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Coach Creek Shredded Health & Performance

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25.01.2022 . The 90 / 10 Principle for Fat loss, Health & Performance. . . If your goal is to lose body fat, while improving your health & performance then a great rule of thumb is eating 90% of your meals from whole foods (vegetables, meat, poultry, fish, whole grains, essential non processed foods) over the course of the week. This then allows you to have 10% fun foods which allows more of a physchological reward while allowing you to be sociable. This could be pizza, ice cream or a... burger however keep in mind if any of these foods cause you abdominal discomfort/pain, excessive bloating, irregular bowel movements, joint pain etc you may feel better choosing non inflammatory options such as gluten free, dairy free & soy free options. Or simply choosing quality over quantity such as organic sourdough bread vs regular white bread or a quality gelato ice cream over Macdonald’s soft serve or Lindt 70% dark chocolate vs diary milk chocolate. . . If you eat 20 meals per week this gives you 2 opportunities to have fun foods. 30 meals would be 3 fun foods per week. And yes alcohol counts as fun foods otherwise 1-2 drinks at one time is probably your sweet spot and 3-4 standard drinks per week would be a good rule of thumb if fat loss & Performance are still your priority.. . Remember if you want to make serious in roads towards improving your body composition or even staying lean & healthy all year round it means making your food choices a lifestyle that is sustainable for you. It is easier to stay lean than to get lean so going 12 weeks without binging all weekend or partying till 3am may be a small price to pay if it means seeing faster progress whiteout being a complete nazi. Keep in mind you do not have to be perfect ALL the time it is perfectly normal to have days where you may splurge out here and there. If you are happy with where you are at or have a social occasion then 90-10 could change to 80 - 20 or 70 - 30 but as long as your expectations are realistic in that you may be maintaining or even gaining a little body fat for that particular week.

24.01.2022 Monday Motivation Tag your training partner below #coachcreek89 #onlinecoaching #strengthtraining #biggerfasterstronger #bodycomposition #perthtfam #perthpt #gains #education #trainingtips #mondaymotivation #mondayqoutes

22.01.2022 Mindset Matters: . One of our most basic beliefs we hold about ourselves is what we believe or inhabit to be our ability & behavior. According to Psychologist Dr Carol Dweck, there are two types of mindsets which we hold about ourselves that can determine our success (Dweck, 2007). . A fixed mindset which can be characterized by:... -Avoiding challenges -Giving up easily -Seeing effort as fruitless -Ignoring useful criticism -Feeling threatened by the success of others. . A Growth mindset which can be characterized by: -Embracing new challenges -Persisting even with set backs -Effort as a path to mastery -Learning from useful criticism -Finds lessons & inspiration in the success of others. . Our mindsets will sit on a continuum between a fixed or a growth mindset. We may like to think that we all have a growth mindset but the reality is we are likely to have elements of a fixed mindset. It has been shown in studies that we have the ability to adopt more of a growth mindset and I encourage you to become more aware of these traits by reflecting on feedback and strategies on how to improve in the future (Dweck, 2007). . Reference: Dweck, C. S. (2007). Mindset: The New Psychology Of Success. New York: Ballantine Books. #mindsetmatters #mindsetmonday #perthfitfam #growthmindset #failureispartofsuccess

21.01.2022 Im extremely grateful to be a coach and head straight to the best gym in Australia to help & guide guys like Adam to become stronger, more muscular, more confident & most importantly happier in this journey we call life.... . #perthstrengthcoach #physiquecoaching #transformation #biggerfasterstronger #perthtfam #coachinglife Posted @withregram @adambaker027 @coachcreek89 always helping me inch closer to the top of my mountain @shreddedhp ... . . . . #gym #weights #selfie #fit #fitness #bodybuilding See more

