Civic Avenue Early Learning in Singleton, New South Wales | Childcare service
Civic Avenue Early Learning
Locality: Singleton, New South Wales
Phone: +61 2 5553 0960
Address: 5-7 Civic Avenue 2330 Singleton, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 Mothers Day 2020 Today was all about acknowledging and thanking our beautiful mums in our Civic Ave family. We hope you all enjoyed our iso style celebration and the gorgeous gifts that our talented children created. ... #civicaveearlylearning #singleton #mothersday2020 #childcare #earlychildhoodeducationandcare
24.01.2022 To express our gratitude to all our local doctors and nurses our beautiful team of educators and children created a special Lolly Hamper and card. We think you guys are amazing and from the bottom of our hearts we want to thank-you for everything you are doing to keep us safe during COVID-19 Singleton District Hospital ... #civicaveearlylearning #singleton #thankingouramazingmedicalstaff #childcare #singletondistricthospital
23.01.2022 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Childrens Day is celebrated across the country each year on 4th of August. Childrens Day is a time when Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and communities and all Australians, celebrate the strengths and culture of our children. It is an opportunity for us to show our support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, as well as learn about the crucial impact that culture, family and community play in the l...ife of every Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander child. Today at Civic Ave our children celebrated this special day by learning all about Aboriginal culture and traditions through discussions, stories, exploring art, acknowledging our country, dancing and from a special visit from our Aboriginal Performer Josh. #civicaveearlylearning #singleton #nationalaboriginalandtorresstraitislanderchildrensday #eldersoftomorrow #stroginculture #childcare #earlychildhoodeducationandcare
22.01.2022 Children start learning maths from the moment they start exploring the world. Each skill, from identifying shapes to counting to finding patterns, builds on what they already know. Counting, numbers and shapes are just a couple of mathematical skills that our children in our Pre School Learning Studio have been engaging in over the past couple of weeks. #civicaveearlylearning #singleton #maths #childcare #earlychildhoodeducationandcare
21.01.2022 Little People, Big Feelings Do you want to lean how to manage meltdowns, tame tantrums and raise an emotionally intelligent child? The tricky thing is that much of our childrens challenging behaviour (and our feeling that they are not resilient) has less to do with the behaviour were seeing, and more to do with the big emotions theyre feeling that were not quite sure what to do with.... Join Dr Justin Coulsons for his free live webinar Little People, Big Feelings on Monday 7th September at 8pm to hear and learn his powerful guide to teaching children to understand and regulate their emotional world.
21.01.2022 National Reconciliation Week (NRW) is held annually from the 27th May to the 3rd June. A reconciled Australia is one where our rights as First Australians are not just respected but championed in all the places that matter - Kristie Parker (Board Member, Reconciliation Australia) NRW is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, achievements and the importance of Reconciliation Week and indigenous culture. At Civic Ave our children were presen...ted with many learning opportunities to explore our land, history and indigenous culture all which were educational and loads of fun. #civicaveearlylearning #singleton #nationalreconciliationweek2020 #childcare #earlychildhoodeducationandcare
21.01.2022 Peek-A-Boo - I See You Peek-a-boo is enjoyed by children of all ages, especially our babies. Whether you get a smile or giggle, its an infectious game that just keeps going, as children get older peek-a-boo turns to hide and seek. Peek-a-boo is not only fun, but it is also beneficial developmentally. Peek-a-boo enhances cognitive, motor and language development.... #civicaveearlylearning #singleton #peekaboo #childcare #earlychildhoodeducationandcare
20.01.2022 Our Preschool children have been very busy this week creating amazing self portraits. Using our light box and a little guidance from our beautiful Educator Jen, the children were super excited to trace their very own photo. They displayed amazing hand eye coordination and fine motor skills. They also engaged in some wonderful discussions and questioning about different facial features and colours. ... #civicaveearlylearning #singleton #childcare #earlychildhoodeducationandcare
19.01.2022 In celebration of Mothers Day 2020 iso style on Monday the 11th of May, we are encouraging our mums to do drop off in the morning for a special mothers day surprise. Although this year will be unlike any other, we want to celebrate our mums with a coffee, some brekky and a quick photo or two in our booth! We hope to see you there (From 6:30am until 9:00am)! #mothersday2020 #coffeeonus #breakyonus #civicavenueearlylearning #singleton #celebratingisostyle
