City of Playford | Government organisation
City of Playford
Phone: 08 8256 0333
Address: 12 Bishopstone Road 5113
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25.01.2022 BUSHFIRE ADVICE MESSAGE: Issued for Vivian Road, Uleybury near Craigmore and One Tree Hill in the Northern Suburbs of Adelaide The threat from this fire has red...uced, however people are reminded to take care in the area. Smoke will reduce visibility on the roads and there is a risk of trees and branches falling. For information on bushfires check the CFS website or phone the Bushfire Information Hotline on 1800 362 361.: This is a Reduced Threat Bushfire Advice Message for ULEYBURY, issued for Vivian Road, Uleybury near Craigmore and One Tree Hill in Northern Suburbs of Adelaide.
25.01.2022 This is Paul Gartner our 2020 Young Citizen of the Year. Here is what he said it means to give back to the community: Seeing the excitement on the kids faces when they learn new skills and overcome challenges they may have. Giving them opportunities they may not get through family life too.... Paul volunteers his time as a young leader within the Playford Scout Group. If you know someone like Paul - nominate them for an Australia Day Award 2021 today. Nominations close Friday 20 November. To nominate visit:
25.01.2022 It's Mental Health Week and we have some events, strategies and tools to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing in our fortnightly newsbite. You will also learn about the new community garden coming soon to the Precinct in Smithfield Plains, our verge mowing program and some tips on how to protect our family, visitors and pets at home from snakes. SA Health are also back with their free COVID-19 pop-up clinic in Elizabeth (corner of Goodman Rd and Eliz...abeth Way) from Monday, 19 October to Sunday, 1 November between the hours of 9am-5pm. Catch up on our fortnightly newsbite And if you haven't already, subscribe so you receive our fortnightly newsbites straight to your mailbox
24.01.2022 Important information below from the CFS about road closures now the fire is contained and while the CFS crews are still on site.
24.01.2022 FEELIN' GOOD FRIDAY: NAIDOC Celebrations .....Yesterday City of Playford staff gathered at theElizabeth Rise Community Centre to learn and immerse themselves in the traditions and culture of the Aboriginal people. Our Aboriginal Community and Development Officer, Naomi, and volunteer Jazmine created displays that showcased traditions, while also celebrating the many achievements of Aboriginal people through history.... A moving performance and Welcome to Country by Isaac Hannam from Kuma Kaaru started the learning experience. It was truly a memorable experience and would like to thank our community members as part of our Sharing Culture Through Art group and Tauondi Aboriginal College for their contribution #NAIDOC2020
23.01.2022 DECK THE HALLS! Merry Christmas! Happy Hannukah! Joyous Kwanzaa! Show us how you decorate for your festive holiday in Playford for a chance to share in $500 worth of prizes. ... It might be decorations you put up every year, handed down from previous generations, or it may be something the kids made at school. Whether you decorate in your front yard, front window, loungeroom or dining table, or even dress up the family pet, we want you to share with our Playford community! To enter, send us a pic of your special festive decorations, and tell us, in 25 words or less, about the meaning behind your festive display. This is your chance to spread some seasonal cheer and possibly win a little gift card windfall for that last minute retail splurge! 1st prize - $250 | 2nd prize - $150 | 3rd prize - $100 You can upload a pic below, along with your 25 words or less about what your seasonal decorations mean to you, or you can choose to email or drop in your entry - all details at the link, along with the terms and conditions. *Playford residents only, must be 18+ and only one entry per household. For all the information, go here
23.01.2022 News - Council will manage the JMC from 2021! We are excited to announce that the City of Playford will regain management of the Smithfield Plain’s John McVeity Centre, or JMC, in January 2021. We would like to thank the YMCA for its contribution over the years. The JMC won’t be closing down, but things may look a little a different for some users with exciting new programs to be introduced to you in the New Year.... What does the change of management mean for you? For anyone who hires the centre, or runs programs from the centre, your existing arrangements can continue. If you play court sports like basketball, futsal or netball, these will continue in 2021 following the usual Christmas break. If you attend group fitness classes, these will continue to operate from the JMC. On 30 December 2020, the membership based gym service will close in line with that fortnight’s direct-debit for YMCA membership fees. At this stage, no action is required by members. Members will be contacted directly with options to join our sister gym at the Aquadome, including no new joining fee and two month’s free access. We know the JMC plays an important role in our community and is a place that many rely on to support their health and wellbeing. This won't change and we are committed to creating new social and wellbeing programs for the JMC community. We will continue to work with the YMCA during the handover to ensure a smooth transition. Understandably, there will be many questions about the change and further information is available here: You can also send your queries to [email protected].
