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25.01.2022 O SEU INTESTINO: DA OBESIDADE A MENOPAUSA Amanhã vamos falar sobre um assunto que muitas pessoas nos questionam! INTESTINO! Vamos falar das alterações intestinais na obesidade e também a @louiseduran_ especialista em pré e pós menopausa para nos contar um pouco das alterações nessa fase da mulher! ... Querem saber de mais? Não percam a live #weightloss #weightlossmotivation #weightlossjourney #selflove #weightlossgoals #weightlosstransformation #healthjourney #loosingweight #obesity #beforeandafter #anxiety #honormycurves #obesetobeast #embraceyourself #nondietapproach See more

24.01.2022 If my fiancé sees me like that he would say: - eh? Lipstick to do exercise????? And I can see his face !!! It just because I was recording some of the challenges and also because I did the live this morning! And actually all the lives (in English and in Portuguese) they are awesome !!! If you missed one of them, they are saved on my feed! And now I have few minutes to do some exercises ! ... And the last thing! Dont forget your bottle !!! How many times a week do you practice some exercises? #weightloss #weightlossmotivation #weightlossjourney #selflove #weightlossgoals #weightlosstransformation #healthjourney #loosingweight #obesity #beforeandafter #anxiety #honormycurves #obesetobeast #embraceyourself #nondietapproach See more

24.01.2022 Today Im going to do the live getting a coffee in this beautiful cup given as a gift from my best friend @ Love u so much and miss you more than anything 20min to start our live! Dont miss out! It will be incredible! ... #weightloss #weightlossmotivation #weightlossjourney #selflove #weightlossgoals #weightlosstransformation #healthjourney #loosingweight #obesity #beforeandafter #anxiety #honormycurves #obesetobeast #embraceyourself #nondietapproach See more

23.01.2022 Aprendizado para a vida, não é modismo e nem dieta

23.01.2022 MAS QUAL ATIVIDADE FAZER? Graças a Deus há muitas pessoas que já se exercitam e se sentem muito felizes com o tipo de exercício que praticam! Mas há aqueles que sabem que é sedentários, gostaria de iniciar ou até mesmo achar algo que gostem de fazer e assim os motivar também !... Por isso convidei o educador físico @denys_treinador para nos falar dos tipos de exercícios e vamos também colocar na prática... Ou seja, Venham fazer exercícios com a gente AO VIVO na live! Vamos demonstrar os exercícios! Isso mesmo ! Veja bem! Os benefícios da atividade física são inúmeras, não somente para o EMAGRECIMENTO, mas se você está buscando uma qualidade de vida e SAÚDE! Ela é indispensável! Por isso, VENHAM COM A GENTE nessa live de amanhã ! #moveyourbody #exercise #exercisemotivation #exerciciofisico #nutricaoesaude #nutricaoeatividadefisica #live #perdadepeso #perdadepesocomsaude #weightlosstips #healthaboveall See more

23.01.2022 FREE RADICAL AND ANTIOXIDANT I will post 3 posts explaining about the free radicals and antioxidants, as well as the sources you can find antioxidants and the relation between the certain type of antioxidant and prevention of diseases such as cancer and heart diseases! Any comment send me DM ... #freeradicals #antioxidants #weightlosss #lifestyle #habits #dietitian #eatinghealthy #embrace See more

22.01.2022 Super Power Green bread Ingredients 1 tbsp coconut flour (~ 7g) ... 1 tbsp oats flour (~ 10g) ~ 1g greens powder (Oh So Natural - superfood) * 1 tbsp LSA mix (~ 10g) 1/2 tbsp chia seeds 1/2 tbsp coconut oil 1 egg 1/2 tbsp baking powder Cinnamon to taste Method Mix all the ingredients in a bowl or mixer. You can either fry it in a pan or bake in the oven. I did mine in a pan ! You can add ricotta with oregano and tomato on top ! * Green powder: spirulina powder, barley grass powder, wheat grass powder, chlorella powder, stevia powder. SPIRULINA: It is loaded with various nutrients and antioxidants that may benefit your body and brain. It is packed in many nutrients Powerful in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties (Its main active component is called phycocyanin) It can lower LDL (bad) and Triglycerides levels, while raising HDL cholesterol (good) Protects LDL cholesterol (bad) cholesterol from oxidation If you are gluten sensitive or intolerant, avoid it as it contains barley and wheat! Double tap and you will give me a like #weightloss #weightlossjourney #selflove #weightlossgoals #weightlosstransformation #loosingweight #saudeemprimeirolugar #programasaudeacimadetudo #healthaboveallprogram #claudiamatsunaga #semradicalismo #alimentacaoconsciente @ Sydney, Australia See more

