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Clean Living Lovers
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24.01.2022 A legend for changing lives worldwide. I will be forever grateful. Purest essential oils in the world. Fact. ... That is all . .#tallpoppysyndrome #garyyoung #legend #youngliving
23.01.2022 I wish I knew about Young Living when Ayla was a baby. I didn’t . But now I know better I can gift safe, clean products . Our little bubba’s deserve it.
23.01.2022 Diffusing essential oils (in a tested diffuser with 100% plant) is a fantastic alternative to synthetic room sprays, candles, ‘fragrance oils’ , incense. (what we breathe goes into our lungs)... Be very careful of green washing though. Labels that say ‘Organic , green, earth’ etc. There is still a loop hole in the industry and what is written is not 100% truth. Young Living are world leaders in essential oils for a reason. You need a member to help sign you up. So I’m to help. But be careful because when you sign up you will lose a lot of...... TOXINS from your BODY and HOMES that is all! Please don’t use other brand oils in your Young Living diffuser. It will ruin the ultra sonic plate. #no1 #plants #essentialoils
23.01.2022 Ayla when she was 4yrs. Asleep and snoring. Young Living Peppermint oil to the rescue.
23.01.2022 I was never one to take supplements until I became a member of a young Living. Learning about how bad our soil our crops are grown in (sadly even organic), and the pesticides sprayed on them our bodies are not getting the nutrients they need. And that’s why we should supplement. But this little bottle of magic I don’t take everyday. I take if I just feel a bit off, like something is coming on. ... Did you know more than 90% of supplements on the market are synthetic? Not my plant based one here All my products in my own account is saving me money and time. Win win. I can help you, yep I will go on and on, as helping others is my jam. #helpingothers #plantbased #plantbasedproducts #plantmom #plantmagic #innerdefense
22.01.2022 Is your bath bomb plant or synthetic? Fragrances Dyes... Synthetic preservatives are all ingredients that are just not safe for our bodies. The skin is the largest organ in the body, it does not want the toxic load. That strong smell (which until you retrain your nose) is not natural, it’s fake, anything fake the body goes crazy (internally, the silent toxic creeper )...... Google Parabens, because it’s all your products(soap, shampoo , conditioner, moisturiser, etc etc) used everyday, again and again that is doing the damage. But I have a kid and she loves a bath. I tried to make my own bath bombs but haven’t yet mastered it! So I let her use my Young Living 100% plant based, safe bath bombs. . Her little body deserves plants not synthetics. #cleanlivinglovers
22.01.2022 I love Pilates with all my heart . I love Young Living essential oils with all my heart. Deep breathing with 100% plant= happy brain, happy lungs, happy me!... Not all essential oils are equal. Young Living are world leaders in EO for a reason. There is a process to distilling the oil correctly (no cutting corners with YL, hence why they cost more). Oh and growing the crop correctly, picking the crop at the right time and most importantly they DO NOT USE CHEMICALS ON ANY OF THEIR CROPS WORLD WIDE.
22.01.2022 Truth that It’s funny the avoidance as they think I’m going to suck them into something that they can’t get out of! The people who have trusted me and found out for themselves that a commitment with this lifestyle actually improves it.... The only thing you will lose in this monthly membership with me- IS TOXINS FROM YOUR HOME, AND TOXINS FROM YOUR BODIES..... That is all. You’re spending your money already, swap it to cleaner products. All the best from Clean Living Lovers (someone who cares about improving your lifestyle ). #scarylady #lifecoach #essentialoils
