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to load big map

Daniel Chapelle

Phone: +61 400 793 259


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to load big map

25.01.2022 It’s been a hot minute since I’ve programmed some single arm bench rows. Performing sets of 15 with the 50s. I look forward to progressing these. Adding a dead stop at the beginning of each rep ensures I start in a stretched position. It also permits greater explosiveness from the floor to overcome the DBs inertia.

24.01.2022 Can confirm I was thinkin’ about schnackss.

23.01.2022 With a few niggles creeping in I’m not far off running a deload week. A strategic drop in volume & intensity to allow for adequate recovery & to rebound in performance from the improvements made in previous weeks. I’m not one to implement a deload at the end of every program. I prescribe as required meaning in some cases it may be in the middle of a planned block.... This may ring some alarm bells to coaches & trainers who prescribe a deload at the end of every program. My reasoning for this is because not every program runs as smoothly as you anticipate. External life stressors can present to throw your planned progression out the window. In contrast, it’s also possible to finish a program & report good recoverability, in which case a deload is not required before initiation of the next block. Tracking weekly biofeedback markers such as energy, stress, hunger, mood etc. ensures greater attentiveness to the red flags associated with fatigue to then prescribe a deload strategically.

23.01.2022 Hip thrust volume PB. 5x5 @ 290kg with an added pause at the end. Went into today’s session with 300kg+ in my mind but unfortunately ran out of room on the bar so I opted for more sets instead.... Managed to find the perfect box height so they’ve felt pretty neat. Crazy to think a while back I would have struggled to hit 1 rep of these. Fast forward a couple years & I’m hitting 25 reps in total with the same weight. A win for progressive overload.

22.01.2022 With the inclusion of snatch grip Romanian deadlifts in my programming I received some questions regarding how to find your grip width. As a general rule of thumb: 1) Stand tall with the barbell 2) Hinge forward & place the barbell in the crease of the hips... 3) Straighten both arms out & stand tall Generally the bar should be positioned close to the public bone which is situated above the groin & below the ASIS (anterior superior iliac spine). Like any prescribed exercise, content is king with individual consideration to limb length, mobility/flexibility, comfort & strength to name a few. With a full snatch you’d also need to consider head clearance.

22.01.2022 Throwing around some tin on a Saturday for my third upper workout of the week. With the theme being shoulders & arms, I tend to think of this as more of an accessory day. Overhead DB single arm tricep ext 10 @ 20kg

22.01.2022 RISK vs REWARD Getting lean is no easy feat. Our bodies fight weight loss by adapting our metabolism & changing our mindset towards food. We often sacrifice social outings to maintain focus towards the plan which in term affects the relationships with those around us.... Low energy availability, potential micronutrient deficiencies, reduced energy & performance, food focusing, increased emotional stress, low libido & in some cases a loss of the menstrual cycle in women. These are some of the changes that occur when getting very lean, all of which stem from a state of low energy availability. In bodybuilders obtaining a stage lean physique, efforts towards dieting is usually a 25-30 week timeline. Once the season is over the diet is reversed to return body fat levels back within a desirable range in order to restore homeostasis & some of the changes listed above. As I coach others improve their physique, performance & health, I’m often asked how much weight should I lose? When answering this I like to refer to Goldilocks Principle. That we operate best within certain margins as opposed to crossing either extremes. Not too lean, not too over weight. That there is a desirable level of body fat in which we feel our best, perform our best & feel most confident in our appearance.

19.01.2022 I’ve never been the strongest at squatting but I’ve always prided myself on hitting adequate depth on every rep. - By definition, you’re not applying the principle of progressive overload if your depth is decreasing as you increase the load. - With a high bar position, for me that means the hamstrings touch the calves. No questionable depth. Ass to grass, or balls to the floor to put it eloquently.... - There’s something about a high bar squat that when performed well looks so smooth. I’ve always admired the way olympic lifters squat. - That being said, variables such as bar position, stance width & depth can be interchanged & applied as any tool in the toolbox. - From a biomechanics stand point, your hip architecture, lever length, shoulder/hip/ankle mobility & even the height of your foot arch can play a role in your ability to squat deep. - Modifying these variables can also create a movement pattern that’s more transferable to your desired sport/goal. It also alters the muscles loaded to target specific tissues in favour of hypertrophy. - Filming yourself squatting, as well as having a second set of eyes to assess your positioning can be greatly beneficial to identify flaws & develop strategies to improve your movement execution. - P.S Upon filming this I realised I grabbed the wrong pair of shorts. Sorry @virginactiveaustralia won’t happen again. See more

18.01.2022 Some posing practice to finish off today’s upper workout. I’m currently hovering at 96kgs which is in close proximity to what I weighed last year. The difference being I’m certainly leaner & more muscular than when I began prep a year ago. In the midst of the your training journey progress may seem slow, monotonous & underwhelming. It’s not until you reflect upon your past self that you’re able to identify the substantial progress you’ve made.

