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Clive Murphy Self Empowerment Centre in Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia | Organisation

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Clive Murphy Self Empowerment Centre

Locality: Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia

Phone: +61 2 6921 6373

Address: 80 Best Street 2650 Wagga Wagga, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 Sometimes people don't respond the way you would like - especially when it comes to getting better. Here are some of the reasons why ...

25.01.2022 You may be able to relate to some of these. If you can, it's time to change.

24.01.2022 Suffer from Depression, Anxiety or some other mental health challenge? You just may be interested in this video. It's about a FREE upcoming Info Night with a difference - it gives answers. Please share it.

23.01.2022 How to get your thinking right ....

22.01.2022 Do you have problems making decisions? Here's some hints on how to deal with that ...

22.01.2022 I have been noticing a pattern with some of my clients. A pattern is something that keeps recurring. I was consulting with Prue, who commented how she had bee...n in three bad relationships. The first guy was on drugs (she didnt know this when they started dating) and she found out he was also dating other women. The second guy had no money because he gambled it all away (along with some of hers) and was a terrible liar. The third guy was a great looking guy who loved the ladies. He had the gift of the gab and would tell her whatever she wanted to hear. He made his stories so believable she kept giving him the benefit of the doubt. After all, he seemed a nice guy. It was only when she answered his mobile phone one evening whilst he was in the shower that she realized she was not the only woman in his life. All three guys are very insecure and gain some security through telling lies, cheating, flirting and gambling. I asked Prue why she kept dating the same type of guy. She couldnt see any correlation between them. After I pointed out how insecure they all were, the penny dropped. I asked her if she was a giver and liked doing things for others. She did. I asked if she was a rescuer? She thought about this for a moment and then said I guess I could be. She was. She selected guys who were emotionally insecure and she was going to help them overcome their battles (demons) in life. And for many, this is an unconscious decision. They are simply attracted to the people who need help! I dont like seeing people suffer so I try and help them. This helping guys (some may call it 'mothering') made her feel wanted and the guys would love her for it. This also indicates Prue feels insecure and gains some security from helping these guys. Problem is, rescuing hardly ever works. Most people do not want to be rescued. They are happy doing exactly what they are doing. Im happy with the fact that Prue is a giver. Its a great trait to have. She needs to deal with her insecurities and find a guy who feels secure so she can enjoy a relationship with him. Rescuing is a mistake many people make if they are in the business of helping people. Its natural for them to help those in need of it as that is what they do best. Are you a Rescuer? Do you keep attracting people into your life who are insecure, hard work and cause you a lot of emotional grief? If you do, its time to make a change. If you are in the business of helping people, or just simply love helping others, separate this from attracting a partner who needs help. Second, decide on the person you want to attract. What are their qualities? Make a list. Ensure you enjoy a relationship with someone who is going to tick your boxes. You can do this. Make good things happen Clive

21.01.2022 If you need emotional help, we are open for you. We have a 5 x 5 meter consulting office, so we can do either face to face, skype, FaceTime or phone consultations. For appointments please call on 02 69216373 Stay healthy and happy.

21.01.2022 Why do we react to what others say, think and do? The answer is simple ... as is the solution ...

20.01.2022 A drunk neuroscientist explains what alcohol really does to your brain. Things get a little blurry...

20.01.2022 The World sends us many challenges. We have a choice how we want to handle them. Learn how to make these challenges work for you. Grab a pen and pad, a cuppa and let's get you started ...

17.01.2022 How do you get yourself motivated to do a task? Especially ones you dislike? I have some great strategies to share with you to help you get motivated. Grab your pen and pad and lets get you started...

16.01.2022 At the Clive Murphy Self Empowerment Centre Our Mission is to empower people with knowledge and strategies to allow them to significantly improve their performance and maximise their potential, thus allowing them to experience success in all areas of their life. We do this in a kind, caring and responsible way, at all times considering the rights and wishes of the individual.