20.01.2022 Stress release . Sound on Focus and deep breathing.
18.01.2022 Will be trying this.
13.01.2022 This is so interesting.
11.01.2022 Oh my goodness what a beautiful oil. ... I have it going in 2 diffusers on this Sunday morning. ... This oil was created to celebrate and bring awareness to the Gary Young Foundation. It was created to celebrate the joy of creating unity and connection. ... .... The label was created by Anita Perlaza, a graduate of the YL Academy in Ecuador. ‘I think that if all people can join and collaborate, we can do great things together ‘. .... A beautiful story and a beautiful oil. Thank you Young Living. ... ... #oneheart #youngliving See more
10.01.2022 I will never forget the day I found this book in an Op shop. I have an issue (cavernomas) on my brain so I was interested to read it. Wowza what worried me was that I was taking 1 sometimes 2 antihistamines a day . I had probably done it already for 10yrs. Imagine if I did that for another 10/20yrs....... I decided that day I read page 10 to cut down or cut them out completely. I might have one if I’m desperate, but so far my other choices are proving to work. I believe page 10 means ongoing, everyday, year after year. I wish I found this book 10yrs ago. It’s ok the body is good at regenerating. #knowledgeispower #makebetterchoices #regenerate
09.01.2022 Because I order monthly I have to think ahead. I can’t run out mid month, so I order and store. My clean plant based safe products. Free of all nasties. ... #cleanliving #plantbasedproducts
07.01.2022 Any products actually... Fragrance- linked to allergies, skin irritation and eczema. Phthalates And Parabens- Endocrine Disruptors.... 1,4 Dioxane- known carcinogen. Mineral Oil- Harmful to skin. Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (SLS, SLES)- Skin irritant. Talc- linked to ovarian cancer and respiratory problems. Let me save you time searching if your products are safe for your kids (and you) as ALL of Young Living products are plant based and free of any of those nasties. Live a cleaner life on and in your bodies. Do I want to show you the way? HELL YEAH! me.
06.01.2022 I still can’t believe I get plant based products for free.
05.01.2022 When I buy in my Young Living account I’m supporting the whole world. We have a lot of products made in Australia but there is a lot made in other countries too... To think my money is supporting some families who can now send their children to school fills me with so much pride... There are so many products that are impossible to grow and produce in Australia. EG- Frankincense, we do not have the conditions to grow a Frankincense tree. So if you are buying ‘Australian made’... Frankincense this is not true. Hence why a ‘pure’ bottle of Frank is expensive, its from Oman where the conditions are perfect. I feel so blessed to be a part of a company that is helping the whole world. Join me
05.01.2022 Kylie Sutton. Life Coach I am a Life Coach. I am a Stress Management Specialist. I love helping people. I am also a Pilates Coach and an Essential Oil Coach. I love living a Clean lifestyle , and that’s why I called my business Clean Living Lovers. We all need a helping hand sometimes.
05.01.2022 Judy Sutton. Mother of Kylie Sutton. Life Coach. We all know someone who has been affected by cancer. Sadly I lost my mum in 2015 when she was only 64yrs of age. So so so very sad. I feel for my daughter and her cousins who are missing out on nanny time. (Sadly both of my daughters nannies are in heaven). [ 527 more words ]
03.01.2022 We all go through ‘problems’ in life. Big, small, our fault, not our fault and so on. Being true and honest with ourselves is the 1st step. Eg- when I lost my mum to cancer (she was too young), I saw a counsellor, let myself grieve for a long time (still do), it was so hard being vulnerable. It was also hard when most people told me to be strong. I didn’t want to be strong, I wanted to grieve the person I loved with all my heart. ... Another Eg- I loved chocolate, ate it everyday, very addicted. Then one day I had to be honest with myself and ask ‘are you eating this to nourish your body, or are you eating it because you are sad and lonely’.... I now eat dark chocolate. Deep in our hearts we know what we are doing. It’s ok to fall down, but it’s also awesome to get back up and try that little bit harder next time. Being ‘True’ to ourselves can be confronting and make us feel weak. Allowing yourself to be weak will help you grow stronger as a person.
02.01.2022 Happy weekend. Enjoy the fresh air
02.01.2022 Stress Management Specialist. Kylie Sutton I have been a Pilates Instructor for 25yrs. Working in Pilates studios (along side Osteopaths, Physiotherapists) teaching mat Pilates, and Reformer classes and more. I still love my job after 25yrs. I’ve decided to spread my wings to Life Coaching as well, as I love coaching so much. I specialise in Stress Management. I lost my dear mother to cancer when she was only 64yrs old. [ 121 more words ]