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Christ College, Sydney in Burwood, New South Wales | Higher education

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Christ College, Sydney

Locality: Burwood, New South Wales

Phone: +61 2 9744 1977

Address: 1 Clarence Street 2134 Burwood, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 Starting in 10 minutes!

23.01.2022 How are those new year's resolutions going? Check another one off your list by applying to study at Christ College in 2021! Questions? Get in touch with us at [email protected] or (02) 9744 1977. #christcollege #christforalloflife #newyear #christcollegesydney

20.01.2022 [ASKING MURRAY SMITH ABOUT BIBLICAL THEOLOGY PART 3 OF 4] Q: You’re teaching a relatively new unit called ‘Advanced Exegesis for Biblical Theology: Isaiah and Luke’. What does this unit try to achieve, and what excites you about it? MS: "I am excited about this Unit. It is a real joy. The big question for the whole Unit is: how do we read the Bible well, tracing God’s unfolding revelation of himself throughout the Scriptures, with Christ at the centre? We consider a number ...of critical questions in biblical theology questions about how the whole Bible hangs together as an organic whole. The main thing we do, however, is to read through a series of passages in Isaiah (in Hebrew), and a series of passages in the Gospel of Luke (in Greek). We focus on the ways in which Isaiah prepares the way for the gospel, and Luke makes use of Isaiah in his telling of the gospel. We also look at a number of big biblical-theological themes which Isaiah and Luke share: the kingdom of God, God’s covenant with his people, Jesus’ identity as the son of David and the Servant of the Lord, salvation to ends of the earth, the Holy Spirit. In the assessments, the students write and essay tracing one of those themes through the whole Bible, focussed on a set of paired passages from Isaiah and Luke. Then they preach from either Isaiah or Luke, in light of the other. So there’s a lot going on in the Unit, but it has been a rich way to read the Bible, and to see how it all hangs together and speaks to us of God’s grace in Jesus." Our final Zooming In On Christ College event, "Biblical Theology: Is There Any Other Kind?" is in a week's time! Get ready to think about the Bible by registering at #christcollege #christforalloflife #christcollegesydney #zoominginonchristcollege

19.01.2022 [ASKING MURRAY SMITH ABOUT BIBLICAL THEOLOGY PART 4 OF 4] Q: If you had to recommend one book that best explains what you think about Biblical Theology, what would you recommend? MS: "There are lots of great books on Biblical Theology, but I still can’t go past the classic from Geerhardus Vos, Biblical Theology: Old and New Testaments. It’s not a light read, but it is full of rich insights into how God progressively reveals himself through the story of the Bible. Vos is als...o helpful in thinking about how that progressive revelation in the Bible relates to our attempts to summarise what we know about God from his word in our systematic theology, which is one of the things we’ll talk about at Zooming in on Christ College." Our final Zooming In On Christ College event, "Biblical Theology: Is There Any Other Kind?" is this Wednesday! Get ready to think about the Bible by registering at

18.01.2022 Ian Smith sits down, with black vest and bow tie, to interview Christ College, Sydney's new Lecturer in Applied Theology & Missional Engagement, Cam Clausing. We look forward to having Cam join our team officially at the beginning of 2021! Here are some of the things we cover with Cam in this interview: - How he understands his role as a lecturer in a theological College... - Challenges and opportunities he expects as a non-Australian seeking to serve the Australian church - His doctoral research on Dutch theologian, Herman Bavinck, and why Bavinck's work is significant for the contemporary church - His family and story of adoption #christcollege #christforalloflife #christcollegesydney

18.01.2022 John McClean gives a short overview and review of John Bower's book "The Confession of Faith" from Reformation Heritage Books.This book is now available via Reformers Bookshop. #christcollege #christforalloflife #christcollegesydney #reformersbookshop #westminsterconfession #westminsterconfessionoffaith #wcf