22.01.2022 4 reasons you have SUGAR CRAVING So many people are affected by sugar craving! And as a nutritionist I always heard I need sweet after meal or a certain period of the day And today I would like to tell 4 reasons why you could potentially be craving sweets! ... 1. Not eating enough during the day or you ate the wrong thing. 2. You picked up a bad habit. 3. You are eating too much starch and not enough fat and/or protein 4. The saltier the food, the bigger the sweet craving. If you wanna know more about them, dont miss out the LIVE next Monday 14/09/2020 at 9:45 am (Australia) Follow this post for those you know will like to know more about it ! 4 razões pelas quais você tem desejo por DOCES Como nutricionista, eu ouço: eu preciso de doce após as refeições ou há períodos do dia que eu fico pior, eu preciso de doce E hoje eu gostaria de citar 4 razões pelo qual o seu corpo pode estar pedindo por doces! 1. Pode ocorrer porque você não esteja comendo o suficiente durante o dia ou está comendo coisas erradas. 2. Você adquiriu um mal hábito. 3. Você pode estar comendo muitos carboidratos simples e não está consumindo gorduras e/ou proteínas suficientes. 4. Quanto mais saudada a sua alimentação, maior a vontade por doce. Se você quer saber mais sobre esses 4 motivos, não percam a live que eu farei no dia 14/09/2020 as 9:45 da manhã (Austrália). Encaminhe esse post para aqueles que você sabe que irá gostar de saber mais sobre isso ! #nutricaocomportamental #programasaudeacimadetudo #healthaboveallprogram #claudiamatsunaga #anxiety #sugarcravings @ Sydney, Australia See more

22.01.2022 Did I hear QUALITY OF LIFE? Longevity without diseases? Well I started saying about the free radicals and for sure if you dont combat them, your skin will be looking older as the cells in your skin starts to die and thats exactly what happens inside as well! How to get stop the free radicals action? ... Eating ANTIOXIDANT #longevity #longevitylifestyle #eatinghealthier #eatinghealthy #dietitian #weightloss #healthaboveall See more

22.01.2022 Its strawberry season, lets make a recipe Strawberry is considered a powerhouse of healthy nutrients that you can use in so many recipes with addition of important vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, potassium, they are low in calories/ kilojoules and high in fibre, making them an excellent snack! Strawberry muffin... Ingredients: 1 cup of oat flour 2 eggs 2 tbsp chia seed 1/4 cup coconut oil 2 rip banana 2 tbsp honey or substitute 1/4 almond milk 2 tsp baking powder The star strawberry Method: Chop the strawberry and leave cut some into slices to put on top Combine all the ingredients in a food processor Fill it into a silicone muffins pans Bake in the oven for about half hour Enjoy Dont forget to save this recipe ..................... See more

21.01.2022 WEEKEND OVEREATING I know on Monday some words come to your head: Regret... Guilt Bloating EXTRA POUNDS But before that on Friday, there are also some saying like: I deserve because its Friday Because its Saturday Because its Sunday And what I listen: I was good all week, BUT on the weekend My job was stressful SO I deserve For some people the weekend is a time where normal rule dont apply. It is time to relax and put the feet up! The weekend overeating could be from: convenient, stress-fueled, often social or just habit! Although weight fluctuations are unavoidable as you attempt to get in shape, if you want to stay healthy and fit, or if you want to make fitness and wellness a permanent part of your lifestyle, overeating on a weekend will ruin/sabotage your goals!!! Apart from the obvious extra body fat, there are other unwanted things... Due to inflammation from last nights fast food, your joints hurt! And this is a CYCLE! And your health and fitness goals remained elusive! Now my question: Are you sure your problem is the weekend? Or it might be weekday habits that perhaps is even more crucial to the whole picture? Do you think it could be from the work-week habits and they affect your weekend behaviour? If you think the answer is YES, read below!!! There is no perfect diet and neither restricted diet. The last one especially, bring on the weekend binge, as you are tired to be restringing the food you like on the week, the willpower gives out on the weekend! Let go the food rules. Eating by the rules almost always leads to overeating crap, and once you go down, nothing is left to guide you! If you felt connected with it, double tap to give me a like #embraceyourself #nondietapproach #healthaboveallprogram #weekend #overeating @ Sydney, Australia See more

