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CityLight Church TAS

Locality: Kingston, Tasmania, Australia

Phone: +61 3 6229 1944

Address: 150 Redwood Road 7050 Kingston, TAS, Australia


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24.01.2022 Just as cells in our body is assigned a role by our DNA, so too, as parts of God's body are also assigned a role. Because we are a part of His body our purpose is the same as His purpose, our mission is the same as His mission, our calling is the same as His calling. Check out this Sunday's message below:

24.01.2022 Woo Hoo...!! I'm going to be a Grandfather...!!!

24.01.2022 An amazing destiny . For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.... - Jeremiah 29:11 NIV . Anyone who has studied leadership knows the importance of vision. We need to know where we are going, even God tells us that. Vision is actually a Biblical principal. Proverbs 29:18 even tells us that without a vision, people perish. We all need to have a vision for our lives, but there is still one question we need to consider when it comes to vision: Who’s vision are we following? . We can have a vision for our life, but I can tell you right now, I’d much rather have God’s vision than mine. God says He plans to prosper me and not to harm me. He plans to give me hope and a future. I don’t know about you, but that sounds like God wants the best for me, and if it’s God’s best, then it will be amazing and absolutely far greater than anything I could ever dream up. . If He has a plan for you, then it makes sense that He would want you to know what it is. If you don’t know it yet, then take some time to pray and ask Him to reveal that you. It probably won’t all come at once, but as you and He begin to walk in that together, you are destined for some good times. . Declaration Starter: I declare that I am blessed because God has a good plan for my life. I choose to surrender to Him, declaring in faith that anything He has planned for me will be amazing . #digitaldeclarations #truth #inspirationalquotes #motivationalquotes #dailyprophetic #prayer #victory #dailyquotes #biblestudy #prayerjournal #dailydevotion #prophetic #devotions #trust #worship See more

24.01.2022 God is for me . What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? - Romans 8:31 NKJV . God is for us! The enemy wants us to t...hink God is sitting in heaven looking for ways He can punish us for every little thing we do wrong, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. . Think about it, if he can get us to think God is mad at us, or God wants to punish us, then our natural response would be to run away from God. We need to realise that God is our loving Father. He is for us, and even when we do things wrong, we can to run towards Him because that’s where forgiveness, grace and mercy are. If we can get the truth of the fact that He is for us deep into our spirit, then it will be one of the greatest revelations we will know. . The word ‘for’ is translated from the same Greek word we get the word ‘hyper’ from which means ‘over’. God isn’t somewhere else hoping you keep up with Him, He is with you; He is for you; He is your covering; and Isaiah 58:8 even says that His presence is your rear guard which means He also has your back. . How awesome is that? So, be encouraged. God has a plan and purpose for your life. If you don’t know what that is, continue to ask Him. He is for you and wants to see you live a blessed life, and if you are hungry to fulfil His desire, He will show you. Then, relax in the fact that as He leads you, and as you live to fulfil His plans for you, no one will be able to stop you, because you are serving a God that is for you and nothing can be greater than that. . Declaration Starter: I declare that God is for me, and because He is for me, nothing and no one can be against me! With God backing me, I can't fail. I will therefore run, knowing I run with Him . #digitaldeclarations #motivation #momsdevotions #godsgotthis #letgoandletgod #testimony #christianblog #kennethcopeland #tdjakes #answeredprayer #inspirationalquotes See more

23.01.2022 It will be okay . In righteousness you shall be established; You shall be far from oppression, for you shall not fear; and from terror, for it shall not come ...near you. - Isaiah 54:14 NKJV . Too often we worry about our lives. We worry about what we can’t see; we worry about what we can see. We worry about what we don’t know; we worry about what we do know. We worry about people, about opinions, about circumstances about ideas and we even worry about things that haven’t happened yet. We worry about too many things and we need to stop and begin to think differently. . 2 Cor 5:21 says I am the righteousness in Christ. If I am in right standing with Him then everything else will be okay because God knows what’s going on. He and I will walk through it together. Some people may say, Well, it would be nice for Him to tell me what’s going on. Yes, it might be, but then we might begin to worry again, and we aren’t supposed to be focussed on things that worry us, because God is in control. Even if we did know what was happening, it wouldn’t matter because we aren’t helping God make any decisions. We are supposed to be focussed on simply trusting Him and following where He leads us. . If we can do that, everything will be ok. God is my covering; He is my protector; He is my rear guard. Fear, oppression, and terror can’t come near me when I’m surrounded with God. All I need to know is that when I’m in right standing with Him, I’m in a really safe place. He will deal with the rest. . Declaration Starter: I declare that I am under the covering of God almighty. Through Jesus I am separated from oppression so I will not fear. I am far from terror for it will not come near me. My righteousness comes from God alone . #digitaldeclarations #motivationalquotes #dailyprophetic #prayer #victory #dailyquotes #biblestudy #prayerjournal #healingsupport #faithteacher #godishope #billjohnson #philpringle See more

23.01.2022 I will not fear anyone . The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid? - Psalms 2...7:1 NKJV . Many people are plagued by fear on an almost daily basis but as Christians, that doesn’t have to be for God is always watching over us. As David is writing this Psalm, he is publicly declaring this very thing for he has learned time and time again that God is well able to be trusted. . Take note of the words David is using. The Lord is my light and my salvation and the strength of my life. When he says the Lord is the ‘Strength’ of my life, he isn’t just speaking of physical strength but something much deeper for the original language highlights that strength is a reference to a fortified place. David recognises that the Lord is the One Who rescues and delivers him from darkness and evil. He isn’t just just penning a few ear-tickling words for another song, he is making a faith-filled, public declaration: God, is my Protection and Shelter and the One Who delivers me from all evil! . As a child of God, this verse is equally as relevant to you as it was to David. You too can boldly declare this truth: The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid? . Declaration Starter: I declare that God, is both my Protection and my Shelter. He is the One Who delivers me from all evil. I choose to trust Him and I will not allow fear to reign in my life anymore . #digitaldeclarations #motivationalquotes #dailyprophetic #prayer #victory #dailyquotes #biblestudy #prayerjournal #healingsupport #faithteacher #godishope #billjohnson #philpringle See more

22.01.2022 Totally Satisfied . The fear of the Lord leads to life, and he who has it will abide in satisfaction; He will not be visited with evil. - Proverbs 19:23 NKJ...V . Imagine sitting at a banquet table where everything you could want is presented before you, and when the meal is over, you experience that feeling of satisfaction. Well, that feeling is one we can have on a spiritual level as well, but as we see from this verse, its root is in the fear of the Lord. . The word ‘fear’ used here isn’t a reference to being scared or afraid of God. It actually speaks of reverence, to which the ancient Hebrew language speaks of ‘throwing oneself to the foot of one in authority’. How is that for an image? Unfortunately, today this is something many people struggle with. They have chosen Jesus over the devil, and heaven over hell, but they haven’t actually come to a place where they have chosen Jesus over the world. . If the word ‘fear’ is a reference to throwing oneself at the foot of one in authority, then it is not about us simply coming before Him, bowing the knee in respect and then leaving again; it is an act of boldness; one that says, I am desperate for You; an act that says, I need more of you, whatever the cost, for once we live in a place where we are all about Him, then we experience incredible spiritual satisfaction. . Declaration Starter: I declare that I live in satisfaction and fulfilment because I live under the truth of God and His Word. His life is in me and it is more than enough . #digitaldeclarations #truth #inspirationalquotes #motivationalquotes #dailyprophetic #prayer #victory #dailyquotes #biblestudy #prayerjournal #dailydevotion #prophetic #devotions #trust #worship See more

