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Christie Wilson Coaching
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25.01.2022 Are you valuing the impact of values?
25.01.2022 Feedback the breakfast of Champions! There are 2 ways to respond to feedback Listen, Learn, Live (LLL) or Deny, Defend, Die (DDD). What impact is your response to feedback having for you as a leader and in your career? To be a successful leader, you must be able to give and receive feedback. This article will focus on receiving feedback because many people do not take feedback well. As leaders, it is imperative that we are able to receive feedback for our own growth an...Continue reading
24.01.2022 Have you got dreams that scare you? Is there a job that you want to apply for, but fear is holding you back? A situation - job, relationship, whatever - that you want to leave, but youre afraid of what might happen if you move. I think we have all been there, I know I have... The relief I felt when I finally did go was amazing! The hero and the coward both feel the same thing, but the hero uses his fear, projects it onto his opponent, while the coward runs. Its the same t...hing - fear - but its what you do with it that matters. - Cus DAmato, Mike Tysons first Coach. FEAR - could be seen as an acronym... False Evidence Appearing Real. What are we telling ourselves? I always ask myself Whats the worst thing that can happen? Then Can I handle that? Usually the answer is yes! I can handle that! Perhaps a potential setback is only temporary and you can recover from it! We only get this life once - one chance to reach your potential! My biggest fear is reaching the end of this life and not reaching that potential... What about you?
24.01.2022 Is your current thinking working for you or against you? Do you have beliefs that perhaps used to work well for you, but might be holding you back now? Are some of your beliefs outdated? Like the technology in this photo, cassettes, records, a clunky TV, videos - we have beliefs that suited us at one point, but as time changes things, those beliefs no longer get us the result that we want and might stop us getting the result. ... For example - I deserve chocolate as a treat because I worked hard / completed difficult task. Is that belief helping you with your health goals? (In my experience, no! ). Do you still have VHS cassettes in the cupboard, but dont have a player and stream everything from Netflix or similar? Why are you hanging onto these things that are of no use to you anymore? How do you know if you have outdated beliefs hanging around? You arent achieving your goals, your life isnt how you want it and nothing is changing for the better. You arent experiencing joy on a regular basis. Your needs arent getting met. These are just a few ways that indicate you would benefit from making some changes. If you would like help decluttering outdated beliefs and updating new ones that suit your life now and where you want to go. Send me a PM - Im happy to serve!
23.01.2022 Not in the mood to achieve your dreams? We all have dreams and aspirations. They might be career related, financial goals, health goals, a dream of what your relationship or family life may look like... My mind is conjuring up my hopes and dreams from all of those areas now... Who has ignored their dreams / goals because you didnt feel like it? ... For me it was Goal: I want to be fit and healthy, be a certain weight. Also me: I dont feel like going to the gym today. I cant be bothered going for a walk. I feel like Maccas / chocolate. Tell me Im not alone here!! Well, I got a wake up call last week when my mentor said If you are letting your mood stop you from achieving your goals, you are acting like a 3 year old. Its time to be an adult. WOW... This is where coaching can help - getting the foundations right - your mindset, values, beliefs, standards - and having a structure that sets you up for success! Most people go straight into doing it - without those first 2 steps in place, youre setting yourself up for failure. Send me a PM if you need to get out of your own way to achieve your goals. I look forward to hearing from you.
23.01.2022 Have you heard about the janitor in America that died a couple of years ago, who was a multimillionaire? How do you amass millions of dollars on around $50K per year? Yet some people are earning above average salaries ($78K in Australia is average) and the money runs out before pay day comes. Are you sitting checking your bank account hourly on pay day to see if your pay has gone in yet to be able to buy lunch?... Its not your income that dictates your wealth - its what you do with it. The Ultimate Wealth program has the answers on how to be in a position where you dont have to work for every dollar you earn. If you want to learn the strategies that has created multimillionaires and I am also putting into practice, send me a PM.
23.01.2022 Do you eat watermelon seeds? Click for YES and for NO or for what's seeded watermelon A colleague was chowing down on seeded watermelon just now (I didn't know anyone still bought it...) and ate the seeds. I reacted "OMG! Do you eat the seeds?! You can't eat those! Don't they give you appendicitis or something?!"... Google to the rescue... The BS you are told as kids... Do you know that watermelon seeds are being sprouted, dried and are an excellent source of protein?! It is amazing what beliefs we learn through our childhood and take with us into adulthood unchallenged! This one was fairly harmless and it really highlighted to me (again) the way that we unconsciously have beliefs that may not be serving us - we believe it is true - why would we question it? Some of these beliefs may be holding us back from reaching our full potential - it's great to get awareness and challenge them.