21.01.2022 My Top 3 reasons you are not seeing the results you would like from your training! Click on the link below

21.01.2022 Why should you support detoxification when losing body fat ? . Toxins are stored in fat cells. When your body breaks down fat cells and releases into the blood stream to be metabolised. so too are more toxins being released in the bloodstream. This places an increased stress on your liver to process these toxins so they can become water soluble and then excreted from the body!... Now your body excretes toxins in 4 ways! Through Urine, Poo, sweat & even crying. What happens if you aren’t Peeing, pooing or sweating properly or enough ? These toxins build up causing skin problems, headaches, nausea & hour chances of becoming sick increase . If the body cannot excrete toxins they can become re-circulated to be stored back into the fat cells. . Here’s what to focus on in order to optimise the fat loss & detoxification process: . Drink enough water minnimum 40ml per kilo of bodyweight & electrolytes! . Increase antioxidants through diet & supplementation. Lots of green vegetables, berries & green tea is great! Adding a greens powder & vitamin C would definitely help those exposed to chemicals or starting their training & fat loss journey! . Increase fibre through loads of vegetables, nuts & seeds. Adding a quality fibre supplement can really help cleanse the colon, improve regularity & remove built up toxins in the colon. . #fatlossjourney #detoxification #antioxidants #vegetables #hydration #guthealthmatters #nutritioniskey See more

21.01.2022 What I like about this training is that it’s 100% Bang for buck and while utilises awkward uneven loads placing great stress on the core stabilisers and forces the individual to think and adjust technique in the moment due to the unpredictable loads. Any tactical force personnel and rugby player would benefit from this. Remember performing at high levels while under extreme fatigue is what will ultimately take you to the next level! - Check out this routine I took rugby fo...rward Hayden through today! - This was with a 20kg weighted vest and a 40kg sand bag! Believe me this is much harder than it looked! This training demands not only real world functional strength but a high level of conditioning along side it! - A1) Weighted vest shuttle run into a Push-Up to Clean & Press for 5 Reps. B1) Weighted Vest Zercher Sand Bag Hill sprint to 10x Bent over rows, 10x Push-Ups all done for speed reps!!! Finishing with downhill Zercher Carry! #coachcreek89 #tacticaltraining #ironedge #rugbyconditioning #military #policeconditioning #firefightertraining #perthtfam #isotraining #coronatraining

21.01.2022 Here’s 6 Tips to GUARANTEE you a successful start back lifting tin & pumping iron! 1) If you had a break from lifting weights during covid then perhaps look at starting back with full body workouts maybe a good idea so that you aren’t too sore the following day & can maintain training frequency so you can actually progress at a faster rate. . 2) Get a feel for your working weights by doing atleast 1-3 warm ups sets and building the weight each set. Be realistic not optimis...tic, regressing your weight selection back short term will help you make increases every workout & teach your body success & settting you up nicely for PB’s in the months to come. . 3) Select weights & stop your reps short at least 2-3 Reps from reaching technical failure & muscular. . 4) Don’t do this: set 1: 80kg x 10 , set 2: 75kg x 10, 70kg x 10, 70kg x7. . Do this: 70kg x 10, 72.5kg x 10, 75kg x 10, 77.5kg x 8-10 Reps. . 5) Reduce your training volume by taking 1 set off each exercise on the program you were doing before covid. Be patient you will recover faster this way by increasing training volume a little each week. . 6) As a general rule you should feel confident leaving the gym like you can A) lift more weight in your next session or B) like you could have performed another 2-3 more reps more of you really had to. #covidcomeback #perthfitfam #trainsmart #backlifting #pumpingiron #strengthandconditioning #rugbytraining #afltraining #mmatraining #strengthisnotonlyformen #strengthtrainingforwomen

20.01.2022 Read full article here: #deadlift #powerlifting #covid19training #deadlifttechnique #strengthcoach #perthstrengthandconditioning #athleticdevelopment

19.01.2022 NOW is your opportunity to check out & train in Perth’s Best Gym!!! Comment below if you would like a tour & free trial!!!

17.01.2022 Struggle with low back stiffness? Or tight hamstrings & glutes? . Try adding Jefferson Curls into your warm-ups! Perform 2-3 sets of 4 Reps with a 8363 Tempo as shown. . Mobilise your spine with added weight that is enough to give a great stretch without guarding or resisting the weight! Generally beginners or smaller trainees use 8-16kg while those bigger or stronger can use somewhere between 16-30kg is ideal. Think about rolling down one vertebrae at a time while rela...xing & breathing throughout! . Much more functional way to stretch & gain more range of motion to protect against injury & prepare for lifting heavy. Especially those who lift regularly as static stretching isn’t always the best option. . #jeffersoncurls #mobility #injuryprevention #lowbackpainrelief #trainsmarter See more

