Clifton Hills Primary School in Kelmscott | Primary School
Clifton Hills Primary School
Locality: Kelmscott
Phone: +61 8 9234 7800
Address: 1 Butler Pass 6111 Kelmscott, WA, Australia
Likes: 772
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25.01.2022 Today our Room 9 friends made the most of the lovely sunshine and did their maths lesson outside. The children had fun finger painting and stick painting to explore the connection between repeated addition and multiplication.
24.01.2022 A reminder that tomorrow is "Story Dogs Day"! Students are encouraged to wear free dress (with some orange if you can) for a gold coin donation.
23.01.2022 Congratulations again to the students who competed in this year's "Tournament of Minds" Competition. They received their Certificates of Participation and Achievement Medals at today's assembly. As you can see, they were pretty happy with their effort!
22.01.2022 Congratulations to Mr H's PP/Year 1 class, Room 4, on their wonderful assembly item this morning. It was fabulous to see the whole school singing the "Baby Shark" song. Thanks Mr H, now that song is stuck in our heads and we've been singing it all day!!
22.01.2022 Today our students competed in the distance and jumps events at the Interschool Athletics Carnival held at Gwynne Park Primary School. We were very proud of how beautifully behaved the kids were and the tremendous spirit in which they competed. Well be back on Thursday to finish the remaining part of the program.
21.01.2022 We are all ready for tonights Book Fair. Usually this is held in the library, but this year it will be held in the staffroom to allow for easy access and to adhere to COVID restrictions. As you can see there are plenty of items to choose from. Parents, you may need lots of money! A reminder that the Book Fair is open tonight from 5.30 7.00 pm and then daily from 8.10 8.30 am and 2.40 3.00 pm. The last day to purchase books will be Wednesday, 2nd September in the morning only. EFTPOS facilities are available.
19.01.2022 , ! Snooki is a very important dog in our school because she is a . Story Dogs is an Australia wide program which is a volunteer reading support program for students. Cuddly canines travel to schools (with their two-legged volunteer friends and some great book titles in tow) for kids to read to/with. Story Dogs helps more than 1500 kids each week at 153 schools across the country. The programs core mission is ' ... , . To celebrate the hard work of Snooki and her human mum, Mrs Maxwell, and to raise funds to help the program continue, we will be having a , . On this day there will be free dress (with some orange colour) for a gold coin donation as well as some orange treats such as pumpkin soup available for pre order. More information about Story Dogs Day will be available closer to the date. , , .
19.01.2022 During their Science lessons, Rooms 5 and 7 have been learning all about the changes in our sky and landscapes. Today, they learnt about the Noongar Seasons and what changes they make to our surroundings, based on the seasonal changes. The children have started to create their seasons mural with Mr Shoveller so that they can recognise what the changes are in each season.
19.01.2022 Room 1B Kindy kids just had a visit from their big buddies in Room 19. They made books and gave them a toy they made.
19.01.2022 Today, we competed in Day 2 of the Interschool Athletics Carnival at Gwynne Park Primary School. Once again our kids were beautifully behaved and competed well. Congratulations to Dara who won the Intermediate Boy Champion, Leila who won Senior Girls Champion and Annika who won the Team Player Award. Results from the carnival were as follows: ... 1st Willandra 479 2nd Kingsley 229 3rd Clifton Hills 202 4th Gwynne Park 193 5th Grovelands 155 1st Willandra 479 2nd Kingsley 445 3rd Clifton Hills 339 4th Grovelands 289 5th Gwynne Park 272 1st Kingsley 98 2nd Willandra 90 3rd Grovelands and Gwynne Park 78 4th Clifton Hills 48
17.01.2022 Today our top year 5 students are attending their first session of KEP (Kelmscott Extension Program) at the high school. Usually the children attend classes once a term from the beginning of the year, but unfortunately, due to COVID, this was cancelled until now. Yesterday our top year 6 students attended and had a fabulous time! The year 5s were a little nervous today, but very excited. We look forward to hearing their stories when they return to school later this morning. Thank you to Mr McKenna and the high school for continuing to give our students the chance to excel in such a fabulous program!
16.01.2022 Year 3 Bee Incursion Today, the year 3s were treated with a bee incursion, from Roy. This was part of our Talk 4 Writing on Report Writing and our unit of work in Biological Science. He brought with him a hive of bees, bee suit and of course honey. The children thoroughly enjoyed the experience and learnt heaps of information about bees and the production of honey. As usual, students from Clifton Hills PS beehived beeautifully.
