Darebin City Council | Government organisation
Darebin City Council
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24.01.2022 For more than two decades, Planet Ark has been stimulating and cultivating positive behaviour change through National Recycling Week, held in the second week of... November each year. This year's theme is 'Recovery - A future beyond the bin', with importance placed on valuing your resources, giving them a second life by reducing virgin resource use, reusing and recycling. To recognise this important annual event our library team have put together a list of library resources to help kids and adults learn more about recycling, waste and improving your environmental footprint. To browse and borrow please visit https://tinyurl.com/RecyclingWeekBooklist
24.01.2022 Do you know someone that might be looking for Coronavirus (COVID-19) translated information? The DHHS have extensive information for people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, health professionals and industry. Here are a few helpful links, or check out the DHHS website for the list of 56 translated languages: http://ow.ly/Hrry50BhEjX Arabic - http://ow.ly/m3H150BhEk8 Chinese - (Simplified Chinese) Including Mandarin audio files - h...ttp://ow.ly/MZAl50BhEjW Chinese - (Traditional Chinese) Including Cantonese audio files - http://ow.ly/RtD450BhEki Greek - http://ow.ly/S8YB50BhEjZ Hindi - http://ow.ly/kxIX50BhEkn Italian - Italiano http://ow.ly/U1oK50BhEkk Macedonian - Македонски http://ow.ly/P6vu50BhEkl Nepali - http://ow.ly/6wrA50BhEk2 Punjabi - http://ow.ly/KlwX50BhEke Somali - http://ow.ly/ER8d50BhEk4 Spanish Español http://ow.ly/R6Nb50BhEk7 Urdu http://ow.ly/Ucwk50BhEjY Vietnamese - ting Vit http://ow.ly/O53i50BhEjL #BeCleanBeSafeBeKind See more
23.01.2022 Some great advice from the Better Health Channel on staying cool and supporting those most venerable on hot days like today... Drink plenty of water, stay out of the sun and do what you can to keep cool. If you’re feeling unwell see your doctor or call Nurse on call: on 1300 60 60 24. In an emergency, call 000. ... #SurviveTheHeat #KeepCoolDarebin
23.01.2022 You don't have to live in the country to be at risk from a grassfire or bushfire. Suburban homes can come under threat, especially when they are close to our parks, reserves and creeks. Being fire ready is a shared responsibility between government, emergency services and the community. Property owners can reduce the risk of fire by clearing anything that could fuel a fire, including: regularly mowing the grass and raking up leaves removing weeds and pruning bushes and tr...ees keeping garden beds moist through mulching or other non-flammable ground covers like pebbles regularly clearing leaves from gutters, roofs, downpipes and around the base of trees maintaining a well-watered lawn (complying with water restrictions) storing flammable or combustible materials such as woodpiles and rubbish away from your house Council's Fire Prevention Officers makes yearly inspections across all Darebin properties from November to March to ensure that they are maintained to a fire safe condition. For more information on maintaining your property, please visit http://www.darebin.vic.gov.au//RubbishRecyc/Clean-Streets
23.01.2022 As we know, COVID-19 has severely impacted our economy, particularly in Melbourne's north. That's why we're proud to support Building Communities, Connecting People: Northern Horizons 2020, an infrastructure blueprint to create more than 50,000 jobs. One in five Melbournians live in the city’s north, around one million people, and the population has continued to grow at one of the fastest rates in Australia. While there have been good projects funded in recent years, there is... a strong case for immediate further investment. The Northern Councils Alliance and other industry, education and health stakeholders are launching the Northern Horizons 2020 update, a consolidated view of infrastructure priorities for Melbourne’s north. This report identifies priority infrastructure projects that will provide new jobs, stimulate economic recovery and improve liveability. It highlights the progress since the original report’s release in 2014 and provides additional evidence and information to underpin a comprehensive list of priorities. Take a look at the #NorthernHorizons website: https://northlink.org.au/research/
22.01.2022 You will soon see some new recycling collection trucks around the block. We have a new recycling contractor who will be collecting our recycling across the municipality. This is just an operational change there are no changes to your recycling collection day and your recycling will still be taken to our processor, VISY. Note that the time your recycling is collected may vary from before.
