City of Swan in Perth, Western Australia | Government organisation
City of Swan
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 9267 9267
Address: 2 Midland Square 6056 Perth, WA, Australia
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25.01.2022 SELF-DEFENCE: STREET SMARTS | Learn about self-awareness and defensive tactics from Justin Boylan, expert in crowd control and security. With 30 years of experience in crowd control and security, Justin has provided personal security for a number of media and rock stars at public appearances, in transit between venues and at record store signings. In this presentation he'll provide an introduction to defensive tactics, with a focus on situational awareness, early identificat...ion of potential danger, self-defence and safe separation. Monday, March 8 2021 | 10-11am Old Midland Courthouse, 49 Helena Street, Midland
24.01.2022 VOLUNTEER TRAINING SESSIONS | The City of Swan, City of Belmont, WA and the Town of Bassendean Volunteer Centres present: Essential training for Volunteer involving organisations. There are two remaining sessions available to join for free, run by Volunteer Sector Specialist Rob Jackson. All sessions will be facilitated through Zoom, with Zoom details sent one day prior to the session. Philosophy of volunteering... Wednesday September 23, 1-3pm There is nothing as practical as a good theory. In this workshop youll have the chance to explore what you believe about volunteering - what it is, what it isnt, why you think that and consider what this might mean for your work as a volunteer manager. The workshop will be highly interactive and is always a bit provocative and a lot of fun. Book now: Measuring volunteering and Ask Rob Anything Thursday September 24 | 1-3pm This session explores the development of methods for measuring the contribution volunteers make to an organisation and society. Well explore how those methods work, their pros and cons, why Volunteer Managers should measure volunteering and how to use the data you produce. We will conclude it with an open Q&A on anything volunteer engagement related. Book now:
23.01.2022 Working with Western Australia Police Force to achieve a great result.
22.01.2022 MAKE LEARNING TO DRIVE EASY | Learning to drive should be accessible for everyone, no matter what language you speak or what your circumstances are. Join us for a free information session from the Department of Transport that includes what steps you need to take to get a driver’s licence, how to transfer an overseas licence and what happens in a practical driving assessment. Free morning tea included. Places are limited, please register to attend.... Thursday, December 10, 2020 | 10-11.30am Swan Active Beechboro, 332 Benara Road, Beechboro
22.01.2022 BALLAJURA BY TWILIGHT | Get into the festive groove and join us for an evening of family-friendly fun at the Ballajura Community Hub. There’s something for everyone, with a Rotary sausage sizzle and drinks, Lions Christmas Cake stall, Ballajura Seniors Association craft stall, Santa mailbox, photo booth, silent disco, craft activities and virtual reality gaming. Plus check out our yarn bombing display! This COVID-19 safe event is alcohol and smoke free. Friday, December 4, ...2020 Time: 4 - 8pm Location: Ballajura Community Hub
22.01.2022 NOMINATE YOUR LOCAL CHAMP | Do you know someone who has made a real difference or significant contribution in your community? Each year on Australia Day, the Community Citizen of the Year Awards give local governments the opportunity to acknowledge the contribution and celebrate community engagement of people within the community. Nominations for the 2021 awards program are now open! Awards categories include:... Citizen of the Year Citizen of the Year Youth (under 25 years) Citizen of the Year Senior (over 65 years) Award for Active Citizenship (community group or event) Learn more:
22.01.2022 LUNCH AND WIN | One week left for your chance to win a $1,000 fuel voucher! The City of Swan is proud to support the Go Local First campaign which encourages all Australians to support small local businesses. Host a lunch made with local produce for your chance to win a $1,000 fuel voucher!... How to win: Take a photo of your Local Legends’ Lunch spread or hamper and list the small businesses you’ve gathered supplies from. Post to Facebook or Instagram and tag #golocalfirst and #locallegendslunch The photo judged most creative in each state and territory will win a $1,000 Fuel Voucher from a New Sunrise Enjoy Local Store Pictured is some inspiration from Swan Valley Sisters. Swan Valley, Perth Western Australia is packed with plenty of local produce. Download our all new Fresh Seasonal Produce Trail Map as your guide! Visit Competition closes Monday, December 7. Visit the Go Local First website to find out more and see full T&Cs.
21.01.2022 INSPIRE! THE POWER OF COMMUNITY IN YOUR STREET AND SUBURB | Do you know your neighbours? Do you long for the sense of community in your street that you had as a child? Join Shani Graham (Ecoburbia, TEDxPerth) to learn the importance of geographic community - people who live near you. Hear inspiring stories, talk about the lessons those stories can teach us, and share some ways you could connect in your local neighbourhood.... You are guaranteed to leave inspired to get to know your neighbours better! Light refreshments provided and bookings are essential, Wednesday, November 11 | 6 8pm Caversham Community Centre - 135 Suffolk Street
21.01.2022 LEARN ABOUT DEMENTIA | Most people know someone who is living with dementia. Learning more about it and what you can do to provide support can make a world of difference. Join our free session to learn about types of dementia, diagnosis, planning ahead and becoming a dementia friend. Light refreshments provided. Date: Wednesday, September 30... Time: 1.30 - 3pm Location: Western Swan Home Support, 43 Hull Way, Beechboro 6063 Registrations are essential. Follow the link for more information, including registration details:
20.01.2022 COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURNED | The Council meeting held on Wednesday, October 21, was adjourned and will reconvene at the same point of adjournment on Wednesday, October 28, starting at 7.00pm. The meeting will be held in the Council Chambers, Midland Town Hall, 312 Great Eastern Highway, Midland. Members of the public who wish to attend are asked to register.... The reconvened meeting will not include parts of the meeting that were dealt with on October 21, including Public Question Time and Public Statement Time.
