Clair Sykes | Disability service
Clair Sykes
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24.01.2022 Context is everything...hope this one makes you smile :)
24.01.2022 The complexity of emotional labour and the importance of understanding emotional burn out Every work milieu has unspoken organisational expectations of professionalism. In many caring organisations (health, education, disability), professionalism is defined as being calm and in control in the face of complexity and instability. What this means in a practical setting is that an individual’s inner turmoil is masked and managed to present the expected emotions, potentially to ...the detriment of the employee’s well-being. When individual employees’ actual emotional responses do not align with the organisation’s feeling rules, employees have to work to manage their emotions. The psychological effort generated by superficial acting could result in emotional burnout. Validate heart work in 2 ways First, organisational members should recognise which emotions are expected to be managed as a part of employment, and be aware of situations that generate intensified emotional labour. Second, people in leadership roles should provide appropriate avenues for the safe expression of organisationally inappropriate emotions after difficult situations. Simply asking the question: Are you OK? Do you need time, a space or a person to talk to right now? can go a long way to minimising the effect of highly charged emotional labour. Validating the heart work of employees can reconnect them to their passions to persevere with superficial acting during emotionally difficult times.
22.01.2022 A few close friends vs. many casual acquaintances Introverts don’t chase popularity. They don’t need everybody to know their name. What they do want are a few solid connections people who really know them, inside and out. People who know their quirks and they hang out with them anyway. Introverts feel safe venting to these people, even their innermost thoughts. And those people are okay with the occasional awkward silence. Extroverts, in contrast, generally have many casual friends and acquaintances, because social status is more important to them. Whereas extroverts go wide, introverts go deep. There's no right or wrong....just different.
22.01.2022 With practice listening and responding to your body's messages, you'll very likely feel more energized, empowered, stronger, happier, hotter, and healthier. With all of those things comes trust in yourself. This is huge, because self-trust is the enemy of anxiety and insecurity.
20.01.2022 When we say yes to everything and do not set boundaries with people, we can feel stressed, overwhelmed, and burned out. Most of us want to be liked and to please other people. It can be difficult to turn down opportunities or requests that others have made of us. It may also be challenging to set limits with difficult people.
20.01.2022 If you are not open to other ideas and perspectives, it is difficult to see all of the factors that contribute to problems or come up with effective solutions. In an increasingly polarised world, being able to step outside your comfort zone and consider other perspectives and ideas is important.
19.01.2022 Emotional resilience refers to one's ability to adapt to stressful situations or crises. More resilient people are able to "roll with the punches" and adapt to adversity without lasting difficulties; less resilient people have a harder time with stress and life changes, both major and minor.
19.01.2022 Expressing how you feel can help you cope when life throws you challenges. But saying how you feel isn’t always easy. Understand your feelings more by asking yourself these questions: how strong is the feeling? where in my body do I feel it? is it just one feeling or is it several?... what does it make me feel like doing? See more
18.01.2022 How Introverts and extroverts socialise differently I recently met a new client and she told me about her struggle to get people who support, or more to the point want to support, her to understand that she doesn't want to "get out there" in the community. She described going for a walk as "work", not because she is adverse to the exercise and fresh air but because "sometimes people stop me and want to chat". She said, "I know this sounds's the being friendly part.... I don't want to be rude. It's exhausting for me." Does anyone actually enjoy talking about the weather? Probably not, but introverts especially loathe it. For them, small talk doesn’t come naturally. It feels inauthentic and forced and it wastes their time and limited social energy. Sure, they’ll do it if they have to, but they’ll be looking for an escape ASAP. Extroverts, on the other hand, seem to have an easier time tolerating (and making) small talk on the fly. Words flow more easily for them, because, as some research suggests, extroverts may rely more on active memory than long-term memory when speaking which essentially puts words on the tip of their tongue. Introverts do the opposite, which explains why they may pause frequently during conversation and need extra time to think before responding. To engage introverts, talk about ideas. The bigger, the better. What’s something new you’ve learned lately? How are you really feeling about your new job? They are most interested in sharing our inner world not just what they did today or who they saw. And they want to glimpse your inner world, too. Dr. Laurie Helgoe, author of Introvert Power, perfectly sums up the introvert’s need for deep talk: When an introvert cares about someone, she also wants contact, not so much to keep up with the events of the other person’s life, but to keep up with what’s inside: the evolution of ideas, values, thoughts, and feelings.
16.01.2022 Thanks Dawn....that's something special
15.01.2022 Four core strategies for managing stress and anxiety 1. Attention- centering techniques 2. Expressive, creative strategies 3. Reflection exploration strategies 4. Healthy lifestyle values
14.01.2022 With age comes gratitude, perspective, and the ability to problem solve for ourselves. With age we accrue more experiences, more self-awareness, and more successfully navigated pain and heartbreak. But life doesn't get better because you're older, you just get better at dealing with how life works.
12.01.2022 A story about women following their dreams....
11.01.2022 Self-reflection is all about creating self-awareness. So many of us focus on getting ahead that we don’t necessarily take time to reflect on what’s going on within us. There are many ways to practice self-reflection, but some people use writing as a way to process thoughts and feelings. Journaling can help you to learn more about yourself by identifying patterns, habits, and regular themes that come up in life. Self-reflection can help you process your thoughts and feelings.... When we keep our thoughts floating around in our heads, we only confuse or frustrate ourselves more. Don’t believe everything you think. Byron Katie
11.01.2022 Be a role model in everything you do....demonstrate confidence, kindness and compassion
09.01.2022 Regardless of what’s going on in your external environment, a few minutes in your happy place can help you revitalise your brain and your body so that you can more effectively handle stressful situations.
