Claremont Physiotherapy in Nedlands in Nedlands, Western Australia | Medical and health
Claremont Physiotherapy in Nedlands
Locality: Nedlands, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 9386 9961
Address: 117 Stirling Highway 6009 Nedlands, WA, Australia
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25.01.2022 Dizziness and Vertigo Certain types of dizziness can be treated by our physiotherapists: Cervicogenic Dizziness is caused by dysfunction in the cervical spine. While dizziness may accompany neck pain, often there is no specific complaint of neck pain with cervicogenic dizziness, but perhaps some associated neck stiffness or headache. The neck complaint may respond well to physiotherapy, thus settling the dizziness.... Benign Paroxysmal Postional Vertigo (BPPV) can cause short episodes of strong vertigo when the head is moved in certain directions. It is thought to be caused by small crystals that have formed in the inner ear. Physiotherapists treat this condition by moving the head through a series of specific directions to move these crystals to a part of the inner ear where they cant interfere with balance. If you are experiencing these symptoms please contact 9284 5373 to book an appointment with Bruce Paulik, our Director, who has a special interest in vertigo and dizziness.
24.01.2022 A big THANK YOU to all our loyal patients at Claremont Physiotherapy over the past 11 years. We decided to close our doors and join with Hollywood Functional Rehabilitation Clinic (HFRC) in Nedlands as we will be able to offer a higher level of service to our patients, and allow our Principal Physiotherapist Bruce Paulik more time for his passions - treating patients and being involved in clinical research. So, welcome to HFRC! HFRC will be moving in late February to newly fi...tted premises at 117 Stirling Highway (opposite the Rose Gardens). We will let you know the details closer to the time. Kindest regards The Team at Claremont Physiotherapy
24.01.2022 OPEN DAY for HFRC new premises - Saturday 25th February 2017
23.01.2022 Jaw (Temporo-Mandibular Joint/TMJ) Pain and Dysfunction Jaw Pain can be caused by problems with the joint that the jaw makes with the skull the Temporo-Mandibular Joint (TMJ). Stiffness, soft tissue damage and arthritis of the TMJ can all be helped by physiotherapy for the TMJ. If you are experiencing these symptoms please contact 9284 5373 to book an appointment with our experienced Physiotherapists
23.01.2022 The winter sports season is now in full swing, how is your team doing so far? This is the time we often start to see minor (and major) strains/tears of muscles and tendons in the clinic, particularly of the hamstrings and calves. This is particularly apparent with sports that have rapid sprints. If you would like some exercises for injury prevention and/or management, our physiotherapists can help - no matter your level and training load!... Please contact Claremont Physiotherapy on 9284 5373 or visit our website for more information
23.01.2022 5 tips to help settle heel pain due to plantar fasciitis, and how a physiotherapist can also contribute to recovery from heel pain.
22.01.2022 Bruce Paulik, Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist, is now seeing patients at Hollywood Functional Rehabilitation Clinic, Nedlands!
22.01.2022 Claremont Physiotherapy is excited to announce our website now has a Blog with the latest and Most topical health information. Please click on the link below for the first Blog for 2015
19.01.2022 Postural pain is an increasingly common condition which arises when we remain in static positions for extended periods of time. It can be especially noticeable for people who work in sedentary jobs, sitting at the desk for hours on end. Postural pain can often be described as a vague discomfort or ache, which worsens the longer you remain unmoving in one position and is eased by movement. Most sufferers of postural pain feel it is too basic to complain about, and this means i...t will often progress to causing more serious problems such as headaches, shoulder impingement or radiating back pain before treatment is sought. Postural pain develops because of overuse/under-use of muscle groups, which in turn is due to muscular fatigue when remaining in a sustained position. Whether your position is standing, sitting at a desk, or crouching to work on low surfaces, if you hold a fixed posture for more than 30 60 minutes without moving out of that position you increase the risk of postural pain developing. Your physiotherapist can assist in alleviating the symptoms of muscular tightness and pain, as well as providing exercises and ergonomic advice to reduce the effects of postural pain. A regular remedial massage to reduce muscular tightness and assist in reducing the adverse effects of muscular fatigue can also help. If you are experiencing these symptoms please contact 9284 5373 to book an appointment with our experienced Physiotherapists or Massage Therapist.