16.01.2022 Attention Men over 30+ . Here’s what you must know to Boost your Testosterone & Performance: . It’s important to remember humans have two primal functions: ... Reproduction!!! & Survival!!! . When the body is in a stressed state your body prioritises survival by releasing high amounts of cortisol to give you energy to stay alive. Think back to caveman times when being chased by a lion high amounts of stress hormones are released in order to run to fight & therefore keep you alive. These days stressors tend to be not as extreme however longer lasting i.e. financial stress, work deadlines, shift work or long work hours, relationships etc. How is this relevant? . Well the same raw material used to produce testosterone is also used to produce the stress hormone cortisol. Think of this as a seasaw!, if your stress levels are consistently high & sleep quality is poor then testosterone will be low. But if stress levels are healthy and managed through good sleep, optimal strength training program (Yes the right program will actually boost your test!), if your nutritional & recovery needs are met & then your Testosterone can be high & cortisol at healthy levels. . A study in 2011 by Rachel Leproult, PhD & Eve Van Cauter, PhD took 10 healthy men with an average age of 24 years and restricted their sleep to 5 hours per night for 1 week. The results were a 10 to 15% decrease in testosterone levels. This should be concerning as this was a very short time of sleep restriction in young healthy men so for those of you who don’t value your sleep and want maximal results from your training, career, lifestyle & longevity you may need adjust your lifestyle & habits. . #boosttestosterone #Testosterone #sleep #recovery #menshealth #strength #performance #beastmode #perthstrengthcoach #strengthandconditioning See more

16.01.2022 What are the benefits of Neck Training??? . Protect Against neck injuries & concussions! Any contact sport, martial art & mma should incorporate some form of neck training! . Neck posture is now more important than ever with the increase use of electronic devices & forward head posture (aka tech neck). ... . Super charge your compound lifts: Training the neck extensors before performing sets of pressing or pulling exercises can directly improve neural output to the upper body & in instantly increasing pressing & pulling strength! . Above is an example of a neck bridge on the Swiss ball with you can perform from anywhere from 10 to 30sec staggered in between your sets of your A series upper body compound lifts. . #necktraining #strength&conditioning #mma #boxing #muaythai #rugby #rugbyleague #perthstrengthcoach See more

15.01.2022 If your an Athlete that wants to develop more transferable explosive power to your sport or you’d like to get stronger & be more explosive improving your main lifts then utilising accomodating resistance into your training is a game changer! . Accommodation causes your performance to stagnate or decrease. Zatsiorsky stated that the response of a biological object to a given constant stimulus decreases over time (L.Simmons, 2007). . When we perform exercises with an strength curve this means the most resistance or hardest portion is at the bottom of each rep, as you lift towards the top position resistance decreases therefore becomes easier to lock out the top position. These exercises include squats, pressing exercises & deadlifts! . Now by adding bands or chains to the barbell known as accomodating resistance this completely changes the strength curve of the exercise to maximise muscular tension progressively throughout the entire range of motion. The highest amount of resistance is now in the top position or lockout position of the lift. Remember with straight weight the lockout is where you are strongest and trainees often slow down as the near this point. . Accomodating resistance became popularised by a great strength Coach Louie Simmons of West Side Barbell which is one of the most successful powerlifting gyms in the world with many athletes breaking world records using this method of training over the years. . So why add bands or chains? How do they help you? . -Neurological adaptations are gained building greater explosive strength! As well as increasing your rate of force production!! A fancy phrase which forces the lifter to focus harder on accelerating & being more explosive throughout the entire range of motion! This means a more explosive athlete on the field/arena (remember the fastest athletes from 0-10metres generally are paid the most). Faster bar speed and greater ability to drive through your sticky points of your lifts for the strength athletes/powerlifters... continued in comments below . References: Built To The Hilt By Josh Bryant West Side Book Of Methods By Louie Simmons. See more

15.01.2022 3 key tips to improve your DB Chest Press: . Use full range of motion by lowering the weight all the way into the stretched position! Not only will this help your chest grow but also maintain healthy posture & shoulders. Remember you will only gain strength in the range that you train so even when training heavy lower two work maintain your range of motion. . Semi supinate the DB’s as you lower the weight as shown. This helps you to gain more range & stretch in the botto...m position while reducing stress & uneccessary pain in the anterior delts (front of the shoulder). . You cannot fire a cannon out of a canoe Create more stability around the shoulder & scapular by pulling your shoulder blades down hard into your back pockets also think about pinching your shoulder blades together as well as downwards. Lastly push your chest out! This all helps create a tight upper back allowing you to lift more weight while protecting yourself from injury long term. . Video credit: CJ Mortimer Gym: The best in Perth Shredded Health & Performance. . #chestday #Benchpresstips #DBbenchpress #internationalchestday #perthstrengthcoach #strengthtips #trainingtips #liftingtecnique #perthfitfam #biggerfasterstronger #rugby #allblacks See more