20.01.2022 #moveyourbody #hydratation #exercisemotivation #burningcalories #habits #lifestyle #dietitian #nutritioncoach #healthaboveall

20.01.2022 The sugar craving is taking over your life? Read this feedback !

20.01.2022 Amanhã dia 31/08 dia do nutricionista , iniciaremos mais um grupo transformador. Digo transformador, porque vai além da perda de peso, vai da consciência à mudança do estilo de vida e com palavras ditas por ex participante sem sacrifício! Minha felicidade é poder ajudar ao maior número de pessoas possíveis para que tenham uma longevidade com SAÚDE ACIMA DE TUDO

19.01.2022 REALLY? Are we host for uncountable bacteria ??? Yes, we are! Not only bacterias but also fungi, archaea, and viruses. When occurs an imbalance of these microbes, disorders start to appear. The gut microbiota plays a key role in digestion, immunity, detoxification, absorption, infection protection, and even in the occurrence of some diseases, such as metabolic disorders, obesity, diabetes, and some cancers. ... It is well known that our physical and mental well-being depends on our diet, but its not restricted to diet! Factors, such as age, illness, antibiotic intake, stress, diet, and lifestyle affect the composition of the gut microflora Therefore... It is important to take care of everything that is around you! Im giving you an example of what you can include to feed your gut and keep them healthy! Yogurt with addition of probiotic (it can be animal or vegetal source as well as lactose free - it depends of your tolerance) You can add toppings such as: - fruits with the skin as they are high in fibre - seeds (in the picture I had linseed seed) to offer a good source of fat and its action is anti inflammatory - coconut flakes (you should practice moderation when adding it to your diet) If you like it give me a double tap in this post !!! #weightloss #weightlossmotivation #weightlossjourney #selflove #weightlossgoals #weightlosstransformation #beforeandafter #loosingweight #anxiety #obesetobeast #embraceyourself #nondietapproach #healthaboveallprogram @ Sydney, Australia See more

19.01.2022 EU ME SABOTO OU ELE ME SABOTA? Um relato que eu sempre ouço: meu marido/namorado/noivo sempre traz coisas gostosas para comer e principalmente a noite quando sentamos no sofá! Por isso eu resolvi trazer para a live a psicóloga @ que é especialista em família e casal, para conversarmos do ponto de vista da psicologia! ... Eu também estou super empolgada para escutar o que ela tem a nos dizer e tenho certeza que as ajudará imensamente no processo de emagrecimento! Não percam! Deixem alarme e já anotado aí na agenda! Encaminhem esse post para amigas, parentes e pra quem mais você achar necessário !!! Eu amo distribuir conhecimentos e ajudar as pessoas !! #weightloss #weightlossmotivation #weightlossjourney #selflove #weightlossgoals #weightlosstransformation #healthjourney #loosingweight #obesity #beforeandafter #anxiety #honormycurves #obesetobeast #embraceyourself #nondietapproach See more

19.01.2022 Ao longo desses 13 anos de carreira na nutrição, venho constantemente estudando e me aprimorando para ajudar as pessoas a atingirem o seu estado mais saudável, seja por querer uma qualidade de vida até uma longevidade com saúde! Porque é o que eu costumo dizer: - Você quer cuidar das pessoas, no sentido de estar com as pessoas que você ama em casa ou você quer ser cuidado em uma cama de hospital? Percebendo as dificuldades, dores físicas e emocionais, e até mesmo loucuras que as pessoas fazem para emagrecer ou ganhar massa muscular por exemplo, eu criei esse programa baseado em 5 pilares que eu acho SUPER IMPORTANTE para uma boa saúde física e mental. Esses pilares são fundametais para a perda de peso saudável e sustentável. Mas elas também são muito importantes para você que apenas busca uma melhoria na sua alimentação! Esse programa consiste não somente na alimentação, mas em uma reeducação alimentar e bem estar (como mencionado em um dos feedback, como vocês podem ver na foto ao lado) Eu sou Claudia Matsunaga, nutricionista especialista em nutrição clínica, gerontologia, plant based e health coaching. No momento estudando MBA & Master in Public Health e me aprofundando cada dia mais na obesidade e suas consequências! E com muito orgulho, sou a fundadora do programa HEALTH ABOVE ALL! Sim! Tenho muito orgulho sim de dizer que criei esse programa, baseado nas minhas experiências e estudos, onde compilei os 5 fundamentos importantes que eu chamo de pilares, para um emagrecimento saudável e sustentável! As inscrições para o próximo grupo que iniciará dia 28/09/2020 já estão abertas!!! Para maiores informações me mandem inbox e não percam o primeiro lote que vai até o dia 19/09! #nutricaocomportamental #perdadepeso #saudeemprimeirolugar #programasaudeacimadetudo #healthaboveallprogram #claudiamatsunaga #perdadepesosustentável #semradicalismo #alimentacaoconsciente @ Sydney, Australia See more

