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Close the Gap
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24.01.2022 The 2020 #CloseTheGap Report calls for 'nothing about us, without us’ not for the first time. Real progress only happens when First Nations people have real input in the process. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander empowerment is vital to wellbeing. @lowitjainstitute @OxfamAustralia @ANTAR.Australia READ THE REPORT>
23.01.2022 Sign the petition..
20.01.2022 Close the Gap co-Chair Karl Briscoe CEO of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers Assoc: "Nothing about us without us" National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health Worker Association
19.01.2022 The #CloseTheGap2020 Report identifies cultural expression and continuity as sources of strength and resilience for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Cultural expression should be promoted as a health protective factor and cultural safety in the health system needs to be ensured. Read more in the report>
18.01.2022 The Lowitja Institute CEO Dr Janine Mohamed provides a solid big picture overview of all things #closethegap #closethegapday #covid19 #culturalsafety #criticalresponse #culturaldeterminants #socialdeterminants #resilience in just a few minutes! Watch it! #nurtureculturefuture
18.01.2022 Nearly all Australians surveyed want Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to have a say in their own affairs, along with a growth in support for Treaty..., sovereignty and a constitutionally enshrined Voice in the 2020 Australian Reconciliation Barometer. This further emphasises the needs for the calls in the Uluru Statement from the Heart, including for a constitutionally enshrined Voice to Parliament, be supported by parliaments, corporate and civil society, and the broader community. The Barometer is a biennial, national research study, undertaken by Reconciliation Australia since 2008. Read the 2020 Australian Reconciliation Barometer: #Reconciliation #2020ReconciliationBarometer
18.01.2022 A message in the Kriol language from the sunrise side of Katherine NT. Wi garra holot maindim mijel Nomo gibit mijal smok en dringkmob!... We’re all in this together Don’t share smokes or drinks! @NACCHOAustralia @AMSANTaus @NLC_74 @fanniebay @secureTerritory
17.01.2022 It is a strange and sombre time to be launching another Close the Gap Report as #covid19australia shines a bright light on Indigenous disadvantage. Disadvantage (the gaps) we have failed to close. So in 2020 as #covid19 strikes, the age of 45 is regarded as ‘elderly’ and at risk for Indigenous peoples. Existing and multiple health issues like lung and heart disease and diabetes massively increase risk of dying. Overcrowded homes increase infections. Lack of access to safe he...alth services in many areas and lack of safe water and food add huge risk. However respect for community and Elders and a collectivist culture of sharing remains very strong. Communities are mobilising and looking after the most vulnerable. Governments need to listen to @NACCHOAustralia, Indigenous leaders and health experts and provide what is needed. Our 2020 Report is based on #culture, and it is the strength and resilience of culture that will ensure the future. 2020 Report available here: June Oscar, Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner The Lowitja Institute NACCHO Aboriginal Health Australia #ClosetheGap #closethegapday #nurtureculturefuture
14.01.2022 The Campaign welcomes todays report from Reconciliation Australia - the Reconciliation Barometer of 2020 -
13.01.2022 Have a listen to Pat Turner NACCHO CEO deliver the Charles Perkins 20th Aniversary oration from the University of Sydney #NAIDOC2020
12.01.2022 Help NASCA get back to the NT - Please donate and support better outcomes for our youth through the schooling system.
11.01.2022 "Embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander holistic definitions of health and wellbeing in the way we deliver health services is critical to improving outcomes. Recognising the expertise of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities in health research, policy and program development is key." #CloseTheGap2020 Read the report>
10.01.2022 IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT TRAVELLING INSIDE DESIGNATED AREAS IN THE NORTHERN TERRITOR COVID-19 Travel for remote community residents is allowed between commun...ities, homelands/ outstations and any unincorporated townships (Nhulunbuy and Alyangula only) within their biosecurity area. Community residents are strongly advised, however, not to travel if they do not have to, such as in an emergency or for medical treatment). People who reside in a remote community because they are an approved essential worker must only travel to and between the remote communities and/ or homelands for which they are approved and have a permit from the relevant Land Council. People who live in the towns of Nhulunbuy and Alyangula must not travel to remote communities and homelands within their designated biosecurity area unless they are an approved remote essential worker.
10.01.2022 Hello Everyone, Hope your staying in good spirits out there during these unsuspected times. We know its been very challenging for everyone and can be really dif...ficult to maintain a positive frame of mind. It is very important to reflect on things that can keep us going music, exercise, art or even study and work. whatever it is maybe grab a hold of it and use it if your not doing anything now or feeling bored have a go at this... 'Helping Hand' - trace around your hand on a piece of paper - starting with your thumb list 5 positive things you can do to help you stay physically and mentally positive. - lastly but most important list 3-5 people or agencies in your palm that you could call/text/email if you ever need support. if your feeling artistic, add some colour. The AKG team would like to extend our "helping hand" too. our local indigenous staff are prepared to walk the journey with you. If you are going through a tough time and would like to reach out we are available via phone or email Monday-Friday 8-4:30 please feel free to contact us on the details below Bianca Graham- Female Peer Educator. [email protected] 0418 483 271 Jess Edgar - Female Peer Educator(Currently on maternity leave) [email protected] 0439 934 547 William Hunter - Male Peer Educator [email protected] 0439 068 154 Zeke Mckenzie [email protected] 0418 267 154 Kevin Mckenzie -AKG Team Leader [email protected] 0400 352 198 We hope you all have a go its a great activity to remind you that there is help out there and we encourage you to reach out if you need. also don't forget to practise your best hygiene and social distancing, stay safe everyone were all in this together AKG Team
09.01.2022 Every two years, Reconciliation Australia undertakes national research study, the Australian Reconciliation Barometer, and we’ve just released the 2020 Baromete...r. It is the only survey in Australia which measures the progress of reconciliation between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous Australians. Reconciliation is built on relationships and it is important to see that support for this key relationship remains high even in these testing times we have seen this year. The strength of the fundamental building block of reconciliation, that over 90% of Australians place high importance on the relationship between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and other Australians is encouraging as we continue to walk towards reconciliation. Read the 2020 Australian Reconciliation Barometer: #Reconciliation #2020ReconciliationBarometer
09.01.2022 The incredible Archie Roach is inducted into the ARIA Hall of Fame. #ARIAs
08.01.2022 Always was Always will be! @Briggs @MollyDHunt NACCHO Aboriginal Health Australia
07.01.2022 Close the Gap co-chair June Oscar, Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner spoke to NITV about #CloseTheGap and what needs to be done to bring about Indigenous health and social equity in Australia
05.01.2022 Thanks Teejay for this important message for everyone...share widely!
03.01.2022 You have a right to safe healthcare. It is the law. If you experience racism in any health service make a complaint. Contact the National Information Service; Phone: 1300 656 419 / 02 9284 9888... Email: [email protected] Fax: 02 9284 9611 You can also complain directly to the Australian Health Practitioners Regulatory Authority ( Ahpra ) They are the organisation that health professionals are registered with.
03.01.2022 The #CloseTheGap2020 Report identifies Connection to Country as a key domain for improving life outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. 'It is with increasing urgency that we must consider connection to Country in health and wellbeing policy.’ Read more in the report>
03.01.2022 COVID advice from Vicki in Broome at Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Service - Covid 19 Response
01.01.2022 On #CloseTheGapDay our co-Chair June Oscar, Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner explains why systemic reform and co-design are crucial to #CloseTheGap in Indigenous health equity.
01.01.2022 Stay safe from COVID-19