thinking, worrying, tossing and turning Here’s some Strategies 4 Getting Enough SLEEP ... You can take steps to improve your sleep habits. First, make sure that you allow yourself enough time to sleep. With enough sleep each night, you may find that you're happier and more productive during the day. Sleep often is the first thing that busy people squeeze out of their schedules. Making time to sleep will help you protect your health and well-being now and in the future. To improve your sleep habits, it also may help to.... Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Try to keep the same sleep schedule on weeknights and weekends. Limit the difference to no more than about an hour. Staying up late and sleeping in late on weekends can disrupt your body clock's sleepwake rhythm. Use the hour before bed for quiet time. Avoid strenuous exercise and bright artificial light, such as from a TV or computer screen. The light may signal the brain that it's time to be awake. Avoid strenuous exercise in the late evening! This will arouse your Sympathetic Nervous System ( the involuntarily response/ fight or flight ) Of course, S3X is ok, as long as it’s followed by a nice spooning Avoid heavy and/or large meals within a couple hours of bedtime. (Having a light snack is okay.) Also, avoid alcoholic drinks before bed. Avoid cigarettes, caffeine, sugar, caffeinated soda, tea, and chocolate. Cigarettes, caffeine and chocolate (sugar) are stimulants, and both substances can interfere with sleep. The effects of caffeine can last as long as 8 hours. So, a cup of coffee in the late afternoon can make it hard for you to fall asleep at night. Spend time outside every day (when possible) and be physically active. Keep your bedroom quiet, cool, and dark (a dim night light is fine, if needed) Take a hot bath or use relaxation techniques before bed, like meditation, stretching and or reading a nice book (not a dramatic thriller or murder mystery! This will invoke your Parasympathetic Nervous System ( the rest and digest system, the parasympathetic system conserves energy as it slows the heart rate, increases intestinal and gland activity, and relaxes sphincter muscles in the gastrointestinal tract.) Napping during the day may provide a boost in alertness and performance. However, if you have trouble falling asleep at night, limit naps or take them earlier in the afternoon. Adults should nap for no more than 20 minutes. If you are still having trouble sleeping, ask me about how hypnosis has helped many of my clients to get a good night sleep Just PM me

23.01.2022 WOW The mask is just another scare tactic

22.01.2022 While you sleep , People like me will fight for your freedoms you have left I know I can say that I did all that I could, can you It is our democratic right to protest forced poisonous VAX, POLICE brutality and unnecessary lockdowns and a FAKE Pan demic

22.01.2022 Why in 2018 where COV ID 1 9 test kits even around in 2018AS IF it wasn’t planned If you haven’t yet, watch the documentary Plandemic do yourself and the human race a favour

21.01.2022 INFO about COV ID PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE look this guy up and watch this

21.01.2022 Massive SPIKE in DOMESTIC VIOLENCE and SUICIDE If you’re not in Melbourne just imagine what it must be like can you This TYRANNY need to STOP ...Continue reading

20.01.2022 It’s FEAR that holds you back from moving on! As broken hearted as you may feel after a relationship breakdown, you must rise up and say..... I don’t care how hard this is, I don’t care how disappointed I am, I’m not going to let this get the best of me, I’m moving on with my life ... I’ve been speaking with a few people lately that keep going back to their X’s. They just can’t seem to break away, even if the relationship has been toxic and disempowering for them....They keep going back. Oh my goddess....I’ve certainly been there in the past...If I only knew then what I know now! So why do people go back to what hurt them or didn’t work out? There are many reasons, however I find that most people go back because they feel FEAR! Fear of being alone! Fear of not finding anyone better! Fear of dating again! Fear of being rejected by future potential mates! Fear of the unknown! Fear of not being good enough for someone else! There’s way more to it, but that’s the main reasons why! Until we do the internal healing work and learn how to love ourselves wholly and completely, fear will always stop you from moving on and sometimes take you back to what’s familiar, even when it’s not healthy! You have the choice to DECIDE! You have the strength to MOVE ON! You have EVERYTHING to GAIN by leaving a toxic, dead end relationship behind you! You have me to help you if you’re struggling to do this on your own - just p m me if this is you