22.01.2022 This beautiful white tiger is Mohini, she was kept in a zoo in the 1960s in Washington DC. Initially, she was kept in a 12m by 12m square, concrete cage, where she would pace in a figure 8 - constantly... The zoo wanted to provide her with a better habitat and built a beautiful open wildlife park for her, full of hills, trees, and a pond - just like her native Indian habitat. Finally when this big pasture was finished being built, they released Mohini into her new home much excitement and anticipation! But it was too late... Mohini immediately went to the corner of the wildlife park, where she stayed for the rest of her life - pacing in a 12m by 12m square, wearing down the grass to bare dirt. It is so sad to imagine this majestic creature living like that. Worse still, many people live their lives like that - but we call it the comfort zone... doesnt sound so scary when we call it that, does it? Are you living in your comfort zone? Stuck in the same old patterns, ignoring the bountiful possibilities just beyond the invisible cage youve created for yourself. Would you like to explore what is beyond the well worn path that you are currently on? Would you like to let go of what is keeping you stuck? Take that first step out of your comfort zone, send me a PM and we can explore the infinite possibilities...
22.01.2022 Keep your promises! Be dependable!
21.01.2022 Networking at the NSW Business Chamber event! Busy night with awesome people!
21.01.2022 What arent you seeing? I had a great chat with someone tonight about employee turnover. They have an employee turnover of about 20% - which is average. Some turnover is good - so you do not become stagnant, get new ideas, mix it up. I asked him, Are they your high performing staff that are leaving? Or people you were happy to see go? I could see the penny drop and he said High performers...... High performers are the ones businesses want and need to keep to stay competitive. When looking at HR Metrics in your business, its important to look at the whole picture - zooming in on the important details. Its also where having an HR Expert looking at these things can help you uncover areas that are costing your business - so they can be fixed!
21.01.2022 If you want more from your life than you currently have, you are going to have to do something different. What change can you make today for your future growth? These little changes all add up...
20.01.2022 An opportunity for 3 people to find out what their core drivers are! What is the driver behind your decisions and your key motivators?! Imagine what your life would look like if you started making decisions in line with what lit you up the most!
20.01.2022 Change your thinking, change your life ...the quality of our lives isnt built on the events in our lives, but the meaning we give those events. - Sharon Pearson, book Your Success. Have you ever been somewhere, a party or out to dinner, and you talk to someone else that was there afterwards and have a completely different view of how that event was? ... Perhaps you thought it was a great event! You caught up with people you havent seen for a while, you had a child free dinner, so could actually relax and have a chat without attending to your toddler every 2 minutes. It was great to hear what people were up to in their lives and you had a sensational evening! Another person- same circumstances, different beliefs. Oh, it was a terrible night! We had to wait too long for the food to come out, I dont have anything in common with these people anymore, they dont have kids - so they dont get what Im going through. It was boring and I couldnt get out of there fast enough - I was worried all night about my child at home and if he was going to sleep ok. Who do you think is enjoying their life more? Would you like to experience even more joy in your life? This is where coaching can help to identify and overcome limiting beliefs that are preventing you from living the life you dream. If you would like to see if coaching can improve the quality of your life, send me a message. Id love to hear from you.
20.01.2022 This quote came to mind this morning as I took this picture...
19.01.2022 What do you see here? If you ask someone the time and they see this as the time, there are a range of responses you might get based on their style. D energy = about 7... I energy = time for the beach! S energy = 6:54AM C energy = let me check properly... *looks at watch* 6:54 and 37 seconds Isnt it fascinating how we see the world differently? Can you see how conflict occurs if you dont have an understanding of these energies- what you are and how to read other people? The preciseness of the C energy drives a D energy crazy! And same the other way around - the C energy feels disrespected with the poor attention to detail. We all have the ability to access all of the energy types, it helps to learn how to access them so that we arent exhausted. Do you ever find yourself exhausted after being out at a networking event meeting a number of new people? Or what about sitting down concentrating on getting your taxes or paperwork done? Do you feel yourself going cross eyed as you look at the detail? Would you like to know how to do these things that dont come naturally to you, without feeling drained? If so, send me a message, Id love to discuss further!
