City on a Hill: Melbourne in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Religious organisation
City on a Hill: Melbourne
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 3 9640 0990
Address: Hoyts Melboune Central Level 3 Cnr La Trobe & Swanston St 3000 Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Likes: 4441
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25.01.2022 This Advent season we are looking at the names of Jesus each day! We will also have a Christmas challenge each day, so please make sure you tag us and keep everyone updated on your Christmas fun times. There is a printable version here: ... If you are printing here are the specs to let Officeworks: 1. Ask for 200gsm or 300gsm paper. 2. Print double-sided and "flip on long edge". 3. Select "Do not scale" instead of "fit to page" or the back won't match the front when separating the cards. #wearecityonahill #coahchristmaschallenge
25.01.2022 Exegesis* *A course for people who want to read the bible good. Britt and Dave are going to be leading us through a 3 week course about how to read the bible exegetically. Whether you have been doing exegesis for years, or you are figuring out how to say it; this will be great for you to come along to. ... Sunday 11th, 18th and 25th @ 3pm. RSVP here:
25.01.2022 It has been 261 days, and in 12 more days we will gather again!! Thats right - in person, at Hoyts; what a glorious day it will be! More information will be coming soon, how to register, what does it look like to be COVIDsafe in a cinema and when to turn up - but until then. Save the Date: December 13th. ... Lets Go! #wearecityonahill #intheflesh
24.01.2022 "Father, may we be men and women committed to living lives full of courage and grace. May we live, love and lead wherever you have put us in a way that looks radically like Jesus. Amen" Yesterday we kicked off our new sermon series AWAKEN: Sermon on the Mount with Lead Pastor, Guy Mason diving into the beatitudes and looking at not how we just declare them, but how Jesus demonstrated them for us. Check the sermon now on your favourite podcast app! ... #wearecityonahill #AWAKENsermononthemount
24.01.2022 What does Kylie Minogue, Twickenham Rugby Stadium and Psalm 103 have in common? You'll have to join us tonight to find out from Andy in the next instalment of breathe PSALMS. 6pm and 8pm -
23.01.2022 Tomorrow we are continuing our series in Psalms, by opening Psalm 19. We are also joined by our very own Rachel Saravanamuthu to hear how the character of God shapes her role as a human rights lawyer. 9am, 11am, 6pm and 8pm.... #wearecityonahill #cityonahilldigital #breathePSALMS
22.01.2022 This week on the pod they discuss what it looks like to starting a community from scratch! If you are in a Gospel Community, have a listen; what stage do you think you're in? If you aren't in a Gospel Community, know that no matter the stage the group is in, you are always welcome! Listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and more! ... #thepeoplepeoplepodcast #wearecityonahill
22.01.2022 The Law of the Lord is perfect; reviving the soul. Take a moment to breathe, listen to Psalm 19 and discover the Word of the Lord that is more desirable than gold and sweeter than honey. And then afterwards make sure you catch up on Nick Coombs sermon from Sunday either on Youtube, or wherever you like to listen to Podcasts.... #breathePSALMS
