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Canberra Islamic Centre in Canberra, Australian Capital Territory | Religious centre

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Canberra Islamic Centre

Locality: Canberra, Australian Capital Territory

Phone: +61 2 6292 0602


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24.01.2022 Covid-19 related restrictions are a condition of entry into the Sabah Al Ahmad Masjid for the two jama'at at 1.00 PM and 1:45 PM on Friday 19June20. Mr Chris Steel, Minister of Multicultural Affair will be attending at 1:45 PM and ABC TV will cover the event at 1PM. Please come prepared to the masjid (1) with wudu (2) own prayer rug (3) a slip of paper with your name and phone number and (4) follow social distancing conditions. Details below. The Canberra Islamic Centre is p...Continue reading

24.01.2022 Australian National Imam Council has issued a new press release regarding relaxation of the restrictions due to Covid-19. The press release can be found on their home page "Whilst mosques are an integral part of our daily lives, especially during the blessed month of Ramadan, we urge the Australian Muslim community to continue to comply with all ofthe rules and restrictions, including the number of attendees that are set by the government. We urge the community to maintain social distancing rules until mosques are reopened and resume normal functions."

23.01.2022 We at the CIC Sabah Al Ahmad Masjid in ACT are strictly observing the Covid-19 restrictions with a cap on number of attendees (100), allocating 4 square metres per person, 1.5m social distancing and sanitising the place after each session.

23.01.2022 Eid message from Minister Chris Steel and CIC Sabah Al Ahmad masjid Imam Adama Konda for Eid to ACT Muslims.

23.01.2022 The Embassy of Qatar has donated some delicious dates for distribution. Please collect them from CIC from 3 to 4 PM today, Friday and over the weekend until they run out.

23.01.2022 Arabic Naskh Calligraphy for beginners weekend workshop in January 2021. Enrol now as this workshop will be fully subscribed soon. Only 18/20 seats available. The workshop will run on 16 & 17 January weekend from 9 AM to 5 PM. The fee includes all material, lunches and morning teas and tuition from a Melbourne calligrapher. Email with your name, contact details phone or email to [email protected] for details or enrolment. A fee of $180 per person will be due by 25/12/20 and needs to be paid directly in CIC general account. Only a payment will guarantee participation.

23.01.2022 Masjid restrictive opening Canberra Islamic Centre (CIC) has decided to open the mosque gradually from 30 May 2020 Saturday morning at 6:15AM for Fajr in compliance with the directives of the ACT Government by allowing 20 people maximum in an enclosed area regardless of size and maintaining the rule of 4sqm per person. At this stage the mosque will only be open for daily prayers and not for Jumma prayer on Friday. It is important that the people who would be coming to pray a...t the mosque understand the gravity of the situation and follow the social distancing of 1.5m and the limit of 20 people on the number of attendees. Beside health risks the ACT Government also imposes fines on those violating the rules. We won't police you and you would be responsible for your own action and its consequence. As floor tiling is underway in the main men entrance everyone is asked to use the women's entrance on the east side of the mosque for entry and exit through the door on the west side of the mosque into the courtyard. All men and women will enter through the front (women's) door of the masjid and exit through the door on the west side of the mosque into the courtyard. At this stage we ask people not to bring in children to the mosque as they will also be counted towards the limit of 20. Use the sanitiser provided at the door. Please come with wudu as the wet area will be closed until the restrictions are lifted or stage 3. Each person must bring their own prayer mat. In case of more than one jama'at, people late for the first jama'at will have to wait in their cars until called for the second jamaat. With the new restriction of maximum 20 people, all prayers will be held with social distancing that is 1.5m from each other and leaving a row behind empty. There may be two Ishaa jama’at of 20 people each. Normal Friday jama’ats will resume only when further ease of restrictions by the ACT Government would allow larger gatherings. We will let you know when that happens Insha-Allah. Suhail Khan President Executive Committee Canberra Islamic Centre

22.01.2022 Zakatul Fitr is $12 per person this year and can be paid directly into our account. Please mention Fitra in your reference. Bank - St George Name - Canberra Islamic Centre BSB: 112 908 Account No.: 419 498 004

22.01.2022 Tiling is finished in the library only some edging and grouting needs to be done on Monday morning. The tilers came at 7:25 to work on a cold crispy Saturday morning.

