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Classic Dental Landsdale in Perth, Western Australia | General dentist

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Classic Dental Landsdale

Locality: Perth, Western Australia

Phone: +61 8 6305 0299


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25.01.2022 Did you know that a toothbrush only cleans 60% of the teeth surface? Flossing your teeth regularly takes care of the rest.

25.01.2022 There’s an interesting connection between teeth, jaws, and the ears. In kids today I’m seeing more and more crooked dental arches. However, parents often report... these kids also have frequent ear infections. The link isn’t commonly known, but breathing helps balance the ear drum. The Eustachian tube, also known as the auditory tube links the nasopharynx to the middle ear to maintain pressure in the eardrum. Breathing correctly through the nose keeps the ear draining as it needs to. Glue ear is a common condition in kids, that may be linked to a narrow palate and mouth breathing. Nasal breathing balances the sinuses throughout the head, mouth breathing creates imbalances of pressures through the nasal sinus. One interesting therapy is the use of nasal balloon therapy. It involves blowing up a balloon with one nostril while tnhe other is blocked. The treatment is not meant to treat ear infections caused by bacteria, but rather when there is a problem with the eustachian tubes. These tubes connect the ears to the throat, and drain fluid from the ears. The tubes also maintain air pressure balance in the ears A clinical trial of 320 children aged 4 to 11 found that after three months of regular use, 49.6 percent of children using the balloon cleared the fluid, compared with 38.3 percent of children in the control group, a statistically significant difference in improvement. Balloon users also were snoring less, sleeping better, doing better in school and were less irritable and withdrawn, Right now the only effective treatment for glue ear is to insert grommets, or ear tubes. But otitis media with effusion is so common it may be a non-invasive alternative to surgery. Other research has shown that Buteyko breathing techniques may also have beneficial results on Eustachian tube defect. The patent use of nasal breathing techniques has many benefits. Through the prevention of mouth breathing it can help prevent sleep disorders and help encourage the wide growth of the upper palate. Did you or a child ever suffer from ear infections?

23.01.2022 Dear Valued Clients, Friends and Family, Our highest priority at Classic Dental Centre is the health and well being of our patients, team members and their families. We all need to do our part to encourage each other to stay at home and flatten the infection curve. The sooner we do the sooner we can return to our normal lifestyles. As a result of the fast evolving situation involving the COVID-19 Pandemic, the escalating risks and guidelines and recommendations set out by t...he Australian Dental Association and the Chief Medical Office, we are now required to defer treatment and care as of Friday 27th March 2020. We have therefore closed Classic Dental Centre for all treatment with the exception of emergencies causing pain and trauma by pre-booked appointment only. We will still be contactable by phone messages, emails and website requests over this time and we look forward to contacting you once the restrictions have been lifted, as of now we will close from 28th March 2020 and hope to open on 13th April 2020. We are also contributing to the personal protective equipment stocks in the hospital system to help protect our medical colleagues. It is essential to practice good oral hygiene and control sugar consumption to reduce potential issues during this period . As always we recommend using an electric toothbrush twice a day and flossing once a day. Additionally, care should be taken to avoid hard foods that may cause damage or fracture to the teeth. Sincerely hoping you and your families stay safe and healthy and hoping to look after you all soon. The photo attached is from a young patient and beautifully worded "After every storm comes a RAINBOW. Lets all pray, stay strong, be positive, be kind to one another and spread these positive vibes through the community. Were in this together and these tough times will pass." Dr Yash Sheth, Dr Jin Jin Choo, Dr Vincent Goh, Dr Paul Keong and Dr Louisa Sturgeon and the Classic Dental Centre Team

23.01.2022 A great video to show how tongue mobility can change the growth of the face and jaw. Learn more about tongue mobility, tongue ties and how to effectively remove... them in Dr Mahonys up-coming course this September 22-23 here in Sydney: For educational videos, please visit Dr Mahonys YouTube channel:

