Clare Kelaher Photography | Businesses
Clare Kelaher Photography
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25.01.2022 This handsome man was just shy of 5 weeks and was perfect for his newborn mini session. Mini sessions are focussed more on relaxed posing with little to no props. These sessions are perfect for slightly older babies and still allow us to capture all their beautiful newness. Also, I can't resist a slightly older bub <3 the bit of extra chunk is gorgeous and always looks super cute in photos. ( Kara feel free to tag and share with family and friends)
25.01.2022 Family sessions aren't just for those with little kids. They are so important for all types of families and every family's story is worthy of capturing. I had such a blast with this amazing group of people. We laughed so hard and the session was such a breeze because we didn't have a bunch of unhappy toddlers, LOL!!! These are memories that will be cherished for years to come, so don't put off getting photos because you think your family isn't "the right" type. There is no right type! Every family can get photos and every session can be fun. (Joanne feel free to tag and share with family and friends)
24.01.2022 Tonight at 8.30pm I will be releasing the details of a Baby Session special. Stay tuned for more details :)
23.01.2022 I had the most perfect little boy in the studio this morning. He slept like a little champion through his entire session. I just love when parents bring along special little toys or blankets to incorporate into photos <3 I think you'll all agree that this little man sleeping so soundly with his little friends is just the cutest thing ever <3
23.01.2022 I'm back!!! I have actually been very busy but lots of people have opted out of sneak peeks so photos on this page have been a little scarce. I had such wonderful session with this gorgeous boy and his wonderful family. His big sisters were the best helpers and are taking on their new role perfectly <3 Katie thank-you for allowing me to share your session with others it's the most fantastic support for my little business :) Feel free to tag and share with family and friends.
23.01.2022 Massive overshare happening with this sneak peek but seriously how could I resist; just look at this teeny tiny bundle of cuteness. Despite her being a little tired she totally hammed it up for the camera and has so much fun during her session. It was such a relief to not have a crying cake smash session for a change, LOL! I know you're probably thinking but the babies always seem pretty happy in the photos, well like anything you see online there is always a whole story behi...nd what you are actually seeing. Most babies find the experience a little overwhelming but this is why I offer 3 parts to the session. The pre-smash portraits, smash photos and the the bath cleanup. That way hopefully, Bub enjoys one part and we mange to capture some great memories. Alternatively, I can always offer a first birthday portrait shoot; all the photos minus the messy cake. (Zarifa feel free to tag and share with family and friends) See more
23.01.2022 OMG just look at this gorgeous man <3 9 months old but already so tall just like his dad. He was such a perfect little model and definitely had the model stare down pat ;) (Bastian family feel free to tag and share with family friends)
22.01.2022 Ok before everyone gets excited I'm not offering beach sessions any time soon but this is the third maternity shoot, for my gorgeous cousin and her crew, so we decided to mix it up a little. She totally nailed the outfit styling and I can't believe in just a few short weeks there will be another little model for me to photograph (because you know, her having a baby is all about me ;) LOL!!) I can't wait to meet you newest little! You have a couple of crazy siblings who are ready to shower you with love <3
20.01.2022 I seriously wish more parents would book in these sitter (6-9 month) sessions <3 They are my fav of all the sessions and I just love all the different facets of personality that are starting to shine through at this age <3 If you book in a newborn session be sure to ask me about this session as I am always happy to add it onto your package for a discounted rate. This little man had the most gorgeous blue eyes and his cheeks were AMAZING!!! (Erin feel free to tag and share with family and friends)
20.01.2022 Get ready!!! Tomorrow night at 8.30pm bookings will open for my Christmas Mini Sessions. Sessions will be held the 26-28th November 2020. There are only 15 sessions available so be sure to get in quick if you are wanting to book. I have attached all the information. Be sure to read through all the information now so you are ready to book tomorrow evening. Booking will be via an online booking system and I will release all those details tomorrow evening at 8:30pm. Full paymen...t will be required at time of booking. A few new restrictions due to covid: - Sessions are limited to household members only. There will be no joint sessions this year. - Sessions are spaced to allow a deep clean between each shoot. - If you or your child is unwell or has come in contact with a known covid case please let me know ASAP and I will reschedule your session. Find all the information here:
19.01.2022 Capturing all these little cuties a year after their newborn photos has been so much fun! We just managed to sneak in a session before all the rain this past weekend, which was so lucky because it's getting harder to find time to reschedule these washed out sessions. The park was shrouded in fog and it was just magical <3 (Anja feel free to tag and share with family and friends)
19.01.2022 Last week I had the honour of photographing these beautiful twin brothers. There is just something so special about photographing two perfect little loves. In saying all that it is also soooooooo much work, LOL!!! We were all so beat by the end of it. Seriously my hat goes off to all twin parents out there I honestly don't know how you do it!