20.01.2022 All the books and book shelves have been removed and systematically arranged in the foyer and the hall. Carpet tiles have been removed and stacked outside the library. The painter has started the painting of the pelmets and doors and would finish the first coat of paint on the wall on Monday. By Wednesday 9/9/20 painting would be finished. Tilers are expected to commence work on Thursday and finish by Saturday 12/9. We intend to move the shelves back on Sunday 13/9/20 and mov...e the books back into the library bookshelf by bookshelf in the following week. Last Saturday 5 young men (all under the age of 75 years) turned up and managed to move all the shelves and carpet tiles within two hours. Our sincere gratitude to our young volunteers. We will need volunteers on Sunday 13/9/20 between 2PM to 5PM for returning the book shelves. Any help would be most appreciated. Carpet tiles removed from the library of 45cmx45cm of sombre pink are available to any one to take for free. See more

20.01.2022 Salaam Alaikum and Eid Mubarak Alhamdolillah, our schedule for Eid prayers went well. We had organised for three jama’at initially that was changed to four but in the end we did five jama’at to cater for all the people who turned up. People who attended the prayers at CIC Sabah Al Ahmad masjid are appreciated for their understanding of the situation, their calmness and patience for waiting in line for the next jama’at. The last and the fifth jama’at was at 10:30 and when we 100 people inside we had closed the doors. We are sorry that those who came in after the prayers had started missed out their prayers. We, as Muslims follow the rules of the land and in current COVID-19 situation they are 100 people inside the place of worship with 4 square metres per person maintaining the social distance. Today Friday prayers will be at 1:00PM and 1:45PM with usual conditions of congregation. See more

20.01.2022 The Australian Islamic Medical Association (AIMA) conducted a workshop on essential lifesaving skills on at the Canberra Islamic Centre, Monash on Saturday September 26, 2020 at 10 AM. Here is a video of its proceedings.

19.01.2022 On Friday 19 June 2020 Sabah Al Ahmad Masjid will have the first jama'at at 1:00 PM (Khutba begins) and another if necessary at 1:50 PM (Khutba begins) of 100 people each. Please come prepared to the masjid (1) with wudu, (2) your own prayer rug, (3) a slip of paper with your name and contact number and (4) observe social distancing at all time. Details appearing on Wednesday 17/6/20

19.01.2022 Alhamdullilah, we completed moving the library books back to its room after tiling and painting. We had help from several young volunteers who put in hours of works doing the hard yakka. The library looks bright and welcoming now. It will be open from Monday 28/9 for reading and borrowing.

18.01.2022 WEEKLY TALK BY IMAM KONDA, IMAM OF SABAH AL AHMAD MASJID AT CANBERRA ISLAMIC CENTRE Canberra Islamic Centre invites you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: The disease of racism is healed by Islam... Time: Jun 7, 2020 03:00 PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 733 8505 0538 Password: imamkonda

18.01.2022 Canberra islamic Centre will participate in the National Mosque Open Day on Saturday 31st October 2020 from 10 AM to 2 PM and will open the doors of the Sabah Al Ahmad Masjid to all our visitors. Please encourage your friends who usually visit other mosques for their prayers, your non-Muslim colleagues at work and your family members to visit this mosque on the open day. There will be regular tours of the complex, a chance to observe or participate Duhr/Zuhr prayers in congr...egation and to take-away a snack pack (due to Covid-19 we are not serving food at the Centre). Programme is as follow: Tours of the mosque starting from 10:30 to 12:30. Observance and or participation of Midday prayer at 1:00 PM Tours after the prayer may be organised depending on the demand. CIC Executive Committee See more

18.01.2022 Three rolls of carpet were given to the Weston Creek mussalla yesterday. These rolls were previously used in the CIC hall when it was being used for prayers and before the completion of CIC Sabah Al Ahmad masjid.