18.01.2022 First Aid Training - Our Civic Ave Team Members Putting Safety First Today several members of our team updated their First Aid, CPR, Anaphylaxis and Asthma Training. When you learn first aid, you not only learn how to handle injuries, illnesses and medical conditions you also learn how to stay calm and collected in stressful situations. ... The Education and Care Services National Regulations require services to have at least one educator that is first aid trained on site at all times. At Civic Ave Early Learning it is a requirement that all of our educators are first aid trained. Its imperative that every member of our team is trained and educated on how to respond to emergencies and ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of every child in our care. #civicaveearlylearning #singleton #firstaidtraining #healthandsafety #childcare #earlychildhoodeducationandcare
18.01.2022 R U OK Day Yesterday was R U OK Day. R U OK Day is an annual day dedicated to reminding people to ask their friends, family or peers the question, R U OK? Connecting with those around you regularly and meaningfully is one thing everyone can do to make a difference for someone else who may be struggling. 2020 has been a challenging year for everyone and circumstances have made it even more important for us all to stay connected and check in on those we love and care about. ... Civic Ave Early Learning got behind this years message of Theres more to say after R U OK? We encouraged our children and Educators to wear yellow, we educated our children on this special day and engaged in many experiences that involved the colour yellow. Our Beautiful Lead Educator Miss Toni introduced our Kindergarten children to a powerful song Together its Ok (link below) and our wonderful Chef Miss Rachel whipped up a beautiful morning tea for all of our educators and families to acknowledge this special day. To our amazing Civic Ave family, we want you all to know we are always here for you and we will help and support you all in any way possible. #civicaveearlylearning #singleton #ruokday2020 #childcare #earlychildhoodeducationandcare
18.01.2022 Beautiful Artwork for our Community Mel from The Open Door at Singleton Neighbourhood Centre visited us yesterday to collect the beautiful artwork, that our Pre School and Junior Toddler children created. Mel thought these paintings were perfect for a particular space and asked if our talented artists could paint a few more to display at their Neighbouhood Centre. ... We love being able to give back to our beautiful community. #civicaveearlylearning #singleton #community #singletoncommunity #childcare #earlychildhoodeducationandcare
17.01.2022 Our inquiry and play-based curriculum aims to build on children’s learning, their current interests and prompt new ideas and learning opportunities that challenge and extend children’s understanding about the world around them. #ChildhoodLearning #earlylearning #childcare #childcareaustralia #kindergarten #childcare #singleton #daycare
17.01.2022 Our children were invited to explore this gorgeous sensory experience in the beautiful sunshine today. Charlie loved the smell of the lemon tea tree and Hannah said her bowl looked beautiful with all the sparkles. #civicaveearlylearning #singleton #earlychildhoodeducationandcare #naturalmaterials
17.01.2022 Healthy Harold visits Civic Ave This week we were lucky enough to have Amanda and Healthy Harold from Life Education visit our Kinder and Pre School children. Healthy Harold is a loveable giraffe, caring and loyal friend and passionate advocate for the health and safety of all Australian children and their families, Healthy Harold is an Australian icon.... Amanda and Harold talked to our children about Summer holidays, they explored and role played the importance of road safety, sun safety, water safety. Harold was very cheeky throughout the discussion on sun protection and tried to trick Amanda and our children into letting him wear a costume hat outside in the hot sun. Our children were very clever and fast to tell Harold that the costume hat was not sun safe and that he needed to wear a hat with a broad brim to keep him safe. A big thank-you to Healthy Harold and Amanda for a fantastic educational incursion. We cant wait for you to visit again. #civicaveearlylearning #singleton #healthyharold #lifeeducation #childcare #earlychildhoodeducationandcare
15.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day We would like to wish all our our amazing Dads, Granddads, Pas, Pops and special people a very Happy Fathers Day. We may not have been able to celebrate this year as we normally would but Thursday was all about thanking and acknowledging all of our amazing Dads in our Civic Ave family. ... We hope you enjoyed our iso style celebration and the gorgeous gifts that our talented children created. We hope your special day today is magically and filled with lots of love. #civicaveearlylearning #singleton #fathersday2020 #childcare #earlychildhoodeducationandcare
15.01.2022 Today our little Civic Ave Master Chefs cooked up a storm. They were all super excited to put on a Civic Ave apron and cook delicious vegemite and cheese scrolls. It is safe to safe that afternoon tea was a big hit. #civicaveearlylearning #singleton #cooking #earlychildhoodeducationandcare
14.01.2022 Extending on an interest in cooking our Educators invited our children to our 'Civic Ave Cup Cake Making Station'. The children rolled, mixed, squashed and sprinkled all the ingredients to make their very own cupcakes. It was messy, educational but most of all loads of fun. #civicaveearlylearning #singleton #messyplay #earlychildhoodeducationandcare
14.01.2022 At Civic Avenue Early Learning we have developed, and we live by, eleven core values. These values represent our culture and our people. They reflect how Civic Avenue Early Learning sees itself and its operation. Our values act as our guidelines for our everyday decisions and actions.