16.01.2022 If I had a hidden studio cam for this session it would easily have become a viral video! Big brother was 100% NOT wanting to be photographed. He screamed, he hollered, he pulled at his parent's legs all the while they stood perfectly serene cradling their little daughter as if they were engulfed in the most blissful moment of their life , LOL!!!! Big Brother continued the meltdown and it concluded with two grazed knees as he tripped down the stairs outside :( I then suggeste...d maybe taking him for a drive so he could get away and maybe have a nap and we could continue with little sis's photos. He wasn't even gone 10 minutes and dad was back with a fully conked out big brother!! Knowing that a sibling shot was not likely in our future I set-up a sleepy sibling pose and thankfully big brother did not stir. When he woke up later and still refused photos I told him "you know you had a photo with your sister???". The best part was he wasn't even shocked by what I was saying but instead just played along like he remembered the whole thing :D :D Thankfully, little sister was a gem and as you can see, despite all the chaos, we still captured beautiful memories. Take note of the most amazing family pic where big brother flat out refused to even look at the camera! I think it's safe to say I perfectly captured their life in that moment, LOL!!! (Ashleigh feel free to tag and share with family and friends)
15.01.2022 Christmas Infomation will be posted Sunday Evening. There has been a small delay as I've been unwell but I assure you I haven't forgotten and it will just be a few more days. Thanks everyone who has been so patient. I can't wait to see you all again this year.
13.01.2022 <3 <3 <3 A little bit of sibling love to get you through the rest of the week.
13.01.2022 Just look at this handsome little guy <3 <3 He was a little older than my usual newborns, at Close to 4 weeks however he was the absolute perfect little angel. His sister on the other hand gave us a run for our money, LOL!!! That gorgeous photo where he is cozied up in the bucket and his sister is sitting happily on the chair, well let's just say photoshop was best friend for being able to capture this gem ;) (Lisa feel free to tag and share with family and friends)
11.01.2022 I was in newborn heaven with this little lady <3 She was absolute perfection and was a total rockstar for her session. I photographed her big sister a little over 2.5 years and I seriously can't believe how fast time flies!!! Big sister was amazing today and kept asking "can I do another photo?" I mean seriously this is music to a photographer's ear <3 (Lauren feel free to tag and share with family and friends. It was so wonderful seeing you all again today and meeting your newest precious addition).
11.01.2022 It was so wonderful being able to welcome this family back into my studio. I first met them over 3 years ago when mum was pregnant with big brother! I loved meeting the newest little man in this clan and his big brother was an absolute superstar and happily posed for photos! Bub has some other ideas at for his last pose and so we decided to roll with some gorgeous awake poses <3 (Belinda feel free to tag and share with family and friends)
10.01.2022 This handsome boy was an absolute dream for his cake smash. He was so easy going and happy and just loved smashing his cake. He then had a blast playing in the tub after he was done. Happy 1st birthday gorgeous boy!! (Pamela feel free to tag and share with family and friends)
10.01.2022 Get excited next week I will be releasing all the information for my Christmas Mini sessions for this year. Things will run a little differently to ensure I have enough time to deep clean between each session. I will also only have 15 session slots available over a Thursday - Saturday period, so to avoid disappointment be sure to have notifications enabled for this page, so you don't miss anything :) Sessions will be from the 26-28th of November. (If these dates all sell out then I will consider opening up another day). The set will look as pictured below. Feel free to tag friends and family below.
10.01.2022 She hated me but loved cake so I guess I'll count that as a win, LOL!!!!
09.01.2022 I'm loving photographing all these return clients lately. It truly is the greatest compliment when people come back time and time again for photos <3 This handsome little man had the most spectacular hair!!! He was a gem for his session and his big sister kept me laughing too. (Jessica feel free to tag and share with family and friends)
09.01.2022 So sorry for the lack of activty on this page recently. Life has got so crazy and I have been trying to play catchup. This beautiful lady and her cute fur brother definitely needed to be seen. This was the most well behaved dog I have ever worked with and he was only 18 months old! He was very protective of his new sister and it was so cute to watch <3 This is an example of my mini newborn session. It focusses less on props and more on simple portraits. I'm taking bookings for 2021 so be sure to get in contact with me soon as sessions are filling up fast. (Family feel free to tag and share with family and friends)
09.01.2022 This handsome man has been a little tough on his parents the last week. He thankfully decided to catch some zzzz's in my studio however was happiest if he could be wrapped up tight. That's how it goes with my sessions some babies snooze away peacefully the whole session and others just need a little more comforting and wrapping to help keep them calm. The best advice I can give parents is to expect nothing and come into the studio with an open mind. Not all babies like all so I just roll with how your baby is feeling. Thankfully, this little guy's family were amazing and together we got there in the end and I was able to capture some beautiful memories that I am sure will be cherished for years to come. A special shout-out goes to big sister who LOVED modelling for me so much that we did an impromptu portrait session at the end just for her <3 (Cassandra feel free to tag and share with family and friends) See more