22.01.2022 Do you know a massive legend who has made our community a better place? Why not nominate them for a 2020 Darebin Community Award! The Awards recognise the achievement of community members who have made an outstanding contribution to the Darebin community. Nominations are now open! For more information and to nominate head to our website: http://ow.ly/vZL750CjmKF
21.01.2022 Need to dispose of unwanted household chemicals? Sustainability Victoria's Detox Your Home is a free drop off service for households to dispose of unwanted toxic chemicals such as cleaning products, pool chemicals and weed killer. Visit http://ow.ly/sX5Y50CijnW to register for the event in Reservoir on Saturday 12 December and for a full list of accepted items. #DetoxYourHome events are now drive-through and contactless, supported by a COVIDSafe plan.
20.01.2022 The Department of Education & Training, Victoria (@educationvic) have just shared this, a great opportunity for employees to do a free 25-30 hour accredited training course to help staff identify and manage the ongoing risk of coronavirus (COVID-19) infections. Courses are available now until June 2021. The free training consists of a mixture of online and workplace-based learning... check out their website for details. For a list of participating training providers see the Victorian Skills Gateway at: http://ow.ly/ZwVl50BEXgr
19.01.2022 Keep your eyes on the Darebin Libraries page for the return to service as restrictions ease - Click and Collect is making coming back
19.01.2022 We are thrilled to welcome 52 new employees as part of the Working For Victoria program. There was excitement and energy last week, as multiple departments came together to deliver an induction program like no other, to ensure our new colleagues feel welcome, supported and equipped to get moving to assist our service to the community. Induction took place in multiple locations, on various platforms and across a pretty hectic week. A mammoth task across several of our teams, but a great example of our organisational #valuesinaction: #collaborative #integrity #creative #accountable #respect #makeadifference Welcome to the team everyone!
18.01.2022 The Darebin Community Award’s Sustainability Award recognises the great environmental and sustainability work happening in Darebin. And the Lifetime Achievement Award celebrates individuals who have made a continued commitment to their community through their work. Know anyone who fits the bill and deserves some recognition? Consider nominating them now. For nomination form, and more information about other award categories visit http://ow.ly/EZ9u50CjmG4
18.01.2022 Are you involved in a business in Darebin? The State Government has recently released some fantastic assets to help different businesses re-open in a COVID-SAFE way. There are posters, social media posts, stickers and all sorts of support material available to help you. It might just be the thing you need to ensure people are clear about what they need to do to keep you, your staff, and each other safe: http://ow.ly/Xvvp50CjnT8 If you’re after translated services, please head... to: http://ow.ly/fX7m50CjnT6 Concerned about something that doesn’t seem COVIDsafe? Contact the Police Assistance Line on 131 444 See more
18.01.2022 Let’s give a shout out to the community heroes of Darebin. If you know a person or community group that has made a positive impact in our community during this difficult year, now is the time to nominate them for a 2020 Darebin Community Award! Nominations are open until 11 February, 2021. Head to our website for details: http://ow.ly/OWqU50CjmF2
18.01.2022 To celebrate #WorldChildrensDay, we are inviting young people to respond to this statement: Things that are important to me are. This annual celebration promotes the rights and welfare of children and young people globally, and so this year’s activity focuses on hearing the voices of youth. ... Respond in a sentence, letter, poem or artwork by Friday 4 December 2020. For more info on methods of response, submission deadlines visit: http://ow.ly/5Wfh50Cjn9s
17.01.2022 It’s so great to see so many of you out enjoying Darebin's parks and great outdoors.
17.01.2022 Apply now! Not-for-profit community groups and organisations have until 10 November to apply for our Community Recovery Grants. The grants aim to support local community groups and organisations affected by COVID-19 and are part of Darebin’s $11.8m Community and Business Resilience and Recovery Package. See our website for further details. http://www.darebin.vic.gov.au/Your-S//Coronavirus-COVID19
17.01.2022 Following the Premier’s announcement a fortnight ago, we want to thank the 136 individuals that responded to our consultation around opening outdoor dining areas, as our local hospitality businesses return to "COVID normal". We want to support you so you can welcome back customers in new outdoor settings. For the 30 businesses that have already expressed an interest in outdoor dining, thank you! Hop on and fill out this form so we can process your request as soon as we c...an. With COVID restrictions easing, we are all looking forward to socialising outdoors again. Council’s Outdoor Dining Project has been made possible with support from the Victorian Government. We are aiming to increase outdoor dining spaces in a COVID safe, socially distanced environment. This program has been designed to actively support hospitality venues safely expand outdoor dining areas into approved public spaces and operate within the health restrictions advised by the Victorian Government. The Checklist and Frequently Asked Questions on our website provide details about the application process, assessment criteria and decision-making framework. We welcome applications from businesses to extend trading onto footpaths and adjacent car parks. We will work as quickly as possible to assess your application. If you have other ideas, you are also welcome to submit a proposal and let us know. For all of the details on this project, hop on our website: http://ow.ly/eqqy50BHlIn
16.01.2022 Applications close this coming Monday for the Darebin Business Recovery Program. Building a business can be challenging during or after a pandemic. This program assists Darebin Businesses to diversify, develop and maximise opportunities to further build local employment and sustainable businesses for a stronger economy. For more information and to apply, go to http://ow.ly/yT0550Cd7bL. All businesses from any sector encouraged to apply. ... Past participant Recovawear.