18.01.2022 CIC Sabah Al Ahmad Masjid Friday 24th July 2020 Two Jama'ats at 1:00PM and 1:45PM 100 people, 4sqm. per person and 1.5m apart Please come with (1) Wudu, (2) prayer rug and (3) slip of paper with your name and mobile number.... People for second jama'at please wait in your cars until called. Please share these details with friends. People entry per jama’at will be strictly limited to 100 people. People thus missing out in first jama’at can wait for the second one. If need be then from Friday 31/7/20 a third jama’at will be organised. See more

18.01.2022 The Australian Islamic Medical Association (AIMA) will be conducting a workshop on essential lifesaving skills on at the Canberra Islamic Centre, Monash on Saturday September 26, 2020 at 10 AM. Canberra islamic Centre is at 221 Clive Steele Avenue, Monash at the corner of Isabella Drive Please do not miss this free opportunity and sign up today!... The AIMA LifeStart programme teaches these main skills: 1. Use of an AED Defribillator 2. CPR Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation 3. Management of choking 4. Recovery Position Each of these skills taught using an explanation at the beginning, a practical demonstration and a chance for attendees to practice. For more details, visit our official website at For inquiries, contact us at [email protected]

17.01.2022 The Emir of the State of Kuwait His Highness Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmed Al Sabah passed away on Tuesday. He was 91. The masjid at the Canberra Islamic Centre is named after him. The members of the Canberra Islamic Centre are deeply saddened at the passing of His Highness and are greatly indebted for the support received in helping to complete the building of the Sabah Al Ahmad Masjid and also for ongoing support. May Allah (SWT) grant him the highest place in Jannat ul Firdaus.

17.01.2022 CIC ground photos 19/9/20

16.01.2022 Australian National Imam Council has announced that the first day of Eidul Adha will be on Friday 31/7/20. The full details are on this link: CIC will announce on Friday 24/7/20 prayers and through Facebook the full details of Eidul Adha prayers at CIC Sabah Al Ahmad Masjid.

16.01.2022 Eid Al-Fitr 2020 As Salaam Alaikum Brothers and Sisters The Eid Al-Fitr Statement for the Year 1441AH - 2020 from the Australian National Imams Council and endorsed by the Mufti of Australia, Dr Ibrahim has been issued. The statement confirms that Eid ul Fitr will be on Sunday 24 May 2020. Due to limitation of maximum 10 people gathering in one place, there will be no Jamaat for Eid ul Fitr at Sabah Al Ahmad Masjid this year. The Eid prayer can be prayed at home as describe...d in the ANIC press release. "The Eid prayer is a ritual on this blessed day, and we emphasise its importance to be performed by all Muslims and in congregation. Given the current circumstance, it can be held at home with a minimum number of three people, unless there is a person who can deliver the khutbah (sermon), it can be held without a khutbah, because the khutbah is not a condition for the validity of the Eid prayer. " From ANIC press release. The Canberra Islamic Centre has worked out a programme to celebrate Eidul Fitr as follows: 1.Imam Adama Konda of CIC will be speaking on Australian Muslim Voice Radio Ramadan after 4 PM on Saturday 23rd May 2020. Radio Ramadan can be heard on FM 99.5 and FM 103.5 in ACT and Queanbeyan and also from streaming services at where you have to click on the headphone icon. There will be dua or manajat afterwards. 2.Members are requested to pray at home on 24 May 2020 at 9 am in jamaat (minimum 3 people and maximum 10) with the takbirs for Eid ul Fitr prayers. 3.Imam will give a talk at 9.30AM for 30 minutes on Zoom 9 Meeting ID: 716 2407 0352 Password: ciceid 4.Imam will offer a 'dua' from 10:00AM for 10 minutes on Zoom 5.Sweets in packets will be available at CIC from 10:30AM to about 11:30AM as a drive through arrangement. Distribution of sweets will be on a no contact basis. Zakatul Fitr is $12 per person this year and can be paid directly into our account. Please mention Fitra in your reference and do it before Sunday 24th May 2020.. Bank - St George Name - Canberra Islamic Centre BSB: 112 908 Account No.: 419 498 004 The Executive Committee of the Canberra Islamic Centre wishes you and your family Eid Saeed Mubarak. Regards Suhail Khan President Executive Committee of the Canberra Islamic Centre