20.01.2022 POP UP PLAY SPACE | The City of Swan is bringing this popular play program to Ballajura and Ellenbrook! At Pop Up Play Space, a range of 'loose parts' materials such as logs, pipes, tyres, timber and shade cloth is available for kids to play with in imaginative and creative ways. The play space will run from Wednesday, October 28, 8am, to Wednesday November 25, 6pm at both locations.... Ballajura: Ellenbrook:
20.01.2022 Our September 2020 Community Calendar pic is the delectable Mauritian chicken kebab from Café du Quartier. Michael and Paul told us that this family recipe is lovingly prepared in house by marinating free range chicken in yoghurt and spices before sizzling it on a hot grill. It is incredibly unfortunate that Café du Quartier's doors have since been closed due to how hard COVID-19 has affected local businesses. We want to thank Michael and Paul for sharing their time with us to capture their delightful chicken kebab.
20.01.2022 SWIM AND SURVIVE LESSONS | A huge congratulations to Swan Active Ballajura for getting a spotlight on the #SwimandSurvive program they've been running in the pool since last month and just in time for the warmer weather!
20.01.2022 REID HIGHWAY UPGRADE COMPLETE | The Arthur Street Bridge was officially opened today, marking the official completion of the Reid Highway upgrade, a joint initiative between the City of Swan, State and Commonwealth Governments. The duplication of Reid Highway and the construction of Arthur Street overpass will improve safety for pedestrians, cyclists and commuters, as well as cutting travel times and improving accessibility to local schools and shops. The City contributed $7....5 million to the Arthur Street Bridge, which links the growing suburbs of Caversham and Dayton, providing alternative access for buses to cross Reid Highway and for pedestrians looking to access the new South Caversham Primary School. The dual carriageway between Altone Road and West Swan Road was the final section of the $77.5 million project to be opened to motorists. The much-needed upgrade removes the last single carriageway section, delivering an efficient east-west route across Perths north eastern suburbs for local residents, commuters and the freight industry. Pictured: City of Swan Deputy Mayor David Lucas, Main Roads WA Acting General Director of Transport Peter Woronzow, WA Police and Road Safety Minister Michelle Roberts, WA Transport Minister Rita Saffioti and Federal Member for Pearce Christian Porter officially opening Arthur Street Bridge.
20.01.2022 CITY OF SWAN LIBRARY RECOMMENDS | Looking for a little history in your novels? City of Swan Libraries staff member Josh recommends The Last Kingdom by Bernard Cornwell. "Nobody does historical fiction better than Bernard Cornwell and this first book in the best-selling Saxon Chronicles series is no exception. (Its) now a popular television series!"
19.01.2022 MOORDITJ KOORT NDIS MORNING TEA | Moorditj Koort Aboriginal Corporations NDIS Team are holding an information session tomorrow morning at Locale Park in The Crescent, Midland. Come down to Locale Park from 10am to 1pm morning tea will be provided. Tuesday, September 1 | 10am - 1pm... Locale Park, The Crescent, Midland See more
19.01.2022 TAKE THE PLEDGE | Next week is National Road Safety Week 2020, and as part of it, National Road Safety Week is asking for everyone to take care on our roads by taking the Pledge to Drive So Others Survive. "I pledge to drive as if my loved ones are on the road ahead." "I will remove all distractions and never use my mobile phone while driving." "I will not put other people at risk by speeding, driving while tired or under the influence of alcohol/drugs."... "I will protect all vulnerable road users, especially those whose job places them in harm’s way, by slowing down and giving them the space they need to be safe." #NRSW20 #DriveSOS
18.01.2022 PROHIBITED BURNING | The City of Swan will be in a Prohibited Burning Period from Tuesday December 1, 2020 until Wednesday March 31, 2021. You are not permitted to burn during this period. Everyone can take responsibility for reducing fire hazards in the community. You can play an important role in protecting your family, property and community from the devastation of fire by following some simple advice and regulations. The Annual Fire Season Guide has an overview of the se...asonal requirements and the responsibilities of landowners for preparing their property. View a copy on our website. The latest fire danger ratings can be found on the Bureau of Meteorology website. For information about what these ratings mean to you, visit Department of Fire and Emergency Services WA. To listen to a recorded message with general seasonal information and fire safety bans please call the City of Swan Fire Information Line on 9267 9326. Find more information about burning restrictions, fire breaks, hazard reductions and fire control officers by following the link to our website.
