Client First Advisors in Newcastle, New South Wales | Financial planner
Client First Advisors
Locality: Newcastle, New South Wales
Phone: +61 2 4926 2022
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25.01.2022 Its a conundrum. How do you have a chat about fees without focusing solely on this. You need to show you are leading the discussion, you have the clients best interests at heart and you can make this change relatively easily for them. Through improved transparency and discussion you can re-engage the client at a higher level and better serve them into the future. What are some good words or frames of reference to keep in mind? By focusing on whats in it for the client, t...he value to them, the right communication can flow. For a bit more depth have a look at our free checklist here The clock is ticking. How are you going with it?
25.01.2022 In many cases when transitioning grandfathered business you realise that you have been undercharging. In some cases for a very long time. How can you appraoch this and communicate with the client so they "get it?" You can only service clients well if your business is profitiable. People get that. Being honest and focusing on the value to them gets you well down the track to finally getting paid you transition smoothly! If you would like some more information check out our free checklist here -
24.01.2022 How to get a client to focus on value and not fees is important at any time. However, it is even more crucial with transitioning grandfathered business to remember the value of your work to the client. Putting your efforts in here can allow you to reposition the relationship for the future, hopefully in a more transparent and engaged way for the client. For more info check out our checklist -
24.01.2022 Thursday 16th April 1pm AEST Advisor Forum - Sharing is caring (as long as it is from a distance these days!) so here is a genuine chance to share (rant/gloat/listen/learn) with your peers in an Advisor Forum dedicated to better/getting started with online client meetings. We can of course sidetrack if requested. Register here -
24.01.2022 The writing is on the wall for grandfathered business being turned off, at the latest, by 1st January 2021. Find those skates and get them on asap! If you are not an advisor, thats fine, if you do know one please consider forwarding this to them, as it just might save their sanity and their business. Apart from loving my own clients, I help Australian financial advisors master how to transition grandfathered clients easily so they can stay in business and protect their profi...ts. A few years ago I sat down and looked at our business. It was stable, profitable and with great client relationships, many of which are intergenerational. All that I liked. What I didnt like was that all the new clients paid a transparent value based fee whilst many of the older clients had inbuilt, hard to see (even for us) grandfathered fees and rebates. So we set about changing it. At that time I remember wishing I had someone to: 1. Help me get my thinking clear on how to approach it? 2. Know what words to use so as to not confuse people? 3. Help me draft the right compliance words without baffling people? 4. Help me understand what our future business would/should look like i.e. work out what I wanted? So in the spirit of Christmas I have made a free checklist that can help you do just that, so you can easily and simply get cracking (and save your business!) -
23.01.2022 From Michael Coorey posted in the Private Group yesterday. Get onboard for the Crescendo training next Wed 7th Oct -
23.01.2022 Cracking the code to Pricing Advice is coming soon. Check out this page and video - Finally, some training on pricing advice from a real practioner...and at an unbeatable price - its free! 3 free webinar training sessions to help you crack the code:... 1. How to structure practical service packages? 2. How to price advice using this simple and effective structure? 3. How to price Strategic Advice with these principles...and even without a product!
22.01.2022 Client First Advisors is a dedicated group for financial advisors to develop themselves and their business to better serving their clients.
22.01.2022 Remember that today is the final webinar training on Cracking the Code to Pricing Advice (Strategically)...The Crescendo! We are also going to share with you a guaranteed way to increase client conversion at that awkward TOE moment. You know, you have not actually done anything for them yet. They are having to go into full trust mode and just need a smidge of confidence, a wee nudge (must be a Claytons though, it can't feel like an actual nudge!). This is a gentle arm around the shoulder technique to lead them working with you! Everyone wins! Join here in less than 10 seconds
21.01.2022 Check your docs to ensure you are not making this simple, yet common pricing advice mistake. Do you focus on the value to the client and the outcomes and benefits of that value, or do you focus on processing? Make sure it is the former if you ever wish to be paid correctly! Check this out -
21.01.2022 Advisors climbing the mountain of change - anyone can do it and get there (watch my quick video to see how I got my Dad over the line with Zoom)! Want to see how to integrate calendars, online meetings and more into your business? Then make sure you register for our second webinar here
20.01.2022 Most advisors are focusing on the price, the processing, the "what they are doing." Focus your mind and services on the value that you deliver! Price for this, the "why" you do it and the positive client outcomes. Your helping them achieve their financial goals is valuable. If you as a client have spent 40 years working towards a happy retirement position do you really want the cheapest advisor in town to assist you? When it comes to value you never seek out the cheapest fire... extinguisher, parachute, cardiologist or financial advisor. This is a fabulous time to be a financial advisor. Almost every advisor has a small residual grandfathered case on the books. Have a look at our free client viability checklist to help you transition this better. It is still not too late to change and prosper.
