Clue Detective Puzzle Agency | Media/news company
Clue Detective Puzzle Agency
Phone: +61 419 305 295
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25.01.2022 Did you know that you can solve Clue Detective puzzles as part of your public library membership? Once your library subscribes you can access our puzzle portal from wherever you are via your barcode and pin. Clue Detective puzzles make great COVID-safe inhouse library activities. A puzzle club can easily be facilitated via Zoom from the library. Patrons who are keen cruciverbalists (crossword solvers) can connect with each other in the safety and comfort of their own homes.... If you are unsure as to whether your library is a Clue Detective subscriber, ask a member of your library staff, or feel free to send us a message.
24.01.2022 What is a great indoor activity on a (cold) long weekend? Solving Clue Detective puzzles, of course. Each day we post a selection of puzzles on our homepage - Todays puzzles include: 19x19 quick crosswords, 21x21 codeword, sudoku, Nixie 'Latte' (half cryptic, half quick) and an On This Day Trivia Quiz for 6 June.... If you are not yet a member and would to sample our puzzles, you can sign up for 30 day free trial. If you wish to continue at the end of the trial period, we have a monthly or annual option. Clue Detective offers a subscription with a difference. We donate a percentage from each membership we sell to Rotary club service projects and #AustralianRotaryHealth's #LifttheLidonMentalIllness.
24.01.2022 Our word of the day
23.01.2022 We have some exciting developments coming! Sign up to our new BrainGym News to keep in the loop!
22.01.2022 It is a difficult time as we all adjust to a new way of life. Our mental health is paramount. As a proud sponsor of Australian Rotary Health and @Lift the Lid on Mental Illness, I am pleased to share the latest ARH newsletter which highlights some helpful strategies for coping with self isolation and reducing anxiety. Stay well.
22.01.2022 We are fast approaching October which is Mental Health/Lift the Lid Month and the time of year you wear your favourite crazy hat. You may be wondering why CDPA is so passionate about supporting Australian Rotary Health and Lift the Lid on Mental Illness In 2002, I was diagnosed with a mental illness. Creating puzzles and Rotary have provided me with an opportunity to create a new direction and reinvent myself, for which I will be forever grateful <3
22.01.2022 We are so proud to be supporting Australian Rotary Health's Hat Day 2020. Purchase a Clue Detective puzzle membership and help us #Liftthelidonmentalillness. We donate part of the sale to mental health research.
21.01.2022 Your cryptic clue for the day. Want to try a full Nixie Latte? Head to
17.01.2022 We love puzzling for good causes. Check out the great fundraiser of Rotary E-club of Latitude 38 that we are sponsoring. You could win an annual membership.
17.01.2022 2020 has proved very difficult for organisations trying to raise funds. Clue Detective has come up with a way to help out. It's fun, educational, mentally stimulating and completely COVID-safe.
17.01.2022 We are very excited to announce that we have teamed up with the Rotary Club of Drysdale to help them raise funds for their service projects and Australian Rotary Health's Lift the Lid on Mental Illness. If you can share this link with your friends and family who enjoy solving puzzles, we would greatly appreciate it. Is your Rotary club looking for projects to do while social distancing? A puzzle fundraiser may be for you. Feel free to contact us for more information.
15.01.2022 Hello Puzzlers... You may be aware that Clue Detective is a proud sponsor of Australian Rotary Health and Lift the Lid on Mental Illness I am sharing a link to their latest newsletter because it highlights some great tips and strategies for dealing with anxiety and coping with self isolation. Stay well.
15.01.2022 Are you a cryptic crossword buff? Perhaps you have a desire to become adept at these (potentially) fiendish brainteasers. The Clue Detective Puzzle Agency is the only place you can solve Nixie Lattes by cryptic guru Denise Sutherland. These puzzles are great for people starting out with cryptics, given that they are half cryptic, half quick. A bit like a latte coffee which is half coffee, half milk. Try one here...