23.01.2022 Recently Kimberley showed us how to make a delicious watermelon and coconut smoothie - the perfect snack or meal to enjoy over the next few days which are going to be HOT! According to Kimberley being someone with a disability made starring in the Look ‘n Cook video series that much more special. Watch Kimberley discuss her involvement in Look ‘n Cook and what our social inclusion group, Playford Friends, means to her. ... The Playford Friends Group were involved in testing all recipes in the Look ‘n Cook Book to make sure they are easy to follow, fun to make and delicious! And all sales from the Look ‘n Cook Book will fund future community capacity building projects for the group. Learn more Learn how to make smoothies with Kimberley #playlookcook The Look ‘n Cook video series is an initiative of the City of Playford, sponsored by Feros Care.
22.01.2022 FREMONT PARK Have you seen the new Stage 2 Upgrade at Fremont Park yet? It's a perfect day to explore our new all-abilities play space, including picnic areas and bbq's, and a full-size basketball court. Incorporated into the playspace is a 'Playground Chat' communication board. The board displays symbols that help to express questions, ideas and feelings for anyone who has difficulty communicating their message with speech. This could include a person with a communicatio...n disability, a small child, or someone who speaks a different language to their peers. There is also a new 'Changing Places' facility (the first for Playford) adjacent to the existing public convenience block that provides suitable amenities to meet the needs of people with complex disabilities and their carers and is available only to those with an authorised MLAK key. Fremont Park Stage 2 Upgrade has received lots of positive feedback from grown ups and kids alike and we couldn't have done it without the support of grants from the Department of Premier and Cabinet and Green Adelaide ‘Places for People’. Many thanks also to Play & Go Adelaide for this great video - taken just before our eager community got their first official tryout!
21.01.2022 START THE CONVERSATION: We’d like to introduce you to Nathan Bolton, master of ceremonies and guest speaker at our mental health and wellbeing forum ‘Start the conversation.’ Nathan was a Special Operations Engineer, deploying twice to Afghanistan as part of the Australian Special Forces. After making a profound recovery from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PSTD) and Major Depression, Nathan has dedicated his life to helping those struggling to get back on their feet along...side his brother Daniel through their psychology company - Bolton Brothers. Join Nathan next Thursday from 3pm to hear what strategies supported his recovery and how they can support your mental health and wellbeing. Registrations are essential #wearehere #starttheconversation #MHW2020 #mentalhealthweek #everypersoneverycommunity Note: During these sessions we will be discussing sensitive topics which may be a trigger point for you. We have safe spaces available if you need a break, and members of the Skylight Mental Health team available to provide you support. Start the conversation is an initiative of the City of Playford possible thanks to funding received by the Northern Communities Health Foundation Inc..