22.01.2022 By faith, not sight . For we walk by faith, not by sight. - 2 Corinthians 5:7 NKJV . We too often misread that verse and choose to walk by sight and not by Faith requires us to trust God will do what He said, but the challenge for us is that His plans don’t always make sense. . After Peter walked on water and sank, Jesus asked him why he doubted. I always wondered what Jesus was thinking because it seemed pretty obvious, but one day as I looked at this in the Greek, I realised Jesus was asking a strategic question. He actually asked, In what did you doubt? This is important because when we doubt something, it loses the credibility to remain a viable option. The problem is that God is often the one we doubt and we end up choosing that which seems to make sense, but as we know, what makes sense in the natural isn’t always what makes sense in the spiritual. . For Israel to silently march around Jericho for seven days and then shout at a wall so it will fall wouldn’t have made any sense. They would have had plenty of time to think. They may have seen ‘impossibility’ but their focus was beyond the impossible and on the incredible and as we know, God specialises in the incredible. . I want to encourage you today to look beyond what you see and what makes sense. God made everything out of nothing. He specialises in the impossible. Trust Him. He has it all under control. . Declaration Starter: I declare that I will live and walk by faith and not by what I see or feel. I will take God at His word. What He said He will do, He will do. I choose to trust that He knows what is best . #digitaldeclarations #christianblog #prophetic #tdjakes #joycemeyer #devotions #answeredprayer #stevenfurtick #propheticword #dailyprophetic #dougaddison #encouragement See more

21.01.2022 Always together . "Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you." - James 4:7 NKJV . Romans 6:18 says we are free from our slavery to, and have become slaves to righteousness. When I read that, I see that I can be a slave to sin or a slave to righteousness, but either way I am a slave, but I tell you what, with the two options before me, it’s really a no-brainer which one I will choose. . James 4:7 tells us that we are firstly to submit to God. That’s easy, especially when we realise that God has an amazing plan for our lives. He loves us and wants to bless us, so in submitting to Him, we are lining our will up with His will. We are allowing Him to be in control. . Next, we are told to resist the devil. John 10:10 tells us that Satan’s plan is to ‘steal, kill and destroy’, but God has given us authority over Him through Jesus Christ and enemy knows that and that he cannot defeat that. That’s why the verse above says we are to resist him. Don’t surrender to him because Jesus already won the battle for us. The enemy has no authority unless we give it to him, so as we stand our ground on the promises of God’s Word and resist him, he doesn’t have a choice. He has to flee. . So, let me encourage you in this, whatever promises in God you are believing for, stand strong today knowing that God is also on your side. Because of Jesus, you are already the winner. . Declaration Starter: I declare that the devil has to flee from me because my trust is in the Lord. I will stay close to Him at all times. I will be by His side, and He will be mine . #digitaldeclarations #motivation #momsdevotions #godsgotthis #letgoandletgod #testimony #christianblog #kennethcopeland #tdjakes #answeredprayer #inspirationalquotes See more

21.01.2022 My trust is in You . "We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation." - Romans 5:3-4 NLT . Imagine you have made the decision to get fit. You sign up for a gym membership, you begin attending the gym each day and start training different parts of you body. It’s not going to be long before you start to notice a difference. Your old clothes will longer fit and you will begin to take on different shape. Your muscles will start to develop and your ability to lift more and more weights begins to increase as does your physical endurance. . In the same way that resistance training through lifting weights develops your physical muscles, going through struggles whilst trusting Father and standing on the promises of His Word helps develop your spiritual muscles. . Too often when we go through problems and trials we pray that God will take them away, but what we need to do is follow the advice in James 4:7, Submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Each time you submit to God and resist the devil, your spiritual muscles begin to grow and you get stronger and stronger. Over time you will find the little things that used to trip you up are no longer even a challenge, so today, identify the challenges you are going through, submit yourself to God and resist the devil. His only option is to run away. . Declaration Starter: I declare that my hope is in Jesus Christ. As I face difficult times, I choose to submit to God and resist the devil. Each time I press into God and resist the enemy, his only option is to run . #digitaldeclarations #trustinthelord #alwayspray #christianitytoday #sundaychurch #preaching #gospelxperience #redeemed #theword #hillsong #overcomers #worldchangers See more

21.01.2022 And I am His . "My beloved is mine, and I am his" - Song of Songs 2:16a NKJV . In this verse above, we see two equal parts. First, the bride accepting that lover is hers and secondly her response is equally generous And I am yours. Everything I have, everything I am and everything I do reflects my marriage to you. . As newly married couples progress through life, they learn more and more about each other. As they learn to accept each other; forgive each other; celebrate each other; love and respect each other; their love for each other grows. I’ve heard a number of times couples who have been married for many years say, We are more in love now than we were on the day they were married. As they think and live for each other, their love for each other grows. . Let’s now think of this verse in line with salvation. You have accepted Jesus as your own, now the next step is accepting that you are His. Everything you have; everything you are; and everything you do should be a reflection of your marriage to Him. Now, here is the interesting thought: If you haven’t totally accepted Him, then have you totally given yourself to Him? Take note: I’m not saying ‘accept’ as reference to salvation but rather growing in your understanding of everything He’s given for you. . Spend time today letting your mind wander on that. The more you can grasp what it means that God belongs to you, the more you’ll give yourself to Him. The more you comprehend My beloved is mine, the more your life will say, And I am His. . Declaration Starter: I declare that God’s love for me is exceedingly generous. As I reflect on all He has done, I am awestruck at how much I have yet to give . #digitaldeclarations #truth #inspirationalquotes #motivationalquotes #dailyprophetic #love #prayer #victory #dailyquotes #biblestudy #prayerjournal #dailydevotion #prophetic #devotions #trust #worship #adoration See more

21.01.2022 In awe of God . Don’t envy sinners, but always continue to fear the Lord. You will be rewarded for this; your hope will not be disappointed. - Proverbs 23:17...-18 NLT . ‘Envying sinners’ is easy to achieve. We could envy things like people’s looks, their belongings, their income, lifestyle, or even achievements but whilst many of those things may be nice or admirable, they are only ‘things’, linked to this earth, not eternity. . Paul set a great example for us in Philippians 3:14 when he said, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus (NKJV). His focus was not on living a life where the pleasures are ‘now’, but rather he was fixed on what he would receive for eternity, when he crossed his ‘finish line’. . Paul knew that the rewards he would receive in heaven were far more valuable than anything he could ever hope for on earth, and he was prepared to wait. He doesn’t say that we have to live the life of a pauper and go without everything, because he also said in Philippians 4:12, I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. The key for living is revealed in verse 13, I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. . In everything he did, Paul lived a life that was in awe of God, and today’s verse gives us a miraculous promise as well as incredible encouragement. If we continue to live in awe of God rather than the the things of this world, not only shall we get our reward, our hope will not be disappointed. . Declaration Starter: I declare that my choice is to live in awe of Father God. I know that He is my reward and in Him, I will never be disappointed . #digitaldeclarations #devotionsforwomen #dailydevotions #devotionsdaily #devotionsforteens #christiandevotions #grace #jerrysavelle #bible #encouragement #hope #lord #vision #opportunity #faithtalks #faith #joy #thetruthmakesyoufree See more

