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Chrysalis Heart in Byron Bay, New South Wales | Astrologist

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Chrysalis Heart

Locality: Byron Bay, New South Wales


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23.01.2022 ''Woman. You are divine. You do not need crystals, organic turmeric tea, and a macrame wall hanging to be in your divinity... your divinity exists in the simple day to day truth. The indecision. The tiredness. The crusty bits still in the corner of your eyes, despite having already showered. Your Goddess isn't in someone else's symbols of faith wrapped in bohemian lighting. ... Your Goddess isn't in cards, business success, or beautiful instagram feeds. Your Goddess is in the tiny flickers of your eye lids when you sleep. She is in the heavy pre-orgasmic sighs. She is in the shape of your butt (exactly as it is). She is in YOUR skin (whatever shade you have). She is in the dirty grinding dance moves you do to 90's RnB ... She is your stretch marks or your pimple scars. She is in your sweat. She is gorgeous, and gross, and real and fucking amazing. Your Goddess. You're Goddess... Exactly as you are. Woman. You are divine. '' ~Fleassy Malay art: 'Hilda' pinup girl by Duane Bryers As one of the few plus-size pinup characters, Hilda was more than a drawing she was a representation of a more inclusive form of beauty. Hilda represents loving yourself no matter your size...<3

22.01.2022 It was not witches who burned. It was women. Women who were seen as Too beautiful Too outspoken ... Had too much water in the well (yes, seriously) Who had a birthmark Women who were too skilled with herbal medicine Too loud Too quiet Too much red in her hair Women who had a strong nature connection Women who danced Women who sung or anything else, really. ANY WOMAN WAS AT RISK BURNING IN THE SIXTEEN HUNDREDS Sisters testified and turned on each other when their babies were held under ice. Children were tortured to confess their experiences with witches by being fake executed in ovens. Women were held under water and if they float, they were guilty and executed. If they sunk and drowned they were innocent. Women were thrown off cliffs. Women were put in deep holes in the ground. The start of this madness was years of famine, war between religions and lots of fear. The churches said that witches, demons and the devil did exist and women were nothing but trouble. As we see even today, there is often a scape goat created, and the chaos escalated in Sweden when the Bible became law and everything that did not line up with what the church said became lethal. The Bible fanaticism killed thousands of women. Everything connected to a women became feared, especially her sexuality. It became labelled as dark and dangerous and was the core of the witch trials through out the world. Why do I write this? Because I think the usage of words are important, especially when we are doing the work to pull these murky, repressed and forgotten about stories to the surface. Because knowing our history is important when we are building the new world. When we are doing the healing work of our lineages and as women. To give the women who were slaughtered a voice, to give them redress and a chance of peace. It was not witches who burned. It was women.

22.01.2022 The Sun is transiting through the Air sign of Libra. Happy Birthday to you all on whatever your Earthday falls Symbol The Scales. Planet Venus. Element Air Crystals Peridot, Aventurine, Tourmaline and Jade Libra is the only inanimate sign of the zodiac, all the others representing either humans or animals. ...Continue reading

21.01.2022 Tomorrow, Sunday, November 15th we have a New Moon falling in the water sign of Scorpio. Take a deep breath as into the deep watery depths we dive for third and final Super New Moon of the year. Scorpio New Moons I find & feel quite intensely as my ascendant is Scorpio. However, this one definitely has the very deep emotional tones but there is a ribbon of light that offers powerful healing as we build to end a year of epic change. The Scorpio New Moon will bring things up...Continue reading

15.01.2022 Blessings for the Scorpio New Moon

15.01.2022 Here’s to the men who still give a fuck. Here’s to the men who love all the time, Not just when they want it,...Continue reading

