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Lord Mayor Clover Moore


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25.01.2022 In Sydney, we drink over a million cups of coffee every day. That creates a lot of coffee grounds, which mostly end up in landfill. We're trying to fix that. Residents taking part in our food scraps recycling trial can put grounds in food waste bins, and we turn that waste into fertiliser.... We’ve also supported Chippendale social enterprise Kua with an innovation and environmental grant to help them bring their coffee-grounds recycling program to life. They sell their coffee beans to businesses and homes across Sydney and ask for the grounds back. The grounds get turned into skincare products by Raise The Bar or used in compost at Randwick Community Garden and Camdenville Community Garden in Newtown. So far Kua has saved over 3,000 kilos of coffee grounds from landfill and profits from their sales have helped coffee farmers in Uganda manage the effects of climate change. Today is International Coffee Day. I hope you were able to mark it by supporting your local cafe through this challenging Covid-restricted period. Now, consider how you could start recycling grounds from your home brews.

25.01.2022 Join us today for NAIDOC in the City online! Tune from 2-5pm for live-streamed performances, workshops and panel discussions, and a digital marketplace. Given Covid-restrictions we've moved the event from Hyde Park to the internet a fusing of modern technology with the world’s oldest living culture.... Hosts Luke Carroll and Angeline Penrith will take us on a journey of celebration with music, dance, discussion and shopping in the comfort and safety of our homes. Happy NAIDOC Week. Always Was, Always Will Be.

25.01.2022 Have your say on the future of Oxford Street! We’re currently investigating planning changes to breathe new life into the famous strip and secure the area’s creative and cultural future. It’s one of our great and best known streets and we're committed to building on its reputation as an iconic gay and lesbian precinct and a centre of buzzing activity both day and night.... We want to know what you think Oxford Street and surrounds should look and feel like and how we can help support more cultural, creative, entertainment and late-night activities. You can share your ideas for Oxford Street’s future with us here:

24.01.2022 This evening we have lit Town Hall to celebrate Deepavali, the Festival of Light happy Deepavali everyone!

23.01.2022 Just on two years ago, we turned beautiful new parkland at Harold Park over to the community. For decades, this inner city space was a fenced off race track. Because the race track was privately-owned, there was a real risk the entire site would be sold off and engulfed by development.... So in 2011, when the track was closed and earmarked for new apartments, we worked to ensure that 3.8 hectares would be reserved for public parkland. It's not always possible to create new public space in the City, but it is a priority and we do so wherever we can. I will continue working to bring fences down and open up green space to our growing inner city community.

23.01.2022 Reconciliation involves all of us. It won’t just happen, or happen with words alone it requires commitment, and action. Reconciliation Action Plans help organisations drive that action. There are four levels of Reconciliation Action Plan, and in 2015 we started our journey on level two the plan recognised work that had already begun at the City, and helped us establish an ongoing approach to advancing Reconciliation.... We’ve made great progress. Following the adoption of that first RAP we increased our efforts to buy from Indigenous businesses, introduced Aboriginal language on our signs in parks and public spaces, and supported Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities through our grants program and direct hiring. It’s time to push ourselves further. Today we have launched a Stretch RAP the next level up with 131 new deliverables. Among them are targets to increase the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees at the City, targets to increase our spending with First Nations businesses, and provision of cultural learning activities for all our staff. I look forward to seeing how our Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan will continue to transform our organisation and, in turn, benefit our communities.

22.01.2022 Three years ago today, I joined more than 10,000 Sydneysiders in Prince Alfred Park to hear the news: Australia had said yes to same sex marriage! It was a momentous occasion, after decades of campaigning from the LGBTIQ community. Where were you when you heard the results? I’d love to see pictures!

22.01.2022 Yesterday we announced a $20 million plan to help breathe life back into our city centre, safely. We will set up outdoor performance stages in key city locations, fund live music and performance in venues, bars and restaurants, and deliver a summer of outdoor dining. Together with the State Government, we are transforming Sydney into a 24-hour alfresco city over summer and beyond.... This will help our city businesses survive in the short-term, and create new opportunities to thrive in the long-term.

22.01.2022 It has just clocked 10 years since we added our first electric vehicle to the City’s fleet. It was the start of an important transition. Today, most of the City’s vehicles are electric or hybrid. We're hoping to replace our diesel garbage trucks and street sweepers with electric vehicles in the near future.... The same day our first EV was delivered, I delivered a private members statement in NSW Parliament calling on the government to invest in hydrogen and electric vehicle technology. With 22,000 fleet vehicles and 8,000 buses, the State Government has a real opportunity to drive vehicular emissions down any switch to EV helps. Progress may not have broken the speed limit, but I do welcome Minister Constance’s efforts to upgrade the NSW Government fleet, and I look forward to electric buses becoming the norm. This transition will certainly help the State Government reach its goal of net-zero emissions by 2050.