21.01.2022 Because of the blood . And they have defeated him by the blood of the Lamb and by their testimony. And they did not love their lives so much that they were to die. - Revelation 12:11 NLT . You are an overcomer, but notice the wording in this verse it is not just because of the blood of Jesus Christ, but also through your testimony. Now it’s already a given fact that Jesus’ blood overcomes the enemy, but for you to be an overcomer, you need to align your testimony, or the words of your mouth, with the Word of your deliverer, because your words are very powerful. . In Genesis 1 we see that God created the world by speaking. When He created us, He made us in His image and likeness so when we speak, we also create. This is one of the reasons God’s word needs to be a continual part of our speech because every time we speak, our words are creating. . Too often when something happens, the words that ‘slip’ from your mouth testify what we see. I feel sick; I can’t pay my bills; My children are backsliding. Our cry shouldn’t be one of hopelessness. The words that ‘slip’ from our mouths when challenges arise should be Word-based, God-based, Faith-based and Spirit-led declarations that align our testimony with He who is our deliverer. Those declarations naturally come as we feed on God’s Word. What goes in, will eventually come out. If it comes out of your mouth, it will create regardless of your intentions . You overcome the enemy by the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of Your testimony, so today, speak a declaration of life. . Declaration Starter: I declare that the blood of Jesus is enough. God is my deliverer, and my provision and no weapon formed against me shall prosper. My Salvation is in Jesus Christ, and He is my only testimony . #digitaldeclarations #christianblog #prophetic #tdjakes #joycemeyer #devotions #answeredprayer #stevenfurtick #propheticword #dailyprophetic #dougaddison #encouragement See more

20.01.2022 Unrestrained freedom . Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. - 2 Corinthians 3:17 NKJV . The moment you accept...ed Jesus as your Lord and Saviour was the very moment the Holy Spirit took up residence in your heart. That very moment has spiritual significance, because it is was the moment of the rebirth of your spirit. God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved) (Ephesians 2:5 NKJV). Meditate on this for a moment because it is a very powerful thing. . Now there is something else you need to be aware of which we see in today’s verse. As we explore two key words ‘where’ and ‘liberty’, this verse will come to life and this powerful truth is one that you can start to live by and declare over your life every day. The word ‘where’ refers to ‘the place’, the word ‘liberty’ means ‘freedom’ but it also means ‘unrestrained’. So look at the verse again: The place where the Spirit of the Lord is, is a place of unrestrained freedom. . Don’t let the devil lie to you with, You can’t, you won’t or you haven’t when God’s Word says, You can, you will and you have! His Spirit is alive in you through Jesus Christ and He is the One empowering you to walk in unrestrained freedom. You can most certainly do all things through the Anointed One Who empowers, enables and strengthens you (Philippians 4:13). . Declaration Starter: I declare that the Spirit of God is alive inside of me. He is the One Who empowers me to live with unrestrained freedom . #digitaldeclarations #motivation #momsdevotions #godsgotthis #letgoandletgod #testimony #christianblog #kennethcopeland #tdjakes #answeredprayer #inspirationalquotes #freedom See more

20.01.2022 Worship is an important part of our walk with God, but do we really understand worship in a way God wants us to or have we made it something else? This series helps to disciple us in the area of worship, and looks at the Heart of worship, or that which is the foundation of true worship. If you Michael's message, click on the link below to listen:

20.01.2022 The Greater One lives in you... . You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. - ...1 John 4:4 NKJV . The Bible is full of incredible promises just like this one. The first few verses of 1 John 4 is speaking of our position in authority over spirits, and I love how verse 4 starts with, You are of God, little children. Little children are innocent, they are trusting, but even as little children, we have still overcome them, because the God who lives in us is greater than any other spirit that lives in the world. . We can be like children, because we aren’t the ones the enemy is afraid of. He is afraid of the King of kings and Lord of lords. He is afraid of the Ruler of the world. He is afraid of the One who conquered death and hell. He is very afraid very afraid and he should be. Jesus has already defeated him. He knows that he doesn’t have a chance against God, and He knows that the Greater One lives in us and empowers us to walk daily in a life of victory. . Know that today the Greater One is living in you. You can walk in boldness and authority because Jesus Christ, the Greatest One with the name that is above every name is alive and well, and He is living in you. . Declaration Starter: I declare that no matter what I face I can rely on God because greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world. Nothing I will ever have to face will compare with the greatness of God . #digitaldeclarations #truth #inspirationalquotes #motivationalquotes #dailyprophetic #prayer #victory #dailyquotes #biblestudy #prayerjournal #dailydevotion #prophetic #devotions #trust #worship See more

20.01.2022 Because He walks with me . "Instead, clothe yourself with the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. And don’t let yourself think about ways to indulge your evil d...esires." - Romans 13:14 NLT . What does it mean ‘to clothe yourself with the presence of Jesus Christ’? Well, when you get dressed in the morning and you are considering what to wear, one of the things that influence your decision is what you will be doing during the day. For example, if I am going to do some painting, I have some old clothes that I will wear specifically for that task. If I am going to a wedding, then I might wear a suit. For each thing I do, or place I go, I will consider what I am doing and dress accordingly. The choice of clothing matches what I will doing and I decide before I do it, not after. . With this in mind, consider that clothing ourselves in Christ means we would have considered what we will be doing for the day. Our human flesh can cause us to desire certain things, but we need to remember that if we are intentionally clothed in Christ, then realistically we will have predetermined what we will be doing. . The verse above warns us not to let ourselves think about ways we can indulge our evil desires. For us to do that, we need to predetermine what clothes we will be wearing. Hebrews 13:5 says that our Father will never leave us nor forsake us, so whilst it might not be easy to ‘take Him off’ we can certainly be intentional choose how we will clothe ourselves. What are you wearing today? . Declaration Starter: I declare that the natural and fleshly lusts have no place in my life because I am clothed with the Lord Jesus Christ. He walks with me; He watches everything I do and say; He counsels me; and He delivers me every day of my life . #digitaldeclarations #christianblog #prophetic #tdjakes #joycemeyer #devotions #answeredprayer #stevenfurtick #propheticword #dailyprophetic #dougaddison #encouragement See more

18.01.2022 All means all, not some . God has put all things under the authority of Christ and has made him head over all things for the benefit of the church. - Ephesia...ns 1:22 NKJV . When two kings go to battle, the victor becomes the ruler of the kingdom and those living in that kingdom become his subjects. They don’t get a say in how the kingdom should be run and they certainly don’t get to vote him out, because as the victor, he has set himself in place over that kingdom. The only way things change is if he abdicates the throne, is defeated by another king or he dies. . The Kingdom of heaven operates the same way. The King is ruler over the Kingdom. When Jesus died on the cross, descended into hell and rose again, He completely defeated the enemy putting all things under His feet. He holds all authority and He is the King over all things. He will not abdicate, He will not be defeated, and He will not die again. . The phrase all things is used twice in this verse and it is a very important phrase. ‘All’ means ‘individually or collectively anything and everything.’ It leaves no room for question. So when we see that He put all things under His feet, it means all things. You never need to fear about anything else because all things are under His feet. When He says it is finished, then nothing will say otherwise. Continue to stand and declare the promises of God, for His say is final. All things are under His feet! . Declaration Starter: I declare that Jesus is Lord over all things - no exceptions. All things exist under His authority. He is my King and I am His child . #digitaldeclarations #motivation #momsdevotions #godsgotthis #letgoandletgod #testimony #christianblog #kennethcopeland #tdjakes #answeredprayer #inspirationalquotes See more

17.01.2022 God is my strength . Though the fig tree may not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines; though the labor of the olive may fail, and the fields yield no food; tho...ugh the flock may be cut off from the fold, and there be no herd in the stallsYet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. The Lord God is my strength; He will make my feet like deer’s feet, and He will make me walk on my high hills. - Habakkuk 3:17-19 NKJV . When I read this, I think of all the pain and suffering Habakkuk is able to identify with. When a farmer has a bad year, it can have a massive affect on their families, their employees and their entire livelihood, not to mention their own mental and emotional well being. One bad year may be tough yet manageable, but a collection of bad years may well feel like something they may never recover from. . John 10:10 says, The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly (NKJV). Habakkuk doesn’t look at his experiences and blame God for them which is something the enemy would love us to do. Rather than linking God to his problems, He links God to his solution. He focuses on Him as his source of strength and deliverance and continues to declare that His God is his breakthrough and provision. . No matter what you are going through, align your faith with Habakkuk and declare God as your supplier: Life may be really tough and it may throw some hard times my way - YET, I will rejoice in the Lord. I will joy in the God of my salvation. . Declaration Starter: I declare that in all things I will continue to rejoice in the Lord. I will joy in the God of my salvation . #digitaldeclarations #stevenfurtick #propheticword #prophetiecinsight #nocompromise #smartchoice #dailydevotion #prophetic #devotions #amazinggrace #joycemeyer See more