17.01.2022 What if Monday could feel like a Friday? Have you ever noticed how the office seems happier on a Friday as opposed to a Monday? On Monday, most people are dragging themselves in with Mondayitis and argh, another week to get through. Then they count down the week - Happy Hump day! We are halfway through! To finally - TGIF! - Fri-yay is here!... Is that a way to live your life? Wishing it away for the weekend? The weekend is 28% of the week, so with that approach, we are wishing away over 70% of our life. I was one of these people... Then I realised, I have the power to change this. If I change my thoughts about it to Yay! Another week to smash out my goals! Another Monday to start fresh! Another DAY to start fresh! It is like turning a page of a notepad - what can I create today? I have a blank slate available to create whatever I want! EVERY day is a gift! EVERY day is awesome! What sort of day do you think you will have with these beliefs? What impact do you think you will have on the people you are in contact with today with this attitude? Imagine what your work day would look like if everyone had this approach... Spread the word...
17.01.2022 Are you green and growing or ripe and rotting? One of my mentors says You are either green and growing, or ripe and rotting. The best way to achieve growth is to identify what you want, then work backwards to what do you need to do today to achieve that. So at the beginning of the year (or any time - new financial year is a great time too!) we can set our wildly important goal (WIG). What do you want your life to look like in 1 year. You could also look further down the t...rack at 5-10 years - but lets stick with 1 year. The problem is, you have 12 months to do it... thats HEAPS of time, right?! Almost enough time to procrastinate for 10 months and perhaps finish strong! Or more likely, another year goes by and you havent achieved what you want... How to overcome that... Quarterly goals. Setting a goal that is a subset of your WIG that takes you significantly closer to achieving your WIG. I know a number of people who have written whole books in 90 days (or even a weekend! But thats another story...). What can you get done in the next quarter? 90 days is a great length of time to give you enough time to see real progress, but short enough to keep interested. For even greater success, I break it down further into what do I need to do this month - so July, August and September to achieve my quarterly goal. I also like having a weekly Top 5 - 5 things I MUST do this week to achieve my goals. Some people then break that down into daily MITs - Most Important Tasks and have 3-5 of those per day. Writing your list the night before sets you up for the day. You may find daily too detailed and prefer weekly - thats OK! Whatever works for you! Happy New Quarter!! If you arent getting the results you want in your life, send me a PM, I would love to help you achieve your ideal life.
15.01.2022 Have you got a fear holding you back? Perhaps you havent traveled overseas because you are afraid to fly... Maybe if you see a spider, you become paralysed with fear... ... What if your career could take off if you overcame that fear of public speaking? Imagine if you could have 1 coaching session - over the phone - and those fears were no longer holding you back. Now is the time to overcome your fears and soar. Feel a sense of calm instead of a sense of panic. My clients have had some amazing success recently overcoming fears that they have had for decades! I am loving seeing the transformation in people and because we are friends, I need to share this with you too! If you have a phobia that you would like to get rid of - I would love to offer you a free gift of 1 session to bust that fear. If you are thinking "What a load of BS. That wont work on me!" I dare you to PM me and book a session - I love a challenge! I say challenge accepted! If you are up for it! I have 3 spots, exclusive for my friends and family, as a gift claimable this week only. If you want to be free from your fears, then comment below or send me a PM.
15.01.2022 How awesome would this be?! It doesnt need to just be a dream... PM me if you are interested in our upcoming webinar!
14.01.2022 What needs to happen for you to be happy? If you dont appreciate what you have now, do you think you will appreciate what you have later? Many people believe Ill be happy when... ...I have a bigger house...I have more money...I have a better job...when I am in a relationship...... However, when they get what it is that they want - they still arent happy. This is because they havent changed and these external factors wont make us happy. People arent happy so they try to move, travel the world - looking for happiness, but wherever you go - there you are. Happiness comes from within and can be cultivated with gratitude. In Australia in particular, we have so much to be grateful for. We can walk down the street without fear of being shot or bombed - not everyone in the world can say the same. I am grateful for having running water so I can have a hot shower, the internet to be able connect to people remotely, that I have amazing people in my life to connect with, my family, my health, I have a roof over my head, I have a job where I receive a regular income, a train network that enables me to get to work comfortably, a car to get me to the station, access to supermarkets where I can buy whatever food I want, I woke up above the ground - and so much more! What you focus on is what you get! So gratitude will help you to attract more of that into your life and you will see more opportunities to bring more into your life. What are you grateful for?