21.01.2022 FEELIN GOOD TUESDAY It's Mental Health Week and we thought it would be the perfect day to give you some tips and resources to take care of your mental health - so you can feel good every day! 10 Mental Health Tips:... Stay active Eat well Connect with others Do something you enjoy each day Limit media consumption choose trusted sources Try and keep to a routine Get an early night Be kind to yourself Try to maintain perspective Don't be afraid to seek help We have partnered with the SAHMRI Wellbeing and Resilience Centre to bring everyone the Be Well Tracker online tool. This tool is completely confidential and has been developed so you can learn about your own mental health and wellbeing while tracking your progress over time. It takes about ten minutes to complete the survey, and then you receive a report on the areas of your life you might be excelling, where you may need to do a little work, or where you may need some support. It's a great way to stay conscious of your mental health needs and make a plan to look after yourself! Register before 17 October for this Mental Health Week Be Well Tracker For more support resources #LookAfterYourMentalHealthAustralia #InThisTogether #wearehere #FeelGoodTuesday
20.01.2022 Take the next step in your career journey and work for us. We have a position at the City of Playford; Sport, Recreation and Open Space Planner Ongoing / Full Time / Classification Level GO8 ($109,127 + Superannuation) Applications close at 12:00pm, Friday 30 October, 2020... If this role sound like you, or someone you know, apply today:
20.01.2022 Lifting our city’s appearance was a key priority raised through the community engagement phase of our Draft Strategic Plan. You told us that you want the city to look good and take pride in itself, with a wealth of input regarding maintenance of parks, open spaces and verges, rubbish removal and the environment. We are here to work towards... Building more pride in the appearance of your neighbourhood Inspiring our community to take more initiative in how your street and local neighbourhood looks Our community experiencing increased wellbeing as you and your families enjoy spending more time in public spaces that look and feel nice Read more about this community theme and others proposed by reading the draft plan and providing your feedback at You have until Sunday 29 November to have your say.
20.01.2022 Attention dogs of Playford (and their humans) Ten Tips from Good Dog SA to help you and your dog enjoy a visit to the dog park. Find out the location of our dog parks in Playford here:
19.01.2022 Feelin’ good Friday: Congratulations to Cr Marilyn Baker and Cr Andrew Craig who celebrated a milestone in Local Government this week. Cr Baker celebrated 35 years of service in Local Government for her combined service from City of Elizabeth (1981 to 1997) and City of Playford (1997 to 2006 and 2010 to 2020). Cr Craig celebrated 20 years of continuous dedicated service to the City of Playford from May 2000 to 2020.... Thank you for your continued service to the Playford community.
19.01.2022 We are continuing to monitor developments relating to the Parafield cluster. If you're feeling unwell with COVID symptoms, seek testing. Please keep up to date with any alerts via the SA Health facebook page and website.
18.01.2022 Another scorcher today - make sure you look after yourself and your loved ones, including your pets. For more info on staying healthy in the heat visit
18.01.2022 Don't forget SA Health's COVID-19 pop-up testing clinic is located in Elizabeth until Sunday, 1 November! You can find the free pop-up testing clinic on the corner of Goodman Rd and Elizabeth Way, on the ground floor of Adelaide United Football Club's administration building. They are open from 9am-5pm each day. ... Remember if you have any of the below symptoms, even mild, come get tested for free and continue to keep SA healthy and safe. For more information
17.01.2022 AUSTRALIAN FOOD SAFETY WEEK 14-21 November 'Food safety - it's in your hands'... This week we'll be sharing the top five tips from the Food Safety Information Council and build upon the good behaviour established during COVID-19 protocols so we can continue to reduce the amount of food-borne disease. The first tip is ultra-timely - wash your hands. You need to wash your hands often when you cook to prevent the spread of germs and cross-contamination: * Before, during, and after preparing any food. * After handling raw meat, poultry, seafood, and eggs. * Before eating. * After touching rubbish. * After wiping counters or cleaning other surfaces with chemicals. * After touching pets, pet food, or pet treats. * After coughing, sneezing, or blowing your nose. Find out all the tips, and more info here
16.01.2022 It’s the first of December and what better way to get into the festive spirit than donating a book to a local community member through Playford Library's Give the Gift of Reading initiative. Donating is easy, simply: Collect a gift tag from one of our Christmas trees at the Playford Civic Centre or Stretton Centre Libraries Purchase a new book for a child, teenager or adult ... Drop it off at the Playford Library with your gift tag filled in to be in the draw to WIN one of three QBD bookstore vouchers Books will be donated to Anglicare after the initiative closes on Tuesday, 15 December 2020 Anglicare SA will distribute the books to the local community in their Christmas hampers Learn more #GTGOR #givethegiftofreading #GTGOR2020
16.01.2022 BUSHFIRE WATCH AND ACT MESSAGE : issued for Vivian Road, Uleybury near Craigmore and One Tree Hill. See CFS post below. For updates listen to your local ABC radio station on a battery powered radio, visit the CFS website or call the Bushfire Information Hotline 1800 362 361.
