City Lights Church in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Pentecostal Church
City Lights Church
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 402 062 752
Address: 26 Glentanna Street, Kedron 4031 Brisbane, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 You belong here. We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other. Romans 12:5
24.01.2022 We loved having a team of students from @citipointeministrycollege pray over our city, all the churches in the north of Brisbane, local schools and our new venue in preparation for this Sundays official launch. Prayer changes things and it changes us. Lets keep believing for hope, healing and restoration in peoples lives and relationships. Thank you CMC
23.01.2022 THE POWER OF REST You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you. Augustine Our series on REST continues this Sunday at 10:15am. Join us and check out the first podcast from last week - details at our website and in our bio
23.01.2022 LAUNCH We were so delighted to celebrate the official launch of City Lights Church. So far we have seen so many MIRACLES; people finding JESUS, physical healings, financial provision, families and marriages being restored, people loving church family after 10 years away and a community that thrives when serving others. . We are passionate about creating spaces where people BELONG and reaching OUR CITY with the message of JESUS. ... . THANK YOU to everyone who has joined us, supported us and prayed for us. Its only the BEGINNING! See more
23.01.2022 We all have something to contribute to the body of Christ, but sometimes we question our value. Do we really have something to offer? Mark 12:41-44 NLT... 41Jesus sat down near the collection box in the Temple and watched as the crowds dropped in their money. Many rich people put in large amounts. 42Then a poor widow came and dropped in two small coins. 43Jesus called his disciples to him and said, I tell you the truth, this poor widow has given more than all the others who are making contributions. 44For they gave a tiny part of their surplus, but she, poor as she is, has given everything she had to live on. 1. Jesus is watching Jesus was watching, not just her giving, but her motives. He was looking at her heart. 2. Love wants to give The widow was motivated by her love and devotion to God. When we give and contribute, it helps us feel a deep sense of BELONGING. 3. Jesus turns upside down the normal valuation of people Jesus value of the widow was not based on normal human evaluation, but was based on her heart. Some questions to contemplate 1. Can you let Jesus have the final say on your value as a person? 2. Will you give your whole self to God? 3. Can you be ok with what God has given you? 4. Can you trust that God makes a lot from your little? 5. Are you willing to share it with others? 6. Can you trust God to look after your needs? 7. Whats stopping you from giving to others? We all have something to contribute. Let His love motivate you to freely give to others what God has given to you. Only God knows the eternal impact of your contribution. Freely give as He has given to you. Let the overflow of your heart full of love for God motivate you to give to others . In doing so, you are giving to Him.
22.01.2022 Jesus Gives Us a Mandate to Multiply We raise and release Spirit-filled disciples and leaders. Our teams are full of love, skilled in knowledge and powerful in the Spiritual gifts. What is one way that you can use your gifts to equip and encourage others forward in their relationship with Jesus today? ... #citylights #visitbrisbane #youbelong #equipothers #brisbanechurch #newtobrisbane
22.01.2022 City Lights Church is a place to BELONG THRIVE & SHARE... Come and join us for our official launch on Sunday, 13 September Check in and FREE coffee from 9.45 am Start time is 10.15 am You are welcome at our Family Table!
22.01.2022 Psalms 100:4 encourages us, Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name." It is so important to recognise we are responsible for creating an atmosphere where others are welcomed and where they feel like they belong. Part of the way we do this is by preparing our hearts each day through prayer and being thankful. It's a joy to go beyond ourselves and our own feelings to think more about others!