16.01.2022 It’s been an exciting week with changes to restrictions resulting in many businesses and activities opening up across Darebin. We’re also excited because it means further Council services and facilities have started to reopen! Here are the latest changes to Council services taking place from today and scheduled for 9 November, for a full list of Council service updates check our website: http://ow.ly/u0lC50C4Eyq Please remember you must wear a mask and maintain social di...stancing. Darebin Resource Recovery Centre /Tip (http://ow.ly/uYAu50C4Eys) Now open from 8am to 3.30pm Monday to Sunday. Outlook Market Second Hand Shop (http://ow.ly/dnQY50C4Eyr) Now open from 8am to 3.30pm Monday to Sunday. Bundoora Park Farm (http://ow.ly/hfCM50C4Eyn) Farm opens on Monday 9 November and café reopens. Pools (http://ow.ly/esBS50C4Eyo) Limit on numbers of lap swimmers at outdoor lap pools at Northcote Aquatic and Recreation Centre (NARC) bookings required. From 9 November, indoor pools open at Northcote Aquatic and Recreation Centre, bookings required. (Note: Indoor pool at Reservoir Leisure Centre closed due to essential works.) Outdoor Personal Training in parks Covid-safe personal training sessions increase to groups of 10. Golf at Bundoora Golf Course and Northcote Golf Course Golf courses have reopened. Check with your local club for details. Gyms at NARC and Reservoir Leisure Centre (http://ow.ly/HLBL50C4Eyd) Open from 9 November, bookings required 10 per space maximum Community sport Restarts with restrictions. Check with your local sports club. See you out there, and remember to #BeCleanBeSafeBeKind
15.01.2022 We’ve found some fantastic websites and (free) apps for Meditation that have been brilliant during these difficult times. Smiling Mind: http://ow.ly/xGu750BmB8V Resources for mindfulness, check out the free version of the app which also includes specific meditations for other languages, adults, young people, classrooms and the workplace. Insight Timer: http://ow.ly/sfmD50BmB8R ... Meditation to improve sleep, coping for anxiety, managing stress, as well as meditation music and meditation for parents, with plenty of free resources. Free Meditations : http://ow.ly/7bIr50BmB8S Now with a handy free subscription. 10% Happier: http://ow.ly/NB4u50BmB8T Learn to meditate from the world’s top mindfulness experts. SuperBetter: http://ow.ly/IfpE50BmB8U A game that builds resilience - the ability to stay strong, motivated and optimistic even in the face of change and difficult challenges. The game aims to unlock heroic potential to overcome tough situations and achieve goals. Mindfulness apps for kids: http://ow.ly/PMlT50BmAzW With apps such as Teddy Bear Breathing. We’d love to hear if you’ve got any meditation apps, blogs or websites you’d recommend? Be kind to yourself, we’re all doing our best to #BeKind and #StayConnectedDarebin
15.01.2022 Due to an unplanned outage with our network provider, our Customer Service system is offline. This means your calls cannot be answered. If you leave a message, someone from our team will call you back as soon as they can. We apologise for the inconvenience. We will update you as soon as we are back online.
