Coach Katie Guyatt | Businesses
Coach Katie Guyatt
Phone: +61 419 211 798
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25.01.2022 Calories and macros made simple. - Google the Harris Benedict Equation and find out your maintenance calories (look up on google). - Decide if you want to gain weight or lose weight and add or detract 500 calories from your maintenance accordingly.... - Now you’ve got an idea for calories, for macros my rule of thumb is 1g fat/kg body weight, 1.5/2g protein/kg body weight then let the carbs fill the rest. - For example, if my calories are 1900cals and I’m 65kg, I will have roughly 65g of fat, 130g protein and 200g of carbs in a day. - Simples. - See more
24.01.2022 No to hangovers and yes to adventures and activities. Deso Driver June will be spent working on my mindset to be able to control myself when it comes to these things.... mainly alcohol. It’s hard to admit as a personal trainer that controlling myself around food and booze has been a struggle over the last few months. After a few things negatively affecting my mindset and some pretty chokka block busy weeks I’ve been taking the weekend as a time to offload... and I’ve ...been offloading a little too hard. As someone who works so hard during the week and is a confessed over thinker I need my weekends to be able to reset and SLEEP. Not spend the night out and then a day in bed. So for the rest of June I will be planning some fun walks, waterfall adventures and activities for most sundays. If you wanna tag along just send me a message! See more
24.01.2022 ARE YOU READY TO GO BACK? Do you have a plan and what do you actually want to achieve? -Grow muscle? ... -Lose fat? -Work on your confidence? -Do an unassisted pull up? -body weight lift? Then more. - or just look good naked? You CAN do all of these, it’s just about having a plan in place, time (because all of that doesn’t suddenly come in 4 weeks), some accountability and being able to execute it. I feel like I’m going to see a lot of people in the gyms in the first couple weeks that race like a bull out of a gate in there and then in a few weeks time are no where to be seen. Just because gyms are now open doesn’t mean you should be there everyday, take your time! Rest, recover and be kind to yourself, you probably haven’t lifted properly in a few months. It’s not going to come back straight away BUT IT WILL COME BACK... if you remain consistent. - @marceauphotography See more
23.01.2022 #blackouttuesday
21.01.2022 SWIPE Client testimonial from the beautiful @emmypens ... I started training with Katie in January. I had been going to the gym for years but without any real focus on a holistic program, confidence in my form or measurable goals other than ‘lose weight’. Training with Katie has changed the game for me, particularly in terms of structure and accountability for both my training and nutrition. She is approachable and knowledgeable, and I really look forward to our sessions because not only am I progressing with my training, but because she’s also an absolute gem of a human! My goals are no longer solely about my physique (but damnnnn do I look a lot better haha). Katie has helped me find joy in a focussed routine, lifting heavy weights and eating in a way that I can maintain and still enjoy life. Could not recommend her enough! See more
20.01.2022 Sydney, you’re beautiful. Even in the freezing cold. So grateful my job not only allows me to help beautiful humans but also gives me the chance to get outside and enjoy these sights everyday. @ Sydney, Australia
17.01.2022 TOO COLD TO PULL YOURSELF OUT OF BED? You wake up, it’s dark, cold and way too easy to stay wrapped up in your doona burrito and smack the snooze. This week I’m going to be going through a few ways that you can set yourself up for success when it comes to getting up and moving when you just don’t want to. ... The first one is building a morning routine. (Or routine around your training) Once you’ve formed a habit it’s pretty difficult to let it go. But a habit isn’t something you just decide to create and that’s it. It’s formed by consistent actions. Actions that you have to commit too and adhere to until they become part of your routine. For some this may mean waking up, having a coffee and some food (something to reward yourself with) and then walking across the road to the gym, it could be waking up, washing your face writing in your gratitude journal and then hopping in the car. For others it’s sleeping in your gym clothes, waking up at the very last minute and running out the door. Either way, you’re still turning up and getting the job done. My top tips for building a morning routine are - get rid of the snooze. - have an alarm that actually makes you feel good and motivated to get up rather than just a horn that makes you shit yourself. - Put the phone away. Don’t scroll straight away. - if you find yourself coming up with excuses in your head. Ask yourself why you’re doing that and if they actually have merit or if you’re just being a little bit lazy... - have something ready to reward yourself with for getting up! Coffee is great for this! - have a gratitude journal so that you can start your day on a positive note. Now get up and get moving. See more
16.01.2022 New chapter. #zetland Never thought I’d be a cat person, but I guess there’s a first for everything. Couldn’t be happier. @kitten_kingdom2020 @cynful_adventures
16.01.2022 Salted caramel and peanut butter protein cookies! - 60g salted caramel rule 1 protein - 1 and a half tbsp of cacao powder - 2 tbsp chia seeds... - 2 eggs - 2 bananas - 2 tbsp peanut butter - 1 1/2 cups almond meal - 1 tsp cinnamon - 2 tsp of maple syrup - 1/2 tsp baking powder - Extra Pb, salt and Lindt choc for top Method preheat oven to 160 degrees and line tray with baking paper add all of your ingredients to a food processor and mix until combined. dollop your cookies on the tray and make a little divot in the middle for you to add a little extra peanut butter and your dark chocolate. bake for 12 -15 minutes or until golden around the edges