21.01.2022 City Youth Episodes are coming! Tag a teenager...or their parents!
20.01.2022 Talking Parenting with Craig Mawdsley Craig shares with us how he and Ai seek to teach their boys who loves them: their parents, their grandparents, their friends, but most importantly God. It all takes time, and a lot is on the fly, but if there is a change for 30seconds of focus at dinner time to teach them about Jesus - they will take it! #wearecityonahill #parentsofcoah
20.01.2022 Hi there. Sing time (as) Tonight's menu of songs will consist of... 1- How Great is Our God... 2- Keep On (original piece) 3- Clothed in Skin LYRICS ARE HERE * I wore an old shirt. * * I thank you for coming back into my home. * * * Where all of the dreams come true. * * * * For me... and also for you. * * * * * It's not a bihg deal, but it's also a huge deal. Tonight’s quajillion dollar prize ticket is yours if you answer the following question CORRECTLY: -----> Would you like some tea, and some cheese? For your hearts & stars,
19.01.2022 Good morning Melbourne! The sun is shining, and we'd love to have you join us today. 9am, 11am, 6pm or 8pm. Grab a coffee and we'll see you soon. There will be no post-service Community today, but don't forget we have our Sabbath Masterclass at 4pm
19.01.2022 TONIGHT You won't want to miss out. 7.30pm //[%7B%22mechanism%22%3A%22search_results%22%2C%22surface%22%3A%22search%22%7D]%7D
18.01.2022 No? Maybe this week, spend some time thinking and praying about sponsoring a child this week! You can head to to find out what it looks like sponsor a child who would love it! Yes? Awesome! Comment below, what's their name! Now is a good time to write them a letter, and you can do it online if you'd like! #compassion #wearecityonahill
18.01.2022 The blessings of family and work have been a great joy this year. My wife (Anna) and I celebrated our seventh anniversary earlier this year. The companionship and support that I experience everyday through Anna is magnanimous and nothing short of miraculous. Our two girls fill our lives with the greatest measure of sleep deprivation joy, and I have had the opportunity to brush up on speed rapping the full canon of Dr. Seuss literary masterpieces in under 40 minutes to two ver...y enthusiastic younger readers. It has also been an exciting academic year in 2020 with the publication of my most recent book, Numismatics and Greek Lexicography. That book presents the culmination of 10 years of my research on Greek inscriptions on Roman coinage from the first century and how they can help us understand the ancient Greek of the New Testament, in all its variety, colour, and cultural nuance. In writing that volume I even had the opportunity to consult the collections of ancient coins in a variety of European museum collections. I have also been grateful for the opportunity to conduct research and write another 100,000 words on my next book which looks at the contribution of Greek papyri for better understanding the infancy narratives in the Gospels, tantus labor non sit cassus (translation, may such labour not prove in vain). I am deeply appreciative for my students at the university who keep coming back for lectures despite the non-hilarious nature of the delivery. My students continue to teach me new things every week. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu training keeps my mind and body in-check and I have enjoyed the challenge of staying alive when sparing with my training partners. The majority of 2020, however, has seen two much younger and more inexperienced challengers in our lounge room on the home front. But above all the greatest blessing this year has been to experience God’s love and grace, and having the scriptures come alive in all their majestic simplicity (and complexity) as I have read and studied them in the early hours of the morning. - Michael #wearecityonahill #graceinisolation
18.01.2022 Tomorrow we are having Communion during our service, so make sure you have your red drink of choice and some bread! Tag someone below who always forgets about Communion; we all know someone! #wearecityonahill #cityonahilldigital
17.01.2022 When lockdowns struck for the second time in July, it hit everyone hard, but some people especially hard. At City on a Hill we believe God has called all Christians to shine His light of love and mercy to those around us. When we heard that there were hundreds of overseas and interstate students stuck inside their tiny student accommodation for 23 hours a day, many without income and local community, our hearts broke. We partnered with Christian Union, the campus ministry on ...the ground at Swinburne Uni in Hawthorn, to help bring a message of hope and love to these students. Last week we with leaders from Christian Union delivered 35 care packs to these students, full of snacks and food to let them know that they are loved. We also invited them to connect with City on a Hill through our digital services and Gospel Communities, and to the CUcommunity. It’s our prayer that God would do much more than feed people with these packs, but that he would bring them into a relationship with him through this difficult time. Please be praying for these students. And if you would like help with future student care initiatives, please send your expressions of interest to #wearecityonahill #christianunion #manyrooms
16.01.2022 Episode 29, we have had the bible read over us more Tuesdays this year than we haven't in 2020. Thanks Graeme!