17.01.2022 Nearly midnight and I’m still here studying and trying to link all the symptoms and recent diagnostics that my patient has and she is coming tomorrow! I don’t even know her yet but my commitment is already so strong! When I accept an appointment, you can be sure I’ll look after you, or better, your health! ... #claudiamatsunaga See more

17.01.2022 M.U.L.H.E.R Você sabe qual é o poder da mulher? Eu costumo dizer: ... Ninguém pode com o poder de uma mulher E se você se sente frágil e ainda não identificou esse ponto que pode SIM ser encontrado e melhorado, não perca essa live amanhã com a psicóloga @manurodriguespsico especialista em psicóloga feminina. Quarta-feira dia 09/09/2020 as 10am Terça-feira dia 08/09/2020 as 21h Live em português Não deixe de encaminhar esse post para aqueles que você sabe que poderá ajudar #empoderamentofeminino #opoderdamulher #perdadepeso #amorpropio #nutricaoepsicologia #juntassomosmaisfortes See more

17.01.2022 LIVES FEITA INCRIÇÕES ENCERRADAS E AMANHÃ INICIAREMOS MAIS UMA NOVA JORNADA! A partir de agora eu volto os posts e stories em inglês. Estava em português para fazer as lives e também porque o segundo grupo também será em português. Eu ainda estou elaborando materiais e estou gravando na versão em inglês, mas espero terminar o quanto antes e inaugurar um grupo em inglês ! ... Muuuito obrigada a todos! E não se esqueçam 31/08 DIA DO NUTRICIONISTA no Brasil !!! LIVES DONE GROUP CLOSED AND TOMORROW WE ARE STARTING A NEW JOURNEY! From now Ill go back to do the posts and stories in English again! Because once again I had to do some lives in Portuguese and also this 2 group is in Portuguese! Im still making and recording the version in English, so hopefully Ill finish it asap and I can start a new group in English ! Thanks everyone! And dont forget: Today is NUTRITIONIST DAY in Brazil !!! #weightloss #weightlossmotivation #weightlossjourney #selflove #weightlossgoals #weightlosstransformation #healthjourney #loosingweight #obesity #beforeandafter #anxiety #honormycurves #obesetobeast #embraceyourself #nondietapproach See more

16.01.2022 WHAT IS THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN WEIGHT LOSS AND A COLOURFUL PLATE? There are so many benefits of eating a colourful plate! One day I heard: I dont care about the nutrients, deficiency, I want to lose weight! ... Im so sorry, but its harder to lose weight if you are not offering to your body the nutrients When you make a colourful plate, you are making sure you are eating a variety of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. Vitamins and minerals are the key for the puzzle ! Imagine a car factory, without the wheel the car is not completed and it cant get out of the factory! Is the same with our body, without vitamins and minerals our body is hindered to produce substances that is really important, such as enzymes, hormones, immune cells and everything else that depends on vitamins and minerals. Another nutrients are the phytonutrients, they are important to keep our body clean, it blocks the free radicals to act against our cells, they act like as antioxidants, which prevent cancer and other diseases! So...lets nourish our body? Lets give our body what exactly it deserves? Now its your turn! Make a beautiful and colourful plate! Post it and dont forget to tag me ! #weightloss #weightlossmotivation #weightlossjourney #selflove #weightlossgoals #weightlosstransformation #healthjourney #loosingweight #obesity #beforeandafter #anxiety #honormycurves #obesetobeast #embraceyourself #nondietapproach See more