20.01.2022 FREEDOM Its what our Soldiers fought and died for

20.01.2022 Because it’s a Big Fat Hoax Watch the documentary Plandemic if you haven’t already

19.01.2022 The truth HURTS but silence KILLS I know I have been upsetting a lot of people but I just can’t not speak up! Think I have been enjoying the last few weeks, months shining the light on the darkness? ... NO! It’s been painful for me to say the least! It’s been negative and down right horrible I have been labelled a conspiracy theorist a mad woman a moron ect ect ect Names don’t bother me Getting arrested and fined does not bother me I feel like we are in WW3 and I am a soldier in the army for TRUTH I know, it’s hurting people that are just starting to become aware of what’s really going on I know it’s hurting people that are only just starting to become aware of The Deep Stare that has been controlling the world for decades I know, it’s hurting people that are just starting to become aware of the poisons and the dangers of the so called life saving vax ines I know it’s hurting people that are only just starting to become aware of the constant and continual lies that the Mainstream Media puppets have been regurgitating and brain washing the masses with I know it’s hurting people that are only just becoming aware of the Big Pharma Drug Cartels I know it’s hurting people that are only just becoming aware of the outrageous huge business of human and child trafficking I know it’s hurting people that are only just becoming aware of the fact that this whole Pan Demic was a hoax so that the 1% ers can make more billions and dominate the world I know it’s hurting people that are only just becoming aware of the fact that our government and their police (the ones who are supposed to look after us) have been deceiving us all and selling us out It’s sick It’s frightening It’s hurting However......The truth will set you free, but it will piss you off first Truth seekers.....keep searching! Truth Speakers....keep speaking the truth, no matter how many arrows you may get shot with The whole world is waking up to the truth! IT’S TIME for everybody to WAKE UP The demons that have disguised themselves as Philanthropists are now being exposed and they will be held accountable (unless not enough people wake up and say NO MORE) I love you, I feel your pain, I know you know in your bones what’s right from wrong - we all have intuition Please do not dismiss that! Please do not beat yourself up for not knowing what you don’t or didn’t know - just keep researching to find the truth now I know how intelligent we all are as humans when we start digging, investigating and questioning what doesn’t feel right I know how incredibly strong the human spirit is and we will come through this I know how incredibly strong we are when we, the people unite and stand for truth

19.01.2022 It’s NOT about the ME - it’s about the WE I’ve always understood this I’ve always been a person that put other people’s happiness before my own (sometimes to my own detriment) ...Continue reading

18.01.2022 TRUTH SPEAKER being SILENCED DR Christiane Northrup OB/GYN physician and NO 1 BEST SELLING AUTHOR Dr. Northrup graduated from Dartmouth Medical School and completed her residency at Tufts New England Medical Center in Boston. She was also an assistant clinical professor of OB/GYN at Maine Medical Center for 20 years.... She is ANTI COV ID 19 VAX and anti BILL GATES! She has an amazing video (I can send it to you if you p m me) the video was deleted off U TUBE because it was too truthful (the ones plotting the new world order don’t want us ordinary people knowing this shit)

17.01.2022 It’s looking like 50% awake & 50% still asheep Wakie Wakie, hands off SNAKIE Virus - YES Pan demic - NO! It’s looking like 50% awake & 50% still asheep Wakie Wakie, hands off SNAKIE Virus - YES Pan demic - NO!

13.01.2022 In Archetypal Psychology the LION represents COURAGE and CONFIDENCE The lion is a SUBLIME creature who is STRONG, TENACIOUS and loves a CHALLENGE The lion is CALM on the outside and on the inside has a WINNING MINDSET, CLARITY and FOCUS... The lion is not afraid of JUDGMENT or CRITICISM from others The lion chooses BATTLES wisely and when he / she speaks others listen up The lion takes on LEADERSHIP and is also an integral TEAM MEMBER The lion surrounds him or herself with other lions and looks after the PRIDE The lion knows it’s NOT about the me me me but it’s about the WE The Lion has a BRAVE COMPASSIONATE HEART I have created this exclusive face book community because.... I’m so tired of seeing high achieving career people suffering ANXIETY and OVERWHELM Im so tired of seeing incongruence in WORK PLACES I’m so tired of seeing career people struggling in their PERSONAL and PROFESSIONAL relationships I’m so tired of seeing EGO and SELFISHNESS ruin personal and professional relationships IT’S TIME FOR US TO ALL WORK TOGETHER AS A TEAM Life can feel like a JUGGLING act and it can become EXHAUSTING and DEFLATING at times The reality is that to SUCCEED at this game of life you need a WINNING MINDSET and SELF BELIEF like a lion The reality is that our society we needs more EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION skills The reality is that our society needs more EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE I’ve created a PRIVATE group Inner Roar especially for busy career people and team leaders who wish to find the inner strength and the self expression of a LION / LIONESS I have enjoyed enormous success over the years coaching both MEN and WOMAN to breakthrough the hugest of personal, professional and emotional challenges I have had enormous success in TEAM BONDING and creating congruence in the work place This group is where I share more of myself, more information, more tips and tricks and more wisdom than on my face book page and you also get to take part in FREE COACHING and MENTORING This is a private group and a safe container which allows you to GET REAL and ASK QUESTIONS in the presence of other BRAVE like minded souls with a coach who knows how both MEN and WOMAN tick and a lot about BUSINESS and TEAM WORK This community is NOT for those who are ok with sitting taking life as it comes This community is NOT for those who are NOT in the work force This group NOT for RETIREES or UNEMPLOYED This group is for GO GETTERS who are looking to gain MORE CONFIDENCE, MOTIVATION and INSPIRATION This group is for those wanting to create MAGIC and ABUNDANCE in their life and the lives of others ARE YOU WITH ME

10.01.2022 The same F***ERS that own MSM invented the RONA PLANNED the so called PAN DEMIC & own BIG PHARMA & want you VAX ED with their POISON so they can CONTROL YOU - & make YOU sick Oh and of course make more BILLIONS

07.01.2022 Easiest way to UNDERSTAND what’s going on

06.01.2022 This SICK PRICK saying You don’t have a choice F### Him You DO have a choice That’s why you need to stand up for your rights I certainly will not have a JAB of Aluminium giving me ALZYMERS or CANCER thanks

06.01.2022 MUST WATCH

06.01.2022 VICTIM or VICTOR Your CHOICE

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