18.01.2022 Neck Pain and Headaches, including Whiplash Syndrome Your neck, or cervical spine, is comprised of 7 small vertebrae which support your head. When there is compression on the joints between the vertebrae, called facet joints, it can cause localized muscular tightness or spasm, as well as pain in the neck, upper back, shoulder and even referring to your arm and hand! It is also common to suffer headaches when the facet joints are tight. Your physiotherapist will perform treat...ment techniques to mobilise the stiff joints, reduce the muscular tightness and provide you with stretches and advice to manage your pain. See Claremont Shoulder & Neck Clinic for more information. Another common presentation is an acute locked facet joint, which is sometimes called wry neck. An acute locked facet joint can occur after repetitive or heavy work, or after doing a new task. At other times it can occur during the night, from an awkward movement or sleeping position. It is characterized by severe neck pain, intense muscular spasm and markedly restricted movement when turning or tilting the head. It is often, but not always, concentrated to one side. Your physiotherapist can help ease the initial symptoms with gentle treatment and give you some recommendations to assist in a swift recovery. Whiplash syndrome is most commonly associated with motor vehicle accidents, but in fact refers to any injury where the head moves rapidly forwards then backwards (or vice versa). It is the rapid acceleration-deceleration that creates the tissue damage. It can be present after other incidents, such as sporting injuries or heavy falls. Physiotherapy treatment can assist in managing the accompanying muscular pain and tightness and treating joint mobility. Headaches Cervicogenic headaches are a common symptom of neck dysfunction, and are often diagnosed as migraine. Your neck problem may be the result of injury, or sustained postures, resulting in movement dysfunction between the vertebra and muscle tightness and weakness. Our physiotherapists are experienced in diagnosing the cause of your neck/headache problem and providing the right treatment and self management. If you are experiencing these symptoms please contact 9284 5373 to book an appointment with Bruce Paulik Musculoskeletal / Manipulative Physiotherapists
18.01.2022 Are you struggling with ideas for a Birthday or Christmas gift for your friends or family?? A Massage gift voucher is a great idea and one that they will definitely appreciate. Call 9284 5373, email [email protected] or visit our clinic to purchase.
17.01.2022 Bruce Paulik is a Musculoskeletal and Manipulative Physiotherapist who has been in practice for over 30 years. His areas of special clinical interest include shoulder and neck/back problems, and orthopaedic postoperative rehabilitation. Bruce is trained in Anatomical Acupuncture. Within the 30 years of being a practitioner he has been recognised for his wide range of accomplishments.He is currently undergoing the musculoskeletal specialisation program to achieve Fellowship of the Australian College Physiotherapy.
15.01.2022 Lower Back Pain Most people have been exposed to the statistics about the incidence of lower back pain and know that almost everyone will suffer with lower back pain at some point in their lives. Unfortunately, after suffering one episode of back pain, it predisposes you to recurring episodes. Lower back pain can manifest in countless different ways and with as many different causes, and even sometimes for no cause that you can ascertain. Severe back pain can be both and disabling. And the worst part is that everyone has an opinion on the best method of management or a practitioner to see, which may not always work for you. At Claremont Physiotherapy, we are able to help manage and reduce the early acute pain and muscle spasm, and progress your treatment and exercises as your pain begins to resolve. We will help you to identify the underlying cause of your pain, and once the initial pain is settled, we will provide education and advice for you to self-manage your spinal health to prevent future episodes of back pain. Both Clinical Pilates and the Sarah Key Method are particularly effective for managing lower back pain. Physiotherapy treatment can be targeted to the facet joints, which connect the vertebrae at each level, their surrounding capsules and ligaments, and the supporting muscles in the torso and pelvis. We can also treat pain resulting from degenerative or bulging discs, osteoarthritis and traumatic injury. We are able to treat throughout pregnancy and early post-natally. If you are experiencing these symptoms please contact 9284 5373 to book an appointment with our experienced Physiotherapists
14.01.2022 Looking for a great physio to join our team!
14.01.2022 Hip Pain Hip pain is becoming increasingly common after sporting injury, especially as the pace and load for sport increases. Pain in the hip can arise from trauma or overuse. It can also be due to degenerative or arthritic change. Pain in and around the hip can affect the hip joint itself either the actual ball-and-socket or the specialized cartilage within the joint, called the labrum. It can also affect the gluteal and hip stabilising muscles, the bursae (soft tissue s...tructures around the joint). Physiotherapists can assess the hip joint to determine which structure is the most likely source of your pain and help you treat the pain with mobilisation, massage and appropriate stretching and strengthening exercises. If you are experiencing these symptoms please contact 9284 5373 to book an appointment with our experienced Physiotherapists
13.01.2022 When sprains and strains occur be sure to RICE the injured area. R- rest I- ice C- compression ... E- elevate Early intervention is the next best option to prevention, so if you have injured yourself please book into your physiotherapy as soon as possible. This will enable us to provide you with accurate diagnosis and also to put action in place to prevent further injury.
