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Claire Tait Kinesiologist
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25.01.2022 Wednesday Inspo Pickled veggies Throwback to a dinner party catered by @Stems-And-Stalks... Adding a pickle, whether it is sauerkraut or kimchi or a quick 10 minute homemade pickle, to your meal adds that additional yummy flavour profile. And importantly they are good for your gut bacteria. Quality is everything... make sure that the vinegar you use has the "mother" in it. The mother still contains the culture of the beneficial bacteria.
25.01.2022 Monday Reminder So much Yes to this... for many it seems counter-intuitive but over and over again studies have shown it to be the case. Are you prioritising your self care? It has flow on effects to all aspects of your life. If you are in need of a reset come on a day retreat with me. Details are here:
24.01.2022 I've always believed we have the power to heal ourselves... there is no way this incredible bio-machine of ours doesn't have the capability. And I believe this for all levels; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. "Everything you need is inside of yourself" So when I came across the Healy I was reluctant as I know we have the capacity within us to achieve anything. I did loads of research as it tweaked my interest from a quantum physics point of view. ... As an energy worker of over 30 years I have a lot of tools that I use both personally and with clients. In the past few years my sleep has not been optimal and despite knowing so much and having access to so many resources I couldn't quite nail it... some things worked a little, some things worked for a while and then stopped... so clearly there was a something that I was missing. One of the programmes on the Healy is Sleep so I decided to give that a whirl. And this is what sold me... my sleep is now brilliant... so there was a frequency missing somewhere that with all my knowledge I couldn't pick up. There are frequencies for absolutely everything, across a wide range of issues. Healy has a sale on until early Thursday morning (Australian time), so if you are eager and want to catch the sale I can chat with you tomorrow. If you're not bothered about the sale but want more info let me know. If you have a tool like this, why wouldn't you use it.
24.01.2022 Fun Friday Hee Hee...
24.01.2022 Fun Friday Hee Hee
24.01.2022 If you're seeing this post, this card is meant for you. This Goddess represents the epitomy of the phoenix, she has an indestructible energy that embraces change. She knows that everything is conspiring to transform her into only more love and light. Her power is unparalleled. ... She is the most intimate and personally powerful goddess because she meets us in those moments when we can feel most alone, most exposed, and most afraid. She shows us how to thrive in the midst of change, and she uses pain to joyfully and purposefully transform. She sees everything as an opportunity to release what isn't serving her. Where in your life is there an opportunity to expand?
23.01.2022 F U L L . M O O N Our final one for 2020 so lets make it good What do you need to let go of? Who do you need to forgive?... What can you practise gratitude for? Use the power of the Full Moon over these next few days to release any of the dregs or adversity of 2020 so that your entrance into 2021 can come from a clean slate... a space where you are receptive to all the good things that you want to make part of your 2021. The Moon card that has come up for you is one which I have never pulled before in all the time I have used this deck. "I trust the mystery of life" This is a reminder for you that there is magic in mystery, that we should approach life as if it is filled with wonderful possibilities. That although the unknown can be disconcerting and raise Fear within us, that we could choose the other option which is Trust. The raven is a sign to trust the mystery and the unknown. Let go and surrender so that your energy can flow more freely and your ability to trust can expand.
23.01.2022 The Perfect acupoint for your Liver at the start of Spring Now is the ideal time to be supporting your Liver as it is the Yin organ of the Wood element and Spring is when the Wood energy is at its peak. Spring is when many of us do a cleanse of sorts... whether it is a juice/water fast or maybe just cutting out all processed/refined foods and sticking to fruit and veggies for a few days.... Eat loads of dark green vegetables. Kale is one of the best foods to cleanse the liver. Also fermented foods and lemons. See my "fav way to prep Kale" post from yesterday. And the best acupoint to help with your dietary cleanse is Liver 3. If it is a little tender when you press down on the point it means you have some qi stagnation which needs to be moved. As Anger is the emotion of the Wood element this acupoint can help with relieving anger, irritation and frustration. Liver 3 acupoint is easy to find. It sits at the end of the hollow between your first and second toe. To use some acupressure on it: Hold it with moderate pressure for about 4 minutes, both sides, on a daily basis.
23.01.2022 Do you want to extend your life by 10 years? Are you wanting to make some changes around the foods you eat? I listened to a fabulous podcast with gastroenterologist Alan Desmond and cannot wait to get my hands on his book. ... He is a wealth of knowledge around gut biome and how that affects every aspect of our lives. He explains things really simply and has all the science if you're into research. He speaks about the fact that what we eat has become the world's biggest driver of disease. It's currently available from Amazon UK. If you order from Amazon Aus it's sent out early March.