16.01.2022 Celebrating Playford. Our final edition of Playford News for 2020 arrives in your letterboxes Tuesday, 1 and Wednesday, 2 December. We can’t wait to share this edition with you, which is all about celebration. ... Pictured is Daina from Playford Library who shares how the Give the Gift of Reading initiative started. To read a digital copy or for a list of where you can pick up a copy of the mag #ThisIsPlayford #PlayfordNews Photography by Darren Clements Photography
16.01.2022 LAST CHANCE TO HAVE YOUR SAY: The Draft Strategic Plan outlines the foundational needs of our community for the next four years. We have a strong focus on engaging with our community to understand their experience of us and gather feedback and insights to measure our performance and improve service delivery. The draft plan, currently out for consultation, we think reflects how we can work together to deliver the services and projects to build our community and city foundation...s. We encourage you to take a look at the draft plan and provide your feedback by this Sunday (29 November). Have your say at
15.01.2022 To help make Council decisions and our Elected Members accessible to you, each month we highlight some decisions made by Council at our Ordinary Council meetings. These meetings are held at 7pm on the fourth Tuesday of each month and are live-streamed and recorded for your viewing. Ordinary Council Meeting Recap - held 24 November:... Council endorsed the Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2020-2024. The plan’s vision is for people with disability to feel engaged in community life, participate in Council decision-making, improve safety and accessibility and have access to employment opportunities. Council adopted the Annual Report 2019/20 which provides a record of Council’s performance from the previous year. The report includes key information about Council, a summary of achievements during the year and how we are tracking against our performance measures to continue to be open and transparent with our community. Cr Peter Rentoulis was appointed the Deputy Mayor for Council over the next 12-months. This role supports the Mayor in the leadership of the Council Member body. To view the Council’s other decisions, you can access the minutes from this meeting right here: For general information on Council meetings and accessing our livestream, visit: If you want to get in touch with an Elected Member to discuss decisions or another issue, visit: We are here - to be open and accessible to our community.
15.01.2022 Playford’s award season is kicking off with the Australia Day Awards 2021! Nominate a person, community group or sports club that makes a difference today Nominations close on Friday, 20 November 2020.
14.01.2022 READY TO ROLL FROM STOP 54b The upgraded Bus Super Stop on Haydown Road at the Lyell McEwin Hospital is now completed and open for community use. It's probably nerdy to be excited over a new bus stop, but the area looks so much better, and we hope you enjoy using it! The changes include a new bus laydown area (where the bus drives up to collect you) and an extended undercover seating area so you can wait out of the elements. Safety has been improved with solar lighting, i...nsertion of tactile ground surface indicators (TGSI's are those bumps on the ground which help people with vision impairment navigate our footpaths and crossings) and CCTV surveillance (managed by SA Health.) We thank everyone for their patience during this upgrade - especially those directly affected who had to go to a new stop for the past two months. We really hope the improvements make your commuting a little more pleasant. #PlayfordAssets