18.01.2022 More money deposited into the physique account. BB paused bench press 4 sets - 6/6/4/4 120/130/130/140kg... Thanks for the spot @zacharybrennan_tst

18.01.2022 Dream chasing.

16.01.2022 My incredible client @tj_mac_g made this montage celebrating our time training together. This is what coaching is all about. The amazing friendships you make along the way. It’s been a pleasure T.

16.01.2022 Friends that train together, gain together.

15.01.2022 Day for it! Managed to hit a session with the lads. @ World Gym Coomera

15.01.2022 A lack of hamstring mind-muscle connection coupled with lower back discomfort are often common difficulties when performing the lying leg curl. More than not this is due to poor lumbosacral control, which can be observed by the hips lifting off the bench during the concentric phase of the movement. The cues to prevent this is to push your junk into the bench & maintain tension throughout the glutes.... Both of these cues aim to prevent unnecessary anterior pelvic tilt & a subsequent lifting of the hips to better direct tension into the hamstrings.

15.01.2022 Can’t stop, won’t stop.

15.01.2022 My goal with every set is to make my last rep look the same as my first with no break down in movement quality. To move with purpose & train with intent. It’s this attention to detail that’s kept me relatively injury free, but it wasn’t always that way. I’ve done my fair share of dumb shit.... I remember jumping on the Smolov Junior bench program that requires you bench 5 days/week with a crazy amount of volume. I had a couple of training years under my belt, but at that time I was only pressing heavy once per week. Thinking back to this makes me cringe. Accruing more training years means refining your craft & learning how to train smarter not just harder. That true mastery comes from years of being a student. That said, I’ll probably reflect upon now in 10 years time & think I was doing dumb shit.

14.01.2022 Go the extra mile, it’s never crowded. Progressing your physique or performance requires a greater effort investment than most are willing to give. Higher intensities with your training, improved sleep hygiene, greater planning/tracking of your nutrition & above all stress management through practicing mindfulness.... When someone says they’ve plateaued in their training often the first thing to receive criticism is their programming. As much as it’s important to rotate exercise selection for it’s diminishing returns, one can see that there are considerably more variables that interplay & can be deconstructed to identify areas of improvement. With a new week around the corner, what areas are you going to improve upon to ensure ongoing progression?

14.01.2022 Offseason status: Loves a schnack.

14.01.2022 Another upper body day ticked off. This program block has a greater emphasis towards back development. Currently running a 5-day split with 2x lower, 2x upper & a full body day. 3x12

13.01.2022 A nice volume PB from yesterday’s upper workout. DB flat bench press 4x8@55kg

13.01.2022 Let’s talk tempo. - Referring to the speed of a repetition & is displayed in a program as a series of numbers e.g - E.g BB back squats... 3 - Eccentric (downwards) 1 - Pause (bottom) 1 - Concentric (upwards) 2 - Pause (reset@top) - More often than not when asked by clients how fast to perform their repetitions I use the following statement. - Slow enough to control the movement, fast enough to complete the desired reps. - Deliberately exaggerating tempo comes at a sacrifice to load, due to an increase in time under tension (TUT) & is therefore unfavourable if your primary goal is force output & strength. - With that being said, utilising tempo as a training variable is just another tool in the toolkit & when programmed appropriately can provide unique benefits. - Some of which include learning a new movement, improving positional awareness, sequencing a movement correctly, providing a means to progressively overload when limited with weight & as a strategy to decrease load in movements that may be problematic from a rehabilitation standpoint. - Here I’m using slow eccentric & paused BB back squats to focus on a stable foot position (3-point contact with the heel, little toe, big toe). - 4 sets - 10/10/8/8 110/110/120/120kg See more

11.01.2022 #tbt @brandonkempter looking forward to making this look ordinary!