13.01.2022 I don’t care how spiritual you are. How long you can melt in the sweat lodge. How many peyote or ayahuasca journeys that have blown your mind, how many master plant diets you’ve done or how well you can hold crow pose. I don’t care what planets fall in what houses on your birth chart, or how silent your meditation is. I don’t care how many crystals you have or how long you’ve gone without sugar, salt, spices or sex or how vegan your diet is. I want to know how human you ar...e. Can you sit at the feet of the dying despite the discomfort? Can you be with your grief, or mine, without trying to advise, fix or maintain it? I want to know that you can show up at the table no matter how shiny, chakra- aligned or complete you are- or not. Can you hold loving space for your beloveds in the depths of your own healing without trying to be big? It doesn’t flatter me how many online healing trainings you have, that you live in the desert, forest or in a log cabin, or that you’ve mastered the art of tantra. What turns me on is busy hands. Planting roots. That despite how tired you are, you make that phone call, you board that plane, you love your children, you feed your family. I have no interest in how well you can ascend to 5D, astral travel or have out of body sex. I want to see how beautifully you integrate into ordinary reality with your unique magic, how you find beauty and gratitude in what’s surrounding you, and how present you can be in your relationships. How do you hold the ones you love in the midst of conflict? How do you take responsibility for your part? How do you make amends? I want to know that you can show up and do the hard and holy things on this gorgeously messy Earth. I want to see that you can be sincere, grounded and compassionate as equally as you are empowered, fiery and magnetic. I want to know that even during your achievements, you can step back and be humble enough to still be a student. What’s beautiful and sexy and authentic is how well you can continue to celebrate others no matter how advanced you’ve become. What’s truly flattering is how much you can give despite how full you’ve made yourself. What’s honestly valuable is how f***ing better of a human you can be, in a world that is high off of spiritual materialism and jumping the next escape goat for freedom. At the end of the day I don’t care how brave you are. How productive, how popular, how enlightened you are. At the end of the day, I want to know that you were kind. That you were real. I want to know that you can step down from the pedestal from time to time to kiss the earth and let your hair get dirty and your feet get muddy, and join the dance with us all. ~A modern day call to shifting from spiritual consumerism to returning to human kind heart inspired by Oriah Mountain Dreamer’s, The Invitation,

10.01.2022 We are currently moving through the gateway for the upcoming Summer Eclipse season. The first Eclipse falls at the end of the month November 30th as a Partial Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini. Lunar Eclipses typically bring about endings. They help us to release things from our lives that are no longer aligned with where we are heading. While Eclipses can be powerful, there is some softer energy around this one that will inspire us to see a new road ahead. ... We have just come out of a period of many retrogrades and heavy energy that may be making us feel sluggish and uncertain. There is this feeling that so many things are changing, but perhaps it is not yet clear what these changes are going to look like or what they are going to bring. As we enter Sagittarius Season this weekend 21st/22nd we will begin the shift from the energy of water to fire and feel brighter and lighter than many of us have been feeling. Sagittarius is represented by a Centaur pointing its arrow high into the starry night sky. If we trace the direction of its arrow, we can see that the Centaur is pointing directly to the star Antares, which is located in the constellation of Scorpio and is known as the heart of the Scorpion. Antares is a star associated with the deep pains of the heart. It can bring destruction and death, but also the chance of a grand rebirth that is led by the heart. Neptune turns direct on the 29th just before the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse leaving only one planet (Uranus) in retrograde! This is the first time in months that we have had so few planets in retrograde. Things are going to feel like they are moving forward nicely. Where we had felt confused and foggy, we will now start seeing things with a newfound sense of clarity. Neptune turning direct may also help us get clearer about our dreams and goals and what we wish to create in our lives moving forward. If there have been any illusions, this is a time where we may see a new truth revealed. Love and Blessings

10.01.2022 What does Love mean to 4-8 year old kids? Slow down for a few minutes to read this... A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds, 'What does love mean?' The answers they got were broader, deeper, and more profound than anyone could have ever imagined! 'When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore... So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That's l...Continue reading

09.01.2022 Own it Own the fact that you are different. Own that you are a deep feeler and thinker. Own that you’re tuned into a different frequency.... Own the fact that you sense things others don’t. Own the fact that you like to talk about angels, energy, miracles and spirituality. Own that you’re done having meaningless conversations. Own that you’re done holding yourself back. Own that you crave freedom to feel the now. ~~~~~~ It’s ok that your family don’t get you. It’s ok that you’re friends don’t join you. It’s ok that the world judges you. It’s ok that you want to dance barefoot upon the earth and endlessly gaze at the stars. It’s ok that you cry over sunsets and chase moonbeams. It’s wonderful in fact. It’s fricken beautiful!!! You have come a long way to be who you are. So own it. Own all of it. Love all of you. The world needs you to be exactly as you are. You hold the balance in this crazy world.