16.01.2022 Britt and Em have done a lot of thinking and reading about Sabbath, and while they are far from experts, they do want to talk about some of the things they have learned and implemented, and hopefully that helps all of us in our journey towards Sabbathing regularly and healthily. #wearecityonahill #letstalkaboutsabbath
16.01.2022 We have found the Messiah (that is, the Christ). John 1:41 Christmas Challenge: Share a picture of your christmas tree! Not up yet? Today is the day!... #wearecityonahill #coahchristmaschallenge
15.01.2022 Remember that time that Dave called Winnie the Pooh "a bit full of himself", yeah us too! It was such a great night to gather all together on zoom, God was kind to allow technology to work, the word to be spoken faithfully by Dave, we were prayed over by Nat and René and Michael led us in worship. It was a huge team effort, and we can't wait to do it again! ... #tbt #werecityonahill #wearecityonahill #sundaynightlive
15.01.2022 One year ago I was working in fashion, designing cute slippers and fluffy dressing gowns (my current work uniform). If you’d told me that the following year I’d be doing a ministry internship ONLINE I would definitely not have believed you. That’s exactly what I ended up doing. In a series of events that only can be described as a swift move of the Holy Spirit I find myself writing a reflection on my time in ministry in 2020. After the early news of church moving online, my i...nitial thought was oh well, there’s always next year to do it, but I was challenged to trust God and continue even if it wasn’t how I would have planned my internship. At the beginning of the year we read The Trellis and the Vine, a book that taught us that gospel growth happens through people and that the structures we build in ministry only support that growth. In hindsight it was the perfect preparation for the year, when structures and normality crumble around us it forces us to tend to the vine; people who Jesus died for. During my interning year I’ve been able to help host Alpha Online, run a women’s event with Britt and read the Bible with women who I wouldn’t usually get to hang out with. All things that are unique to ministry online! This year it has been hard to make plans, forcing me to remember that ministry is as much about who you are becoming as it is about what you are doing. God knew exactly the way He was going to work within me; and that was to remove all the shiny objects around me to allow me to rest in who I am in Him. It’s been a practice every day to turn to God and say I don’t know what tomorrow, next week or next month looks like - but I’ll trust you anyway. God has taught me that my plans may fail and turn on their heads but His always remain. This year isn’t a shock to God - He is weaving it ever so purposefully into His eternal plan to bring us all closer to Him. - Georgina #wearecityonahill #graceinsolation
15.01.2022 Oops! We messed up last week! So TODAY we are having Do Not Keep Silent on Zoom. Come along, bring your guitars [we're looking at you Brenton and Bryce] and your keyboards [Kenneth!] and your wonderful voices [everyone else!!]. ... #DNKSsingalong
14.01.2022 "Father, thank you for the promise to be God with us, and for the fulfilment of sending Jesus. May we always remember that you are with us, and that you are for us, and that that means that none can stand against us." Catch up on yesterdays sermon from Nick Coombs in week 4 of Isaiah - Whom Shall I Send on your favourite podcast app, or on Youtube. #wearecityonahill #cityonahilldigital #whomshallisend
11.01.2022 Oh Lord, we don't need human rescuing, we need Jesus. We have sinned and failed short; Father thank you for Jesus and for his faithful sacrifice and resurrection - for our salvation. Why should we gain from this reward? We cannot give an answer. But this we know with all our hearts - His wounds have paid our ransom. Catch up on yesterdays sermon on Isaiah 9, on your favourite podcast app or Youtube!. ... #wearecityonahill #cityonahilldigital
11.01.2022 Talking Parenting with the Deacons. Over the next month we are going to be hearing from some of our parents on how they parent, how they intentionally not only love their kids, but like them too. We even get to see parenting live and off the cuff about halfway through.... #wearecityonahillparents See more
11.01.2022 Psalms or Taylor Swift? Harder than you'd think. Much like a Taylor Swift album, the Psalms are full of lament, angst and beautiful poetry. But unline a Taytay album, the Psalms lifts our eyes to the Lord, no matter the season we are in. ... Come along on Sunday night to City Women Unite and lets learn together about how the Psalms and being in the presence of God is good for whatever season you are in.