14.01.2022 Missing the gym??? With some restrictions lifted we have the unique ability at Shredded for you to get in and do a proper gym training session for as little as... $20. Casuals are welcome (you do not have to be a member). See the timetable for more information. Orange timeslots are for a GYM CLASS and yellow timeslots are for training with your Shredded Coach or if you have a Shredded program. For more information, read below!! We're excited to get back to it while still following all the Covid Safety guidelines and are committed to going above and beyond to ensuring your health is our priority! Bookings are essential to ensure we adhere to the 20 person limit. Any questions, send us a message!! :-) *********************************************************** STAGE ONE COMEBACK. WE ARE SO EXCITED, IT’S TIME TO TRAIN! The Covid situation has created a time we will never forget but stage one of the return to normality has started and we are excited to let you know how and when we are open. We hope that you’ve been following along with us with the workouts we have been posting in the private FB page and on YouTube while having a bit of a laugh at the same time. Virtual and home training is good, but nothing beats the gym and community we have at Shredded and we can’t wait to see you all again. It’s time to stop maintaining and start regaining those results you were getting before we had to close. We want to help you start achieving that goal again of being in the best shape of your life! We are here for you to have long term success at Shredded which is why we have been working on a great way to get back in the gym again next week while still abiding by all the health and safety rules put in place, as well as respecting social distancing and prioritising the health and safety of everyone at Shredded. Sessions will now be booked per hour via the Mindbody App and open to anyone who wishes to train either with their coach or under the guidance of Marty or Kelly in a group class style setting. Numbers in the gym are limited to 20 participants as per strict Covid regulations so book your session quick so as to not miss out on the time slot that suits you best. We have zoned the gym to ensure maximal social distancing and prevent sharing of equipment. We then wipe down all equipment and rotate every 15 minutes to allow a turn in each zone. Please note, all memberships are still on hold and it will be a pay as you go until restrictions are fully lifted. Sessions are as follows: (Also please see attached timetable) $20 per session at peak times (6am to 7am & 6pm to 7pm) These times will be supervised by Marty or Kelly to ensure you get a great session. This time can also be booked as an entry fee if you wish to do a 1on1 session with your Shredded Coach. $10 entry fee per session all other times we are open for clients who would like to book a session for 1on1 Personal Training. (please see app / attached photo for details) Please chat to your Shredded Coach if you would like to book in or contact us and we can put you with a Coach that can help you achieve your goals. You can contact us by emailing [email protected] if you require any more information on getting started again at Shredded again. This a temporary set up and a start in the right direction. In time we hope the ease on restrictions will continue even further and we can open the gym up properly in the not too distant future. We can wait to see you again!! Kelly, Marty and everyone at TeamShredded.

13.01.2022 Its okay to be out of shape! It’s okay to not be at your best physically & mentally! What’s not okay is waiting & hoping something will change! Or waiting for the perfect time! ... Imagine yourself 12 weeks from now feeling stronger, powerful, more athletic, more confident & proud of you feel & look physically! 1 on 1 Coaching Specialist @shreddedhp. #strengthandconditioning #athletic #bodycomposition #perthtfam #perthpt

08.01.2022 Coach Creek 1on1 Sessions at Shredded HP are back !!!! - As of Monday the 25th! You can book a full hour with me to help kickstart yourself with training again with more free weights & equipment to utilise!!! - Times are limited so first in first served!!!... - Please private message for available time slots.... . - Look forward to seeing you soon! - Coach Creek . @ Shredded Health & Performance See more