08.01.2022 This beautiful boy came to see me as a newborn and here he is 6 months later looking all grown up and making me feel sad about how fast time passes <3 I can't stress enough how quickly time flies when you have a baby and it is never too late to capture some amazing memories. This 6-9 month age is my absolute favourite!!!! Bub's are usually a little more relaxed, happy to give some smiles and the extra bonus, they usually aren't on the move yet so it makes the whole session so much easier, LOL!!! If you are wanting to capture you baby's first year (newborn, 6-8 months and 1st birthday cake smash) be sure to let me know I am more than happy to bundle the sessions together and give you a fantastic discount. (Sharyn feel free to tag and share with family and friends. Thank-you so much for Bringing your gorgeous boy along for photos :) )
08.01.2022 There's lots more to share from this gorgeous session but this one is definitely one of my favs <3 I'm a sucker for candid family portraits. I hope everyone goes into the weekend feeling this happy! (Sarah and James feel free to tag and share with family and friends)
07.01.2022 This perfect lady was a superstar baby model and was the most relaxed, chilled out little love for her session <3 Her parents and I were totally swooning over every cute facial expression and her absolute adorableness. I also am in LOVE with the colours/textures her mum chose for her set-ups <3 I just love working with colours other than pink for girls!! (Ashley and Oscar feel free to tag and share with family and friends)
07.01.2022 Oh my goodness did this little beauty thoroughly dislike smashing a cake! LOL!!! My camera makes a little click as the shutter goes and she was just not at all up for that!!! hahaha!!! Despite a lot of tears, lots of cuddles and some iPad distractions we still managed to capture some pretty adorable photos, tears and all <3 Sometimes sessions don't go to plan but that doesn't mean I can't capture some pretty cute and unforgettable memories. (Amanda feel free to tag and share with family and friends)
05.01.2022 Just look at this ball of gorgeousness <3 This little man was an absolute rockstar for his session and he just breezed through it! He had the most luscious locks and kissable cheeks. Little man was only 1 week old and his parents drove almost an hour for their shoot, which is amazing!! When people choose to drive long distances to get photos with me it just makes me feel so honoured and grateful. (Erin feel free to tag and share with family and friends)
03.01.2022 Baby Session Special!!! For a limited time I am offering a discounted baby session. These photos are best suited for babies 6 - 10 months (those who are sitting but not yet walking) but I can make it work for those between 4 - 12 months. This is a wonderful age to photograph and is quickly becoming my favourite session type. We get so much personality without all those toddler tantrums, LOL! Details:... - $200 (fee must be paid in full to secure booking) - 45 minute session in my studio in Epping, NSW. - At least 2 different set-ups (I'll always aim for 3 however this is all dependent on how your baby responds to the studio environment) - 15 fully edited high resolution digital images available for download via private online gallery. - All outfits and props ( outfits will fit from 6 - 12 months. If your baby is younger I have a couple of options but will also utilise some wrapping) - Sessions will take place Monday - Friday 10 - 1pm (Sessions can be scheduled from now until December 2020) There is an extra fee to include the following contact me for more information: - sibling photos - family photos Feel free to message me for more information or to make a booking. Feel free to tag and share with others.
03.01.2022 This is your LAST CHANCE to book my Baby Session special. Be sure to tag all your friends with bubbas this age so they too can make use of this Amazing offer. Here are all the details: These photos are best suited for babies 6 - 10 months (those who are sitting but not yet walking) but I can make it work for those between 4 - 12 months. This is a wonderful age to photograph and is quickly becoming my favourite session type. We get so much personality without all those toddle...r tantrums, LOL! Details: - $200 (fee must be paid in full to secure booking) - 45 minute session in my studio in Epping, NSW. - At least 2 different set-ups (I'll always aim for 3 however this is all dependent on how your baby responds to the studio environment) - 15 fully edited high resolution digital images available for download via private online gallery. - All outfits and props ( outfits will fit from 6 - 12 months. If your baby is younger I have a couple of options but will also utilise some wrapping) - Sessions will take place Monday - Friday 10 - 1pm (Sessions can be scheduled from now until December 2020) There is an extra fee to include the following contact me for more information: - sibling photos - family photos Feel free to message me for more information or to make a booking. Feel free to tag and share with others. See more
01.01.2022 If this little guy doesn't put a smile on your face I'm not sure what will <3 It was such a wonderful relief to finally have a little one come into the studio happy and to continue to be happy for the entire session. He flashed that gorgeous smile, laughed had fun and truly smashed up his cake. (Ash and Ryan feel free to tag and share with family and friends)
01.01.2022 I am loving that more and more parents are choosing first birthday portrait shoots rather than cake smash shoots. These shoots are a lot of fun and generally Bub is more inclined to participate and have a good time. I can't tell you how many times a baby has touched a cake during a cake smash session and it's all over red rover because the icing feels funny, LOL!! Portrait sessions are a little shorter, which generally means baby stays happier. You also have the option of adding on family photos which I know a lot of parents like to include. This handsome little man was the perfect model and even flashed his cheeky smile, which I know mum was eager to capture <3 (Kylie feel free to tag and share with family and friends)
01.01.2022 I have had a run of handsome little baby boys in my studio recently. This little man was no different and was an absolute gem for his session <3 I have photographed all 3 of these beautiful kiddos and it truly is the greatest honour when clients come back again and again. It's amazing how quickly a family can go from 1 child to 3 and I feel so privileged to have been the one who has been able to document this momentous changes <3 (Megan Holden feel free to tag and share with family and fiends)
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