14.01.2022 SERVICE SPOTLIGHT: City Mowing We're rounding up this Service Spotlight with a final word on long grasses. You may not know that local native grasses found on some roadsides in Playford are maintained with the assistance and direction of our dedicated Biodiversity team. These areas are identified by ‘blue markers’ along the roadway. The markers indicate the areas under protection when we undertake slashing and weed control programs.... Australian native grasses are an extremely important component of our Australian landscapes, they provide shelter and food for our native fauna and also act as soil stabilisers. We want to maintain those beneficial plants as much as we can. This is why you may see longer grass left standing at the roadside after other areas have been mowed - look for the blue markers to identify these areas. We are here, protecting our biodiversity, to make Playford an environmentally friendly city and a great place for families to live. We are interested in hearing from you about how we deliver our services. If you have thoughts, suggestions, or just want to connect with us, contact us on [email protected] or call 8256 0333. #ServiceSpotlight #WeAreHere
14.01.2022 HEASLIP ROAD TRAFFIC CHANGES Sunday 6 December to 18 December Road reduced to one lane during night works for two weeks, 6pm to 7am. Angle Vale sewer construction... To provide better services for customers, and improve sewage flow in Angle Vale, SA Water are installing around 5km of new large underground sewer mains along Heaslip and Curtis Roads. Together with their contractor Fulton Hogan, SA Water will be commencing two weeks of night works along Heaslip Road (between Green Court and Angle Vale Road.) Thanks to residents and road users for your patience and understanding while they complete these improvements to the area. Please take care when travelling through the area and be sure to follow traffic management signage. For more information, visit
14.01.2022 HIGH VIS VERGE MOWING The growth in Spring is always rapid, but this year, with the plentiful rain and sunny days, it's been huge. We love this weather for our beautiful Playford natural habitats, parks and open green spaces, and our street trees, but it does mean our verges also undergo a massive growth spurt.... With almost 700 kilometres of verges to mow in Playford, we have to approach the mowing methodically. It takes our crews about 35 to 40 working days (weather permitting) to work their way around the city verges once - and then we turn around and start again. As the growth is going to continue while we work our schedule, we ask for your patience until we get to you. This week we are verge mowing in Elizabeth Downs Blakeview and One Tree Hill. Next week, we're in Blakeview (still) and Craigmore. To check the schedule for your date with our crew go here Matthew on the mower, Nick on the blower. #wearehere #highvis
13.01.2022 Take the next step in your career journey and work for us. We have a position available at the City of Playford; Manager - Finance Full Time / Fixed Term / Classification NON-EA Grade 4 ($125,578 + Superannuation)... Applications close at 12:00pm, Friday 20 November 2020 If this role sound like you, or someone you know, apply today:
13.01.2022 HIGH VIS VERGE MOWING We're still in catch up mode with a couple of lost lockdown days, and an extreme weather stand down day, but we're mowing six days a week. This week we will be verge mowing in Hillbank, Elizabeth East, Elizabeth Park and Elizabeth Downs. We appreciate your patience until we get to you - we are on our way! ... If you don't want to wait for us, and would prefer to maintain (and even develop) your own verge, we welcome your verge pride! You will need to put in a verge application available from our website at the link below for assessment. Once approved, we place a green metal marker on your kerb so we know not to touch your verge on our rounds. To check the schedule for your date with our crew, or to read the verge guidelines and put in an application to maintain your own verge, go here Luke showing us a green verge marker #wearehere #highvis
13.01.2022 The weather is warming up and Kimberley has the perfect recipe for you in episode three of Look ‘n Cook watermelon and coconut smoothies. If you think Kimberley’s watermelon and coconut smoothie looked delicious, you can find more recipes like this that are easy to make, tasty and fun in our Look ‘n Cook Book #playlookcook ... The Look ‘n Cook video series is an initiative of the City of Playford, sponsored by Feros Care.