16.01.2022 CHICKPEAS AND BASIL SAUCE Chickpeas are high in protein and make an excellent replacement for meat in vegetarian and vegan diets. As a rich source of vitamins, minerals and fiber, chickpeas may offer a variety of health benefits, such as improving digestion, aiding weight management and reducing the risk of several diseases.... Basil has anti-inflammatory effect and it provides many unique health benefits. Most of the health benefits of basil come from two parts of the basil plant: basil's flavonoids and volatile oils. Lets go for the recipe!!! Ingredients, chickpeas: Macro organic chickpeas 425g 1/4 cup olive oil 1/2 tbsp lime or lemon juice head of garlic salt and pepper cardamon Ingredients basil oil: 1 cup basil 1/4 cup olive oil salt Get two blenders, one for chickpeas and another for basil oil. - Bake the garlic with a little bit olive oil in the oven for about 30-40 min or 15 min in the air fryer. - Mix all the ingredients, including the garlic. In another blender: - Combine basil, olive oil and salt to tasty. Blend! In a bowl pour the chickpeas blended and after pour the basil oil on top. Enjoy ! #weightlossmotivation #weightlossjourney #selflove #weightlossgoals #weightlosstransformation #healthjourney #loosingweight #obesity #beforeandafter #anxiety #honormycurves #embraceyourself #nondietapproach #chickpeas #recipes See more

14.01.2022 I’m really studying and getting deeper in functional nutrition that include clinical assessment, psychological aspects, genetic, inflammation, allergies, lifestyle such as nutrition, exercises, sleep and much more! Every single minute that I have the opportunity to learn more, I will do! I just watched this conference that just happened in Brazil ! I talked about sleep on my stories today so have a look there ASAP as it will disappear in 24h ! #functionalnutrition #coachingnutrition #clinicalnutrition #claudiamatsunaga

14.01.2022 I dont need to eat only chicken and salad? ... I dont need to cut off carbs? ... Can I eat everything? ... COME TO THIS LIVE AND ILL TELL YOU!

14.01.2022 WATCH IT TILL THE END I was ready to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY ... and look at my face waiting @davvid_fs to answer the phone !!!! Parabéns Cica! Não tenho nem palavras para descrever aqui o quão importante é você na minha vida né! Te desejo muitas felicidades não somente hoje que é o seu níver, mas todos os dias da sua vida! ... Te amo See more

13.01.2022 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE LOVE OF MY LIFE Today is the day to celebrate !!! I truly wish that you are blessed with all the happiness, health, joy and prosperity in life! Happy birthday to the twinkle of my eyes and the person who I love from the bottom of my heart !!! ... Love u so much @ Eurobay Cafe Bar See more

13.01.2022 31st of August Nutritionists day In Brazil we celebrate our beautiful professional day as a Nutritionist/Dietitian. I got this diploma in 2007 and since then Ive been helping and encouraging people to reach their better version, their better health and their happiness! ... Im so proud of myself and see how far Ive came and I dont want to stop here! Whoever know me, knows that I want and I WILL go even further ! My mission to help people is infinite! And my heart and the love I have for nutrition are very strong. For years I was helping people to recover in ICU, nourishing the patients body and now Im helping people to live in a way that they can find their quality of live and of course, live longer. As I always say: HEALTH ABOVE ALL! Congrats for all Nutritionists/Dietitian #nutrition #nutritionist #dietitian #helpingpeople #31deagostodiadonutricionista #saocamilo #nutrindo #nutricionista #nutricionistaclinica #euamominhaprofissão #amosernutrionista #brasil #australia See more

13.01.2022 LETS PLAY! ANSWER IT BEFORE MOVE TO THE NEXT PICTURE What did we write with our own body? ... #tbt #missallthat #bestfriends #nightout #havingfun #agentesecompleta #agentesediverte #thisisgood #mygirls #friendsforever See more

12.01.2022 There are groups of antioxidants and each group has a subgroup! But in this IGTV Im mentioning 3! #diseaseprevention #cancerprevention #vitamins #vitaminc #dietitian #nutritionist