14.01.2022 As part of upgrading the grounds of the Canberra islamic Centre, electrical equipment, lights and electricity poles have arrived from Melbourne at 4 AM yesterday morning. Our treasurer , as the contact person had to be on site to open the gates and direct the truck driver and the crane operator during unloading. This will improve the lights in the car park in areas where the poles were absent.

13.01.2022 Salaam Alaikum, The Executive Committee (EC) of the Canberra Islamic Centre (CIC) has decided to recommence the Friday prayers at the Sabah Al Ahmad Masjid from Friday 19 June 2020. Until further notice there will be two jama'at at 1.00 PM and 1:50 PM of 100 people each. To ensure smooth operation please come 10 - 15 minutes before the prayer time and if you have to wait for the second jama'at, wait in your cars. We should remain patient and courteous throughout these unusu...Continue reading

13.01.2022 LOCKDOWN OF THE CANBERRA ISLAMIC CENTRE Salaam Brothers and Sisters We are all anxiously awaiting the day when we can return to normalcy and our beloved Sabah Al Ahmad Masjid is open to congregational prayers. As you all know, the Canberra Islamic Centre (CIC), as a responsible organisation, must obey government directives on public health and the associated Fatwas from the Australian National Imams Council (ANIC). On this basis we had decided to announce complete lockdown be...fore Ramadan. Recently, some restrictions have been lifted like freedom of movement and congregating with up to 10 people. It's important to remember we're not quite on the other side just yet. As restrictions ease we're being reminded that the pandemic is not over, and there is still a significant risk to vulnerable people from COVID-19. The repeated message from health authorities is to approach these new found freedoms with care for fear of sparking a second wave of the disease. ( After some serious consideration, the CIC has come to the view that jamaat held in the masjid with just 10 people present and with social distancing is not a satisfactory position for all concerned. Also with having a number of jamaats of 10 people each is an administrative nightmare and will leave people dissatisfied as we restrict the number of people going into the masjid. This is the view of most of the mosques in Australia as well. I have discussed the matter with our Imam and he concurs with this position. In view of the foregoing, the CIC has decided that it will wait for the number of people allowed to be increased by the government and also await ANIC fatwa in this regard before opening the lockdown which, regrettably, will have to continue for the time being. Regards Suhail Khan President Executive Committee of the Canberra Islamic Centre

13.01.2022 H. E. The Governor General David Hurley has given a message to Muslims of Australia on the occasion of Eidul Fitr.

11.01.2022 Canberra Islamic Centre is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Imam Konda Ramadan Friday Lecture Date: May 22, 2020 03:00 PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney Standard Time... Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 736 0373 9227 Password: ramadan

11.01.2022 Linda Berjaoui supplies home made baklava to CIC at cost price that is distributed every Eid to those who attend the prayers. CIC appreciate this kind gesture. This baklava is also available to public directly through her Facebook page. Go on order some for you family.