14.01.2022 Have you ever wondered why some Black Swans at Edwardes Lake have collars? Raoul Mulder (researcher and zoologist at University of Melbourne) has been studying the movement, behaviour and breeding of Melbourne’s Black Swans since 2006. Females are fitted with white collars and black numbering, while males have black collars with white numbering. It might appear that the collars are tight-fitting, but they are actually fitted very loosely, allowing them to tip their necks to f...eed on algae and submerged vegetation. You can help contribute to the research project by recording your black swan sighting at www.myswan.org.au. #BeKindDarebin
14.01.2022 Make sure you're New Year ready and download Council's new 2021 recycling calendar As well as featuring collection days, it’s filled with loads of information on recycling, food and green waste and other recycling options in Darebin. You can download a copy of the calendar at www.darebin.vic.gov.au/recycling and while you’re there make sure to check our updated A to Z waste and recycling guide.
14.01.2022 Come down for a free urban wetland field trip and celebrate World Wetlands Day on Tuesday 2 Feb (7-8pm) at Merri Park wetland in Northcote You’ll hear from Merri Creek Management Committee, Waterwatch and the Friends of Merri Park discuss the history of this special spot, as well as monitoring for microbats and listening for local frogs for citizens science Bookings essential http://ow.ly/r1Kl50CSL5r... #wetlandbiodiversitymatters #worldwetlandsday #merricreek #waterwatch #frog #microbats #LoveLocal
13.01.2022 We’re really keen to hear from you about how you want to be engaged in decisions that affect living in Darebin, so we hope you can join us this weekend at one of two drop-in sessions to find out more about our proposed Community Engagement Policy. This Saturday, January 16, you can find us in All Nations Park, Northcote, near the skate park entrance from 1pm-4pm. On Sunday, January 17, we’ll be at Edwardes Lake Park, Reservoir, from 12pm-3pm between the rotunda and the bridge.... Your feedback on how we plan to engage with the community in the future will help us make sure you have a voice in our decision-making and ensure we’re hitting the mark and engaging with the community in ways that are meaningful, equitable and inclusive. For more information on the draft Community Engagement Policy, including how to give feedback, please visit http://ow.ly/5gFC50CQG7h
13.01.2022 For more than 100 years, The Salvation Army Band at Preston has brought inspiration and joy to the people of Melbourne’s middle north and beyond. Following a tumultuous year in Melbourne through the coronavirus pandemic, the band is looking to spread the spirit and joy of Christmas through playing Christmas music in public places across the City of Darebin in the month of December. If approved, it will do this by splitting into smaller ensembles of no more than five and playi...ng at the venues proposed below. The playing of brass ensembles of up to five players in public spaces has just been approved by the Victorian Government. Players must be socially distanced from each other and maintain a distance of five metres from the public. We plan to do this by having two non-playing Salvos at each Christmas music outreach event rope off this space five minutes beforehand and then monitor it during the activity. While playing, the ensembles members can remove their masks. One other Salvo would be present to receive any donations members of the public may wish to give towards Christmas hampers for disadvantaged people in the City of Darebin at Christmas. This person would be located just outside the five-metre area, with small table and donations bucket in front of them, masked and keeping a 1.5 metre distance from others.
12.01.2022 Council has received funding under the Victorian Government’s Working for Victoria program. Soon, we’ll be recruiting for many 6-month contracts ranging from IT to Community Service Support roles. Register now on Working for Victoria, the State Government’s online jobs platform to make sure you don’t miss out on some of the great opportunities we have available www.vic.gov.au/workingforvictoria . Some jobs will only be advertised for a short amount of time, based on demand,... so the key is to get in quick! The Working for Victoria website also has a range of helpful information, including: A step by step guide on how to sign up to the platform in multiple languages www.vic.gov.au/apply-work-6-simple-steps Handy tips and tricks page to help jobseekers to update their profile www.vic.gov.au/profile-and-application-tips-jobseekers-work Stay tuned for more information!
11.01.2022 Next week we’ll launch the first edition of Your Darebin. Your Darebin is our new monthly digital newsletter which will feature in-depth news stories about our community and the programs Council runs to improve Darebin every day. Your local news, your stories, Your Darebin.... Sign up here: http://www.darebin.vic.gov.au/Your-Say/Newsletters/Subscribe #YourDarebin #LoveLocal
11.01.2022 n-SCRIBE is Darebin Arts’ annual literary magazine that publishes writers with a connection to the City of Darebin. This edition is called n-SCRIBE 2020 because, like everything else, n-SCRIBE has been a bit different lately. The digital publication of n-SCRIBE 2020 is NOW LIVE! The print publication will be available from Darebin libraries, Northcote Town Hall Arts Centre, local cafes, bookshops and community hubs from February 2021... keep an eye out.
