Pockets of stillness in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Medical and health
Pockets of stillness
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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25.01.2022 Happy winter solstice and new moon after darkness, will come the light
25.01.2022 Today’s soul medicine
25.01.2022 Happy new year friends! I’m back into the swing of things now after a few weeks off to disconnect from social media and reconnect with myself and those around me. My guiding word for this year is ‘nurture’ both nurturing myself and others. I intend for 2019 to be slower, softer and kinder. What is your intention/guiding word for this year? How do you want this year to feel?
25.01.2022 Reading about moon cycles and snacking while my little lady sleeps. Using the little pockets of time I have to nourish and nurture me I hope you’re doing something nice for yourself today amongst all of the caring you do for others
21.01.2022 NURTURE: how can you nurture yourself this weekend? Would you benefit from getting out and socialising, or spending some quiet time with yourself? For me, I’ll be fitting in sleep and rest wherever I can (those who know me won’t be surprised by this ) whatever you feel you need this weekend, get still for a moment, listen in to yourself, and take action on the guidance you receive
21.01.2022 Honour your seasons and cycles
20.01.2022 These calendula beauties are watching over me and bringing some extra sunshine as I squeeze in some work today. Happy Wednesday everyone x
20.01.2022 Embrace your in-between season
18.01.2022 Hi friends, it’s been a while. I’ve been offline hibernating, evolving, changing, introverting, and tending to myself and my family since I last posted. While my offline hibernation time served an important purpose, I’m done hiding who I am and what I do, as that does not serve me or anyone else. My business name has changed from ‘anahata healing’ to ‘pockets of stillness’ to help reflect where I’m at and what I’m offering now. I’ve realised I’m here for the sensitives, tho...se who feel things deeply and need extra support and tools to thrive and enjoy life. I’m here to offer my support to you using distance reiki and flower essences, and offer an (online) space to be held within a pocket of stillness, a sacred healing bubble where you can release what no longer serves and call in that which is aligned. If this resonates with you and you want to stick with me on here, I’m so glad and honoured. If not, i understand. Peace . . . #pocketsofstillness #healing #sanctuary #peace #reiki #reikihealing #distancereiki #reikimaster #floweressences #energy #energyhealing #sensitive #intuitive #hsp #intuitivehealing See more
17.01.2022 Making flower essence remedies these are always so fun to make, the flower essences that come up are always spot on and resonate so much. Flower essences are a helpful and gentle way to bring about balance and harmony on the emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Please reach out if you would like one. I’m working on a website, but for now you can reach me via dm and email
16.01.2022 Thought for the day
16.01.2022 The pandemic has narrowed everyone’s life, creating more ability to focus on things right in front of us that too often we don’t take the time to really see. Flowers. People. Situations that offered so much more learning than we might have realised. We have been trained by modern culture to go wider, when the spiritual challenge is to go deeper. Wider too often means superficial and untethered to the ultimately meaningful. Deeper means soulful and ultimately more meaningful, ...more pregnant with possibilities. The gold we’re looking for is deep inside us, in our ability to see and hear what we had not seen or heard before. That is the work that we need to do now. Not so much ask for new experiences but to ask ourselves if we are making the most of the experiences we are already having. Are we inhabiting the space of the best of who we are, or are we expecting the outer world to give us a feeling of more when in fact it is we who are not yet more? These are the deeper questions at this moment because they are the deeper questions of life. Soul guides are guides to the inner world. Navigate your soul and then everything falls into place from there. -Marianne Williamson- See more
15.01.2022 If all you manage to do today is breathe in and out, that is enough.
15.01.2022 DEEP BREATHS: the easiest way to switch from a state of stress or ‘fight or flight’ mode and back into relaxation or ‘rest and digest’ mode is by taking some deep and cleansing breaths into the belly (rather than shallow breathing which most of us spend our day engaged in.) I often take clients through an alternate nostril breathing technique which works beautifully to switch out of stress and tension and into a much more relaxed state. Click the link in my bio to go to see the breathing technique in full
11.01.2022 YIN/YANG: the balance of masculine and feminine. Qualities of both masculine and feminine are required for balance, however the expression of yang/masculine qualities are largely emphasised and celebrated in our culture. Yin/feminine qualities include: intuitive, cyclical, emotional, creative, stillness, moon, night, winter. Yang qualities include: logical, linear, mental, analytical, movement, sun, day, summer. Reading through the list of qualities will give you a sense of whether your state of being rests primarily in the masculine or feminine/yin or yang. Which qualities do you need to embrace and cultivate to bring back balance?