13.01.2022 New quarter, new week, new day! What will you do today to take you closer to your goals?
13.01.2022 I love having the opportunity to meet so many great people. Constantly learning, growing and putting ourselves out there.
12.01.2022 Where is your thinking? So many of us are thinking below the line, blaming everyone else - Im constantly picking myself up on it! Whenever Im feeling frustrated or impatient - that is now a trigger for me to look at my thinking, because inevitably it is "someone else is doing something to me I dont like". Changing your thinking, taking responsibility for your reaction to situations is so much more empowering! It completely changes how you view situations, people and more specifically - it changes your behaviour. Give it a go! And if you are reading this wondering what on Earth Im talking about - please let me know and I will write a more in depth blog post about it.
11.01.2022 I really think that this is important to keep in mind - another way of putting it (and I dont know who Im quoting) is "Change is inevitable, progress is not". No matter what we do or dont do - things are going to change, we are going to change - but are we going to grow or progress in the direction we want? What about at the rate that we want?
10.01.2022 Do you eat watermelon seeds? Click for YES and for NO or for whats seeded watermelon A colleague was chowing down on seeded watermelon just now (I didnt know anyone still bought it...) and ate the seeds. I reacted "OMG! Do you eat the seeds?! You cant eat those! Dont they give you appendicitis or something?!"... Google to the rescue... The BS you are told as kids... Do you know that watermelon seeds are being sprouted, dried and are an excellent source of protein?! It is amazing what beliefs we learn through our childhood and take with us into adulthood unchallenged! This one was fairly harmless and it really highlighted to me (again) the way that we unconsciously have beliefs that may not be serving us - we believe it is true - why would we question it? Some of these beliefs may be holding us back from reaching our full potential - its great to get awareness and challenge them.
10.01.2022 Have you got a fear holding you back? Perhaps you haven't traveled overseas because you are afraid to fly... Maybe if you see a spider, you become paralysed with fear... ... What if your career could take off if you overcame that fear of public speaking? Imagine if you could have 1 coaching session - over the phone - and those fears were no longer holding you back. Now is the time to overcome your fears and soar. Feel a sense of calm instead of a sense of panic. My clients have had some amazing success recently overcoming fears that they have had for decades! I am loving seeing the transformation in people and because we are friends, I need to share this with you too! If you have a phobia that you would like to get rid of - I would love to offer you a free gift of 1 session to bust that fear. If you are thinking "What a load of BS. That won't work on me!" I dare you to PM me and book a session - I love a challenge! I say challenge accepted! If you are up for it! I have 3 spots, exclusive for my friends and family, as a gift claimable this week only. If you want to be free from your fears, then comment below or send me a PM.
09.01.2022 What aren’t you seeing? I had a great chat with someone tonight about employee turnover. They have an employee turnover of about 20% - which is average. Some turnover is good - so you do not become stagnant, get new ideas, mix it up. I asked him, ‘Are they your high performing staff that are leaving? Or people you were happy to see go?’ I could see the penny drop and he said ‘High performers...’... High performers are the ones businesses want and need to keep to stay competitive. When looking at HR Metrics in your business, it’s important to look at the whole picture - zooming in on the important details. It’s also where having an HR Expert looking at these things can help you uncover areas that are costing your business - so they can be fixed!
08.01.2022 We all have a natural behavioural style that impacts how we see the world, interact with people, and make decisions. We also have what we present to the world, known as our personality, which we are conscious of. Do you ever wonder why when we meet some people, we just click well with them, and others just drive us crazy?!... Perhaps you have difficulty with those who just talk too much and which they would get to the point. Or there are people who are blunt and you find it so rude! Maybe youre great with big picture, and when someone goes into the details you can feel your eyes glazing over. How much easier would it be if you understood what your behavioural profile was? Knew clearly what motivated you, what demotivated you, how to play to your strengths and what situations are going to drain your energy. I am now an accredited eDISC Practitioner which enables me to unpack your eDISC profile and give you the information to improve relationships, communication, leadership style - and so much more. To celebrate, I would like to offer 3 people a FREE eDISC unpack which is valued at $750. To claim this offer you need to comment here or PM me before my mentor comments what are you doing GIVING AWAY so much value?! This is a one time only offer and it is an amazingly popular service due to the insights you will get - so get in quick!
