Clea Mahon health, fitness & lifestyle coaching | Nutritionist
Clea Mahon health, fitness & lifestyle coaching
Phone: +61 426 442 964
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23.01.2022 What is a reverse diet? Today I was going through reverse dieting with a potential client. You see, she's stuck on low calories and can't lose any weight, she's exhausted, not getting stronger in her training, isn't sleeping well, has horrendous periods (depression, anxiety, pain)and her mood and libido are crap This is a frequent issue with women who don't know how to diet effectively. You go on a diet - drop your calories, loose a bit of weight, and then it stops - you plateau You're getting cravings, have no energy, your hormones are all over the place and you know you can't reduce your food any more This is when I like to start a reverse diet. A reverse diet is great for resetting the metabolism, giving your hormones a much needed boost, increasing energy levels, kick starting fat loss & muscle gain The fear I see in women's eyes when I tell them we may need to add in more food. but there really is no need to be afraid - I use strategic methods to ensure you don't gain any weight.... What you will gain though is better sleep, energy, hormonal balance, moods, and many even get leaner during this phase If you're tired of eating nothing and getting nowhere fast! There IS a better way! DM for details #fatloss #hormones #fatigue #adrenalfatigue #hypothyroidism #reversediet #dietbreak #fatlossforsummer #femalept #leanbody #tonedbody #bikinibody #healthybody #gethealthy #bingeating #cantsleep #hormoneimbalance #fitness #wellness #diet #fitsagram #iifym #flexiblediet #countmacros #behealthy #healthyfoods #nutritioncoach #femalenutrition #moms #momsofinsta
23.01.2022 "Getting adequate calories and avoiding low-calorie dieting is essential for keeping the thyroid gland turned on or for turning it up once it's been turned down according to the World Health Organisation, that means approx 2100 cals or more per day for females and 2300 for males - Julia Ross, author of the mood cure." When we diet or drop calories too low we may start to get health issues that weren't there before, as your nutrient intake drops. Issues like hormonal imbalan...ces, mood disorders, low energy, sleep issues and a low metabolic rate start to rear their head. And chronic diseases can follow this dysfunction. "But I don't want to gain weight", I hear this all the time, and I absolutely get it...we live in a world that praises you when you get smaller - no matter what damage it may have caused your health. Taking steps to rectify this by reverse dieting out of this hole can help symptoms and improve health so much. I like to do this very slowly so weight gain is minimal if any. And usually pairing it with strength training so those extra calories can help build muscle to increase metabolic rate. Eating MORE food and CARBS is the number 1 thing that's helped me to improve my energy, vitality, sleep, hormonal health and life in general. If I under-eat now the side effects are horrendous - so i DON'T do it!! Let me know if you're ready to get unstuck with your current diet #fatloss #hormones #fatigue #adrenalfatigue #hypothyroidism #reversediet #dietbreak #fatlossforsummer #femalept #leanbody #tonedbody #bikinibody #healthybody #gethealthy #bingeating #cantsleep #hormoneimbalance #fitness #wellness #diet #fitsagram #iifym #flexiblediet #countmacros #behealthy #healthyfoods #nutritioncoach #femalenutrition #moms #momsofinsta
22.01.2022 Pizza for lunch today....yuuummmm!!! I can't even tell you how happy (and satiated ) I am that I came across the work of Dr Ray Peat PHD because it stopped me destroying my health and body with restrictive dieting and binge eating. It's balanced my hormones, given my back my energy, completely gotten rid of my IBS I no longer have painful periods or turn into a different person for two weeks beforehand and anxiety is a thing of the past!!... This way of eating is highly individual, but when done right, it fully balances blood sugar (which takes stress off the body) it supports thyroid/adrenal function and sex hormone production to optimise health at the cell level and that, my friends, is why it's so magical No other approach ive come across does this trust me I've done all the diets, weight watchers, low carb, shakes, juices, intermittent fasting, lite & easy. The list goes on and on!! Most of them, sadly left me feeling worse... not better Sorry to tell you, but your hormones don't care how much you weigh So, if the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result - then why not give something else a try #metabolism #metabolichealing #eatingdisorder #foodfreedom #eatforlife #rebuildyourmetabolism #bodyconfidence #macrocounting #womenshealth #PMS #adrenalsupport #health #healthybody #iifym See more
