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Churchill Tennis Club in Churchill, Victoria | Stadium, arena & sports venue

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Churchill Tennis Club

Locality: Churchill, Victoria

Address: 44 Manning Drive 3842 Churchill, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 Havent played in a while and want to get back on court. Churchill TC hosts Open Court Sessions on Friday nights at 6:30pm. In your session a hit and share a meal with your new mates. Book online at or just rock a pay cash on the night. @whatsongippsland @tennisvic #tennis #getyourracqueton #opencourtsessions #playtennis #followtrain #churchilltennis #churchilltennisclub #fitness


24.01.2022 Saturday Competition results: Our senior team defected Moe 48 to 10. In juniors, our section 8 team got the best of Yinnar 21 to 11.

23.01.2022 Senior Tennis COVID processes and Senior Draw.

22.01.2022 Tag a friend who should #getyourracqueton this summer. Churchill will be hosting session every Friday at 6:30 this term. Dont forget to book at #opencourtsessions #tagafriend #tennis #fitness #churchilltennis #churchilltennisclub #pickleball

21.01.2022 Learning about this crazy game of #pickleball for Churchill Tennis Clubs upcoming #opencourtsessions . Thank you to @tennisvic @tennisaustralia for running a great session for our host to learn and ask questions. This summer we hope to help the people of Churchill and District get their racquet on. #getyourracqueton #churchilltennis #morwelltennisclub #paxhilltennisclub #moetennisclub #churchilltennisclub #summeroftennis #getoncourt #socialtennis #lvta #latrobevalley

20.01.2022 Tennis, but not as you know it you know it! Open Court Sessions gives hope to the hopeless with fun and fresh new tennis activities, making it easy to play tennis again. Discover how bad you are at tennis, whether its been two months, two years or two decades. All equipment will be provided. Food and drinks will also be provided for participants. Next Open Court Session: Friday 7th Feb at 6:30pm. Book on at #getyourracqueton #opencourtsessions #playtennis #churchilltennis #churchilltennisclub #tenniscourt #tennis #pickleball #fitness #sportingevent #event

20.01.2022 Open Court Sessions. Meet our Hosts: Tammy is our Club President, a trainee coach and one our new open court sessions hosts. How long have you played tennis for? 14 years. Favourite Shot? Forehand. Favourite part of the open court sessions program?... The Triples. #opencourtsessions #getyourracqueton #churchilltennisclub #churchilltennis #tennis #tennisaustralia #tennisvic #meetyourhosts #churchillnews See more

20.01.2022 We are planning to host a Mixed Tennis 4 Teens program for Term 1 in 2020. This free program is open to girls and boys between 12 to 17 years of age. It open to players all standards. Just running a poll to find suitable for day and time for those who are interested. #tennis4teens

20.01.2022 Tonights Open Court Session has been canceled due to the storm.Tonights Open Court Session has been canceled due to the storm.

20.01.2022 Churchill Tennis Club is looking for hosts for our new #opencourtsessions next year. You dont have to be a member of the club or even a tennis player. Just someone who passionate about sport and your local community. Tennis Australia is running a training session for local hosts on Wednesday 11 December at Morwell Tennis Club from 6:00 to 8:30pm. DM via IG/Facebook/Twitter or Contact Tammy 0434978930 for more information or you want to become a host. #getyourracqueton #gippslandevents #communityevents #summeroftennis #tennisvic #tennisaustralia #churchilltennisclub #churchilltennis #hostswanted #nowrecruiting #sportindustry

17.01.2022 Want to start playing tennis but dont know how to start. Churchill Tennis Clubs Open Court Sessions are the thing for you. Book into Open Session Court Session today at #getyourracqueton #playtennis #opencourtsessions #tennis #fitness #getactive #gippygirlscan #gippslandevents #churchilltennisclub #churchilltennis

16.01.2022 Churchill Tennis Club is hosting a super social, non-competitive, causal hit of tennis followed by food and drinks. Suitable for all skill levels, the sessions are ideal for beginners and lapsed players. Book a session now at We a have Sessions every Friday at 6:30pm. #opencourtsessions #getyourracqueton #playtennis #tennisclub #fitness #communitytennis #getactive #churchilltennis #churchilltennisclub

