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25.01.2022 Many of us are going through seasons of lament and grief at the moment. This Sunday Pastor Andrew Grills will be taking us through Psalm 88, giving us an expression for our sadness and suffering which we hold in tension with God’s great love for us. "O Lord, God of my salvation, I cry out day and night before you. Let my prayer come before you; incline your ear to my cry!" Psalm 88:1-2 Join us this Sunday at 9am, 10am, 6pm & 8pm #breathe #psalms #cityonahilldigital
24.01.2022 Your good father, he stands sovereign over whatever suffering you’re experiencing. If right now you are in the dark night of the soul, he loves you. He holds everything in his hands, this is not a surprise to him, this suffering you experience, the suffering of crying out to God and only hearing silence, it may last for the duration of the night but the dawn is coming, the darkness will end. You too will one day say, Jesus you’ve come Catch up on Pastor Andrew Grills sermon... from Psalm 88 as he explores what it looks like to have faith in Jesus, even in the darkest night of your soul. Watch at Listen on your favourite podcast app or at #wearecityonahill #breathe #cityonahilldigital
23.01.2022 Guess who's back? Learn about Jesus with your kids at CKTV and CK Cubby House. The first episodes for 2021 premiere today at 8am.... Don't miss out! Head to OR #CKTV #CKCubbyHouse
23.01.2022 A+ from Jess for The Snow 2000 Check out this clever (messy) invention from April, Amelia and Sebastian, the winners of the latest CKTV Family Challenge! More fun, worship and Psalms Bible teaching is to be had this week over at Every episode airs at 8am on Sunday. #CKTV #citykids #familychallenge
22.01.2022 Sylvia Dicker is the creative behind the stunning artwork used for our Whom Shall I Send series. She shared with us her process and inspiration behind her intricate work. Storytelling through illustration is a unique way to serve God I really enjoyed creating this with City On A Hill for the concept of the book of Isaiah, it was great to share our talents in creating and expressing such a profound book." Sylvia shared some of her thoughts and the process she goes through wh...en reading the Bible and illuminating God’s word through her drawing and artwork. Read her reflection here | #wearecityonahill #whomshallisend
21.01.2022 Episode 29 has reached new levels of madness Dave and Jess are back for CKTV at 8am today as we turn to the book of Psalms as a church. See you at very soon!... #CKTV #citykids
20.01.2022 Join us this Sunday as we hear a timely message from Sam Low on Psalm 51 plus we'll be sharing in Communion during the service as a church family. We're inviting you to log on to Zoom at with a second device during the communion part of the service to express our Oneness in Christ, and to encourage each other by seeing each other’s faces as we share in this special meal. Come prepared with your red beverage of choice and some bread or crackers this week.... Every Sunday at
18.01.2022 Desolation. Disconnection. Disorientation. Today pastor Andrew Grills will lead us through Psalm 88, a timely exploration of the very real nature of human suffering, and God's response to our dark nights of the soul. Join us for our 8pm Digital Gathering as we pray, sing and hear God's word together.
18.01.2022 Drive-in cinema or church? We love the creativity at City on a Hill: Surf Coast as they begin to gather as a church! How great is it to see God’s people meeting in person once again?... #knowJesusmakeJesusknown #COAHsurfcoast
17.01.2022 Psalm 19 is a song about the revelation of God. It’s about how he has set the world up, and his work in it, to call out to us, and invite us toward him. Pastor Nick Coombs reflects in his latest blog article on who God calls us to be through his Word in Psalm 19. Nick discusses the truth that like the light of one of those stars he created to declare his glory, so too the glory of God’s moral perfection spotlights our blemishes, and highlights where we fall short but a...lso reminds us of the beauty of Jesus’ gift of grace to us. #breathe #psalms
17.01.2022 "Life tells me I’m going to face a crisis. The only one that can hold me is the author of life himself." - Nick Coombs To catch-up, listen again, or share with a friend, click on the links below: Watch - Listen - Tell - hit 'share' below #wearecityonahill #whomshallisend #cityonahilldigital
16.01.2022 My Favourite Psalm from Jordan Bariesheff Psalm 91 This Psalm solidified the truth that God was with me in the storm, he didn’t cause it but He was walking with me and I could crawl under His wing and He would be my refuge. - Jordan Jordan shares how Psalm 91 helps her frame God in the midst of her suffering and that those who call upon the Lord in any season will be answered and find refuge in Him.... #breathe #myfavouritepsalm #wearecityonahill
14.01.2022 ‘Psalm 88 as a whole is a song from the dark night. It is one of the few places in all of scripture which are without hope or light of any kind. As the Psalmist puts it: You have put me in the depths of the pit, in the regions dark and deep and my companions have become darkness.’ What hope can we find in a psalm like Psalm 88? Why would we even read it? Surely it will just make us feel worse? Pastor Andrew Grills gives us two reasons in his latest article.