17.01.2022 And Everything in between . "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End," says the Lord, "who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty." - ...Revelation 1:8 NKJV . I have heard it said that Jewish rabbis used the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet to denote the whole of anything. This means that God isn’t the Beginning and the End, it means He is everything in between; He is the One Who determines everything; He created everything; and He has the final say on everything! Stop and meditate on the depth of this for a moment. . The enemy comes to steal kill and destroy, and he wants us to think he should be feared and that we have no hope against him, but we belong to the One who is the Beginning and the End and Everything in between. Any need you have, you can bring before God because He is the Beginning and the End and Everything in between. Any promise He has made you, you can stand on, because God’s Word is final. He is the Beginning and the End and Everything in between. He does not lose; He will not fail you; and He will never let you go. He is the Beginning and the End and Everything in between. . Today, no matter what you are facing, recommit yourself to God. Redefine yourself as His. Realign yourself and make sure that you are standing under the covering of God Almighty, because He is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End and Everything in between. . Declaration Starter: I declare that God is the First and the Last in all things. He is Before and After everything. He is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End and Everything in Between . #digitaldeclarations #stevenfurtick #propheticword #prophetiecinsight #nocompromise #smartchoice #dailydevotion #prophetic #devotions #amazinggrace #joycemeyer See more

17.01.2022 Let the redeemed of the Lord say so . Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever. Has the Lord redeemed you? Then speak out! T...ell others he has redeemed you from your enemies. - Psalms 107:1-2 NLT . Throughout this Psalm we read about four different groups of people and it says that every time they cried for help, God rescued them. Then, two verses later it says, Let them praise the Lord for his great love and for the wonderful things he has done for them. You may not have realised it until now, but this Psalm shows us how Father wants us to respond when He redeems us. . Verse one starts off with a declaration that we both know and need to repeat regularly. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! Each of us could share about the many times we have seen God come through for us, but how many times do we stop and speak them out? How many times do we declare He is good, not just as a general statement but because of specific things He has done. . Now verse two says, Has the Lord redeemed you? Then speak out! Tell others He has redeemed you from your enemies. This verse is instructing us to be responsive to specific things God has done for us. Don’t be general, be specific. Share your story. . Many of us are familiar with Jesus command to us in Mark 16:18 to Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone. Many Christians don’t follow this command because they don’t know what to say, but I’m wanting to tell you today that you do know what to say. God is good, He has redeemed you and you have your story to tell. Now go and tell it. . Declaration Starter: I declare that God has redeemed me. He is good and His love for me never ends. I have a story to tell, and from today, my mouth will actively speak of His goodness in my life . #digitaldeclarations #christianblog #prophetic #tdjakes #joycemeyer #devotions #answeredprayer #stevenfurtick #propheticword #dailyprophetic #dougaddison See more

16.01.2022 What do our hearts desire? Puzzles with adults and a treasure hunt for chocolate hearts to hand out! Another great morning yesterday for us all!

16.01.2022 Sunday's message has now been uploaded to YouTube. If you missed it, you can click on the link below. This will change your prayer life...

16.01.2022 Blessed to be a blessing . "Once I was young, and now I am old. Yet I have never seen the godly abandoned or their children begging for bread. The godly always... give generous loans to others, and their children are a blessing." - Psalms 37:25-26 NLT . David writes this Psalm as an old man and he indicates that he has witnessed time and time again God honour those who live for Him. What an amazing picture he paints they are never abandoned and their children never beg for bread. Not only that, he sees the evidence of God’s generational blessing on their lives because he says that even their children are a blessing. . It’s easy for us to recognise that we are blessed by God, but what many don’t realise is that the blessing isn’t just supposed to stick with us we are blessed to be a blessing. Many times throughout the Bible we see verses that speak about this. Here are a couple of examples: A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed (Proverbs 11:25-26 NIV) And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others. (2 Corinthians 9:8-11 NLT) . Don’t ever feel that you need to hold onto everything tightly. If you struggle with generosity, ask Father to help you become more like Him. It will require faith and trust as well as obedience on your part, but as you bless others, you will begin to see God’s blessings increase in your life in a way that could only be attributed to Him. . Declaration Starter: I declare that my provision comes from the Lord. I have never been forsaken, and my children have never gone without. I am blessed to be a blessing . #digitaldeclarations #christianblog #prophetic #tdjakes #joycemeyer #devotions #answeredprayer #stevenfurtick #propheticword #dailyprophetic #dougaddison #encouragement See more

16.01.2022 More than enough . For as the waters fill the sea, the earth will be filled with an awareness of the glory of the Lord. - Habakkuk 2:14 NLT . We never grasp the reality of how much water there is in the sea. Scientists estimate that the ocean covers more than 70 percent of the surface of our planet and that there is approximately 1.34 billion cubic kilometers of water in the ocean. . The challenge for our minds is that whilst we may scan our eyes over a vast ocean of water, we will only see the surface of the water, not the depth of the waters underneath the surface. . So too, we may witness the glory of God, or the presence of God, but the truth is that we will never see the full depth or vastness of His glory. The understanding I have of God is based on what I can comprehend with my tiny earth limited mind, but it is nothing compared to the depth and wonder of Who He really is. . Our God is more than we will ever need. He is bigger than our minds can comprehend, He is stronger than our minds can comprehend, and His is able to do much more than our minds can comprehend. So don’t limit yourself what you can ‘see’. Learn to stretch your imagination because you will never out think God. He is far, far greater than anything you could imagine. . Today, let’s begin to think like Paul did in Ephesians 3:20 and believe the greatness of God, because His is indeed the One Who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think. He is the one we give glory to, and His name is Jesus, and He has the name that is above every other name (Philippians 2:9). . Declaration Starter: I declare that God’s presence fills this place to excess. I am never alone in anything I do. He is more than enough . #digitaldeclarations #trustinthelord #alwayspray #christianitytoday #sundaychurch #preaching #gospelxperience #redeemed #theword #hillsong #overcomers #worldchangers See more

15.01.2022 Because I trust in Him . Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, and whose hope is the Lord. - Jeremiah 17:7 NKJV . If we read Isaiah 43:13; 1 John 3:20 ...and Jeremiah 23:2324, we see that God is omnipotent which means He is all-powerful; omniscient which means He is all-knowing; and omnipresent which means He is everywhere (or all-present). Being all-powerful, all-knowing and all-present, means our Father has an incredible perspective when it comes to anything about our lives. . When I read the above verse with this in mind, it changes the way I view it, especially when we look at the intended use of the word ‘blessed’ in the original language. It isn’t referring to someone who has been blessed, this verse actually reads, The man who trusts in the Lord and whose hope is in the Lord is a man who is continually being blessed. How awesome is that? . I don’t know about you, but I want to live a blessed life continually, and since God is all-present, all-knowing and all-powerful, and He wants to love on me and see me blessed simply because I’m His child, what better thing can I do with my life than trust Him and place my hope in Him? No one else even comes close to being like Him anyway. . Declaration Starter: I declare that I am being blessed because my trust is in the Lord, not in what I see. I will not fear because my confidence is in Him . #digitaldeclarations #christianblog #prophetic #tdjakes #joycemeyer #devotions #answeredprayer #stevenfurtick #propheticword #dailyprophetic #dougaddison #encouragement See more

