Rachel Christensen | Artist
Rachel Christensen
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25.01.2022 Was blessed to adorn the beautiful @wildewillow with these ornamental feet markings ~ grounding & balancing her airy Libran energy, I couldn’t think of anything more perfect for this sister. Would so love to do more feet ornamentals like this ASAP but alas, I’m not taking any more bookings until after maternity leave, & I’m honouring myself & my babe by not giving a date as to when that will be As soon as I know though, so will all of you. So keep following, turn on notific...ations, & also sign up to my mailing list on my website so you’ll be the first to hear when I’ll be returning. And can I just say the hugest thank you to every one of you who have sat by supporting me & waiting patiently to get an appointment with me. Some of my clients who I’ve been seeing lately, have waited all year or longer due to all the lockdowns & it’s amazing to know how patient you can all be, because my generous heart wishes so much to be able to be of service to all who wish to receive & often it’s hard knowing I can’t always fulfil that I’m so grateful for you all! Thank you thank you thank you. See more
25.01.2022 Reposting this plant medicina woman from what feels like so long ago. One of my faves When i’m out of ISO, what’s going to be your next tattoo? Let me know in the comments so I can get excited & inspired!
24.01.2022 a language of light isn’t one the rational mind can completely comprehend or often understand unless we tune into the vibrational frequency & resonance it emits~ it is a vibrational transmission of light, codes & activations & often when presented with what does it mean the answer can’t always be translated into just words, because more often than not it’s a knowing, a feeling, & a remembering. This type of communication & transmission from higher beings, guides & celestial... light forms is not new. It is ancient. Only now though are we remembering this form of communication & the power that vibrational symbols, light codes or language can hold. They transmit energy in sound & vibrational resonance on a quantum level~ allowing the receiver to access the messages within them on a soul level. The soul often remembers & knows as they’ve often been planted here as part of your souls contract in remembering who you are, triggering memories & activating power & gifts ~ transmuting shadow with light, shifting the wearer’s vibration, alignment with the souls essense. Not only is the receiver affected, as is the one who channels, as are the ones who come into the vibrational field of the wearer~ thus, also working on a collective level. I love love LOVE bringing these tattoos through for people, I love witnessing the way my client receives & integrates them, including myself. & I love how they synchronistically come in clusters during peak energetic times (I’ve tattooed two in the last week). These for me are a reminder of how important it is for us to let go of the rational mind of understanding or knowing & instead practice more feeling because my goodness there is so much more we can perceive & feel than we can know & understand & we have to become masters of feeling, with all of our senses. This mastery of feeling is what’s going to carry humanity through this wild portal of life & human existence. Much love & happy Lions Gate & thank you Guilia for receiving these beautiful markings xo . . . . . . . . . . #lionsgate #lightlanguage #lightcodes #sacredtattoo #ceremonialtattoo #intuitivetattoo #ritualtattoo
23.01.2022 Intuitive piece I found from deep within the camera roll from a while ago ~ encoded with medicine of fuschia flower & intentions weaved into every dot, line & symbol~ & a key to unlock her hidden power . I got taken back to this session & was reminded of the gratitude I have for the connection to my clients & how fulfilling it is to have their trust, & be able to connect so intimately with them. I’m truly grateful for my clients, I have realised how much I miss the connections & deep conversations I have with them while in ISO. My clients nourish me & I can only hope I do the same for them. The deepest thank you to all of you who have worked with me so far
22.01.2022 I’m so behind on posting tattoos I’ve done over the last couple of months~ this one was a very special one for Abigail, done in ceremony with the most beautiful intentions & an energy work / Ajna light session to close off before a big integration ahead of her. How honoured I am to have such trust to mark the skin permanently & assist others on their journey in such profound ways. It’s so important to be aware of the integration process after receiving these tattoos. I go in...to the integration a little more on my website under the intuitive tattoo tab. I would love to create more of these chest & shoulder adornments when I am taking new bookings! Such a powerful placement for a transformational tattoo & I can’t wait to have one of my own in this area, it’s been calling for some time. Let me know in the comments if this is something you’d be interested in, or tag a friend who might be as I’d love to know