16.01.2022 When people get stressed, they find ways to counteract the stress. Here are some ways ... that are not the best! Let's see what I mean ....

14.01.2022 Some people wake up feeling grumpy. Why this occurs and how to beat it. Grab a cuppa, some lunch and let's get started ...

13.01.2022 Let's talk about a topic that is super important and can be life-changing ... It's to do with what you focus on. Here are some points very few people think about - and they get it horribly wrong.

12.01.2022 Good communication is important. We communicate in so many ways. Let's examine four of the main ways and how to get it right. Grab a cuppa, a pen and pad and let's get you started ...

11.01.2022 If positive thinking is so powerful, why doesn't it always work? This is the topic for this weeks Facebook Live Event. When: Tuesday 19th November at 7pm Sydney... Australia time Where: Fee: FREE Learn the skills to be able to make positive thinking work for you. Looking forward to seeing you there.

10.01.2022 Here is a diagram to explain how things generally go in life ... And how to take control of it.

08.01.2022 Be careful you do not become one of these ...

08.01.2022 Grief is something that can be very debilitating. Learn some strategies on how to deal with this so you are able to go forward. When: 7pm tonight - Tuesday 8th October Where: Looking forward to seeing you there.

08.01.2022 Perception is all about the way we see things. This week on Facebook Live I will be exploring this topic in a light-hearted way with a powerful message. Time: Tuesday, 22nd October - Sydney Australia time Cost: FREE Link: Looking forward to seeing you there.

05.01.2022 The function of your mind is to help you process what is happening in your life and to keep you safe. What you put into your mind is what you are going to get o...ut. Your mind tells you how to drive a car, operate the television, do your work and cook a meal. If you have never done a task, your mind has no idea on how to do it. You then begin the learning process so the way to do the task is programmed for future use. Sometimes this programming works way too well. Take Bob. Up until 23 years of age, Bob had experienced a wonderful life. He was studying at University, had great friends and a beautiful wife. Bobs outlook was Life is great. Then, on one fateful day, Bobs life took a turn. He came home from Uni to find a note on the kitchen table saying his wife had left him. He later found out she had left to be with one of his friends. Bob was devastated and remained so for the next four years. Once Bob was able to sort his thinking out, he began dating another lady and they eventually married. Ten years into the marriage they consulted with me because Bob was not committing to the marriage. He didnt want to show affection or be intimate. Can you identify Why? Lets go back to 23 years of age. What did Bob learn from his wife leaving him? Dont trust women, Nothing lasts, You cant trust anyone (both his wife and mate let him down) and I am not good enough. His life now went in a new direction. Instead of it being based on fun and happiness, it was now based on fear. Because he held these four new beliefs, he now (unconsciously) looked for evidence to back them up as he didnt want to get hurt. He constantly checked up on his new wife to make sure she was doing the right thing by him. He made sure he didnt get too close to her because he didnt want to feel devastated if she left him. And he felt there was a good chance she would leave him as he didnt feel good enough. This protection not only started to drive him nuts, it also drove his wife nuts. There are two solutions here: 1. Learn the skills necessary so that one is prepared for anything that happens in life. Through doing this, you can deal with problems as they arise quickly and easily. 2. Get Bob to see what happened in a different way. The key here is to get Bob to see it is not his fault that his first wife left. There was no communication that there was a problem and Bob couldnt fix what he didnt know about. Bob should be the same person after the breakup as he was before. Bob could see it was his exs loss as he is a wonderful man who helped out whenever he could. Bob learnt he is good enough, to trust women and things can last. It is important to make the best out of what you have. OK. It all seems pretty simple and it must take a long time to get Bob back on track. It didnt! The Lesson? Even though your life can go off track when some devastating event occurs, there is always a way of getting it back on track. Its all about knowing how to program your mind. Make good things happen

05.01.2022 With much negativity happening in the world at present - especially in the USA, it's important to put it into perspective. Failure to do so can easily leave you... feeling depressed and anxious. The effect of the violent protests on children who watch this can be devastating and have a long-term effect. Learn how to process what is happening in a way that works for you. Join me at 7pm Sydney Australia time at If you miss it, there will be a replay.