14.01.2022 I accompany Christ . Then He said to them all, "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me. - Luke ...9:23 NKJV . We live in a society that pushes self-awareness, but something we need more of is God awareness. We may not realise how challenging the above verse is, but here Jesus is asking us to put to death our own desires and plans and surrender ourselves to His plans - every single day . The word ‘follow’ used above literally means ‘Christ Road’ or in a simpler way, ‘One who accompanies Christ’. Notice that it doesn’t say, ‘One whom Christ accompanies.’ Do you know why that is? It is because as Christians we have the privilege of accompanying Christ the Anointed One and His Anointing. That’s what ‘Christian’ means, so if we take this as it says, then we can see that someone probably shouldn’t call themselves a Christian if they aren’t prepared to be accompanying Christ on a daily basis. That’s a lot more demanding than just going to church on Sunday, especially when we have well-thought out plans for our lives. . God doesn’t want to be an accessory that we carry, He wants us to partner with Him. As we do, we will see some incredible victories in our lives. His plans are always worth pursuing and they have eternal reward, so today make the decision that you will pursue the goal of accompanying the Anointed One everywhere you go, and in everything you do. . Declaration Starter: I declare that I am one who accompanies Christ. I choose to align myself with Him in all I do. His purpose is my purpose. His goal is my goal. His destiny is my destiny . #digitaldeclarations #motivationalquotes #dailyprophetic #prayer #victory #dailyquotes #biblestudy #prayerjournal #healingsupport #faithteacher #godishope #billjohnson #philpringle See more

13.01.2022 He is at work . The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. - James 5:16b NKJV . Have you ever wondered if your prayers ever do anything? ...If you have, you aren’t alone. But firstly you need to know where those thoughts comes from. Genesis 3:1 refers to the serpent as ‘cunning’ When he first came to Adam and Eve, he tricked them by asking, Did God really say? He still asks those kinds of questions today because he knows that if he can get us to doubt ourselves and to become discouraged, we will lose effectiveness and probably stop praying, which is exactly what he wants. . Don’t give in to him because you are about to see something that will revolutionise your thinking. That verse in the original language literally says: The power generating prayers of a man or woman in right standing with God become a force to be reckoned with from the moment they are spoken. (Read that last verse again and again) . Know that you were created by God to walk in dominion and authority. You don’t ever need to question your effectiveness, because if you are in right standing with God, then your prayers are creating and they are a force to be reckoned with from the moment you open your mouth and speak. So, pray in faith. Watch the words that come out of your mouth. Don’t give in, push in. Your prayers are powerful. They make a difference the moment you open your mouth so if you have given up, then stop, repent and get back to praying today. You are a mighty warrior for Christ. . Declaration Starter: I declare that God is working in and through my life right now. My prayers are effective and they make a difference for the Kingdom of God . #digitaldeclarations #motivationalquotes #dailyprophetic #prayer #victory #dailyquotes #biblestudy #prayerjournal #healingsupport #faithteacher #godishope #billjohnson #philpringle See more

13.01.2022 Preaching Jesus . Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptised will be saved; but he who does not believe wi...ll be condemned. And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover. - Mark 16:15-18 NKJV . We are commissioned by God to go into all the world and preach the gospel. but sometimes people justify saying nothing to people with the excuse, I just didn’t feel led. . Let’s look at this using the illustration of traffic lights. When it comes to sharing Jesus with people, how many times do we assume a ‘red light’ and therefore not speak to them unless we sense a ‘green light’ from God? I wonder how things would change if we assumed the ‘green light’ was always on and we only stop if God showed us a ‘red light’. . We need to look for ways to preach to those around us. Sometimes it’s with actions, and sometimes it’s with words. Today, I want to challenge you to speak to one more person. Ask God to lead you to the person He wants you to talk to, and then speak out in faith. Don’t worry, God is with you. The fields are ripe unto harvest; the ‘light is green’. Open your mouth in faith. There’s nothing more exciting than leading someone to the knowledge of Jesus Christ as their Lord. . Declaration Starter: I declare that today I will live my life in a way that will preach Jesus to those around me. I will watch my words, I will watch my actions and I will preach Jesus. If the opportunity arises, I will even use words . #digitaldeclarations #christianblog #prophetic #tdjakes #joycemeyer #devotions #answeredprayer #stevenfurtick #propheticword #dailyprophetic #dougaddison #encouragement See more

13.01.2022 Joint Partnership . "My beloved is mine, and I am his. He feeds his flock among the lilies." - Song of Solomon 2:16 NKJV . The first part of this verse is a ...great example of both romance and partnership. Unfortunately the romance we see portrayed in movies is quite shallow. It is driven very much by feelings but the problem is that when feelings fade, the relationship is in for rocky times. The foundation must be deeper than just feelings. Anyone who has been married will tell you that love requires choice and commitment because feelings aren’t always enough. . Even in a business, a healthy partnership is one where people work together with a common end-goal in mind. Regardless of day to day events that come up, the thing that binds them together is their choice to be committed to something bigger than what they feel in the heat of one moment. . This verse above reminds us of the two-way commitment we have with Father. He is my beloved, and whilst I can easily call Him mine, it doesn’t stop there. I am also His. We are in partnership together. My Father is always there for me, He has my back, and He will never leave me or abandon me, especially when I need Him. I too need to always be there for Him, to always have His back, to never leave Him or abandon Him when He needs me. . We want and need God to be available for us but He also wants us to be available for Him. This may be challenging, but today, let’s make that fresh commitment that we will serve Him with the same passion and commitment that we expect from Him. . Declaration Starter: I declare that not only is God mine, I am His. Today, my choice is to serve Him with everything within me.. . #digitaldeclarations #truth #inspirationalquotes #motivationalquotes #dailyprophetic #prayer #victory #dailyquotes #biblestudy #prayerjournal #dailydevotion #prophetic #devotions #trust #worship See more

11.01.2022 What would Jesus do . "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye." - Psalms 32:8 NKJV . What a powerful thought... - God said He will instruct and teach me. Many people look to coaches, mentors and trainers for advice. They might compare themselves to others, compare their churches to other churches, or wonder what other people would do in a similar situation. . Whilst none of those things are wrong, they shouldn’t be our first response - Our Father should be. Many years ago the phrase What Would Jesus Do? (W.W.J.D.) became really fashionable. It’s worth us considering that phrase again instead of thinking What would someone else do? . God has a good plan and purpose for our lives, and if our desire is to fulfil His plan so we can honour Him, then we are best off going to Him each day for His direction. Many people pay top dollar to be trained or mentored by someone, but our Father will do it for free. He lives in you, He won’t leave you and He’s available for you all day, every day. We just need to develop a listening ear to what He is saying. . So, why not make the decision to start fresh today? Increase your time in His Word and in His presence? There is no greater benefit for your life than to be trained by God Himself. . Declaration Starter: I declare that my ear is tuned in to what God is saying. I choose to study His Word; I choose to pray; I choose to spend time with Him. As I am growing in Him, He is growing in me . #digitaldeclarations #motivationalquotes #dailyprophetic #prayer #victory #dailyquotes #biblestudy #prayerjournal #healingsupport #faithteacher #godishope #billjohnson #philpringle See more

11.01.2022 More than enough faith . So Jesus said to them, ‘Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to t...his mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.’ - Matthew 17:20 NKJV . Many of us have questioned why our prayers aren’t always answered. Sometimes our motives may be wrong, sometimes it may be due to natural causes we aren’t aware of like eating the wrong foods, but sometimes it’s just that we don’t ask (James 4:2-3), and one of the biggest reasons for not asking is our belief that we don’t have enough faith to receive from God. . Firstly, it’s important to know that God’s Word was written for you and I and if there is a promise written for us then then we have every right to stand on that promise. We do need to ask God to direct us and we do need to watch the words we speak, but we also need to continue standing in agreement with His promises until we see them come to pass because God does not lie (Titus 1:2), He stays awake over His Word to perform it (Jeremiah 1:12) and He will always make good on His promises (Numbers 23:19). . When it comes to your faith, it doesn’t actually take as much as the enemy would like you to think. Look at this verse again. It says IF you have faith as a mustard seed. A mustard seed is very tiny but notice that’s all you need to move a mountain and the truth is that you’ve already seen the greatest miracle possible - the rebirth of your own human spirit when you were born again. . Don’t ever give up! God’s delays aren’t aways His denials. Keep trusting Him because you already have the faith you need. Declaration Starter: I declare that I have enough faith for anything that I have to face. Today, my trust is in Jesus. He will never let me down . #digitaldeclarations #christianblog #prophetic #tdjakes #joycemeyer #devotions #answeredprayer #stevenfurtick #propheticword #dailyprophetic #dougaddison

09.01.2022 Neville's message from Sunday titled - "Praying Together as Families" has now been uploaded to our YouTube channel. To watch, click on the link below.