16.01.2022 The children in Clifton Hillss Tournament of Minds (TOMs) extension program have been very, very busy the last two weeks, filming and submitting documents for their dramatic solutions in the international TOMs Super Challenge- 2020. Clifton Hills entered three teams: Powerful Potatoes, Roaring Dragons and [Inset Team Name]. We wish all of our teams the best in the competition! But more importantly, we want to acknowledge how super proud our school is of all participant...s for the effort, teamwork and good spirit they have shown during this competition, as this is a major part of what TOMs is all about! Unfortunately, we are not able to share with you the videos of the teams presentations, as the rules of the competition strictly state that the school and children competing are not allowed to discuss or share the Super Challenge- 2020, until all judging is completed. When we have been advised that judging is completed and we are allowed to share the videos, we will let you know how to view them. In the mean time, here are some photos of the children preparing and practicing for the competition for you to enjoy. On a final note, our school would like to send a huge big THANK YOU to Mt Appleyard from Perth Youth Film Academy, for providing the equipment for the teams to film their presentations.
16.01.2022 Congratulations to all award winners at yesterday’s assembly. Here is a selection of the lucky recipients.
15.01.2022 : , 9 , & , , , , ! & .
14.01.2022 ENGAGE WITH ESAFETY Its important to engage with your child and be aware of their online activities asking what apps, sites and games theyre using and making sure theyre age-appropriate. Equally, it's encouraging to let your child know they can come to you about anything upsetting they see online and for help on reporting and blocking inappropriate content. For more information go to: #edunews
13.01.2022 Today Room 8 and 9 held their assembly. The classes presented the fable they created in Talk 4 Writing entitled "The Koala and the Kangaroo" and dressed up for the occasion. We think they have done a wonderful job!
12.01.2022 Our Academic Extension kids are also preparing to tape their solutions for this year's Tournament of Minds! Best wishes to Mr McKenna and the Kelmscott SHS team. We're 100% behind you!
11.01.2022 A reminder to parents and caregivers that tomorrow night is our annual Parent Open Night and Book Fair. Classes will be open from 5:30 pm until 7:00 pm. We hope you are able to take advantage of this opportunity to visits your child/ren's class/es and see how hard they have been working. Tomorrow night will also be the first night that the Book Fair will be open (5:30 - 7:00 pm). This has been traditionally been well patronaged by our school community and has enabled us to buy many new books for our school library. Sausage sizzles will be available from the canteen between 5.30 pm and 6.30 pm. Sausage Sizzles will be $3.50 and cans of drinks will be $1.50. Stock is limited so get in early. We look forward to see you there.
10.01.2022 The Father's Day Stall is a wonderful initiative that is provided by our P & C every year. Not only are there fabulous presents available for dad's (at a very good price) but also for those other significant males (uncles, grandfather's) that our children have in their lives! Please check out the information below:
10.01.2022 Today we held the Junior Principals lunch where specially selected students from Pre-primary to Year 2 were invited to have lunch with the Principal and Deputies. Every term children from each class are recognised for displaying, or making a concerted and sustained effort to display the behaviours and attitudes outlined in the Clifton Hills Primary School Code of Behaviour. This Code of Behaviour outlines the ideals of kind, honest, courteous and respectful behaviour for which we should all be striving. We are so very proud of these wonderful people.
10.01.2022 PIXIE POST Pixie Post will once again be available this year and will be run by our Peer Mediators. This is a wonderful opportunity for children to pass on their Christmas cards to others by having them specially delivered by our pixies. Cards will be delivered to students directly after lunch each day. The red mailbox will be situated in the undercover area from Monday, 30th November and will finish on Friday, 11th December. Students are asked to ensure that they address t...heir envelopes correctly (name and room number) so that deliveries can be made to the right person. Also, if children are going to include a ‘candy cane as a present, could they please be placed inside the envelope or stuck firmly to the outside. If you would like to know more about the program, please see Ms Della Franca in the deputies’ office.
09.01.2022 Animal Warriors and NUMERO club celebrated the end of the year today with their annual Christmas party. Mrs Ritchie wants to say a big thank you to all members for giving up their lunch breaks to participate in the clubs and wishes all members a very Merry Christmas!
09.01.2022 Today was Crazy Hair Day raising funds for our P & C. Thanks so much to everyone who supported the day. As you can see, a fun time was had by all!
08.01.2022 Yesterday, Room 2 made pancakes using the procedure in Eric Carle's book, Pancakes! Pancakes! Thank goodness they didn't need to grind the wheat, collect the eggs, milk the cow or churn the cream into butter to make their scrumptious treats!
08.01.2022 Today our amazing School Leaders (Peer Mediators, Student Councillors, Faction Captains and Vice Captains) attended their reward excursion to thank them for all their hard work over the year. We went to Strike at Carousel and enjoyed Bowling, Mini Golf, Laser Tag and Karaoke. As usual (and as you can see from the accompanying pictures) the kids were beautifully behaved and we all had (teachers included) a fabulous time!
07.01.2022 All of the CHiPS from term 4 have been saved in preparation for this mornings special draw for a scooter (donated by Matthew Swinbourne). Congratulations to Xavier in Room 4 who was the winner!
07.01.2022 Every Monday at lunch time Mrs Ritchie runs the "Drama Dynamics" club in Room 14. The club is open for all students in Year 3 to 6. Today, some of our year 6 students ran the session which focussed on the skill of "improvisation". The theme for today was "the surprise birthday present" where children worked in pairs to act out the scene. As you can see a great time was had by all.