11.01.2022 End of the Financial Year (30 June 2020) process will apply in accordance with our constitution. 1. Those members who are current on 30/6/20 will be eligible to nominate to stand for EC membership and to vote in the next election unless they have been disqualified according to the rules of CIC. 2. The financial accounts will close for auditing on 30th June 202 and accounts will reopen on 1st July 2020 for next financial year. All donations and moneys received by 30/6/2020 will be counted in the 2019-20 financial year and the treasurers will get the audit report completed by the end of July for inclusion in the AGM. Secretary CIC

10.01.2022 EID MUBARAK to all. With Ramadan over would you take a minute to do this survey of 3 question on how you felt about the changes during this time and which one of those would you keep for next year?

09.01.2022 To celebrate Eid up Fitr the Canberra Islamic Centre will distribute sweets as a drive through arrangement. Please drive up to the Canberra Islamic Centre between 10.45 am and 12 noon and receive your box of sweets. This baklava is home made by LB an executive of CIC. We wish you Eid Mubarak.... Executive Committee of the Canberra Islamic Centre

07.01.2022 We had a gardening day yesterday where the professional gardeners and volunteers worked in the garden around the mosque. Our volunteers cleaned up the chips and weeds from the white gravel and watered the plants. The gardeners planted some 25 Agapanthus on the east side of the masjid along with the mowing and weeding. Agapanthus is a very hardy frost and drought tolerant plant for Canberra's climate. It reproduces by seeds and tubers that need to be divided every few years as they tend to clump. Usually people dig them up to discard the excess growth. If you are digging them up from your garden or know someone who is then instead of disposing them in the green bin bring them to us for planting along the fence line.

07.01.2022 Salaam Alaikum Additional jama’at for Friday prayers at CIC Sabah Al Ahmad Masjid on 21/8/2020 1. THREE jama'ats at 12:30PM, 1:00PM and 1:45PM of 100 people each 4sqm. per person and 1.5m apart will be held.... 2. Please come with (1) Wudu, (2) Prayer Rug, (3) slip of paper with your name and mobile number and (4) if possible, wear your mask inside the mosque. Please share these details with friends. 3. People entry per jama’at will be strictly limited to 100 people. People thus missing out in first jama’at can wait in their cars for the next one. 4. Each Jama'at will follow this format: 10 minutes of Khutba 10 minutes of Prayer 10 minutes for nawafil 5. In order to facilitate entry and exit, conform to social distancing and to accommodate as many people as possible there will be no social gathering in the courtyard. Executive Committee Canberra Islamic Centre

05.01.2022 ACT Government is relaxing restrictions on gatherings from noon next Friday to accommodate Muslim Juma prayers. Juma prayers will be observed at Sabah Al Ahmad Mosque on Friday 19th June 2020. Our Covid - 19 plan is being prepared and we will notify our members of what they have to do for the gathering. Please keep following us on this page for details.

05.01.2022 This workshop is now fully subscribed but we will place your name on a waiting list just in case a cancellation occurs or for the next course that will run in January 2021. 'Calligraphy Calling' workshop Start: Saturday 17th October ... Maximum number of students will be 10. Frequency: 6 x Weekly 1 hour workshops (plus 2x20 minutes before and after for preparation and cleanup) on Saturdays at 2pm. Venue: Canberra Islamic Centre 221 Clive Steele Avenue, Monash ACT 2904 Cost: all inclusive (brushes, pencils, markers, inks, paint, paper) and printing of any information handouts + (rags, buckets, table covers) $180 (for CIC members) for the course. End: Saturday 21st November. Covid-19: We will strictly observe the regulations regarding the social distancing and the 4m2 rule per person. Contact [email protected] or call 0401678151 to book your seat. This post will be withdrawn when these two remaining seats are filled. *Fatima Killeen was born in Casablanca, Morocco, where she studied at the School of Fine Arts Les Beaux Arts. In 1988 she studied painting and photography at the Corcoran School of Art in Washington DC. She came to Australia in 1994 and continued her Bachelor Degree in painting and printmaking at the Canberra School of Art, ANU. In 1997 she graduated with First Class Honours and three graduation awards. Her artworks have been acquired by the Australian War Memorial, the Australian National University, the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, The Canberra museum and Gallery, The Canberra Hospital, the Islamic Museum of Australia in Melbourne and the National Museum of Australia. Artworks are also on permanent display at the Canberra Islamic Centre. Her aim is to keep both Islamic design and Arabic calligraphy alive in a multicultural society, and to give identity and existence to her own culture, through her art which incorporates the colours of her new environment.