09.01.2022 As for me and my house . But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. - Joshua 24:15 NKJV . I once asked someone to tell me who had modelled God well... in her life. She responded with, The greatest model of Jesus would have to be my dad. When I heard that, I thought, What a great testimony. This highlights the importance of your role as a parent, because intentional discipleship and leadership both start at home. There are so many ‘voices’ competing for our children’s attention and the last thing the enemy wants is for them to desire Jesus, but you as a parent play a powerful and anointed role in their lives. Never underestimate the impact you have in the role of training your child, especially when it comes to serving the Lord. Your first calling is to train them (Proverbs 22:6) and whether you realise it or not, they are watching and learning from you. . My choice to willingly surrender to God is a powerful thing, but for me to bring my house along that same journey is an amazing and tremendous privilege. They still need to be able to make their own choice to live their lives for Jesus, but I get to have the privilege of being a part of that journey with them. Matthew 28:19 says, Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations (NKJV), and whilst it’s a great joy to be able to do that, we must never forget that true intentional discipleship begins and continues to be modelled in the home. . Even if you have done it before, today I want to encourage you again to come before God and commit yourself afresh: As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord! . Declaration Starter: I declare that I will model Jesus in all I do, even in my home. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord . #digitaldeclarations #devotionsforwomen #dailydevotions #devotionsdaily #devotionsforteens #christiandevotions #grace #jerrysavelle #bible #encouragement #hope #lord #vision #opportunity #faithtalks #faith #joy #thetruthmakesyoufree See more

09.01.2022 Anchored in Him . "For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled...." - Matthew 5:18 NKJV . ‘Jot or tittle’ isn’t something we use in today’s language and yet understanding this gives us a greater security in the fact that God never, ever changes. The reference is to the tiniest letter, dot or stroke of a word. This can have a major change in the outcome of something, not only in matters pertaining to law, but also the use of everyday text and numbers. For example, if you were sending somebody a sum of money and you forgot to add the tiny decimal point, $10.00 would suddenly become $1000. . When we can lay hold of the fact that God will not allow even the tiniest portion of His Word to change, then we can boldly stand on the promises of His Word even in times of uncertainty. When He said, I am, then He still is. When He said, Yes then it’s not, maybe, for His Word simply does not change! When His Word speaks of promises like, You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you (Acts 1:8); By His stripes you were healed (1 Peter 2:24); and I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13), then you can boldly declare those promises, for they are still true today. . Have a look around you. If earth is still here, then His Word is final. Not ‘if’, not ‘but’, not ‘he or she said’ - God’s Word is final, and until heaven and earth pass away, His Word will never change. . Declaration Starter: I declare that God’s Word, not my circumstances has the final say! I choose to anchor myself in Him and His Word. Every other knee must bow for God’s Word is the final authority . #digitaldeclarations #stevenfurtick #propheticword #prophetiecinsight #nocompromise #smartchoice #dailydevotion #prophetic #devotions #amazinggrace #joycemeyer See more

08.01.2022 Why not gift a Bible to someone this Christmas... So many people are hungry for the Gospel but don't have access to it, or sadly, can't even afford a Bible. The Bible League are asking church families to assist them in raising funds to put a Bible in the hands of as many people as possible this Christmas. The picture of the tree below (which will be posted in the church foyer) represents 50 Bibles with each one being represented by one sticker on the tree. For every $10 you... give, one Bible will be placed in the hands of a person, family or even village that may not have one. Donations can be made to CityLight Church; BSB 037-015; Acc: 287111. Please use Bible Tree as the reference for the payment so it can be allocated to this project. Thank you for your generosity.

08.01.2022 He is faithful in all things . For You have been a shelter for me, a strong tower from the enemy. I will abide in Your tabernacle forever; I will trust in the... shelter of Your wings. Selah - Psalms 61:3-4 NKJV . The Psalms are filled with many poems and songs from multiple authors. A word regularly used throughout the Psalms is the word ‘Selah’ which is a musical term meaning ‘to pause’. Some have even said that it is ‘a call to calm reflection’ which is something we should regularly do when reading the Scriptures. So, let’s pause and calmly reflect on this verse. Let’s Selah. . Spend a few moments meditating on God as ‘a shelter for you’ and ‘a strong tower from the enemy.’ In 2 Chronicles 20:1-23 we see Jehoshaphat faced with a great multitude intent on killing him. In verse 3 we see that he was very afraid but He set Himself to seek the Lord. Once he received God’s battle strategy he then worshipped. Don’t forget that enemy was still intent on bringing him harm, but in the face of fear, Jehoshaphat knew to set himself to seek the One who was His shelter and strong tower. Selah . Next, think on what David means when he says, I will abide in Your tabernacle forever; I will trust in the shelter of Your wings. This isn’t just a throwaway phrase, it requires choice, and no matter what you face, you can respond like Jehoshaphat when you are faced with a seemingly insurmountable problem. Choose to seek out and trust in the One Who is your shelter and strong tower, and then stay fixed on Him. Selah . Declaration Starter: I declare that God is still my shelter and a strong tower from the enemy. I choose to place my complete trust in Him for He is faithful, He is reliable, and He is more than enough . #digitaldeclarations #motivationalquotes #dailyprophetic #prayer #victory #dailyquotes #biblestudy #prayerjournal #healingsupport #faithteacher #godishope #billjohnson #philpringle See more

08.01.2022 Abundantly powerful . "The nations raged, the kingdoms were moved; He uttered His voice, the earth melted. - Psalms 46:6 NKJV . I remember as a child the Wizard of Oz, and one scene that still stands out is the one where Dorothy comes before the wizard with her friends after destroying the Wicked Witch to request that he grant her wish to return home. The wizard tells them he needs time to think about it and that they should come back the following day to which she cries, Tomorrow?, Oh but I want to go home now! In a cloud of smoke and flames he begins yelling, "Do not arouse the wrath of the great and powerful Oz! Dorothy’s dog Toto runs behind a curtain and reveals nothing more than an old man pretending to be someone he isn’t. . The reason this still stands out is because that is exactly one of the enemy’s tactics. He wants you to think he is the all-powerful and all knowing one whom you cannot defeat. You watch any modern movie where evil is portrayed, and it will appear to be exactly that - unbeatable. The enemy wants you to think he is something that he isn’t. . God on the other hand, is the All-Powerful, All-Knowing, and Ever-Present One. The enemy is no match for himnot nownot ever. If you look at the verse above, you will catch a glimpse of the power of our Almighty God. When He uttered His voice, the earth melted. You have no reason to be afraid for the Lord God, the Almighty One Who reigns, is with you and for you. You are in good hands. . Declaration Starter: I declare that my Father is the All-Powerful, All-Knowing, and Ever-Present One. My trust is in Him Alone for there is no able to deliverer me from His hand. I am safe in His arms . #digitaldeclarations #trustinthelord #alwayspray #christianitytoday #sundaychurch #preaching #gospelxperience #redeemed #theword #hillsong #overcomers #worldchangers See more