12.01.2022 Infelizmente eu não consegui gravar a live realizada hoje de manhã com a @manurodriguespsico e por isso resolvi fazer um resumo da nossa conversa, que aliás foi um bate papo maravilhoso! Gostaria muito que vocês estivessem ouvindo da própria Manu, com todo o embasamento da psicologia, mas o importante é a mensagem né! No final da nossa live a Manu falou tenho certeza que muitas fichas já caíram por aqui então para quem assistiu até o final, também tenho certeza que as fichas caíram! Mas uma vez muito obrigada Manu

11.01.2022 Have you ever thought to look after your gut, improve your gut and body inflammation as well as change behaviours in 30 days? ONLY 30 day challenges you will see the difference, you will see nutrition in a different point of view, once it will change your body! Read the post above to understand more about the program! ... #nondietapproach #healthaboveallprogram #saudeemprimeirolugar #programasaudeacimadetudo #claudiamatsunaga #perdadepesosustentável #semradicalismo #alimentacaoconsciente #beforeandafter #anxiety @ Sydney, Australia See more

11.01.2022 Its been 13 years throughout my career in nutrition field that I have been constantly studying to help people achieve their healthiest state, whether for desiring a quality of life or longevity with health! And that is what I usually say: - Do you want to take care of people in the sense of being with the people you love at home or do you want to be cared for in a hospital bed? Realising the difficulties, physical and emotional pain, and even the crazy things tha...t people do to lose weight or gain muscle mass for example, I created this program based on 5 pillars that I believe SUPER IMPORTANT for good physical and mental health. These pillars are fundamental for healthy and sustainable weight loss, as well as important for those who is seeking an improvement in their diet. This program consists not only of food and activity, it is a food re-education and wellbeing I am Claudia Matsunaga, a nutritionist/dietitian specialised in clinical and therapy nutrition, gerontology, plant based and health coach. I am currently studying MBA & Master in Public Health and getting deeper into obesity and its consequences! And with great pride, I another founder of the HEALTH ABOVE ALL program! Yes! I am very proud to say that I have created this program, based on experiences and studies, where I compiled the 5 important fundamental that I call pillars for a healthy and sustainable weight loss! Registration for next group that will start on September 28th, 2020 is now open! For more information send me an inbox and dont miss the first batch that goes on until 19/09!!! #weightloss #weightlossmotivation #weightlossjourney #selflove #weightlossgoals #weightlosstransformation #healthjourney #loosingweight #obesity #beforeandafter #anxiety #honormycurves #obesetobeast #embraceyourself #nondietapproach #healthaboveallprogram #claudiamatsunaga @ Sydney, Australia See more

10.01.2022 Celebrating his 7 years in Australia ! Im so grateful to have you in my life! Love u ! #australia #fiance #loveu

09.01.2022 MOUSSAKA Omg!!! What a beautiful and tasty dish Ive chosen Great service, great food and great beer too !... We will definitely go back and I highly recommend this restaurant! My choice was moussaka: layers of potatoes, eggplant, ground beef and bechamel. Ive tried Greek beer mythos also very good . Put your hand up with you like moussaka #moussaka #meetthegreek #eggplant #embraceyourself #deliciousfood #australia #sydney See more

09.01.2022 Se você acha que nutrição é mágica ... não é não! É hábito mesmo !!!! If you think nutrition is magic! Its not! It is habit ! #nutricaocomportamental #sunday #habits #hábito #dietanao #mudancadehabito #healthaboveallprogram #saudeacimadetudo #perdadepeso #weightlossforhealth #perdadepesocomsaude

09.01.2022 EU EMAGRECI, MELHOREI MINHA PERFORMANCE E O MELHOR: SEM SACRIFÍCIO E COMENDO DE TUDO A nossa última live não vai ser com nenhuma profissional de saúde, mas sim, com quem participou do grupo: HEALTH ABOVE ALL e vai nos contar como foi a experiência dela, o que ela aprendeu e quais foram os seus resultados! Me lembro um dia ela falando: Clau, estava trabalhando até agora (23:30) mas eu estou fazendo os desafios! ... @elizataniguti - mãe, esposa, trabalhadora, maratonista e ciclista! Será que é possível? Vem amanhã para como é SIM, possível !!! #weightloss #weightlossmotivation #weightlossjourney #selflove #weightlossgoals #weightlosstransformation #healthjourney #loosingweight #obesity #beforeandafter #anxiety #honormycurves #obesetobeast #embraceyourself #nondietapproach See more