04.01.2022 Four jama’ats will be held for Eidul Adha Prayers on Friday 31st July 2020 at CIC Sabah Al Ahmad Masjid. In view of the limits on numbers of 100 regardless of the space available, we recommend that elderly people that require assistance, sick and unwell people, mothers with small children in prams and young children may not be brought for prayers. Salaam Alaikum... 1. Four jama'ats at 8:15AM, 9:00AM, 9:45AM and 10:30AM of 100 people each 4sqm. per person and 1.5m apart. 2. Please come with (1) Wudu, (2) prayer rugs, (3) slip of paper with your name and mobile number and (4) if possible, wear your mask inside the mosque. Please share these details with friends. 3. People entry per jama’at will be strictly limited to 100 people. People thus missing out in first jama’at can wait in their cars for the next one. 4. Each Jama'at will follow this format: 10 minutes of Takbirs 10 minutes of Prayer 10 minutes of Khutba 15 minutes to vacate and disinfect the mosque 5. In order to facilitate entry and exit, conform to social distancing and to accommodate as many people as possible there will be no social gathering in the courtyard. 6: Friday prayers will be according to our normal schedule. Two jama'ats at 1:00PM and 1:45PM with all of the above conditions. Executive Committee Canberra Islamic Centre

03.01.2022 After the kitchen, pantry and dining area, the library is being readied for refurbishment. The books have already been moved out of the room onto the tables in the hall. After the removal of shelves the room will be tiled and painted. In the refurbished library there will be a lounge for easy reading and space for research plus the collection correctly coded and stacked.

03.01.2022 These timings for Friday prayers at CIC Sabah Al Ahmad Masjid will stay the same from Friday 4 September 2020 until the restrictions on gatherings are lifted by ACT Chief Medical Officer. 1. THREE Services will be held. Khutba at 12:30PM, 1:00PM and 1:30PM of 100 people each 4sqm. per person and 1.5m apart will be held. 2. Please come with (1) Wudu, (2) Prayer Rug, (3) slip of paper with your name and mobile number and (4) if possible, wear your mask inside the mosque. Please... share these details with friends. 3. People entry per jama’at will be strictly limited to 100 people. People thus missing out in first jama’at can wait in their cars for the next one. 4. Each Jama'at will follow this format: 10 minutes of Khutba 10 minutes of Prayer 10 minutes for nawafil and clearing the masjid 5. In order to facilitate entry and exit, conform to social distancing and to accommodate as many people as possible there will be no social gathering in the courtyard. Executive Committee Canberra Islamic Centre

03.01.2022 We at CIC are planning a five day work shop at the Centre early next year in January or April (during school holidays) with a noted Melbourne Arabic calligrapher. At this stage we are only asking for your expression of interest as this would help us in planning this workshop. If you are interested please email me at [email protected] and the secretary will keep you informed with the programme. Please share with your friends who may be interested. Our Caligraphy Calling workshop with Fatima Killeen is fully booked and we are already planning for another one in January. Let us know if you are interested in participating in this workshop.

02.01.2022 Last Friday sermon by Shaykh Adama Konda Imam of CIC Sabah Al Ahmad Masjid.

01.01.2022 In view of restriction of people attending religious service to 20, CIC will not be having congregational juma prayers this Friday. We will wait for the ACT government to increase the number of people before deciding on Friday prayers.

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