12.01.2022 Take the next step in your career journey and work for us. We have an Expression of Interest for casual positions at the City of Playford; Expressions of Interest Casual Library Officers Casual / Classification Level GO2 ($32.26 per hour + 25% Casual Loading)... If these roles sound like you, or someone you know, register your interest today:
12.01.2022 HIGH VIS ACTIVITY After the recent rains, we expect to start seeing some epic growth over the next few weeks, so our verge and mowing crews are in high gear. This week we are verge mowing in Elizabeth East and Elizabeth Park. To check the schedule for your date with our crew Need to know where the roadworks are happening? Visit our Roadworks page for more information ... If you want to report any issues or maintenance, please do so via the My Playford app - download onto your mobile device from the App store, or you can report at our website - Online Services/New Request. In a city that spans 345 sq km's, we value your eyes and ears out there, and your reports are greatly appreciated. Mowing guru Woody #thisisplayford #wearehere #highvis
11.01.2022 NEW COMMUNITY GARDEN COMING SOON | Spring has Sprung and it’s time to celebrate the warmer months. To celebrate we are creating a new community garden at The Precinct in Smithfield Plains.... We are on the hunt for garden enthusiasts to join us for a community meeting to see how to get involved. There are so many benefits to community gardens from producing fresh local foods to improving health and wellbeing by being active. The community garden meeting will be held on Monday 26 October from 11am to 12pm at the Precinct, 112 Coventry Road , Smithfield Plains. For more information please our Health Project Officer, April Horn, on 0413 510 504 or [email protected]
10.01.2022 LAST WEEKEND TO COUNT THE BIRDS Two more days to get outside and join the Aussie Backyard Bird Count. You can take part anywhere your backyard, local park, botanical gardens - wherever you might see birds. And you can submit as many 20-minute counts as you like.... Download the free Aussie Bird Count app, go outside (or if you have a big window with a view of your garden, you could even stay inside) - and start counting! For those who don’t have a smart device or prefer to submit their counts later, there is a printable form, and more info available here The BirdLife Australia citizen science project runs until Sunday 25 October.
09.01.2022 START THE CONVERSATION: How are you looking after your mental health and wellbeing in 2020? This year has brought uncertainty and a number of challenges into all of our lives. So now more than ever it is important to look after your mental health and wellbeing. We encourage you to openly discuss how you are feeling, and we are here to assist you with this. ... If you are interested in learning some strategies to cope with stress and anxiety, or how to approach a mate, colleague or family member who you suspect might be struggling, join our free ‘Start the conversation mental health and wellbeing forum.’ The forum will take place at the The Shedley Theatre from 3-6pm on Thursday, 22 October. Registrations are essential #wearehere #starttheconversation #MHW2020 #mentalhealthweek #everypersoneverycommunity Note: During these sessions we will be discussing sensitive topics which may be a trigger point for you. We have safe spaces available if you need a break, and members of the Skylight Mental Health team available to provide you support. ‘Start the conversation’ is an initiative of the City of Playford possible thanks to funding received by the Northern Communities Health Foundation Inc..
07.01.2022 STREAMING LIVE: Tune in tonight, Tuesday 27 October, for the Ordinary Council meeting from 7pm. You can watch this meeting from the comfort of your own home, by subscribing to our YouTube channel here: To view all your Council meeting information, including agendas and minutes, visit
06.01.2022 Still time to sign up and start counting!
06.01.2022 BE WELL TRACKER - last chance to register! The SAHMRI Wellbeing and Resilience Centre has developed the Be Well Tracker online tool to research how mental health changes over time. You're invited to be part of this confidential research by registering and completing some survey questions which will allow you to track progress with your own mental health and wellbeing. It's completely free and takes about ten minutes to complete the survey. You will be emailed a report on ...the areas of your life you might be excelling, where you may need to do a little work, or where you may need some support - once again, it's completely confidential. It's a great way to stay conscious of your mental health needs and make a plan to look after yourself! But you do need to register before Saturday 17 October, and you can do that here #InThisTogether #wearehere #BeWellTracker
06.01.2022 The Shedley Theatre's Black Friday sales are now live! Use the code: BF25 to receive 25% a select range of 2021 shows. A great opportunity to get some of your Christmas shopping ticked off your list, or to spoil yourself. ... Shop the sales Sale ends at midnight on Sunday, 29 December.