16.01.2022 Today’s Saturday competition finally got underway for our senior team and one of our junior teams. Bad weather the last few weeks has forced washouts across the... board. In seniors Churchill defected Pax Hill Blue at home 8 sets to 0 and 48 games to 13 games. In juniors section 9 and section 8 had the bye and section 5 had a win against Traralgon Maroon. See more

15.01.2022 Tennis Victoria Update. #churchilltennisclub #activekids #tennisclub #tennis

15.01.2022 Big thanks to Troy and @latrobecitycouncil for getting our courts in tip top shape, just in time for our upcoming #opencourtsessions #getyourracqueton #churchilltennis #churchilltennisclub #tenniscourt #hardcourt #tennisvic #summeroftennis #beforeandafter #tennisclub @ Churchill Tennis Club

15.01.2022 It's R U OK?Day, a reminder that every day is a day to start a conversation that could change a life Make sure you're checking in with your loved ones today and every day. You don't need to be an expert to reach out - just a good friend and a great listener. For more information and to learn what to say, head to #ruokday #ruokday

14.01.2022 Keen to get your racquet on but dont know where to start? Open Court Sessions is for you. We are running a session at Churchill Tennis Club starting this Friday the 31st at 6:30pm. Book online now at the link is our bio. #PlayTennis #GetYourRacquetOn #OpenCourtSessions #churchilltennisclub #churchilltennis

14.01.2022 Churchill Tennis Club AGM Information. Thursday the 26th of August 2020 7pm TOMORROW NIGHT ... Via Zoom. Meeting ID: 945 034 5293 Passcode: 1rJ9wZ

13.01.2022 The club is having a Christmas Break up at the clubrooms. Date: Wednesday 11th of December. Time: 4:45pm. Fish and Chips and Soft Drink provided. #churchilltennisclub #churchilltennis #tennisclub #merrychristmas #comeondown

13.01.2022 Thanks Heyfield Tennis Club for inviting the LVTA Wednesday night crew for a end of year social hit. next time we get some nicer weather.

12.01.2022 The state government has ask us to cease, temporarily, tennis activity in Victoria. The courts have been locked and if you have you own key please dont use it to open the courts or open them for anyone else to use. This is a challenging time for everyone, please stay home and stay safe. #coronavirus #convid19 #courtsclosed #stayathome #socialdistancing #churchilltennis #churchilltennisclub

12.01.2022 Our not so Secret Santa gift from @tennisaustralia. Thank you for our #getyourracqueton pack. We cant wait to start our Open Court sessions in January. Also a big thank you for our fabulous new #instagramsign #merrychristmasandhappynewyear #churchilltennis #churchilltennisclub #opencourtsessions #summeroftennis #dunloptennis #soundsofsummer #getoncourt

12.01.2022 No Open Court session tonight. Due to wet weather.No Open Court session tonight. Due to wet weather.

12.01.2022 Churchill Tennis Club looking for people to Host our upcoming Open Court Sessions.

11.01.2022 Its R U OK?Day, a reminder that every day is a day to start a conversation that could change a life Make sure youre checking in with your loved ones today and every day. You dont need to be an expert to reach out - just a good friend and a great listener. For more information and to learn what to say, head to #ruokday #ruokday

10.01.2022 Congratulations to our Section 9 boys on winning their grand final this morning.

10.01.2022 We are in process of fixing up the old tennis table for the clubrooms. It will be all ready for our #opencourtsessions and @tennis4teens_ sessions in 2020. So you can #getyourracqueton rain, hail or shine. @tennisaustralia @tennisaustralia #tennis4teens #churchilltennisclub #churchilltennis #summeroftennis #ao2020 #offcourt #offcourtfun #tabletennis #pingpong #dragonflytabletennis

09.01.2022 A message from Tennis Victoria CEO. At present our Court and Club is closed due to State Government Recommendations.