05.01.2022 Do you suffer from Anxiety, Depression or any other mental challenges? If you would like information on how to deal with these, Michael OReilly (Pharmacist) and Clive Murphy (Best selling author) are conducting A FREE Information Night... On Monday, 23rd October, 7pm to 9:30pm at the RSL Club, Wagga Wagga. This is a great chance to ask questions on medications and how to deal with these often debilitating illnesses. Best of all, you will take home strategies that are proven to work to help process your life in a more positive way. You will learn how Clive went from being suicidal to now leading a fulfilled life. He will share with you the five major causes of depression. For more information, please click here to download the Pdf - If you are interested in coming, please let us know for seating purposes on 02 6921 6373. This Free Information night is proudly sponsored by the Wagga RSL Club. Please share this with people you think may be interested. Looking forward to seeing you there.

05.01.2022 There's a great chance you will be using today's topic in some way. Most fail to get results ... and there is a reason why. Learn how to get this right and watc...h your life improve. Grab a cuppa, a pen and pad and let's get started ...

04.01.2022 Let's talk about something that affects a lot of people - some of whom don't realise they have the problem. And this problem will hold you back from being productive and motivated. Grab a cuppa, a pen and pad and let's get started ...

04.01.2022 Had a nice relaxing weekend. Saturday morning was catching up on some paperwork and much of Sunday was spent in the garden. After one of my newsletters, a subsc...riber and a beautiful lady named Fran contacted me and asked if I had heard of the Burnt Chop Syndrome. I hadnt. She said it was very common. After she told me what it was, I realised most parents suffer from it as do those who love helping others. So, what is the Burnt Chop Syndrome? Its where a person cooks up a meal say, of lamb chops and gives the lovely cooked chops to everyone else and puts the burnt ones on her plate. Can you relate to this? I used to do this? I know it came from my father. He said he would have the ones that werent cooked properly or were over-cooked. It didnt worry him. It was all food! This can relate to eggs you get the ones with the broken yolks; vegetables you take the ones no-one likes or you may even miss out because there was not enough to go around. Another example is there is some tasty food left over and not enough for two people like one chocolate left. The conversation goes You have it. Ill get something else. No. Ill get something else. You have it. Sound familiar? If you are totally happy doing this, great. If there is a part of you thats not happy, its time to make a change. Either way, be careful with what you are thinking. By taking the burnt chop you can be telling yourself you are getting less and creating an unwanted belief, like I am always missing out. This is all I deserve or are worthy of. I only get the off-casts, dregs or what others dont want. If you find you are constantly missing out on the good stuff, there is a pattern there. And it needs to be addressed. Remember, what you think is what you get. If you want to take the burnt chop be 100% happy doing so. Alternatively, share the burnt chop around, throw it out, scrape the burnt section off it or be careful not to burn the chop when cooking! With the example of You have it. Ill get something else, a good solution may be to share it and you both get something else or one have it this time and the other have it next time. An important point is we develop beliefs without really being aware we are doing so. It only takes a very small negative emotion to start a negative belief and this then becomes reinforced as we gather evidence to back it up. What happens in one area of your life then gets transferred to other areas. Create beliefs that serve you like, I am worthy of great things. You got this. Make great things happen Would love to know your thoughts on the Burnt Chop Syndrome. Please leave a comment.

02.01.2022 It's important to get a good night's sleep. This Tuesday (29th) at 7pm (Sydney Time) on Facebook Live I am covering what stops people from enjoying a good night...s sleep and how to get one. Look forward to seeing you there. Here is the link:

01.01.2022 With more and more people needlessly taking their own life, here is a video that may help.

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