09.01.2022 Clinical Pilates can be a great way to return to exercise after a lengthy break or if you have suffered an injury. It is also a safe and low-impact exercise that you can do throughout the full-term of pregnancy and start early after bub arrives. Clinical Pilates can help to improve posture and for reducing and managing chronic pain. Clinical Pilates can also be used for athletes at any level to assist in performance, efficiency and injury prevention. Karlee, our Senior Physiotherapist and Clinical Pilates Instructor, will work with you to achieve your goals by creating an individually tailored program for every class. Call 9248 5373 or email [email protected] to book in for your initial 1-hour comprehensive musculoskeletal assessment including real-time ultrasound of core muscles.
07.01.2022 The end of summer is approaching (sadly), which means the change in sporting seasons and often a change in training or exercise schedules. Take a look at our blog for some thoughts on pre-season training and injury management. Comment here to let us know if you have any topics for discussion!
07.01.2022 Patello-femoral Pain and Ilio-tibial Band Friction Syndrome The patella-femoral joint is between the knee cap (patella) and thigh bone (femur). As you move and load the knee on a daily basis, the patella slides through a small groove in the femur. The cartilage surfaces on the bone usually allow this gliding action to occur smoothly and easily. Patello-femoral pain syndrome is the term used to describe knee pain which arises because of disruption to this gliding action. There... are a variety of possible causes including: biomechanics of the leg and foot, tightness of the lateral (outer) muscles and connective tissue such as the ilio-tibial band, weakness of the medial (inner) muscles supporting the patella. Patello-femoral pain syndrome commonly develops with overuse, and is very common in both runners and cyclists. It can also occur after injury to the knee, such as ligament strains/tears or surgery. Your physiotherapist will assess the biomechanics of your leg and foot. If required, we can provide orthotic inserts to correct foot position. We will also be able to provide appropriate exercises the stretch and strengthen as required and advice to manage your exercise load and other potentially aggravating factors. We can treat your pain using joint mobilisation, electrotherapeutic modalities and massage to your knee and leg. At Claremont Physiotherapy our massage therapist and physiotherapists work collaboratively to ensure you obtain the most effective treatment possible. If you are experiencing these symptoms please contact 9284 5373 to book an appointment with Bruce Paulik Musculoskeletal / Manipulative Physiotherapists
06.01.2022 Pre- and Post-operative Rehabilitation As the technology for both imaging and treating pain or injury improves, surgeons and specialists are becoming more specific, and often more conservative in their managements. Trialing a course of physiotherapy with guided exercises and targeted treatment pre-operatively helps to ensure that patients have prepared their body before surgery to gain the best possible results afterwards. This has been popularly termed pre-habilitation. Ad...ditionally, it is well noted that surgery disrupts the normal muscle activation sequence, strength and co-ordination. As such, physiotherapy rehabilitation is one of the key aspects determining the success in your post-operative recovery. Physiotherapists are commonly involved in providing pre-habilitation and rehabilitation after a variety of orthopaedic surgeries, including spinal surgeries, knee and ankle reconstructions, knee and hip replacements, rotator cuff and other shoulder surgeries, and tendon repairs in the foot, leg and arm. If you are experiencing these symptoms please contact 9284 5373 to book an appointment with our experienced Physiotherapists
06.01.2022 Please Note: our usual line (9284 5373) has a Telstra technical fault Please Contact the clinic on 9284 5031
05.01.2022 Sacro-iliac Joint Pain The sacro-iliac joint is where the ilium (the crest of the pelvis) and the sacrum, (the base of the spine) connect together. The sacro-iliac joint has a broad contact surface of rough bone which locks together and is supported by several thick, incredibly tough ligaments. Sacro-iliac joint pain arises when there is excessive movement or a change in joint position. A common example of when this might occur is during pregnancy, as the pelvis widens. there are many possible causes of sacro-iliac joint pain and dysfunction. It is often more severe on one side and can be extremely debilitating, affecting the simplest of movements, such as walking, rolling in bed and getting into or out of the car. At Claremont Physiotherapy, we are able to treat sacro-iliac joint pain by mobilizing the joint itself, and the adjacent lumbar spine segments. We will apply supportive taping to reduce excess movement and can give you advice regarding a brace if that is appropriate for your condition. We will also provide exercises to strengthen and support the sacro-iliac joint. Clinical Pilates may be a helpful form of treatment also. If you are experiencing these symptoms please contact 9284 5373 to book an appointment with our experienced Physiotherapists