18.01.2022 GREEN IS THE GO | Last week the City of Swan took home a Commendation Award at the Public Health Advocacy Institute of Western Australia Local Government Policy Awards in the category of Climate Change. The annual ceremony celebrates excellence in local government policy across the State, focussing on making a positive impact to children’s health and the environment. The City is proud to support young people with a range of programs and initiatives that address climate chang...e. Check out the full article for more details
18.01.2022 Our September 2020 Community Calendar pic is the delectable Mauritian chicken kebab from Caf du Quartier. Michael and Paul told us that this family recipe is lovingly prepared in house by marinating free range chicken in yoghurt and spices before sizzling it on a hot grill. It is incredibly unfortunate that Caf du Quartiers doors have since been closed due to how hard COVID-19 has affected local businesses. We want to thank Michael and Paul for sharing their time with us to capture their delightful chicken kebab.
18.01.2022 ELLENBROOK VOLUNTEER HUB REOPENS | We're happy to announce our grand reopening of our Ellenbrook Volunteer Hub on Wednesday, December 2. Since the restrictions earlier this year have been lifted, we've now been able to restart our volunteer hub at the Ellenbrook Community Library. Come visit from 10am and say hello to Jenny and Elizabeth to find out more about volunteering in the neighbourhood. Wednesday, December 2 2020 | From 10am... Ellenbrook Community Library, 90 Main Street, Ellenbrook See more
18.01.2022 TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE | Elmina Avenue, between The Broadway and Caldervale Avenue, Ellenbrook will be temporarily closed from 6am Wednesday, September 23 until Friday, October 10 at 5pm due to re-construction of the intersection. Local traffic will have access via detours in place. If youd like to know more please contact the Citys Project Manager, Raza Niaz on 9267 9267 or email [email protected].
17.01.2022 HALLOWEEN HORROR STORYTELLING | Join us this Friday, 30 October at the Ellenbrook Community Library and Forecourt for a free spine-tingling story-telling experience with a local award-winning horror screenwriter Bernie Rutkay, and the Ellenbrook Theatre Company Inc.. Disguise yourself in Halloween costumes and enjoy the 'Trick or Treat' madness from 5pm for little ones in the library and from 8pm for those who dare in the Forecourt (a mature audience warning on the 8pm ...session). Wearing Halloween costumes is strongly encouraged! Friday, 30 October | 5-7pm, 8-9pm Ellenbrook Community Library, 90 Main Street, Ellenbrook
17.01.2022 PLANNED BURN TODAY | The Citys Fire Management Team, along with members of East Gidgegannup and West Gidgegannup Brigades, will be conducting a 20 hectare planned burn today, Monday September 14, to create a low fuel buffer, on the North West corner of Berry Reserve (between OBrien and Reen Road). The burn has been planned to mitigate risk to both the community and the sensitive environmental values of the reserve. The burn is expected to remain active over the next coupl...e of days. Please be aware there may be significant smoke in the area. For more information about fire management in the City visit our website
17.01.2022 COMMUNITY GARDEN FORUM | Discover the highlights and challenges of community gardens, with knowledgeable presenters and a free light lunch provided. Enjoy presentations from both the Lockridge and Bullsbrook Community Garden teams. Registration is essential. This free event is hosted by the Lockridge Community Garden and supported by the City of Swan.... Saturday, 31 October 2020 | 12-2pm Lockridge Community Garden, Corner of Arbon Way and Diana Crescent, Lockridge
17.01.2022 YAL SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS EXTENDED | Applications for the Young Australia League (YAL) scholarship have been extended to September 30. The City of Swan is proud to provide the Lower Secondary Scholarship (Year 7 9) this year. To be eligible for this scholarship you must be a resident or attending secondary school in the City of Swan. Last year saw City of Swan resident, Calian Pavlovich, the winner of the $4,000 YAL and City of Swan Lower Secondary Scholarship.
17.01.2022 NEW MURAL IN WOODBRIDGE | Take a look at this recently completed mural done by Lawry Halden at Amherst Park, Woodbridge featuring a Sacred Kingfisher bird after a successful fish. Water Corporations #SplashofColourWA Project has been working with local artists to create public art on drab water and wastewater assets. The key message for this mural was Water as the Provider.
16.01.2022 SPARE SOME YARN? | Do you have left over green, red and yellow yarn at your home? We are currently seeking yarn donations for a community art project in Ballajura to celebrate the festive season in December this year. Donated yarn can be dropped in the marked box in the Ballajura Public Library during normal opening hours. If you are a keen knitter or crocheter and would like to know more about the community craft project for Ballajura, we would love to hear from you! Please contact Caitlin on 9270 8542 or e-mail [email protected].
16.01.2022 SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL | A Special Meeting of Council will be held this afternoon at 4.30pm to consider meeting procedures local law, Stirling Street Guildford parking and CEO recruitment. This meeting will be held in the Council Chambers, Midland Town Hall, 312 Great Eastern Highway, Midland.
16.01.2022 HIGH FLYING SWANS | Abseiling 220 metres down Central Park building isn’t for the faint hearted but when the challenge involves raising money for local charities, some City of Swan staff and volunteers put their courage to the test. We’re so proud of the teams who raised a combined total of $8,163.50 for their respective charities!
15.01.2022 NEW COLES FOR WHITEMAN EDGE | Last week marked the start of construction for the new Coles in Brabham. Deputy Mayor David Lucas joined Councillors Bryce Parry and Mel Congerton, along with Minister for Transport, Planning and Lands, the Hon Rita Saffioti and representatives from Coles and Stockland Living. Stockland anticipate the opening for mid-2021. An exciting feature of the new development is a dedicated drive through pick up for groceries!