22.01.2022 Honeysuckle & Bee medicine for Chante
21.01.2022 A little interview on the studio & my work has been featured in this seasons @saltmag thanks so much guys.
21.01.2022 Feels so good to look at a set up that is completely plastic-free / compostable. At Chrysalis we have now managed to source all our tattoo set up equipment from eco suppliers, including biodegradable razors~ thanks @ecotattoosupplies ! Setting up in preparation to tattoo is a sacred ritual in itself~ this is where our sacred tools prepare to dive into marking the skin. I love the ritual! & love it even more knowing we are treading lightly on this earth with each tattoo, which has evolved so far from a previously plastic filled industry
21.01.2022 Would love to start getting final numbers for our Despacho Ceremony being held at the studio this month ~ spaces are limited! Follow the event link for more details & to confirm a place. This is the medicine that humanity and our Pachamama needs right now
21.01.2022 Healed nips on @aaria_clair with some beautiful shibari Would love to do more nipple adornments when I re-open
20.01.2022 UPDATE ~ I get so many inboxes daily (currently over a 100 message requests in both this account & @chrysalistattooalchemy) and I am just reminding you as some of you are new here, that I don’t take booking enquiries over DM’s & my books are currently *closed* When I open my books, I advertise it, and I usually keep them open for a couple of days before closing them and working through the emails~ it can take a while. Thankfully the next lot of bookings will be done via my we...bsite & will have an application process Due to COVID, all my existing clients were pushed back meaning I am now booked until September. I am also cutting back on how much I physically tattoo, which means my months will get booked out faster. I wish I could reply to all of you when you message me, but it’s really not possible I know so many of you have been waiting to work with me for a long time now, please trust it will happen in divine timing I will have alternative ways to work with me very soon also, whether through healing & light sessions, liquid crystals, energy work workshops, one on one & group yoga classes & personal mentoring sessions for intuitives, creatives & the like intuitive tattoo from a year ago in San Francisco! Oh how I can not wait to return to the US & share more of my work there ~ soon Much love!
18.01.2022 intuitive piece holding the medicine & guidance of Dahlia & Sweet Pea flowers, with a Bee that was requested by my client~ sometimes my clients like to work with me with their intuitive tattoos, they have a specific element they want to include, or they have preferences for which style they want me to work with. I always remind my clients they are in control, & although no one has ever refused the design that has come through for them, it brings peace of mind knowing that no ...matter what, unless my client is a 100% YES then we will work together to create the piece that is unique & perfect for them until they are an all YES see my highlights tab intuitive tattoos in my highlight reel for more information. I’ll be launching the website this week where you can access more information on these pieces & my other offerings. & soon, will have the application process available for tattoo appointments for the rest of the year. So many exciting things happening in the studio. Happy Sunday See more
18.01.2022 A client finally came to receive her intuitive tattoo that was channelled during covid as part of my online intuitive tattoo sessions (swipe left for artwork) ~ this one came through with the energy of Goddess Durga, powerful, transformative & protective ~ & of course a force that cut through some pretty potent layers of untruth since manifesting in the physical for my client. Accompanied with guidance from Bee, & Marshmallow root flower~ it was amazing to hear & witness the shifts that had taken place for my client since receiving her artwork up until receiving the tattoo, which itself is again going through a powerful integration now that it’s marked on the skin. Emma sat through this like a true powerhouse! Her second tattoo~ right on the heart & solar plexus, it wasn’t an easy ride but she did such an amazing job. Thank you Emma
18.01.2022 tiny little gumnuts from way back I’ve been studying more native Australian flora & fauna lately, tuning into their energy & wisdom so I can weave their magick & guidance into intuitive tattoos~ studying the consciousness of plants doesn’t just mean reading about them in books, it’s about creating a symbiotic relationship with them~ observing the ways they grow, the environments they thrive in, their sensitiveness to their environments, their colours & textures ~ what th...e energy of gumnut flower means for one person, isn’t the same for another ~ our unique vibration meets with the vibration of the plant & that meeting will always be different for every individual. Find out what the plant wants to resonate with YOU @ashleyriverbrant and I go deeply into this topic of symbolism & channeling wisdom from the plants, animals & other symbology in our online course ‘The Art Of Intuitive Tattooing’ (link in bio) ~ See more
16.01.2022 Another online intuitive session I got to tattoo last week ~ this one holding the medicine of Wolf, Coy & Cosmos flower. Infused with the vibrational medicine of the sacred geometric symbol of the Merkaba Star, loved this one so much. Thank you Lara
15.01.2022 Barn owl medicine for Demi from yesterday with intuitive guidance from Wisteria & Fuchsia flowers you may have heard me mention before how the Owl spirit comes to me right before change or a big event. I love that I tattooed this on my last day before closing the studio (temporarily) & moving towards wherever spirit is guiding me. A distinct message from the owl to keep faith & trust in my deep inner knowing. Demi had returned to me after receiving two intuitive pieces now, & each time she returns I’m filled with so much joy as she unravels to me how profound her shifts & expansion have been since the tattoos. Thank you so much Demi, always the most beautiful pleasure working with you