20.01.2022 If you can answer this one question well you can price advice consistently. The answer will be found here shortly -
20.01.2022 You have made the decision to prioritise transitioning grandfathered businessbut where do you start? For many advisors there could be hundreds if not thousands of transactions and clients to cover. With the clock ticking and time getting away from you it is time to prioritise. This is needed if you are to maintain this revenue and stay in business to serve your clients. Paretos 80:20 rule to the rescue! First know your numbers. Get a spreadsheet of the business involved the...n rank the income highest to lowest. This is purely to best preserve the bulk of the revenue. In many cases the transition could be a simple change of where the fee comes from. AVOID the trap of focusing on fees. You need to concentrate on the value to the client. For a bit more depth have a look at our free checklist here I am interested to hear your feedback on this. Are you ok? Your colleagues and peers? How is the revolving door of change affecting your business? What is your biggest takeaway?
19.01.2022 This is relevant to everything we have been discussing for months -
19.01.2022 Webinar: "Look over my shoulder" dynamic and engaged online client meetings made simple, this Thursday 2nd April at 1pm AEST. If you can use a smart phone you can do this with ease. Plus practical tips and traps to avoid looking silly or special in front of your clients. Free Webinar Link -
19.01.2022 Following on from our recently pricing advice training - Client First Advisors student Greg Robert's (WA) last week stated... "That client you helped me with recently came in today and we placed the insurance cover and started a service agreement. It’s my first $10k+ case in some time, which is good, but I know I can get more now and will push prices up for implementation in particular. Things are on the up and you’re a big part of that." You too can crack the code, without p...aying a small fortune. Enroll in How to Build a Value Based Business. You can also do it risk free as all our courses come with a 100% Money Back Guarantee if you are not satisfied. Remember for a short time there are significant bonuses worth over $1,000 available: 1. A Strategic Advice Masterclass video on how to position insurance using strategic advice valued at $297 2. Second video Transitioning Business Course valued at $497 (complete with Workbook) 3. Special Bonus 1 on 1, hour with Jason (value $220) Must be booked by 16th October 2020. I look forward to seeing you soon on the inside. Jason
18.01.2022 With the slated bill to stop grandfathered business in Jan 2021 there is no better time to get going! Save your clients and your business.
18.01.2022 This is a good article on what we preach with strategic advice (already we didnt write it of course) - Done correctly pricing advice just flows. Video on this coming shortly!!
15.01.2022 How to join the private group here in a few seconds -
15.01.2022 Save your seat! Register now. Dates announced Wednesdays 1pm - 23rd Sept, 30th Sept and 7th Oct. Cant wait to get cracking!
10.01.2022 If you were to compare the performance and efficiency of a 1980s car to one today it would be surprising if the 80s banger outperformed. This is the same with most grandfathered business. Transitioning is not just about fees it is about the whole picture and client solution. Whilst this may be the case you cannot just start churning business over. What are the keys to consider and how can you show your client their best interests are at heart? Check out the video for some ins...ights. If you would like more direction with is check out our free checklist - How are you finding the whole grandfathered business threat?
10.01.2022 For financial advisors and planners Incredibly many advisors are financially going backwards at an alarming rate despite supply falling and demand for advice rising. . I ask you to stop and think for just a moment. 40% of your competitors are getting out. The cost of advice is rising. Joining those two dots and knowing people do not value processing, what is left to price? Thats right, value, your value, the value you deliver to your clients. If you focus on value your price... can rise. Of course, you must deliver great value! Heres the tip. Even if you dont have a crystal clear pricing policy as yet and you cannot see the future clearly (who can!) your pricing has to rise. It is the only natural direction to go. To help you get your head around this have a look at our free checklist. It helps with grandfathered business but also business in general. It can help you decide on what you want your business to look like in the future and which client relationships to keep. There has never been a better time to be an advisor. It is still not too late to change and prosper.
