Christ the King Primary, North Rocks | Businesses
Christ the King Primary, North Rocks
Phone: +61 2 9871 7438
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25.01.2022 This Wednesday is the Feast of the Assumption. We will be celebrating this with a Primary Mass at 9am and an Infants Liturgy at 11:30am. Please come along and celebrate the Feast of Our Lady.
25.01.2022 Please ensure that children are wearing their full winter school uniform tomorrow. If you have purchased the new uniform please wear the new tie with this. If you have the old uniform please wear the old gold and maroon tie.
25.01.2022 We have had many children arriving late to school recently. We understand it may be harder to leave the house in the colder weather, however please be aware that the morning bell rings at 8:45am. Those children who are arriving late can be flustered and miss daily messages. Please ensure your child/ children is getting to bed early enough so they are prepared for the next day at school. If your child is arriving after 9:00 am they MUST have a late slip from the office.
24.01.2022 Tomorrow is the make up day for school photos. If your child/ children were absent last Monday please ensure they are wearing the correct full winter school uniform for tomorrow.
23.01.2022 Highlights from the Newsletter * Our Social Justice team have decided to take part in the Mini Vinnies Winter Appeal. If you would like to donate any canned food, clothing or blankets in good condition, please send it to the classroom with your child. *Life Education will be visiting CTK next Monday-Friday. Classes will be visiting on various days during the week... * Our Environment team is starting an exciting new project. They aim to plant an environmentally sound native garden along the fence at Bowral Street. One of their aims is to bring the native birdlife to the area.
22.01.2022 What a wonderful day it was today. The CTK Olymp-a-thon was a great success. It was lovely to see the whole community getting into the spirit of the games in support of our school. Just a reminder that the children will need to collect their sponsorship money and start returning it to school so we can reveal our total fundraising amount. Thank you to all the organisers and helpers without which the day would not have run so well.
22.01.2022 This Friday is the book week parade. Children are allowed to come to school dressed as their favourite book character. Please ensure children still bring a hat and appropriate footwear for play time. There will also be a bbq to raise money for the CTK 40 years ball. More details to come.....
21.01.2022 It is a busy time of the term! Reports should have come home on Friday. if you have not yet received your child's report please contact the school office. Parent/ Teacher meetings are currently underway. Please ensure you arrive at the specified time and adhere to the fifteen minutes as teachers have tried to book times to suit all parents. Thank you for your ongoing support and feedback.
21.01.2022 Today CTK were privileged to have Book Week performers visit the school. This students learned about the importance of good sportsmanship as well as hearing about some wonderful new literature.
19.01.2022 Our PBL focus for this week is to - Learn and Let Others Learn
18.01.2022 As our weather heats up please remember to apply sunscreen and pack an extra drink for your child. Hats are most important as children will not be allowed to play without them.
18.01.2022 Child Protection Please make sure that you have updated your Child Protection training particularly if your completed it two or more years ago. When putting your name down to help in the classroom, the class teacher will check you have completed the training before inviting you to assist in the classroom.... The training is completed online and there is a link on our school website. At the end of the online survey please print off the approval page and send in to the school office so we can update your details. If you are not sure how up-to-date your details are, please check at the school office.
17.01.2022 With our fete coming up in 3 weeks, we have asked the children to bring in some items to help us along. These are listed below: Kindy - Stationery and Craft Items Year 1 - Packaged Lollies Year 2 - Gourmet Foods (long life)... Year 3 - Boys and Girls Toys Year 4 - Baby girl & boy products Year 5 - Beauty and Toiletry Products (male & female) Year 6 - Christmas Products Thank you for all your support.
17.01.2022 8am tomorrow morning is the Stage 2 Boys touch trials. Girls will be Wednesday morning at the same time.
16.01.2022 This week marks our last week of Term 2. We have had such a busy term and we know everyone is looking forward to a well earned rest! A few things to remember - Last dance fever lesson is tomorrow - Monday night is Dance Fever competition night at Homebush - Year 2 are putting on their assembly later in the week.... - Friday is a BLUE, gold coin mufti day to raise money for Shannon Bissett to compete in the State netball team. Have a wonderful week :)
16.01.2022 Welcome back to Term 4! Here are a few messages to begin the term. Our K-3 swimming program continues until the end of this week. Please ensure your child's name is on all their belongings as they bring them to school each day. Year 4 are hosting our Friday assembly to be held this Friday the 19th of October.... Please remember to send in fete items. Each grade has been allocated a particular item to bring in.
15.01.2022 Please don't forget to send in a picture of your child with their father/ grandfather before Friday's liturgy. We will be using them as part of our liturgy. Thank you.
15.01.2022 Just a few reminders about morning drop-off. - Please remember that supervision does not begin until 8:15am - Please drive less than 5km an hour within school grounds - Do not stop over the pedestrian crossing - Children should leave the vehicle on the passenger side only... - Children must use the crossing See more
14.01.2022 Tomorrow there is a jellybean guessing competition held by year 6. Children will be allowed to donate money for a guess before school.
13.01.2022 Dance fever will return to Mondays, so children should be wearing sports uniform tomorrow. If your child/ children were absent on photo day and are having their photo taken tomorrow, they should be in full school winter uniform.