14.01.2022 Aaria Clair now taking bookings for intuitive readings & healing sessions! This girls work is amazing & have loved receiving her medicine in the past. Contact her if you’d like to book a spot
14.01.2022 teeny little butterfly ~ thanks Paige
14.01.2022 tattooing @handofhannah light codes are so activating & I feel so blessed when people come to me to tattoo her work. This one was done quite a while ago~ & now is the perfect time for me to begin pulling out all those tattoo photos that have been lost in my camera roll . Light codes & Light language are two different things ~ both holding potent vibrational medicine not only for the wearer or keeper of the medicine; but for anyone who views them . We all have our own lig...ht language awaiting us that we can harnesss & bring through from higher realms to assist us & humanity in our evolution . There is so much medicine in codes & symbols! . We talk more about this, as well as how to be a channel to bring through codes, symbols, art, messages & more in our online course ‘The Art Of Intuitive Tattooing’ . We have a massive discount of $111 US dollars off our course until the end of the week . As @ashleyriverbrant & I work on deepening our practice we have decided to revamp our course with new material, video content & alterations . By signing up now you will have access to this new content when it’s released before our price goes up. . Use the code ‘Rebirth’ at checkout to activate your discount! . Can’t wait to start sharing what we will be working on! Much love See more
14.01.2022 Medicine of Spider weaved with magic, symbols, intention & Daniel’s own channelled Rune symbol incorporated ~ loved doing this one so much! Thank you for your trust & journeying in ritual as we brought this one to life @theyogibunny
14.01.2022 One from a while back based off my clients reference
13.01.2022 "When the Condor of the South comes together with the Eagle of the North, the spirit of Mother Earth - Pacha Mama - will awake, then She will awake millions of her children, this will be the Resurrection of the Dead." -Inca Elder Willaru Huayta || an intuitive eagle medicine tattoo from last month ~ eagle has been strongly guiding us through this passage
12.01.2022 Intuitive piece from what feels like so long ago, flower wisdom & medicine held in the energy of the Prithvi Mudra ~ Prithvi in Sanskrit means Mother Earth, so it is Earth Mudra This Mudra when practiced is deeply grounding & soothes fears & anxieties. The earth (ring finger) element is primarily ‘physical’ & when it is joined with Fire (thumb) brings balance to anything solid within the body (skin, hair, nails, bones) bringing a sense of support, strength & stability. Feeling ungrounded? Sit with yourself with your back straight & hands in this gesture for a few minutes at the least, take long, slow deep breathes into the belly & have gratitude for the stillness
12.01.2022 adornments for the balance of yin & yang, the feminine & masculine ~ yin energy tattooed on the yang arm, yang tattooed on the yin~ & so much more. The journey to receive these pieces did not manifest easily, but just like all initiations we must persevere & allow our journey to guide us towards the timeline we are destined for. & when we arrive at a pivotal point, it will leave a mark on your soul, your energetic signature just as tattoos do. Morphed & transformed. Oh the power & guidance held within these ones, the courage it took for my client to get here & the journey she now embarks on from here on out. It’s such a privilege to be a channel for spirit in this way, & to be able to meet & connect with my clients in such a raw, vulnerable way. It’s all healing, for both me & my client. I love humans. & I love my work.
11.01.2022 intuitive piece for Lexi from today ~ with the medicine & guidance of native acacia (wattle) & heather flower, held within intentional symbols & codes to direct & harness in energy. Done in divine ceremony. Thank you Lexi for trusting me with this medicine. More info on intuitive tattoos in highlights
11.01.2022 Was so nice to add this little Yoni & snail additions to @laniraven.wombwitch’s arm last week along with a little fix up / adding to an exiting tattoo that wasn’t my work~ we added some other additions to fill half her arm, which I’ll add more of in another post. It was also nice to see how far my work has come as she was wearing a piece I tattooed on her 3 years ago~ that Yoni though thanks so much beautiful !
10.01.2022 Intuitive piece for Chloe~ such a beautiful session this one was! If you’re wanting to know more about these intuitive tattoo sessions check out my intuitive tattoo and ritual tattoo highlight reel website & new booking process coming soon! much love.
10.01.2022 Lion medicine for Brittany from earlier this week
09.01.2022 Welcoming this beautiful soul @mj.inked to the studio this week Mj & I connected a few years ago when I tattooed her, I had a feeling we’d connect again & here we are. Mj is booked until October, but If you’d like to book in with her get in touch via her page. Mj will also be my first in-person student of my Intuitive Tattooing course, & I can’t wait to mentor her into uncovering her own unique intuitive language & watching how her work & offerings evolve along the way. It’s been a dream of mine to work with likeminded artists with a similar vision for intentional tattooing & who want to understand the power of this scared art form. & another dream of mine to teach my course in person to visionaries Excited to have my offerings & the studio expand in new ways. Go give her a follow & some love.
