Cinderella's Secrets | Book
Cinderella's Secrets
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25.01.2022 The Cinderella's Secrets Audiobook is being distributed, available on and soon on iTunes and Audible! #CinderellasSecrets #Audiobook #Cinderella
25.01.2022 Cinderella's Secrets is now available on Audible! Authored by George Helou, Narrated by Jo Van Es and Music by Mark Buckle. #Audible #CinderellasSecrets
23.01.2022 So did Ella Reinvent Herself in #CinderellasSecrets?
23.01.2022 Join us from June 3 - 5 at the Living Well in WA Expo. #EP7 #LivingWellinWA
22.01.2022 Why being skeptical and believing in magic can coexist. #EP7 #Magicisreal
22.01.2022 My live video on Understanding Anxiety and Depression -
22.01.2022 The power of a brain that can make relevant associations. I share why Albert Einstein had a small than average brain, but used it better than most. #AlbertEinstein #BrainPower #Intelligence
22.01.2022 #EP7TequilaShot - what do you do if you strongly believe a person is lying to you?
21.01.2022 Make your love more powerful than their fear. It is our responsibility to believe in the power of love and show it.
20.01.2022 The value we bring to the moment and opportunity is what defines the ultimate value of the experience and it can feel priceless. #EP7Blog
20.01.2022 What if our mental health is based on our ability to adapt in timely ways, so we can perceive ourselves and a world where we matter, are capable and are connected to an abundance of opportunity to love, be loved and enjoy the adventure of life? What if mental health is directly conditional on how aligned we are to the truth of our immeasurable worth, able to now who we really are.
19.01.2022 How to break up with someone - know someone that needs help? #EP7Podcast #Howtobreakup
19.01.2022 The version of Cinderella we wished we were raised with...
19.01.2022 We must believe in a better way than self-sacrificing to keep people happy, otherwise we all lose.
19.01.2022 6000 downloads to date of the EP7 Podcast Channel - Rachel Donovan and I thank you for your support! #EP7PodcastChannel
18.01.2022 So proud to be leaving this higher purpose legacy to empower our children and even us adults. Our children are so impressionable, we have a responsibility to help them understand their worth and capability to create an extraordinary life. That they are the wand that creates the magic and not to wait to be saved by other heroes, neglecting the hero from within the self. Cinderella's Secrets - The Untold Story of Ella is now an audiobook narrated so beautifully by Jo Van Es (Narrator on #GoogleBox) can now entertain children as young as 8 with the enchanting Cinderella story, but with the clear process of how Ella became aware of how love, freedom and abundance happen for you when you change your relationship with yourself and in turn, those around you. #iTunes #Audible #CinderellasSecrets #OnceUponaView #GeorgeHelou #JoVanEs
18.01.2022 What is money for? Is being a billionaire good or bad? Should helping people be for free?
18.01.2022 Once Upon A View: The view is a choice. What it creates becomes your reality.Once Upon A View: The view is a choice. What it creates becomes your reality.
18.01.2022 How important is sleep? Very very important and here is why...
17.01.2022 Trust your gut. Allow it to show where more information is needed before committing.
17.01.2022 Free Delivery or pick up at your local Woolworths - these new online businesses sure know how to make things happen! :)
16.01.2022 What if love was being twisted? What if you are being sold a solution to your loneliness, struggle and boredom - but the trade off was your dignity, respect and even safety? #50ShadesofGrey #EP7Podcast #KevinHartScandal
16.01.2022 What experiences promote the kind of thinking required for learning? The socially interactive experiences that a teacher facilitates to make the student feel important. I know I excelled the most in the classes where I felt the teacher believed in me and cared about my effort and success. How about you?
16.01.2022 Hi Do your kids get bullied at school? Are you looking for answers? This panel looks at how we can help to make our kids more resilient and offers some solutions to help you help your kids. Hope you find it useful.
16.01.2022 Everything worthwhile is waiting just beyond your comfort zone. #EP7
15.01.2022 "Why do we struggle and stay stuck in a relationship or a career that is toxic or unsatisfying? At the Living Well in WA expo George Helou shares what it means to be trapped in an overprotective version of being that deprives us of thriving. He will share with how to reinvent ourselves into versions compatible with the destinies we desire. Join George and his tour on how to be empowered for purpose in 7 steps!"