14.01.2022 Sausage sangas, Isaiah and the true hope found in Jesus! Something for all of the kids today in Episode 36. Tune in from 8am...... CKTV for the older kids | CK Cubby for the 2-6 year olds | #whomshallisend #CKTV #citykids
12.01.2022 Pat and Carly Donohoe tragically lost their eldest son, Jasper in 2019 from a rare heart condition. On Sunday, we heard how God gave them the words to deal with their grief and suffering through the Psalms in one of the most difficult seasons of their lives. In the valley moments the Psalms were so good at showing what it looks like to bring everything to God. - Carly Pat and Carly also share the love and support they felt from their church family and through reading the Ps...alms, reminding them of God’s goodness and faithfulness. #breathe #psalms #wearecityonahill
10.01.2022 My eye grows dim through sorrow. Every day I call upon you, O Lord. I spread out my hands to you. God hears us and meets us in our darkest moments. Take a moment to breathe, listen to Psalm 88:1-18 and bring your real self to the God that cares deeply for you. #breathe #psalms
10.01.2022 Join us today as we hear from Pastor Andrew Grills and as a church seek to discover, unpack and find an expression for our suffering in Psalm 88. All are welcome - send the link to someone who you’d love to go to church with today! 9am, 11am, 6pm and 8pm at #breathe #cityonahilldigital
09.01.2022 Flint reminds us a bit of Melbourne right now; a vibrant city which has now become a ghost town. This is a song by Sufjan Stevens about loss and loneliness, about faded glory in a town called Flint performed by Dave Martel. Songs like this feel like what they are describing and even though there might be no resolution to be found within, they can help us take on that uncomfortable place so that we can give it a name, face it and journey towards healing. God in his kindn...ess goes even further to meet us in our dark place. He has given us songs of lament in the book of Psalms to help give us a voice when we face the storm; a voice which we may not have heard otherwise. #breathe #psalmsoflament
07.01.2022 "If 2020 has taught us anything it’s that a crisis is coming for each of us. The question is: how should we face what is the common human experience of crisis? Whether global, financial, familial or personal. Thankfully, we don’t walk in this world alone. The saints of old, and the God who breathed His Scriptures to us through them, provide us with otherwise unattainable wisdom.... Pastor Nick Coombs in his latest blog article unpacks Isaiah 7 and the hope we find in knowing God is with us always. Read it now | #whomshallisend #immanuel"
07.01.2022 Rachel Saravanamuthu is a human rights lawyer who works with families and individuals seeking asylum in Australia. She loves Jesus and shares her heart for justice whilst resting in the hope of the truly just God who offers not only physical refuge but spiritual salvation. The sovereignty of God gives me comfort in my job, because I’m not in control, he’s in control I don’t need to work for 24 hours a day to ensure people’s safety, God sees everything. Listen to Rachel’s s...tory now and reflect on how you can love God and reflect his love by caring and praying for your neighbour. #breathe #wearecityonahill
06.01.2022 How do we enjoy God in the day to day experiences of our work, rest, and relationships? Today pastor Luke Nelson will lead us through biblical wisdom for enjoying God - the best thing - through the little things and deep things he has given to us in life. Join us for our 11am Digital Gathering as we pray, sing, hear, and respond to God's word together.