07.01.2022 () He is basically saying that nutritionist is not a magician Since uni we do maths to adjust the nutritional needs to the individuals and we will do maths until we’re working as a nutritionist and because of that we are NOT looking or counting calories of your plate in a social events ! ... Another thing that I loved... We can’t eat nothing because people say straight away: - look at there, she is eating this and that!!!!! Yessss we also have desires and preferred food !!! At the end he says: - if a nutritionist says to you eat 2 tbsp is rice, she/he is just looking after yourself !!! #claudiamatsunaga #healthaboveallprogram #fun #health #healthylifestyle See more

06.01.2022 Dont let nothing and anybody make you give up what you want the most in your life B.E.L.I.E.V.E F.I.G.H.T ... C.O.N.Q.U.E.R And above all BE HAPPY Não deixe que nada e nem ninguém te faça desistir daquilo que você mais quer na vida A.C.R.E.D.I.T.E L.U.T.E C.O.N.Q.U.I.S.T.E E acima de tudo SEJA FELIZ Se você acredita nessas palavras deixa um like #weightloss #weightlossmotivation #weightlossjourney #selflove #weightlossgoals #weightlosstransformation #healthjourney #loosingweight #obesity #beforeandafter #anxiety #honormycurves #obesetobeast #embraceyourself #nondietapproach See more

06.01.2022 GRUPO DE DESAFIO: HEALTH ABOVE ALL Querem saber onde estão errando? Qual peça está faltando para você atingir a sua alimentação saudável? (Porque eu te garanto que a perda de peso vai ser SÓ UMA CONSEQUÊNCIA !!! Querem aprender a comer de verdade? ... Cansada de passar fome e não saber mais o que colocar no prato? Querem tirar o conceito da cabeça de dieta? Querem ser mais organizadas e saber a planejar? Querem entender melhor sobre o intestino e melhorar a sua função intestinal? Querem melhorar a inflamação, ou seja, aprender a desinflamar o corpo? Ma digestão e inchação? Querem melhorar isso também? Se você respondeu SIM para qualquer uma dessas perguntas, esse grupo é PARA VOCÊ!!! - 30 dias de desafio - Acompanhamento diário comigo no telegram - Desafios liberados diariamente pelo aplicativo que vocês terão acesso e todos os BÔNUS inclusos! - 2 encontros pelo zoom (ficam gravados) portanto ninguém perde os conteúdos * Início: 31/08 * Final: 29/09 * Inscrições até domingo 30/08 as 23:59 OU até as VAGAS ESTIVEREM DISPONÍVEIS! (APENAS 3 vagas disponíveis ) Mandem mensagem para garantir a sua vaga!!! #weightloss #weightlossmotivation #weightlossjourney #selflove #weightlossgoals #weightlosstransformation #healthjourney #loosingweight #obesity #beforeandafter #anxiety #honormycurves #obesetobeast #embraceyourself #nondietapproach See more

05.01.2022 Which kind of person are you? A or B? I would love to know ! ... Next post I’ll be talking what is the relationship with food allergy #claudiamatsunaga #healthaboveallprogram #foodallergy See more

04.01.2022 Uma das coisas que eu priorizo muito é a saúde intestinal, e os prebióticos e probióticos não poderiam ficar de fora do programa! Inscrições abertas para a próxima turma que se iniciará em 28/09/2020. I truly believe we need to look after our gut health, and thats why prebiotic and probiotic couldnt be out of this program! ... Registration is now open to the next group that will start in 28/09/2020 #nutricaocomportamental #perdadepeso #saudeemprimeirolugar #programasaudeacimadetudo #healthaboveallprogram #claudiamatsunaga #perdadepesosustentável #semradicalismo #alimentacaoconsciente #weightloss @ Sydney, Australia See more

03.01.2022 Ok! Lets talk about the way your plate looks like and the relationship of it with food allergy! : The more you eat the same food (EVERYDAY) the higher is the chance to develop food allergy! And it could be the cause of you feeling uncomfortable with winds, bloating, reflux, constipation, diarrhea, anxiety, depression and so on! ... The secret! Don’t make your diet monotonous! As I always say: #claudiamatsunaga #foodallergy #variety #healthaboveallprogram #health See more

03.01.2022 My #tbt goes to my little sister who I miss sooo much!

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