14.01.2022 Happy Mothers Day to all our unstoppable Mums, Nans, Nanas, Grandmas and special people in our Civic Ave community. We hope your Mothers Day is magically and filled with lots of love. Dont forget to join us for a special iso style Mothers Day celebration tomorrow morning from 6.30am onwards. #civicaveearlylearning #singleton #mothersday2020 #childcare #earlychildoodeducationandcare
14.01.2022 Why the amount of Child Care Subsidy (CCS) Changes With free childcare ending and CCS coming into play again, we have noticed that many of our families are experiencing a change in CCS, resulting in their gap fee changing. There are four main reasons why your CCS will change, this article explains each of these four reasons in more detail. ... If you are unsure of your gap fee or your CCS rate please feel free to call or chat to us at any time. #civicaveearlylearning #singleton #ccs #childcare #earlychildhoodeducationandcare
13.01.2022 At Civic Ave Early Learning our Indoor / Outdoor Program is an important part of our curriculum. It allows children the choice to move freely from their learning studio inside, to their beautiful learning environment outside. Giving children choices, develops their internal voice and their decision making process.
12.01.2022 Book of the Week - "When I Grow Up" - By Andrew Daddo When I Grow Up is a story about a little girl who frequently questions her parents about when she will be allowed to do things on her own. Beautiful illustrations, a repeated sentence pattern, and familiar experiences make this an enjoyable and fun book for early readers. This book can be purchased online for $10... #civicaveearlylearning #singleton #bookoftheweek #languageandliteracy #childcare #earlychildhoodeducationandcare
12.01.2022 NAIDOC Week Always Was, Always Will Be, recognises that First Nations people have occupied and cared for this continent for over 65,000 years. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people were Australia’s first explorers, first navigators, first engineers, first farmers, first botanists, first scientists, first diplomats, first astronomers and first artists. ... This week we celebrated NAIDOC week, by educating our children and inviting them to embrace the history of our country by discussing and exploring aboriginal culture and traditions. Our amazing Chef also included some yummy indigenous meals including Johnny Cakes and Kangaroo Stew. #civicaveearlylearning #singleton #naidocweek2020 #earlychildhoodeducationandcare
11.01.2022 Our Beautiful New Garden Our talented Miss Meg made this amazing planter box using recycled pallets. Im sure you would all agree this new addition to our outdoor environment is beautiful and provides our children with some gorgeous new plants and flowers to take care of. #civicaveearlylearning #singleton #garden #outdoorenvironment #childcare #earlychildhoodeducationandcare
11.01.2022 Small GREEN Steps As many of you are aware our centre has been participating in the Small Green Steps Program. The Small Green Steps Program is a 40 step environment program, specifically developed for early childhood and education services. The program encourages involvement by all educators, staff, parents and children. The program information is designed to educate our centre on how to ensure sustainability is embedded within our service and practices. It also helps to en...courage children to develop an appreciation of nature. Our amazing Sustainability Officer Tayla, has been working super hard with our Green Team, our staff, our children and our families to implement procedures and practices to ensure our centre meets the small green steps criteria. We are super excited to announce that we have now completed all 4 stages of this program and have been awarded a certificate for each stage. We are very proud of this achievement and even more proud to be recognised and awarded as a sustainable centre. Please feel free take a look through our project book to see all of the exciting initiatives, procedures and programs that we have developed and implemented as a result of the 'Small Green Steps Program'. A big thank-you to our Sustainability Officer Tayla for all her hard work, dedication and effort. We would also like to thank Tony from Small Green Steps for his support during this program. #civicaveearlylearning #singleton #smallgreensteps #sustainabledirections #sustainability
10.01.2022 National Science Week This week is National Science Week. National Science Week is Australias annual celebration of science and technology. The celebration of science is an opportunity to acknowledge the contributions of Australian scientists to the world of knowledge. It also aims to encourage a wider interest in science, and to encourage young people to be fascinated by the world. At Civic Ave this week to acknowledge and celebrate National Science Week we participated... in many different science experiments. It was definitely an exciting and fun week learning all about the miracles of science. #civicaveearlylearning #singleton #nationalscienceweek2020 #earlychildhoodeducationandcare #childcare