15.01.2022 RECYCLABLE GOODS DROP OFF DAY | This Saturday is the City of Swan's Recyclable Goods Drop off Day part of our commitment to being both sustainable and environmentally conscious. These days are open to all residents of the City and are a great way to dispose of metals, wood, plastic, electronic and white goods and more. Saturday, 12 September 2020 | 8am-1pm... Jack Williamson Oval, Eveline Road, Middle Swan See more
14.01.2022 BETTER DRIVING IN BELHUS | The City of Swan has successfully installed a new roundabout at the intersection of Millhouse and West Swan Roads in Belhus. The $4.4 million upgrade was jointly funded by the State Governments Metropolitan Regional Road Group and the Federal Governments Roads to Recovery program. City of Swan Deputy Mayor David Lucas said the roundabout is a great outcome that will improve safety and reduce traffic build up in the area.
14.01.2022 ALL HANDS ON DECK | How amazing are the BlazeAid Wooroloo volunteers? Even on hot days they are working hard to clear fire-damaged fencing and help residents rebuild. We are very lucky to have the Blaze Aid team working with our community to help get them back on their feet. Thank you for everything you're doing. If you need assistance from BlazeAid please call Camp Co-ordinator Jo Delaney on 0417 614446 or email [email protected] ... If you can volunteer with BlazeAid, please call please call 0458 375968 or email [email protected]
14.01.2022 DEMENTIA AWARENESS MONTH | September is National Dementia Awareness Month, and the City of Swan is supporting a program of events to help share information and improve support for both the people living with dementia and those that care for them. This Thursday at City of Swan Community Care Services, presented by Dementia Australia, is a Dementia Care Navigator information session designed to make it simpler for Australians to learn about government-supported aged care serv...ices and how to access them. Thursday, September 17 | 5.30-7.30pm City of Swan Community Care Services, 2 Templeman Place, Midland For the full list of events:
14.01.2022 SWAN COMMUNITY CARE SERVICES AGM | Last Friday the City of Swan Community Care Services Advisory Committee held their 39th Annual General Meeting and Luncheon at the Lilac Hill Cricket Club Pavilion. Community Care Services Volunteer Club Assistants Tina Arrow and Irene Orchard, along with Volunteer Admin Assistant Brenda Baggott were recognised for 7 years’ service and will have their names placed on the honour board displayed at the Midland centre. Volunteer Club Assista...nt Lynn Lake was recognised for contributing an incredible 25 years’ service and new Committee members Valerie Parker and Martin Lewis were elected to the Committee. The AGM is a great opportunity to recognise the fantastic work and contribution that both the Committee and the Community Care Services 80+ volunteers continue to make each and every year.
14.01.2022 WRITE NIGHT FOR NANOWRIMO | Are you taking part in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)? Connect with a social writing group at City of Swan Libraries' Midland Public Library! Get inspired, chat about your project and write among the bookshelves during these weekly sessions running this week and throughout November. Tuesday, 27 October | 5-6:30pm... Tuesday, 3 November | 5-6:30pm Tuesday, 10 November | 5-6:30pm Tuesday, 17 November | 5-6:30pm Tuesday, 24 November | 5-6:30pm Midland Public Library, 45 Helena Street, Midland See more
14.01.2022 RIBBONS FOR ROAD SAFETY | These are some of the friendly faces of the City of Swan Roadwise Advisory Group, and some of our most committed staff and community members towards ensuring road safety. You can show your support for road safety by picking up a ribbon for road safety from our Administration Building. #RoadWise #RoadRibbonforRoadSafety
14.01.2022 INSPIRE SERIES: YOUTH MENTAL HEALTH FIRST AID TRAINING | If you want to learn to help young people with their mental health, come along to this free 14-hour course, presented by HelpingMinds. You will learn how to provide Mental Health First Aid to young people experiencing mental health conditions including depression, suicidal thoughts, trauma, anxiety, panic attacks, substance problems and eating disorders. Please register to attend, Monday, November 2 and Tuesday, November 3 | 8.30am 4.45pm each day Caversham Community Centre - 135 Suffolk Street
14.01.2022 MIDLAND TURNS 125 | We're celebrating Midland’s 125th anniversary with two days of talks, guided walks, displays and a Flash Cycles exhibition over the second weekend in November. Midland was officially established in 1895, when the municipality was formally proclaimed as Helena Vale. This photo from 1906 shows then-Premier C H Rason laying the foundation stone of the Midland Town Hall. ... Highlights include a talk from renowned archaeologist Dr Shane Burke, who will share his knowledge about the Midland area before Europeans began permanent settlement. Sporting enthusiasts can attend a talk from world champion cyclist Steele Bishop who grew up in the area and went on to represent Australia and set world records in cycling. Midland and Districts Historical Society Inc. will also host two guided walks; one focussing on the City’s civic triangle and the other guiding visitors through the local railway workshops. For the full program of events, including history displays at the Old Midland Courthouse, visit
13.01.2022 FREE SKATEBOARD CLINIC | The City of Swan along with Skateboarding WA are hosting a variety of free skateboarding events for all ages. All skill levels are welcome including first-time skateboarders, so come along to test your skills and learn some new ones! Helmets, wrist guards and skateboards will be provided. Simply pre-register on Skateboarding WA's website ( Participants under the age of 18 must have their registration form signed by a paren...t or guardian. Friday 13 November, 3.30-5.30pm Bullsbrook Skatepark, Maroubra Avenue, Bullsbrook
13.01.2022 DUMPED ART WORKSHOP | Look at this amazing Western Swamp Tortoise! He's made from many things found at the Recycling Centre - Bullsbrook and was the handy work of our City of Swan community at the Dumped Art workshop last weekend. Thanks to everyone who attended. The friendly tortoises will live at the Recycling Centre to remind us that with a bit of creativity many of our 'junk' items can find a new life. ... They'll also remind us of the importance of disposing of unwanted items thoughtfully, as littering and illegal dumping can have disastrous consequences on our flora and fauna, like our endangered Western Swamp Tortoise.