06.01.2022 PIXELATED PARADISE IN THE NORTH: Experience Northern Sound System in all its Minecraft glory! Created by the extremely talented students of Mark Oliphant College and funded by the Commissioner for Children and Young People Minecraft NSS is a sight to behold. Dodge the creepers and slime to hear from our young creators and experience the launch of Damon Sparkes’ Minecraft Northern Sound official video release.... This initiative was developed by the City of Playford to increase training options to improve opportunities for our youth. #ThisisPlayford #Wearehere
06.01.2022 Spring into it If you've been getting your house in order during these perfect spring days, you may find you have items you no longer need, want, or use - but they could be the ants pants for someone else. If they're in fair to good condition you could sell them on, and make some coin into the bargain! The 2020 Garage Sale Trail is coming up on 21 and 22 November and registrations are now open to host your own sale - still plenty of time to gather your goods.... Follow the link for more info about the Garage Sale Trail, and for services we offer to help you get rid of items you no longer need after your big spring clean.
05.01.2022 HAVE YOUR SAY: We are seeking your feedback on our draft Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP). We spoke to Kimberley Ellis, community advocate for people with a lived experience of a disability, on her top three priorities for Playford as part of our community engagement for the Strategic Plan. One of Kimberley’s top three priorities is people with a disability feeling included in the community. ... Our DAIP plays a critical role in creating a more inclusive community for people living with disability, ensuring they can engage in community life with accessible services, facilities, events, communications and employment. If you have a personal, family or professional experience of disability, we want your feedback. We are here - to provide opportunities for social and economic participation for people living with disability in Playford. #wearehere
05.01.2022 Do you have a green thumb and want to join a bunch of like-minded people? We are creating a new community garden at The Precinct in Smithfield Plains and we want to hear from you! Come join us for our first community meeting and see how you can get involved to develop this space and produce some lovely produce.... The Community Garden meeting will be held this Monday (26 October) from 11am to 12pm at the Precinct, 112 Coventry Road , Smithfield Plains. For more information please our Health Project Officer, April Horn, on 0413 510 504 or [email protected]
05.01.2022 MENTAL HEALTH WEEK: Lets change our mindsets there is no difference between a physical or mental illness. Let’s share our experience and our stories to assist reduce the stigma that surrounds mental illness and mental health challenges. This year’s theme for #mentalhealthweek is ‘every person, every community.’ Encouraging you to share how you will be looking after your mental health and the wellbeing of your community. ... A simple phone call or catch-up over a cuppa with a person who is struggling can make a difference. If you are interested in learning some strategies and tools to support your health and wellbeing, or how to start a conversation when you suspect someone is struggling, join our free ‘Start the Conversation mental health and wellbeing forum.’ The forum is held on Thursday, 22 October from 3-6pm. Registrations are essential #wearehere #starttheconversation #MHW2020 #everypersoneverycommunity
05.01.2022 Happy National Recycling Week! CHANCE TO WIN Our resource partner NAWMA are reviewing the kerbside bin collection service and would love to hear from you. ... Simply by sharing your thoughts, you could be in with a chance to win a Food and Garden Organics (FOGO) green lid bin or bags of compost made from material collected in local FOGO bins! Complete the survey here #wearehere #recyclingweek
05.01.2022 BACK TO SCHOOL School is back for many of our kids so just a friendly reminder to take extra care while driving and parking around school zones at drop off and pick up times. To keep all road users and pedestrians safe, please:... Follow parking signage, speed limits and road markings If there is congestion at the entry gate, park away from the school and walk with your child to the gate Discuss traffic safety with your child All the best for the first week back - have a great (and safe) final school term for 2020!
04.01.2022 START THE CONVERSATION: Our second guest speaker for the ‘Start the conversation mental health and wellbeing forum’ is Khadija Gbla, of Khadija Gbla Cultural Consultancy. There is a lot to be said for Khadija. She is a high profile, passionate and inspiring African Australian woman and an award-winning human rights activist, inspirational speaker (including a TED speaker), facilitator and philanthropist. Khadija was born in Sierra Leone, spent her youth in Gambia, and as a... teenager put down roots in Australia after obtaining refugee status. Join Khadija at ‘Start the conversation’ to hear her talk about the impacts of COVID-19 on the mental health of culturally and linguistically diverse communities. Do you have a question for Khadija? Pose it to her via Slido now to be answered during the forum Registrations are essential #wearehere #starttheconversation #MHW2020 #mentalhealthweek #everypersoneverycommunity Note: During these sessions we will be discussing sensitive topics which may be a trigger point for you. We have safe spaces available if you need a break, and members of the Skylight Mental Health team available to provide you support. ‘Start the conversation’ is an initiative of the City of Playford possible thanks to funding received by the Northern Communities Health Foundation.