06.01.2022 BB Side Russian Step-Ups! . Why choose this exercise: Maybe your Squat has plateaued or you have had knee or ankle injuries or if your wanting to protect your Lower body in combat/contact sports these are great. .... Really challenges & builds stability in the ankle, knee & hip protecting you from injury. . Balances out strength & stability between the left & right leg! You are only as strong as your weakest limb. . Improves co-ordination & firing patterns especially the VMO & Glutes. Note: the knee lift really engages the opposite glute to contract & fire! . I recommend using these as your first lift for novice lifters or those in rehab. Or for more advanced lifters this is great as a warm-up before squating or after your main lift. Start with an empty bar and gradually add weight as you gain more stability. . Remember you must lock out the elevated leg & contract your VMO & Glute at the top to get the most benefit & to help prevent yourself from falling over & looking like a spastic! . #strengthtraining #strengthandstabilitytraining #injuryprevention #rehab #aclrehab #trainingforsports #perthfitfam #perthstrengthcoach

05.01.2022 Coach Creeks 6 Quarantine Lifestyle Hacks You Need To Know: - 1. Routine: Keep your regular wake up sleep times consistent! Organise your day so you can use this time to be productive. What time you will train?, go for a walk?, FaceTime family etc. - 2. Structure your Training: Train with what you have available! Think about what you will train each day I.e. Full body workouts 4-5 x per week with 1-2 x interval sessions or steady state walks etc for recovery. You may then pro...Continue reading

05.01.2022 Here’s a bang for you’re buck Deadlift variation guaranteed to pack on functional muscle mass with great carry over to powerlifting & strength/contact sports: Exercise: BB Snatch Grip Deadlift with 3 Second ISO holds below & above the knee. The increased time under tension will develop your upper back & legs like nothing else while helping you become more anabolic & more body fat . ... Great for athletes & sports! Great option for home gyms as you do not need as much weight!! Great for off season strength athletes, powerlifters, sports, technique & positioning! #trainingathome #strengthtraining #snatchgripdeadlift #functionalmuscle #perthtfam #strengthtrainingforfatloss #biggerfasterstronger #strongertogether

05.01.2022 10 Sleep Hacks you can use right now: . 1. Sleep in a bat cave!!! Make your bedroom pitch black & cool temperature ideally between 18-21 Degrees. Tape red lights on t.v.s alarm clock etc. This Increases the melatonin produced by the pineal gland in the brain!!! A Sleep mask can very very effective aswell. 2. Wake up and go to bed at same times EVERY day including the weekends!!! This consistency helps regulate quality sleep!... . 3. Identify stressors & Practice Gratitude: Seek support! proffessional help if need be! Remember You are your thoughts change your thought patterns and use positive affirmations each morning. Practice gratitude & shift your perspective in life before bed by writing three things you were grateful for that day. . 4. Regulate your Circadian Rhythm by exposing yourself to outdoor sunlight early in the day! This works by telling the body at a cellular level what time of day it is while also spiking cortisol to give you more energy while blocking melatonin production in the pineal gland early in the day. . 5. Use blue light filters on electronic devices such as F.lux / sleep Q app, apple devices also have Red light option for night time & early morning. Blue LED Lights are actually twice as harmful for blocking melatonin (which we need higher to promote sleep) and negatively affecting your sleep. Red and yellow light is best if you can switch to these at home & in the workplace can make a big difference. . 6. Nasal breathing to a tempo helps lower your heart rate & stimulate the pararsympathtic nervous system which is responsible for relaxing & digestion. Inhale then exhale double the time In for 3 out for 6. Or 4 seconds in 1 sec hold 4 seconds out 1 second pause . There are many variations but choose one that is easy for you & works the best for you. . 7. Magnesium salts Baths 1hour before bed are very good for inducing sleep & improving deep sleep by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system relaxing your body from a stressful day while absorbing magnesium from the salts which your skin absorbs very well even better than oral magnesium. Also you body has to cool itself down afterwards which really helps induce sleep. . 8. Inflammatory foods cause sleep apnea & snoring like gluten/wheat. cut out sugar & caffeine before bed as you want stable blood sugars. . 9. Caffeine has half life of 5.7 hours so try to drink it before 10am. It also blocks adenosine that makes you sleepy so for many too much caffeine & coffee especially later in the day can really ruin your sleep. Note: A good quality Buffered Vitamin C helps to flush caffiene out of your system! . 10. Avoid drinking alcohol 1 hour before bed! It may help induce sleep but youl miss out on deep REM sleep which is very restorative!! Ideally have your drink earlier in the evening. See more