10.01.2022 National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS) is an annual campaign that aims to encourage more young Australians to read and enjoy books. This year is the 20th successful year, it is a colourful, vibrant, fun event that aims to promote the value of reading and literacy, using an Australian childrens book that explores age-appropriate themes and addresses key learning areas of our National Curriculum. Every year a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and ill...ustrator is read simultaneously in libraries, schools, pre-schools, childcare centres, family homes, bookshops and many other places around the country. NSS 2020S book is Whitney and Britney Chicken Divas written and illustrated by Lucinda Gifford. At Civic Ave Early Learning we registered and took part in this amazing initiative, so today at 11am our children along with thousands of other children throughout the country all enjoyed this beautiful story. Thanks to Lorelei and zoom we were also able to involve and share this special experience with the children from the National School of Nadi (Fiji) There were many giggles throughout the story and lots of discussions following the story. This book can be purchased at Big W or any other participating book store for $10 should you wish to enjoy this story at home. #civicaveearlylearning #singleton #nationalsimultaneousstorytime #nss2020 #whitneyandbritneychickendivas #literacy #earlychildhoodeducation #childcare
10.01.2022 Early Childhood Educators Day Today our industry celebrates and acknowledges the amazing Educators and Teachers that educate, teach and care for our beautiful children. A job that often isnt respected and acknowledged the way it should be. A job that requires so many skills, so much patience and so much love. Today we want to thank every single one of our Educators that put their heart and soul into providing exceptional care and education to our Civic Ave children and famil...ies. We want to thank them for their commitment and dedication to our centre, team and community. Today was all about them, we spoilt each and every one of them with a beautiful gift, a relaxing massage voucher and a delicious lunch. Many of our gorgeous families also spoilt our amazing team with flowers, yummy treats and loads of appreciation posts and love. A special thank-you to each and every one of you that acknowledged our team today. We appreciate you taking the time to make our team feel loved and special. #earlychildhoodeducatorsday2020 #civicaveearlylearning #singleton #besteducatorsever #bestteamever #childcare #earlychilhoodeducationandcare
10.01.2022 For all of our beautiful children that are at home self isolating, we miss you and cant wait to have you back. #civicaveearlylearning #singleton #earlychildhoodeducationandcare #childcare
08.01.2022 Christmas in July Last week we treated our amazing team to a special surprise Christmas in July. Our dream team thought they were coming back to work for our usual monthly team meeting, but instead they walked into the sound of Christmas carols, a delicious roast dinner and a special Christmas gift. ... Something small to thank our team for all their hard work and a great opportunity to socialise and enjoy each others company. #civicaveearlylearning #singleton #christmasinjuly #childcare #earlychildhoodeducationandcare
07.01.2022 Book of the Week - Lest We Forget- By Kerry Brown We thought this would be a perfect book to explore this week for Anzac Day. My granddad says there are two types of days: those you want to remember and those you want to forget ...... A young boy visits his granddad and thinks about the important days in his life: his first day of school, playing soccer with his team, the day his baby sister was born. Yet through the illustrations the reader sees a parallel story of the grandfathers experiences at war: wearing his brand-new soldiers uniform, with his fellow diggers in the field, looking at a photo of the baby hes never met. This clever and touching picture book bridges the generation gap with a way for young children to relate to the experiences of older family members a simple, cleverly constructed book that is ideal for both home and the classroom. This book can be purchased from Kmart or Big W for $10.00 #civicaveearlylearning #singleton #bookoftheweek #languageandliteracy #childcare #earlychildhoodeducatonandcare
07.01.2022 Our art and craft programs at Civic Avenue Early Learning, allows children to develop their creativity and express their thoughts, feelings and emotions. #daycare #Artsandcraftsforkids #educators #childcare
06.01.2022 National Pyjama Day National Pyjama Day is all about wearing your favourite pair of PJs to help The Pyjama Foundation raise much-needed awareness and funds for children in foster care. Yesterday was the comfiest day of the year, all of our Civic Ave Early Learning educators and children got comfy for a great cause. ... The Pyjama Foundation #civicaveearlylearning #singleton #nationalpyjamaday2020 #childcare #earlychildhoodeducationandcare
06.01.2022 Happy Valentines Day Valentine’s Day is an annual event to celebrate love and friendship. Our Civic Ave children created some beautiful love potions and perfumes as well as Valentines Day inspired playdough creations. #civicaveearlylearning #singleton #valentinesday2021 #earlychildhoodeducationandcare