16.01.2022 Staple diet since this day has been berocca.
16.01.2022 OK COACH, IVE GOT MY ASS TO THE GYM. NOW WHAT? Ok, so you’ve mastered creating your habits of getting into the gym when it’s cold and dreary. But now what? In this post I’m going to be going over a few key points on how to structure a session. Before we get into STRUCTURE,... What is the GOAL for the session. Fat loss? Hypertrophy? Rehab? From there you’ll know your session FOCUS... energy expenditure, time under tension or corrective. You know your goal and you know your focus now, what format? For fat loss I’d recommend skipping your split workouts or pull / push sessions (saving them for hypertrophy goals) and work your whole body using compound movements. Goal, focus and format Now onto the STRUCTURE! - For your reps, sets and rest, hypertrophy you’ll be looking at 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps with 1-2 minutes worth of rest and for fat loss about 2-4 sets of 12-20 reps with 30-60 seconds rest. - ALWAYS start with a dynamic warm up, targeting the areas you’ll be working during your session! - Onto your movements that have the highest complexity (remembering that for someone else in the gym that could be a barbell back squat or snatch, but for you it may be a kettlebell goblet squat) - Move onto your movements with the highest priority. What movements can you complete that will meet what you NEED to do in that session. (Have you hit all muscle groups you need to?) - Onto assistance exercises, I like to save these ones for the ones that myself or my clients WANT to do (usually abs or more glute work) - Finish with some metabolic or isolation work DEPENDING ON THE GOAL! See more
16.01.2022 Are we there yet? @fitnessplaygroundaus
15.01.2022 On my comments about training while bloated yesterday I mentioned that I just don’t give a fuck what people think about me while I’m training. It’s so easy for me to come on here and say that to you guys, so easy in fact that I almost forgot how long it took me to get to to this point in the first place. Training to me used to be all about aesthetics, I trained to look a certain way to please people. But training is so much more than that. ... Being able to lift stuff that you never thought possible builds a new kind of confidence. Not being able to lift something you’ve been working towards builds resilience. Every little knock down. Injuries, binge weekends, illness and even heart break can be faced head first and overcome in this space. To build strong, confident, resilient humans who persevere despite whatever’s going on outside this space and who eventually DON’T GIVE A FUCK So whatever level you’re at. Keep going. Don’t let anything stop you. See more
15.01.2022 Don’t waste your time on boring meals. It is Incredibly easy to find healthier versions of the food you may call a cheat meal. Google knows all. These chicken wings were pre marinaded from the butcher in east village and bbqd instead of fried and the chips are oven roasted and the salad is not drenched in dressing! Small swaps = big wins!
14.01.2022 What if we stopped wasting our time focusing on the opinion of others and instead, spent that time learning to love ourselves. Truly great things come from self love, in saying that, it’s something you have to continuously work on. ... -forgive yourself easily for mistakes -practice gratitude every damn day (especially the days you don’t want to) - practice savouring, step outside of yourself in a moment and actually notice and enjoy it. - understand miswanting, sometimes our mind plays tricks on us. Something that we think we want may not be the thing we really need. - exercise and sleep! - negative visualisation - picture this day as your last. What are you going to do? What are you going to make of it?? See more
14.01.2022 Don’t rely on motivation. It’s determination, perseverance and commitment that win the race. Turn up, put in the work, put in the time, put in the sweat and sometimes even tears and you will reap the rewards.