22.01.2022 The Martin Place Christmas tree is officially lit! While life is different this year, we’re still creating a magical, festive atmosphere in the city centre and across our city villages for Christmas. There will be pop-up musical performances in local neighbourhoods, lighting displays and more trees and decorations than ever before.... We encourage everyone to safely return to our city over the holiday period, to enjoy some Christmas shopping, dine al fresco on our city streets, marvel at the decorations and lighting displays, and experience the joy of Christmas. I wish you all a happy Christmas after this very challenging year!

21.01.2022 Since March we have committed nearly $80 million to help people survive and recover from the impact of the pandemic a range of initiatives, from business support grants to food relief. Now, as we cautiously encourage people to return to the city and support our local businesses, we are commissioning artists to enliven streets and laneways. The outcome will be good for our city economy and aesthetic, and good for artists who have struggled like so many to find work through... this challenging time. Despite what Mr Latham says, paying artists (even those from Newtown or Glebe!) is indeed supporting employment. If you've got a great idea to activate select Sydney laneways, today is your last chance to apply for up to $50,000 in funding:

21.01.2022 We stand with Save Our Stages NSW the NSW Government must include a live music survival package in next week’s budget. Without financial intervention, we risk losing hundreds of live music venues. This would be devastating for venue owners and staff, but also our cultural community and anyone who likes to go to a gig. The city’s music venues barely had a moment to breathe between the lockouts lifting and the pandemic setting in. We must make sure they can survive through ...Covid-restrictions and are ready to thrive when the pandemic passes. So far, support for live music has largely slipped through the cracks of Covid-support, and we need to change that. Alex Greenwich and I have written to the Treasurer and implored him to follow the lead of the Queensland and Victorian Governments, which have offered financial support to live music venues. For the good of our economy, and the cultural heartbeat of our city, we must support our live music venues.

20.01.2022 We're excited to welcome you back to our libraries! Through the pandemic, our library staff have worked incredibly hard to adapt and ensure our services have been as open and accessible as possible. And now, most of our branches are open again for browsing, borrowing and accessing computers for work or study.... We’re continuing to keep them clean and safe, and we’re maintaining new services like reserve and collect and quarantine for returning books. It means the library experience is a little different to what many of us are used to (and that will remain the case while health orders are in place), so check out this update from our wonderful library team on what services are available and what we’re doing to keep you safe.

19.01.2022 In the face of increasing need for public open space, the City is asking: Is an 18 hole golf course still the best use of inner city parkland? We are proposing that the Moore Park Golf Course, which occupies 45 hectares of public land, be converted from 18 holes to 9 retaining the larger area of land, clubhouse, depots, parking and the popular driving range.... This remaining land would return up to 20 hectares of land to Moore Park for public recreation critically needed now and for future communities. The Minister for Planning and Public Spaces will make a decision about the future of the course following public consultation. If you support the proposal for increased parkland, we need to hear from you today.

19.01.2022 Tonight, the Federal Government will hand down the budget. It is expected to fund construction projects that create jobs and stimulate the economy this must include serious investment in social and affordable housing. The pandemic has intensified the homelessness crisis, and with a looming recession many are set to face new economic hardship and housing insecurity.... Everyone deserves a home. I implore the Federal government to invest in housing to stimulate the economy and move us towards ending homelessness.

18.01.2022 This is good news out of South Australia. Our renewable future is looking bright!

18.01.2022 Over the last five weeks, City staff have distributed 20,000 reusable masks to vulnerable people who may not have otherwise had access to them. Last week I helped distribute masks to Waterloo residents at the OzHarvest pop up supermarket. It's a credit to the everyone in our community that we've been able to limit community transmission, and we can’t afford to be complacent.... These reusable masks will keep our community safe as we all do our bit to beat Covid-19 in Sydney.

18.01.2022 And up goes the tree! I’m looking forward to sharing more of our plans for a covid-safe Sydney Christmas on Thursday.

15.01.2022 If you support the City's proposal to convert some of the Moore Park Golf Course to public parkland, we need your help. In today’s Daily Telegraph, some have sought to tear down the proposal, and to paint me and the City as out of touch. We have placed the proposal on exhibition for public feedback, and I imagine the Tele article will drive many people to comment.... We need to ensure our local community is heard, and our local needs met. If you would like to see part of Moore Park Golf Course returned to the public for recreational use, we need to hear from you. Have your say here: In the face of increasing need for open space, we have created a fair proposal where the golf course is converted to a 9-hole course and driving range, and a section of the land is given back to the public for recreational use. This is fundamentally a question of equity of putting our public land to its best use. Moore Park Golf Course should not be fenced off for the benefit of just one group.