05.01.2022 Sporting Injury Sporting injuries including muscular sprains and tears, tendon strains or even ruptures and ligament strains or tears are common amongst both elite and amateur athletes. Early physiotherapy treatment after an injury can significantly reduce the recovery time required, plus assist in prevention of ongoing injury as a result of your training. At Claremont Physiotherapy we are very interested in injury prevention, and can provide detailed advice regarding the best strengthening and stretching exercises for your preferred sport/exercise, advice regarding the general management of your training programs as well as specific warm-up, cool down and technique drills for a variety of sports. If you are experiencing these symptoms please contact 9284 5373 to book an appointment with our experienced Physiotherapists
05.01.2022 Ankle Injuries Ankle injuries can occur often with sports involving rapid changes of direction, or when running on uneven surfaces. Other times ankle injuries occur completely outside of sports. The most common ankle injury we see is an inversion sprain, a turned or twisted ankle which rolls inwards. However the ankle, like the wrist is a complex joint and all injuries or pain in the ankle need careful examination. Physiotherapy treatment to an ankle injury will typically req...uire applying electrotherapeutic modalities such as ultrasound, gentle joint mobilisation and often supportive taping to promote the best ligament alignment for healing. We will also provide exercises to retrain your balance and proprioception the feeling of ankle position through movement. If you are experiencing these symptoms please contact 9284 5373 to book an appointment with our experienced Physiotherapists
05.01.2022 We are looking to expand our team at our new larger premises!
04.01.2022 Wrist Injuries and Pain With 27 bones in the wrist, tightly connected together and supported by a multitude of ligaments, it is unsurprising that you can develop pain and injury in the wrist quite easily. Wrist pain can arise due to trauma an injury to the wrist sustained by falling or heavy loading on the wrist, due to exercise or sports, or other injury. At other times wrist pain can progress more gradually, due to repetitive tasks. Wrist pain can become very disruptive, ...affecting your work and hobbies alike. Your physiotherapist can provide you with ergonomic recommendations to reduce the adverse effects of repetitive tasks at work and self-management advice to relieve your pain, as well as provide treatment to mobilise the affected joints. You may require a supportive brace to reduce the strain placed on the ligaments and joints, and your physiotherapist can advice you of the most appropriate design for your injury/pain. If you are experiencing these symptoms please contact 9284 5373 to book an appointment with our experienced Physiotherapists
04.01.2022 In our culture of health and fitness a common problem we see is people over training and putting their body's risk of injury. Please check out our latest blog for information about over training.
04.01.2022 Achilles Tendinopathy Achilles tendinopathies are an extremely common complaint. The Achilles tendon is in the calf, connecting the calf muscle to the bone of the heel. The Achilles absorbs huge amounts of pressure and load every day, when walking, taking stairs, jogging or squatting amongst other things. The tendon can sustain microscopic trauma, which causes inflammation and is associated with alterations in blood flow. Normal tendons have very little blood flow, but with a... tendinopathy, it shows an increase in blood flow, with small blood vessels growing into the tendon. This weakens the tissue integrity, causing pain, weakness and persistent inflammation. Achilles tendinopathies in particular have many factors which can affect the healing process. Foot and leg biomechanics and therefore footwear selection heavily influence onset of pain, as well as preferred method of exercise. For example, an aggravating activity may be playing tennis in a pair of lightweight court shoes. Tendinopathies in all areas often develop after a change or increase in the usual exercise routine, or a period of increased exertion. Physiotherapy treatment includes applying electrotherapeutic modalities such as ultrasound, deep tissue massage, strengthening and stretching exercises and correcting poor foot position with orthotic inserts as required. If you are experiencing these symptoms please contact 9284 5373 to book an appointment with our experienced Physiotherapists
04.01.2022 "Tennis" Elbow / "Golfer's" Elbow Tennis and golfers elbow refers to an overuse or repetitive strain injuries affecting the muscle groups that move your wrist the wrist extensors and wrist flexors and can develop as a result of any repetitive task, such as keyboard/mouse use, repetitive lifting or carrying, chopping, loading through the wrist or any sports, not exclusively tennis and golf. The wrist flexor and extensor muscles run the length of your forearm and attach ar...ound the elbow. You may experience pain or tenderness at the wrist, or further up around the elbow. This can vary between being a dull ache or a sharp pain. It is most often aggravated by closing your fist, turning actions such as turning taps or opening a jar, and lifting, especially with the palm down like carrying groceries or pouring a full kettle. Physiotherapy can assist in managing and reducing your pain, and preventing pain from recurring. We can also trial taping techniques to reduce load on the muscles and tendons, and order you a supportive brace if required. If you are experiencing these symptoms please contact 9284 5373 to book an appointment with our experienced Physiotherapists