11.01.2022 PMS: the time in a woman’s cycle which is described as the 'creative' or ‘autumn’ phase. The 7-10 days premenstrually is a time where emotional baggage can come up to be cleared and we can gain clarity around what may not be working for us in our lives. However If you feel that your PMS symptoms are impacting your quality of life there are things you can do to help ease the transition through this monthly phase. Herbal medicine, Nutritional therapy, stress management, flower essences and lifestyle adjustments can make big changes in the way you feel. If you'd like some help with this please get in touch x
11.01.2022 In short, a sacred contract is an agreement your soul makes before you are born. You promise to do certain things for yourself, for others, and for divine purposes. Part of the contract requires that you discover what it is that you are meant to do. The divine, in turn, promises to give you the guidance you need through your intuition, dreams, hunches, coincidences, and other indicators. Currently diving into this gem of a book in my spare moments. After having sat on my bookshelf for the past two years it is now strongly calling my name
09.01.2022 Trying to take a photo and maybe have a nice moment to myself, swipe for the reality Do what you can to take care of you this weekend. Fellow melbournians in stage 4 lockdown feeling like the rest of the world has forgotten us, I’m looking at you. This year has been tough in so many ways, yet we are strong and resilient. I see you and I feel you
09.01.2022 Life is too short to not be who you are. Do the things that bring you joy and light you up, wear the clothing that speaks to you, express who you are and just.be.yourself. As it’s exhausting to try to be otherwise. This world sure needs your authenticity
08.01.2022 ‘Selfless women make for an efficient society but not a beautiful, true or just one. When women lose themselves, the world loses its way. We do not need more selfless women. What we need right now is more women who have detoxed themselves so completely from the worlds expectations that they are full of nothing but themselves. What we need are women who are full of themselves. A woman who is full of herself knows and trusts herself enough to say and do what must be done. She lets the rest burn.’ - glennon doyle
07.01.2022 All set up and ready to go for today’s reiki + naturopathy sessions. Click the link in my bio, or feel free to get in touch with me for more info on sessions and how I can help you. Distance reiki is also available wherever you are in the world happy Friday friends xx
07.01.2022 This one. Teaching me daily to be less serious, let go and just have fun
07.01.2022 On doing less: what can you let go of today? Is it really important and does it need to be a priority? If not, let it go. If you are feeling overwhelmed with everything you have on your plate, I guarantee there will be something or maybe many things packed into your schedule which are unnecessary. Instead of placing too much pressure on yourself to have everything perfect and get everything done, remind yourself that you don’t have to get it all done today. The world will not crumble if you say no to a few things. Your peace is more important than your long to do list
06.01.2022 Making flower essences with my girl
06.01.2022 Today’s meditation on the insight timer app was thank you @saraspaceinbetween for your beautiful meditations
05.01.2022 Pink flannel flower this Australian native beauty helps to open the heart chakra and encourages an appreciation of, and pleasure in the little things in life. Masaru Emoto, the groundbreaking author of ‘messages from water’, found from his research in photographing the crystalline structure of melting frozen water, that both gratitude and love were equally the highest vibration of any word or feeling. Having gratitude for all that one experiences and sees around them, le...ads to a very high level of consciousness, joy and bliss in their life together with a lightness or being. It provides a filter to see the world in a totally different light where darkness, frustration and myriad negative emotions are transmuted by a joyous, grateful heart energy. Being in this state allows you to access a high-speed level of intuition and wisdom. It brings about heart intelligence and affords effective solutions for situations and challenges you may be facing See more
05.01.2022 Your words, thoughts, ideas and emotions are important. You are allowed to take up space, without apology. . . . #pocketsofstillness #reiki #reikimaster #healing #selfhealing #intuitive #intuitivehealing #reikihealing #naturopath #floweressences #energy #weareallenergy #energyhealing #energyhealer #energyhealers #affirmation #mindbodymedicine #vibrationalmedicine #mindbodysoul