13.01.2022 TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE | Mulgul Rd, Malaga from Mercantile Way (West) to Mercantile Way (East) will be temporarily closed for two consecutive nights between the hours of 7pm to 5am, on Sunday December 6 and Monday December 7 for resurfacing works. Local traffic will have access via detours in place. If you'd like to know more please contact the City’s Asphalt and Spray Seals Engineer, Michael Newman on 9267 9267 or email [email protected].
13.01.2022 NATIONAL RECYCLING WEEK | GREAT sorts do better than the bin! TAKE electronic waste, batteries and chemicals to drop off points. It’s easy to drop off items when out shopping or on the way home from activities like sport. For tips, visit You can also take advantage of the City’s drop off day tomorrow, Saturday, November 14, between 8am and 1pm at Jack Williamson Oval in Middle Swan. Check our website for more information
13.01.2022 NOMINATE FOR THE COMMUNITY CITIZEN OF THE YEAR AWARD | Do you know someone who makes your community a better place? Every community has local heroes. Auspires 2021 Community Citizen of the Year awards is your opportunity to acknowledge those making an outstanding contribution to your local community. Nominations are open until October 31.
12.01.2022 STEPPING UP | City of Swan staff, Councillors and Vicinity Centres Ellenbrook took to the streets of Ellenbrook Boulevard and Main Street to help clean up the rubbish. Gathering several large bags of rubbish, some interesting pieces found include shoes (both left and right), a breakfast bowl and an incredible amount of fast food wrappers. If you'd like to join in this Saturday's Step Up to Clean up, go to, or adopt a spot by going to
11.01.2022 Entwined in the Valley 2020 - tickets have just gone on sale! Get ready to eat, sip and play your way through the Swan Valley across the weekend of October... 9, 10 and 11. If bottomless brunches, long lunches, gin making, cheese tastings and masterclasses are your thing, Entwined in the Valley is what you need. More into family fun, fresh produce markets and Sunday jazz? We have something right up your alley. The Entwined in the Valley series of boutique, free and ticketed events have been crafted by local producers, businesses and artisans to show you the best of the Swan Valley. Who will you be bringing?
11.01.2022 BE ASBESTOS AWARE | Asbestos lurks in more places than you’d think. Did you know if your home was built before the 1990s there’s a good chance it has some asbestos? It’s often found under flooring, as part of kitchen splashbacks and even in the garden. National Asbestos Awareness Week 2020 reminds us all to be asbestos aware before starting any work around the home.... For more information visit
11.01.2022 TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE | Main Street, Ellen Stirling Parade and The Parkway, in Ellenbrook Town Centre will be temporarily closed between the hours of 6am-10pm on Saturday December 12 due to the Christmas Pageant. Access for local traffic will be provided via detours. If you'd like to know more please contact the City’s Asset Works Coordinator, Jamie Hogan on 9267 9267 or email [email protected].
10.01.2022 ARE YOU OK? | Its a simple question but its one that could change a life. 2020 has been particularly hard, and some of us have had more challenges than others. R U OK Day is a timely reminder for everyone to check in with your family, friends and colleagues. Today the City of Swan will spread the R U OK day message to all staff, residents and community members to help reduce the stigma around mental health.... Weve compiled a list of mental health and support services to assist our community during the COVID-19 pandemic. Visit Not sure how to start the conversation? Visit for useful tips and information.