04.01.2022 Optimising Testosterone & Performance: . Humans have two primal functions: Reproduction!!! & SURVIVAL!!! . When the body is in a stressed state your body prioritises survival by releasing high amounts of cortisol to give you energy to stay alive. Think back to caveman times when being chased by a lion high amounts of stress hormones are released in order to run or fight & therefore keep you alive. These days stressors tend to be not as extreme however longer i.e. financial stress, work deadlines, shift work or long work hours. How is this relevant? Well the same raw material used to produce testosterone is also used to produce the stress hormone cortisol. Think of this as a seasaw, if your stress levels are consistently high then testosterone will be low. But if stress levels are healthy and managed through good sleep, optimal strength training, nutrition & lifestyle then Testosterone can be high! . A study in 2011 by Rachel Leproult, PhD & Eve Van Cauter, PhD took 10 healthy men with an average age of 24 years and restricted their sleep to 5 hours per night for 1 week. The results were a 10 to 15% decrease in testosterone levels. This should be concerning as this was a very short time of sleep restriction in young healthy men so for those of you who don’t value your sleep and want maximal results from your training, career, lifestyle & longevity you may need adjust your lifestyle & habits. . #testosterone #menshealth #leanmuscle #coachcreek #boosttestosteronenaturally #perthpt #perthfitness See more

04.01.2022 3 Reasons why should you be prioritise quality sleep!? . 1. Research has shown that sleep deprivation & poor quality sleep are a predictor to obesity in children & adults. Some of the reasons for this include the disruption of the hunger & appetite hormones grehlin & leptin. This means that after a poor nights sleep your hunger & appetite increase resulting in eating more calories than if you slept well. Also your body becomes more insulin resistance (insulin is a storage ho...rmone) meaning you do not tolerate carbohydrates as well and are more likely to store as body fat! . 2. Getting improved quality of sleep will optimize every metabolic process in the body including optimizing your growth hormone (which is great for healing, growth, anti ageing & fat burning) testosterone production (think more muscle, less body fat & feeling unstoppable) improves insulin sensitivity (managing blood sugars better & reducing fat storage), decreases inflammation, and promotes better recovery. Unhealthy sleep and sleep deprivation are linked to a lot of health problems, including heart disease, depression, brain damage, poor memory, learning ability and lower life expectancy. . 3. Researchers have found that the hours between 10pm & 2am are most important for receiving restorative sleep! This is when your body receives the most benefits from sleep!. . #sleepmatters #recovery #testosterone #strength #bodybuilding #bodycomposition #perthstrengthcoach #healthandperformance See more

03.01.2022 3 Affordable & Highly Underated Ways You Can Speed Up Recovery & Improve Performance: . Infrared Sauna’s These are great tool for pulling out toxins & stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system. Which helps you to relax, digest food & sleep! Saunas also increase blood flow & circulation to muscles while helping to flush the lymphatic system! Expect an amazing nights sleep following a sauna. Remember infrared is best! .... Epsom salts baths We absorb magnesium salts through the skin very well even better than taking oral magnesium. Increasing magnesium helps the contraction & relaxation of muscles while reducing the chance of cramps & restless leg syndrome. Magnesium salt baths also are very effective at improving a deep restorative sleep & again stimulates your parasympathetic nervous system. . Naps Finding 20-40mins in your day to for a power nap can make a big difference to your recovery & energy levels! This can be hard for busy people but could possibly make you more productive of done properly. Arnold Schwarzenegger was a big proponent of napping for building what still is today incredible physique! The ideal times to power nap are between 10am & 3pm to avoid disrupting your regular sleep! You can even drink a coffee directly before the nap so by the time you wake up the caffeine has kicked in & you are full of energy! . #recoverymethods #perthstrengthcoach #athletesrecovery #recoverharderthanyoutrain #perthtfam See more