07.01.2022 Entertain Him first . Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. - 1 John 2:15 NKJV .... Love is something we think we comprehend, but this verse has two important but different uses of the word. The Greek word for love is ‘Agape’ and means ‘affection’ and is a reference to ‘feelings’. ‘Agape’ comes from ‘Agapeo’ meaning ‘to welcome or entertain’. More simply, ‘feelings’ follow ‘entertainment’ which is the basic process for how people fall ‘in love’ (affairs included). . Think about it for a moment. When a couple come together, they naturally begin to ‘entertain’ each other and then following that comes ‘the feelings’ which we usually call ‘love’. The couple may eventually get married but as life becomes busy, the ‘entertainment’ too easily becomes less frequent which means they are only left to rely on ‘feelings’. When couples get divorced, they often say, We just aren’t in love any more. What really happened is that they stopped ‘entertaining’ each other. . The verse above uses both forms of the word ‘love’, so let’s insert them to see what it is really saying, Do not entertain (love) the world or the things in the world. If anyone entertains (loves) the world, the feelings for (love of) the Father are not in him. . If you desire to love Father more, then choose to entertain Him first. Your feelings will have no option but to follow. Your passion for Him will become greater and greater and soon people will look at you and declare, Something is different about you . Declaration Starter: I declare that from today I will put Father first. I will entertain Him regardless of my own feelings. God gave me His all, and I from hereon, I will do the same . #digitaldeclarations #trustinthelord #alwayspray #christianitytoday #sundaychurch #preaching #gospelxperience #redeemed #theword #hillsong #overcomers #worldchangers See more

07.01.2022 What a beautiful afternoon! Hanging out together at Legacy Park

06.01.2022 He will hear and He will answer . In my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried out to my God; He heard my voice from His temple, and my cry came before Hi...m, even to His ears. - Psalms 18:6 NKJV . I’m sure that you will agree with me that life isn’t always easy. When things are going great for us, it’s easy for us to acknowledge our Father and His blessing on our lives, but sometimes, for all of us, things can be really tough, and it’s important to realise that God always hears us. That’s why I find this verse and others like 2 Samuel 22:7 and Psalms 120:1 to be encouraging as they remind us of that very fact. God hears us! . If we look in verse 2 of the same chapter, we see David declaring, The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my strength, in whom I will trust. David has complete confidence in his Father because he remembers the many times throughout his life, where God had already proven Himself faithful. . Did you notice that in this verse it doesn’t say, In my distress I called upon the Lord and He ignored me, and it certainly doesn’t say, He had trouble hearing me. David actually says, He heard my voice from His temple, and my cry came before Him, even to His ears. So, no matter how far away your Father seems to you, know that your cries always find their way to His ears. That’s how important you are to Him. . Declaration Starter: I declare that I will continually depend on the Lord no matter what surrounds me. I will call upon the Lord. He will hear my voice and He will answer me . #digitaldeclarations #motivationalquotes #dailyprophetic #prayer #victory #dailyquotes #biblestudy #prayerjournal #healingsupport #faithteacher #godishope #billjohnson #philpringle See more

06.01.2022 Alive in Christ . I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. - Galatians 2:20 NKJV . Only a few days before Jesus hung on the cross, He rode into Jerusalem on a donkey and had people crying out Hosanna to the Son of David! ‘Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord!' Hosanna in the highest!" Then, only a few days later He stood before Pilate hearing people scream out, Crucify Him! Finally, the prayer He prayed as He hung on the cross was, Into your hands I commit my Spirit. . I don’t think this was just a prayer Jesus prayed before He died. He had it pretty tough in the last days before His crucifixion, but I think Jesus was able to pray that prayer because He knew that God had a plan and He was saying, Father with all that's going on, with all is about to happen, I still trust You with my life. . I wonder how easily we find it to trust God. When everything around us seems to fail, when people let us down, when things seem to not be working, never give up. God is still there for you. Stand your ground and continue to pray like Jesus, Father, no matter what I see before me, I’m trusting you to lead me today. Into your hands I commit my Spirit. . Declaration Starter: I declare that faith is the foundation for my life. It is no longer all about me; it is about Christ alive in me. The life I live, I live by faith in Jesus Christ who loved me and gave Himself for me . #digitaldeclarations #motivation #momsdevotions #godsgotthis #letgoandletgod #testimony #christianblog #kennethcopeland #tdjakes #answeredprayer #inspirationalquotes See more

06.01.2022 It's not my life, it's His . Yet I am confident I will see the Lord’s goodness while I am here in the land of the living. - Psalms 27:13 NLT . Read that I am confident that I will see the Lord’s goodness. This is something we need to settle in our minds. Surrendering our lives totally to God can be a challenge if we don’t know what our Father wants us to do. What if He wants me to go to a poverty stricken area or somewhere dangerous or to give away things that I’ve worked hard my whole life for? Well, what if He wants to do something you’ll think is awesome? . Too often our reservations are based around what we want, but here’s the thing, we don’t own our lives. We were bought with the valuable price of Jesus own blood and if you have accepted Him as your Lord and Saviour, then you have surrendered your life to Him, but that is actually really exciting God Himself says, ‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’ (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV) . He has great plans for you. You can safely trust Him, even with your ‘what if’s’. You don’t need to be afraid of what your Father has for you. Regardless of what He asks you to do, say, be or even where to go, His plans have a purpose for an incredible outcome. You can be assured of your Father’s goodness, so be free and lean into Him. You will be amazed at how incredible the journey will be. . Declaration Starter: I declare that my confidence is in Jesus Christ and because my confidence is in Him, I will see the goodness of the Lord . #digitaldeclarations #truth #inspirationalquotes #motivationalquotes #dailyprophetic #prayer #victory #dailyquotes #biblestudy #prayerjournal #dailydevotion #prophetic #devotions #trust #worship See more

06.01.2022 He is my shelter . I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.- Psalms 91:2 NKJV . God is our refuge and our fort...ress. How awesome is that? A place of refuge is a place we can seek shelter for protection when we are in danger and it is a place where to rest and recharge and a fortress is a military stronghold. This speaks of God’s strength and ability to protect us, but there is so much more. . Psalms 46:1 also tells us that God is our strength and He is our ever-present help in trouble. So often we feel like we are facing things on our own, but we aren’t supposed to. Not only is God our protector, He said He will be with us and He will strengthen us. That means that when we face our struggles, we aren’t along. He is with us and He will face them empowered and equipped in and through Him. Every challenge we face, every struggle we go through, every trial we endure, we do it with Him - never alone. Hebrews 13:5-6 . Don’t ever think, This is too hard, or I’ll never get through this, or anything else that might get you down. God promises to be your shelter, He promises to be your strength, He promised to be with you and and He promises to be your very present help. That means His is always close by and never somewhere far away. . Press into Him today. He is with you every step of the way and He isn’t going anywhere else. You are not alone, so let your response be like that of David, In Him I will trust. . Declaration Starter: I declare that my protection is from the Lord. He is my shelter; He is my strength and an ever present help in my times of trouble. In Him I will trust . #digitaldeclarations #truth #inspirationalquotes #motivationalquotes #dailyprophetic #prayer #victory #dailyquotes #biblestudy #prayerjournal #dailydevotion #prophetic #devotions #trust #worship See more

05.01.2022 Another fun morning for families and children yesterday. We began with seperate worship, games and a chat, then joined the adults for a wor"ship" hunt in the auditorium. We delivered the conversation starters uninformed our wor"ships" to "lighthouses" at the tables and painted our ships in our own unique styles! We all worship differently using the personalities God gave us. Thanks Michael Wood for your inspirational message and for including all ages.