10.01.2022 ELLENBROOK RECREATION AND AQUATIC | Ellenbrook residents are one step closer to having a state-of-the-art recreation and aquatic facility in their own backyard. The City of Swan celebrated the start of construction. Mayor Kevin Bailey was joined by Attorney General and Federal Member for Pearce, the Hon. Christian Porter and Member for Swan Hills, Jessica Shaw MLA to break ground on the multimillion-dollar project. Sign up to be kept up-to-date with this project:
10.01.2022 WILDLIFE AWARENESS | Spring means native wildlife on the move, many with new offspring! With animal activity on the increase, it is a timely reminder to take extra care when venturing outdoors, particularly near swamps, lakes and bushland, both for your own safety and our wildlife. 1. Watch out for swooping magpies... Magpies became more territorial in Spring to protect their eggs or chicks from any potential threats. If you cant avoid the area, wear a hat, and if you confidently continue on your way the bird will often retreat to a tree. 2. Never leave traps unattended in waterways We are fortunate to have populations of endangered turtles and tortoises in our wetlands, but if they get caught in nets they will drown. Remember recreational fishers in WA need a licence to catch marron, and fishing can only be done in approved areas. 3 Look twice before crossing the road Ducks and their ducklings have begun to leave their nests in search of the nearest wetlands. Please be aware of duck families moving around and remain cautious on roads and cycle paths near water bodies. 4. Helping baby birds If you find young birds on the ground please do not to pick them up, as this may result in the nestlings having to be hand reared. Parent birds do not generally abandon their young and will in most cases continue to feed and protect them even when they have left the nest prematurely. 5. Be snake aware Reptiles will also begin emerging over the coming months and will be actively looking for food, water and patches of warm sun to bask in. A snake that feels threatened may hiss or rear up and the best thing a person can do is back away slowly and keep watching it. Do not attempt to handle or kill snakes as these actions may result in a bite. Snakes will normally try to avoid humans, but it is best to be aware and take precautions such as wearing long pants and enclosed shoes while walking along bush trails If you are concerned about the welfare of a native animal, contact the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions Wildcare Helpline on 9474 9055.
09.01.2022 SUSTAINABLE NATIVE GARDENS | Do you want to create a beautiful, unique and water-wise native garden? Fiona Blackham from Gaia Permaculture will talk about why native plants are important to our Perth landscape for fauna, soil biology and climate; understanding Perth soils; how to create a water-wise bush landscape; where to find a list of plants to suit your soil type; how to place plants to save time and money; and the best spots to purchase native plants (from tubestock to ...100 litre bags). Fiona will demonstrate how to test soil pH along with a mason jar test. Participants can bring in soil samples if they wish. Saturday, March 6 2021 | 10am - 12.30pm Baskerville Hall, 129 Memorial Avenue, Baskerville
08.01.2022 CELEBRATING OUR FIRE VOLUNTEERS | Congratulations to all nominees and winners of the 2020 Fire and Emergency Services Awards. The awards honour the outstanding efforts of volunteer and career personnel who have made a significant contribution and commitment to the fire and emergency services over the past year. Two of our City of Swan volunteers were finalists, with Shelley Staff, Captain Swan Communications Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade, receiving the DFES Corporate Award for ...Outstanding Individual Contribution for her work on Enterprise Risk Management. The award is a testament to her hard work and dedication to community safety. Rudi James, Deputy Chief and West Swan Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade Captain, was also nominated for the Murray Lang Bush Fire Service of WA Award. This goes to an active, operational volunteer who has made an outstanding contribution in the past year. Rudi’s finalist achievement is a reflection of his substantial and continued hard work with both the West Swan Brigade and the City of Swan Fire Service collectively. Thank you to all volunteer firefighters in the City of Swan, who put in countless hours every year supporting our local community. If you’re interested in becoming a volunteer, you can find more information at
08.01.2022 CLEAN FILL AVAILABLE | Doing some landscaping or building this spring? Residents can now apply for a delivery of clean fill materials to their property from the City of Swan. To get started, please read the requirements outlined on our website and complete a development application for assessment.
08.01.2022 TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE | The northbound lane of Holdsworth Avenue, Ellenbrook, before to Maffina Parade will be temporarily closed between the hours of 7am to 5pm, from Monday the September 28 until Wednesday October 7 due to road drainage upgrades. Local traffic will have access via detours in place. If youd like to know more please contact the Citys Asset Works Coordinator, Jamie Hogan on 9267 9267 or email [email protected].
08.01.2022 ALTONE COMES ALIVE | In celebration of Harmony Week, this much loved event gathers culture and community for a huge day of fun activities for the whole family. Enjoy live performances on stage, delicious international food, animals, rides, face painting and more. The best bit? Entry, rides and activities are all completely free! Click below for more details and save the date. Saturday, March 20 | 11am-4pm... Altone Park Oval, 332 Benara Road, Beechboro See more
07.01.2022 HAVE YOUR SAY | Calling all young people in Midvale and surrounds - you are invited to collaborate with the City of Swan on a new public art project for the new Midvale Skate Park. Come along to a consultation session on Saturday, December 5 to share your thoughts and ideas. What would you like to see there, and what should the art be about? Should the art be skateable, should it change over time - we need your imagination!... Your feedback will be used to choose an artist and design a public art installation for the new skate area. 11am, Saturday, December 5 Weeip Park Youth Zone - Junction Parade, Midland For more information visit
07.01.2022 SWAN ROTARY SMALL MOB SHEARING DAY | The annual Swan Rotary Small Mob Shearing Day will be held this Saturday, September 5 at the Gidgegannup Showgrounds. In addition to sheep, this year the event will also be offering shearing and treatment for alpacas and llamas.