08.01.2022 We had a great turn out at our Open Court Session tonight. Fun to be had on and off the court. #getyourracqueton #opencourtsessions #tennis #minitennis #pickleball #triples #tenniscourt #churchilltennis #churchilltennisclub #summeroftennis #friyay @ Churchill Tennis Club

08.01.2022 No plans this Friday night? Than come along to our Open Court Session at 6:30pm. Book online today. #opencourtsessions #getyourracqueton #tennisplayers #tennisclub #tenniscourt #churchilltennisclub #churchilltennis #tennisracket #fitnessmotivation #fitness #gippsland

07.01.2022 Today in juniors Churchill’s section 9 defected Pax Hill at home. In section 8 Churchill loss to Thorpdale 8 games to 22 games. In section 5 Churchill lost to Yinnar 25 games to 33 games. In seniors Churchill defected Pax Hill Red 47 games to 19 games.

07.01.2022 No date for Valentines Day. Grab your sneakers and get on court for seriously good time at our new Open Court Sessions program. So what does the night involve? Its a 90-minutes, youll have a 10-minute warm-up, 50-minutes of tennis activities and 30-minutes of socialising. On court, youll play different tennis activities including tennis on smaller courts, Pickleball and triples on a full size court. Off court, youll make new friends over a drink or a bite to eat. Book online today to reserve your spot at @whatsongippsland #whatsongippsland #getyourracqueton #opencourtsessions #playtennis #antivalentinesday #galentinesday #draaaaanks #eeeeeats #tennis #churchilltennisclub #churchilltennis

06.01.2022 Open Court Sessions. Meet our Hosts: Lucinda is one our new open court sessions hosts. How long have you played tennis for? Ive played tennis for 15 years (I think, on and off) Favourite Shot? Favourite shot would have to be serve... Favourite part of the open court sessions program? I like pickleball the most. #getyourracqueton #opencourtsessions #churchilltennis #churchilltennisclub #tennisvic #tennisaustralia #summeroftennis #playtennis #thisgirlcan #meetyourhost #fitness #sport #tennis

06.01.2022 Congrats to @alexdeminaur for making @usopen quarterfinals. Turn in to @sbs_australia at 10:15am tomorrow to watch and cheer Alex on. #usopen #alexdeminaur #goaussie

05.01.2022 Churchill Tennis Club is proud to be one of the four Latrobe Valley tennis clubs that has been chosen to host Tennis Australia new Open Court sessions program. So here is a sneak peak of what its all about #getyourracqueton #opencourtsessions #tennisaustralia #tennis

05.01.2022 Update from Tennis Victoria. No coaching, Open Court Sessions, Or court hire happening at Churchill Tennis Club until further notice. Stay safe everyone. #conronavirus

04.01.2022 Congratulations to the Churchill Juniors Section 9 team for making LVTA Semi- Finals. The match will take place on Saturday March 14th and is to be played at Pax Hill (9:00 am start). Churchill will take on Pax Hill.

03.01.2022 Tag a friend and bring them along to one of our Open Court Sessions. Link is in the bio. @getyourracqueton #opencourtsessions #getyourracqueton #tennis #churchilltennis #churchilltennisclub #activegippsland #makeyourmove #fitnessmotivation #fitness #getactive #tagafriend #followus

02.01.2022 Churchill Tennis Club AGM. 7pm Tomorrow night #linkinbio #zoommeeting #digitalagm #annualgeneralmeeting

02.01.2022 First Open Court Session done and dusted. But you still can join in on all the fun and book in next Friday at @tennisaustralia @tennisvic #getyourracqueton #opencourtsessions #pickleball #churchilltennisclub #churchilltennis #tennis #burgers #burgermania #tennisvic #tennisaustralia #fitness #tennisclub

02.01.2022 We had a wonderful day at the Open Court Sessions Host Appreciation Breakfast. Thank you to Tennis Australia for organising a fabulous day. It was great meet other host from clubs across Victoria.

02.01.2022 Today was the last match before the holiday break. Our seniors defected Traralgon South Gators 40 games to 30 games 3 sets all. Thanks to @traralgontennis for hosting the match while Traralgon South are getting there courts rebuilt. #churchilltennisclub #churchilltennis #lvta #latrobevalleytennisassociation #saturdaytennis #tennis

02.01.2022 Keen to get your racquet on but don't know where to start? Open Court Sessions is for you. We are running a session at Churchill Tennis Club starting this Friday the 31st at 6:30pm. Book online now at the link is our bio. #PlayTennis #GetYourRacquetOn #OpenCourtSessions #churchilltennisclub #churchilltennis

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