12.01.2022 CLIENT SPOTLIGHT 8.4kg and 42.5cm lost in 8 weeks! You may have seen me posting about Mallory lately as she went about completing a casual 100km total of running/swimming to raise money for movember. Well not only has she absolutely dominated that but she has also dominated the fitness playground 8 week challenge! ... Proud. Is the worlds largest understatement gosh jolly what to say. I’ve always been athletically gifted and a large portion of my childhood and youth revolves around sport. For a long time I’ve felt stagnant and stalled with injury after injury. From a subluxed and drifting patella to repeat hamstring tears, bone fragments in my ankles and broken fingers. I was finding myself spending more time in physio and rehab then exercising 3 years ago (2017) at 26 I first started suffering from unmanaged arthritis spreading throughout my body. I spent 10 months of 2017 in a boot on my foot, having had arthritis eat away the soft tissues of 2 toes. By January 2018 my arthritis had spread into both feet, ankles, knees, hands and wrists, it was in one shoulder and the cartilage of my ribs. I was suffering with chronic pain and had developed complex regional pain syndrome in one of my feet. Finally my doctors got a breakthrough with my immunomodulatory therapy and I took my opportunity to join the gym. I waltzed on up to Surry Hills Fitness Playground awash with titillation. Unsure what to expect, I was partnered up with Dave who worked tireless to give me control of my body back. It was not an easy year and we faced many set backs, arthritis is a heartless bitch. And then covid hit and no one knew how my immune system would handle the virus. I was locked away. When I decided to return to the Playground, I decided to start on with a new trainer, that was Katie. My arthritis was under control and I was ready to start a new chapter. And here we are, at the end of the Fitness Playground Game Changers Challenge. And the only words I have to say, to sum up the last 8 weeks are as follows; ‘I’ll be up in the gym just working on my fitness, she’s (Katie’s) my witness’. If you had ask me ever I would never have ever said that I would go to the gym of my own
11.01.2022 Easy and quick GF spaghetti bolognese - turkey mince or any mince really. - Carrot, celery, mushrooms and onion. Or any other vegetables you have lying around. - KIC @keepitcleaner pasta sauce ... - KIC @keepitcleaner GF pasta - Parmesan (if you want) Brown mince in a pan Remove from the pan and then add veg and cook until soft then and add the meat back in. Add pasta sauce plus a jar full of water and season to taste. Bring to boil then reduce heat to simmer for 15-20 minutes or as long as it takes to get to the consistency you like. While simmering cook pasta as per packet. Pop it in a bowl and sprinkle Parmesan if you do so desire. Voila! Easy peasy!
10.01.2022 What a way to start the weekend!! Circuit 1- Burpees x10 Knee upscale 12... X sit ups x20 Squat pulse x 30seconds 4 rounds Lunge with hop x10 each Squat with an cross x20 Jack knifes x15 Shoulder taps x20 4 rounds Followed by a dip and brekky with my favourite @veritynicole
09.01.2022 What did you say to yourself when you woke up this morning? Fuck it’s cold Yuck it’s raining Coach, not coming today it’s too cold ... Yes it’s normal to have days where you just want to stay in bed, but how many times do you let your mind or anxiety control the effort you put in for that day. For some of my clients I’m sure all of those things went through their head this morning. But did they let it control them and take over? No. They got up, they got it done and now they’re done and can go home to eat a nice brekky. Do they feel better? Probably not during the session but 100% they will now. Because not only is their workout done and not looming over their head all day. But they beat their negative head talk. So get up, get it done and know that when you go to bed tonight you’ll have done all you needed to do for the day. PUT THE EFFORT IN. Here’s a quick workout you can do in your home. Just load a backpack with some books. Tabata- 40 on 20 off A1. Backpack bent over rows A2. Burpees A3. Backpack Romanian deadlifts A4. High knees A5. Plank X5 See more
09.01.2022 Glad it was 12 degrees so I didn’t melt when we had to walk the hour uphill after visiting this absolute gem. Worth it. @ Eagle Rock and Curracurrong Falls, Royal National Park
07.01.2022 ARE YOUR GOALS ALWAYS APPEARANCE BASED? As a person who has been put through the ringer when it comes to sliding scale weight I completely empathise with people who’s main goal when they step into a gym for the first time is to lose 5 or 10 or 15 kilos. It’s tough not looking the same as you did 5 years ago. Or for some of us ( ) only a year ago before covid came into our lives. ... And I’m not saying it’s bad to have appearance based goals, but I do suggest you look beyond the scales. Which is why I urge my clients to take a step back and try and find a few more goals that aren’t focused on the way that they look. Some of these include: Strength Based Goals- lifting a specific load or achieving a body weight pull up or push up. Cardiovascular goals- Running or swimming a certain distance without stopping. Keeping up with the kids or even just not being out of breath after climbing stairs. Mindset and lifestyle goals- Gaining some confidence in the gym, gratitude journaling, sleeping 9 hours, creating a CONSISTENT routine, drinking more water and improving overall happiness. My personal favourite- KEEPING UP WITH ALL THE DOGGOS.