07.01.2022 CELEBRATING OUR FIRE VOLUNTEERS | Congratulations to all nominees who are shortlisted for the 2020 Fire and Emergency Services Awards. The award recipients will be announced in October. The award honour the outstanding efforts of volunteer and career personnel who have made a significant contribution and commitment to the fire and emergency services over the past twelve months. The City of Swan wishes a special congratulations to:... Rudi James - Deputy Chief and West Swan Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade volunteer. Rudi is nominated for the Murray Lang Bush Fire Service of WA Award, which goes to an active, operational volunteer who has made an outstanding contribution in the past year Shelley Staff - Captain Swan Communications Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade. Shelley is a finalist for the DFES Corporate Awards for Outstanding Individual Contribution for her work on Enterprise Risk Management Thank you to all volunteer firefighters in the City of Swan, who put in countless hours every year supporting our local community. If youre interested in becoming a volunteer, you can find more information on our website.
07.01.2022 FUN IN THE SUN | It was a fantastic turn out at the Bullsbrook Family Fun Day on Sunday, with an estimated 1,200 people coming down to enjoy the entertainment and socialise. Congratulations to the CWA Bullsbrook & Districts and all volunteers for bringing together such a wonderful community event. This year has certainly been far from ordinary but our community is re-emerging stronger than ever. As a pillar in the Australian community for close to 100 years, CWA (Country W...omens Association) supports people in need, especially during challenging times. Thank you for once again rising to the challenge and putting on a fantastic event for us all to enjoy, and help us pave the way to recovery. The City was proud to support this event with funding from our Covid-19 Community Response and Relief Grants Scheme. These grants support local resilience and community wellbeing through the pandemic.
07.01.2022 TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE | Partridge Street between Pennington Street and Bildersee Avenue in Brabham will be temporarily closed from Monday December 7 until Friday December 18 due to service connection works. Access for local traffic will be provided via detours. If you'd like to know more please contact the City’s Asset Works Coordinator, Jamie Hogan on 9267 9267 or email [email protected].
06.01.2022 GET PREPARED | We know emergencies are confronting situations which have long lasting impacts on families and communities. The better we can prepare for them, the easier it is for us to cope, recover and move forward when they happen. This week is Red Cross Disaster Preparedness Week, and the launch of the Perth Hills Preparedness Project, which aims to build resiliency and prepare local communities for emergency situations. The City of Swan is proud to be collaborating in ...this Australian Red Cross initiative in partnership with the Shire of Mundaring and the City of Kalamunda. City of Swan Deputy Mayor David Lucas said, Emergencies dont occur when we are expecting them, which is why initiatives like the Perth Hills Preparedness Project are so important for teaching us the tools required to plan for an emergency scenario. For more information about disaster preparedness, visit
06.01.2022 TWO-YEAR GRANT FOR COMMUNITY EVENTS | The City of Swan is proud to launch its newest category of event grants. If youre a not-for-profit group planning to host an annual community event in the City of Swan, you can apply for a grant up to the value of $20,000 over two years (up to $10,000 issued each year). Applications are open now until October 9. More information is available on
06.01.2022 MIDLAND MARCH THAT MATTERS | What a great turnout today down at Midland for the Midland March that Matters. Led by the WA Police Pipe Band, the march went across The Crescent to Great Eastern Highway before congregating at Juniper Gardens to hear from guest speakers. #noexcuseforabuse
05.01.2022 GET READY FOR CONTAINERS FOR CHANGE | Containers for Change is coming to the City of Swan on October 1, 2020, with an easy to access container refund point at the Recycling Centre - Bullsbrook! Ahead of the launch, you can prepare by registering for a Scheme ID now ( Your Scheme ID is your account with Containers for Change. There will be no cash refunds at the at the Recycling Centre - Bullsbrook Refund Point, so y...our Scheme ID will allow you to receive your refund by EFT. Registering ahead of time means that you wont have to set up your Scheme ID on site, saving everyone time in the queue. Check out the Containers for Change WA video below for details about removing your lids and what containers are eligible for the 10c refund. #ContainersForChange #containerdepositscheme #4changewa
05.01.2022 WA BIKE MONTH | WestCycle has partnered with the Department Of Transport this year for WA Bike Month 2020 (October 1-31). There is a weekly photo competition leading up to and during WA Bike Month. Enthusiastic bike riding champions can send in pictures of them out on a bike to win $100 bike shop vouchers. The primary aim of WA Bike Month is to promote and encourage people of all ages and abilities to ride bikes for transport, fun and/or for a healthier lifestyle.... #ridetogetherWA See more
04.01.2022 HELP US PAINT THIS WALL | Are you a young person in Midland with a story to tell? We want you to help us design and paint a mural at Weeip Park, our newest open space within the New Junction precinct. Local Perth artist Fieldey is hosting a collective practice run at 2pm on Saturday, October 10 where youre invited to come down and share your stories and ideas, and have a go at painting a practice mural! We want you to share what you love about living in Midland, and what yo...u want to see on this wall. Fieldey will then use your ideas to weave together a design that includes all of your stories. Well also need you to help us paint it during the Christmas school holidays. Scheduled to open later this month, Weeip Park includes a youth zone with a climbing wall and basketball goals and is supported by a $1.3m Lotterywest grant. Cant make it to the practice session? Share your ideas in the Facebook group 2pm, Saturday, October 10 Weeip Park, Junction Parade, Midland
03.01.2022 TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE | The Lookout Circle/Henley Brook Avenue intersection, Ellenbrook will be temporarily closed from Tuesday, September 29 until Friday, October 16 due to road modification and resurfacing works. Local traffic will have access via detours in place. If youd like to know more please contact the Citys Project Manager on 9267 9267 or email [email protected].