23.01.2022 Today I had a mammogram as part of a check up (not because I'm worried about anything ) The one aspect I have never liked about x-rays, mammograms etc is the radiation, but for me personally the benefits in this instance outweigh the risks. I do know that there is thermography which I did for several years but intuitively (and I always listen to my intuition) I believe the mammogram is what I need. The first thing I did once I had finished (and you can see I am in my car) i...s run the Protection programme on my Healy - interestingly the specific programme which the scan picked up for me to run was "cell" which is all about bioenergetic strengthening of my cells. Totally makes sense. The Healy is one of my favourite tools in my wellness toolkit because of it's 144 000 frequencies and because of it's ability to read which frequencies I need at any particular time. Let me know if you want any details, it is a fabulous tool to have on hand for a multitude of issues.
22.01.2022 In some types of breathwork (which I use in both my Kinesiology and Yoga) we highlight the spaces between the breaths as opposed to the inhale or exhale themselves. I like to use this idea of "spaces between" with calming our busy minds in contemplation/meditation/yoga as well. Last weekend I taught a Yin yoga class to group of people who were new to Yin. If you don't know Yin, it is holding a pose for anywhere between 3 - 5 minutes which allows us to work into the connective... tissue. Holding a pose for that length of time is the perfect breeding ground for "monkey minds". So instead of inviting my class to release their thoughts; (we know they come, we should acknowledge them and then let them go), what I like to rather experiment with is increasing the spaces between those thoughts. It seems like a small distinction but my reasoning acknowledges the idea of "where our thoughts go, energy flows". So rather than focusing on releasing your thoughts, focus instead on increasing the spaces between those thoughts. So subtle a change but one that has really helped me in my own practice of meditation/yoga.
22.01.2022 Full Moon Noticing the movement of the moon through her different phases can be really helpful when we look at our emotional wellbeing. The energy at Full Moon can be intense at times - we've all experienced it right?! According to Yasmin Boland this week offers us 2 choices: Healing or Wounding.... Healing comes because the Full Moon triggers Chiron, the healing planetoid. For some, this means that painful experiences will come to the surface for healing. Ask yourself "What will healing look like to me?" "How will I know that a particular hurt has been healed?" As ever, forgiveness of self or someone else is probably crucial if healing is to happen. If you are feeling the tension energetically then take some time out to soothe your soul - take a luxurious bath, journal your thoughts, go for a walk in nature, meditate, have a swim in the ocean/lake, do some yoga/qi gong, eat a nutritious, grounding meal, have a conversation with a good friend, burn some oils/sage, make a crystal grid, make love to your beloved...
20.01.2022 Last week I had to hold back a gulp when a new client told me that she had been referred to me by her local GP. Firstly what surprised me was that it was a normal GP (I have several Integrative GP's that refer to me but not your standard suburban GP) And then secondly it was a GP I didn't know but who had heard about me through some of his other clients suffering anxiety and depression. Most of us that work in natural therapies/alternative medicine appreciate that there is one solution for everyone and that the best outcome for clients is to work hand in hand with our doctors. It is joyous to see that being reciprocated by allopathic medicine. My main aim is always that of bringing my clients back to wholeness.
19.01.2022 It's only a month away Previous retreat participants left wonderful testimonials Book in to get the early bird price, tickets are in the event itself.... Message me if you have any questions
19.01.2022 Instead of the usual Friday joke I thought I would post this reminder for you. Over the next few days many of us will be considering/journalling around our wishes and goals for the New Year and maybe also our "word" that we want to embody as we move through 2021. My word hasn't come to me yet but I trust the flow... ... What I do know is this reminder...
18.01.2022 Today was an in-person session day in the Newport Clinic. I'll be back there next Tuesday if you'd like to see me in person... otherwise sessions available online per normal. Send me a PM if you have any questions and to book in. If you haven't seen me in a while consider this your energetic health reminder ... I'd love to be your guide as you navigate your way...
17.01.2022 Breathwork has become an important part of my daily ritual. As a Kinesiologist I use it with clients and as a yoga teacher and student is a vital component in our practice. This particular breathwork I am offering you is a calming, re-energizing and meridian balancing practice. In this 10 minute video I show you how to work your breath through your main Yin and Yang meridians, Central vessel and Governing vessel.... Sign up here: Pic is from a breathwork day retreat I went to last year . ... clearly sound was involved too
16.01.2022 Now that my sleep is sorted out, I am trialling the Healy's Pain programme. This has the option of micro-current stimulation via the electrodes as well. The big difference between the Healy and say the Tens machine is that the Tens machine is micro-current only whereas the Healy is micro-current and frequency via a quantum sensor. It's actually a huge difference making it the only tool of it's kind available for the home. The Healy's parent is the Timewaver which costs $31 ...k and you need to be a licensed practitioner to own and operate it. The Healy comes from that technology but has been made into a small, wearable at-home device. If you're interested in bringing this wellness tool into your home, let me know and I can give you all the details.