22.01.2022 FAT LOSS DONE RIGHT , takes time, effort and consistency BUT you will be repaid with better energy, vibrancy, confidence and a body you LOVE This is my client @kathleenpgray here we are working on perfecting technique on her deadlift "Why would you want to get stronger for Fat loss", you might ask???... Weelllllllllllll having lean muscle on your frame increases your resting metabolism - which means you'll burn more fat sitting on your ass watching Netflix. How good is that Muscle is 3-5 times more metabolically active than fat, which means muscle tissue burns significantly more calories at rest than fat! Building lean muscle takes away the need for you to starve yourself to be happy with your body!!! And you know what else... it's fucking EMPOWERING!!! I have not met a women who doesn't adore lifting up heavy things and putting them back down again Ladies I know you're tired of the quick fixes, yoyo diets and you're ready to put the work in to feel better, physically, mentally AND emotionally #fatloss #hormones #fatigue #adrenalfatigue #hypothyroidism #reversediet #dietbreak #raypeat #femalept #leanbody #tonedbody #bikinibody #healthybody #gethealthy #bingeating #cantsleep #hormoneimbalance #fitness #wellness #diet #fitsagram #iifym #flexiblediet #countmacros #behealthy #healthyfoods #nutritioncoach #femalenutrition #moms #momsofinsta
22.01.2022 The fitness industry can be a very crazy place at times and can be anything but "healthy" I want to change that and tell you, it's ok to eat when you're hungry, it's ok to eat sugar, it's ok to rest when you're tired, and it's ok to LOVE YOUR BODY exactly the way it is right now Like if you agree ... #longtermfatloss #liftweights #getstrong #antidiet #lovefood #foodisfuel #buildmuscle #femalefitness #hormonalbalance #restandrecover #trainhard #resthard #carbs #coffeeandcarbs #goodenergy #betteenergy #adrenalfatigue #getbetter #stronger #lean #toned #femalefatloss #keepweightoff #sotired #moreenergy #bodyacceptance #loveyourself
20.01.2022 Stress is a killer, we all know that!! We all know, that many chronic illnesses and modern disease states are caused by chronic stress - but what many of us don't know is that low blood sugar, is one of the biggest stressors to the human body! When the body senses itself running out of glycogen stores it increases cortisol and adrenaline (stress hormones) to mobilise tissue. A state many of us are running around in on a daily basis this state is catabolic and breaks the ...body down...especially when chronic! Things that promote release of stress hormones into the body include - Not eating carbohydrates, or enough fuel in general. Not eating frequently enough through the day Having coffee on an empty stomach 1st thing in the morning before any food. Training without having any fuel prior, or not enough, or wrong type to meet your metabolic needs. Being female, lol, yes we have smaller livers & tend to be more estrogen dominant this affects our ability to store glycogen. Stress, stress demands energy from the body, using up more blood glucose. Digestive issues - endotoxin from the gut deplete liver glycogen Becoming a frequent eater is what turned my health around and got rid of many "mystery" health symptoms that I was having. It's one of the most important tools you can use to improve your health and I'm so grateful I opened my eyes to it See more
19.01.2022 After years of ignoring my body I've finally started to listen to her After years of dieting, I've finally started to fuel my body to feel and perform at it's best After years of "pushing through" I've finally let my body rest when it needs to ... After years of being enemies - I'm finally friends with my body Message me if you want to be friends with YOUR body #raypeatinspired #adrenalfatiguesymtoms #adrenalfatiguehealing #chronicfatiguerecovery #burntout #rundown #hormonediet #hormonehealthcoach #subclinical #subclinicalhypothyroid #IBS #SIBO #estrogen #estrogendominance #metabolicrecovery #healthyweightloss
19.01.2022 I'll start... Intermittent fasting, which turned into starving myself and then bingeing on shit I felt like crap, had zero energy to train, lost muscle and substituted coffee for food ... Now I eat at least 2000 calories a day Share your diet stories
17.01.2022 I frequently get asked about what supplements I recommend for ladies looking to balance their hormones and improve their health and body composition, and the truth is, that no one supplement is going to save you!! What's going to turn your health around, is a specific nutritional protocol that's personalised to you, your health history and symptoms. And recovering from restricting food and carbs In saying that, supplements can definitely have their place and I love certai...n food based supplements to assist with hormonal balance and improving body composition. I'm strict with the brands I use due to fillers etc and I am very excited to announce that I have a fabulous giveaway for my followers from the wonderful supplement company "Saturee". This giveaway is worth $187 and the products are incredibly healing and help drop stress hormones and balance sex hormones So to enter for this wonderful prize you'll need to pop over to Instagram and do the following: 1. Follow @loveablebodies 2. Follow @saturee_official 3. Tag 2 friends in this post You can enter as many times as you like!! Comp will close Friday at 6pm. Good luck See more