03.01.2022 TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE | Suffolk Street, before West Swan Road in Caversham will be temporarily closed from Monday, December 7 until Fridaym December 11 between the hours of 7.30am and 5pm due to footpath installation works. Access for local traffic will be provided via detours. If you'd like to know more please contact the City’s Asset Project Manager, William Charlwood on 9267 9267 or email [email protected].
03.01.2022 HARMONY WEEK 2021 GRANTS | The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries, Peel is offering grants of $2,000 to support community-led diversity and inclusion activities celebrating Harmony Week in 2021. Activities with a focus on culture and arts and sport and active recreation are encouraged. If you would like further advice on the application process, you can register to meet with OMI staff for a 45-minute one-on-one meeting: Monday, September 21 | 1...-4pm Ellenbrook Community Library, 90 Main Street, Ellenbrook See more
03.01.2022 RECYCLABLE GOODS DROP OFF DAY | This Saturday is the City of Swans Recyclable Goods Drop off Day part of our commitment to being both sustainable and environmentally conscious. These days are open to all residents of the City and are a great way to dispose of metals, wood, plastic, electronic and white goods and more. Saturday, 12 September 2020 | 8am-1pm... Jack Williamson Oval, Eveline Road, Middle Swan See more
02.01.2022 TURNING OF THE SOD | The brand new Brockman Community Centre is on the way! The new building will be a modern, functional home for Brockman Community House, a not-for-profit neighbourhood centre who provide valuable services including adult education, leisure, fitness and wellbeing, parenting programs and playgroups. City of Swan Deputy Mayor David Lucas thanked Member for Bassendean Dave Kelly MP for securing $5 million from the State Government to build this much needed c...ommunity facility. "The City of Swan is proud to deliver this project on behalf of the Beechboro community, Brockman House team and the State Government," he said. The City has refined the building design in response to community feedback and Council has now approved the Development Application, which will allow construction to commence in coming months.
02.01.2022 SUSPENSION OF PERMITS TO BURN | Please be advised that all permits to burn for running fire are suspended for the whole of Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 October, 2020 pursuant to Section 46 of the Bush Fires Act 1954 and due to impending conditions.
02.01.2022 POP-UP PLAY IN GIDGEGANNUP AND JANE BROOK | The City of Swan is bringing Pop-Up Play to Gidgegannup Showgrounds in Gidgegannup, and Dorrigo Park in Jane Brook. Unstructured play invites children to be imaginative, creative, experimental and most of all have fun. It may also assist with child development in the areas of physical ability, social interaction and problem solving. Wednesday, September 30 - Wednesday, October 28... Gidgegannup Showgrounds, Gidgegannup Dorrigo Park, Dorrigo Gardens, Jane Brook See more
01.01.2022 A DOGS' DAY OUT | The City of Swan is hosting a series of events for your furry friends at Locale in Midland, with a dog-friendly market and a dog socialisation school kicking off on Sunday, November 8. The Wag and Woof market will be held at Locale event space on Sunday from 10am - 3pm. There will be plenty of treat stalls plus toys and accessories galore, as well as food trucks and Sunday morning coffee options for the humans. ... We're also running a four-week dog socialisation school. Come and try a free introductory session on Sunday, November 8 before the full program kicks off the following weekend. Held over four Sunday mornings from November 15 - December 6, you and your dog will cover handling skills, impulse control, walk and sit exercises and more. The course cost is $20 and bookings are essential, so get in soon to secure your spot. Please visit our website for more information.
01.01.2022 MIDLAND MARCH THAT MATTERS TOMORROW | Join us tomorrow down at Juniper Gardens, Midland to take a stand against domestic violence and help us spread the message that there ‘is no excuse for abuse’. The march will be led by the Western Australia Police Force Pipe Band and the event will include guest performances. A free sausage sizzle will also be provided at the event. Thursday, November 26 | 11.30am... Juniper Gardens, Midland See more
01.01.2022 TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE | The Rail Crossing on Bushmead Road, Hazelmere will be temporarily closed from 7pm on Friday, October 2 until 5am on Monday, October 5 due to refurbishment of the asphalt crossing. Local traffic will have access via detours in place. If youd like to know more please contact the City on 9267 9267 or email [email protected].
01.01.2022 WIN WITH CONTAINERS FOR CHANGE | Containers for Change WA is coming on October 1, 2020 and to celebrate there is a competition to win $10,000. City of Swan's Containers for Change refund point will be at the Recycling Centre - Bullsbrook. Youll receive a 10-cent refund for every eligible drink container returned to any Containers for Change refund point across WA. Before opening day, make sure you register for a Scheme ID. This is your account with Containers for Change, a...llowing you to receive your 10c eligible container refund by EFT (please note there will be no cash refunds at the Bullsbrook site). Arranging this ahead of time means you wont have to set up your Scheme ID on site, saving everyone time in the queue. Each time you make a drop off, please remove your container lids ahead of time so that we can process faster and get your money to you sooner.
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