02.01.2022 Heres what you need to know while training from home: - If your goal is to just simply exercise for general health & wellbeing or you are starting out then using random free workouts without any concrete plan or structure may be fine to start with. However if you are more serious and want to maximise your results while training from home and you have a specific goal whether it be to drop 5% body fat or gaining 5kg of lean mass while getting that 200kg deadlift! Then you m...ust have a plan and implement a periodised training program that forces your body to adapt & progressively overloads your nervous system & muscles over time, while allowing for optimal recovery which is very individual. - Here’s a quick Top 5 checklist to see how your current training regime stacks up! - 1. Prioritising bang for buck exercises: Most of you have minimal equipment therefore you want to prioritise your compound exercises early in your workouts while finishing with your isolation exercises for example starting with variations of squats, pressing & pulls first before moving to your bicep curls or triceps extensions! - 2. Recovery times between muscle groups what training splits are you using? What training split is best for you and this may change overtime as you become stronger & more advanced! - 3. The SAID Principle: Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demand! Know your goal and program accordingly! Beware of becoming a jack of all trades but a master of none! - 4. The volume, intensity & frequency training principle: Only 1-2 of these should be high at any one time! If all three are too high you will increase your chances of burning out, becoming sick or getting injured! - 5. Periodisation of your training over time: This again is highly individual & dependant on your goal! However planning periods of higher volume & rep work improves work capacity therefore your ability to recovery faster and tolerate more sets! While periods focusing on lower rep higher intensity training will lead to greater neural strength gains therefore allowing you to lift a heavier weight for the same number of reps! #coachcreekonlinetraining

01.01.2022 Progress Report with @adambaker027: Extremely proud and grateful of Adams work ethic and his commitment to executing his training & nutrition programmes! After sitting down and assessing where he was at during his initial consultation the focus was on A getting him as healthy as possible & while making steady progress ensuring he was recovery from training. B ensuring his approach was sustainable with the bigger picture in mind as opposed to short term rapid progress which often short lived in most cases. Consistent & steady does win the race as his training & nutrition has been very sustainable with his current calories at a healthy level & his strength in the gym has been impressive squating 140kg’s for 13 Reps just last week. . Posted @adambaker027: How things can change... Glandular fever rocked me back in November and I was unable to do any weight or cardio training for 3 months. Not something I have ever had to experience before. Gained a lot of fat and lost a lot of muscle I had worked to hard to get. Definitely made me appreciate lots of things more and made me more conscious of my choices. Determined to get myself back on track and with the help of @coachcreek89 @shreddedhp , I’ve been able to get back and feel better than ever. Enjoying the journey and constantly striving toward that mountain top. My time will come . . #goals #transformation See more

01.01.2022 Mindset Matters: . One great day of eating isnt going to get you lean just like one day of poor eating isn’t going to make you fat! You are the average over the week, month & that year! Its important to have fun foods here & there and remember progress to your end goal is never linear there will be ups & downs along the way testing your resilience. . Getting results means that sometimes you have to get yourself to the gym and train even though you don’t feel like it! You h...ave to eat your prepped meal even though you would like to eat out! You have to cut back to 3x alcohol drinks per week instead of 10+. This is practising the art of discipline vs temporary motivation. In saying this you should be enjoying the process along the way because you feel great & enjoy seeing the progress along the way! . Are your expectations or goals congruent with the effort or plan you are following!? It’s important to be realistic and that means your journey to the top of the mountain may take a little longer depending on your lifestyle & daily stressors but that is okay as long as you are making progress in the right direction! Be aware not to compare yourself to others, stay on course to your game plan! . #goals #coachcreek #winningmindset #mentaltoughness #perthstrengthcoach #resiliance #winninghabits #shreddedhealthandperformance #perthtfam See more

01.01.2022 Here’s my workout of the week -Full Body Power/Dynamic Session: -Goal: Speed Strength & Explosive Power... Note: If your goal is fat loss or building muscle simply reduce rest periods to 60-90sec add more reps and slow the tempo down while keeping tension on the target muscles to increase time under tension for fat loss & lean mass gains! A1) Plyometric Push-Ups with Feet & Hand Clap! A2) Sand Bag Pendley Rows -5 sets of 5 reps on each with 120sec Rest B1) Sand Bag Clean & Press 5 x 5 with 90 sec Rest. C1) Dead Ball Over Shoulder 3 x 6 with 120 sec Rest. (Note: This exercise was the hardest by far with the 65kg Dead ball hence why the rest a little longer, if you have a lighter ball then reduce the rest to 60-90 sec). The key to this session is to use CAT (Compensatory Acceleration Training) = Moving these submaximal loads as fast & explosively as possible while maintaining control & lifting technique! You should finish this session feeling better than you started!! Remember mental health & physical become before anything else!