17.01.2022 No caption needed, but I've been there more times than I'd like to admit
16.01.2022 For the gluten free folks out there. Great little snack for on the go! No shit fillers or nasties that will upset your stomach Oat bars, these are yum. I didn't really follow a recipe I just threw them together I did -... 3 cups of oats 100ml of skim milk, 100 ml light coconut milk and 50ml of water (soak for a few hours) 100ml maple syrup 1/2 tsp salt 1 & 1/4 cup of cranberries 100g of butter melted Pop 'em in oven for 10-15 mins at around 190-200c. I'll have these as a snack with a glass of milk or with some cheese for protein to keep blood sugar stable. Enjoy
14.01.2022 Lifting weights makes me so happy I break into song Seriously though ladies, If you're restricting food and not getting stronger in training then you're doing it wrong! Muscle is 3-5 times more metabolically active than fat, which means muscle tissue burns significantly more calories at rest than fat. ... You should be looking to build muscle and strength in your training sessions. Too much cardio, HIIT and bootcamps can be stressful on the body and don’t contribute much to the resting metabolic rate and CAN affect your bodies ability to build muscle and recover effectively. Lifting weights will give you that beautiful hourglass, toned, bikini body you’re looking for and assist in hormonal balance and insulin sensitivity. Let me know if you like my singing and you want to do fatloss RIGHT #singusasong #giveusatune #fatloss #hormones #fatigue #adrenalfatigue #hypothyroidism #reversediet #dietbreak #fatlossforsummer #femalept #leanbody #tonedbody #bikinibody #healthybody #gethealthy #bingeating #cantsleep #hormoneimbalance #fitness #wellness #diet #fitsagram #iifym #flexiblediet #countmacros #behealthy #healthyfoods #nutritioncoach See more
14.01.2022 Ladies who uses my methods are frequently confused about PUFAs (polyunsaturated fats) and why I ask them to avoid them. PUFAs supress energy metabolism and thyroid function. This is HUGE when it comes to health, wellness and overall energy production. A reduction in thyroid hormone has many negative consequences in the body that pushes the body towards pathology and symptomology. PUFA are found in liquid vegetable oils, most processed foods, nuts,seeds, fish oils etc. ... There are many research studies showing that PUFA suppresses the thyroid on just about every level, blocking thyroid, starting at the gland, transportation of thyroid to the liver, and finally blocking the cells utilisation of the hormone. This is something i believe we all should all be paying attention to - regardless if you have a diagnosed thyroid issue or not.
13.01.2022 A memory popped up on my Facebook from 6 YEARS ago!! It was a picture of a meal of meat & veg I was getting back into my "fitness" after backpacking and had gained some weight, I was anxious, having panic attacks and was drinking and partying far too much I thought that cutting my carbs and training 6 days a week with HIIT and weights was going to help me feel better - well actually end up making me feel a while lot worse and this was the start of many health iss...ues in the years that followed Over the next few years on my quest to get "healthy" I suffered - Major fatigue - to the point were all I did was work and sleep. Bye, bye life Hormonal issues - various issues surrounding my menstrual cycle, horrific cramps, pms, anxiety, irregular cycles Binge eating disorder - I was in the cycle of restricting food especially carbs and when my willpower finally failed (as it usually does) I'd binge on allsorts of CRAP!! Digestive problems where I became intolerant to allsorts of foods and at my worst could only tolerate around 5 foods without having stomach and digestive symptoms. Brain fog, and memory issues - which is a nightmare for somebody in their 30's But you know, what...I wouldn't change a thing, because I've had a MASSIVE learning experience from all of this and I can now HELP so many women and stop them making the same mistakes that I did I am now very happy with my body I eat ALL the carbs, I eat over 2200 calories per day I strength train 3 times per week I have a healthy mindset around what a "fit and healthy" body looks and more importantly FEELS like AND I will NEVER ignore my body again....and for any women I work with, I will do my utmost to ensure they don't ignore their bodies signals either Reach out if you're struggling - I am happy to help anybody who is struggling with anything above or related to it #reversediet #metabolism #metabolichealing #eatingdisorder #foodfreedom #eatforlife #rebuildyourmetabolism #bodyconfidence #macrocounting #womenshealth #PMS #adrenalsupport #health #healthybody #iifym#raypeatinspired #adrenalfatiguesymtoms #adrenalfatiguehealing #chron See more