10.01.2022 Quick reminder of the Advisor Forum today at 1pm if you havent registered -
08.01.2022 You know when you get that difficult client, or client moment you wish you could phone a friend for a sound comeback or repositioning. I have some great news. My father Graham has agreed to assist anyone in the Private Group with some client handling techniques, if needed. So if you have a tough client, a difficult objection, or you would like a wise sounding board etc. just write a Dear Graham... post in the private group and you should get a thoughtful very experienced re...sponse that may just make the difference. Graham started in the industry in 1969 and quickly rose to become one of the top lifewriters in the country over multiple decades. Life MDRT Top of the Table Member, international speaker, transitioned into a successful investment advice practice, insert long list of achievements...if there is one thing I cherish it is being able to bounce ideas and frustrations off him. The responses are usually pure gold. The principles of communication are the same today and as we know people can be special. His greatest achievement in my view was his ability to adapt to change with his business. Just like today! So if you would like a guiding hand write a Dear Graham. Again, this is just for the private group so dont be shy! If you are not sure where to find the prviate group try this link
08.01.2022 Many advisors are feeling overwhelmed with massive compliance changes, FDS, opt-in, licensee changes, higher education standards and now the turning off of grandfathered business in Jan 2021. Understanding the timing required for each client can allow you to systemise and move forward efficiently...and survive.
07.01.2022 Financial advisor found guilty of systematically ripping off $3m... from themselves! WT... I recently met with an advisor who gets approx. 100 solid retirement referrals a year. Great advice delivered, happy clients, but with one catch. The advisor has wildly undervalued their advice to the tune of $2k per case. In a blink, do the maths = $2k x 100 = $200k p.a. Over the last decade this has cost them a whopping $2m!! But wait, there is also a rub! This model is very tough to ...sustain. 100 new clients each year over 10 years is 1,000 new clients to service. Impossible for a single advisor to do properly. The sting in the tail is that the dutiful advisor has also undercharged the ongoing service packages by $1k p.a. Doing the maths again that is $100k p.a. lost in servicing revenue or another $1m over 10 years! The lost business value? If we assume this $100k p.a., this would be profit, as they are otherwise surviving without it, so the lost value could be $500k or more. Ouchy big time! Want to make sure this isnt even 1% in your business, check this link out -
07.01.2022 The keys: Understand your cost to serve. Link your fees to the client outcomes. Better explain why the advice is going to help them achieve their goals. This is a fabulous to be a financial advisor. To help you get your head around this have a look at our free checklist. It helps with grandfathered business but also business in general. It is still not too late to change and prosper.
05.01.2022 In this video Vicki talks about how the Client First Advisors courses have helped her move forward in business.
05.01.2022 This is a classic pricing mistake that many advisors make...never saying no to a case. In a new finite world (you can only see and service properly so many clients right) you need to be more selective. You owe it to your clients (to do things properly), to your team (to ensure you stay in business), and to yourself (be more deliberate in business to maintain profitability and business value). Consider joining this training next week -
03.01.2022 Just had a great webinar with TAL, they were very thorough. If you were on that call and wanting to join our webinar tomorrow you can register here - Also scroll down for the private group, lets help each other!
03.01.2022 T minus 1 - Tomorrow, 7th Oct at 1pm AEST we crack the code to pricing advice (strategically). But wait there is more! Pricing is good but getting client commitment is paramount! Along with the pricing training we are going to share a simple technique that has quadrupled our client conversions. This, incorporated in a Terms of Engagement. Register for the free training here
01.01.2022 Im clearly not making this stuff up! Advisors leaving in droves (see article below). Never been a better time to stick around as an advisor!
01.01.2022 I have struggled with pricing advice for decades. The little doubts creep into your head, is this too much, not enough, what is the right level? In the old days it was pretty much prescribed through products but not anymore. Today I am much more comfortable and more so, confident with pricing advice and structuring client service packages. I know the numbers I need to keep my business profitable so that I can assure our clients of their service standards and my team of their Its a nice place and mindset to be in. I would like you to feel this too. Being this way vastly reduces the chance of ever being conflicted and making the wrong choice as well. We are launching a 3 part webinar training series (starting Wed 23rd September 2020) specifically designed to help financial advisors be more comfortable in this space. It starts with structuring client service packages that work, then looks closely at implementing this in real life, then builds to a crescendo of Pricing Strategic Advice. We are doing this because we think that if you enjoy this training you might like to dig deeper afterwards and join Client First Advisors via a deeper and broader course. You see the training is free. It is based on the ole "show them you can help them by actually helping them trick!" Save your place now to challenge what you are doing and make sure you are all over pricing advice and structuring service packages. The cost of getting this wrong can be disastrous, whilst the benefits of getting it right are enormous. Cheers Jason
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