18.01.2022 "Every Christian wants their theology to be 'biblical'. But still we end up with a range of different theological convictions within the Christian church. So how do we make sure our theology is biblical? In this seminar we'll introduce the disciplines of exegesis, biblical theology, and systematic theology, and start to think about what it means to have a truly biblical theology to know God as he reveals himself in his word." Join us for our seminar, 'Biblical Theology: Is There Any Other Kind?' with Murray Smith at 12:30pm on Wednesday 30th September! Register NOW for our final Zooming In On Christ College event via our page: #christcollege #christforalloflife #christcollegesydney #zoominginonchristcollege

18.01.2022 [ASKING MURRAY SMITH ABOUT BIBLICAL THEOLOGY PART 2 OF 4] Q: Do you recall an occasion where you believed (or taught!) something incorrect about the Bible? MS: "Oh yes. Too many to count. For a number of years I thought and taught that the coming of the Son of Man in the Gospels referred to Jesus’ ascension. I’ve since become firmly convinced that it refers to Jesus’ return. I’m thankful that the truth of the Bible doesn’t depend on me getting it right all the time! I’ve learned is that the best way to grow in understanding the Bible is to read the Bible. And to read it again. And to read it again. Always asking God to open your eyes to understand his word, and always being ready to learn from others." Our final Zooming In On Christ College event, "Biblical Theology: Is There Any Other Kind?" is just over a week's time! Get ready to think about the Bible by registering at #christcollege #christforalloflife #christcollegesydney #zoominginonchristcollege

14.01.2022 Due to the current COVID-19 circumstances in Sydney, we have decided to keep our facilities (including the Library) closed to the public until January 18. We are still operating, and staff can still be contacted via email or phone. We hope to be able to welcome you all back to campus soon. Thanks for your understanding. #christcollege #christforalloflife #COVID19

12.01.2022 [ASKING MURRAY SMITH ABOUT BIBLICAL THEOLOGY PART 1 OF 4] Q: Who taught you how to read the Bible? MS: "Dad and Mum. My Sunday school teachers, and youth group leaders, and pastors at Thornleigh Baptist Church. Leaders on Christian kids camps whose names I have forgotten. Numerous brothers and sisters in Bible study groups over the years. My wife Lynette. Teachers and staff workers at the Sydney University Evangelical Union. Martin Luther. Friends I have read the Bible with... over the years. Lecturers at Christ College. The Westminster Confession of Faith. My kids. Students at Christ College. Bible commentaries and Systematic theology books. John Calvin. People who ask questions every time I preach or teach. And many more. But above all, it is the Lord himself, by his Spirit, who teaches us through his word how to read his word. I’m convinced of that." Murray is our speaker for our final Zooming In On Christ College event, "Biblical Theology: Is There Any Other Kind?" on Wednesday 30th September, starting from 12:30pm. Registration is essential sign up via our webpage at #christcollege #christforalloflife #christcollegesydney #zoominginonchristcollege

12.01.2022 We're closed for holidays until the new year, but applications are still OPEN! We'd love to have you join us at College next year. For more information or to apply, visit #christcollege #christforalloflife #apply #christcollegesydney

12.01.2022 [ASKING IAN SMITH ABOUT WORK PART 3 OF 3] Q: What forms of work do you think are (or aren't) receiving proper recognition in Australia today? IS: "COVID-19 has turned our traditional understandings of work on its head. We now have essential workers. This includes cleaners but not lawyers! Australians are a funny lot. We put ourselves down all the time, and we pretend that we are not that hard working. The reality is that Australians are among the hardest working people ...on the planet. Workaholism is a real issue, and I think that millennials are working just as hard, if not harder than baby boomers ever did. But the reverse side of this passion for work is that we have forgotten the value of unpaid work. Mothers who care for their children and children who give up work" to care for their elderly parents are working very hard we just don’t recognise it as we should. And by recognise I don’t mean pay, I mean recognise. Volunteerism is gone. COVID-19 is challenging this. Parents with young children have had their kids at home while trying to work from home. Some people have withdrawn their elderly parents from aged care and now the juggle is becoming more complicated. We talk about a work/life balance, but it may be a value balance. The value of work is often seen in less tangible currency." Join us as we ask about work this coming Thursday 10th September, starting at 7pm. Registrations need to be in before 5pm so sign up via our webpage at #christcollege #christforalloflife #christcollegesydney #zoominginonchristcollege