06.01.2022 Crazy Hair Day = Crazy Educators and Crazy Kids Crazy Hair Day is an annual fundraising event held in early childhood services and schools across Australia to raise money for Cystic Fibrosis. Yesterday for a bit of fun, we got creative and funky with our way out there, crazy hair dos to raise money for a great cause. ... A big thank-you to to all our families and staff for their gold coin donations. #civicaveearlylearning #singleton #crazyhairday #cysticfibrosis #raisingmoneyforagreatcause #childcare #earlychildhoodeducationandcare
05.01.2022 'Children's Week' is a national celebration that recognises the talents, skills, achievements and rights of children. The theme for Children's Week 2020 was based on Article 15 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which allows children choose their own friends and safely connect with others. Last week to celebrate Children's Week our children had a fun packed week which included making delicious cupcakes, making playdough, dressing up and going on treasure hunts. #civicaveearlylearning #singleton #childrensweek2020 #childcare #earlychildhoodeducationandcare
04.01.2022 Happy World Kindness Day World Kindness Day is celebrated on November 13 every year. It is an international celebration that was formed in 1998, to promote kindness throughout the world. On this special day we showed our kindness to our amazing team and families with a beautiful morning tea prepared by the one and only Miss Rach. ... Our Preschool children also ventured out into the Singleton community to spread and share their kindness and love. Our first stop was the Singleton Library, we presented the receptionist with a beautiful flower and a special snow globe. The children then walked through the library handing out flowers to people visiting the library. The children choose who they wanted to give their flowers to. Next we visited Mercy Nursing Home. We were not able to enter the building due to COVID restrictions, but one of the lovely Nurses came out to accept our flowers, plant, snow globe, drawings and letters. She thanked us and explained to the children that she would give the flowers, drawings and letters to the residents and keep the snow globe and lovely plant in reception. Our last stop was Quest Apartments we presented the Receptionist with flowers and a gift. She thanked the children and asked for a photo. As we approached each business the children shouted out "Happy World Kindness Day". A couple of the children kept their flowers to hand out to their special educators back at Civic. It was a beautiful day filled with lots of kindness and love. #civicaveearlylearning #singleton #worldkindnessday2020 #kindness #earlychildhoodeducationandcare
04.01.2022 We are looking for Educators to join our Amazing Team If you are dedicated, passionate and want to make a difference, then we want you. We have openings for an ECT, Diploma Trained Educator and Certificate 3 Trained Educator. Must have current WWCC, current First Aid and industry knowledge. ... If either of these positions are of interest and you would like to join our team please send your resume to [email protected] #civicaveearlylearning #singleton #besteducatorsever #lookingforeducators #childcare #earlychildhoodeducationandcare
04.01.2022 National Families Week is celebrated every year in May to acknowledge the vital role that families play in Australian society. National Families Week is a time to celebrate with family, make contact with extended family and friends and share in the enjoyment of family activities within the wider community. It is a time to celebrate the meaning of family and to make the most of family life. All families are different, but each family is special and unique in its own way. Las...t week during National Families Week we learnt all about families. We talked about our own families and how they were special. We read books about different types of families and we drew all the things we love about our families. We introduced and welcomed Leo, Larry and Lilly to our Civic Ave Team. Leo, Larry and Lilly will be traveling home with a different family each night to get to know all of our Civic Ave families. Our Toddler children were also really busy making what they call "Families in a Jar" (Chocolate chip cookies). To provide a link between home and our beautiful service we encouraged our children to take their "Families in a Jar" home and enjoy a baking experience with their families. "Families in Jar" - without each ingredient life would crumble... The most important thing in the world is family and love. John Wooden National Families Week #civicaveearlylearning #singleton #nationalfamiliesweek2020 #childcare #earlychildhoodeducationandcareIntroducing
03.01.2022 Civic Avenue Early Learning welcome all children and families within our community. We aim to make every experience memorable, fun and educational. Our professional, caring team of educators are dedicated to building strong connections and relationships with children and families. Our educators will constantly reflect, collaborate and look at ways in which they can improve and strive for excellence. #childcare #huntervallery #singleton #daycare #earlylearning #kindergarten