15.01.2022 You see reflected what you feel about yourself. #EP7
14.01.2022 "I wrote a break up letter to Limitation and realised it wanted to just be friends all along! Ha! Go figure."
14.01.2022 You see reflected what you feel about yourself. #EP7
14.01.2022 We all have insights about each other, but sharing them without conflict can be rather tricky. Rachel and I discuss this important topic and how we can be better at giving and receiving advice. #EP7 #EP7Podcast
13.01.2022 We are designed to be extraordinary, but often wired to deny it. #EP7
13.01.2022 We can wear stress like a tailored coat, allowing it to rob our moments from the purpose based attentiveness to opportunities to love deeply, profoundly and be exhilarated by life. The Stress to Success Workshop will help you engage the personal journey of your mind becoming a great servant to your heart. Join us!
13.01.2022 The foundation to support your wildest dreams. #EP7
13.01.2022 Doing a talk on reinvention tomorrow at the Conscious Living Expo with Patricia Hamilton - the founder of Conscious Living. Patricia is going to reveal her ongoing process of reinvention raw and real, just the way we all want to be but struggle to be at the best of times. This is the first time Patricia is going to be presenting at her Expo since it began over a decade ago for the very first time!
13.01.2022 Think you know all about cholesterol? Think again. The Cholesterol myth exposed with Dr Joe Kosterich. #HealthyMinded #Cholesterol
12.01.2022 Do you hate people being too competitive? Or are you so competitive, you end up alienating people you care about? This podcast is for you, or those that annoy you! lol #EP7 #EP7Podcast #Competitive #Competition
11.01.2022 Are you tired and exhausted being there for everyone else and neglecting yourself?
10.01.2022 The power of your mind can superconduct inspiration like lighting when you are grounded enough to know your problems with exceptional detail. The more courageous you are to confront the details of your problems with discernment rather than self judgment, the more access you’ll have to your superconducting nature. A nature that can bring forth the ideas that electrify you into action with the results that will truly set you free. #EP7
10.01.2022 Change your relationship with yourself and you change your relationship with everything else.Change your relationship with yourself and you change your relationship with everything else.
10.01.2022 The tree looked down at the fallen little seed and said, "You need strong resources to be a tree like me. You're going to have to save and learn a lot before you can afford to achieve the strength, success and heights I have reached in life." And the little seed said, "Nah, I know that sprouting and splitting into two, over and over again, will bring me to your level without concern. I already have the instinct to do that, so I'll just flow with what I know to do and what I can learn to do, from moment to moment, and I'll be at your level soon enough."
09.01.2022 Is clinical depression genetic? Are genes deterministic? Is there a purpose to being depressed. Why do some of us get stuck in depression? So many questions we discuss in this podcast that can be of great help to those that struggle with depression. #Depression #EP7 #EP7Podcast
08.01.2022 Did you know you can develop your intuition so you can access high levels of intuitive ability for peak performance? #EP7Did you know you can develop your intuition so you can access high levels of intuitive ability for peak performance? #EP7
08.01.2022 You are literally changing your reality every time you reinvent yourself. Are you ready to enter a new value rich reality? #ReinventYou #EP7
08.01.2022 [] We are shaped nicely with the way society will accept us. Who is representing you? Everybody has told you how to think and how to live, so everybody can accept you. Who is representing your heart? There is nothing left of you to represent your heart. That is devastating. [] We distract ourselves away from what's precious to us that we should be addressing. So, it's like we're losing our ability to critically think our personal problems to a better place. And we are just...... existing and surface dwelling, almost like our life has become a thin veneer, where every day comes and goes like Groundhog Day and not much changes anymore. And I am sure that must be building a lot of anxiety and it must create a lot of depression because these things catch up to us. There is only so much you can neglect your heart, before your heart gets very heavy. It is very hard walking around with a heavy heart it brings you down, doesn’t it? It brings you down. I was walking around the other day and I was starting to observe people around me. I noticed that faces are not cheery. People in public, their faces talk to me, they say, I am trapped in a shell where my life is not in any deep and meaningful way satisfying to me. And I am just caught in the habit of existing and coping. I have nothing to smile about and I am too caught up in my overthinking to notice you in front me right now and notice anyone. We do not need the screen any more to ignore each other. We are caught in a drone like existence. [] See More See more
08.01.2022 For those in Perth during July, we are running EP7 Workshops during July.
07.01.2022 WIN a $4400 Personal Reinvention EP7 Coaching Program with an EP7 Certified Coach! Enter by sharing in the comments below why you're ready reinvent yourself to make 2018 the best ever.