07.01.2022 What does ‘healthy’ mean to you? To some, it will look like the left, it will be abs and thigh gaps. Unfortunately that was probably the most unhealthy I’ve ever been. For me to get to that size meant a whole lot of over training and under eating. It’s what my perception of ‘healthy’ was at the time because that’s what I saw on all the ads of ‘healthy’ products and what all the people I followed looked like. ... ‘Healthy’ can mean many different things to many different people. Luckily I feel like the term ‘Healthy’ is becoming a term that’s looked at a bit more broadly these day’s. Having not only a healthy body but a healthy mind and a healthy outlook on life. To me, ‘healthy’ is an accumulation of things. feeling good eating a balanced diet practicing gratitude and self love exercising sleeping properly drinking water enjoying time with friends and family. What does healthy mean to you? See more
07.01.2022 Honey soy thighs Ingredients 500g chicken thighs 1/4 cup soy sauce... 1/3 cup honey 1tbsp ginger (Can be fancy and add 1tbsp sesame oil and sesame seeds.. but I ain’t.) Broccolini and turmeric brown rice to serve. Mix up the marinade together then add trimmed chicken thighs and marinade for however long you want. Heat up your grill and cook your thighs until there’s zero chance of salmonella poisoning. While that’s going steam your broccoli and heat up your rice and BOOM! Done.
07.01.2022 @vandermeerhair one stop shop for wine, dm’s, client consults and of course 2 fabulous hair wizards. @mariamenegd @carlyvandermeerhair
06.01.2022 Throwback to @lululemonausnz Bondi collective. Testing out their swim on the sand and in my second home @ Sydney, Australia
05.01.2022 REST = RECOVERY. Big walk, vitamin D, movies and lots of food. Can’t think of a better way to spend a Sunday.
04.01.2022 Where is you THIRD place? And is PT for you? Third place is a term coined by sociologist Ray Oldenburg in his book The Great Good Place. Describing it as a place outside home or work where you can relax or hang out. @fitnessplaygroundaus mine, and my clients THIRD PLACE. My philosophy has always been to mould my clients into confident, strong, resilient humans and a part of that is making them feel comfortable to come In and smash a workout with me but also comfortable an...d secure enough to do it by themselves too. FP Is a place that is neutral ground where everyone comes because they WANT to be there. A levelling place, that no matter where you’re from or what level you’re at, it ACCEPTS you. A place you can go at any time of the day (or night) and will always be welcomed by our regular trainers or class participants. It’s wholesome, homely, playful and full of everything you need (including me ) to become a better version of you. As I’ve had a few clients have to fly home recently I’ve had a few spots open up in my schedule. If it’s something that you’ve been putting off for a while ask yourself why. Then ask yourself. WHY NOT?! GET YOUR ASS IN HERE AND LETS START MAKING FP YOUR THIRD PLACE TOO.
04.01.2022 Let’s go back to sunny weather so I can do a bit more of this again please. @ Sydney, Australia
03.01.2022 To be honest. Sometimes I really struggle with these content posts. Imposter syndrome is something that goes hand in hand with my anxiety so I tend to doubt myself a lot especially when it comes to posting something on social media. But I do know one thing that I have to share. I HAVE BEEN THERE. ... I’ve been through the yo yo dieting, through the binges, I’ve been through the feeling miserable about yourself, I’ve been through the weighing yourself everyday, I’ve been through the poking, prodding and pulling. I’ve been through the I’m not good enough, I’ve been through the I’ll be happy WHEN I’m 10kgs lighter, I’ll be happy WHEN I have abs I still go through that some days! And that’s completely normal. But I do really think. That there’s a reason for me going through that. And it’s so that I can help even just one person through those stages with nothing but empathy and care. Or hopefully help someone not to have to go through them at all. So that they can be as proud, happy and strong as I feel MOST days See more
01.01.2022 OPENING UP IS ALWAYS GOING TO BE UNCOMFORTABLE. But once you reach deep down and have those conversations that go beyond surface level you can reach a new level of self awareness and empathy for those around you. Today I spoke in front of all my colleagues about my incredibly personal struggles with anxiety, Overcoming bullying and an eating disorder. ... Even though I sometimes wish that I’d never experienced them I am also incredibly grateful that I did. They have shaped me into the person and coach that I am today. Hopefully inspiring some of the people I come across to be stronger, confident and kinder humans. Thank you to these legends for listening to me. @fitnessplaygroundaus
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