06.01.2022 My Favourite Psalm from Pastor Andrew Grills Psalm 27 I love this Psalm because of what it tells me of the Christian life; the fight we are in and the reason we are fighting it. I love that it ends with this last verse, ‘Wait for the Lord, be strong, take courage and wait for the Lord.’ Pastor Andrew Grills shares his reflection on the Psalm that gives him strength and courage in the battles of life but also a reminder to gaze upon the Lord and His eternal beauty.... #breathe #myfavouritepsalm #wearecityonahill
05.01.2022 "Who David knew as his rock and his redeemer in Psalm 19, we know as Jesus of Nazareth, the one who redeems his people and cleanses our hearts by grace as a gift... through living our life perfectly in our place - Pastor Nick Coombs Catch up on last Sunday’s sermon from Pastor Nick Coombs unpacking how God communicates to us through Psalm 19 and the good news that God calls us to Himself through salvation in Jesus. Watch at Listen on your favourite podcast app or at #wearecityonahill #breathe #cityonahilldigital
05.01.2022 Join us at church today and be reminded of the good news of great joy found in Jesus’ perfect sacrifice for us. Pastor Andy Pearce will be unpacking the first part of Isaiah 6 in today’s service. Join us at 9am, 11am, 6pm and 8pm AEDT #whomshallisend #cityonahilldigital
04.01.2022 One year, our apple tree did bear some fruit the moment I saw them I was a proud gardener. It brought me great joy to see these apples grow and to be able to pick them and eat them. In a similar way, this feeling of pride and joy is what God’s people will experience Dave May from City on a Hill Geelong shares a vision of eternity from Isaiah 4 and the hope we have in Jesus' promise of His return in his latest article, ‘My Apple Tree.’ #wearecityonahill #whomshallisend
03.01.2022 Enjoying God Today - join us at church! Pastor Luke Nelson will be preaching a message on how to enjoy God in every day life. Join us at 9am, 11am, 6pm and 8pm AEDT #cityonahilldigtial #enjoyinggod
03.01.2022 God knows our broken humanity, God knows what it is to be in the dark night of the soul. He has not forgotten. His compassions haven’t run out. Pastor Andrew Grills Catch up on yesterday's sermon from Psalm 88. Watch - Listen - Tell - hit 'share' below #wearecityonahill #breathe #cityonahilldigital
03.01.2022 Desmond joined the CKTV studio last week for Future-Retro Tech and taught us the real way to use everyday items around your home Genius or wacky? You be the judge! Join us this Sunday at 8am at ... #CKTV #citykids
02.01.2022 When lockdowns struck for the second time in July, it hit everyone hard, but some people especially hard. At City on a Hill we believe God has called all Christians to shine His light of love and mercy to those around us. When we heard that there were hundreds of overseas and interstate students stuck inside their tiny student accommodation for 23 hours a day, many without income and local community, our hearts broke. We partnered with Christian Union, the campus ministry on ...the ground at Swinburne Uni in Hawthorn, to help bring a message of hope and love to these students. Last week, Pat from City on a Hill: Melbourne East, and leader of Swinburne Christian Union, delivered 35 care packs to these students, full of snacks and food to let them know that they are loved. We also invited them to connect with City on a Hill through our digital services and Gospel Communities, and to the Christian Union community. It’s our prayer that God would do much more than feed people with these packs, but that he would bring them into a relationship with him through this difficult time. Please be praying for these students. And if you would like help with future student care initiatives, please send your expressions of interest to #cityonahill #wearecityonahill #christianunion
01.01.2022 This Sunday we’ll be continuing our series ‘Whom Shall I Send’ with Pastor Andy Pearce bringing a message on the prophetic image of Jesus' plan to free us from our sin from Isaiah 6. Luke and Alice will be welcoming us to the service and we’ll also be enjoying praise and worship led by Trish and the band. Join us and invite a friend! ... 9am, 11am, 6pm and 8pm AEDT #whomshallisend #cityonahilldigital
01.01.2022 My Favourite Psalm from Alice Arnott Psalm 4 ‘God, how can I hold in tension what I know to be true about you with what I am experiencing in my life right now?’ The Psalms teach us how to hold this tension. How God can be for us even when our circumstances cause us to doubt.’ Alice shares how Psalm 4 teaches her to see a good and faithful God in the midst of suffering, pain and uncertainty.... Which Psalm gives you comfort and certainty in the faithfulness of God? #breathe #myfavouritepsalm #wearecityonahill
01.01.2022 How do you enjoy God in everything? Tune in tonight as Pastor Luke explores how we can enjoy God everday in the little things, the deep things and the best thing! Invite a mate!... Join us at 6pm or 8pm on #cityonahilldigital #wearecityonahill
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