14.01.2022 We have rolled out a new synthetic sports field in Green Square! Synthetic fields allow for around three times more use than traditional grass fields because they don't require as much maintenance or watering helping us meet the sporting needs of our growing community. This mutipurpose synthetic sports field, Gunyama Park, will open later in the year.... Synthetic fields are also on the way at Perry Park, Alexandria Park Community School, The Crescent in Annandale, Waterloo Oval and Turruwul Park in Roseberry.

11.01.2022 While many of you have been working from home, we’ve been working on the city centre. Along our pedestrian sections of George Street, we’ve added new benches and flowerbeds and the seasonal trees have settled so beautifully. The temporary concrete blocks that lined this section of the light rail line during construction and early operation haven’t gone far though!... We’ve moved them down to our new pedestrian zone between Town Hall and Haymarket they’ll mark that space on George Street and provide seating until permanent pavers, benches and trees can be installed.

11.01.2022 This time last year, our bush was burning and our city was shrouded in smoke. Thousands gathered in Sydney Square to demand urgent climate action from our Federal Government. We’re still waiting.

10.01.2022 BREAKING: City of Sydney endorses Climate Act Now and NSW Government renewable energy investment!! -- Australia is fast becoming an international climate pariah this will only hasten following the US election.... Thankfully, Independent Member for Warringah Zali Steggall's Climate Change Bill forges a way forward for Australia. And at a state level, Matt Kean MP has unveiled ambitious plans to make NSW a renewable energy superpower. Tonight I asked City of Sydney Councillors to endorse both the Climate Change Bill and the NSW Government’s Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap. I'm pleased to report that endorsement was carried unanimously. Read my Lord Mayor Minute, Supporting a Green Led Recovery, here:

10.01.2022 The wonderful Dyuralya Square in Zetland is nearing two years old. It’s one of 40 parks and playgrounds we made sure there was room for when planning development in the Green Square urban renewal area. We wanted to make sure everyone had access to green spaces that could act as their city backyard.... While I’m so proud of the parks and facilities we’re providing for the Green Square community, these provide a different benefit to open parkland. That’s why we’re calling on the State Government to return a portion of the land Moore Park Golf Course currently occupies to public access parkland. To give the people of this growing community space to wander, throw a frisbee or walk the dog. If you support our plan for more parkland for public use, we need to hear from you:

09.01.2022 The wonderful little Kings Lane Reserve in Darlinghurst has just received a much needed upgrade! With wider stairs, improved pathways and more plantings, it’s a small but wonderful change.

09.01.2022 Our wonderful Sydney Park bike track has won an award! The twists, turns, hills, traffic lights, bridges and tunnels of our bike track let kids enjoy riding their bikes, while teaching them how to do it safely. And now the track has taken home the gold award for landscape design at the DRIVENxDESIGN 2020 Sydney Design Awards.... Thank you to Turf Design Studio + Environmental Partnership, Alluvium, Fiona Robbé, Sydney Civil, Hargraves Urban and Aileen Sage Architects for working with us on this project. This superbly designed space has been a really valuable addition to one of Sydney’s best parks.

08.01.2022 For the longest time we were asked: Why would we act on climate change before the rest of the world? Now we find ourselves asking: Why are we ignoring our responsibilities as the last remaining hold-outs take up the fight? We are a climate action pariah. The Federal Government must follow the US and start turning that around.

08.01.2022 There's something quite calming about watching a pool fill up! Watch as the hydrotherapy pool at Gunyama Park Aquatic and Recreation Centre nears completion.

07.01.2022 For decades, swathes of Moore Park have been cordoned off car parking. Successive State Governments have ignored calls from the community to remove parking from a space that should be preserved for parkland and community sport. With a high frequency light rail and bus service during events, and a growing need for public open space, it’s time to stop giving private vehicles priority on public land.... I welcome Saving Moore Park’s campaign to get cars off Moore Park you can add your voice to the call here:

06.01.2022 The Lawson Street Cycleway is now open! It links the cycleways on Wilson Street and George Street, Redfern. So you can now pedal from Newtown to the city centre without ever needing to ride on a major road.... Happy cycling!

05.01.2022 The Australian Museum has opened its doors this weekend after receiving a 15-month facelift! To celebrate the re-opening, general admission is free until June next year. I encourage you to visit this wonderful cultural institution (it's also a great way to take a break from the heat if you need to). The Australian Museum’s opening exhibition is called ‘Changing Climate’ a vital look at the causes of climate change, what life in Australia will look like in 2040 if we don’t take action, and importantly what you can do to make a difference.