22.01.2022 A LIFE OF BELONGING and Active Service with Jesus starts with being with Him and Listening to His voice. JESUS WANTS RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU before you do anything for Him! The deepest sense of belonging comes from learning to listen to the voice and truth of Jesus and His inspired word.... John 10:27-28 New Living Translation My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them away from me. Mary and Martha, Passage - Luke 10:38-42 NIV. THIS STORY IS ALL ABOUT LISTENING TO THE VOICE AND TRUTH OF JESUS - its the source of belonging. Jesus asks us: Will you make some room to listen to me? Or are you dominated by busyness Encourage Bible and Prayer - connect with Jesus - Hear His Voice Are you ok with simpler? We are going for simple and good - not for sophisticated and perfect Serve him by listening and obeying rather than providing excessively for his needs JESUS Am I qualified to decide whats best? We want decision-making rights. We want to be our own god. Decide truth and good and right As a church we trust you to make decisions about how you serve based on what Jesus is saying through his Holy Spirit THE ANSWER IS NOT DOING LESS - the answer is doing what Jesus has asked you to do ANSWER IS IN OBEDIENCE KNOW: DEEPEST BELONGING - Learn to hear the voice of Jesus and respond. Being With and Listening To before Doing with SERVICE - is in response to His call and not our own ideas Everyone is invited to enjoy! DO: Community committed to SIMPLE OBEDIENCE - first value SIMPLY FOLLOW What about you? Are willing to let go of your notion of service? Your fear of service? #citylights #newtobrisbane #visitbrisbane #aplacetobelong
21.01.2022 On Friday night, Youth Hangs had a games and dessert night. It got loud and a little crazy but was a whole lot of fun. There was a lot of laughter and friendship. When it was time to go, no one wanted to leave. Some of the kids are bringing friends from school too. It was a great night of getting to know one another and bond as a group. - Sarah Petchell Check out our stories today for a glimpse into Friday Night Youth Hangs and get excited for this coming Friday night! #citylights #brisbaneyouth #youthhangout
21.01.2022 You're invited to the City Lights Church launch on Sunday the 13th of September at 10:15am. Free coffee from 9:45am. City Lights is a new church in the North of Brisbane, meeting in Kedron. If you are looking to reconnect in a church, have questions about faith in Jesus or are new to Brisbane, we invite you to come and connect with people who accept you for who you are. Come find out more and experience worship and encouraging messages. We also have a safe kids program to le...arn and grow in fun creative ways. Address: Promenade Studio, 26 Glentanna St, Kedron More info:
21.01.2022 Jesus tells us in Matthew 22: 37-39 that the first and greatest commandment is to Love the Lord your God with all of your heart and with all of your soul and with all of your mind. The second commandment is to Love your neighbor as yourself. God knows that for us to love each other as He has commanded us to, we need to love Him first with our whole being. Our relationship with Him impacts our relationships with others. Rather than being me-focused, we become God-focused, and consequently, others-focused. -Di Walton
20.01.2022 Dudes and Donuts this Sunday Lets celebrate our dads at City Lights Church this Sunday with free donuts and barista coffee from 9.45 am. Church service is from 10.15 am to 11.15 am. ... Bring your dad, your kids or anyone who is your father figure. All are welcome at our family table.
18.01.2022 REST The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. Psalm 23:1-2 Do you need your soul refreshed?... Join us at CHURCH tomorrow at 10:15am as we continue our series on REST - details in our bio
16.01.2022 MEETING IN PERSON TOMORROW We are super excited to be meeting IN PERSON tomorrow under our COVID safe plan at OUR NEW VENUE and NEW TIME. 10:15am Promenade Studio 26 Glentanna St Kedron. See you then!
16.01.2022 Are we asking? Come, Holy Spirit. Repost from #brisbanechurch #citylights #holyspirit #newtobrisbane #visitbrisbane #brisbane #peace
15.01.2022 Matt is passionate about communicating the gospel to different cultures and people groups and as a result, he has a plethora of Biblical knowledge. He plays an important role in our City Lights family by offering his wisdom and giving historical context to Biblical stories and truths. Thanks for all you bring to the family table, Matt! @ Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
14.01.2022 WE’RE BACK We can’t wait to see you this Sunday! We have so much planned. Guest worship from @elizabethpeace and @volcanicensemble New series from Ps ... Join us for free barista coffee from 9:30am to 10am. Meetings starts at 10:15am at Promenade Studio Kedron. More details in our bio and on our website See more
14.01.2022 INFO NIGHT TONIGHT - INTERNSHIP 2021 Do you have a calling to ministry? What’s your next step? Our INFO NIGHT is TONIGHT (Tuesday 17th November) with free Sliders at Grilld Newmarket at 7:30pm.... City Lights is a NEW church in the north of Brisbane and we are excited to launch our Internship Program for 2021! We are offering internships in KIDS, YOUTH, YOUNG ADULTS, CREATIVE, MINISTRY and CHURCH PLANTING. FEE HELP and scholarships of up to $1000 are available. Why intern at City Lights? 1 OPPORTUNITY. Learn by doing. A smaller, rapidly growing church allows leadership and ministry opportunities that you would not get in other environments. 2 COACHING. Receive coaching in ministry and life from experienced leaders. Accelerate your growth by learning how to lead and disciple yourself and others. 3 FUTURE FOCUS. Shape your future. We work with you to develop your personal vision and values for the future God has planned for you. To find out more email [email protected] or turn up tonight. No RSVP required.