04.01.2022 Shoulder Pain, Frozen Shoulder and Shoulder Impingement Shoulder pain can be highly debilitating when severe. It can affect your sleep and daily function, and will frequently progress to causing neck and upper back pain and even headaches. Shoulder pain is often related to the timing and coordination of the muscle action when using your arm which is called the scapulo-humeral rhythm. The scapula-humeral rhythm can be adversely affected by postural pain, injury or fatigue..., amongst other factors. Shoulder impingement occurs when the scapula-humeral rhythm becomes so badly disrupted that the rotator cuff muscles (which support the shoulder joint) fail to stabilize the joint effectively. With this poor joint position, we find that the surrounding structures become compressed during movement, including the joints capsule, ligaments and local bursae (a soft tissue within the joint) as well as the tendons of the rotator cuff themselves. Shoulder impingement often develops gradually and can be initially quite mild, but will become worse when left untreated. In other cases, shoulder impingement can develop after an injury to the arm or shoulder which causes you to change your technique with movement or exercise. The most painful movements tend to be lifting the arms above shoulder height or rotating through the shoulder for example getting your wallet from your back pocket or putting on your seatbelt. Shoulder impingement can be managed well with exercises and physiotherapy treatment. We offer specialized treatment in our Shoulder and Neck Clinic. Frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis is a condition in which the lining of the shoulder capsule becomes painfully inflamed. When a frozen shoulder is developing, the range of motion in your shoulder becomes severely restricted and the shoulder can be extremely painful. Frozen shoulder will worsen after onset, symptoms will then plateau before slowly resolving. Unfortunately the duration of symptoms can vary between people, making recovery a frustrating process at times! Physiotherapy treatment can help reduce muscular pain and tightness in the shoulder joint and the neck/upper back muscles as well. Your physiotherapist will provide exercises for you to do at home which are suitable for the stage in the process of frozen shoulder that you are in. See Claremont Shoulder & Neck Clinic for more information about disorders of the shoulder and neck, including headaches. If you are experiencing these symptoms please contact 9284 5373 to book an appointment with Bruce Paulik Musculoskeletal / Manipulative Physiotherapists
03.01.2022 Pronated/Flat feet, Plantar Fasciitis and Shin Splints The colloquial flat feet refers to a poor alignment of the tarsal bones within the foot and a lack of strength and integrity within the connective tissue (ligaments/fascia) allowing the arch to rest in a flatter position. This is termed excess pronation. Some pronation, or downward movement, of the arch of the foot is necessary when walking and running for shock absorption. If there is already too much pronation at r...est, the shock transfers to the ankle joint, shins and knees. It can cause problems such as shin splints, patella-femoral pain and Achilles tendinopathies, as well as plantar fasciitis. Shin splints is a common term which encompasses irritation of the muscular attachments onto the tibia (the shin bone) at varying levels of severity, even to the point of developing stress fractures. Like patella-femoral pain syndromes and Achilles tendinopathies, shin splints are commonly associated with exercise and loading. Physiotherapy management includes education on self-management, strengthening and stretching exercises, adjusting exercise load and type as required and electrotherapeutic modalities. One of the key components for addressing flat feet, and these associated problems, is correcting foot position. Plantar fasciitis can develop as an independent issue, but will sometimes develop along with Achilles tendinopathies. The plantar fascia is a broad, thick connective tissue similar to tendon, which supports the arch of your foot. With repetitive strain, the insertions of the fascia to the bone at the base of the heel and just inside the foot can become painfully inflamed. If this is left untreated you can even develop bony heel spurs. Like tendinopathies, plantar fasciitis is frequently associated with changes or increase in your normal exercise, especially if you increase the plyometric load i.e. increase jogging or high impact aerobic type exercises. There are an extremely high percentage of people who suffer plantar fasciitis also having flat feet. At Claremont Physiotherapy we can provide orthotic inserts to correct your foot position and advice about appropriate footwear for different activities. If necessary we will assist you in finding a podiatrist to help manage your feet. If you are experiencing these symptoms please contact 9284 5373 to book an appointment with our experienced Physiotherapists
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