09.01.2022 how amazing are gumnut flowers though #australiannatives
09.01.2022 This one was something different & fun for a dear friend Lee @meadowswift~ this is me trying to manifest Lee’s strong visual download into physical tattoo form. We worked together with much success. Doing it in ritual followed by an Ajna Light Session. Lee makes the most amazing wood crafted crystal necklaces I was blessed to exchange the tattoo with~ check out his work they are truly something special thanks for your trust brother
07.01.2022 Hi, I’m back! So many tattoos to share but so little time online ~ loved this one on a regular client who never ceases to amaze me with her trust! Thanks so much Bella
06.01.2022 Gumnut flower & Banksia seed Pod for Liana from a couple weeks ago ~ always so fun doing Australian natives
05.01.2022 Intuitive tattoo ceremony for Laura today~ this one came through with such a powerful force. With medicine & guidance from Sea Eagle, Pansy, the Mountains & the sacred element of Water. Thank you for your trust Laura. ... ' , ' See more
04.01.2022 The biggest thank you to the darling @coralinedufroux for trusting me with this intuitive session this one holds potent medicine, with guidance from Marshmallow flower, & Indian Paintbrush ~ all the emotions were felt & expressed. Loved holding space for you beautiful. All the love
03.01.2022 snake medicine for the beautiful Emma from the @thesacred___
03.01.2022 intuitive piece for Triss from @lunar.vibrations from last week ~ right before she set off on a new journey of self-discovery. I love how these tattoos come to the wearer at the perfect time~ sometimes the session will be rescheduled (for whatever reasons such as covid) & when the timing finally aligns it all makes so much more sense as to why it didn’t happen the first time~ because it wasn’t meant to. These pieces come to us exactly when we need them most. But the shifts be...gin occurring immediately after you’ve booked in & committed to the decision to receive. Once the timeline is in existence the medicine begins to come through long before it’s physically tattooed on the skin. & I’m noticing this so much with the online intuitive sessions too. Such powerful work I have the honour of helping to create. There will be more dates for after September available for both in physical & online sessions & I know you’ve all been so patient (always patient) especially more so during these strange times. For anyone new here, check out my Intuitive Tattoo highlight to read more info about what these sessions can entail, even though each one is so unique in its own special way. All the love
02.01.2022 Ornamental arm adornments ~ activations intentionally marked for Briony to assist her in her evolution & embodiment of her souls true essense ~ a piece to harness in her greatest potential, purpose & courage to live & show up as her authentic self~ expressing her hearts truth and opening up her creative expression~ releasing limitations & fears as she commits to Self-mastery & Self-expansion. This piece was done in ceremony, & closed off with an energy work session full of energetic activations, clearing & an Ajna Light session to go even deeper. Check out my story highlights ‘Intuitive Tattoo’ & ‘Ajna Light’ for more info on what these sessions can entail~ every session is always so unique & I just love this work. Thank you Briony
02.01.2022 As we become comfortable within this forged stillness, so many new creative ideas are blooming~ ideas for expansion & upgrades to our online course being one of them~ a relaunch on the horizon & plans for physical teachings when all of this is over. . For now though, @ashleyriverbrant & I want to offer a big $111 USD ($167 AUD) off our online course for the next week . As we begin to work on new offerings & course upgrades we want to invite more people to join our tribe so yo...u can be apart of it all too . You will have lifetime access to our online course, including any new content . If you’ve been feeling the call, now is the time ~ a rare time where you can dedicate so much of yourself to your own self development . This course isn’t just for artists or tattoo artists; it is for anyone who is interested in this type of work, aspiring artist, those who are interesting in knowing more about sacred/ intuitive / intentional tattoos, how you can channel your own & be a director of your own tattoo medicine, or those wanting to dive deeper into their own unique intuitive language, being a channel for spirit . Use the code Rebirth at the checkout for discount . New offerings coming soon. Join us today See more
01.01.2022 Our hands are one of our most sacred tools as a human~ our power, strength, protection, & creation come from our hands. Our hands tell stories of our past & future~ they connect us to our organs, the elements, the planets~ & can send energetic signals throughout our entire body aiding in healing & harmonising our energetic field & physical body. This is why hand Mudras are so powerful & something I use daily.... We have so much power lying within our hands & our ability to weave & conduct life & creation with them. This is why I am in LOVE with marking the hands intentionally. To adorn them with love, intention & devotion for them. Each line, dot & marking acting as energetic portals. Hand tattoos for me, go beyond the aesthetics, it’s about having reverence for the power that lies within them. Take a moment now to look at your hands, touch them, thank them & be grateful for all that they are
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