10.01.2022 "So why not plan to just take a day? What’s stopping you? Spend it learning how to rest with the best teacher that ever lived. I promise it might just be the most productive thing you ever do!" Alice is passionate about productivity and creating order, and yet prioritises stopping. Sounds slightly counter productive on the outside - but check out her blog to see how its actually not! ...
10.01.2022 Ladies, we so enjoyed our City Women Unite ‘Live’ experience the other week we have decided to do it again! In case you missed the last one - this is a night where we will gather together as a community of women on zoom to sing, to pray, to learn, to share and to encourage one another. It’s also a chance to see each other’s faces (because we miss those faces!) and to dive a bit deeper into the Psalms together.... RSVP here: Tag someone below that you want to see there! #wearecityonahill #citywomenunite
10.01.2022 J-M-C! Tonight at 8pm join Joel and some other John Mark Comer die hards as they open up "The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry" and discuss what they liked, what they didn't like and what they are taking into their lives and rhythms. 8pm at If you haven't finished yet...don't hurry.
09.01.2022 City Women - UNITE! Tonight we are gathering, and if you go to City on a Hill Melbourne and you're a woman; we want to see you there! Tag a friend below that you want to see there. - 7pm for Happy Hour [bring dessert or a bevy of your choice]... -- 7:30pm for the official event [so if you missed church this AM, you can still head to the 6pm] is where you want to be!
08.01.2022 This season has made me realise how much of my identity I had placed in the success of my plans. In created things, rather than the Creator. It has forced me to reassess how I see God. Do I only praise Him when things are going well? Or will I continue to praise Him in my disappointment and confusion? ‘Going with the flow’ isn’t my forte. I like everything to be planned out, but this pandemic has shown that we have very little control over our lives. Everyone I know has had ...their lives turned upside down. The mourning of jobs lost, separation from loved ones, and fears for those who are unwell. I know it's going to be okay. Not because I feel okay, not because the numbers add up, not because I know the solution. But because I have faith that God is in control, and that He can be my joy and strength in all circumstances. I’m grateful to have work. I’m grateful for blue skies, good books, and freshly baked cookies. I’m grateful for Netflix and Uber Eats. When I attend Alpha on Tuesday nights, I’m so encouraged to see everyone zooming in to discuss life’s big questions together. God is amazingly generous. When we give up our time and effort to serve others, I’ve always found that He blesses us ten-fold in return. Don’t get me wrong, there are days I don’t feel up to it. But those are the days I’m most amazed by how God works. When I have nothing in the tank, it’s clearer than ever that anything I achieve is through God’s grace and His strength alone. It’s never been about what we bring to the table. The cross makes it clear that God is the one who does all the work, and makes the impossible possible. But He chooses to work through ordinary people like us. And that feels like such a privilege, that the Creator of the universe wants us to be part of His work. - Rach #wearecityonahill #graceinisolation
07.01.2022 Men, it’s time. What for? You know what for. Let’s gather for a MEN’S NIGHT to pray, be challenged by God’s word, and to encourage one another.... It’s going to be a bit like a Sunday Live service but with more beards and deep voices. Joel Deacon will be speaking to us about How to be strong and steady in uncertain times. Graeme Chiswell will be leading the night and will be interviewing men from our church. And fianlly David Martel will be leading us in worship. RSVP here: #wearecityonahill
07.01.2022 This week the team discuss conflict within community. Because guess what, it will happen. So how do we deal with it well? Check out Episode 13 of The People People Podcast wherever you like to listen to podcasts! #thepeoplepeoplepodcast #wearecityonahill
07.01.2022 Got questions about Jesus, Christianity or the church? You aren't the only one. This Monday we start the first Alpha of 2021, and would love to have you join, and it is not too late to register. Just head to to register your interest and someone from the team will be in touch! ... #wearecityonahill #alpha
07.01.2022 Chis Reads Truth - Ep. 24 Can you believe 24 weeks of Chis Reads Truth, what a joy! Settle in with a warm cuppa and enjoy the word of God being read over you.