04.01.2022 As someone with a history of anxiety, this affirmation helps me every time. I repeat it to myself when I’m feeling wobbly and getting carried away with fears and anxiety over the many things in life which I have no control over. As tempting as it is to look outside of ourselves for feelings of security and safety, this has to be an inside job primarily. Affirmations can be a nice way to self soothe and bring you back to the present moment when your thoughts are spiralling. Big love to you
04.01.2022 In my happy place making customised flower essence blends Flower essences are a form of energy medicine. They work by subtly rebalancing and harmonising the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. Flower essences are vibrational essences where the vibrational signature of a plant is infused into the remedy and worked with to help restore balance within a person. Each flower essence remedy has a list of ‘positive’ and a ‘negative’ qualitites associated with it. For example..., black eyed susan flower remedy is for those who are impatient, and constantly striving and over committed. This essence helps to transform these qualities to the ability to turn inward and be still, slow down, and find inner peace. Flower essences help to bring the shadow aspects of ourselves (reflected in the negative aspects of the flower essence remedies), those aspects of self which we may have rejected and suppressed, to the light so that we can become integrated and liberated. See more
04.01.2022 Today’s self care: journaling and choosing flower essences to support me
03.01.2022 With all of the fear and anxiety flying around at the moment, I don’t know where I’d be without this space clearing spray I make sure I do some space clearing in my house once or twice per week. I used to use sage and palo santo , but endangerment + cultural appropriation = . It’s so important to cleanse our spaces regularly, you can really feel the shift afterwards and it makes the space feel lighter and brighter. Since we are all spending so much more time at home, and... I’m in Melbourne where we are currently in lockdown for 6 weeks, our homes need to be our sanctuaries where we can create a safe and healing space, the energy of which can spread out to our neighbourhoods and world. I’m so aware at this time of those who do not feel safe in their homes, and my heart breaks for them. I’m very grateful for my privilege in having a space of my own that I can feel safe in and make a sanctuary See more
02.01.2022 Flower essence readings make my heart sing always so insightful. Get in touch if you would like one for yourself x
02.01.2022 Bottlebrush medicine Found this lying in our path on a walk this morning Maybe we are in need of it’s medicine at the moment. Bottle brush flower essence is a transition essence and can help ease the overwhelm associated with major life changes. Also assists with mother and child bonding, and can be used to help ease constipation.
02.01.2022 Your body is the barometer for your truth. Slow down + listen in
02.01.2022 How often do you allow yourself to fully inhabit your body and feel its sensations? So often we are numbed out and distracted, living in our heads and oblivious to the messages our bodies have for us. Come back to your body by closing your eyes and taking three deep breaths. Feel your feet on the floor. Feel the warmth running through your fingers. You are here, now. You are enough.
02.01.2022 May we choose love over anxiety and fear . . Image via @daniellelaporte
01.01.2022 Reminiscing on a lovely Easter weekend spent with my faves now that we have a proper back pack to put Ella in we are keen to get back into bush walks - what are your recommendations for bush walks near Melbourne?
01.01.2022 And today we found ginkgo leaves magic and medicine is everywhere if you are paying attention x
01.01.2022 How do you take care of your energy? We are living amidst times of great change, turmoil and uncertainty and this is leaving many of us feeling helpless and overwhelmed. While we need to do what we can to help others, we also need to take good care of ourselves too. I am currently offering distance reiki sessions for an investment of $150. During this session I tune into your energy field (you can be anywhere in the world) and working with reiki, channel this life force energ...y to you. Reiki has an intelligence of its own and works to give you whatever is in your highest good - working to clear blocks, release and rebalance emotional stress, and balance the chakra system. After your reiki session I send you an email with a report included on what I noticed during the session, and the intuitive guidance that came through for you. I love love love facilitating these sessions for people, they are so nourishing and transformative. If you are interested, please reach out via DM or email See more
01.01.2022 If you want to win all of these goodies, including an Anahata chakra tea pack (all 7 teas for each main chakra) head over to @ulunalife to enter
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