08.01.2022 "Being busy is most often used as a guide for avoiding the few critically important but uncomfortable actions. - Tim Ferris, Tools of Titans Its been longer than I would have liked between posts as Ive been busy... One of the key ways to get nothing done - is to put your hand up for everything and have it on your plate in a jumbled mess... if I have 10 important things to get done today, you can guarantee I wont get ANY of them done without this tip Im about to share.... To get something done - I first list out everything I need to do. This way it isnt jumbled in my head and I can see with clarity what needs to be done. Create a "Top 5" list of non-negotiable tasks to complete this week. Then I put aside a chunk of time to focus on ONE of those tasks. That chunk of time is typically about 2 hours. Only so that task during this time. No Facebook. No TV. No distractions. Just focus on that 1 task. Imagine if you did that every day. If you had your Top 5 non-negotiable tasks that you had to do this week and carved out 2 hours each day, Monday to Friday - how much you would accomplish by the end of the week? What would your life look like, if you did this EVERY week for a year? Would you finally be achieving your goals and living the life you want? Would you feel a sense of accomplishment? Growth? Success? You could have those feelings reinforced daily! You dont need to wait until the next new year to review your goals and reflect on how you are going. What do you want to achieve by the end of this year? We are nearly halfway through it! How are you tracking with where you want to be by the end of this year? Do you need to make some adjustments? Renew your focus? Would you like some help to clarify what you want your life to look like and the steps you need to take to get there? I would love to help you create the life you want. If you are interested in living your ideal life, send me a PM and we can have a chat. Happy Monday! Have a great week!
07.01.2022 Who do you need to be to achieve your goals? I am impatient.... I am a technical Luddite... Im not a morning person... Im not a fan of going to the gym, I just hate cardio... These are all things Ive heard people say about themselves, they have been their beliefs about themself. I wonder if you can relate to any of them or what beliefs you have about yourself... Are these beliefs helping you be the best version of yourself? Or do you need to get some new ones that will hel...p you create the life you want? Our beliefs shape who we are - our being. This then shapes our behaviour - what we do. Which then creates our outcomes - what we have. For example: Be: I am impatient Do: Go after instant gratification rather than wait for longer term results. Sleep in now rather than get up early to go for a walk / gym / yoga. Buy consumables now, rack up debt rather than save, invest for the future to create wealth. Have: Lack of fitness; credit card debt; sad looking bank balance; working for the next 30 years to not have enough money in super for a comfortable retirement... Well, thats a depressing future... what can you do to change that? Change your beliefs to ones that support you... Think of times you have been patient, perhaps with your child... Perhaps you have studied and the qualification takes years to complete - not much instant gratification in that... You now have a reference point that shows that you can be patient. What if you dont have a reference point? Then you can look at someone who has achieved what you want to achieve and find out what they believe, what they value- this then shapes what they do. Find out their standards and use them as a role model - do what they do. Be the person you need to be to have the life you want to have. If you arent happy with how your life currently is, or would like it to be better, it is in your control to change it! If you arent achieving your goals and would like to explore what beliefs are holding you back, send me a PM! I would love to help you to achieve the life you are dreaming of.
07.01.2022 Do you have your money working for you? Or are you working for your money? I am loving applying what Ive learned through the Ultimate Wealth program and I am working my way to Financial Abundance. What that means is I can go from working for every dollar I receive- swapping time for money to leveraging assets. That could be using equity in my house to get further investments; it could be creating an online webinar to give amazing value; it could be writing a book or it coul...d be through business opportunities where you can receive a residual income. Leveraged income does not mean that you dont have to work for it. Generally, you need to do a fair bit of work up front to create the opportunity. One option available to us now is potentially a tax refund. Investing that and leveraging the investment. The Ultimate Wealth program is an online program that is self paced learning that can shift your mindset and financial results. This program was developed and facilitated by Sharon Pearson, founder of The Coaching Institute -where she is sharing the strategies she has used to become a many time multi millionaire. Right now I am giving the opportunity for 5 people to work with me for free group mentoring through the program when they purchase the online program. If you are interested in finding out more, please send me a PM.