06.01.2022 ! As mentioned last week, we will be having a "Free Dress Day" next Wednesday, 23rd September to raise funds for the Story Dogs Program. The following information was sent out this afternoon.
06.01.2022 Our Room 8 and 9 friends have been exploring how long a minute really is. What better way to explore this than through some minute to win it challenges! The children had a blast and showed great team work skills.
05.01.2022 If you have volunteered in our school this year, we would like to say 'Thank You'! Invitations to our annual morning tea have gone home with students this week, please RSVP by Friday 27 November. The morning tea will be held in the Staffroom on Thursday, 3 December 2020 at 10.15 am. ... We hope you can make it!
05.01.2022 The week is "Education Assistant Appreciation Week" and we have been celebrating the wonderful work these people do in our schools. Classes having been making special thank you presents in their honour and today we had a special morning tea to thank them. They are the glue that holds our school together and we wouldn't be without them. THANK YOU!!!!!
04.01.2022 On Tuesday our staff celebrated the amazing service of Mrs Veronica Vyner who retired in April after 34 years working for the Education Department, 26 of those years working in the library at Clifton Hills. Unfortunately, due to COVID19 restrictions we needed to wait until now to celebrate Veronica's wonderful career. Many classes made memento's for her and she received a silver medallion recognising her service to the Department of Education It was lovely to see so many current and previous staff and Principal's enjoying the celebrations with Veronica. We miss her terribly but know that she is having an amazing time in retirement.
04.01.2022 Today in Room 1, the Kindy students made Silly Socks to celebrate their Dads, Uncles and Poppys for Father's Day. They had to follow a procedure to make the Silly Socks. We look forward to seeing our Dads, Uncles and Poppys wearing them.
04.01.2022 Congratulations Clifton Hills!! We have raised $. for the Story Dogs program! Snooki is very happy
04.01.2022 Some of the students have been engaging in creative dance this term in Performing Arts. They were asked to create a dance to show three emotions, using mirroring and sticks . Please check out the links below if you would like to see some of the children performing in front of their classmates for their assessment .
03.01.2022 It's R U OK?Day, a reminder that every day is a day to start a conversation that could change a life. Today we're calling on Australians to learn what to say af...ter R U OK? so they can keep the conversation going when someone says they're not OK. There's more to say after R U OK? Learn what to say when listening with an open mind Learn what to say when encouraging action Learn what to say when checking in Learn how to continue a conversation that could change a life. When we know what to say next we can help someone open up and find pathways to support long before they're in crisis. Learn what to say next and help us move closer to our vision of a world where we're all connected and are protected from suicide. Head to
03.01.2022 Rooms 5 and 7 have been learning all about the world in Outdoor Classroom! Weve been building our own globes for a few weeks out of papier-mâché! Today we painted the hemispheres and attached the equator. You can see them on display tonight!
03.01.2022 For any parents who have their child enrolled in Kindy at Clifton Hills for 2021, a Facebook group has been created for kindy parents to connect. This can be particularly beneficial for any new parents at our school. If you're interested, the link is:
02.01.2022 A reminder that the Year six transition day for students attending Kelmscott Senior High School in 2021 will be tomorrow, . Parents are reminded to drop off their children no later than : at the school front lawn. They will then need to be picked up at the same place by : and returned to Clifton Hills PS. ... Students should wear their Clifton Hills uniform and have the following items: Basic stationary (pen, ruler, pencil, eraser) A file with paper or a notebook. Hair tide up if long Recess drink/snack
01.01.2022 FATHER CHRISTMAS WILL WRITE TO YOU! If you are old enough to read this, we thought you ought to know that Father Christmas has appointed all lions Clubs as his agents in Australia! So why not let your little Boy or Girl have the thrill of writing to Father Christmas and receiving a personal non-committal letter by return mail direct from the Grand old Gentleman’s North Pole workshop? If your child is too young to write to Santa, write a letter for him or her and tell them you have written, or if you would like your Grandchildren, Niece, Nephew etc. to receive a letter from Father Christmas, just give us their names, school and Class and we will see that he writes to them before Christmas. It’s easy here is all you do: Write to Father Christmas at the North Pole care of Lion’s Club of Gosnell’s. Ensure you child’s full name, School and Classroom is written Legibly on the letter (please don’t include your child’s home address). Post it into our letter box in the school which is located outside the Deputies Office And wait to receive your letter from Father Christmas.
01.01.2022 Reminder to Parents Please remember to complete the Online Consent form for 2021 that was emailed to you on Thursday, 10th December. It would be extremely helpful if you could manage to have this completed today. If have lost the link to the form, or need help to complete it, please do not hesitate to contact the school on 9234 7800. Thank you
01.01.2022 The staff surprised the students with their version of the song Shot Gun entitled Gonna Hit the Road. As you can see, the kids really got in to it! A big thank you must go to Mrs Jones for her unwavering enthusiasm for all things music! You are an inspiration to us all
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