04.01.2022 58 years after they were removed, trams returned to George Street. As we near the George Street light rail's first birthday tomorrow, here's a little throwback.

04.01.2022 Last week, Team Clover’s own Councillor Philip Thalis was recognised with major awards from both the Australian Institute of Architects and the Planning Institute of Australia. At the 2020 National Architecture Awards, Hill Thalis A + UP won the National Award for Urban Design for the Campbell Section 5 Master Plan, a six-hectare urban renewal site with new streets, blocks, landscaped squares and a major green space, and the Frederick Romberg Award for Residential Architect...ure Multiple Housing for the Wedge ‘Studio Apartments’ affordable housing project in Dulwich Hill. CKDS Architecture with Hill Thalis A + UP also received the National Commendation for Residential Architecture Multiple Housing for the fabulous Verve Residences in Newcastle. And at the Planning Institute of Australia’s ACT Awards, Campbell 5 took home a Planning Excellence Award in the ‘plan to place’ category. The City of Sydney is appreciative that Councillor Philip Thalis dedicates his time and expertise to achieving greater design and environmental outcomes for our city. He also champions affordable housing. Congratulations Philip and your collaborators!

04.01.2022 NAIDOC in the City online is live now tune in!

04.01.2022 The NSW Government will commit $32 billion to make our state a renewable energy super power and phase out coal-fired power generation. It's ambitious, and it's necessary. Bravo, Matt Kean MP.

04.01.2022 Last week I attended the launch of the Australian Design Centre's 'Isolate Make: Creative Resilience in a Pandemic' exhibition. It was lovely to catch up with textiles artist Liz Payne, who I met in September, and to see her vibrant, embroidered work complete. It was also wonderful to attend the launch of an exhibition again!... When I visited the Australian Design Centre earlier this year, we didn't know if a physical launch would be possible. And while we still need to be cautious, stay at home and get tested if we're unwell, I encourage you to start visiting our cultural institutions and supporting our local artists and small businesses if you can.

03.01.2022 I strongly support the Australian Conservation Foundation and their vital work advocating for climate action and protecting the natural environment. They should not be censored or threatened in this way.

03.01.2022 The physical distancing measures required to prevent another devastating outbreak of Covid-19 are continuing to impact the livelihoods of many in our community. This is especially true in our hospitality sector and CBD, as many continue to work from home. So the City has officially extended our support measures for small businesses, community and cultural organisations until March 2021.... Importantly, that includes our work to make it easier for businesses to operate on footpaths and streets. We know the coronavirus loves the indoors, so we’re making it easier to be outdoors. We want to ensure our city businesses survive, and create new opportunities to thrive in the long term.

02.01.2022 Progress on our new aquatic centre at Green Square is going swimmingly. We hope to open it in February.

01.01.2022 Green Square Library & Plaza has become the first public library in NSW to achieve a 6 Star Green Star 'As Built' rating. It's part of our Green Square town centre, which was already acknowledged last year with a 6 Star Green Star 'Communities' rating. In Green Square, we've set out to show that high density can be sustainable and liveable. ... We've delivered high quality community infrastructure, from the library and plaza, creative centre, and community shed, to the soon-to-be-complete Gunyama Park Aquatic and Recreation Centre. We're working with developers to create 40 parks and playgrounds, delivering public art throughout the area, and we built a water recycling facility to connect buildings in the town centre to recycled stormwater for washing clothes, flushing toilets, and watering parks and gardens. A 6 Star Green Star rating from the Green Building Council of Australia is as good as it gets. I couldn't be prouder of everyone who worked together to achieve this.

01.01.2022 When we announced our vision for a new Central Square a few weeks ago, we released eight artist impressions. The images give you a sense of the broad range of activities that could take place in the new Square from Lunar New Year celebrations to Vivid Sydney light displays, outdoor film screenings and bustling groups travelling to work or study. Today, in a typical and almost laughable Daily Telegraph hit-piece, I’m accused of being "divisive" and "one-eyed" because one of ...the images suggests the Square might be used for... a climate rally. I'll post that terrifying image in the comments. While some on our Council may be "gobsmacked" that the City would consider its public spaces being used to demand climate action, I’m proud that this is part of our vision. The City is committed to addressing climate change, and Council has publicly endorsed the efforts of the School Strike 4 Climate movement. Central Square could be a home for markets, parties and concerts, a great place to walk through or sit and enjoy a coffee or a space to rally as a community. Let's hope by the time it's completed there will be no need for climate protests. Until that time I'm proud the City's public spaces (along with their myriad of community functions) can play host to inspiring movements demanding urgent action.

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