07.01.2022 Why do you want to achieve your goals? I saw this photo today that John Maxwell had posted and it really highlighted to me the importance of knowing your why. Having a strong enough why ignites your desire, spurs you on to make the effort, overcome obstacles and achieve your goals. Another saying my mentor has is "A strong enough why will overcome any how". This is the difference between successful and unsuccessful people.... You may be smarter, more qualified, have more experience - but if you dont have the desire to push through, to put in the hard yards - you wont have as much success as someone who does. Know your WHY to SUCCEED!
07.01.2022 How to increase your happiness We often hear things like Its not all black and white and logically, we know that there is a spectrum of grey in between, yet many of us think in absolute terms - it is something Im consciously changing at the moment myself. A mentor told me Absolute thinking is the fast path to depression and I have noticed when Im feeling down, my thoughts are absolute. For example Im not making any progress. We can challenge that - with Really? N...othing has changed in the last month in that area? If I had made progress what would it look like? For health - the scales may not have moved, but you can lift more than you could a month ago, you can finish your walk quicker than you used to, your clothes are feeling looser. All indicators of progress that are being completely ignored because you expect to measure progress 1 way. Absolute terms delete all other possibilities and opportunities. Through coaching, Ive become aware of myself doing this and am changing my language, with amazing results. I can see so many more positive things happening in my life, my mood is better, I have more energy. Its fantastic! I encourage you to be more mindful of your thoughts and language, particularly if you have a negative emotion come up - perhaps its a trigger for you to see how you might look at things differently.
05.01.2022 I love this! Ive heard before its about the journey, not the destination - but this really resonated. Shared with me by Matt Lavars at The Coaching Institute - from Allan Watts... We say, You play the piano. You dont work the piano.... In music, though, one doesnt make the end of the composition the point of the composition. If that were so, the best conductors would be those who played fastest. And there would be composers who only wrote finales. People would go to a concert just to hear one crackling chord because thats the end! Same way with dancing. You dont aim at a particular spot in the room because thats where you will arrive. The whole point of the dancing is the dance. This is the difference between enjoying the process and being only focused on the outcome. I love this so much because I think its so easy to miss the enjoyment in life because we are so busy just completing things... And I think we can apply this to life itself Whatever our work is, we can see it as play. We can go deep INTO it. And stop trying to finish and complete everything, instead enjoy the process, BE with the work we do. Dance with it. Enjoy it.
04.01.2022 I love this fixed mindset vs growth mindset model - so much potential with a growth mindset, so empowering. Love it almost as much as these May the forth be with you memes!
03.01.2022 Are you paying for yesterdays mistakes or investing in tomorrow? As we come into a new financial year, perhaps we anticipate a tax refund - what to do with it...? In past years, I would have paid off the credit card (yesterdays mistakes)... before building credit card debt right back up again... Now I will be looking into what I can invest it in - an asset that will generate me further income in the future! ... If you are sick of living from pay cheque to pay cheque, never getting ahead - I would love to share with you some information I have been learning, in fact, it would be selfish of me not to share... Last week, I attended the Ultimate Wealth program with my mentor, Sharon Pearson - who has gone from being broke to being a multi (many times over!) Millionaire and she has shared with me strategies that she has personally used to become wealthy - these strategies are available for ANYONE to use. I would like to share them with you and will be conducting a workshop for you to learn more. Through the Ultimate Wealth program, you can learn soft skills (eg beliefs, standards and values that wealthy people share) and hard skills (eg setting up wealth buckets; speaking with a financial advisor). These skills will provide you with financial freedom - if you use them. If you would like to know more, please send me a PM - I am also looking at running an online webinar so that location isnt an issue. NOTE: This is not a get rich quick scheme or a MLM program to sell to friends and family. Nor do you need to be earning a massive income to benefit - if you think you need to earn more money to be financially secure, please also let me know.
02.01.2022 Employee turnover has been an increasing issue for companies over the last 3 years, with the average turnover being 15% in Australia. If your companys turnover is greater than this or if the people are leaving are the high performers that you really want to keep, I have some great tips to increase retention. Click here to access my top 10 surefire ways to hire right, right now to reduce turnover in the first 12 months.
01.01.2022 Once you know yourself, it is so much easier to understand others.