07.01.2022 EP7's banners are finally updated in time for the Living Well in WA expo next long weekend weekend. My talk will be at the Perth Convention Centre in the Keynote Seminar Room on Sunday June 4, 11:00 - 11:45 am #EP7 #LivingWellinWA - Here is a link to secure free tickets!
07.01.2022 Good advice deliver well - is received rather easily. Good advice deliver badly - is not so received easily. Bad advice delivered well - is dangerous to receive and trust. Bad advice delivered badly - is an opportunity to be extraordinary!... I enjoyed unpacking these for outcomes in this EP7 Podcast with Rachel - it felt special proving that the worse outcome can create the most incredible results, when you know how to be. #EP7Podcast
06.01.2022 We know you are a caring and sensitive person with an inner struggle you are trying to deal with like the rest of us. You are not alone! #ManEnough #HappinessCo #EP7 #Areyoumanenough #EP7ManEnoughProgram
06.01.2022 Available in bookstores including Angus and Robertson
06.01.2022 Join me for my talk this Sunday at the Perth Convention Centre at the Living Well in WA Expo - get your free tickets now. (last day free tix are available!)
06.01.2022 You can be told who you really are, but you would forget. You could be told for hours and still forget, because you are here to live what existence is like without being connected to your true identity. However, once you are bored and tired of existing without feeling connected to the real and powerful you, worthy and capable of anything, then the evidence of your true nature takes over how you see everything. Then it's game on. #EP7 #EmpoweredforPurpose
06.01.2022 Anxiety can feel like this, but if you are willing to be swallowed whole if the world is supposedly that cruel, then you will be sucked into that hole only to realise... nothing ...happens you ...and peace was always there. The courage to believe you are worthy and capable to handle anything will allow anxiety to play a healthy role to make you alert when needed, but without it consuming you in fear and away from what you are capable of. The next EP7 Podcast is on Anxiety. Be sure to subscribe if you want to be alerted of the release. #EP7 #EP7podcast
06.01.2022 EP7 Business with Phil Oxenburgh and George Helou - join the EP7 Mastermind Group to supercharge your business!
06.01.2022 Have you ever thought about what your worldview may be? What are dominating thoughts that are influencing us day to day? George and Rachel discuss the meaning and power of our worldviews in this podcast. [1:38] What is the world view that we hold? [6:33] How our worldview affects relationships.... [8:20] Feeling fulfilled depends on our worldview. [12:51] Adaptive ability. [14:07] The self-entitlement worldview. [16:20] This world owes you nothing. [20:49] People who give enough value. [24:35] There is more than enough in this world. [26:16] The questions for you to ask to find out your world views. Read more at
05.01.2022 Have a listen to a sample of Cinderella's Secrets.
05.01.2022 How to unlock your child's inner magic! Great write up on the book Cinderella's Secrets. #CinderellasSecrets
05.01.2022 For a career, we can flow into it. #Career #Purpose #EP7Podcast
05.01.2022 Are you ready to reinvent yourself?
05.01.2022 Undoing Lazy :) #Motivation #Fitness #EP7 #Health
03.01.2022 I was listening to one of my favourite EP7 podcasts on my way to the office today: Being in Flow - have you listened to this? What affect did it have on your mood while you were listening to it - did it move you into flow! Interestingly enough, it does for me every time I listen to it! :) #EP7Podcast #BeinginFlow #FlowState
03.01.2022 If you're in Perth and want to understand stress and how to control it, join us!
03.01.2022 They say never give up and most of the time they are correct. But sometimes, they are not. #EP7Podcast
03.01.2022 What if you lived in a world based on your personal view?
03.01.2022 Your transformation is the key to realising every dream you have. Your transformation is the key to realising every dream you have.
02.01.2022 Get the EP7 Tips for Now eBook free!
02.01.2022 #Giving and #Receiving ought to flow from the heart.
01.01.2022 What a display by Suzanne Wintergreen :) Bookshop want to leave it up for a while. Very cool!