11.01.2022 Some of our Darebin Businesses are working towards being zero waste; rethinking, reducing, reusing and recycling everything! Many of these businesses have been deeply impacted by the COVID restrictions that were put in place to protect us all. Now is the time to get out and support our local businesses Businesses and people that appear in videos: ... - Terra Madre (Ryan O’Connor) - The Northcote Bakeshop (Hiruni Peiris) - Moon Rabbit (Samantha Fisher) See more
10.01.2022 In these times it’s important to check in on your family and friends as well as those in our community. Having a yarn and asking this can make someone’s day but more importantly give them time to talk if they are struggling. If you need someone to talk to please contact our free telephone support service Yarning Safe'n'Strong on 1800959563. Its available 24/7. There are other services for support as well please check the link for a range of specific 24/7 service’s available: https://www.ruok.org.au/findhelp
10.01.2022 Know a deadly young person who is making an amazing contribution to the local Darebin Community? Why not nominate them for the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Island...er Emerging Community Leader of the Year award. Nominations for the 2020 Darebin Community Awards are open and will close on the 11 Feb. Find out more ---> https://www.fusedarebin.com.au//2020-darebin-community-aw/ Elijah Augustine, Steven Glasby-Ellis Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Emerging Young Community Leader 2018 Nominees. Image by Michael Findlay photography
09.01.2022 Every test helps For testing locations visit https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/where-get-tested-covid-19
09.01.2022 The community response to the northern metro outbreak has been outstanding thank you. Testing is safe + free. If you have symptoms, get tested immediately + self-isolate until you get a negative test result. https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/where-get-tested-covid-19
09.01.2022 To get us ready for National Recycling Week next week, we have updated our A-Z waste and recycling guide with the latest advice from our recycler Changes include (NOT accepted in the recycling bin): Disposable coffee cup lids Pots and pans ... Plastic toys (with or without batteries) Blister packets Find our A-Z waste recycling guide here: http://ow.ly/5mLv50C2i1E Come along to an (online) excursion to the Material Recovery Facility next week and learn about what happens to our recyclables after collection. Register here: http://ow.ly/SINY50C2i1H
08.01.2022 https://www.facebook.com/darebinlibraries/posts/3499984766715809
08.01.2022 This week is National Unity Week, a week to recognise and celebrate Australia’s diversity and inclusivity. As a member of the national network of Welcoming Cities, we are committed to an Australia where everyone can belong. We acknowledge and celebrate the diversity of our communities and the valuable contributions of people of all backgrounds. Find out more about National Unity Week activities: https://nationalunityweek.org.au/
07.01.2022 Need to get tested for coronavirus but worried about missing work? Help is available. A $450 payment will be provided for workers who miss out on wages because they need to stay home. If you test positive or are a close contact of someone who does, a further $1500 is available. To find out if you’re eligible visit https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/covid-19-worker-support-payment
07.01.2022 How do you keep cool during a heatwave? We asked some of our local older residents how they stay cool Ronghua closes all her blinds early in the day, and sometimes goes to @ReservoirLeisureCentre for a swim in the morning or evening With climate change making our summers hotter and longer, find out some tips and tricks on how you can keep cool, save money and help take climate action this summer by watching our Keep Cool Save Money webinar: https://youtu.be/sOSjXaJvNu4 #KeepCoolDarebin #SurviveTheHeat
05.01.2022 We are doing so well, but the virus is still out there. Let’s keep wearing our masks and keep washing hands. Go to coronavirus.vic.gov.au #StaySafeStayOpen #BeCleanBeSafeBeKind... #WeGotThis See more
03.01.2022 We've got some EXCITING NEWS for your Monday If you’re a long-time user, you’ll be thrilled to hear we're updating the Darebin Libraries App this week! Feat...uring a fresh new look, our app will now be even easier to navigate. Other great features include an improved catalogue search and the option to link the accounts of your kids or family members. If you have automatic updates set, this will occur behind the scenes and you’ll stay logged in. If you don’t have automatic updates set, you can manually update through the App Store or Google Play. Haven’t tried the app yet? It’s a one stop shop for your library needs! You can manage your loans, read the latest library newsletter, access our digital library and even find out what’s on in our online events program. If you’re downloading the app for the first time and can’t remember your library card number and six-digit PIN, call us on 1300 655 355 Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm. Find out more @ www.darebinlibraries.vic.gov.au/app/
03.01.2022 Darebin’s proposed new Development Contribution Plan will help council fund important community infrastructure such as community and sporting facilities. Darebin’s population is estimated to grow by more than 60,000 by 2041, a new DCP will ensure the costs involved with building new infrastructure to support our growing community are shared between the community and developers. To find out more, make a submission in writing, or to attend the information sessions on 3 December, visit yoursaydarebin.vic.gov.au.