14.01.2022 In these times of isolation it's great if we can find an activity that can really engage and entertain us, as well as help us pass the time. If you have always fancied yourself as a cryptic crossword buff, but have never quite got around to trying them, we have great news for you. We are very excited to launch the Nixie 'Latte' Crossword series. We have called them Latte because they are a bit like our favourite coffee.... half coffee and half milk. They are a great puzzl...e for cryptic novices to start with because half the clues are ‘quick’ to get you started. We hope you enjoy these great brain-teasers, and of course, feel free to give us a shout if you get stuck. We are only too happy to help you out. #funisolationactivities #masteringcrypticcrosswords #nixielattecrosswords See more
13.01.2022 You may be wondering what prompts somebody to become a puzzle writer. Here is how Clue Detective began... <3
13.01.2022 This is your opportunity to support a great cause and have the chance to win an annual Clue Detective subscription. Very proud to be sponsoring this Rotary Club of Latitude 38 fundraiser
10.01.2022 At Clue Detective, we are passionate about showing people of all ages the great benefits of solving puzzles. This week we are focusing on how puzzling can help students' (mental) health and wellbeing. There is a great place this can take place... the school library!
09.01.2022 Clue Detective is delighted to be working with Rotary to raise awareness about mental health, particularly during these challenging times.
09.01.2022 Calling all indie crossword setters!
07.01.2022 Hello lovely followers and vip customers <3 I would really appreciate it if my amazing followers could please help me out in an easy way. It literally only takes a few seconds and would help my small local business grow!! Facebook has a new feature that only takes a few seconds to do! Here is how easy it is to do, go to the top of my page, across the top, scroll across to ‘COMMUNITY’ Click 'INVITE FRIENDS'... Click ‘ALL' Wait 10-15 seconds for the invitations to send It’s as simple as that Supporting small businesses doesn’t always require spending money. It can be as simple as sharing, liking and promoting us! Thank you all for your support! Copy and pasted from another small business, but supporting each other is what we are here for! Support Geelong small business during COVID-19 We can bounce back from this with your continuing support THANK YOU ALL. See more
05.01.2022 Well this definitely disproves the I before E except after C theory. I feel a devious codeword coming on
05.01.2022 With apologies to Dr Seuss... The sun will not shine, and it is too wet to play. So why not solve a crossword puzzle on this cold, cold, wet day... Enjoy solving our introductory range of puzzles. If would like more, why not subscribe. You can help a Rotary club raise funds for their service projects and Australian Rotary Health's #Liftthelidonmentalillness
04.01.2022 If you enjoy the combination of crosswords and code-breaking, then Clue Detective codewords are definitely for you. They are perfect for a get-together in the Zoom Room too :-)
04.01.2022 Are looking for ways to stay occupied and mentally stimulated during isolation? With all the technological devices we have at at our fingertips, why not catch up with some friends so solve a puzzle.
04.01.2022 One of Clue Detective's main passions is raising awareness about mental illness in our community. We have launched our Clue Detective puzzle drive initiative. If your organisation (Rotary club, school, workplace) would like to help raise funds for mental health research, as well as your own projects, don't hesitate to get in touch. #australianrotaryhealth #liftthelidonmentalillness #fundraisingforgoodcauses
04.01.2022 The Rotary Club of Drysdale has partnered with the Clue Detective Puzzle Agency, founded by Drysdale Rotarian (and Clue Detective owner) Catherine Eagleson to help raise funds for Rotary club service projects and Australian Rotary Health. When someone purchases a subscription, they receive access to great puzzles all year round. Clue Detective donates a percentage of the subscription back to the club’s service projects and Australian Rotary Health’s Lift the Lid on Mental Ill...ness campaign. In addition, a club can promote their puzzle fundraiser via their Bulletin. Catherine will provide a puzzle each week to give people an opportunity to try before purchasing. The Rotary Club of Drysdale welcomes other clubs to join them, in the hope it will be a helpful way to raise funds during this time of social distancing. Learn more: #Liftthelidonmentalillness #AustralianRotaryHealth #PuzzlesforMentalHealthInitiative #Rotaryfundraisingwhilesocialdistancing #Rotaryinaction #Rotarybulletincontent See more
02.01.2022 This week we celebrate National Crossword Day. These timeless brainteasers have a fascinating history. We have a compiled a list of interesting facts to help you learn more.
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