23.01.2022 Please. Schools back. Slow down. #schoolzones #wapoliceforce #backtoschool

22.01.2022 Jaw pain, what on earth is going on? Headaches and migraines one of the most common symptoms people report. So whats happening? Well, think of your brain, tri...llions of neurons inside your remarkable head. Its encased by bones. Those bones also hold your vessels, nerves, and critical airways that transport oxygen to your hungry brain cells. Around those bones, are your muscles they make sure everything moves the right way. Now imagine if your bones are slightly off. Your brain sits skewed somewhat to what it should be. Your muscles are also slightly skewed as well. The first thing your brain needs you to do is to breathe, that requires the bones to adjust to help your airways open. The muscles hold the bones there so they can bend so that you can take that important breath. Theyre not really designed to be there, so after a while they get tired, and a different set turns on to compensate. Eventually, those muscles become inflamed as well as the joints around them. Probably the most under-appreciated joint we have is the jaw joint. The TMJ holds many neural tissues and forms the moving platform for speaking, chewing, breathing, and nearly every head and neck movement. If the TMJ is slightly off you probably experience headaches. One way to alter the soft tissue is to correct your tongue posture. The tongue is a pivotal piece to support your airways and craniofacial structures. Simple isnt it ;) This article explains how we can find the root cause of headaches, migraines, neck and back pain by understanding whats happening when we breathe & chew.

22.01.2022 Dr Derek Mahony shares his thoughts on this excellent literature review article called "Growth and mouth breathers" by Dr Mario Morais-Almeida. He strongly bel...ieves that dentists and orthodontists have the obligation to look after our young patients, and that involves assessing their airway and sleep quality. If you would like more information on this subject, please reach out to Dr Mahony at [email protected]

22.01.2022 Dr Yash on another course... keeping up with technology to help patients.

21.01.2022 Its sleep apnoea awareness day today! #dontignorethesnore

20.01.2022 So today was a bit surreal as I was part of a zoom meeting with one of the most prominent researchers on paediatric sleep disordered breathing- in the world. He... was frustrated by the lack of integration of dentistry and medicine when it comes to upper airway obstruction. His opinion, and that of a leading sleep neurologist who was also part of the meeting, was that dentists and dental therapists and dental hygienists actually have a better appreciation and understanding on airway problems than medical doctors do, and that medical doctors need to really start collaborating more. Truthfully, this is my observation too. Its not right that a dentist or the skilled professionals that are dental hygienists and dental therapists have to make up for the inadequacies of the medical side of the healthcare system, but there are so many patients fortunate that they are doing so. After that zoom meeting I was then on another one, this time as a presenter- to a course on airway obstruction and all the attendees were dentists. I am humble enough to admit that what I new 15 years ago was woefully inadequate. I was ranked in the top 10 of my university class. I have a PhD. I am an ENT surgeon. I have a subspecialty qualification in paediatric ENT. And yet it was not until about 3 years after I had accomplished all of those things that I had any awareness or insight in to just how much dental professionals knew about airway and I unashamedly admit to becoming a student at their hands, learning about facial growth and development, myofunctional therapy, orthodontics, and a host of other things - not to become a dental professional, I have no such qualifications or even a glimpse of adequate knowledge to be compared to one, but to be a better clinician. I realised I knew I didnt know and wanted to do something about it. So I appeal to the medicos, many if not most of us have things wrong- very wrong. We need to form close allegiances with our dental colleagues and start taking notes- they have a lot to reach us if we are prepared to listen. And in case you are wondering, this picture is a pretty standard image that comes out of dental clinics. You may recognise it as a slice from a CT scan- a growing number of dental clinics have one in their premises. Some have had them for over 20 years. They are way ahead of the curve and have been for a long time.

20.01.2022 Dr Derek Mahony is here to talk about one of his favourite topics: the link between adverse craniofacial growth and airway obstruction. It is very important fo...r health professionals and parents to be aware of the adverse effect of airway problems & mouth breathing on the growth and development of a childs face. If youd like a copy of the booklet, please email Dr Mahony at [email protected]

19.01.2022 Are you missing out on oxygen?

18.01.2022 A video on The link between ear infection and malocclusion.

12.01.2022 Check out this interesting orthodontics article about mouth breathing by Dr Derek Mahony.

11.01.2022 Happy Easter everyone . All the kids are super excited that the Easter bunny can come to Perth. Thank you to our generous premier Mr Mark Mcgowan for this special Easter Eggs-emption. We have to stay home this Easter but please stay connected with your loved ones, enjoy and read stories to your kids, bake cakes, take time to relax and reflect. Stay safe and healthy. Take care