03.01.2022 As the week comes to a close, sit back and enjoy some of the Indigenous movies Darebin Libraries staff have compiled in recognition of NAIDOC Week - free to stream for Darebin Library members. They’ve also put together a great list of books and DVD’s that can be picked up through the Click and Collect system. For more information on Darebin Libraries services, please visit www.darebinlibraries.vic.gov.au... #NAIDOCWeek2020 #NAIDOC2020
03.01.2022 Hear from Nicole McCartney, Yorta Yorta woman and the Chief Aboriginal Health Advisor at the Department of Health and Human Service, on keeping community safe.
03.01.2022 With more sunny days, we love to see that people are making the most of their extra outdoor time at the athletics track in Edwardes Lake Park. Here’s a few things you can do to help keep the track in tip-top shape for our little athletes when community sport returns later this year... Please be aware that bikes, scooters, skateboards and rollerblades cause damage to the surface and should not be used on the track Please keep your dogs on-lead in the area immediately ...surrounding the track. Your pup can still enjoy off-lead time throughout the rest of the park As community sport returns, athletics club activity may restrict public access during certain hours As always, remember to keep the track clear and be mindful of runners #BeCleanBeSafeBeKind See more
02.01.2022 We’re on the lookout for children and young people who want to help shape Darebin. We’re currently seeking feedback on our proposed Community Engagement Policy and want to make sure children and young people's voices are included in our decision making. We’re holding two fun and engaging workshops next week specifically designed for young people. Spaces are limited, so if you know someone who might like to be involved, please ask them to register before attending. For you...ng people aged between 12-25, the workshop will be held at the Youth Hub in Northland Shopping Centre between 2pm-3:30pm on 20 January. Participants will receive a free movie voucher. Register here: http://ow.ly/vPFO50D74lh For children aged between 7-12, the workshop will be held at Bundoora Park Farm between 10:30am-12pm on 21 January. Participants will receive an adult and child pass to Bundoora Park Farm. Register here: ttp://surveys.darebin.vic.gov.au/s3/callingallyoungleaders For more information on the draft Community Engagement Policy, please visit http://ow.ly/3cGY50D74ng
02.01.2022 Need to get tested but worried about missing work? Support payments are available to help you stay safe, and stay home. For more information visit dhhs.vic.gov.au/supportpayments For translated resources, visit coronavirus.vic.gov.au/translations
01.01.2022 The Circular Economy is the one we all need to be in and some of our Darebin Businesses are already there! We can support them by buying their products and products with recycled, reused and sustainable content in them. Let’s get out and support our local businesses Businesses and people that appear in videos: - CERES Fair Food and CERES Fair Wood (Chris Ennis) - Suntory (Mocopan)... - A Little Light - (Joanne Schoof) - Charles Sandford & McKay Joinery (Charles Sandford) - Moon Rabbit (Samantha Fisher) - The Northcote Bakeshop - (Hiruni Peiris) See more
01.01.2022 Please be aware that from today the Department of Transport has made all existing 221 clearways on major roads within 20-kilometres of Melbourne’s CBD tow-away zones. Vehicles parked in tow-away zones during restricted times will be impounded. Drivers who park illegally in the signed tow-away zones during restricted times may be fined, and in addition will be required to pay a vehicle release fee for their towed vehicle. Clearways and tow-away zones keep traffic moving saf...ely and smoothly by making sure there are no parked cars blocking key roads during peak times. For more information, including a map of the changes, please visit www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/towawayzones
01.01.2022 Today we recognise the UN International day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and the beginning of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence. Council believes that by reducing violence against women and girls, we can help to create a community that is safer, healthier, more inclusive and diverse for everyone. You can join people across Victoria and help raise awareness of family violence in our community by participating in a walk from home event: http://ow.ly/23Oz50Cjp0N Darebin is supporting a number of community events throughout the 16 Days of Activism. To find out more how you can get involved, visit http://ow.ly/m6sZ50Cjp0P
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