03.01.2022 Woodwork Station - Our Little Carpenters in the Making This week a woodwork station was added to our outdoor environment. The excitement to explore and build was evident in the childrens eyes and voices. Before using this area our children were required to undergo a safety induction. Miss Toni spoke to the children about how to use this area safely in-order to protect themselves from being hurt. Once induction was over the station was open and carpentry begun.... The children used a variety of tools to hammer and screw into the large wooden logs. So many valuable and learning opportunities from this experience. #civicaveearlylearning #singleton #woodwork #childcare #earlychildhoodeducationandcare
03.01.2022 Garden to Plate Program Our children were excited to harvest these beautiful carrots from our garden this week. They were super keen to deliver them to our amazing Chef Miss Rach, to incorporate into her yummy cooking. Miss Rach grated these little beauties and added them to her delicious spaghetti bolognese. Obviously both the carrots and the spaghetti bolognese we were both a big hit. ... #civicaveearlylearning #singleton #gardentoplateprogram #nutrition #sustainability #childcare #earlychildhoodeducationandcare
03.01.2022 At Civic Avenue Early Learning our Educators will inspire our children with their energy, passion and creativity. They will care for our children with respect, love and encouragement. They will educate, guide and teach our children, they will protect and challenge our children and they will interact, play and have fun with our children. This is our promise to you. #childhoodeducators #earlylearningcenter #daycare #singleton #teamwork
03.01.2022 Book of the Week - The Very Sleepy Bear - By Nick Bland On a Jingle Jangle Mountain, as the snow fell on the rocks A sleepy bear was being followed by a very sneaky fox. But bear was in a hurry, he was running very late Winter had arrived and it was time to hibernate! The Very Cranky Bear is back and he has a mischievous fox to contend with a sneaky fox. You can purchase the book The Very Sleepy Bear from Kmart for $10.00... #civicaveearlylearning #singleton #bookoftheweek #languageandliteracy #childcare #earlychildhoodeducationandcare
02.01.2022 Anzac Day "Lest We Forget" - Today on Anzac Day we remember and are very grateful to all the amazing soldiers that fought for our wonderful country. During the week we celebrated this special day by sharing stories and educating our children about Anzac Day and the importance of this day. Our children were able to participate in art and craft that reflected Anzac Day as well as bake yummy Anzac cookies. ... #civicaveearlylearning #singleton #anzacday2020 #lestweforget #childcare #earlychildhoodeducationandcare
02.01.2022 Book of the Week - Dear Mum, I Love You by Ed Allen and Simon Williams This book goes out to all our wonderful mums in honour of Mothers Day. Dear Mum, my favourite place in the whole wide world is always anywhere you are. I love you. This delightfully illustrated book is filled with enchanting letters to mum. It is heartwarming. ... #civicaveearlylearning #singleton #bookoftheweek #languageandliteracy #childcare #earlychildhoodeducationandcare
02.01.2022 Up Close and Personal with our Beautiful Educator Miss Lorelei Miss Lorelei holds her Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care and has almost completed Bachelor Education, which she has been studying on a part time basis for the last two years. Miss Lorelei has worked in the Early Childhood industry for 12 years and has lots of experience working with children of all ages. Miss Lorelei is very passionate about Indigenous culture and STEAM experiences and loves to share... her passion with our gorgeous children at Civic Ave. Miss Lorelei has 6 children, her oldest child is 27 years old and her youngest child is 3 years old, she also has a wonderful husband who she loves travelling with. Miss Lorelei believes that to teach is to touch a childs life forever. Miss Lorelei is very excited to be working in the Senior Toddlers Learning Studio this year. #civicaveearlylearning #singleton #besteducatorsever #childcare #earlychildhoodeducationandcare
01.01.2022 Like many of our beautiful families our gorgeous Miss Toni is self isolating at home and is missing everyone like you wouldnt believe. She has been kind enough to share a very, very special story in remembrance of her Grandfather and to educate our children on Anzac Day. This touching story My Grandfather Marches on Anzac Day by Catriona Hoy is just perfect to do this. Miss Toni hopes everyone enjoys her special story time and would like to send a big isolation hug to a...ll our children and families. #civicaveearlylearning #singleton #storytime #anzacday #childcare #earlychildhoodeducationandcare
01.01.2022 International Mud Day - Our Civic Ave children celebrate glorious mud. The most memorable days end with the dirtiest clothes The creators of International Mud Day wanted to find a way to help all of the children of the Earth feel closer to each other... and what a better way to do it than Earth itself? Regardless of age, race and religion, covered in mud, we all look the same!... #civicaveearlylearning #singleton #internationalmudday2020 #childcare #earlychildhoodeducationandcare
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