04.01.2022 We are creating a new community garden and we want your help! Community gardens are a great place for people to come together to grow fresh food and to learn, relax and make new friends. Learn how you can get involved at our community meeting tomorrow (Monday 26 October) from 11am to 12pm at the Precinct, 112 Coventry Road , Smithfield Plains.... For more information please our Health Project Officer, April Horn, on 0413 510 504 or [email protected]
04.01.2022 New Employee at NAWMA To help out the staff who sort recycling at NAWMA, a new ‘employee’ has started work at the Material Recovery Facility (The Murf.) Please welcome Max AI-AQC! Max is an autonomous quality control robot who detects and collects plastics and paper. ... Max doesn’t replace any MRF human sorters, but works alongside them (in harmony), enhancing the recovery of reusable material in readiness for secondary reprocessing. Check out the NAWMA website for more details and to watch a longer video
04.01.2022 Take the next step in your career journey and work for us. We have positions available at the City of Playford; Business & Industry Growth Officer Ongoing / Full Time / Classification Level GO6 ($90,794 + Superannuation) Applications close at 12:00pm, Monday 2 November 2020... If this role sound like you, or someone you know, apply today: Assistant Cook - Grenville Meals & Hospitality Fixed Term until 30 June 2021 / Part Time / Classification Level THT2 ($24.03 per hour + Superannuation) Applications close at 12:00pm, Monday 2 November 2020 If this role sound like you, or someone you know, apply today:
03.01.2022 Meet Sarita. Originally from Nepal, Sarita now calls Playford home. Sarita volunteers with the Playford Grenville Hub in the kitchen assisting to prepare meals for the lunch and home delivery services, she also serves morning tea to some of our amazing volunteers every Tuesday and Wednesday. ... For Sarita, she was initially attracted to volunteering with Playford as a way to improve her English and learn new skills to assist her gain employment in the future. As an added bonus she has also been able to learn how to make some Aussie meals - which her kids are very happy about! If you want to gain some new skills like Sarita, head on over to our volunteer page #thisisplayford
03.01.2022 Today and tomorrow are going to be scorchers How to identify signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heatstroke Take care and be safe!
03.01.2022 It’s one of our favourite times of the year when we get to hear and recognise all the wonderful contributions of local people and community groups in Playford. Acknowledge a family member, neighbour or friend who inspires you, who goes above and beyond supporting the Playford community by nominating them for a Playford Australia Day Award. You can also nominate a community group or sports club that you admire and are proud of their contribution to community. ... Sooo many options, so get nominating! Pictured: Ben Row, Streetlight, 2020 recipient of Community Initiative of the Year for their outreach program run from the Elizabeth City Centre supporting young people achieve their full potential. #AusDayAwards #thisisplayford
03.01.2022 The Stretton Centre team have engaged leading digital media agency, Social Media AOK, to deliver a series of quality training sessions for our business community. If you are a business owner, work in marketing, or someone who wants to learn more about building your business through Facebook or Instagram - take advantage of this opportunity to join Simone Douglas, CEO and Founder of Social Media AOK, in these highly interactive sessions at the Stretton Centre: Facebook Mast...erclass for Business: 12:30 3pm on Wednesday, 25 November. Instagram Masterclass for Business: 12:30 3pm Wednesday, 9 December. For further information, or to secure your place
03.01.2022 Celebrating Playford. Our final edition of Playford News for 2020 will be hitting your letterboxes and community facilities next week. We can’t wait to share this edition with you, which is all about celebration. ... Four community members share what their end of year celebrations include. And we celebrate your successes, including how you supported one another throughout 2020. #ThisIsPlayford #PlayfordNews
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