10.01.2022 Classic Dental Landsdale is BACK! Please book online at or call us on 6305 0299 to secure an appointment time. Great news for our lovely patients needing to complete outstanding treatment which arose during the COVID-19 outbreak - the federal government has lifted our restrictions from level 3 to level 2 commencing yesterday.... We know that a lot of you have contacted us wanting to come in, so we are very glad that we can all help again! This means we are able to see all types of dental emergencies & complete outstanding treatment. Please note, this does still exclude regular cleanings with ultrasonics. Hand cleaning can still be done. Whilst we were closed, we have been updating our infection control protocols and precautions in line with Australian Dental Association recommendations, team training so we are all on board with these new developments, educating ourselves with Webinars from ADA and other training institutes to keep up to date with latest developments and ensuring we have adequate and appropriate PPE to keep everyone safe Please book online at or call us on 6305 0299 to secure an appointment time.

08.01.2022 Studies show that we burn fat better when we are not straining during exercise & that breathing through the nose is key. Find out 15 more amazing benefits of nose breathing vs mouth breathing that will improve your health. Read more:

08.01.2022 Are we mistaking ADHD for underlying sleep disorders? In the last years there has been a number of studies that demonstrated that ADHD symptoms are very often l...inked to when the brain not sleeping correctly. The connection is especially apparent in children, and is a concern because sleep issues may often be misdiagnosed during crucial years for brain development. Sleep-disordered breathing refers to a spectrum of conditions, including snoring, where normal breathing is compromised during sleep. Obstructive sleep apnea is one of the most serious forms of sleep-disordered breathing. The symptoms of snoring and particularly of OSA can be very similar to the symptoms of ADHD: distractedness and difficulty focusing, emotional reactivity and moodiness, hyperactivity, impulsivity, restlessness, and daytime tiredness. Research has found half of children with ADHD show symptoms of sleep disordered breathing, compared to 22 percent of children without ADHD. Research also indicates that 20-30 percent of people with ADHD also have obstructive sleep apnea. OSA is closely linked to obesitybeing overweight or obese increases the risk for sleep apnea, as well as snoring. People with ADHD are more likely to be obese, and have higher-than-average body mass index scores. All this research points to a complicated relationship among these conditions: OSA, obesity, and ADHD. However the thing we are often missing is that development of the jaw and airway (crooked teeth) can affect risk of sleep disordered breathing. A high-arched palate is difficult to sleep and breathe in. Maintaining magnesium levels can have a stabilizing effect on mood. Low magnesium in children has been linked to several of the hallmark symptoms of ADHD, including impulsive behavior, hyperactivity, and inattention. Studies have found as many as 95 percent of children with ADHD may be deficient in magnesium. If you or a family member have been suspected of ADHD, investigating sleep, including a functional dental examination that assesses mouth breathing during sleep. Good sleep needs a well-functioning airway. Do you or a family member suffer symptoms of a sleep disorder?

08.01.2022 An important fact for long-term retention of teeth.

07.01.2022 Here is the speech I presented on Day 8 of Mega Success to a massive global audience! Did you learn something new from it? #drrobertlin #theairwaydentist #megasuccess

07.01.2022 Dr Derek Mahony is here to discuss another chapter from the book "Your Jaws Your Life". It is important for parents to know that common habits such as pacifier ...or thumb sucking can have detrimental impact on a childs facial growth. For more information, email Dr Mahony at [email protected]

06.01.2022 We are open as normal and taking appointments starting tomorrow. Please call us on 63050299 or book online: BREAKING: The National Cabinet approved a move to Level 1 restrictions! The Dental Board have made it official! This change means more Australians can now get the treatment they need and get back to their dentist!... The announcement that gives dentists the ability to perform all dental treatments using standard precautions for people who do not meet epidemiological or clinical risks for COVID-19.

04.01.2022 Your late nights and early mornings have way more consequences for your health and memory than you think. Watch Matt Walkers full TED Talk here:

04.01.2022 It’s sleep apnoea awareness day today! #dontignorethesnore

02.01.2022 Big 3. Tongue is 1 part of it ... aberrant tongue habits create a number of issues.

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