10.01.2022 DB bench press making an appearance back into this program block. 3 sets 10 @ 50kg 9 @ 55kg... 10 @ 50kg Was aiming for 10 with the 55kg but mis-grooved the last rep. Zzzz Aiming for 10 @ 60kg before Christmas which means I’ve got less than 2 weeks to make this happen. Legggooo

09.01.2022 Out here making shapes. Saturday sessions are always fun as it’s a mix of upper & lower with a greater volume allocation for the delts. Seated DB side raises... 3x15 @ 20/20/22.5kg See more

09.01.2022 Let’s talk Maintenance Calories. This is another slide taken from the Nutrition Fundamentals lecture available soon for online coaching clients. Maintenance calories refers to the amount of calories required to maintain your current body weight.... The reason this number is not static is because everyday is different with fluctuations in energy expended from NEAT, PA & BMR. NEAT = Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis PA = Physical Activity BMR = Basal Metabolic Rate Additionally, each macronutrient (protein, carbs & fats) have a different thermal effect which refers to the amount of calories required to break down these macronutrients through digestion. Even with calories equated, varying your daily intake of protein, carbs & fats will slightly alter your daily energy expenditure & contribute to this maintenance range. Small adjustments to calories within this range therefore may no yield a change in your weight. For example, you may still maintain your current body weight even if you made a 50kcal daily deficit. This however doesn’t mean that large adjustments to your calorie intake is required to see changes to your body weight. Another small adjustment may be required to tip you past the lower end of your maintenance range into further weight loss. In the realm of bodybuilding, controlling for as many variables as possible is important to ensure similarities in daily energy intake & expenditure, to therefore best predict the rate of change required to be ready for the stage.

08.01.2022 What started off as a mediocre session (reduced mental readiness & yesterdays food indulgence) finished on a positive note with a PB for snatch grip RDL’s. 3 sets 8/8/9 @ 140/150/160kg... Hope everyone enjoyed their Xmas.

07.01.2022 What is the SAID Principle? Specific Adaptations to Imposed... Demands An acronym used to describe one of the most important & foundational concepts in sports science. To put it simply, your body will adapt to it’s stressors through various mechanisms to better withstand stress of a similar nature. Here are two examples of this concept. Wolff’s Law: States that bone will remodel from the loads under which it is placed. Davis’s Law - States that soft tissue will adapt from it’s mechanical demands. Applying the SAID principle logically to program design means understanding both the desired stressor & the adaptation you wish to elicit. Within this program block I’ve prioritised higher incline variations for my pressing movements with the goal of placing additional stress on the upper pectorals. Given the pectorals are convergent muscles, we know that changing the bench angle will alter the fibers stressed. This is a simple example of the SAID principle in action. High incline DB bench press 3 sets - 10 @ 40/42.5/45kg

07.01.2022 Conventional deadlifts & snatch grip RDL’s in today’s lower workout. Safe to say my back & hamstrings are cooked. I can’t remember the last time I performed a snatch grip. These surprisingly felt smooth & I look forward to progressing in weeks to come. The snatch grip variation creates a postural disadvantage resulting in greater loading through of the mid back to maintain scapula positioning.... The wide hand position also increases the displacement of the bar from the floor. This means it creates a greater range of motion to hinge between, similar to that of a deficit position.

06.01.2022 My last team meeting with the Moore Park team. These amazing people have been my extended family for close to 4 years. For now it’s time to close this chapter & open a new one as I set off up north for a new adventure. Until next time.

05.01.2022 Embracing the chunky but funky offseason strength. 4 sets - 8/8/5/8 260/280/300/300kg

04.01.2022 A wise man once said.. . The best way to predict the future is to invent it. . How are you inventing your future? In 5 years from now would you be proud of your efforts?

02.01.2022 The dirty mo was certainly going to be the secret weapon on stage. trying to channel @cbum vibes.

02.01.2022 Designing this program block has been most enjoyable with the diversity of Hammer Strength equipment at World’s. I’m like a kid in a candy store. An example is this chest supported Tbar row, a movement I haven’t performed until now. Within this program I’ve created a bias towards building the lats via a selection of specific exercises & a greater volume allocation to said movements.... As such, using the angled handles changes the degree of shoulder adduction, allowing for greater shortening of the lats and thus its contribution to the movement. Understanding biomechanics is important when designing a program to better predict outcomes by ensuring specific tissue adaptations.

01.01.2022 HIP THRUST PB. 5x5 @ 310kg with an end set pause. I hadn’t counted on completing 5 sets but the body felt good so we pushed.... With last week being an intro to the new program block I knew this week I needed to step it up a notch.

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