13.01.2022 WE LOVE SUNDAYS Another amazing morning at CHURCH. Thank you to all our teams that make church happen for others and create spaces where people can BELONG
12.01.2022 DONT UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF YOUR WORDS Our words carry destructive power to burn ourselves and those around us, in fact the Apostle James says they are powered by the Filthy Fires of hell. Check out our new message series The World of Words to find out thats worse than we think and why we need more help than we could imagine. Message audio at
10.01.2022 MORE THAN POSSIBILITY, POWER TO CHANGE For most people, the New Year reminds them that leaving the past behind and positive change is possible, and they are filled with a sense of optimism about the year ahead. For Christian’s the idea of new becomes a reality, it is more than the possibility of change, it is power to change through Jesus!... 2 Cor 5:17 NIV Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! Here are three things to encourage you this year. 1. Your past is not your future. This New Year is a new opportunity. Don’t see this year through the eyes of last year. Jesus invites you to see things new. For our church, for your relationships, for your work or study, for your finances. See things new! 2. You don’t have to do it alone. Healthy community inspires and encourages you to live out this new life in Jesus and that’s what we hope to do. This takes commitment and is so rewarding, join in! 3. We step into God’s plans through faith. Faith is what pleases God. Faith is how we bridge that gap in what we see with eyes and what we are believing for. Let’s join our faith together to believe for God’s favour in every area of our lives as individuals and as church community. @citylights_bne is back this Sunday at 10:15am. Details in our bio
10.01.2022 Our sense of belonging to Gods family can be impacted by many things......Spiritual Pride, Tyranny of Busyness, Questioning our Contribution, and ..... Intolerance for Failure. In Colossians 3: 12-13 NLT, Apostle Paul says: Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Make allowance for each others faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave... you, so you must forgive others. The word Holy means Set Apart. 1. God has chosen us to be different, look different, and act differently. ~ We are to be tenderhearted, merciful, kind, humble, gentle, and patient. ~ We are to be set apart as a community. ~ Christianity is community because God exists in community. ~ It is a CHOICE to clothe ourselves each day with these characteristics. 2. Two things we MUST do: FIRST - Forgive anyone who offends you. Forgiveness helps us grow as a FAMILY and is the gateway to something good. Why Should I Forgive? ~ In forgiving we Transmit GRACE. ~ Being forgiven and forgiving are interdependent. ~ It releases a generous impulse to forgive. ~ We learn the deeper connections of FAMILY and BELONGING. ~ It leads to social holiness. ~ It helps develop deeper intimacy with Jesus. ~ Forgiveness makes us vulnerable to grace. ~ Unforgiveness makes us sick. ~ Jesus is the answer and the catalyst. Who Do You Need To Forgive Right Now? SECOND- Make allowances for others mistakes. ~ Expect that others may fail you and allow for it. ~ Make allowances for you to fail others. Who Do You Need To Make Allowances For? Remember, the Lord has forgiven us, so we must forgive others. Today, ask the Holy Spirit to help you to forgive others and be gracious so that you can make allowances for others failures. The world will know that we are His disciples when we have love for one another (John 13:35). When we FORGIVE and have a TOLERANCE for FAILURE we stand against the enemies of BELONGING.
10.01.2022 Lets reach our city for Jesus! Matthew 22:8-10 NLT And he said to his servants, The wedding feast is ready, and the guests I invited arent worthy of the honor. Now go out to the street corners and invite everyone you see. So the servants brought in everyone they could find, good and bad alike, and the banquet hall was filled with guests.... God calls us as a CHURCH to have a passion to reach the people in our city. What if.......we saw people the way Jesus sees people? What if.......we saw our city the way Jesus sees our city? Every person is made in Gods image (Gen.1:27) and has a need for Jesus. How amazing is it that every human bears the very image of God? When we come to Christ, we have been created anew (Eph. 2:10) - we have a new identity and purpose. We are to walk in the good works that He has prepared for us.....for His glory. So lets extend our Family Table - a place where everyone can experience true BELONGING. The question remains: Unless theyre invited, how can they know theyre welcome? How can you personally be involved? You can reach out to your neighbors, your family, your work your city. Lets tell them that hope is found in Jesus! Lets invite them to our Family Table.