01.01.2022 Transformation Tuesday Featuring @toddhoyle1 . Big shout out to Todd Hoyle who has been training with me over the last 12 weeks losing over 7% body fat & gaining over 4 kg’s of lean mass! . Todd’s goal was to get in the best shape possible for his birthday last weekend! While also getting stronger & more athletic as a top goal keeper in next seasons Perth Premier Grade Soccer Competition! I could not be any happier with his focus & commitment to getting in the best shape... he has ever been in! While rehabing some injuries and making huge inroads with his strength & conditioning along the way! . Todd’s nutrition was adjusted every two weeks following skinfolds measurements while his training programs were periodised in 4 week blocks for maximum results! . Special mention to @kellyshreddedhp & @coachmartywilliams for coaching the shred & beast group classes every weekend which Todd attended almost every class over the last 6 weeks maximising his results & accountability on the weekends! . If you are stuck in a rut & need help with your training in any way please feel free to comment below or direct message me........ . Cheers Chris! See more

01.01.2022 3 Hacks to get jacked..... . Hit your protein requirements: as a rule of thumb this should be 2.0-3.0 grams of protein per kilo of body mass assuming your less than <20% Body fat. I.e. 80kg x 2.0g = 160grams of protein per day or roughly 730g of meat spread throughout each day. Remember carbohydrates are protein sparring so if your increasing carbs you can keep protein a little lower. Also spreading your protein evenly over the day is superior to fewer but larger protein in...takes. . Increase your natural Testosterone by making sure you make sleep a priority >8hours or more. As your training volume increases so too should your sleep! Side Note: Do you wake up in the morning pitching a tent? This is a indicator of healthy Testosterone. . Training Frequency: Ditch the Bro Splits! (5day Splits). Research shows that the longer you have been resistance training i.e. 2 years or more, the quicker your body will recover from workouts! This means training muscle groups 2-3 times per week will give you more stimulus for growth. At least 48 hours recovery between training muscle groups is ideal. If you want more gains naturally this means you must take advantage of more frequent workouts. Side Note: this may mean scaling back the number of sets you perform during that workout. . #hackstogetjacked #coachcreek89 #strengthcoach #biggerfasterstronger #perthfitfam #testosterone #jackedandtanned # See more

01.01.2022 Mindset Matters . . One of the most basic beliefs we hold about ourselves is what we believe or inhabit to be our ability & behavior. According to Psychologist Dr Carol Dweck, there are two types of mindsets which we hold about ourselves that can determine our success (Dweck, 2007). .... . A fixed mindset which can be characterized by: -Avoiding challenges -Giving up easily -Seeing effort as fruitless -Ignoring useful criticism -Feeling threatened by the success of others. . . A Growth mindset which can be characterized by: -Embracing new challenges -Persisting even with set backs -Effort as a path to mastery -Learning from useful criticism -Finds lessons & inspiration in the success of others. . . Our mindset will sit on a continuum between a fixed or a growth. We may like to think that we all have a growth mindset but the reality is we are likely to have elements of a fixed mindset. It has been shown in studies that we have the ability to adopt more of a growth mindset and I encourage you to become more aware of these traits while reflecting on feedback and strategies on how to improve in the future (Dweck, 2007). . . Reference: Dweck, C. S. (2007). Mindset: The New Psychology Of Success. New York: Ballantine Books. . . #mindsetmatters #mindestmonday #perthstrengthcoach #strongerthanyesterday #motivationmonday #perthtfam See more

01.01.2022 My best nutrition tip: . If I could only give you one thing to improve your nutrition, improve performance & help you burn more body fat , it would be to start your day with a quality protein source , fat source & of course veges/greens . . Here’s why:... . Your satiety & blood sugars will be greatly improved & Youl be far less likely to crave sugar & snacks that take your calories into a surplus thus storing excess body fat. While your energy levels will be much more stable. . Favourable lean mass & strength gains! Most people under eat protein and miss out on gaining lean muscle mass, remember protein is used to help liver detoxification, grow & repair skin, hair, nails, build a healthy immune system. And lastly build more muscle. . Optimise your brain health. A lot of Nutrients for your brain are found in red meats, eggs, salmon & nuts. The more nutrients for your brain the better you will perform in the gym & at work, Youl feel more driven & alert while making better choices during the day. . Scroll across time see different options for breakfast including steak, omelettes, Salmon & Smoothies (with plant protein powder) for those who struggle to eat breakfast or want a break from meat/eggs. . #breakfast #proteinandfatbreakfast #nutrition #bodycomposition #performance #brainhealth #brainfood #perthfitfam #bodybuilding #shreddedhp See more

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