05.01.2022 The Mind of Christ . For ‘Who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct Him?’ But we have the mind of Christ." - 1 Corinthians 2:16 NKJV . Have you... ever found that God does things different than you do? Sometimes what seems to be an obvious answer or choice isn’t what He chooses, but that’s because He sees much more that we do, and He is always working for His glory. . A number of years ago, I injured my ankle. I was believing for a miracle, but after an X-ray confirmed it was broken and a cast was fitted, I was forced to concede. At that moment I said, God, if I have to wear a cast, then I want you to somehow get glory from this. After four weeks the cast came off and the doctor said he’d never seen something like that heal so quickly. I told him I’d been praying to which he said very little. . One year later I was back at the same doctor’s office for a severe staph infection. What amazed me was that in addition to the treatment plan, he said, Oh, and you also need to pray because that seems to work for you. One year later, and God was still able to get glory for something. I suddenly saw a much bigger picture. . We may not immediately see what our Father sees, but as we have the mind of the Anointed One and His anointing, we can better understand and trust that He has all things under control. . Declaration Starter: I declare that I have the mind of the Anointed one and His Anointing. I choose to allow my mind to be fuelled by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God . #digitaldeclarations #motivation #momsdevotions #godsgotthis #letgoandletgod #testimony #christianblog #kennethcopeland #tdjakes #answeredprayer #inspirationalquotes See more

04.01.2022 A promise from God . For the Lord God is a sun and shield; The Lord will give grace and glory; No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly. ...- Psalms 84:11 NKJV . Who is God to you? He told Moses in Exodus 3:14, I AM THAT I AM. Think about what that means: I Am your Healer (Exodus 15:26); I Am your Deliverer (Psalm 18:2); I Am your Wisdom (1 Corinthians 1:30); I Am your Shepherd (Psalms 23:1); I Am your Rest (Matthew 11:28-30); I Am your Helper (John 14:16); I Am your Provider (Philippians 4:19); and I Am your Righteousness (Jeremiah 23:6). The more we read His Word, the more we see the growing truth of the matter: No matter what ‘I Am’ you need Me to be, I Am that I Am. . The enemy’s desire is that we see God as harsh, unloving and judgemental. He isn’t. In fact, it was Jesus Himself who said, He who is not against us is for us (Mark 9:40). Having said that, it doesn’t mean we can do whatever we want to and get away with it. He is our ultimate Judge (Isaiah 33:22), but He is also very rich in mercy and He loved us so much (Ephesians 2:4 NLT). Just look at what He gave for us (John 3:16-17). . God’s love for you can never be overemphasised and in the verse above we again see this: No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly. So today, be encouraged because God is definitely for you. He has great things planned for you (Jeremiah 29:11). Continue to walk uprightly before Him and you will see His goodness revealed in your life. That’s His promise. . Declaration Starter: I declare that God will not hold back from me anything that He says is good. This is His promise to me for I have chosen to walk uprightly before Him . #digitaldeclarations #stevenfurtick #propheticword #prophetiecinsight #nocompromise #smartchoice #dailydevotion #prophetic #devotions #amazinggrace #joycemeyer See more

04.01.2022 I will walk in His peace . "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I h...ave overcome the world." - John 16:33 NKJV . We don’t have to look too far to see oppression, affliction, anguish and trouble around us almost every singe day. Many of us experience this in some form or another in our lives, but as challenging as it can be to go through times like that, and as much as some people may not like it, it is still a real part life on earth. . Jesus never promised us that we would be exempt from going through difficult times in our life. One only needs to read through the the book of Acts to see the challenges that Paul faced. Some of the things he experienced included being mocked, ridiculed, beaten shipwrecked, stoned and imprisoned. Can you imagine if Paul had a ‘chat’ with God to complain about his day? He had every reason to complain, but he chose to lean on and depend on God to help him get through every difficult situation he faced. In his mind his only goal was eternity and whilst he was pursuing that, he knew that God was always strong enough to lean on. . Jesus promises us in this verse that no matter what we are going through, in the midst of all that, in Him we can still have peace. Jesus overcame the world so there is no challenge, temptation, difficulty or trial that He hasn’t overcome, and since He will never leave us or forsake us, we can boldly declare that no matter what we go through, He is always right there with us. . Declaration Starter: I declare that God is more powerful than any challenge I will face. I will walk in His peace because He has already overcome the world. No matter what I face, I will do it with Him . #digitaldeclarations #motivationalquotes #dailyprophetic #prayer #victory #dailyquotes #biblestudy #prayerjournal #healingsupport #faithteacher #godishope #billjohnson #philpringle See more

04.01.2022 Known and led by Him . My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. - John 10:27 NKJV . I remember many years ago sitting at my desk at work..., and after reading this verse. I took out a notepad and pen and said, Lord, You said your sheep hear your voice. I’m your sheep, so start talking. Some people may say that was bold, or disrespectful to God, but I read that verse and something in it grabbed me. I literally took God at His word. I wanted to hear Him and in faith I asked Him to talk - and He did. . Over and over as I was praying I would sense Him talking, and as He did, I began to write those things down. Sure, some of it may have been me hearing my own thoughts, but the more I read His Word, and the more I sat listening to Him, the more familiar I became with knowing His voice from mine (or any others). . When my wife calls me on the phone, she doesn’t need to introduce herself and remind me again who she is. I have spent enough time with her to know the sound of her voice. When she calls, I immediately know it is her. It’s the same with God. Too often we make things complicated, but it doesn’t have to be. Father wants to talk with us. He wants relationship with us and the more we do it, the clearer His voice becomes. . Today, let me encourage you to spend some time sitting quietly with Father and let listening to Him begin to become a part of your daily time with Him. You will be so glad you did. . Declaration Starter: I declare that I hear God’s voice with daily increasing clarity. I am His and He is mine. Because I am known by Him, I am also led by Him. I never walk alone... . #digitaldeclarations #christianblog #prophetic #tdjakes #joycemeyer #devotions #answeredprayer #stevenfurtick #propheticword #dailyprophetic #dougaddison See more

02.01.2022 Always on duty . And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father. - Colossians 3:17 NLT ... . Do you know what an ambassador is? He or she is an official representative of their home country in a foreign land. Keep that in mind as we look at this verse from Colossians. Paul says that You are I are representatives of the Lord Jesus, but more than that, John 15:19 also tells us that we are not of this world. Since we are not of this world, and we are representatives of the Lord Jesus Christ, that makes you and I ambassadors of Jesus Christ. That role isn’t part time, it’s full time and it carries great responsibility. . Ambassadors work to ensure a positive relationship between their host country and their home nation. Due to the sensitive nature of their role, they need to carry out their duties with a diplomatic demeanour. At all times they are aware of the weight of their role, and they take it very seriously. That means that as Christian ambassadors, we too need to have the same awareness. . Too often people don’t think that way. The enemy doesn’t want us to be a representative of Jesus to the world, so he will distract, tempt and lead us in any way he can, but our role means that we need to keep our mind fixed on Who we represent. . I heard a good saying one day, If I want to know what sort of Christian you are, I only need to ask your children. People watch us, our families watch us, the world watches us, so ensure today that you have you suit on (spiritual armour) and wear Christ well. . Declaration Starter: I declare that I am an Ambassador of Jesus Christ. Today, I will live so that people see Christ in me. I choose to wear Him well . #digitaldeclarations #motivationalquotes #dailyprophetic #prayer #victory #dailyquotes #biblestudy #prayerjournal #healingsupport #faithteacher #godishope #billjohnson #philpringle See more

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