10.01.2022 Fat loss done wrong can lead to disordered eating, low metabolic rate, hormonal issues, thyroid issues, fatigue and crap sleep. When people do a quick fix it can lead to them gaining all their weight back and then some DM me, if this is you and you're ready to do fatloss RIGHT ... #longtermfatloss #liftweights #getstrong #antidiet #lovefood #foodisfuel #buildmuscle #femalefitness #hormonalbalance #restandrecover #trainhard #resthard #carbs #coffeeandcarbs #goodenergy #betteenergy #adrenalfatigue #getbetter #stronger #lean #toned #femalefatloss #keepweightoff #sotired #moreenergy #bodyacceptance #loveyourself #fatlossdoneright #quickfixdiet #disorderedeating
09.01.2022 The power of food I've been working with this lady for around a week now and with a few tweeks to her nutrition, she's now sleeping through the night and waking refreshed can't put a price on that!!! NEVER. UNDERESTIMATE. THE. POWER. OF. STRATEGIC. FOOD. PLANNING ... #raypeatinspired #adrenalfatiguesymtoms #adrenalfatiguehealing #chronicfatiguerecovery #burntout #rundown #hormonediet #hormonehealthcoach #subclinical #subclinicalhypothyroid #IBS #SIBO #estrogen #estrogendominance #metabolicrecovery #healthyweightloss #reversediet #metabolism #metabolichealing #eatingdisorder #foodfreedom #eatforlife #rebuildyourmetabolism #bodyconfidence #macrocounting #womenshealth #PMS #adrenalsupport #health #healthybody See more
08.01.2022 Ladies, STOP starving yourselves Eat to fuel performance and get stronger. Don't restrict the foods you love. It just leads to binge & disordered eating.... Eat enough to ensure good energy and happy hormones. As a result, your body will change and you'll get a body that is tight and "toned" Oh and deadlift heavy - not only because it will change your body...but because it's fucking Awesome #reversediet #metabolism #metabolichealing #eatingdisorder #foodfreedom #eatforlife #rebuildyourmetabolism #bodyconfidence #macrocounting #womenshealth #PMS #adrenalsupport #health #healthybody #iifym
08.01.2022 Friendly reminder as summer approaches and that crash diet looks inviting #fatloss #hormones #fatigue #adrenalfatigue #hypothyroidism #reversediet #dietbreak #fatlossforsummer #femalept #leanbody #tonedbody #bikinibody #healthybody #gethealthy #bingeating #cantsleep #hormoneimbalance #fitness #wellness #diet #fitsagram #iifym #flexiblediet #countmacros #behealthy #healthyfoods #nutritioncoach #femalenutrition #moms #momsofinsta
07.01.2022 Hormonal issues in women these days are rife!! Almost every women I work with seems to have some level of a hormonal imbalance going on It makes it more difficult to get a sustainable fat loss result for sure - but ensuring you're not contributing to the imbalance is helpful Ladies, you don't have to put up with this ... Below are my top tips for helping fix your hormones - they are simple, but not always easy to implement, that's where having a coach comes in! Find somebody who's work resonates and makes sense to you and work with them to become healthier, happier and more hormonally balanced #raypeatinspired #adrenalfatiguesymtoms #adrenalfatiguehealing #chronicfatiguerecovery #burntout #rundown #hormonediet #hormonehealthcoach #subclinical #subclinicalhypothyroid #IBS #SIBO #estrogen #estrogendominance #metabolicrecovery #healthyweightloss See more
03.01.2022 5 Mistakes women make when trying to lose fat. Tag a friend who needs to hear this #fatloss #hormones #fatigue #adrenalfatigue #hypothyroidism #reversediet #dietbreak #fatlossforsummer #femalept #leanbody #tonedbody #bikinibody #healthybody #gethealthy #bingeating #cantsleep #hormoneimbalance #fitness #wellness #diet #fitsagram #iifym #flexiblediet #countmacros #behealthy #healthyfoods #nutritioncoach #femalenutrition #moms #momsofinsta
02.01.2022 You'll also be able to change your body composition with ease!!! But that's just an added bonus #longtermfatloss #liftweights #getstrong #antidiet #lovefood #foodisfuel #buildmuscle #femalefitness #hormonalbalance #restandrecover #trainhard #resthard #carbs #coffeeandcarbs #goodenergy #betteenergy #adrenalfatigue #getbetter #stronger #lean #toned #femalefatloss #keepweightoff #sotired #moreenergy #bodyacceptance #loveyourself
02.01.2022 Will you invest in yourself or choose to remain stuck? Both are HARD, Choose your hard!!! I know which HARD I prefer ... #fatloss #hormones #fatigue #adrenalfatigue #hypothyroidism #reversediet #dietbreak #fatlossforsummer #femalept #leanbody #tonedbody #bikinibody #healthybody #gethealthy #bingeating #cantsleep #hormoneimbalance #fitness #wellness #diet #fitsagram #iifym #flexiblediet #countmacros #behealthy #healthyfoods #nutritioncoach #femalenutrition #moms #momsofinsta
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