13.01.2022 SCHOOL PHOTOS School photos will take place MONDAY the 28th of May. This is Monday of NEXT WEEK. An envelope came home yesterday that needs to be completed for each individual child. Correct money needs to be placed in the envelope as change will not be given. Every child hoping to receive school photos must have their own envelope with them on the day. Envelopes do not need to be returned to the office, the children should have them with them on Monday.... If you would like your children to have a family photo, please collect a family photo envelope from the office.
10.01.2022 Today Year 1 hosted a spectacular assembly. They showcased their learning for the term and drew quite a crowd. Congratulations year 1.
10.01.2022 We had an exciting morning this morning. CTK was lucky enough to have the Bledisloe Cup visit. The children all attended an assembly where they learnt a little about the cup and were able to win prizes. It was an exciting start to the week.
09.01.2022 This Friday August 31st, CTK will be celebrating Father's Day. A light breakfast will be provided from 8:00am and this will be followed by a liturgy hosted by Year 5. Father's will then be invited into the classrooms until 10:00am to share a story with their child. We hope you can make it.
07.01.2022 A note came home this week about the Fete and Food Fair. Please have a read and if you would like to assist fill in the slip at the bottom and return it to the office.
07.01.2022 Apologies for the mix up. As not all the 3/4 boys knew about touch trials this morning, they will be held again at lunch time tomorrow. The 3/4 Girls touch trial will still be at 8am tomorrow morning.
07.01.2022 FIRST HOLY COMMUNION Tomorrow afternoon at 4pm their is a First Holy Communion Practice for all children making this sacrament on the upcoming weekends. The practice will take place in the school church, all candidates are to attend. The first mass celebrating this sacrament will be this weekend. We extend our best wishes and congratulations to all students participating.
06.01.2022 Please come along to Kindergarten's assembly this afternoon. It will begin at 2:15pm. We are looking forward to what has been planned.
06.01.2022 This Friday is grandparents day. We will be having a mass in the morning and we hope to see you all there. Mass will begin a 9:15 am and this will be followed by open classrooms and a morning tea. As this is such a popular day, if you are thinking of coming to the morning tea, we ask that you bring along a plate to share which can be dropped off either Thursday afternoon or Friday morning.
05.01.2022 Please don't forget to enter your child's data for the Premier's Reading Challenge. If you don't enter the data your child will not receive a certificate for completing the challenge.
05.01.2022 Fete day is tomorrow. Hopefully you have been keeping up-to-date with the weekly messages that have been coming home. Thank you to all the people who are organising and setting throughout the day tomorrow, hopefully the weather is kind! A few reminders: - There will be NO DRIVE THROUGH in the morning or afternoon as the school grounds will be closed from an early hour. Please drop off children in Bowral or Burradoo St for tomorrow only.... - Buses will still be running through Bowral St so please be considerate when choosing a parking spot. - Children are allowed to wear mufti clothing tomorrow allowing that they do not wear short-shorts or thin-strap singlets. They must also wear closed-in/sensible footwear to last them a whole day at school as well as the fete. - Children should bring their food in a disposable bag tomorrow so as not to have their schoolbags left at school. - There is NO BAND tomorrow due to the fete but these lessons will be made up in preparation for the Christmas Concert. - Children may be picked up from the classroom from 2:30pm onwards. If your child is going home with another parent we will need written permission. - If you are running a stall you must still come to collect your child from their classroom for safety and supervision reasons. Thank you, we are looking forward to an exciting fete tomorrow and hope to see you all there.
05.01.2022 The Feast of the Sacred heart mass will be celebrated tomorrow. The Primary mass will begin at approximately 9:15am and should be completed by 10:15am. We ask that parents leave the church quickly as there is a funeral being held at 10:30am. The infants will have a liturgy at 12:30pm which will also be celebrated in the church.
03.01.2022 A big thank you to all those who have taken part in the school fundraising. Your dedication is greatly appreciated. If you would like to order an extra box, please visit the school office.
03.01.2022 There is a meeting about the school fete tomorrow from 1-3 pm. All are welcome.
02.01.2022 Welcome back to term 3 2012. It has already been a busy term with our Athletics carnival being held on Tuesday at Homebush. The day went off beautifully and many thanks go to Mr Loudon and Mrs Kelleway who organised and ran the day. A big thank you also to all our wonderful parent helpers who enabled the day to run so smoothly, we appreciate your enthusiasm and support! Just a few reminders about term 3: * Tomorrow Monday the 23rd of July is a pupil free day, the children wil...l begin the week on Tuesday. * Dance Fever after school will be on a Wednesday this term. Sorry for any inconvenience that was caused if you were unable to receive the email from the company. * Moving Bodies gymnastics will begin in Week 3, and your child will either be allocated a Monday or Friday as their gym day. All the best for a great term :)
01.01.2022 There is a Band Performance at 7:00pm this evening. Please come along to hear the wonderful showcase that is the CTK band. Many thanks to Mr. Lavis for all his hard work.
01.01.2022 Just a reminder that Yrs 1, 2, 3 and 6 have gymnastics tomorrow, Monday the 10th. This is due to the cyber-bullying talk for yrs 4-6.
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