10.01.2022 TO GOD BE THE GLORY Every situation, every circumstance
09.01.2022 Proverbs 16:24 NLT Kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body. Original artwork from Immy - She says, If theres anything in the world as great as love, its kindness!
09.01.2022 A PLACE TO BELONG. Romans 12:4, We are many parts of one body, and we all BELONG TO EACH OTHER. ... At the family table, Everyone contributes, Everyone enjoys. Romans 12:3, Dont think you are better than you really are. Be honest in your evaluation of yourselves, measuring yourself by the faith God has given us. We need help! Eph 2:8-9, For it is by GRACE you have been saved, through FAITH this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God not by works, so that NO ONE CAN BOAST. We dont do fake love. We are devoted to each other. We have spiritual energy to help others. We dont live our lives like its all about us. We put others first. We are humble. Spiritual BELONGING is the RECOGNITION that we find our self-worth and purpose in God and are created to thrive in community. Spiritual BELONGING is the joy of thinking MORE about others. @ Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
09.01.2022 Team member shoutout: Di has joined the social media team at City Light and is bringing her gift of writing to the table. Thanks for who you are and what you add to our church family! #citylightschurch #brisbanechurch #visitbrisbane #newtobrisbane #socialmedia
08.01.2022 A Message from Ps Andrew At City Lights we are passionate about BELONGING. I was really surprised as I was preparing my message last week that the Apostle Paul calls out PRIDE as an ENEMY of belonging. I never would have expected it. But who really thinks they have PRIDE??? Tim Keller defines it so well:... SPIRITUAL PRIDE is the ILLUSION that we are competent to run our own lives, achieve our sense of self-worth and find purpose big enough to give us meaning without God. SPIRITUAL PRIDE: Is never fully satisfied, compares relentlessly, always concludes you are "not good enough" or "better than others, never concludes you are accepted and you belong, The end result is EXCLUSION - you exclude others but SURPRISINGLY, most often YOU EXCLUDE YOURSELF. Your conclusion is often you arent enough. Sadly, in many churches, people tell themselves that they dont fit in, for whatever reason. BELONGING and acceptance comes when a community chooses to think about themselves from Gods perspective and think MORE ABOUT OTHERS. Thats our future!
08.01.2022 BACK SUN 10th JAN 2020 has been a great year for @citylights_bne despite all the challenges because of who JESUS is and what He is doing in the lives of so many people. We are taking a short break to refresh and we will be back on SUNDAY 10th JANUARY at 10:15am. We hope you have a Happy New Year
08.01.2022 We loved blessing a few of our amazing young families in City Lights thins morning! Special thank you to everyone who brought something to bless them, like these amazing handmade cookies!
07.01.2022 MORE TRUST = MORE REST There is a difference in having a belief in Jesus and a PRACTICAL TRUST in Jesus in EVERY AREA of life. This is the source of our REST ... Great message from Ps Andrew yesterday- check out our podcast out later this week
07.01.2022 Stories of RENEWAL! We are seeing Jesus transform peoples lives!
07.01.2022 What does it look like to belong to Jesus? Romans 8:37-39 describes that we are more than CONQUERORS.not because of anything we have done.but because of Jesus blood poured out on the cross for our sin. We now stand forgiven. Nothing can separate us from Jesus love. Nothing that we have done in our past can stand in His way.... We belong to Him.accepted, cherished, valued, and for eternity. -Tania Pan See more
07.01.2022 What an INCREDIBLE SUNDAY! Ps. Andrew brought a powerful word on what defines church? If you missed it, check out our podcasts on our website. Here's a quick RECAP:... What did Jesus have in mind when he said.... "And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it." Matthew 16:18 The central idea is being in Jesus centred relational gatherings with one another. Jesus said the defining factor, THE DIFFERENCE, of his followers is when they imitate his love - to love like Jesus. "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." John 13:35 The way we LOVE ONE ANOTHER makes all the difference. We are called to BE the difference and make A difference!