08.01.2022 When pieces of you are breaking and falling to the ground, do not rush to pick them up. Instead, let them all fall... Let them sit there as they lay until they become acquainted with each other, until each piece of you shares what was loved and lost, what hurt and healed, what was re-gained and re-claimed from the ashes of dreams that never came to be... If your hand reaches out to grab the falling pieces before they touch the ground, stop and let your eyes embrace with w...Continue reading

08.01.2022 Wild whacky crazy dreams have been the stirring energy building up to the Full Moon. Flickering from Pisces to Aries over the last few days.. October brings us 2 Full Moons and its a wild ride... Aries Full Moon report coming later today xx

07.01.2022 Ostara Spring Equinox 2020 Today Tuesday the 22nd of September the Sun shifts into the Air sign of Libra and we usher in the Spring Equinox the festival of Ostara. As the Astrological wheel shifts into a new season we too begin to feel the winds of change and a transitioning period in our lives begin. Blog it .. article here reading

06.01.2022 Tonight, we have a Full Moon falling in the fire sign of Aries. The Moon has only just shifted from Pisces which has bought in some highly dreamy, intuitive energy along with some totally spaced our dream time The level of crazy dreams has been off the chart. I’m not even going to try to work through my dream states from the last few nights, they are indescribable even to my whacky self lol. Read on the blog here if you wish > reading

03.01.2022 My dear wild and wise woman, the truest medicine you will ever receive beats deep within your chest whispered from the drum of your own heart.. All through your life others will try to talk you out of trusting your own deep intuition, attempting to create mutiny and distrust within your own sacred realm. ... They will try to make you question your holy wisdom and make you pull up the roots from your own deep heart. Those who doubt your free spirit and sage insight will always try to make you question yourself. In the absence of being able to trust their own guiding compass, they try to make you distrust your own. You are your own True North, and they fear this deep truth most of all. Never listen to anyone who tells you to ignore your instincts. You are Captain of your ship and master of your destiny. You have the power to navigate your own seas even if sometimes the road isn’t always clear at first. You’ve come so far even when the odds were stacked against you and the path seemed perilous. Always remember that you are a channel of divine wisdom, a portal of the sacred . You are a mighty temple filled with ancient knowledge and you have a message to bring, one that calls to be honored from the center of your wild being . Your inner wisdom guides you to the medicine that you are here to bring into being. This is the destiny that flows within your veins, your mystical unfolding. Dear sister, the voice within you can never be silenced nor can it be forsaken. We can lose our ears for a time when the world rages around us and our fingers slip from our own grasp. But it is never gone forever. Never let anyone convince you that the truth that wells up from your soul is anything but sacred. You are a conduit of the unknown wild one and you are here to birth new possibility into being. Your voice and your truth need to be shared. Trust yourself wild woman, you got this. Just listen to your heart.

02.01.2022 When you go out into the woods and you look at trees, you see all these different trees. And some of them are bent, and some of them are straight, and some of them are evergreens, and some of them are whatever. And you look at the tree and you allow it.... You see why it is the way that it is. You sort of understand that it didn’t get enough light, and so it turned that way. And you don’t get all emotional about it. You just allow it. You appreciate the tree. The minute you get near humans you lose all that. And you are constantly saying ‘You’re too this or I’m too this’. That judging mind comes in. And so, I practice turning people into trees. Which means appreciating them just the way they are. - Ram Dass

01.01.2022 If you love an empath, love them honestly, and with all your heart." Empaths don't take love lightly, they don't pretend. When they really chose to open their hearts to you, then expect to be blown away. Their love is intense, powerful, messy and sometimes difficult to deal with, but it is real. Empaths don't know how to love any other way....Continue reading

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