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Centre for Mental Health Research


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25.01.2022 MHCC ACT were invited by the ANU Centre for Mental Health Research (CMHR) to attend 'Mapping Mental Health in Australia - Future Directions' on Friday 15 CMHR is working with the Australian College of Mental Health Nurses, on an Australian Government project to review Australia’s progress to date in implementing mapping technologies in mental health. The workshop examined mapping technologies currently in use, including those used by the National Mental Health Service Planning Framework, and the Integrated Atlas of Mental Health Care. It was also attended by Primary Health Networks, previous National Mental Health Forum participants, and other key stakeholders. #MentalHealth #AusGov

24.01.2022 Today is University Mental Health Day. To mark this day ANU Thrive have put together "Talking about it" video series of small talks which discusses how to manage our mental health and wellbeing during COVID 19. These talks have been contributed by our own RSPH staff Dr. Jo Lane and PhD students Andini Promono and CMHR's Isabelle Yujuico

24.01.2022 Join us to learn how Professor Killaspy’s complex psychosis research group has been addressing the evidence gap in this area. registration essential

24.01.2022 Congratulations everyone!

23.01.2022 Interesting article in the conversation by CMHR researcher, Dr Sonia McCallum and RSP researchers, ANU.

22.01.2022 *TW/CW* Suicide is discussed in this video. Join Dr. Michelle Banfield on this World Suicide Prevention Day and R U Ok? Day as she explains how mental health a...nd suicide prevention peer support work can help people. Dr. Michelle Banfield is a Research fellow at the ANU Research School of Population Health. Michelle's research interests include effective services and policy for mental illness. She heads the Lived Experience Research Unit at the Centre for Mental Health Research, incorporating ACACIA: The ACT Consumer & Carer Mental Health Research Unit. ACACIA aims to increase the involvement of ACT mental health consumers and carers in the research process and conduct research relevant to their needs. She has her pet, Joey here, who is her wellbeing partner and usually accompanies her to meetings. For more information about getting involved in the Honest, Open, Proud Program, please contact the ACACIA team at [email protected]. Find more support information below. ANU Counselling Website: ANU Wellbeing and Support Line (24 hours) Telephone: 1300 050 327 SMS: 0488 884 170 Website: Lifeline (24 hours) Telephone: 13 11 14 Website: Beyond Blue Telephone: 1300 22 4636 Website: See more

20.01.2022 Well done to CMHR researcher Alison Calear

19.01.2022 Congratulations to Michelle, who has been awarded the 2019 John James Foundation Tony Ayers Prize for Excellence in Translational Medicine. Come along to Michelle's public lecture to hear her story of conducting collaborative mental health research: "It’s a story of surprising successes, tangled research designs and what happens when things don’t quite go to plan. It’s also a story of what many generous people have taught me about genuine collaboration and how research can be used. Mostly, it’s a story of how even the smallest piece of the puzzle still completes it."

12.01.2022 Nuestro socio Prof. Luis Salvador Carulla, Head of Centre for Mental Health Research colabora en la organización de una serie de seminarios online sobre el i...mpacto global del COVID-19 en la salud mental explicados en primera persona por expertos de todo el mundo. Mañana jueves a las 5.30pm hora de Sidney (8.30am en Madrid) el Dr. José Luis Ayuso, Jefe de servicio Psiquiatría en Hospital de la Princesa (Madrid), hablará del impacto de esta crisis sanitaria en los servicios de salud mental madrileños. La participación es libre y gratuita a través de Zoom (más información al final de este post) Global impact of COVID-19 on mental health. Experts from around the world will share their current lived experiences of the impact of COVID-19 on mental health services and community wellbeing. First hand: Professor José Luis Ayuso and the Impact of COVID-19 on Mental Health Services in Madrid, Spain Thursday 2 April 2020, 5.30-6.30pm AEDT by Zoom Event in collaboration with ConNetica No registration is required. How to join seminar (note when clicking on the link below, you will be prompted to download Zoom software tor your desktop. Alternatively you can access using Android and IOS Zoom app.) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 717 795 857 One tap mobile +61370182005,,717795857# Australia +61871501149,,717795857# Australia Dial by your location +61 3 7018 2005 Australia +61 8 7150 1149 Australia +61 2 8015 6011 Australia Meeting ID: 717 795 857 Find your local number: Wikimedia Commons Dr. Tickle

12.01.2022 The National Mental Health Commission is holding a free Town Hall meeting in Gungahlin Wednesday 21 August 2:30 -4:00 pm

12.01.2022 The John James Foundation Tony Ayers Prize 2019 winner, Dr Michelle Banfield receiving her award last night at JCSMR's Public Lecture. "Better Together at Finding the Path: A story of collaborative mental health research"

10.01.2022 Well done Amelia Gulliver!

07.01.2022 ACACIA Research Unit is recruiting now, see the page below for more information

07.01.2022 CONGRATULATIONS CMHR JULY GRADUATES! Dr Rebecca Randall and Dr Marthinus Bekker well done on your amazing achievements

05.01.2022 Well done to Dr Michelle Banfield!

05.01.2022 make sure to tune into the National Press Club address tomorrow, Wednesday 7 August from 12:30. Georgia Harman (Beyond Blue), John Mendoza (ConNetica Consulting) and Luis Salvador-Carulla (CMHR)

04.01.2022 Congratulations

04.01.2022 *TW/CW* Suicide is discussed in this video. Join Dr. Michelle Banfield on this World Suicide Prevention Day and R U Ok? Day as she talks about the Honest, Open,... Proud Program. The program is run by the team at ACACIA: The ACT Consumer & Carer Mental Health Research Unit. ACACIA aims to increase the involvement of ACT mental health consumers and carers in the research process and conduct research relevant to their needs. For more information about getting involved in the Honest, Open, Proud Program, please contact the ACACIA team at [email protected]. Find more support information below. ANU Counselling Website: ANU Wellbeing and Support Line (24 hours) Telephone: 1300 050 327 SMS: 0488 884 170 Website: Lifeline (24 hours) Telephone: 13 11 14 Website: Beyond Blue Telephone: 1300 22 4636 Website:

04.01.2022 The challenges of summer left many of us feeling depleted, and now we're facing the COVID-19 situation from this depleted base. To assist managing the stress a...nd sense of helplessness you may be feeling, ANU counsellor Gail Frank shares her practical tips. Learn more about looking after your mental health and the support available:

02.01.2022 CMHR PhD student Isabelle Yujuico will also be speaking at UMHD, don't forget to tune in!

01.01.2022 TW/CW *Content warning* Suicide is discussed in this video. Join Isabelle Yujuico, on this World Suicide Prevention Day to understand Suicide Disclosures. The t...heme of this year's WSPD day is "Take a Minute". Take a Minute discusses how reaching out to someone could change the course of another’s life. Isabelle Yujuico is a Ph.D. student at the Centre for Mental Health Research, Research School of Population Health. She has a master's degree in Clinical Psychology from De La Salle University in the Philippines where she is a registered psychologist. A scholarship recipient under the Australian Government’s Endeavour Leadership Program, her Ph.D. project focuses on suicide disclosure. Nowadays, she appreciates walking around Lake Burley Griffin and gazing at the celestial stars above. Find more support information below. ANU Counselling Website: ANU Wellbeing Support Line (24 hours) Telephone: 1300 050 327 SMS: 0488 884 170 Website: Lifeline (24 hours) Telephone: 13 11 14 Website: Beyond Blue Telephone: 1300 22 4636 Website:

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