14.01.2022 For all my Sydney peeps This is Majella from InnerWellbeing in Dee Why. If you’re wanting some internal spring cleaning she would be my recommendation without a doubt.... She knows absolutely everything about lymphatic drainage and colonics and has state of the art equipment for both. She also has some infrared saunas which will leave you feeling so relaxed. So if you're after some internal rejuvenation give Majella a call, you won't be disappointed.
13.01.2022 Spring Equinox For something different and instead of referring to my beloved Spring meridians of Liver and Gall bladder which I'll be posting about anyway in the next few months, I decided to use biofeedback to see what our message at this time is. A W A K E N I N G... Perfect for the Spring Equinox anyway right? But this message is more than the traditional rise out of the slumber of winter. This points to the next level of that growth... we are going through a period of awakening and a remembering. And I'd put money on that this is mainly due to Covid and all that has happened around it and from it. Thoughts, journalling and ponderings for you: Is there any integration that needs to happen for you? Which will allow you to bring more into your own life and the world at large. What is your new way of being? What have you awoken to?
13.01.2022 Fun Friday Anyone else feeling the Full Moon vibes? Even my body aches with this one, so maybe not so fun I checked in with my friend who is into star signs and she said this Full Moon will be most intense for Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces peeps. If you're one of these, I found an article and I've popped it in the comments.
13.01.2022 Andrew is a friend and one of my favourite teachers. He was my introduction to the deities and I was so blessed to go on the Dance with Deities retreat with him in Bali many years ago, it opened up a whole new world for me. Exploring my consciousness and everyday life using the archetypes of the deities has provided me with a depth of understanding that no other philosophy has been able to. In this video Andrew kindly shares his wisdom around Goddess Dhumavati and what we ca...n learn from her story as we sit in these uncertain times. "Dhumavati’s greatest gift is the transmutation of disappointment, failure, loss and grief." (Jane Mallick) I've also put a link in the comments to the blog that Andrew refers to which has more information on Goddess Dhumavati
12.01.2022 Would you a day of self-care, nurturing, insight and rejuvenation in a beautiful setting? Come and fill your cup by spending a day on retreat with me. I love combining yoga with some of my kinesiology tools - a double whammy of energy work. * Yoga - 2 sessions, Hatha in the morning, Yin in the afternoon; no yoga experience is necessary... * Acupressure to assist the movement of chi * Meditation * Specific Journalling using prompts * Yummy lunch and snack catered by my lovely plant-based chef. The home will relax you from the moment you walk in; deep breath out... and I'm envisioning a lot of our day will be on the deck or in the open lounge room with this beautiful view and the energy of nature surrounding us. A day dedicated to your nourishment and self care allows more space in your life which in turn means your coping skills are increased, clarity is improved, your daily purpose is clearer and you are generally happier. In addition, it is actually a Super New Moon that day and I personally find doing retreats, contemplation and personal work during powerful astrological times extra nourishing and soul-filling. * Wear loose comfy clothes you can move in * Please bring a yoga mat, your favourite pen and a journal PS I have personally upped my selfcare even more in the past few months so that I can stay healthy, vibrant and in the flow of life.
12.01.2022 When we can truly remember and embody this then a whole new world opens up to us. Our self-imposed limitations recede into the background, our day-to-day worries dissolve into the ether and we can start to back ourselves in ways we never have before. The challenge of course is to remember this when trials rise up before us.... If you need any help in the remembering of your own divinity book in for a series of Kinesiology sessions with me here: Kindness Claire
09.01.2022 If this post comes up in your feed then this message is for you I N N E R . T R U S T Your opportunity for growth lies in letting go of the need to hide yourself from the world and to let go of any doubt about the wonder of what lies within you.... This card is an assurance that you can trust your instincts. You know what you are doing. If you have been thinking of taking a leap of faith and doing things differently - Go For It
09.01.2022 Monday Reminder It is no use trying to bury something, forget about it, cover it... I would rather invite you to shed some light on it, illuminate it for what it is, heal it and this will allow you to expand into your brilliance, joy and purpose.... If you need some help around this, book in for a series of sessions with me, either online or in person:
08.01.2022 Fun Friday Yup!
08.01.2022 As many of you know I had to find a new clinic space as the one in Newport has closed due to construction noise next door for the next 9 months. I have found a lovely new room at The Oasis in Brookvale which is actually a great central position for most of my in-person clients. I'm there Tuesdays and most Saturdays. All other days are for my online clients. A lovely serendipitous moment when I started back last week was that I noticed the one picture on the wall which is behi...nd me when working is the exact one I have behind me in my home office. Meant to be right? It's my all time favourite piece of ceramic art titled "Expansion". And in my seating area is a picture of Ganesh (who is the Remover of Obstacles), and I have a statue of him at my front door at home. Two little signs that made me feel at home and confirmed I had made the right choice of clinic space.
07.01.2022 Monday Reminder For me, this proverb speaks to Radical self-responsibility and non-attachment. When we can get to that place of non-blame it is a very powerful spot in which to sit, observe and drive your life. Message me if you're not sitting in peace most of the time.
07.01.2022 Dinner tonight before I head out to teach yoga One of my favs Loads of roasted veggies, quinoa, fresh herbs, char grilled asparagus and hummus of course
06.01.2022 Would you like to eat a bit healthier in 2021? Then make this New York Times bestselling book by Dr Michael Greger your next read. I cannot recommend it enough... I follow his Daily Dozen most days - I'll put a summary of it in the comments. It also has a great section with recipes.
06.01.2022 One of my favourite acupoints - Pericardium 6 When we look at the Pericardium meridian overall it is all about heart protection so it is a beautiful acupoint to use if you have closed your heart due to betrayal, etc Pericard 6 embodies our journey into our hearts. When we can release stuck chi/energy in the point we start the path to transformation and an unlocking of our inner heart space.... It's also one of my top 3 acupoints for anxiety as it calms the heart and spirit. In addition to acupressure, I may also use vibrational remedies - whether they be essences, sound etc on acupoints. Message me if you'd like to chat about your individual needs.
05.01.2022 "Earth is a school of manifestation, and we're here to consciously create our lives by getting clear on what we want and releasing self doubt" (Yasmin Boland) Have you journaled to unpack your 2020? Have you found gratitude for all the good that has come your way? And moving forward, have you found what it is you would love to bring into your reality for 2021? ... From my own personal experience I can vouch for the benefits of writing out what it is I want to bring into my life and then taking empowered action to make that happen. We have the power of choice and self-determination and often it is only Fear that stands in our way. What steps do you need to take to bring your visualised possibility into reality? I invite you to start getting clear on this before January gets away from you. If you need help book in for some Kinesiology sessions where we can unpack any resistance, doubt or fear. @omersalom on @unsplash
04.01.2022 Your New Moon Card Play is my pathway to joy. Embrace your playful innocence! Do it in anyway that fills your joy cup.... Release any guilt or excuses you may have around experiencing pleasure. See the world through the curious eyes of a child. If you struggle with play or joy this is an opportunity to check in on why that is.
03.01.2022 Monday Reminder Something I try and remember each morning when I wake up and set my intentions for the day...
03.01.2022 Many people don't like Kale... But because it is one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet I believe it is worth experimenting and finding ways to include it in your diet on a daily basis. The one mistake I think a lot of people make is not to give the Kale a quick loving massage before cooking ... this softens the leaves. My go to is little bit of oil, sea salt, garlic and , stir fry to soften further. Then its ready as a base for a wellness bowl or a warm salad.... Otherwise I'll have it in my green smoothie... What is your favourite way to prep Kale?
03.01.2022 From my Heart to your Heart I thank you for being part of my 2020. What a year it has been... humans are funny things as it is often in adversity that we find our greatest growth. I hope that you can look back at 2020 with gratitude for all the lessons that may have come your way, both positive and negative. ... Equally I hope that you can step into 2021 with arms wide open ready for anything! Enjoying some sunshine and sea air on this final day of 2020. See you on the other side
02.01.2022 Wednesday Inspo Tahini Cookies - if you love Tahini like me you'll love these. And they are of the quickest and easiest cookies you'll ever make. 1/4 cup tahini... 1/4 cup maple syrup Pinch sea salt Combine the above 3 ingredients and then add: 1 1/4 cup almond flour 1 tsp baking powder Mix together and allow to rest for at least 5 minutes. Shape into marble size balls and flatten a little. Add walnuts, seeds or chocolate chips on top. Bake in a 180 degree oven for about 10 minutes I take no responsibility for you eating too many at once because they are so moreish
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