09.01.2022 RELATIONSHIPS Building meaningful relationships is essential for any human being, especially for those who have gone through a life-altering experience. Be intentional about the type of people you want to attract in your life by trying to determine what kind of people you want to have in your life. Make a list of the type of qualities you seek in relationship partners.... And consider that even if someone has different opinions, politics, religion or hobbies, we can still learn from and enjoy those people who are different to us. It's important to focus on how you feel around the person because you both could have similar interests but the connection is just not there. RECONNECT AND REACH OUT I suggest to reach out to people you already know and try to reconnect with them. A new relationship is like dating, you can get rejected if they are just not that into youor your old friends may be busy with their own lives. But gather the courage and just make the contact. You have nothing to lose and friendship and fun to gain. ENABLE OTHERS Take the initiative to answer your phone when a friend calls. You want to enable others to connect with you. From time to time, we can get in our own heads, and there are times when we are just not feeling social and are averse to being available emotionally but we do need to let our friends know we care about them! CREATE CONSISTENT OPPORTUNITIES Creating consistent opportunities for connection. Regularly attending a happy hour, setting up a lunch date or an invite to hang out at your place can be great opportunities to connect. SCHEDULE DATES ON CALENDAR Remember to always schedule events you want to attend or hangouts with friends on a calendar. You can look up events and plan ahead with your friends! APPRECIATION Always let your friends know how much you appreciate them. Everyone wants to feel good, and if you can be a part of making that happen for someone else, the chances are that they will want to be around you more often. Remember you are building a support network for when you need someone to share in life’s joys, triumphs, as well as sadness and tragedy. These are aspects that are part of everyone's life, and having a strong support system can help you achieve more and recover through all of life's ups and downs.
08.01.2022 Spend a little time every day tuning into's not selfish, it's grounding.
07.01.2022 Music therapy may improve mental health and wellbeing Research has shown that music therapy can improve mental health and wellbeing. It can help: Reduce anxiety or stress Regulate moods and energy levels Increase motivation... Manage anger and frustration Manage challenging behaviour. Music therapy may improve speech, communication and social skills Research has shown that music therapy can improve speech, communication and social skills. It can help: Improve verbal and non-verbal communication Improve physical speech function Increase social communication skills Increase social interaction Increase independence Give positive and new ways to deal with situations. Music therapy may improve body movement, coordination and physical function Research has shown that music therapy can improve body movement, coordination and physical function. It can help: Improve gross motor function and control o Gross motor skills are the larger movements you make with your arms legs, feet, or entire body. Improve fine motor function and control o Fine motor skills are the smaller movements you make using your wrists, hands, fingers, feet and toes. Improve balance Increase physical independence Help regulate heart rate, breathing rate and blood pressure Improve respiratory muscle strength and control Improve sleep. Music therapy may improve memory, attention and cognitive function Research has shown that music therapy can improve memory, attention and cognitive function. It can help: Increase core executive functions: self-awareness, inhibition, non-verbal and verbal working memory, emotional self-regulation, self-motivation, planning and problem solving Increase memory and attention. Music therapy may improve pain management Research has shown that music therapy can improve the body’s ability to deal with pain. It can help: Reduce pain perception by increasing the body’s production of natural pain killers. Support faster recovery from medical procedures.
04.01.2022 Social skills are the skills we use to communicate and interact with each other, both verbally and non-verbally, through gestures, body language and our personal appearance. Human beings are sociable creatures and we have developed many ways to communicate our messages, thoughts and feelings with others. What is said is influenced by both verbal language and the way we use it - tone of voice, volume of speech and the words we choose - as well as by more subtle messages such a...s body language, gestures and other non-verbal communication methods. The fact that some people are better 'social interactors' than others has led to detailed investigations into the nature and function of interpersonal interaction. Developing social skills is about being aware of how we communicate with others, the messages we send and how methods of communication can be improved to make the way we communicate more efficient and effective. There are some distinct advantages to having well developed social skills; more and better relationships, better communication, greater efficiency, better career or community participation and increased happiness and sense of well being. If you would like some help with social skills, give me a call :)
04.01.2022 Have you had rough day? Acknowledge your feelings Allow yourself to have the full human experience by letting your feelings be without getting entangled in them. We keep ourselves in bondage when we bottle things up or repress our true feelings. Instead of falling into the ego trap of believing that a perfect life is about always being happy and joyful, why not allow yourself to feel annoyed or sad if you are. When you allow yourself to feel the emotions, they will pass you and simply disappear into nothingness. It’s true though that sometimes they linger.when they have been from a build up of events or experiences or if they are really strong the moment does last longer.persevere it will pass. This doesn’t mean that they won’t reoccur, if they do accept the feeling again and feel it pass. Feelings are only stuck for as long you resist them, deny them, or pretend to feel otherwise. But the moment you can say Yes, I’m annoyed! or acknowledge any other so called negative feeling it flows through you quickly and is released within seconds. And then a new feeling comes. It might be a feeling of relief, or even happiness; whatever comes up next simply let those feelings too just flow through you. See more
03.01.2022 One of the events for Queensland Disabilities Action Week 13-19 September 2020
02.01.2022 Don't hesitate in seeking knowledge and information, instead be inquisitive and satisfy that desire to learn and grow
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