11.01.2022 "We go to where the people are... in their time of need."' At this week's living for Christ, we invited Paul McFarlane to speak about the opportunities provided by chaplains in the ambulance and wider hospital setting. He likened ambulance staff with the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37, who went out of his way to care for the needs of a stranger. Chaplains provide support to ambulance staff, their families, and bystanders at traumatic incidents. They assist with providing sup...port, spiritual guidance, welfare services and pastoral care. Paul is the Senior Chaplain with NSW Ambulance and leads a team of NSW Ambulance Chaplains as part of his role. #christcollege #christforalloflife #christcollegesydney #livingforchrist #chaplaincytraining

08.01.2022 This clip is a short segment of our Module D: Living for Christ in Australia Today videos, produced as a supplementary resource for participants in the Shepherd Leader Training Program. This Module is written by David Burke. Module D: Living for Christ in Australia Today explores foundations for Christian living what that means in the context of modern Australia. The Shepherd Leader Training program is one of our programs for developing pastoral leaders. Find out more informa...tion about the Shepherd Leader Training Program at #shepherdleadertraining #livingforchristinaustraliatoday

08.01.2022 Interviewing a few of our students finishing up their Christ College courses at the final Chapel service of the year. Though we are unsure when we'll see them again, we look forward to hearing about the various ministries God will place these leaders in. #christcollege #christforalloflife #christcollegesydney

07.01.2022 Knowing God in Christ is the second of our graduate attributes that we long to see our students growing in throughout their time with us. How do you plan to know God more deeply in 2021? #christcollege #christforalloflife #christcollegesydney

04.01.2022 We had a perspective-shaking evening last night as Ian Smith led us through the topic, 'Is God That Concerned About Our Work?' event. For those who missed it, the recording is now available on our Youtube channel: We still have one more Zooming In On Christ College event you can join! Just register at #christcollege #christforalloflife #christcollegesydney #zoominginonchristcollege

03.01.2022 Filming with David Burke earlier this week on 'Living for Christ in Australia Today' for our next Shepherd Leader Training module. [ABOUT THE SHEPHERD LEADER TRAINING PROGRAM] In past years, Christ College has offered training for elders in church and presbytery settings across New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. To build upon this training, and to make it more accessible to churches in regional areas, the Christ College Faculty have developed a new online... Shepherd Leader Training (SLT) program. This program is available for new and existing elders, aspiring elders, and those wishing to serve in other church leadership roles. More info can be found on our SLT page via: #christcollege #christforalloflife #christcollegesydney #shepherdleadertraining #truthsweconfess #desiringanobletask #elderstraining # #pcnsw #presbyterianchurchofaustralia #ministryandmission #mmpcnsw #gansw

03.01.2022 "Students at Christ College are preparing to be leaders for God’s church and its gospel-centred mission in the world. In order for them to grow in this, there needs to be well-functioning structures and resources. A good administration team is necessary to facilitate this. If it takes a village to raise a child, it must take a team of administrators to support a College student." A snippet from our article, 'Why We Need Good Administrators' in the March-April 2018 edition of ...the Presbyterian Pulse, the magazine of the Presbyterian Church of Australia in New South Wales Applications for our new Administrator position close this Thursday 17th September at 5pm. Full details can be found at #christcollege #christforalloflife #christcollegesydney

01.01.2022 How about making 2021 the year you grow more in your love for God in Christ? This is one of our 6 graduate attributes that we train all of our students in over the course of their study. Thinking about applying? It's not too late! #christcollege #christforalloflife #christcollegesydney #apply

01.01.2022 "His name Is wonderful; His name Is wonderful His name Is wonderful; Jesus my Lord He is the mighty King; master Of everything His name Is wonderful; Jesus My Lord"... Signing/"singing" again at Chapel today, with Christ College Hans leading us in AUSLAN. #christcollege #christforalloflife #christcollegesydney #christcollegecommunity

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