06.01.2022 We forgive because we have been given so much. We forgive first to make allowances for others mistakes. Our mission depends on it. Jesus says, Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples. It is by the power of the Holy Spirit that we are able to choose to extend forgiveness and love to others.
06.01.2022 FACES OF CITY LIGHTS Kathryn Scott shares about what the recent months have looked like for kids church. Lockdown. Zoom for City Kids. Faces on the screen, talking, playing games, reading Bible verses. It was certainly better than no contact at all but when restrictions lifted we had a pizza and games party. Laughter filled the house yard as children competed in challenges and games. Silence fell and torches came out for hide and seek in the dark. Older children helped younger children. Hiding places were creative. It was so good to interact with real people again. So good to be a community. @ Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
05.01.2022 If you need peace today, Jesus promises it. Just ask. Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. John 14:27
04.01.2022 WE LOVE OUR TECH TEAM! We are so excited about how far we have come in such a short amount of time and its due to the generosity of our team. If you are interested in joining one of our teams, please shoot DM us. We believe everyone has something to share.... #citylights #brisbane #churchinbrisbane #visitbrisbane #techteam #teammembershoutout #newtobrisbane
04.01.2022 WE’RE ONLINE THIS SUNDAY Due to COVID restrictions we are streaming online this Sunday at 10:15am. See our website for all the details. Link in our bio. Join us in praying for QLD to be COVI free and everyone effected by COVID
03.01.2022 Activate your influence because we have A City to Reach! Every person contributes towards seeing renewal by living and sharing the message of Jesus. We are marketplace influencers bringing renewal every day, everywhere. @andrew_simonsen_
02.01.2022 Are you looking to reconnect into a church? Do you have questions about faith in Jesus? Are you new to Brisbane and searching for a church to belong to? Whatever the reasons, you are welcome at City Lights Church. ... This Sunday, 13th September, is our official launch and you are invited. Free coffee from 9.45 am. Church begins at 10.15 am. Come and join us for worship and encouraging messages. Also, for the kids, a safe and fun program is run each Sunday. Were looking forward to seeing you this Sunday. Address is Promenade Studio, 26 Glentanna St, Kedron. For more information:
02.01.2022 @citylights.youth.bne YOUTH HANGS have started! Our youth hangs are so much more than social gatherings. Our youth need other young people who can lift them up, encourage them and challenge them in all the right ways. ... Youth Hangs are happening each Friday! DM for more information or email [email protected]. #youthhangs #citylightsbne #citylightsyouth #friday #brisbane #connect #brisbanechurches
02.01.2022 Big shoutout to team member Dave Walton. He is passionate about mens ministry and has recently joined the worship team and welcome/setup team. His gift of serving, whether ministering to others, playing percussion or greeting everyone with a smile, is appreciated at City Lights Church. Thank you, Dave, for belonging and giving to our church family.
01.01.2022 Take a moment today to stop and worship Jesus for who He is and what He has done in you.
01.01.2022 We have all come to that place where we feel like we are, At the end of ourselves. It is here that God faithfully meets us every time, in any second of our day or night. Ive had moments where Ive felt I am going to cave in with the pressure and exhaustion of parenting in a blended family. I need to consciously walk with Him everyday. Inviting Him to lead me in my day. This way I live within the plans and boundaries that He has for me. When I ask the Lord what He wants me... to do today, these are my best days! There is joy and purpose in living like this and Ive found thats when I have great interactions with others about Jesus. We are called to be carriers of His glory and to demonstrate His love to the world. Colossians 3:12-15. Love gives us the right motive in everything. God is calling me to love others in a way that I dont expect to be loved back or to look for approval. Being carriers of His glory is living out of Gods love and being led by the Holy Spirit. There are times in life where its easy to become overwhelmed. Those moments are invitations reset our focus and to worship. This allows us to see how great God is in my circumstances. Worship buildings me up in the spirit and helps me to overcome and see breakthrough! - Tania Pan What are some practical ways that we can be carriers of His glory in our day to day lives? Let us know in the comments.
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