06.01.2022 Psalm 103 is a special song, designed to transport us to the presence of God. David writes "Bless the Lord, O my soul" so that his whole being would praise the Lord. Sometimes we forget, or situations distract us, but that is why we have this Psalm, as a reminder, to lift our eyes to the Lord, the one who heals, redeems and satisfies our soul. Isn't He kind? If you missed yesterdays sermon, the first of the final 3 as we look into re-orienting our hearts towards God, make s...ure you catch up! Head to your favourite podcast app, or watch it on demand on YouTube. #wearecityonahill #breathePSALMS
06.01.2022 We are a church committed to planting churches. And not just any churches, but healthy churches. Partnering with City on a Hill financially through the Church Planting Funds means that we are all in this together. Not everyone can move to the Gold Coast to plant a church, but we can partner with those who are. Head to to partner in the mission to Know Jesus and Make Jesus Known. ... #wearecityonahill #churchesplantingchurches
05.01.2022 We need to mask up tomorrow, but that doesn't we can't smile still! Our welcome team can't wait to see you, meet you and if you need a mask, or would like a disposable one, we will have spares. 9am and 11am at Hoyts Melbourne Central.... #wearecityonahill #maskupmelbourne
05.01.2022 Try not to be that guy..or girl. Tonight - 7:30!
03.01.2022 Psalm 35 and John 16 We are nearly 2 Gospels down, should Graeme read Matthew or Luke next?
03.01.2022 Where do you go to have communion with God? Where do you pour out your heart, your wounds and your worries? Where do you go to experience God? Check out Joels latest blog post to encourage you in your times with Jesus. ... #wearecityonahill #letstalkaboutthesabbath
02.01.2022 Hi guys. It's me- your pal Dave. Tonight's worship sesh dates back from almost 7 MONTHS AGO!!!!! ---> Because that's how long we've been living in and out of lockdown ... And yet... Our God was. And is. And is to come! So let's worship Him as we look at the sciptures together, and sing these songs of praise! NOTE: Pease excuse the bad audio/visual. BOY- have we come a long way or what?? Tonight’s quajillion dollar prize ticket is yours if you answer the following question CORRECTLY: -----> When will COVID come to pass? For your hearts and stars,
01.01.2022 Lets talk about Parenting with the Chiswells! Your kids praying to the wiggles? Theres an opportunity in that. Lets hear from Chis and Lex about parenting! Also, fun fact, since this video, they have added another little one to the family! ... #wearecityonahill #coahparents
01.01.2022 This month as a church we have been looking at the wisdom and practice of the Sabbath. An ancient spiritual discipline where one day in your week, you stop, rest, pursue God and delight in his gifts. On the 27th of September at 4pm at Pastor Joel will be guiding us through a practical workbook on the Sabbath. Anyone and everyone is welcome, and so if you have been journeying with us about the Sabbath and have wisdom to share then come along! But also if you ...are yet to dip your toe in the gold of the sabbath, please come along. As we think about how to practically plan and organise your Sabbath. More details in the FB event:
01.01.2022 Hi there. Sing time (as) Tonight's menu of songs will consist of... 1- Remember ... 2- So Will I 3- What a Beautiful Name * I had a friend in primary school named Trish Jaworski. * * She's like a doctor today or something. * * * But this isn't that Trish... It's the Trish you know and love to sing with. * * * * But maybe it's her housemate? * * * * * Aaaah, the mysteries of life. Tonight’s quajillion dollar prize ticket is yours if you answer the following question CORRECTLY: ----> Which Unsolved Mystery was solved by you and because of that you're now rich and famous and you're currently looking for recommendations for a good cause to donate some of your profits to? For your hearts & stars,
01.01.2022 Can't make it to church today? Today pastor Guy Mason is kicking off our new series - Awaken - by preaching from the famous Beatitudes in Matthew 5 at our digital service.
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